Example #1
  * Configures the current widget.
  * Available options:
  *  * format:       The date format string (%month%/%day%/%year% by default)
  *  * years:        An array of years for the year select tag (optional)
  *                  Be careful that the keys must be the years, and the values what will be displayed to the user
  *  * months:       An array of months for the month select tag (optional)
  *  * days:         An array of days for the day select tag (optional)
  *  * can_be_empty: Whether the widget accept an empty value (true by default)
  *  * empty_values: An array of values to use for the empty value (empty string for year, month, and day by default)
  * @param array $options     An array of options
  * @param array $attributes  An array of default HTML attributes
  * @see 
 protected function configure($options = array(), $attributes = array())
     $this->addOption('format', '%month%/%day%/%year%');
     $this->addOption('days', parent::generateTwoCharsRange(1, 31));
     $this->addOption('months', parent::generateTwoCharsRange(1, 12));
     $years = range(date('Y') - 5, date('Y') + 5);
     $this->addOption('years', array_combine($years, $years));
     $this->addOption('can_be_empty', true);
     $this->addOption('empty_values', array('year' => '', 'month' => '', 'day' => ''));
Example #2
  * Constructor.
  * Available options:
  *  * format:                 The time format string (%hour%:%minute%:%second%)
  *  * format_without_seconds: The time format string without seconds (%hour%:%minute%)
  *  * with_seconds:           Whether to include a select for seconds (false by default)
  *  * hours:                  An array of hours for the hour select tag (optional)
  *  * minutes:                An array of minutes for the minute select tag (optional)
  *  * seconds:                An array of seconds for the second select tag (optional)
  *  * can_be_empty:           Whether the widget accept an empty value (true by default)
  *  * empty_values:           An array of values to use for the empty value (empty string for hours, minutes, and seconds by default)
  * @param array $options     An array of options
  * @param array $attributes  An array of default HTML attributes
  * @see sfWidgetForm
 protected function configure($options = array(), $attributes = array())
     $this->addOption('format', '%hour%:%minute%:%second%');
     $this->addOption('format_without_seconds', '%hour%:%minute%');
     $this->addOption('with_seconds', false);
     $this->addOption('hours', parent::generateTwoCharsRange(0, 23));
     $this->addOption('minutes', parent::generateTwoCharsRange(0, 59));
     $this->addOption('seconds', parent::generateTwoCharsRange(0, 59));
     $this->addOption('can_be_empty', true);
     $this->addOption('empty_values', array('hour' => '', 'minute' => '', 'second' => ''));