require_once 'textwithpicto.php'; $form = new TextWithPicto(); $form->addField('Name', 'Enter your name', 'person'); $form->addField('Email', 'Enter your email address', 'email'); $form->addField('Phone', 'Enter your phone number', 'phone'); $form->addField('Message', 'Enter your message', 'message'); $form->submit('Send Message'); echo $form->render();In the above example, a new TextWithPicto object is created and fields are added using the addField() method. The method takes three parameters: label, placeholder, and icon or pictogram. In this case, each field has a unique icon, such as a person for the name field, an email for the email field, and so on. Finally, the submit button is added using the submit() method, and the form is rendered using the render() method.