Example #1
 public static function isDatabaseEmpty()
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     if (is_null($db)) {
         return true;
     $tables = $db->MetaTables('TABLE', true);
     return empty($tables);
Example #2
 function handleRequest(DevblocksHttpRequest $request)
     $stack = $request->path;
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     // **** BEGIN AUTH
     @($verb = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
     @($header_date = $_SERVER['HTTP_DATE']);
     @($header_signature = $_SERVER['HTTP_PORTSENSOR_AUTH']);
     @($this->_payload = $this->_getRawPost());
     @(list($auth_worker_email, $auth_signature) = explode(":", $header_signature, 2));
     $url_parts = parse_url(DevblocksPlatform::getWebPath());
     $url_path = $url_parts['path'];
     $url_query = $this->_sortQueryString($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
     $string_to_sign_prefix = "{$verb}\n{$header_date}\n{$url_path}\n{$url_query}\n{$this->_payload}";
     if (!$this->_validateRfcDate($header_date)) {
         $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid timestamp)");
     //		if(strpos($auth_access_key,'@')) { // WORKER-LEVEL AUTH
     $results = DAO_Worker::getWhere(sprintf("%s = %s", DAO_Worker::EMAIL, $db->qstr($auth_worker_email)));
     if (empty($results)) {
         $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid authentication)");
     } else {
         $worker = array_shift($results);
     if (null == $this->getActiveWorker()) {
         $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid worker)");
     if (!$worker->hasPriv('plugin.usermeet.webapi')) {
         $this->_error("Access denied! (No permission)");
     $pass = $this->getActiveWorker()->pass;
     $string_to_sign = "{$string_to_sign_prefix}\n{$pass}\n";
     $compare_hash = base64_encode(sha1($string_to_sign, true));
     if (0 != strcmp($auth_signature, $compare_hash)) {
         $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid password)");
     // **** END APP AUTH
     // Figure out our format by looking at the last path argument
     @(list($command, $format) = explode('.', array_pop($stack)));
     array_push($stack, $command);
     $this->_format = $format;
     // Call the verb as an action
     $method = strtolower($verb) . 'Action';
     if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
         call_user_func(array(&$this, $method), $stack);
     } else {
         $this->_error("Invalid action.");
Example #3
 static function getValue($context, $context_values)
     $total_time_all = -1;
     if ($context_values['id']) {
         // Adds total time worked per ticket to the token list.
         $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
         $sql = "SELECT sum(tte.time_actual_mins) mins ";
         $sql .= "FROM timetracking_entry tte ";
         $sql .= sprintf("WHERE tte.source_id =  %d ", $context_values['id']);
         $sql .= "AND tte.source_extension_id = 'timetracking.source.ticket' ";
         $sql .= "GROUP BY tte.source_id ";
         $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
         if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
             $total_time_all = intval($row['mins']);
         } else {
             $total_time_all = 0;
     return $total_time_all;
Example #4
  * @param Model_DevblocksEvent $event
 function handleEvent(Model_DevblocksEvent $event)
     switch ($event->id) {
         case 'cron.maint':
             $records_removed = 0;
             $logger = DevblocksPlatform::getConsoleLog();
             $logger->info("[Answernet.com Maint] Starting Purging Contact Addresses task");
             // Unlimited (if possible)
             @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
             $logger->info("[Answernet.com Maint] Overloaded memory_limit to: " . ini_get('memory_limit'));
             $logger->info("[Answernet.com Maint] Overloaded max_execution_time to: " . ini_get('max_execution_time'));
             $runtime = microtime(true);
             //Do something
             $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
             $sql = "SELECT a.id ";
             $sql .= "FROM address a ";
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN message m ON a.id = m.address_id ";
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN requester r ON a.id = r.address_id ";
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN ticket_comment tc ON a.id = tc.address_id ";
             $sql .= "WHERE a.contact_org_id = 0 ";
             $sql .= "AND m.address_id IS NULL ";
             $sql .= "AND r.address_id IS NULL ";
             $sql .= "AND tc.address_id IS NULL ";
             $sql .= "ORDER BY a.id ASC ";
             $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
             while (!$rs->EOF) {
                 // Loop though the records.
                 // Increament the records removed connecter
             $logger->info("[Answernet.com Maint] Total Records Removed: " . $records_removed);
             $logger->info("[Answernet.com Maint] Total Runtime: " . (microtime(true) - $runtime) * 1000 . " ms");
Example #5
  * Loads parameters unique to this extension instance.  Returns an 
  * associative array indexed by parameter key.
  * @private
  * @return array
 private function _getParams()
     //		static $params = null;
     if (empty($this->id)) {
         return null;
     //		if(null != $params)
     //			return $params;
     $params = $this->manifest->params;
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $prefix = APP_DB_PREFIX != '' ? APP_DB_PREFIX . '_' : '';
     // [TODO] Cleanup
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT property,value " . "FROM %sproperty_store " . "WHERE extension_id=%s ", $prefix, $db->qstr($this->id));
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
     /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $params[$rs->fields['property']] = $rs->fields['value'];
     return $params;
Example #6
 function run()
     $logger = DevblocksPlatform::getConsoleLog();
     $logger->info("[Maint] Starting Maintenance Task");
     @ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     // Give plugins a chance to run maintenance (nuke NULL rows, etc.)
     $eventMgr = DevblocksPlatform::getEventService();
     $eventMgr->trigger(new Model_DevblocksEvent('cron.maint', array()));
     //		// [JAS] Remove any empty directories inside storage/import/new
     //		$importNewDir = APP_STORAGE_PATH . '/import/new' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     //		$subdirs = glob($importNewDir . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
     //		if ($subdirs !== false) {
     //			foreach($subdirs as $subdir) {
     //				$directory_empty = count(glob($subdir. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*')) === 0;
     //				if($directory_empty && is_writeable($subdir)) {
     //					rmdir($subdir);
     //				}
     //			}
     //		}
     //		$logger->info('[Maint] Cleaned up import directories.');
Example #7
 function setCustomerAccountNumberAction()
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     @($account_number = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['acc_num'], 'string', ''));
     @($m_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['m_id'], 'string', ''));
     // Now Confirm the account exists and is active
     $account = array_shift(DAO_CustomerAccount::getWhere(sprintf("%s = %d AND %s = '0' ", DAO_CustomerAccount::ACCOUNT_NUMBER, $account_number, DAO_CustomerAccount::IS_DISABLED)));
     if (!isset($account)) {
     $message_obj = DAO_Message::get($m_id);
     if (!isset($message_obj)) {
     $fields = get_object_vars($message_obj);
     $fields[DAO_Message::ACCOUNT_ID] = $account->id;
     $fields[DAO_Message::IMPORT_STATUS] = 0;
     // Requeue
     $m_status = DAO_Message::update($m_id, $fields);
     // Give plugins a chance to note a message is assigned
     $eventMgr = DevblocksPlatform::getEventService();
     $eventMgr->trigger(new Model_DevblocksEvent('message.account.assign', array('account_id' => $account->id, 'message_id' => $m_id)));
     echo json_encode($fields);
Example #8
 function getTemplatesAction()
     @($txt_name = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['txt_name'], 'string', ''));
     @($reply_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['reply_id'], 'integer'));
     @($folder = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['folder'], 'string', ''));
     @($type = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['type'], 'integer', 0));
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService();
     $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH);
     $tpl->assign('reply_id', $reply_id);
     $tpl->assign('txt_name', $txt_name);
     if (empty($folder)) {
         $where = sprintf("%s = %d", DAO_MailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE, $type);
     } else {
         $where = sprintf("%s = %s AND %s = %d ", DAO_MailTemplate::FOLDER, $db->qstr($folder), DAO_MailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE, $type);
     $templates = DAO_MailTemplate::getWhere($where);
     $tpl->assign('templates', $templates);
     $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'display/rpc/email_templates/template_results.tpl');
Example #9
  * Returns an array of all contributed plugin manifests.
  * @static
  * @return DevblocksPluginManifest[]
 static function getPluginRegistry()
     $cache = self::getCacheService();
     if (false !== ($plugins = $cache->load(self::CACHE_PLUGINS))) {
         return $plugins;
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     if (is_null($db)) {
     $prefix = APP_DB_PREFIX != '' ? APP_DB_PREFIX . '_' : '';
     // [TODO] Cleanup
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT * " . "FROM %splugin p " . "ORDER BY p.enabled DESC, p.name ASC ", $prefix);
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
     /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
     while (!$rs->EOF) {
         $plugin = new DevblocksPluginManifest();
         @($plugin->id = $rs->fields['id']);
         @($plugin->enabled = intval($rs->fields['enabled']));
         @($plugin->name = $rs->fields['name']);
         @($plugin->description = $rs->fields['description']);
         @($plugin->author = $rs->fields['author']);
         @($plugin->revision = intval($rs->fields['revision']));
         @($plugin->link = $rs->fields['link']);
         @($plugin->is_configurable = intval($rs->fields['is_configurable']));
         @($plugin->file = $rs->fields['file']);
         @($plugin->class = $rs->fields['class']);
         @($plugin->dir = $rs->fields['dir']);
         if (file_exists(DEVBLOCKS_PLUGIN_PATH . $plugin->dir)) {
             $plugins[$plugin->id] = $plugin;
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT p.id, p.name, p.params, p.plugin_id " . "FROM %sevent_point p ", $prefix);
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg() . var_dump(debug_backtrace()));
     /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
     while (!$rs->EOF) {
         $point = new DevblocksEventPoint();
         $point->id = $rs->fields['id'];
         $point->name = $rs->fields['name'];
         $point->plugin_id = $rs->fields['plugin_id'];
         $params = $rs->fields['params'];
         $point->params = !empty($params) ? unserialize($params) : array();
         if (isset($plugins[$point->plugin_id])) {
             $plugins[$point->plugin_id]->event_points[$point->id] = $point;
     //			$extensions = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensionRegistry();
     //			foreach($extensions as $extension_id => $extension) { /* @var $extension DevblocksExtensionManifest */
     //			    $plugin_id = $extension->plugin_id;
     //			    if(isset($plugin_id)) {
     //			        $plugins[$plugin_id]->extensions[$extension_id] = $extension;
     //			    }
     //			}
     $cache->save($plugins, self::CACHE_PLUGINS);
     return $plugins;
Example #10
 * A legitimate license entitles you to support, access to the developer 
 * mailing list, the ability to participate in betas and the warm fuzzy 
 * feeling of feeding a couple obsessed developers who want to help you get 
 * more done than 'the other guy'.
 * - Jeff Standen, Mike Fogg, Brenan Cavish, Darren Sugita, Dan Hildebrandt
 * 		and Joe Geck.
 *   WEBGROUP MEDIA LLC. - Developers of Cerberus Helpdesk
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.2", "<")) {
    die("Cerberus Helpdesk 5.x requires PHP 5.2 or later.");
require getcwd() . '/framework.config.php';
require DEVBLOCKS_PATH . 'Devblocks.class.php';
// If this is our first run, redirect to the installer
if ('' == APP_DB_DRIVER || '' == APP_DB_HOST || '' == APP_DB_DATABASE || null == ($db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService()) || DevblocksPlatform::isDatabaseEmpty()) {
    header('Location: ' . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/install/index.php');
    // [TODO] change this to a meta redirect
require APP_PATH . '/api/Application.class.php';
// Request
$request = DevblocksPlatform::readRequest();
// Patches (if not on the patch page)
if (@0 != strcasecmp(@$request->path[0], "update") && !DevblocksPlatform::versionConsistencyCheck()) {
    DevblocksPlatform::redirect(new DevblocksHttpResponse(array('update', 'locked')));
$session = DevblocksPlatform::getSessionService();
Example #11
 static function get_timestamp($tpl_name, &$tpl_timestamp, $smarty_obj)
     /* @var $smarty_obj Smarty */
     list($plugin_id, $tag, $tpl_path) = explode(':', $tpl_name, 3);
     if (empty($plugin_id) || empty($tpl_path)) {
         return false;
     $plugins = DevblocksPlatform::getPluginRegistry();
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     if (null == ($plugin = @$plugins[$plugin_id])) {
         /* @var $plugin DevblocksPluginManifest */
         return false;
     // Check if template is overloaded in DB/cache
     $matches = DAO_DevblocksTemplate::getWhere(sprintf("plugin_id = %s AND path = %s %s", $db->qstr($plugin_id), $db->qstr($tpl_path), !empty($tag) ? sprintf("AND tag = %s ", $db->qstr($tag)) : ""));
     if (!empty($matches)) {
         $match = array_shift($matches);
         /* @var $match Model_DevblocksTemplate */
         //			echo time(),"==(DB)",$match->last_updated,"<BR>";
         $tpl_timestamp = $match->last_updated;
         return true;
     // If not in DB, check plugin's relative path on disk
     $path = APP_PATH . '/' . $plugin->dir . '/templates/' . $tpl_path;
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return false;
     $stat = stat($path);
     $tpl_timestamp = $stat['mtime'];
     //		echo time(),"==(DISK)",$stat['mtime'],"<BR>";
     return true;
Example #12
  * Enter description here...
  * @param DevblocksSearchCriteria[] $params
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param integer $page
  * @param string $sortBy
  * @param boolean $sortAsc
  * @param boolean $withCounts
  * @return array
 static function search($params, $limit = 10, $page = 0, $sortBy = null, $sortAsc = null, $withCounts = true)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $fields = SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::getFields();
     // Sanitize
     if (!isset($fields[$sortBy])) {
         $sortBy = null;
     list($tables, $wheres) = parent::_parseSearchParams($params, array(), $fields, $sortBy);
     $start = $page * $limit;
     // [JAS]: 1-based [TODO] clean up + document
     $total = -1;
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT " . "l.id as %s, " . "l.ticket_id as %s, " . "l.worker_id as %s, " . "l.change_date as %s, " . "l.change_field as %s, " . "l.change_value as %s " . "FROM ticket_audit_log l ", SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::ID, SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::TICKET_ID, SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::WORKER_ID, SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::CHANGE_DATE, SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::CHANGE_FIELD, SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::CHANGE_VALUE) . (!empty($wheres) ? sprintf("WHERE %s ", implode(' AND ', $wheres)) : "") . (!empty($sortBy) ? sprintf("ORDER BY %s %s", $sortBy, $sortAsc || is_null($sortAsc) ? "ASC" : "DESC") : "");
     // [TODO] Could push the select logic down a level too
     if ($limit > 0) {
         $rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $limit, $start) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
         /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
     } else {
         $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
         /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
         $total = $rs->RecordCount();
     $results = array();
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $result = array();
             foreach ($rs->fields as $f => $v) {
                 $result[$f] = $v;
             $id = intval($rs->fields[SearchFields_TicketAuditLog::ID]);
             $results[$id] = $result;
     // [JAS]: Count all
     if ($withCounts) {
         $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
         $total = $rs->RecordCount();
     return array($results, $total);
Example #13
 function handleRequest(DevblocksHttpRequest $request)
     $stack = $request->path;
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     // **** BEGIN AUTH
     @($verb = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
     @($header_date = $_SERVER['HTTP_DATE']);
     @($header_signature = $_SERVER['HTTP_CERB4_AUTH']);
     @($this->_payload = $this->_getRawPost());
     @(list($auth_access_key, $auth_signature) = explode(":", $header_signature, 2));
     $url_parts = parse_url(DevblocksPlatform::getWebPath());
     $url_path = $url_parts['path'];
     $url_query = $this->_sortQueryString($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
     $string_to_sign_prefix = "{$verb}\n{$header_date}\n{$url_path}\n{$url_query}\n{$this->_payload}";
     if (!$this->_validateRfcDate($header_date)) {
         $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid timestamp)");
     if (strpos($auth_access_key, '@')) {
         $workers = DAO_Worker::getAll();
         foreach ($workers as $worker) {
             /* @var $worker CerberusWorker */
             if ($worker->email == $auth_access_key) {
         if (null == $this->getActiveWorker()) {
             $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid worker)");
         $pass = $this->getActiveWorker()->pass;
         $string_to_sign = "{$string_to_sign_prefix}\n{$pass}\n";
         $compare_hash = base64_encode(sha1($string_to_sign, true));
         if (0 != strcmp($auth_signature, $compare_hash)) {
             $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid password)");
     } else {
         // APP-LEVEL AUTH
         $stored_keychains = DAO_WebapiKey::getWhere(sprintf("%s = %s", DAO_WebapiKey::ACCESS_KEY, $db->qstr(str_replace(' ', '', $auth_access_key))));
         /* @var $stored_keychain Model_WebApiKey */
         if (!empty($stored_keychains)) {
             @($stored_keychain = array_shift($stored_keychains));
             @($auth_secret_key = $stored_keychain->secret_key);
             @($auth_rights = $stored_keychain->rights);
             $string_to_sign = "{$string_to_sign_prefix}\n{$auth_secret_key}\n";
             $compare_hash = base64_encode(sha1($string_to_sign, true));
             if (0 != strcmp($auth_signature, $compare_hash)) {
                 $this->_error("Access denied! (Invalid signature)");
             // Check that this IP is allowed to perform the VERB
             if (!$stored_keychain->isValidIp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
                 $this->_error(sprintf("Access denied! (IP %s not authorized)", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
         } else {
             $this->_error("Access denied! (Unknown access key)");
     // **** END APP AUTH
     // Figure out our format by looking at the last path argument
     @(list($command, $format) = explode('.', array_pop($stack)));
     array_push($stack, $command);
     $this->_format = $format;
     if (null != $this->getActiveWorker()) {
         $method = strtolower($verb) . 'WorkerAction';
         if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
             call_user_func(array(&$this, $method), $stack);
     } else {
         $method = strtolower($verb) . 'Action';
         if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
             call_user_func(array(&$this, $method), $stack, $stored_keychain);
Example #14
 function run()
     $logger = DevblocksPlatform::getConsoleLog();
     $logger->info("[Maint] Starting Maintenance Task");
     @ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     // Purge Deleted Content
     $purge_waitdays = intval($this->getParam('purge_waitdays', 7));
     $purge_waitsecs = time() - intval($purge_waitdays) * 86400;
     $sql = sprintf("DELETE QUICK FROM ticket " . "WHERE is_deleted = 1 " . "AND updated_date < %d ", $purge_waitsecs);
     $logger->info("[Maint] Purged " . $db->Affected_Rows() . " ticket records.");
     // Give plugins a chance to run maintenance (nuke NULL rows, etc.)
     $eventMgr = DevblocksPlatform::getEventService();
     $eventMgr->trigger(new Model_DevblocksEvent('cron.maint', array()));
     // Nuke orphaned words from the Bayes index
     // [TODO] Make this configurable from job
     $sql = "DELETE FROM bayes_words WHERE nonspam + spam < 2";
     // only 1 occurrence
     $logger->info('[Maint] Purged ' . $db->Affected_Rows() . ' obscure spam words.');
     // [mdf] Remove any empty directories inside storage/mail/new
     $mailDir = APP_MAIL_PATH . 'new' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $subdirs = glob($mailDir . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
     if ($subdirs !== false) {
         foreach ($subdirs as $subdir) {
             $directory_empty = count(glob($subdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*')) === 0;
             if ($directory_empty && is_writeable($subdir)) {
     $logger->info('[Maint] Cleaned up mail directories.');
     // [JAS] Remove any empty directories inside storage/import/new
     $importNewDir = APP_STORAGE_PATH . '/import/new' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $subdirs = glob($importNewDir . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
     if ($subdirs !== false) {
         foreach ($subdirs as $subdir) {
             $directory_empty = count(glob($subdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*')) === 0;
             if ($directory_empty && is_writeable($subdir)) {
     $logger->info('[Maint] Cleaned up import directories.');
Example #15
 function showTabSettingsAction()
     $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService();
     $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH);
     $license = FegLicense::getInstance();
     $tpl->assign('license', $license);
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $rs = $db->Execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
     $total_db_size = 0;
     $total_db_data = 0;
     $total_db_indexes = 0;
     $total_db_slack = 0;
     $total_file_size = 0;
     // [TODO] This would likely be helpful to the /debug controller
     if (null != ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs))) {
         $table_name = $row['Name'];
         $table_size_data = intval($row['Data_length']);
         $table_size_indexes = intval($row['Index_length']);
         $table_size_slack = intval($row['Data_free']);
         $total_db_size += $table_size_data + $table_size_indexes;
         $total_db_data += $table_size_data;
         $total_db_indexes += $table_size_indexes;
         $total_db_slack += $table_size_slack;
     //		$sql = "SELECT SUM(file_size) FROM attachment";
     //		$total_file_size = intval($db->GetOne($sql));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_size', number_format($total_db_size / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_data', number_format($total_db_data / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_indexes', number_format($total_db_indexes / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_slack', number_format($total_db_slack / 1048576, 2));
     //		$tpl->assign('total_file_size', number_format($total_file_size/1048576,2));
     $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'setup/tabs/settings/index.tpl');
Example #16
File: App.php Project: Hildy/cerb5
  * Enter description here...
  * @param DevblocksSearchCriteria[] $params
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param integer $page
  * @param string $sortBy
  * @param boolean $sortAsc
  * @param boolean $withCounts
  * @return array
 static function search($columns, $params, $limit = 10, $page = 0, $sortBy = null, $sortAsc = null, $withCounts = true)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $fields = SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::getFields();
     // Sanitize
     if (!isset($fields[$sortBy])) {
         $sortBy = null;
     list($tables, $wheres) = parent::_parseSearchParams($params, $columns, $fields, $sortBy);
     $start = $page * $limit;
     // [JAS]: 1-based [TODO] clean up + document
     $select_sql = sprintf("SELECT " . "f.id as %s, " . "f.log_date as %s, " . "f.worker_id as %s, " . "f.quote_text as %s, " . "f.quote_mood as %s, " . "f.quote_address_id as %s, " . "f.source_url as %s, " . "a.email as %s ", SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::ID, SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::LOG_DATE, SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::WORKER_ID, SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::QUOTE_TEXT, SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::QUOTE_MOOD, SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::QUOTE_ADDRESS_ID, SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::SOURCE_URL, SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::ADDRESS_EMAIL);
     $join_sql = "FROM feedback_entry f " . "LEFT JOIN address a ON (f.quote_address_id=a.id) ";
     // [JAS]: Dynamic table joins
     //			(isset($tables['o']) ? "LEFT JOIN contact_org o ON (o.id=tt.debit_org_id)" : " ").
     //			(isset($tables['mc']) ? "INNER JOIN message_content mc ON (mc.message_id=m.id)" : " ").
     // Custom field joins
     list($select_sql, $join_sql, $has_multiple_values) = self::_appendSelectJoinSqlForCustomFieldTables($tables, $params, 'f.id', $select_sql, $join_sql);
     $where_sql = "" . (!empty($wheres) ? sprintf("WHERE %s ", implode(' AND ', $wheres)) : "");
     $sort_sql = !empty($sortBy) ? sprintf("ORDER BY %s %s ", $sortBy, $sortAsc || is_null($sortAsc) ? "ASC" : "DESC") : " ";
     $sql = $select_sql . $join_sql . $where_sql . ($has_multiple_values ? 'GROUP BY f.id ' : '') . $sort_sql;
     $rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $limit, $start) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
     /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
     $results = array();
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $result = array();
             foreach ($rs->fields as $f => $v) {
                 $result[$f] = $v;
             $id = intval($rs->fields[SearchFields_FeedbackEntry::ID]);
             $results[$id] = $result;
     // [JAS]: Count all
     $total = -1;
     if ($withCounts) {
         $count_sql = ($has_multiple_values ? "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT f.id) " : "SELECT COUNT(f.id) ") . $join_sql . $where_sql;
         $total = $db->GetOne($count_sql);
     return array($results, $total);
Example #17
 private static function gc()
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $sql = sprintf("DELETE QUICK FROM community_session WHERE updated < %d", time() - 60 * 60);
Example #18
 function getCountryAutoCompletionsAction()
     @($starts_with = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['q'], 'string', ''));
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     // [TODO] Possibly internalize this exposed query.
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT country FROM contact_org WHERE country LIKE '%s%%' ORDER BY country", $starts_with);
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             echo $rs->fields['country'];
             echo "\n";
Example #19
 private function _getSearchAction($path)
     @($p_query = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['query'], 'string', ''));
     @($p_resources = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['resources'], 'string', ''));
     $resource_where = null;
     // Specific topics only?
     if (!empty($p_resources)) {
         $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
         $resource_ids = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString($p_resources);
         if (!empty($resource_ids)) {
             $resource_where = sprintf("%s IN (%s)", DAO_FnrExternalResource::ID, $db->qstr(implode(',', $resource_ids)));
     $resources = DAO_FnrExternalResource::getWhere($resource_where);
     $feeds = Model_FnrExternalResource::searchResources($resources, $p_query);
     $xml_out = new SimpleXMLElement("<resources></resources>");
     foreach ($feeds as $matches) {
         $eMatch = $xml_out->addChild("resource");
         $eMatch->addChild('name', $matches['name']);
         $eMatch->addChild('topic', $matches['topic_name']);
         $eMatch->addChild('link', $matches['feed']->link);
         $eResults = $eMatch->addChild("results");
         foreach ($matches['feed'] as $item) {
             $eResult = $eResults->addChild("result");
             if ($item instanceof Zend_Feed_Entry_Rss) {
                 $eResult->addChild('title', (string) $item->title());
                 $eResult->addChild('link', (string) $item->link());
                 $eResult->addChild('date', (string) $item->pubDate());
                 $eResult->addChild('description', (string) $item->description());
             } elseif ($item instanceof Zend_Feed_Atom) {
                 $eResult->addChild('title', (string) $item->title());
                 $eResult->addChild('link', (string) $item->link['href']);
                 $eResult->addChild('date', (string) $item->published());
                 $eResult->addChild('description', (string) $item->summary());
Example #20
 public static function deleteByFieldId($field_id)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $tables = array('custom_field_stringvalue', 'custom_field_clobvalue', 'custom_field_numbervalue');
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $sql = sprintf("DELETE QUICK FROM %s WHERE field_id = %d", $table, $field_id);
         $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
Example #21
 * promise spending a couple bucks [Euro, Yuan, Rupees, Galactic Credits] to 
 * let us take over your shared e-mail headache is a worthwhile investment.  
 * It will give you a sense of control over your in-box that you probably 
 * haven't had since spammers found you in a game of "E-mail Address 
 * Battleship".  Miss. Miss. You sunk my in-box!
 * A legitimate license entitles you to support, access to the developer 
 * mailing list, the ability to participate in betas and the warm fuzzy 
 * feeling of feeding a couple obsessed developers who want to help you get 
 * more done than 'the other guy'.
 * - Jeff Standen, Mike Fogg, Brenan Cavish, Darren Sugita, Dan Hildebrandt
 * 		and Joe Geck.
 *   WEBGROUP MEDIA LLC. - Developers of Cerberus Helpdesk
$db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
$datadict = NewDataDictionary($db, 'mysql');
/* @var $datadict ADODB2_mysql */
// ,'mysql'
$tables = $datadict->MetaTables();
$tables = array_flip($tables);
// `attachment` =============================
$columns = $datadict->MetaColumns('attachment');
$indexes = $datadict->MetaIndexes('attachment', false);
if (!isset($indexes['message_id'])) {
    $sql = $datadict->CreateIndexSQL('message_id', 'attachment', 'message_id');
// `kb_category` =============================
if (!isset($tables['kb_category'])) {
    $flds = "\r\n\t\tid I4 DEFAULT 0 NOTNULL PRIMARY,\r\n\t\tparent_id I4 DEFAULT 0 NOTNULL,\r\n\t\tname C(64) DEFAULT '' NOTNULL\r\n\t";
Example #22
 function AnswernetMetlifeReportDRReport($RunFromCron = 0)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService();
     if ($RunFromCron) {
         $logger = DevblocksPlatform::getConsoleLog();
     $radius = 12;
     $start_time = 0;
     // Security
     if (null == ($active_worker = CerberusApplication::getActiveWorker())) {
     // import dates from form
     @($start = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['start'], 'string', ''));
     if (empty($start)) {
         $start = "Yesterday";
     $start_time = strtotime($start);
     if ($start_time === false) {
         $start = "Yesterday";
         $start_time = strtotime($start);
     if (empty($start_time) || !is_numeric($start_time)) {
     $start_ofday = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $start_time), date("d", $start_time), date("Y", $start_time));
     $end_ofday = $start_ofday + 86400;
     if ($RunFromCron) {
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] Gerating the Metlife DR Report.");
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.report.dr.date.from.text') . date(" Y-m-d H:i:s ", $start_ofday) . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.report.dr.date.to.text') . date(" Y-m-d H:i:s T", $end_ofday));
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generate.report'));
     } else {
         print '<br><br><br>';
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.report.dr.date.from.text');
         print date(" Y-m-d H:i:s ", $start_ofday);
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.report.dr.date.to.text');
         print date(" Y-m-d H:i:s T", $end_ofday);
         print '<br>';
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generate.report');
     $filename = "report-metlife-dr-" . date("Ymd", $start_time) . ".xls";
     $full_filename = getcwd() . '/storage/answernet/' . $filename;
     if ($RunFromCron) {
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating'));
     } else {
         print '<br>';
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating');
     // Create new Excel Spreadsheet.
     $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer($full_filename);
     // Create Open Status Tab and set Column Width and Row Hight.
     $worksheet_transaction =& $workbook->addWorksheet('Transaction Report');
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(0, 0, $radius * 0.85);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(1, 1, $radius * 0.85);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(2, 2, $radius * 0.35);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(3, 3, $radius * 1.65);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(4, 4, $radius * 1.85);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(5, 5, $radius * 1.16);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(6, 6, $radius * 2.6);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(7, 8, $radius * 0.87);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(9, 9, $radius * 3.28);
     $worksheet_transaction->setColumn(10, 10, $radius * 1.34);
     //    $worksheet_open_status->setRow(0, 28);
     //    $worksheet_open_status->setRow(2, 32);
     // Create Open Status Tab and set Column Width and Row Hight.
     $worksheet_open_status =& $workbook->addWorksheet('Open DR Report');
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(0, 0, $radius * 0.85);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(1, 1, $radius * 0.35);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(2, 2, $radius * 0.7);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(3, 3, $radius * 1.65);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(4, 4, $radius * 1.85);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(5, 5, $radius * 1.16);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(6, 6, $radius * 2.6);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(7, 8, $radius * 0.87);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(9, 9, $radius * 3.28);
     $worksheet_open_status->setColumn(10, 10, $radius * 1.34);
     //    $worksheet_open_status->setRow(0, 28);
     //    $worksheet_open_status->setRow(2, 32);
     // Create monthly Tab and set Column Width and Row Hight.
     $worksheet_monthly =& $workbook->addWorksheet('Month DR Summary');
     $worksheet_monthly->setColumn(0, 0, $radius * 2.46);
     $worksheet_monthly->setColumn(1, 1, $radius * 0.47);
     $worksheet_monthly->setColumn(2, 2, $radius * 0.63);
     $worksheet_monthly->setColumn(3, 3, $radius * 0.6899999999999999);
     $worksheet_monthly->setColumn(4, 4, $radius * 0.6899999999999999);
     $worksheet_monthly->setColumn(5, 5, $radius * 0.6899999999999999);
     //    $worksheet_monthly->setRow(0, 56);
     // Formats used thoughout the workbook.
     $format_general =& $workbook->addFormat();
     $format_general_title =& $workbook->addFormat();
     $format_general_nowrap =& $workbook->addFormat();
     // Setup templating for the formating of certain cells in the Monthly Group.
     $format_monthly_title =& $workbook->addFormat();
     // Added headers since they never change in the transaction Group.
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 0, 'Status', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 1, 'Due Date', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 2, 'SLA', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 3, 'Date Received', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 4, 'RM Name', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 5, 'RM Employee id', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 6, 'Request Type', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 7, 'MetLife Staff', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 8, 'New Hire', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 9, 'Nates (email body)', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_transaction->write(0, 10, 'Ticket Mask', $format_general_title);
     // Added headers since they never change in the Open Status Group.
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 0, 'Due Date', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 1, 'SLA', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 2, 'Overdue', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 3, 'Date Received', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 4, 'RM Name', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 5, 'RM Employee id', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 6, 'Request Type', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 7, 'MetLife Staff', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 8, 'New Hire', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 9, 'Nates (email body)', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_open_status->write(0, 10, 'Ticket Mask', $format_general_title);
     // Added headers since they never change in the monthly Group.
     $month_text = date("F-y", $start_time);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(0, 0, $month_text, $format_monthly_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(0, 1, '', $format_monthly_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(0, 2, '', $format_monthly_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(0, 3, '', $format_monthly_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(0, 4, '', $format_monthly_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(0, 5, '', $format_monthly_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(1, 0, 'DR Summary', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(1, 1, '', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(2, 0, 'All DRs incoming*', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(3, 0, 'DRs Sent to MetLife', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(4, 0, 'DRs Completed', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(5, 0, 'Average time to reply (day)', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(6, 0, 'Missed DR SLA', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(7, 0, 'DR escalations', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(8, 0, 'DR Unique Users', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(9, 0, 'New Hires (30 Days)', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(10, 0, '', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(10, 1, '', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(11, 0, 'DR Categories', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(11, 1, '#s', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(11, 2, 'Avg SLA', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(11, 3, 'Linda #s', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(11, 4, 'Colin #s', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(11, 5, 'Sarfraz #s', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(12, 0, 'Import Contacts - New hire', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(13, 0, 'Import Contacts', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(14, 0, 'Create mailing list from exiting date', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(15, 0, 'Update existing contacts - batch', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(16, 0, 'Missing or incorrect customer info', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(17, 0, 'Fix duplicate contacts', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(18, 0, 'Export third party file', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(19, 0, 'Other', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(20, 0, 'Total', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(20, 1, '', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(20, 2, '', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(20, 3, '', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(20, 4, '', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(20, 5, '', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(22, 0, '* Some DRs will be deemed normal care and should use other reporting codes, remove from DR reporting', $format_general_nowrap);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(23, 0, '** Days should be tracked as business days', $format_general_nowrap);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(25, 0, 'SLA Goals', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(25, 1, '', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(26, 0, 'Import Contacts - New hire', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(27, 0, 'Import Contacts', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(28, 0, 'Create mailing list from exiting date', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(29, 0, 'Update existing contacts - batch', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(30, 0, 'Missing or incorrect customer info', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(31, 0, 'Fix duplicate contacts', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(32, 0, 'Export third party file', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(33, 0, 'Other', $format_general);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(34, 0, 'Avgerage', $format_general_title);
     $worksheet_monthly->write(34, 1, '', $format_general_title);
     if ($RunFromCron) {
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.metlife.done'));
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating.dr.daily.report'));
     } else {
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.metlife.done');
         print '<br>';
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating.dr.daily.report');
     //SELECT t.id, t.mask, t.created_date ticket_created_date, mc.content, t.is_closed
     //FROM ticket t
     //INNER JOIN message_content mc on t.first_message_id = mc.message_id
     //INNER JOIN message m on t.first_message_id = m.id
     //and team_id = 1721
     //ORDER BY t.id
     $sql = "SELECT t.id, t.mask, ";
     $sql .= "t.created_date ticket_created_date, mc.content ";
     $sql .= "FROM ticket t ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN message_content mc on t.first_message_id = mc.message_id ";
     $sql .= "WHERE t.is_closed = 0 ";
     $sql .= "and t.team_id = 1721 ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY t.id ";
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
     $row = 1;
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $worksheet_open_status->setRow($row, 12);
             $custom_fields = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID, $rs->fields['id']);
             //print "<pre>";
             //print "</pre>";
             // Due Date, SLA, Date Recived, RM Name, RM Employee ID, Topic, Staff, New Hire, Notes/Email Body
             // Due Date Column 0
             $due_date_int = intval($custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][1]);
             if ($due_date_int) {
                 $ticket_due_date = date("n/j/y", $due_date_int);
             } else {
                 $ticket_due_date = "";
             $worksheet_open_status->writeString($row, 0, $ticket_due_date, $format_general);
             // SLA Column 1
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 1, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][5], $format_general);
             // Overdue Column 2
             if (date("U", $due_date_int) >= time()) {
                 $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 2, "No", $format_general);
             } else {
                 $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 2, "Yes", $format_general);
             // Date Recieved Column 3
             $ticket_created_date = date("n/j/y g:i:s A", intval($rs->fields['ticket_created_date']));
             $worksheet_open_status->writeString($row, 3, $ticket_created_date, $format_general);
             // RM Name Column 4
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 4, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][3], $format_general);
             // RM Employee ID Column 5
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 5, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][2], $format_general);
             // Topic / Request Type Column 6
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 6, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][4], $format_general);
             // Staff Column 7
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 7, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][8], $format_general);
             // New Hire Column 8
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 8, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][6], $format_general);
             // Email Body Column 9
             $message_content = $rs->fields['content'];
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 9, trim($message_content), $format_general_nowrap);
             // Ticket Mask Column 10
             $mask = $rs->fields['mask'];
             $worksheet_open_status->write($row, 10, $mask, $format_general);
     if ($RunFromCron) {
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.metlife.done'));
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating.dr.transaction.report'));
     } else {
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.metlife.done');
         print '<br>';
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating.dr.transaction.report');
     //SELECT t.mask, t.created_date ticket_created_date,
     //m.created_date message_created_date, mc.content,
     //FROM message m
     //INNER JOIN ticket t ON m.ticket_id = t.id
     //INNER JOIN address a ON m.address_id = a.id
     //INNER JOIN message_content mc on m.id = mc.message_id
     //WHERE t.team_id = 1721
     //ORDER BY m.id;
     $sql = "SELECT t.id, t.mask, t.created_date ticket_created_date, ";
     $sql .= "m.created_date message_created_date, mc.content, m.is_outgoing ";
     $sql .= "FROM message m ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN ticket t ON m.ticket_id = t.id ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN address a ON m.address_id = a.id ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN message_content mc on m.id = mc.message_id ";
     $sql .= sprintf("WHERE m.created_date > %d AND m.created_date <= %d ", $start_ofday, $end_ofday);
     $sql .= "and t.team_id = 1721 ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY t.id ";
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
     $row = 1;
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $worksheet_transaction->setRow($row, 12);
             $custom_fields = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID, $rs->fields['id']);
             // Status, Due Date, SLA, SLA Age, Date Recived, RM Name, RM Employee ID, Topic, Staff, New Hire, Notes/Email Body
             if (intval($rs->fields['is_outgoing'])) {
                 $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 0, "Recieved", $format_general);
             } else {
                 $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 0, "Sent", $format_general);
             // Due Date Column 1
             $due_date_int = intval($custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][1]);
             if ($due_date_int) {
                 $ticket_due_date = date("n/j/y", $due_date_int);
             } else {
                 $ticket_due_date = "";
             $worksheet_transaction->writeString($row, 1, $ticket_due_date, $format_general);
             // SLA Column 2
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 2, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][5], $format_general);
             // Date Recieved Column 3
             $ticket_created_date = date("n/j/y g:i:s A", intval($rs->fields['ticket_created_date']));
             $worksheet_transaction->writeString($row, 3, $ticket_created_date, $format_general);
             // RM Name Column 4
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 4, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][3], $format_general);
             // RM Employee ID Column 5
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 5, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][2], $format_general);
             // Topic / Request Type Column 6
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 6, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][4], $format_general);
             // Staff Column 7
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 7, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][8], $format_general);
             // New Hire Column 8
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 8, $custom_fields[$rs->fields['id']][6], $format_general);
             // Email Body Column 9
             $message_content = $rs->fields['content'];
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 9, trim($message_content), $format_general_nowrap);
             // Ticket Mask Column 10
             $mask = $rs->fields['mask'];
             $worksheet_transaction->write($row, 10, $mask, $format_general);
     if ($RunFromCron) {
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.metlife.done'));
         $logger->info("[Answernet.com] " . $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating.dr.monthly.report'));
     } else {
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.metlife.done');
         print '<br>';
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating.dr.monthly.report');
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.metlife.done');
         print '<br>';
         print $translate->_('answernet.er.metlife.generating.email.count');
         $worksheet_in_count->setRow(1, 24);
         $row_count = 2;
         foreach ($in_count_admin as $record) {
           $worksheet_in_count->write($row_count, 0, $record['email'], $format_general);
           $worksheet_in_count->write($row_count, 1, $record['count'], $format_general);
         $worksheet_in_count->write(1, 0, 'Total Admin Email', $format_in_count_total);
         $worksheet_in_count->writeFormula(1, 1, "=SUM(B3:B".$row_count.")", $format_general);
         $row_count = 2;
         foreach ($in_count_other as $record) {
           $worksheet_in_count->write($row_count, 2, $record['email'], $format_general);
           $worksheet_in_count->write($row_count, 3, '', $format_general);
           $worksheet_in_count->write($row_count, 4, $record['count'], $format_general);
         $worksheet_in_count->write(1, 2, 'Total Field Email', $format_in_count_total);
         $worksheet_in_count->write(1, 3, '', $format_in_count_total);
         $worksheet_in_count->writeFormula(1, 4, "=SUM(E3:E".$row_count.")", $format_general);
         // Grand Total
         $worksheet_in_count->write(1, 5, 'Grand Total Email', $format_general);
         $worksheet_in_count->writeFormula(1, 6, "=SUM(B2,E2)", $format_general);
         $worksheet_out_count->setRow(1, 24);
         $row_count = 2;
         foreach ($out_count_admin as $record) {
           $worksheet_out_count->write($row_count, 0, $record['email'], $format_general);
           $worksheet_out_count->write($row_count, 1, $record['count'], $format_general);
         $worksheet_out_count->write(1, 0, 'Total Admin Email', $format_general);
         $worksheet_out_count->writeFormula(1, 1, "=SUM(B3:B".$row_count.")", $format_general);
         $row_count = 2;
         foreach ($out_count_other as $record) {
           $worksheet_out_count->write($row_count, 2, $record['email'], $format_general);
           $worksheet_out_count->write($row_count, 3, '', $format_general);
           $worksheet_out_count->write($row_count, 4, $record['count'], $format_general);
         $worksheet_out_count->write(1, 2, 'Total Field Email', $format_general);
         $worksheet_out_count->write(1, 3, '', $format_out_count_total);
         $worksheet_out_count->writeFormula(1, 4, "=SUM(E3:E".$row_count.")", $format_general);
         // Grand Total
         $worksheet_out_count->write(1, 5, 'Grand Total Email', $format_general);
         $worksheet_out_count->writeFormula(1, 6, "=SUM(B2,E2)", $format_general);
     return $filename;
Example #23
 function doDeleteWorkspaceAction()
     @($workspace = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['workspace'], 'string', ''));
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $active_worker = PortSensorApplication::getActiveWorker();
     $lists = DAO_Worklist::getWhere(sprintf("%s = %s AND %s = %d", DAO_Worklist::WORKSPACE, $db->qstr($workspace), DAO_Worklist::WORKER_ID, $active_worker->id));
     DevblocksPlatform::redirect(new DevblocksHttpResponse(array('home')));
Example #24
 static function delete($ids)
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = array($ids);
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     if (empty($ids)) {
     $ids_list = implode(',', $ids);
     $db->Execute(sprintf("DELETE QUICK FROM kb_category WHERE id IN (%s)", $ids_list));
     $db->Execute(sprintf("DELETE QUICK FROM kb_article_to_category WHERE kb_category_id IN (%s)", $ids_list));
     return true;
Example #25
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param boolean $create_if_new
  * @return integer id 
 static function lookupTag($tag_name, $create_if_new = false)
     if (empty($tag_name)) {
         return NULL;
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT t.id FROM tag t WHERE t.name = %s", $db->qstr(strtolower($tag_name)));
     $id = $db->GetOne($sql);
     if (empty($id) && $create_if_new) {
         $id = $db->GenID('tag_seq');
         $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO tag (id,name) VALUES (%d,%s)", $id, $db->qstr(strtolower($tag_name)));
     } else {
         if (empty($id)) {
             return NULL;
     return self::getTag($id);
Example #26
  * Enter description here...
  * @param array $columns
  * @param DevblocksSearchCriteria[] $params
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param integer $page
  * @param string $sortBy
  * @param boolean $sortAsc
  * @param boolean $withCounts
  * @return array
 static function search($columns, $params, $limit = 10, $page = 0, $sortBy = null, $sortAsc = null, $withCounts = true)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $fields = SearchFields_ImportSource::getFields();
     // Sanitize
     if (!isset($fields[$sortBy])) {
         $sortBy = null;
     list($tables, $wheres) = parent::_parseSearchParams($params, $columns, $fields, $sortBy);
     $start = $page * $limit;
     // [JAS]: 1-based
     $total = -1;
     $select_sql = sprintf("SELECT " . "import_source.id as %s, " . "import_source.name as %s, " . "import_source.path as %s, " . "import_source.type as %s, " . "import_source.is_disabled as %s ", SearchFields_ImportSource::ID, SearchFields_ImportSource::NAME, SearchFields_ImportSource::PATH, SearchFields_ImportSource::TYPE, SearchFields_ImportSource::IS_DISABLED);
     $join_sql = "FROM import_source ";
     // Custom field joins
     list($select_sql, $join_sql, $has_multiple_values) = self::_appendSelectJoinSqlForCustomFieldTables($tables, $params, 'import_source.id', $select_sql, $join_sql);
     $where_sql = "" . (!empty($wheres) ? sprintf("WHERE %s ", implode(' AND ', $wheres)) : "");
     $sort_sql = !empty($sortBy) ? sprintf("ORDER BY %s %s ", $sortBy, $sortAsc || is_null($sortAsc) ? "ASC" : "DESC") : " ";
     $sql = $select_sql . $join_sql . $where_sql . ($has_multiple_values ? 'GROUP BY import_source.id ' : '') . $sort_sql;
     // [TODO] Could push the select logic down a level too
     if ($limit > 0) {
         $rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $limit, $start) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
         /* @var $rs */
     } else {
         $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
         /* @var $rs */
         $total = mysql_num_rows($rs);
     $results = array();
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
         $result = array();
         foreach ($row as $f => $v) {
             $result[$f] = $v;
         $object_id = intval($row[SearchFields_ImportSource::ID]);
         $results[$object_id] = $result;
     // [JAS]: Count all
     if ($withCounts) {
         $count_sql = ($has_multiple_values ? "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT import_source.id) " : "SELECT COUNT(import_source.id) ") . $join_sql . $where_sql;
         $total = $db->GetOne($count_sql);
     return array($results, $total);
Example #27
File: App.php Project: Hildy/cerb5
  * Enter description here...
  * @param DevblocksSearchCriteria[] $params
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param integer $page
  * @param string $sortBy
  * @param boolean $sortAsc
  * @param boolean $withCounts
  * @return array
 static function search($columns, $params, $limit = 10, $page = 0, $sortBy = null, $sortAsc = null, $withCounts = true)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $fields = SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::getFields();
     // Sanitize
     if (!isset($fields[$sortBy])) {
         $sortBy = null;
     list($tables, $wheres) = parent::_parseSearchParams($params, $columns, $fields, $sortBy);
     $start = $page * $limit;
     // [JAS]: 1-based [TODO] clean up + document
     $select_sql = sprintf("SELECT " . "wmf.id as %s, " . "wmf.pos as %s, " . "wmf.name as %s, " . "wmf.created as %s, " . "wmf.is_disabled as %s, " . "wmf.worker_id as %s ", SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::ID, SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::POS, SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::NAME, SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::CREATED, SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::IS_DISABLED, SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::WORKER_ID);
     $join_sql = "FROM watcher_mail_filter wmf ";
     // [JAS]: Dynamic table joins
     //			(isset($tables['o']) ? "LEFT JOIN contact_org o ON (o.id=tt.debit_org_id)" : " ").
     //			(isset($tables['mc']) ? "INNER JOIN message_content mc ON (mc.message_id=m.id)" : " ").
     // Custom field joins
     //		list($select_sql, $join_sql, $has_multiple_values) = self::_appendSelectJoinSqlForCustomFieldTables(
     //			$tables,
     //			$params,
     //			'wmf.id',
     //			$select_sql,
     //			$join_sql
     //		);
     $where_sql = "" . (!empty($wheres) ? sprintf("WHERE %s ", implode(' AND ', $wheres)) : "");
     $sort_sql = !empty($sortBy) ? sprintf("ORDER BY %s %s ", $sortBy, $sortAsc || is_null($sortAsc) ? "ASC" : "DESC") : " ";
     $sql = $select_sql . $join_sql . $where_sql . $sort_sql;
     $rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $limit, $start) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
     /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
     $results = array();
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             foreach ($rs->fields as $f => $v) {
                 $result[$f] = $v;
             $id = intval($rs->fields[SearchFields_WatcherMailFilter::ID]);
             $results[$id] = $result;
     // [JAS]: Count all
     $total = -1;
     if ($withCounts) {
         $count_sql = ($has_multiple_values ? "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT wmf.id) " : "SELECT COUNT(wmf.id) ") . $join_sql . $where_sql;
         $total = $db->GetOne($count_sql);
     return array($results, $total);
Example #28
 protected function _stats($table_name)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $stats = array();
     $results = $db->GetArray(sprintf("SELECT storage_extension, storage_profile_id, count(id) as hits, sum(storage_size) as bytes FROM %s GROUP BY storage_extension, storage_profile_id ORDER BY storage_extension", $table_name));
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $stats[$result['storage_extension'] . ':' . intval($result['storage_profile_id'])] = array('storage_extension' => $result['storage_extension'], 'storage_profile_id' => $result['storage_profile_id'], 'count' => intval($result['hits']), 'bytes' => intval($result['bytes']));
     return $stats;
Example #29
 function showTabSettingsAction()
     $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService();
     $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH);
     $license = CerberusLicense::getInstance();
     $tpl->assign('license', $license);
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $rs = $db->Execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
     $total_db_size = 0;
     $total_db_data = 0;
     $total_db_indexes = 0;
     $total_db_slack = 0;
     $total_file_size = 0;
     // [TODO] This would likely be helpful to the /debug controller
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $table_name = $rs->fields['Name'];
             $table_size_data = intval($rs->fields['Data_length']);
             $table_size_indexes = intval($rs->fields['Index_length']);
             $table_size_slack = intval($rs->fields['Data_free']);
             $total_db_size += $table_size_data + $table_size_indexes;
             $total_db_data += $table_size_data;
             $total_db_indexes += $table_size_indexes;
             $total_db_slack += $table_size_slack;
     $sql = "SELECT SUM(file_size) FROM attachment";
     $total_file_size = intval($db->GetOne($sql));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_size', number_format($total_db_size / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_data', number_format($total_db_data / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_indexes', number_format($total_db_indexes / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->assign('total_db_slack', number_format($total_db_slack / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->assign('total_file_size', number_format($total_file_size / 1048576, 2));
     $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'configuration/tabs/settings/index.tpl');
Example #30
  * Enter description here...
  * @param DevblocksSearchCriteria[] $params
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param integer $page
  * @param string $sortBy
  * @param boolean $sortAsc
  * @param boolean $withCounts
  * @return array
 static function search($columns, $params, $limit = 10, $page = 0, $sortBy = null, $sortAsc = null, $withCounts = true)
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     $fields = SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::getFields();
     // Sanitize
     if (!isset($fields[$sortBy])) {
     list($tables, $wheres) = parent::_parseSearchParams($params, $columns, $fields);
     $start = $page * $limit;
     // [JAS]: 1-based [TODO] clean up + document
     $select_sql = sprintf("SELECT " . "o.id as %s, " . "o.name as %s, " . "o.amount as %s, " . "org.id as %s, " . "org.name as %s, " . "o.primary_email_id as %s, " . "a.email as %s, " . "o.created_date as %s, " . "o.updated_date as %s, " . "o.closed_date as %s, " . "o.is_closed as %s, " . "o.is_won as %s, " . "o.worker_id as %s ", SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::ID, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::NAME, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::AMOUNT, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::ORG_ID, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::ORG_NAME, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::PRIMARY_EMAIL_ID, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::EMAIL_ADDRESS, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::CREATED_DATE, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::UPDATED_DATE, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::CLOSED_DATE, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::IS_CLOSED, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::IS_WON, SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::WORKER_ID);
     $join_sql = "FROM crm_opportunity o " . "LEFT JOIN address a ON (a.id = o.primary_email_id) " . "LEFT JOIN contact_org org ON (org.id = a.contact_org_id) ";
     // [JAS]: Dynamic table joins
     //			(isset($tables['m']) ? "INNER JOIN requester r ON (r.ticket_id=t.id)" : " ").
     // Custom field joins
     list($select_sql, $join_sql) = self::_appendSelectJoinSqlForCustomFieldTables($tables, 'o.id', $select_sql, $join_sql);
     $where_sql = "" . (!empty($wheres) ? sprintf("WHERE %s ", implode(' AND ', $wheres)) : "");
     $sort_sql = !empty($sortBy) ? sprintf("ORDER BY %s %s ", $sortBy, $sortAsc || is_null($sortAsc) ? "ASC" : "DESC") : " ";
     $group_sql = "GROUP BY o.id ";
     $sql = $select_sql . $join_sql . $where_sql . $group_sql . $sort_sql;
     $rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $limit, $start) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg());
     /* @var $rs ADORecordSet */
     $results = array();
     if (is_a($rs, 'ADORecordSet')) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $result = array();
             foreach ($rs->fields as $f => $v) {
                 $result[$f] = $v;
             $id = intval($rs->fields[SearchFields_CrmOpportunity::ID]);
             $results[$id] = $result;
     // [JAS]: Count all
     $total = -1;
     if ($withCounts) {
         $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT o.id) " . $join_sql . $where_sql;
         $total = $db->GetOne($count_sql);
     return array($results, $total);