  * Show the extended profile, or the edit form
 public function show()
     if ($this->editable) {
     } else {
Example #2
  * Default dispatcher
  * @param string $action
  * @param string $subaction
 public function index($action = '')
     new Menu_Tabs(array('name' => 'install', 'render' => 'content', 'elements' => array(array('label' => t('1. Начало'), 'link' => '', 'active' => check_route('install$')), array('label' => t('2. Проверка'), 'link' => '', 'active' => check_route('check$')), array('label' => t('3. Настройки'), 'link' => '', 'active' => check_route('site$')), array('label' => t('4. Завершение'), 'link' => '', 'active' => check_route('finish$')))));
     switch ($action) {
         case 'check':
             $tpl = new Template('Install/templates/check');
         case 'site':
             append('content', '<p class="alert alert-info">' . t('Определите базовые настройки сайта.') . '</p>');
             $form = new Form('Install/forms/site');
             if ($result = $form->result()) {
                 $site = new Config(SITE . DS . 'site' . EXT);
                 $config = new Config(SITE . DS . 'config' . EXT);
                 $config->site->name = $result->sitename;
                 $site->key or $site->key = md5(md5(time()) + time() + $site->site->name);
                 $result->port or $result->port = 3306;
                 $site->database = array('driver' => config('database.driver'), 'host' => $result->host, 'base' => $result->base, 'user' => $result->user, 'pass' => $result->pass, 'port' => $result->port, 'prefix' => $result->prefix);
                 $db = Db::factory('temp', $site->database);
                 if (!$db->connect()) {
                     if ($result->create_db && $db->connect(FALSE)) {
                         $db->query("CREATE DATABASE `{$site->database->base}` DEFAULT  CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;\n                CREATE USER '{$site->database->user}'@'{$site->database->host}' IDENTIFIED BY '{$site->database->pass}';\n                GRANT ALL ON `{$site->database->base}`.* TO '{$site->database->user}'@'localhost';\n                FLUSH PRIVILEGES;");
                 if ($db->is_connected) {
                     if ($db->import($this->dir . DS . 'cogear.sql', $site->database->prefix)) {
                 } else {
                     error(t("Не удалось установить подключение к базе данных."), '', 'content');
             } else {
                 $form->save->label = t('Попробуйте снова');
         case 'finish':
             $tpl = new Template('Install/templates/finish');
         case 'done':
             //                $site = new Config(SITE . DS . 'site' . EXT);
             //                $site->store(TRUE);
             flash_success(t('Ваш сайт успешно настроен! <p> Данные для входа – логин <b>admin</b> и пароль <b>password</b>.'), '', 'info');
         case 'welcome':
             $tpl = new Template('Install/templates/welcome');
Example #3
  * Настройки
 public function admin_action()
     $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'admin.parser', 'title' => array('label' => t('Настройки')), 'nl2br' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => t('Автоматическая обработка строк'), 'value' => config('Parser.nl2br')), 'save' => array()));
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         $this->set('Parser.nl2br', $result->nl2br);
         flash_success(t('Настройки сохранены!'));
Example #4
  * Панель управления
 public function admin_action()
     $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'admin.bootstrap', 'title' => array('label' => icon('wrench') . ' ' . t('Настройки')), 'theme' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => t('Выберите тему'), 'values' => array('default' => t('Стандартная'), 'amelia' => 'Amelia', 'cerulean' => 'Cerulean', 'cosmo' => 'Cosmo', 'cyborg' => 'Cyborg', 'journal' => 'Journal', 'readable' => 'Readable', 'simplex' => 'Simplex', 'slate' => 'Slate', 'spacelab' => 'Spacelab', 'spruce' => 'Spruce', 'superhero' => 'Superhero', 'united' => 'United'), 'value' => config('bootstrap.theme', 'default')), 'save' => array()));
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         $this->set('bootstrap.theme', $result->theme);
         flash_success(t('Настройки сохранены успешно!'));
Example #5
  * Настройки
 public function settings()
     $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'widget.html', 'content' => array('type' => 'editor', 'validate' => array('Required'), 'value' => $this->options->content), 'actions' => array('#class' => 'form-actions', 'save' => array())));
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         $this->options->title = $result->title;
         $this->options->content = $result->content;
         if ($this->save()) {
             return TRUE;
Example #6
 function showFullname()
     $fp = new Text($this->getPath(), 3, true);
     $btnDel = new Button("clearLog", "Log leeren");
     $hdnDel = new Hiddenfield("clearLogFile", $this->FULLPATH);
     $frmDel = new Form();
     $tblTtl = new Table(array("", ""));
     $tblTtl->setColSizes(array(null, 100));
     $tblTtl->setAlignments(array("left", "right"));
     $rTtl = $tblTtl->createRow();
     $rTtl->setAttribute(0, $fp);
     $rTtl->setAttribute(1, $btnDel);
Example #7
  * Настройки
 public function settings()
     $handler = menu();
     $menus = array();
     if ($result = $handler->findAll()) {
         foreach ($result as $menu) {
             $menus[$menu->id] = $menu->name;
     $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'widget.menu', 'id' => array('type' => 'select', 'validate' => array('Required'), 'label' => t('Выберите меню'), 'value' => $this->options->id, 'values' => $menus), 'actions' => array('#class' => 'form-actions', 'save' => array())));
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         $this->options->id = $result->id;
         if ($this->save()) {
             return TRUE;
Example #8
  * Show comment post form
  * @param object $Page 
 public function showForm($Page)
     if (access('comments post')) {
         $form = new Form('Comments.add');
         if ($result = $form->result()) {
             $comment = new Comments_Object();
             $comment->pid = $Page->id;
             $comment->aid = $this->user->id;
             $comment->created_date = time();
             $comment->body = $result->body;
             $comment->ip = $this->session->ip;
             if ($comment->save()) {
                 $Page->comments = $this->db->where('pid', $Page->id)->count('comments');
                 flash_success(t('Your comment has been successfully posted!'));
Example #9
     * Настройки
    public function settings()
        $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'widget.pages.list', 'root' => array('type' => 'select', 'validate' => array('Required'), 'value' => $this->options->root, 'values' => page()->getSelectValues(), 'label' => t('Выберите корневую страницу')), 'current' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => t('Использовать текущую страницу как корневую'), 'value' => $this->options->current), 'template' => array('type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->options->template, 'label' => t('Шаблон для вывода'), 'description' => t('Будьте внимательны! Указывайте только существующий шаблон во избежание ошибок.')), 'actions' => array('#class' => 'form-actions', 'save' => array())));
                else {

        if ($result = $form->result()) {
            $this->options->root = $result->root;
            $this->options->template = $result->template;
            $this->options->current = (bool) $result->current;
            if ($this->save()) {
                return TRUE;
Example #10
 function getSearchMask()
     $ft = new FontType();
     $table = new Table(array(""));
     $r = $table->createRow();
     $r->setAttribute(0, new Text("Geben Sie hier ihren Suchbegriff ein"));
     $r = $table->createRow();
     $r->setAttribute(0, new Textfield("SuchString"));
     $hidden = new Hiddenfield($this->TABLENAME . "SEARCH", "doSearch");
     $form = new Form($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
Example #11
  * Импорт и экспорт
 public function tools_action()
     $form = new Form('Admin/forms/import');
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         if ($file = $result->file) {
             $zip = new Zip(array('file' => $file->path, 'check' => array('type' => 'config')));
             if ($zip->extract(ROOT)) {
                 success(t('<b>Архив успешно распакован!</b> Новый файл конфигурации установлен.'));
 function show()
     if ($this->EDIT_MODE) {
         echo "<a href=\"?editControl=" . $this->ID . "\" style=\"position:absolute; left:" . $this->X . "px; top:" . ($this->Y + $_SESSION['additionalLayoutHeight']) . "px; width:" . $this->CONTROL_IMAGE_WIDTH . "px; height:" . $this->CONTROL_IMAGE_HEIGHT . "px;\">";
         echo $this->getControlArtIconSrc();
         echo "</a>";
     } else {
         echo "<div style=\"position:absolute; left:" . $this->X . "px; top:" . ($this->Y + $_SESSION['additionalLayoutHeight']) . "px; width:" . $this->CONTROL_IMAGE_WIDTH . "px; height:" . $this->CONTROL_IMAGE_HEIGHT . "px;\">";
         echo $this->getControlArtIconSrc();
         if ($_SESSION['config']->PUBLICVARS['switchButtonsOnIconActive'] == "J") {
         echo "</div>";
         if ($this->DIMMER == "J") {
             $f = new Form();
             $cobDimmLvl = new Combobox("dimmer", getNumberComboArray(1, 16), "", " ");
             $cobDimmLvl->setStyle("position", "absolute");
             $cobDimmLvl->setStyle("left", $this->X . "px");
             $cobDimmLvl->setStyle("top", $this->Y + $this->CONTROL_IMAGE_HEIGHT - 3 + $_SESSION['additionalLayoutHeight'] . "px");
             $f->add(new Hiddenfield("schalte", $this->FUNK_ID));
Example #13
 public function show()
     global $MAIN_ROOT, $hooksObj;
     uasort($this->components, array("Form", "sortForm"));
     $countRichTextbox = 0;
     $blnFileUploadForm = false;
     $displayForm = "";
     $afterJS = $this->embedJS;
     foreach ($this->components as $componentName => $componentInfo) {
         $dispAttributes = $this->convertAttributes($componentInfo['attributes']);
         $displayForm .= $componentInfo['before_html'];
         // Output Component Name
         if ($componentInfo['display_name'] != "") {
             $dispToolTip = $componentInfo['tooltip'] != "" ? " <a href='javascript:void(0)' onmouseover=\"showToolTip('" . addslashes($componentInfo['tooltip']) . "')\" onmouseout='hideToolTip()'>(?)</a>" : "";
             $displayForm .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<label class='formLabel' style='display: inline-block'>" . $componentInfo['display_name'] . ":" . $dispToolTip . "</label>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         // Output input
         switch ($componentInfo['type']) {
             case "autocomplete":
                 $afterJS .= $this->autocompleteJS($componentInfo['options']['list'], $componentInfo['options']['real_id'], $componentInfo['options']['fake_id']);
                 $fakeComponentName = "fake" . $componentName;
                 $displayForm .= "<input type='text' name='" . $fakeComponentName . "' value='" . filterText($_POST[$fakeComponentName]) . "' " . $dispAttributes . " id='" . $componentInfo['options']['fake_id'] . "'><input type='hidden' name='" . $componentName . "' value='" . $componentInfo['value'] . "' id='" . $componentInfo['options']['real_id'] . "'>";
             case "textarea":
                 $displayForm .= "<textarea name='" . $componentName . "' " . $dispAttributes . ">" . $componentInfo['value'] . "</textarea>";
             case "richtextbox":
                 $afterJS .= $this->richTextboxJS($componentInfo['attributes']['id'], $componentInfo['allowHTML']);
                 $displayForm .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='formInput' style='width: 100%'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<textarea name='" . $componentName . "' " . $dispAttributes . ">" . $componentInfo['value'] . "</textarea>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
             case "codeeditor":
                 $afterJS .= $this->codeEditorJS($componentInfo['attributes']['id']);
                 $displayForm .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='background-color: white; position: relative; margin-top: 10px'><div id='" . $componentInfo['attributes']['id'] . "' class='codeEditor'>" . $componentInfo['value'] . "</div></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<textarea id='" . $componentInfo['attributes']['id'] . "_code' name='" . $componentName . "' style='display: none'></textarea>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
             case "datepicker":
                 $datePick = new DateTime();
                 $datePick->setTimestamp($componentInfo['value'] / 1000);
                 $datePick->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
                 $formatDatePick = $datePick->format("n-j-Y");
                 $afterJS .= $this->datepickerJS($componentInfo['attributes']['id'], $componentInfo['options']);
                 $displayForm .= "<input type='text' value='" . $componentInfo['options']['defaultDate'] . "' " . $dispAttributes . " readonly='readonly'><input type='hidden' id='" . $componentInfo['options']['altField'] . "' name='" . $componentName . "' value='" . $formatDatePick . "'>";
             case "select":
                 $displayForm .= "<select name='" . $componentName . "' " . $dispAttributes . ">";
                 foreach ($componentInfo['options'] as $optionValue => $displayValue) {
                     $dispSelected = "";
                     if ($optionValue == $componentInfo['value']) {
                         $dispSelected = " selected";
                     if (in_array($optionValue, $componentInfo['non_selectable_items'])) {
                         $dispSelected = " disabled class='disabledSelectItem'";
                     $displayForm .= "<option value='" . $optionValue . "'" . $dispSelected . ">" . $displayValue . "</option>";
                 $displayForm .= "</select>";
             case "checkbox":
                 // Checkbox and radio are basically same thing, so checkbox falls through to radio section
             // Checkbox and radio are basically same thing, so checkbox falls through to radio section
             case "radio":
                 if (is_array($componentInfo['options'])) {
                     $componentCounter = 1;
                     foreach ($componentInfo['options'] as $optionValue => $displayValue) {
                         $dispSelected = "";
                         $newComponentName = $componentName;
                         if (count($componentInfo['options']) > 1) {
                             $newComponentName .= "_" . $componentCounter;
                             if ($componentCounter > 1) {
                                 $displayForm .= "<label class='formLabel' style='display: inline-block'></label> ";
                         if ($optionValue == $componentInfo['value']) {
                             $dispSelected = " checked";
                         $dispLabel = $displayValue != "" ? "<label class='formLabel formInput'>" . $displayValue . "</label><br>" : "";
                         $displayForm .= "<input name='" . $newComponentName . "' type='" . $componentInfo['type'] . "' value='" . $optionValue . "' " . $dispAttributes . " " . $dispSelected . "> " . $dispLabel;
                 } else {
                     $dispChecked = "";
                     if ($componentInfo['checked']) {
                         $dispChecked = " checked";
                     $displayForm .= "<input name='" . $componentName . "' type='" . $componentInfo['type'] . "' value='" . $componentInfo['value'] . "' " . $dispAttributes . $dispChecked . ">";
             case "file":
                 $blnFileUploadForm = true;
                 $displayForm .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='formInput' style='margin-bottom: 20px'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFile:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='file' name='" . $componentName . "_file' " . $dispAttributes . ">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class='tinyFont' style='margin-top: 0px'>";
                 if (is_array($componentInfo['options']['file_types'])) {
                     $displayForm .= "<li>File Types: " . implode(", ", $componentInfo['options']['file_types']) . "</li>";
                 if ($componentInfo['options']['default_dimensions'] != "") {
                     $displayForm .= "<li>Dimensions: " . $componentInfo['options']['default_dimensions'] . "</li>";
                 $displayForm .= "<li><a href='javascript:void(0)' onmouseover=\"showToolTip('The file size upload limit is controlled by your PHP settings in the php.ini file.')\" onmouseout='hideToolTip()'>File Size: " . ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . "B or less</a></li></ul>";
                 $displayForm .= "<p><b><i>OR</i></b></p>";
                 $displayForm .= "URL:<br><input type='text' name='" . $componentName . "_url' " . $dispAttributes . ">";
                 if ($componentInfo['value'] != "") {
                     $displayForm .= "<br><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . $componentInfo['value'] . "' target='_blank'>View Saved File</a>";
                 $displayForm .= "</div>";
             case "section":
                 $displayForm .= "<div " . $dispAttributes . ">";
                 if ($componentInfo['options']['section_title'] != "") {
                     $displayForm .= "<p class='dottedLine' style='margin: 0px; margin-top: 25px; padding-bottom: 2px'><b>" . $componentInfo['options']['section_title'] . "</b></p>";
                 if ($componentInfo['options']['section_description'] != "") {
                     $displayForm .= "<p>" . $componentInfo['options']['section_description'] . "</p>";
                 if ($componentInfo['components'] != "" && is_array($componentInfo['components'])) {
                     $sectionFormObj = new Form();
                     $sectionFormObj->isContainer = true;
                     $sectionFormObj->components = $componentInfo['components'];
                     $displayForm .= $sectionFormObj->show();
                 $displayForm .= "</div>";
             case "beforeafter":
                 $this->beforeAfter = true;
                 foreach ($componentInfo['options'] as $optionValue => $displayValue) {
                     $dispSelected = "";
                     if ($optionValue == $componentInfo['before_after_value']) {
                         $dispSelected = " selected";
                     if ($optionValue != $componentInfo['value']) {
                         $displayOptions .= "<option value='" . $optionValue . "'" . $dispSelected . ">" . $displayValue . "</option>";
                 $afterSelected = $componentInfo['after_selected'] == "after" ? " selected" : "";
                 $displayForm .= "<div class='formInput'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<select name='" . $componentName . "_beforeafter' " . $dispAttributes . ">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='before'>Before</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='after'" . $afterSelected . ">After</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</select>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<select name='" . $componentName . "' " . $dispAttributes . ">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $displayOptions . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</select>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
             case "custom":
             case "colorpick":
                 $afterJS .= $this->colorpickerJS($componentInfo['attributes']['id'], $componentInfo['allowHTML']);
                 $displayForm .= "<input type='text' name='" . $componentName . "' value='" . $componentInfo['value'] . "' " . $dispAttributes . ">";
                 $displayForm .= "<input type='" . $componentInfo['type'] . "' name='" . $componentName . "' value='" . $componentInfo['value'] . "' " . $dispAttributes . ">";
         $displayForm .= $componentInfo['html'];
         if ($componentInfo['type'] != "section") {
             $displayForm .= "<br>";
     $dispFormAttributes = $this->convertAttributes($this->attributes);
     if ($blnFileUploadForm) {
         $dispFormAttributes .= "  enctype='multipart/form-data'";
     $dispErrors = "";
     if (count($this->errors) > 0) {
         $dispErrors = "<div class='errorDiv'><strong>The following errors occurred:</strong><ul>";
         foreach ($this->errors as $dispError) {
             $dispErrors .= "<li>" . $dispError . "</li>";
         $dispErrors .= "</ul></div>";
     if (!$this->isContainer) {
         echo "<form " . $dispFormAttributes . ">" . $this->wrapper[0] . $dispErrors . $this->description . "<div class='formTable'>" . $displayForm . "</div>" . $this->wrapper[1] . "<input type='hidden' name='checkCSRF' value='" . $_SESSION['csrfKey'] . "'></form>";
     if ($afterJS != "" && !$this->isContainer) {
         echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $afterJS . "\n\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t";
     if ($this->isContainer) {
         $js = "";
         if ($afterJS != "") {
             $js = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $afterJS . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>";
         return $displayForm . $js;
if ($dbTblBenutzer->isDeleteInUpdate()) {
    $deleteMask = $dbTblBenutzer->doDeleteFromUpdatemask() ? null : $dbTblBenutzer->doDeleteFromUpdatemask();
    if ($deleteMask != null) {
        $lS = $tblMain->createRow();
        $lS->setAttribute(0, $deleteMask);
if (isset($_REQUEST["showUpdateMask" . $dbTblBenutzer->TABLENAME]) && strlen($_REQUEST["showUpdateMask" . $dbTblBenutzer->TABLENAME]) > 0) {
    $dbTblBenutzer->setAdditionalUpdateFields(array("Passwort" => new PasswordField("Pw" . $_REQUEST["showUpdateMask" . $dbTblBenutzer->TABLENAME])));
$tblArduinoBenutzeres = $dbTblBenutzer->getUpdateMask();
$tblMain->addSpacer(0, 20);
$lS = $tblMain->createRow();
$lS->setAttribute(0, $tblArduinoBenutzeres);
$lS = $tblMain->createRow();
$lS->setAttribute(0, $newBenutzerBtn);
$tblMain->addSpacer(0, 20);
$tblMain->addSpacer(1, 15);
$tblMain->addSpacer(0, 20);
$f = new Form();
Example #15
  * Show the form
  * Uses a recipe to output the form.
  * @return void
  * @see Widget::show()
 function show()
     $this->elementStart('div', 'input_forms');
     $this->elementStart('div', array('id' => 'input_form_direct', 'class' => 'input_form current nonav'));
Example #16
  * Управление элементами отдельного меню
  * @param mixed $id
 public function items_action($menu_id, $id = NULL)
     if ($menu = menu($menu_id)) {
         append('content', '<div class="page-header"><h2>' . $menu->name . '</h2></div>');
     } else {
         return event('empty');
     $pills = new Menu_Pills(array('name' => 'admin.menu.items', 'render' => FALSE, 'elements' => array(array('label' => icon('list') . ' ' . t('Список пунктов'), 'link' => l('/admin/theme/menu/' . $menu_id . '/items')), array('label' => icon('plus') . ' ' . t('Добавить'), 'link' => l('/admin/theme/menu/' . $menu_id . '/item/add'), 'class' => 'fl_r'), array('label' => icon('pencil') . ' ' . t('Редактировать'), 'link' => l('/admin/theme/menu/' . $menu_id . '/item/' . $this->router->getSegments(5)), 'access' => check_route('admin/theme/menu/\\d+/item/\\d+'), 'class' => 'fl_r'))));
     append('content', $pills->render());
     if (NULL === $id) {
         $handler = new Menu_Db_Item();
         $handler->menu_id = $menu->id;
         if ($items = $handler->findAll()) {
             $tree = new Db_Tree_DDList(array('items' => $items, 'saveUri' => l('/admin/theme/menu/ajax/saveItemsTree/')));
         } else {
             return event('empty');
     } else {
         $form = new Form('Menu/forms/item');
         $item = new Menu_Db_Item();
         if ($id != 'add' && is_numeric($id)) {
             $item->id = $id;
             if ($item->find()) {
             } else {
                 return event('empty');
         } else {
             $item->menu_id = $menu_id;
         if ($result = $form->result()) {
             if ($result->delete && $item->delete()) {
                 flash_success(t('Элемент меню <b>«%s»</b> был удалён!', $item->label), '', 'growl');
                 redirect(l('admin/theme/menu/' . $menu_id . '/items'));
             if ($id !== 'add') {
             if ($item->save()) {
                 flash_success($id == 'add' ? t('Элемент меню <b>«%s»</b> успешно создан!', $item->label) : t('Элемент меню <b>«%s»</b> успешно отредактирован!', $item->label), '', 'growl');
                 redirect(l('admin/theme/menu/' . $menu_id . '/items'));
  *  Dateiupload-Dialog  
 function showFileUploadMask()
     $title = new Title("Bild hochladen.");
     $form = new Form(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "", "", "Upload");
     if ($this->HIDDEN_OBJECT instanceof Object) {
     $text = new Text("Im folgenden Dialog wählen sie das hochzuladende Bild aus und können es anschließend durch klicken des *Datei Hochladen* Buttons auf den Server laden. \n \n Es sollten nur .JPG Dateien hochgeladen werden da andere Formate Probleme verursachen können, und evtl nicht angezeigt werden.\n");
     $fileChooser = new Filechooser("probe", "image/*");
     $fileChooser->setToolTip("Wählen Sie Hier die hochzuladende Datei aus.");
     $hidden = new HiddenField("picImportUpload", "doUpload");
     if (isset($_REQUEST['targetPath'])) {
         $hiddenpath = new HiddenField("targetPath", $_REQUEST['targetPath']);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filePrefix'])) {
         $hiddenpre = new HiddenField("filePrefix", $_REQUEST['filePrefix']);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['DbInsertTable'])) {
         $hiddent = new HiddenField("DbInsertTable", $_REQUEST['DbInsertTable']);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['DbInsertCol'])) {
         $hiddenc = new HiddenField("DbInsertCol", $_REQUEST['DbInsertCol']);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['DbInsertId'])) {
         $hiddeni = new HiddenField("DbInsertId", $_REQUEST['DbInsertId']);
     $btn = new Button("upload", "Datei hochladen", "alert('Datei wird hochgeladen.Dieser Vorgang kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen!Nach Abschluss erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung des Upload-Vorgangs.Brechen Sie nicht vorher Ab!')");
Example #18
 function show()
     //Wenn notwendig Eingabemaske, ansonsten Standard-Anzeige
     if (!$this->showInsertMaskIfNeeded()) {
         $rowsToShow = $this->getRowsToShow();
         //Tabelle für gesamte NEWS
         $tbl = new Table(array("News"));
         foreach ($rowsToShow as $row) {
             $tt = new Text($row['Text']);
             $ta = new Text($row['Autor']);
             $tblxTitle = new Table(array("", ""));
             $rxtitle = $tblxTitle->createRow();
             $t0 = new Title(getFormatedDate($row['Datum'], "standard") . ":");
             $rxtitle->setAttribute(0, $t0);
             $t1 = new Title($row['Title']);
             $rxtitle->setAttribute(1, $t1);
             //Tabelle für den jeweiligen Eintrag
             $tblx = new Table(array(""));
             if (strlen($row['pic']) > 0) {
                 $tblx = new Table(array("", ""));
             $rx = $tblx->createRow();
             if (strlen($row['pic']) > 0 && !(isset($_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId']) && $_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId'] == $row['id'])) {
                 $img = new Image($row['pic']);
                 $rx->setAttribute(0, $img);
                 $rx->setAttribute(1, $tt);
             } else {
                 $rx->setAttribute(0, $tt);
             $f = new FontType();
             $rx->setFonttypes(array(0 => $f));
             $f = new FontType();
             $rx->setFonttypes(array(0 => $f));
             $r = $tbl->createRow();
             $r->setAttribute(0, $tblxTitle);
             $r1 = $tbl->createRow();
             $r1->setAttribute(0, $tblx);
             $ytElem = new YouTubeElement($row['yt_video'], "news", "yt_video", $row['id']);
             $r1 = $tbl->createRow();
             $r1->setAttribute(0, $ytElem);
             $tbl->addSpacer(0, 7);
             if ($_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "admin" || $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "user") {
                 $r2 = $tbl->createRow();
                 $xDv = new Div();
                 $txChngePic = new Text("Bild Hochladen/Ändern<br>");
                 $newPicLink = new Link("?popupRunLink=imageUploaderPopup&targetPath=pics/news&DbInsertTable=news&DbInsertCol=pic&DbInsertId=" . $row['id'] . "&stayAlive=ok", $txChngePic);
                 $txRemPic = new Text("Bild Entfernen<br>");
                 $removePicLink = new Link("?removeNewsPicId=" . $row['id'] . "", $txRemPic);
                 $spTx = new Text("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
                 if (strlen($row['pic']) > 0) {
                     if (isset($_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId']) && $_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId'] == $row['id']) {
                         $sql = "UPDATE news SET pic = null WHERE id = " . $_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId'];
                     } else {
                 $r2->setAttribute(0, $xDv);
             $tbl->addSpacer(0, 35);
         if ($_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "admin" || $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "user") {
             // Neuer Eintrag- BUTTON
             $insertButton = new Button('dbTableNew', 'News eintragen');
             $form = new Form($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
         // Tabelle anzeigen
         if ($_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "admin" || $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "user" && $tbl->getRowcount() > 2) {
             // Neuer Eintrag- BUTTON
             $insertButton = new Button('dbTableNew', 'News eintragen');
             $form = new Form($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
Example #19
    if ($boardObj->objPost->get_info("member_id") == $memberInfo['member_id'] || $blnManagePosts) {
        $boardObj->objPost->blnManageable = true;
echo "\n<div class='formDiv' style='background: none; border: 0px; overflow: auto'>\n\t<div style='float: right'>" . $dispManagePosts . $dispPostReply . "</div>\n</div>\n\n";
if (LOGGED_IN && $topicInfo['lockstatus'] == 0) {
    $forumConsoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
    $postCID = $forumConsoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Post Topic");
    $postReplyLink = $forumConsoleObj->getLink();
    $i = 1;
    $arrComponents = array("message" => array("type" => "richtextbox", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "Message", "attributes" => array("id" => "richTextarea", "style" => "width: 90%", "rows" => "10"), "validate" => array("NOT_BLANK")), "submit" => array("type" => "submit", "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "submitButton formSubmitButton"), "value" => "Post"));
    $arrSetupReplyForm = array("name" => "forum-quick-reply", "components" => $arrComponents, "wrapper" => array(), "attributes" => array("method" => "post", "action" => $postReplyLink . "&bID=" . $boardInfo['forumboard_id'] . "&tID=" . $topicInfo['forumtopic_id']));
    echo "\n\n\t\t<div class='formDiv'>\n\t\t\t<b>Quick Reply:</b>\n\n\t\t\t";
    echo "\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n\t";
if ($blnPageSelect) {
    echo "\n\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#btnPageSelectTop, #btnPageSelectBottom').click(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tvar jqPageSelect = \"#pageSelectBottom\";\n\t\t\t\t\tvar intNewPage = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif(\$(this).attr('id') == \"btnPageSelectTop\") {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjqPageSelect = \"#pageSelectTop\";\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tintNewPage = \$(jqPageSelect).val();\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location = 'viewtopic.php?tID=" . $_GET['tID'] . "&pID='+intNewPage;\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t</script>\n\t";
if ($blnManagePosts) {
    echo "\n\t\t<div id='confirmDeleteTopicDiv' style='display: none'>\n\t\t\t<p align='center' class='main'>\n\t\t\t\tAre you sure you want to delete this topic?<br><br>\n\t\t\t\tAll posts will be deleted within the topic as well.\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\tfunction deleteTopic() {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#confirmDeleteTopicDiv').dialog({\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: 'Delete Topic - Confirm Delete',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tshow: 'scale',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzIndex: 99999,\n\t\t\t\t\t\twidth: 400,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresizable: false,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmodal: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttons: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Yes': function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).dialog('close');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twindow.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $intManagePostsCID . "&tID=" . $topicInfo['forumtopic_id'] . "&action=delete'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Cancel': function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).dialog('close');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t</script>\n\t";
if ($countManagablePosts > 0) {
    echo "\n\t\n\t<div id='confirmDeleteDiv' style='display: none'>\n\t\t\t<p align='center' class='main'>\n\t\t\t\tAre you sure you want to delete this post?<br><br>\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\tfunction deletePost(intPostID) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#confirmDeleteDiv').dialog({\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: 'Delete Post - Confirm Delete',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tshow: 'scale',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzIndex: 99999,\n\t\t\t\t\t\twidth: 400,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresizable: false,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmodal: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttons: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Yes': function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).dialog('close');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twindow.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $intManagePostsCID . "&pID='+intPostID+'&action=delete'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Cancel': function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).dialog('close');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t</script>\n\t";
include $prevFolder . "themes/" . $THEME . "/_footer.php";
Example #20
  * Загрузка тем
 public function upload_action()
     $form = new Form('Gears/forms/add');
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         if ($file = $result->file ? $result->file : $result->url) {
             $zip = new Zip(array('file' => UPLOADS . $file, 'check' => array('type' => 'gears')));
             if ($zip->extract(GEARS)) {
                 $info = $zip->info();
                 success(t('<b>Архив успешно распакован!</b> <p>Он содержал в себе следующие шестерёнки: <ul><li>%s</li></ul>', implode('</li><li>', $info['gears'])), '', 'content');
             unlink(UPLOADS . $file);
Example #21
  * Управление виджетами
  * @param mixed $action
 public function widgets_action($action = 'list', $subaction = NULL)
     new Menu_Tabs(array('name' => 'admin.theme.widgets', 'elements' => array(array('label' => icon('list') . ' ' . t('Список'), 'link' => l('/admin/theme/widgets')), array('label' => icon('plus') . ' ' . t('Добавить'), 'link' => l('/admin/theme/widgets/add') . e('uri', $this->input->get('uri')), 'class' => 'fl_r'), array('label' => icon('pencil') . ' ' . t('Редактировать'), 'link' => l('/admin/theme/widgets/' . $this->router->getSegments(3)), 'access' => check_route('widgets/(\\d+)'), 'active' => check_route('widgets/(\\d+)$'), 'class' => 'fl_r'), array('label' => icon('wrench') . ' ' . t('Настройки'), 'link' => l('/admin/theme/widgets/' . $this->router->getSegments(3) . '/options'), 'access' => check_route('widgets/(\\d+)'), 'active' => check_route('widgets/(\\d+)/options'), 'class' => 'fl_r'))));
     if ($action == 'ajax' && ($widgets = $this->input->post('widgets'))) {
         $ajax = new Ajax();
         $position = 0;
         foreach ($widgets as $config) {
             if ($widget = widget($config['id'])) {
                 $widget->region = $config['region'];
                 $widget->position = ++$position;
         $ajax->success = TRUE;
     } else {
         if ($action == 'list') {
             $widget = widget();
             $widgets = $widget->findAll();
             // Фильтруем, если задан параметр
             if ($uri = $this->input->get('uri')) {
                 $remove_ids = array();
                 foreach ($widgets as $key => $widget) {
                     if (!check_route($widget->route, $uri)) {
                         $remove_ids[] = $key;
                 foreach ($remove_ids as $id) {
             template('Theme/templates/widgets/list', array('regions' => $this->regions, 'widgets' => $widgets))->show();
         } else {
             $form = new Form('Theme/forms/widget');
             $form->region->setValues(array_combine($this->regions, $this->regions));
             if (is_numeric($action) && ($widget = widget($action))) {
                 if ($subaction === 'options') {
                     template('Theme/templates/widgets/options.header', array('widget' => $widget))->show();
                     $class = $widget->callback;
                     $current_widget = new $class($widget->object()->options);
                     if ($current_widget->settings()) {
                         flash_success(t('Настройки виджета <b>%s</b> сохранены!', $widget->name), '', 'growl');
                 $form->callback->options->disabled = TRUE;
             } elseif ($action == 'add') {
                 if ($uri = $this->input->get('uri')) {
                 if ($region = $this->input->get('region')) {
                 $widget = widget();
             } else {
                 return event('empty');
             if ($result = $form->result()) {
                 if ($result->delete && $widget->delete()) {
                     flash_success(t('Виджет «<b>%s</b>»успешно удалён!', $widget->name), '', 'growl');
                 if ($action == 'add') {
                     $result->position = 1 + widget()->where('region', $result->region)->countAll();
                 if ($widget->save()) {
                     if ($action == 'add') {
                         flash_success(t('Виджет «<b>%s</b>» успешно добавлен!', $widget->name), '', 'growl');
                         redirect(l('/admin/theme/widgets/' . $widget->id . '/options'));
                     } else {
                         flash_success(t('Виджет  «<b>%s</b>» успешно отредактирован!', $widget->name));
    $rZuordnung->setAttribute(0, $newItemBtn);
    $form = new Form();
} else {
    // Regel-Auswahl Combobox anzeigen,
    // wenn noch keine Regel ausgewählt wurde
    $form = new Form();
// -------------------------------------------
//          Klassen und Funktionen
// -------------------------------------------
function doUpdateAlarm()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['editEtage'])) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['showUpdateMaskhomecontrol_regeln'])) {
            $_REQUEST['SelectedRegelToEdit'] = $_REQUEST['showUpdateMaskhomecontrol_regeln'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['SelectedRegelToEdit'])) {
        $_SESSION['SelectedRegelToEdit'] = $_REQUEST['SelectedRegelToEdit'];
Example #23
  * Редактирование настроек
 public function admin_settings_action()
     $form = new Form(array('name' => 'admin.pages.settings', 'elements' => array('main_page' => array('label' => t('Главная страница'), 'type' => 'select', 'values' => page()->getSelectValues(), 'value' => config('Pages.main_id', 1)), 'actions' => array('elements' => array('save' => array())))));
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         if ($result->main_page) {
             $this->set('Pages.main_id', $result->main_page);
Example #24
$cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Plugin Manager");
$consoleInfo = $consoleObj->get_info_filtered();
$consoleTitle = $consoleInfo['pagetitle'];
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$PAGE_NAME = $pluginInfo['name'] . " Plugin Settings - " . $consoleTitle . " - ";
$EXTERNAL_JAVASCRIPT .= "\n<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/js/console.js'></script>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/js/main.js'></script>\n";
$formObj = new Form();
require BASE_DIRECTORY . "plugins/" . $pluginInfo['filepath'] . "/settings_form.php";
$hooksObj->run("pluginsettings-" . $pluginInfo['filepath']);
include BASE_DIRECTORY . "themes/" . $THEME . "/_header.php";
$breadcrumbObj->setTitle($pluginInfo['name'] . " Plugin Settings");
$breadcrumbObj->addCrumb("Home", $MAIN_ROOT);
$breadcrumbObj->addCrumb("My Account", $MAIN_ROOT . "members");
$breadcrumbObj->addCrumb($consoleTitle, $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID);
$breadcrumbObj->addCrumb($pluginInfo['name'] . " Plugin Settings");
include BASE_DIRECTORY . "include/breadcrumb.php";
// Check Login
$LOGIN_FAIL = true;
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) && $member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
    if ($_POST['submit'] && $formObj->save()) {
        $formObj->saveMessageTitle = $pluginInfo['name'] . " Plugin Settings";
} else {
    die("<script type='text/javascript'>window.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "login.php';</script>");
include BASE_DIRECTORY . "themes/" . $THEME . "/_footer.php";
Example #25
 public function index_action($action = 'import')
     switch ($action) {
         case 'import':
             $form = new Form('Lang/forms/import');
             if ($result = $form->result()) {
                 if ($file = $result->file) {
                     $zip = new Zip(array('file' => $file->path, 'check' => array('type' => 'lang')));
                     if ($zip->extract(LANG)) {
                         $info = $zip->info();
                         $langs = $this->getLangs(array($info['lang']));
                         success(t('<b>Архив успешно распакован!</b> Индекс для языка <b>«%s»</b> установлен.', implode($langs)), '', 'content');
         case 'export':
         case 'download':
             $file = ROOT . $this->prepareFilePath();
             $archive = TEMP . DS . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.zip';
             $zip = new Zip(array('file' => $archive, 'create' => TRUE));
             $zip->info(array('type' => 'lang', 'lang' => config('lang.lang')));
             File::download($archive, basename($archive), TRUE);
Example #26
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/validation.js"></script>
<div align='center'>
include_once 'FormCreator/Form.php';
//FormHelper ile amele işlerin yaptırılacağı bir class yazılabilir.
try {
    $form = new Form("test.php");
    $form->setFormAttributes(array('id' => 'formId'));
    $form->setTableAttributes(array("class" => "table"));
    $form->addInput("text", "name", "Email")->setValidation(array("required" => true, "min" => 3));
    $form->addInput("password", "pass", "Şifre")->setValidation(array("required" => true, "min" => 8));
    $form->addInput("text", "yas", "Yaş");
    $form->addRadioButton("cinsiyet", "erkek", "Erkek", array("checked" => "checked"));
    $form->addRadioButton("cinsiyet", "bayan", "Bayan");
    $form->addComboBox("carbrand", "Arabanızın Markası", array('mercedes' => 'Mercedes', 'bmw' => 'BMW'));
    //$form->addTextArea(32, 5, "adres","Adres");
    //$form->addCheckBox("termofuse", "read", "Kullanmıcı Sözleşmesini okudum")->setValidation(array("mustBeChecked"=>true));
    $form->addTermsOfUse("files/file.txt", true);
    $form->addInput("submit", "dugme", "Kaydet");
    echo $form->show();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();
Example #27
  * Add action
 public function create_action()
     $post = new Post();
     //        if ($pid = $this->session->get('draft')) {
     //            $post->id = $pid;
     //            $post->find();
     //        } else {
     //            $post->aid = $this->user->id;
     //            $post->created_date = time();
     //            $post->insert();
     //            $this->session->set('draft', $post->id);
     //        }
     $form = new Form('Post/forms/post');
     if ($result = $form->result()) {
         if ($result->preview) {
             $post->preview = TRUE;
             $post->aid = user()->id;
             $post->created_date = time();
         } else {
             //                if (Ajax::is() && $this->input->get('autosave')) {
             //                    $post->update();
             //                    $ajax = new Ajax();
             //                    $ajax->message(t('Post saved!', 'Post'));
             //                    $ajax->send();
             //                }
             $post->last_update = time();
             if ($result->draft) {
                 $post->published = 0;
             } elseif ($result->publish) {
                 $post->published = 1;
             if ($post->save()) {
                 flash_success($post->published ? t('Пост опубликован!') : t('Сохранено в черновиках!'), NULL, 'growl');
     } else {
     // Remove 'delete' button from create post form
     //        js($this->folder . '/js/inline/autosave.js','footer');
Example #28
     * Добавление или редактирование сниппета
     * @param int $id
    public function snippet_action($id = NULL)
        $form = new Form('Code/forms/snippet');
        $tpl = new Template('Code/templates/form');
        $snippet = new Code_Snippet();
        if ($id) {
            $snippet->id = $id;
            if ($snippet->find()) {
                $tpl->code = $snippet->code;
        } else {
            $tpl->code = htmlspecialchars('<?php

        $snippet->name or $form->remove('delete');
        $form->code_editor->options->label = $tpl->render();
        if ($result = $form->result()) {
            $snippet->name = $result->name;
            $snippet->code = $result->code;
            $snippet->aid or $snippet->aid = user()->id;
            $snippet->type = $result->type;
            $snippet->created_date or $snippet->created_date = time();
            if ($snippet->save()) {
                flash_success(t('Сниппет кода успешно сохранён!'));
                redirect(l('/admin/code/snippet/' . $snippet->id));
Example #29
  * User Регистрация
 public function register_action($code = NULL)
     if (!config('user.register.active', FALSE)) {
         return error(t('Регистрация отключена администрацией сайта.'));
     if ($this->isLogged()) {
         return error('Вы уже авторизированы!');
     if ($code) {
         $user = new User();
         $user->hash = $code;
         if ($user->find()) {
             $form = new Form('User/forms/verify');
             if ($result = $form->result()) {
                 $result->realname && ($user->name = $result->realname);
                 $user->hash = $this->secure->genHash($user->password);
                 $user->reg_date = time();
                 $user->last_visit = time();
                 if ($user->save()) {
                     event('user.register', $user);
                     if ($user->login()) {
                         flash_success(t('Регистрация завершена!'));
         } else {
             error(t('Регистрационный код не найден.'));
     } else {
         $form = new Form('User/forms/register');
         if ($result = $form->result()) {
             $user = new User();
             $user->email = $result->email;
             $user->hash = $this->secure->genHash(date('H d.m.Y') . $this->session->get('ip') . $result->email);
             if (config('user.register.verification', TRUE)) {
                 $verify_link = l('/user/register/' . $user->hash, TRUE);
                 $mail = new Mail(array('name' => 'register.verify', 'subject' => t('Регистрация на сайте %s', SITE_URL), 'body' => t('Вы успешно зарегистрировались на сайте http://%s. <br/>
                         Пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, для того чтобы подтвердить данный почтовый ящик:<p>
                         <a href="%s">%s</a>', SITE_URL, $verify_link, $verify_link)));
                 if ($mail->send()) {
                     event('user.confirmation', $user);
                     success(t('Письмо с подтвержденим регистрации было отправлено на почтовый адрес <b>%s</b>. Следуйте инструкциям.', $user->email));
             } else {
                 redirect(l('/user/register/' . $user->hash));
         } else {
// -------------------------
// Show
// -------------------------
$tbl = new Table(array("", ""));
$rTtl = $tbl->createRow();
$rTtl->setAttribute(0, $ttl);
$tbl->addSpacer(0, 30);
$rSelect = $tbl->createRow();
$rSelect->setAttribute(0, $txtSelect);
$rSelect->setAttribute(1, $cboSensorSelect);
$tbl->addSpacer(0, 10);
$rTimeSelect = $tbl->createRow();
$rTimeSelect->setAttribute(0, $timeSelect);
$tbl->addSpacer(0, 30);
if (isset($_REQUEST['sensorSelectCob']) && strlen($_REQUEST['sensorSelectCob']) > 0) {
    $imgTxt = new Text("<img src='includes/pictures/sensorLogGraphs.inc.php?width=800&height=350&sensorId=" . $_REQUEST['sensorSelectCob'] . "&startTime=" . $_REQUEST['startTimeCob'] . "&endTime=" . $_REQUEST['endTimeCob'] . "'>");
    $rGraph = $tbl->createRow();
    $rGraph->setAttribute(0, $imgTxt);