Example #1
$allDayBtns .= '  $("#event_edit\\\\:\\\\:start_t").removeAttr("disabled");' . PHP_EOL;
$allDayBtns .= '  $("#event_edit\\\\:\\\\:finish_t").removeAttr("disabled");' . PHP_EOL;
$allDayBtns .= '});' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript = 'var jQloc_s = $("#event_edit\\\\:\\\\:loc_s");' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= 'jQloc_s.change(function(){' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '    if(jQloc_s.val()=="o"){' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '        $("#event_edit\\\\:\\\\:loc_t").parent().parent().removeClass("hidden");' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '        $("#event_edit\\\\:\\\\:loc_t").val("");	' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '    }else{' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '        $("#event_edit\\\\:\\\\:loc_t").parent().parent().addClass("hidden");' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '        $("#event_edit\\\\:\\\\:loc_t").val("%"+jQloc_s.val()+"%");' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '    }' . PHP_EOL;
$locationScript .= '});' . PHP_EOL;
$form = new Form('event_edit', $action, 'post');
$form->setIndent('    ');
$form->addBtnLine(array('close' => $closeBtn, 'save' => $saveBtn, 'apply' => $applyBtn));
$form->addTextField('ID', 'id', $ID, array('t' => 'ID of Event'), array('ro' => true));
$form->addTextField('Title', 'title', $title, array('t' => 'Title of Event (Unique)', 'p' => 'Event Title'), array('r' => true, 'v' => true, 'vm' => array('textfieldRequiredMsg' => array('m' => 'An Event Title is required.', 's' => B_T_FAIL), 'textfieldMinCharsMsg' => array('m' => 'An Event Title is required.', 's' => B_T_FAIL), 'textfieldMaxCharsMsg' => array('m' => 'Event title is limited to 100 chars.', 's' => B_T_FAIL)), 'vo' => 'minChars: 0, maxChars: 100, validateOn:["blur"]'));
$form->addButtonGroup('Published', 'enable', array(array('i' => 'enabledY', 's' => B_T_SUCCESS, 'v' => 1, 'l' => 'Yes <span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-eye-open"></span>', 'c' => $enabled), array('i' => 'enabledN', 's' => B_T_FAIL, 'v' => 0, 'l' => 'No <span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-eye-close"></span>', 'c' => not($enabled))), array('t' => 'Publish an event to view it on the site.'));
$form->addTextField('Start Date', 'start_d', substr($starts, 0, 10), array('t' => 'Date event starts', 'p' => 'Start Date'), array('r' => true, 'v' => true, 't' => 'date', 'vm' => array('textfieldRequiredMsg' => array('m' => 'An Event Start Date is required.', 's' => B_T_FAIL), 'textfieldInvalidFormatMsg' => array('m' => 'Incorrect date format.', 's' => B_T_FAIL)), 'vo' => 'validateOn:["blur"], format: "yyyy-mm-dd"'));
$form->addTextField('Start Time', 'start_t', substr($starts, 11), array('t' => 'Time event starts', 'p' => 'Start Time'), array('r' => true, 'v' => true, 't' => 'time', 'vm' => array('textfieldRequiredMsg' => array('m' => 'An Event Start Time is required.', 's' => B_T_FAIL), 'textfieldInvalidFormatMsg' => array('m' => 'Incorrect time format.', 's' => B_T_FAIL)), 'vo' => 'validateOn:["blur"], format: "HH:mm:ss"'));
$form->addTextField('Finish Date', 'finish_d', substr($finish, 0, 10), array('t' => 'Date event finishes', 'p' => 'Finish Date'), array('r' => true, 'v' => true, 't' => 'date', 'vm' => array('textfieldRequiredMsg' => array('m' => 'An Event Finish Date is required.', 's' => B_T_FAIL), 'textfieldInvalidFormatMsg' => array('m' => 'Incorrect date format.', 's' => B_T_FAIL)), 'vo' => 'validateOn:["blur"], format: "yyyy-mm-dd"'));
$form->addTextField('Finish Time', 'finish_t', substr($finish, 11), array('t' => 'Time event finishes', 'p' => 'Finishes Time'), array('r' => true, 'v' => true, 't' => 'time', 'vm' => array('textfieldRequiredMsg' => array('m' => 'An Event Finish Time is required.', 's' => B_T_FAIL), 'textfieldInvalidFormatMsg' => array('m' => 'Incorrect time format.', 's' => B_T_FAIL)), 'vo' => 'validateOn:["blur"], format: "HH:mm:ss"'));
$form->addButtonGroup('All Day', 'allday', array(array('i' => 'alldayY', 's' => B_T_SUCCESS, 'v' => 1, 'l' => 'Yes', 'c' => $allDay), array('i' => 'alldayN', 's' => B_T_FAIL, 'v' => 0, 'l' => 'No', 'c' => not($allDay))), array('t' => 'Is the event all day?'));
$form->addSelect('Location', 'loc_s', $locations, array('t' => 'The location of the event. Select a stored event, or use an \'other\' location.'), array('r' => true, 'v' => true, 'vo' => 'validateOn:["blur"]', 'vm' => array()));
$form->addTextField('Other Location', 'loc_t', $location, array('t' => 'Enter an \'Other\' location here'), array('classes' => array('hidden')));
$form->addTextArea('Details', 'details', $details, 6, array('t' => 'Details for the event (Recommended unless linking event)', 'p' => 'Details to follow here...'), array('vm' => array('textareaMaxCharsMsg' => array('m' => 'Event details are limited to 500 chars.', 's' => B_T_FAIL)), 'vo' => 'maxChars: 500, useCharacterMasking:false, validateOn:["blur", "change"]', 'c' => true, 'v' => true, 'c' => true));
$form->addTextField('Link', 'link', $link, array('t' => 'Link to event details when user clicks on event in calendar', 'p' => 'http(s)://www.example.com'), array('r' => false, 'v' => true, 't' => 'url', 'vm' => array('textfieldInvalidFormatMsg' => array('m' => 'Incorrect link format.', 's' => B_T_FAIL)), 'vo' => 'validateOn:["blur", "change"]'));
$form->addBtnLine(array('close' => $closeBtn, 'save' => $saveBtn, 'apply' => $applyBtn));