Beispiel #1
  * Prepare sorted column message
  * @param integer &$dt_result                  the link id associated to the
  *                                              query which results have to
  *                                              be displayed
  * @param string  $sort_expression_nodirection sort expression without direction
  * @return  string                              html content
  *          null                                if not found sorted column
  * @access  private
  * @see     getTable()
 private function _getSortedColumnMessage(&$dt_result, $sort_expression_nodirection)
     $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta');
     // To use array indexes
     if (empty($sort_expression_nodirection)) {
         return null;
     if (mb_strpos($sort_expression_nodirection, '.') === false) {
         $sort_table = $this->__get('table');
         $sort_column = $sort_expression_nodirection;
     } else {
         list($sort_table, $sort_column) = explode('.', $sort_expression_nodirection);
     $sort_table = PMA_Util::unQuote($sort_table);
     $sort_column = PMA_Util::unQuote($sort_column);
     // find the sorted column index in row result
     // (this might be a multi-table query)
     $sorted_column_index = false;
     foreach ($fields_meta as $key => $meta) {
         if ($meta->table == $sort_table && $meta->name == $sort_column) {
             $sorted_column_index = $key;
     if ($sorted_column_index === false) {
         return null;
     // fetch first row of the result set
     $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dt_result);
     // initializing default arguments
     $default_function = 'PMA_mimeDefaultFunction';
     $transformation_plugin = $default_function;
     $transform_options = array();
     // check for non printable sorted row data
     $meta = $fields_meta[$sorted_column_index];
     if (stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD) || $meta->type == self::GEOMETRY_FIELD) {
         $column_for_first_row = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents($meta->type, $row[$sorted_column_index], $transformation_plugin, $transform_options, $default_function, $meta, null);
     } else {
         $column_for_first_row = $row[$sorted_column_index];
     $column_for_first_row = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($column_for_first_row, 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']));
     // fetch last row of the result set
     $GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($dt_result, $this->__get('num_rows') - 1);
     $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dt_result);
     // check for non printable sorted row data
     $meta = $fields_meta[$sorted_column_index];
     if (stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD) || $meta->type == self::GEOMETRY_FIELD) {
         $column_for_last_row = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents($meta->type, $row[$sorted_column_index], $transformation_plugin, $transform_options, $default_function, $meta, null);
     } else {
         $column_for_last_row = $row[$sorted_column_index];
     $column_for_last_row = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($column_for_last_row, 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']));
     // reset to first row for the loop in _getTableBody()
     $GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($dt_result, 0);
     // we could also use here $sort_expression_nodirection
     return ' [' . htmlspecialchars($sort_column) . ': <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($column_for_first_row) . ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($column_for_last_row) . '</strong>]';
 * This function looks through the contents of a parsed
 * SHOW CREATE [PROCEDURE | FUNCTION] query and extracts
 * information about the routine's definer.
 * @param array $parsed_query Parsed query, returned by PMA_SQP_parse()
 * @return string  The definer of a routine.
function PMA_RTN_parseRoutineDefiner($parsed_query)
    $retval = '';
    $fetching = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $parsed_query['len']; $i++) {
        if ($parsed_query[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $parsed_query[$i]['data'] == 'DEFINER') {
            $fetching = true;
        } else {
            if ($fetching == true && $parsed_query[$i]['type'] != 'quote_backtick' && substr($parsed_query[$i]['type'], 0, 5) != 'punct') {
            } else {
                if ($fetching == true && $parsed_query[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick') {
                    $retval .= PMA_Util::unQuote($parsed_query[$i]['data']);
                } else {
                    if ($fetching == true && $parsed_query[$i]['type'] == 'punct_user') {
                        $retval .= $parsed_query[$i]['data'];
    return $retval;
Beispiel #3
    // run SQL query
    $import_text = $sql_query;
    $import_type = 'query';
    $format = 'sql';
    // refresh navigation and main panels
    if (preg_match('/^(DROP)\\s+(VIEW|TABLE|DATABASE|SCHEMA)\\s+/i', $sql_query)) {
        $GLOBALS['reload'] = true;
    // refresh navigation panel only
    if (preg_match('/^(CREATE|ALTER)\\s+(VIEW|TABLE|DATABASE|SCHEMA)\\s+/i', $sql_query)) {
        $ajax_reload['reload'] = true;
    // do a dynamic reload if table is RENAMED
    // (by sending the instruction to the AJAX response handler)
    if (preg_match('/^RENAME\\s+TABLE\\s+(.*?)\\s+TO\\s+(.*?)($|;|\\s)/i', $sql_query, $rename_table_names)) {
        $ajax_reload['table_name'] = PMA_Util::unQuote($rename_table_names[2]);
        $ajax_reload['reload'] = true;
    $sql_query = '';
} elseif (!empty($sql_localfile)) {
    // run SQL file on server
    $local_import_file = $sql_localfile;
    $import_type = 'queryfile';
    $format = 'sql';
} elseif (!empty($sql_file)) {
    // run uploaded SQL file
    $import_file = $sql_file;
    $import_type = 'queryfile';
    $format = 'sql';
 * Analyzes SQL queries
 * @param array $arr The SQL queries
 * @return array   The analyzed SQL queries
 * @access public
function PMA_SQP_analyze($arr)
    if ($arr == array() || !isset($arr['len'])) {
        return array();
    $result = array();
    $size = $arr['len'];
    $subresult = array('querytype' => '', 'select_expr_clause' => '', 'position_of_first_select' => '', 'from_clause' => '', 'group_by_clause' => '', 'order_by_clause' => '', 'having_clause' => '', 'limit_clause' => '', 'where_clause' => '', 'where_clause_identifiers' => array(), 'unsorted_query' => '', 'queryflags' => array(), 'select_expr' => array(), 'table_ref' => array(), 'foreign_keys' => array(), 'create_table_fields' => array());
    $subresult_empty = $subresult;
    $seek_queryend = false;
    $seen_end_of_table_ref = false;
    $number_of_brackets_in_extract = 0;
    $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0;
    $number_of_brackets = 0;
    $in_subquery = false;
    $seen_subquery = false;
    $seen_from = false;
    // we must not use CURDATE as a table_ref
    // so we track whether we are in the EXTRACT()
    $in_extract = false;
    // for GROUP_CONCAT(...)
    $in_group_concat = false;
    /* Description of analyzer results
     * db, table, column, alias
     * ------------------------
     * Inside the $subresult array, we create ['select_expr'] and ['table_ref']
     * arrays.
     * The SELECT syntax (simplified) is
     * SELECT
     *    select_expression,...
     *    [FROM [table_references]
     * ['select_expr'] is filled with each expression, the key represents the
     * expression position in the list (0-based) (so we don't lose track of
     * multiple occurrences of the same column).
     * ['table_ref'] is filled with each table ref, same thing for the key.
     * I create all sub-values empty, even if they are
     * not present (for example no select_expression alias).
     * There is a debug section at the end of loop #1, if you want to
     * see the exact contents of select_expr and table_ref
     * queryflags
     * ----------
     * In $subresult, array 'queryflags' is filled, according to what we
     * find in the query.
     * Currently, those are generated:
     * ['queryflags']['select_from'] = 1;  if this is a real SELECT...FROM
     * ['queryflags']['drop_database'] = 1;if this is a DROP DATABASE
     * ['queryflags']['reload'] = 1;       for the purpose of reloading the
     *                                     navigation bar
     * ['queryflags']['distinct'] = 1;     for a DISTINCT
     * ['queryflags']['union'] = 1;        for a UNION
     * ['queryflags']['join'] = 1;         for a JOIN
     * ['queryflags']['offset'] = 1;       for the presence of OFFSET
     * ['queryflags']['procedure'] = 1;    for the presence of PROCEDURE
     * ['queryflags']['is_explain'] = 1;   for the presence of EXPLAIN
     * ['queryflags']['is_delete'] = 1;    for the presence of DELETE
     * ['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1;  for the presence of UPDATE, DELETE
     *                                     or INSERT|LOAD DATA|REPLACE
     * ['queryflags']['is_replace'] = 1;   for the presence of REPLACE
     * ['queryflags']['is_insert'] = 1;    for the presence of INSERT
     * ['queryflags']['is_maint'] = 1;     for the presence of CHECK|ANALYZE
     *                                     |REPAIR|OPTIMIZE|CHECKSUM TABLE
     * ['queryflags']['is_show'] = 1;      for the presence of SHOW
     * ['queryflags']['is_analyse'] = 1;   for the presence of PROCEDURE ANALYSE
     * ['queryflags']['is_export'] = 1;    for the presence of INTO OUTFILE
     * ['queryflags']['is_group'] = 1;     for the presence of GROUP BY|HAVING|
     *                                     SELECT DISTINCT
     * ['queryflags']['is_func'] = 1;      for the presence of SUM|AVG|STD|STDDEV
     *                                     |MIN|MAX|BIT_OR|BIT_AND
     * ['queryflags']['is_count'] = 1;     for the presence of SELECT COUNT
     * ['queryflags']['is_procedure'] = 1; for the presence of CALL
     * ['queryflags']['is_subquery'] = 1;  contains a subquery
     * query clauses
     * -------------
     * The select is split in those clauses:
     * ['select_expr_clause']
     * ['from_clause']
     * ['group_by_clause']
     * ['order_by_clause']
     * ['having_clause']
     * ['limit_clause']
     * ['where_clause']
     * The identifiers of the WHERE clause are put into the array
     * ['where_clause_identifier']
     * For a SELECT, the whole query without the ORDER BY clause is put into
     * ['unsorted_query']
     * foreign keys
     * ------------
     * The CREATE TABLE may contain FOREIGN KEY clauses, so they get
     * analyzed and ['foreign_keys'] is an array filled with
     * the constraint name, the index list,
     * the REFERENCES table name and REFERENCES index list,
     * and ON UPDATE | ON DELETE clauses
     * position_of_first_select
     * ------------------------
     * The array index of the first SELECT we find. Will be used to
     * insert a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS.
     * create_table_fields
     * -------------------
     * Used to detect the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and
     * Also used to store the default value of the field.
     * An array, each element is the identifier name.
     * Note that for now, the timestamp_not_null element is created
     * even for non-TIMESTAMP fields.
     * Sub-elements: ['type'] which contains the column type
     *               optional (currently they are never false but can be absent):
     *               ['default_current_timestamp'] boolean
     *               ['on_update_current_timestamp'] boolean
     *               ['timestamp_not_null'] boolean
     * section_before_limit, section_after_limit
     * -----------------------------------------
     * Marks the point of the query where we can insert a LIMIT clause;
     * so the section_before_limit will contain the left part before
     * a possible LIMIT clause
     * End of description of analyzer results
    // must be sorted
    // TODO: current logic checks for only one word, so I put only the
    // first word of the reserved expressions that end a table ref;
    // maybe this is not ok (the first word might mean something else)
    //        $words_ending_table_ref = array(
    //            'FOR UPDATE',
    //            'GROUP BY',
    //            'HAVING',
    //            'LIMIT',
    //            'LOCK IN SHARE MODE',
    //            'ORDER BY',
    //            'PROCEDURE',
    //            'UNION',
    //            'WHERE'
    //        );
    $words_ending_table_ref = array('FOR' => 1, 'GROUP' => 1, 'HAVING' => 1, 'LIMIT' => 1, 'LOCK' => 1, 'ORDER' => 1, 'PROCEDURE' => 1, 'UNION' => 1, 'WHERE' => 1);
    $words_ending_clauses = array('FOR' => 1, 'LIMIT' => 1, 'LOCK' => 1, 'PROCEDURE' => 1, 'UNION' => 1);
    $supported_query_types = array('SELECT' => 1);
    // loop #1 for each token: select_expr, table_ref for SELECT
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
        //DEBUG echo "Loop1 <strong>"  . $arr[$i]['data']
        //. "</strong> (" . $arr[$i]['type'] . ")<br />";
        // High speed seek for locating the end of the current query
        if ($seek_queryend == true) {
            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_queryend') {
                $seek_queryend = false;
            } else {
            // end if (type == punct_queryend)
        // end if ($seek_queryend)
         * Note: do not split if this is a punct_queryend for the first and only
         * query
         * @todo when we find a UNION, should we split in another subresult?
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_queryend' && $i + 1 != $size) {
            $result[] = $subresult;
            $subresult = $subresult_empty;
        // end if (type == punct_queryend)
        // ==============================================================
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
            if ($in_extract) {
            if ($in_group_concat) {
        // ==============================================================
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
            if ($number_of_brackets == 0) {
                $in_subquery = false;
            if ($in_extract) {
                if ($number_of_brackets_in_extract == 0) {
                    $in_extract = false;
            if ($in_group_concat) {
                if ($number_of_brackets_in_group_concat == 0) {
                    $in_group_concat = false;
        if ($in_subquery) {
             * skip the subquery to avoid setting
             * select_expr or table_ref with the contents
             * of this subquery; this is to avoid a bug when
             * trying to edit the results of
             * select * from child where not exists (select id from
             * parent where child.parent_id =;
        // ==============================================================
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName') {
            $upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
            if ($upper_data == 'EXTRACT') {
                $in_extract = true;
                $number_of_brackets_in_extract = 0;
            if ($upper_data == 'GROUP_CONCAT') {
                $in_group_concat = true;
                $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0;
        // ==============================================================
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
            // We don't know what type of query yet, so run this
            if ($subresult['querytype'] == '') {
                $subresult['querytype'] = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
            // end if (querytype was empty)
            // Check if we support this type of query
            if (!isset($supported_query_types[$subresult['querytype']])) {
                // Skip ahead to the next one if we don't
                $seek_queryend = true;
            // end if (query not supported)
            // upper once
            $upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
             * @todo reset for each query?
            if ($upper_data == 'SELECT') {
                if ($number_of_brackets > 0) {
                    $in_subquery = true;
                    $seen_subquery = true;
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_subquery'] = 1;
                    // this is a subquery so do not analyze inside it
                $seen_from = false;
                $previous_was_identifier = false;
                $current_select_expr = -1;
                $seen_end_of_table_ref = false;
            // end if (data == SELECT)
            if ($upper_data == 'FROM' && !$in_extract) {
                $current_table_ref = -1;
                $seen_from = true;
                $previous_was_identifier = false;
                $save_table_ref = true;
            // end if (data == FROM)
            // here, do not 'continue' the loop, as we have more work for
            // reserved words below
        // end if (type == alpha_reservedWord)
        // ==============================
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_double' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_single' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $arr[$i]['forbidden'] == false) {
            switch ($arr[$i]['type']) {
                case 'alpha_identifier':
                case 'alpha_reservedWord':
                     * this is not a real reservedWord, because it's not
                     * present in the list of forbidden words, for example
                     * "storage" which can be used as an identifier
                    $identifier = $arr[$i]['data'];
                case 'quote_backtick':
                case 'quote_double':
                case 'quote_single':
                    $identifier = PMA_Util::unQuote($arr[$i]['data']);
            // end switch
            if ($subresult['querytype'] == 'SELECT' && !$in_group_concat && !($seen_subquery && $arr[$i - 1]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round')) {
                if (!$seen_from) {
                    if ($previous_was_identifier && isset($chain)) {
                        // found alias for this select_expr, save it
                        // but only if we got something in $chain
                        // (for example, SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt
                        // puts nothing in $chain, so we avoid
                        // setting the alias)
                        $alias_for_select_expr = $identifier;
                    } else {
                        if (!isset($chain)) {
                            $chain = array();
                        $chain[] = $identifier;
                        $previous_was_identifier = true;
                    // end if !$previous_was_identifier
                } else {
                    // ($seen_from)
                    if ($save_table_ref && !$seen_end_of_table_ref) {
                        if ($previous_was_identifier) {
                            // found alias for table ref
                            // save it for later
                            $alias_for_table_ref = $identifier;
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($chain)) {
                                $chain = array();
                            $chain[] = $identifier;
                            $previous_was_identifier = true;
                        // end if ($previous_was_identifier)
                    // end if ($save_table_ref &&!$seen_end_of_table_ref)
                // end if (!$seen_from)
            // end if (querytype SELECT)
        // end if (quote_backtick or double quote or alpha_identifier)
        // ===================================
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_qualifier') {
            // to be able to detect an identifier following another
            $previous_was_identifier = false;
        // end if (punct_qualifier)
         * @todo check if 3 identifiers following one another -> error
        //    s a v e    a    s e l e c t    e x p r
        // finding a list separator or FROM
        // means that we must save the current chain of identifiers
        // into a select expression
        // for now, we only save a select expression if it contains
        // at least one identifier, as we are interested in checking
        // the columns and table names, so in "select * from persons",
        // the "*" is not saved
        if (isset($chain) && !$seen_end_of_table_ref && (!$seen_from && $arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_listsep' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data == 'FROM')) {
            $size_chain = count($chain);
            $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr] = array('expr' => '', 'alias' => '', 'db' => '', 'table_name' => '', 'table_true_name' => '', 'column' => '');
            if (isset($alias_for_select_expr) && mb_strlen($alias_for_select_expr)) {
                // we had found an alias for this select expression
                $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['alias'] = $alias_for_select_expr;
            // there is at least a column
            $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['column'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
            $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
            // maybe a table
            if ($size_chain > 1) {
                $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2];
                // we assume for now that this is also the true name
                $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_true_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2];
                $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'] = $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_name'] . '.' . $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'];
            // end if ($size_chain > 1)
            // maybe a db
            if ($size_chain > 2) {
                $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['db'] = $chain[$size_chain - 3];
                $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'] = $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['db'] . '.' . $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'];
            // end if ($size_chain > 2)
             * @todo explain this:
            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data != 'FROM') {
                $previous_was_identifier = true;
        // end if (save a select expr)
        //    s a v e    a    t a b l e    r e f
        // maybe we just saw the end of table refs
        // but the last table ref has to be saved
        // or we are at the last token
        // or we just got a reserved word
         * @todo there could be another query after this one
        if (isset($chain) && $seen_from && $save_table_ref && ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_listsep' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data != "AS" || $seen_end_of_table_ref || $i == $size - 1)) {
            $size_chain = count($chain);
            $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref] = array('expr' => '', 'db' => '', 'table_name' => '', 'table_alias' => '', 'table_true_name' => '');
            if (isset($alias_for_table_ref) && mb_strlen($alias_for_table_ref)) {
                $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_alias'] = $alias_for_table_ref;
            $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
            // we assume for now that this is also the true name
            $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_true_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
            $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'] = $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_name'];
            // maybe a db
            if ($size_chain > 1) {
                $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['db'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2];
                $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'] = $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['db'] . '.' . $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'];
            // end if ($size_chain > 1)
            // add the table alias into the whole expression
            $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'] .= ' ' . $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_alias'];
            $previous_was_identifier = true;
        // end if (save a table ref)
        // when we have found all table refs,
        // for each table_ref alias, put the true name of the table
        // in the corresponding select expressions
        if (isset($current_table_ref) && ($seen_end_of_table_ref || $i == $size - 1) && $subresult != $subresult_empty) {
            for ($tr = 0; $tr <= $current_table_ref; $tr++) {
                $alias = $subresult['table_ref'][$tr]['table_alias'];
                $truename = $subresult['table_ref'][$tr]['table_true_name'];
                for ($se = 0; $se <= $current_select_expr; $se++) {
                    if (isset($alias) && mb_strlen($alias) && $subresult['select_expr'][$se]['table_true_name'] == $alias) {
                        $subresult['select_expr'][$se]['table_true_name'] = $truename;
                    // end if (found the alias)
                // end for (select expressions)
            // end for (table refs)
        // end if (set the true names)
        // e n d i n g    l o o p  #1
        // set the $previous_was_identifier to false if the current
        // token is not an identifier
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'alpha_identifier' && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_double' && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_single' && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_backtick') {
            $previous_was_identifier = false;
        // end if
        // however, if we are on AS, we must keep the $previous_was_identifier
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data == 'AS') {
            $previous_was_identifier = true;
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && ($upper_data == 'ON' || $upper_data == 'USING')) {
            $save_table_ref = false;
        // end if (data == ON)
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && ($upper_data == 'JOIN' || $upper_data == 'FROM')) {
            $save_table_ref = true;
        // end if (data == JOIN)
         * no need to check the end of table ref if we already did
         * @todo maybe add "&& $seen_from"
        if (!$seen_end_of_table_ref) {
            // if this is the last token, it implies that we have
            // seen the end of table references
            // Check for the end of table references
            // Note: if we are analyzing a GROUP_CONCAT clause,
            // we might find a word that seems to indicate that
            // we have found the end of table refs (like ORDER)
            // but it's a modifier of the GROUP_CONCAT so
            // it's not the real end of table refs
            if ($i == $size - 1 || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && !$in_group_concat && isset($words_ending_table_ref[$upper_data])) {
                $seen_end_of_table_ref = true;
                // to be able to save the last table ref, but do not
                // set it true if we found a word like "ON" that has
                // already set it to false
                if (isset($save_table_ref) && $save_table_ref != false) {
                    $save_table_ref = true;
                //end if
            // end if (check for end of table ref)
        //end if (!$seen_end_of_table_ref)
        if ($seen_end_of_table_ref) {
            $save_table_ref = false;
        // end if
    // end for $i (loop #1)
      if (isset($current_select_expr)) {
       for ($trace = 0; $trace <= $current_select_expr; $trace++) {
           echo "<br />";
           reset ($subresult['select_expr'][$trace]);
           while (list ($key, $val) = each ($subresult['select_expr'][$trace]))
               echo "sel expr $trace $key => $val<br />\n";
      if (isset($current_table_ref)) {
       echo "current_table_ref = " . $current_table_ref . "<br>";
       for ($trace = 0; $trace <= $current_table_ref; $trace++) {
           echo "<br />";
           reset ($subresult['table_ref'][$trace]);
           while (list ($key, $val) = each ($subresult['table_ref'][$trace]))
           echo "table ref $trace $key => $val<br />\n";
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // loop #2: - queryflags
    //          - querytype (for queries != 'SELECT')
    //          - section_before_limit, section_after_limit
    // we will also need this queryflag in loop 2
    // so set it here
    if (isset($current_table_ref) && $current_table_ref > -1) {
        $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] = 1;
    $section_before_limit = '';
    $section_after_limit = '';
    // truly the section after the limit clause
    $seen_reserved_word = false;
    $seen_group = false;
    $seen_order = false;
    $seen_order_by = false;
    $in_group_by = false;
    // true when we are inside the GROUP BY clause
    $in_order_by = false;
    // true when we are inside the ORDER BY clause
    $in_having = false;
    // true when we are inside the HAVING clause
    $in_select_expr = false;
    // true when we are inside the select expr clause
    $in_where = false;
    // true when we are inside the WHERE clause
    $seen_limit = false;
    // true if we have seen a LIMIT clause
    $in_limit = false;
    // true when we are inside the LIMIT clause
    $after_limit = false;
    // true when we are after the LIMIT clause
    $in_from = false;
    // true when we are in the FROM clause
    $in_group_concat = false;
    $first_reserved_word = '';
    $current_identifier = '';
    $unsorted_query = $arr['raw'];
    // in case there is no ORDER BY
    $number_of_brackets = 0;
    $in_subquery = false;
    $arrayFunctions = array("SUM", "AVG", "STD", "STDDEV", "MIN", "MAX", "BIT_OR", "BIT_AND");
    $arrayKeyWords = array("BY", "HAVING", "SELECT");
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
        //DEBUG echo "Loop2 <strong>"  . $arr[$i]['data']
        //. "</strong> (" . $arr[$i]['type'] . ")<br />";
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
            if ($number_of_brackets == 0) {
                $in_subquery = false;
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
            $upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
            if ($upper_data == 'SELECT' && $number_of_brackets > 0) {
                $in_subquery = true;
            if (!$seen_reserved_word) {
                $first_reserved_word = $upper_data;
                $subresult['querytype'] = $upper_data;
                $seen_reserved_word = true;
                if ($first_reserved_word === 'SELECT') {
                    $position_of_first_select = $i;
                } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'EXPLAIN') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_explain'] = 1;
                } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'DELETE') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_delete'] = 1;
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1;
                } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'UPDATE') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1;
                } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'REPLACE') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_replace'] = 1;
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1;
                } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'INSERT') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_insert'] = 1;
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1;
                } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'SHOW') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_show'] = 1;
            } else {
                // for the presence of DROP DATABASE
                if ($first_reserved_word == 'DROP' && $upper_data == 'DATABASE') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['drop_database'] = 1;
                // A table has to be created, renamed, dropped -> navi panel
                // should be reloaded
                $keywords1 = array('CREATE', 'ALTER', 'DROP');
                $keywords2 = array('VIEW', 'TABLE', 'DATABASE', 'SCHEMA');
                if (in_array($first_reserved_word, $keywords1) && in_array($upper_data, $keywords2)) {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['reload'] = 1;
                // for the presence of CHECK|ANALYZE|REPAIR|OPTIMIZE|CHECKSUM TABLE
                $keywords = array('CHECK', 'ANALYZE', 'REPAIR', 'OPTIMIZE', 'CHECKSUM');
                if (in_array($first_reserved_word, $keywords) && $upper_data == 'TABLE') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_maint'] = 1;
            if ($upper_data == 'LIMIT' && !$in_subquery) {
                $section_before_limit = mb_substr($arr['raw'], 0, $arr[$i]['pos'] - 5);
                $in_limit = true;
                $seen_limit = true;
                $limit_clause = '';
                $in_order_by = false;
                // @todo maybe others to set false
            if ($upper_data == 'PROCEDURE') {
                $subresult['queryflags']['procedure'] = 1;
                $in_limit = false;
                $after_limit = true;
                // for the presence of PROCEDURE ANALYSE
                if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && $i + 1 < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']) == 'ANALYSE') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_analyse'] = 1;
            // for the presence of INTO OUTFILE
            if ($upper_data == 'INTO' && isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && $i + 1 < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']) == 'OUTFILE') {
                $subresult['queryflags']['is_export'] = 1;
             * @todo set also to false if we find FOR UPDATE or LOCK IN SHARE MODE
            if ($upper_data == 'SELECT') {
                $in_select_expr = true;
                $select_expr_clause = '';
                // for the presence of SELECT COUNT
                if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && !isset($subresult['queryflags']['is_group']) && $i + 1 < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName' && mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']) == 'COUNT') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_count'] = 1;
            if ($upper_data == 'DISTINCT' && !$in_group_concat) {
                $subresult['queryflags']['distinct'] = 1;
            if ($upper_data == 'UNION') {
                $subresult['queryflags']['union'] = 1;
            if ($upper_data == 'JOIN') {
                $subresult['queryflags']['join'] = 1;
            if ($upper_data == 'OFFSET') {
                $subresult['queryflags']['offset'] = 1;
            // for the presence of CALL
            if ($upper_data == 'CALL') {
                $subresult['queryflags']['is_procedure'] = 1;
            // if this is a real SELECT...FROM
            if ($upper_data == 'FROM' && isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1) {
                $in_from = true;
                $from_clause = '';
                $in_select_expr = false;
            // (we could have less resetting of variables to false
            // if we trust that the query respects the standard
            // MySQL order for clauses)
            // we use $seen_group and $seen_order because we are looking
            // for the BY
            if ($upper_data == 'GROUP') {
                $seen_group = true;
                $seen_order = false;
                $in_having = false;
                $in_order_by = false;
                $in_where = false;
                $in_select_expr = false;
                $in_from = false;
                // for the presence of GROUP BY|HAVING|SELECT DISTINCT
                if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && $i + 1 < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && in_array(mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']), $arrayKeyWords) && $i + 2 < $size && $arr[$i + 2]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 2]['data']) == 'DISTINCT') {
                    $subresult['queryflags']['is_group'] = 1;
            if ($upper_data == 'ORDER' && !$in_group_concat) {
                $seen_order = true;
                $seen_group = false;
                $in_having = false;
                $in_group_by = false;
                $in_where = false;
                $in_select_expr = false;
                $in_from = false;
            if ($upper_data == 'HAVING') {
                $in_having = true;
                $having_clause = '';
                $seen_group = false;
                $seen_order = false;
                $in_group_by = false;
                $in_order_by = false;
                $in_where = false;
                $in_select_expr = false;
                $in_from = false;
            if ($upper_data == 'WHERE') {
                $in_where = true;
                $where_clause = '';
                $where_clause_identifiers = array();
                $seen_group = false;
                $seen_order = false;
                $in_group_by = false;
                $in_order_by = false;
                $in_having = false;
                $in_select_expr = false;
                $in_from = false;
            if ($upper_data == 'BY') {
                if ($seen_group) {
                    $in_group_by = true;
                    $group_by_clause = '';
                if ($seen_order) {
                    $seen_order_by = true;
                    // Here we assume that the ORDER BY keywords took
                    // exactly 8 characters.
                    // We use $GLOBALS['PMA_String']->substr() to be charset-safe;
                    // otherwise if the table name contains accents, the unsorted
                    // query would be missing some characters.
                    $unsorted_query = mb_substr($arr['raw'], 0, $arr[$i]['pos'] - 8);
                    $in_order_by = true;
                    $order_by_clause = '';
            // if we find one of the words that could end the clause
            if (isset($words_ending_clauses[$upper_data])) {
                $in_group_by = false;
                $in_order_by = false;
                $in_having = false;
                $in_where = false;
                $in_select_expr = false;
                $in_from = false;
        // endif (reservedWord)
        // do not add a space after a function name
         * @todo can we combine loop 2 and loop 1? some code is repeated here...
        $sep = ' ';
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName') {
            $sep = '';
            $upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
            if ($upper_data == 'GROUP_CONCAT') {
                $in_group_concat = true;
                $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0;
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
            if ($in_group_concat) {
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
            if ($in_group_concat) {
                if ($number_of_brackets_in_group_concat == 0) {
                    $in_group_concat = false;
        // do not add a space after an identifier if followed by a dot
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' && $i < $size - 1 && $arr[$i + 1]['data'] == '.') {
            $sep = '';
        // do not add a space after a dot if followed by an identifier
        if ($arr[$i]['data'] == '.' && $i < $size - 1 && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier') {
            $sep = '';
        // for the presence of INSERT|LOAD DATA
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' && mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']) == 'DATA' && $i - 1 >= 0 && $arr[$i - 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && in_array(mb_strtoupper($arr[$i - 1]['data']), array("INSERT", "LOAD"))) {
            $subresult['queryflags']['is_insert'] = 1;
            $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1;
        // for the presence of SUM|AVG|STD|STDDEV|MIN|MAX|BIT_OR|BIT_AND
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName' && in_array(mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']), $arrayFunctions) && isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && !isset($subresult['queryflags']['is_group'])) {
            $subresult['queryflags']['is_func'] = 1;
        if ($in_select_expr && $upper_data != 'SELECT' && $upper_data != 'DISTINCT') {
            $select_expr_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
        if ($in_from && $upper_data != 'FROM') {
            $from_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
        if ($in_group_by && $upper_data != 'GROUP' && $upper_data != 'BY') {
            $group_by_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
        if ($in_order_by && $upper_data != 'ORDER' && $upper_data != 'BY') {
            // add a space only before ASC or DESC
            // not around the dot between dbname and tablename
            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
                $order_by_clause .= $sep;
            $order_by_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'];
        if ($in_having && $upper_data != 'HAVING') {
            $having_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
        if ($in_where && $upper_data != 'WHERE') {
            $where_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier') {
                $where_clause_identifiers[] = $arr[$i]['data'];
        // to grab the rest of the query after the ORDER BY clause
        if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && !$in_order_by && $seen_order_by && $upper_data != 'BY') {
            $unsorted_query .= $arr[$i]['data'];
            if ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct_bracket_open_round' && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct_bracket_close_round' && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct') {
                $unsorted_query .= $sep;
        if ($in_limit) {
            if ($upper_data == 'OFFSET') {
                $limit_clause .= $sep;
            $limit_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'];
            if ($upper_data == 'LIMIT' || $upper_data == 'OFFSET') {
                $limit_clause .= $sep;
        if ($after_limit && $seen_limit) {
            $section_after_limit .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
        // clear $upper_data for next iteration
        $upper_data = '';
    // end for $i (loop #2)
    if (empty($section_before_limit)) {
        $section_before_limit = $arr['raw'];
    // -----------------------------------------------------
    // loop #3: foreign keys and MySQL 4.1.2+ TIMESTAMP options
    // (for now, check only the first query)
    // (for now, identifiers are assumed to be backquoted)
    // If we find that we are dealing with a CREATE TABLE query,
    // we look for the next punct_bracket_open_round, which
    // introduces the fields list. Then, when we find a
    // quote_backtick, it must be a field, so we put it into
    // the create_table_fields array. Even if this field is
    // not a timestamp, it will be useful when logic has been
    // added for complete field attributes analysis.
    $seen_foreign = false;
    $seen_references = false;
    $seen_constraint = false;
    $foreign_key_number = -1;
    $seen_create_table = false;
    $seen_create = false;
    $seen_alter = false;
    $in_create_table_fields = false;
    $brackets_level = 0;
    $in_timestamp_options = false;
    $seen_default = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
            $upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
            if ($upper_data == 'NOT' && $in_timestamp_options) {
                if (!isset($create_table_fields)) {
                    $create_table_fields = array();
                $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['timestamp_not_null'] = true;
            if ($upper_data == 'CREATE') {
                $seen_create = true;
            if ($upper_data == 'ALTER') {
                $seen_alter = true;
            if ($upper_data == 'TABLE' && $seen_create) {
                $seen_create_table = true;
                $create_table_fields = array();
            if ($upper_data == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
                if ($in_timestamp_options) {
                    if ($seen_default) {
                        $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['default_current_timestamp'] = true;
            if ($upper_data == 'CONSTRAINT') {
                $seen_foreign = false;
                $seen_references = false;
                $seen_constraint = true;
            if ($upper_data == 'FOREIGN') {
                $seen_foreign = true;
                $seen_references = false;
                $seen_constraint = false;
            if ($upper_data == 'REFERENCES') {
                $seen_foreign = false;
                $seen_references = true;
                $seen_constraint = false;
            // Cases covered:
            // but we set ['on_delete'] or ['on_cascade'] to
            if ($upper_data == 'ON') {
                if (isset($arr[$i + 1]) && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
                    $second_upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']);
                    if ($second_upper_data == 'DELETE') {
                        $clause = 'on_delete';
                    if ($second_upper_data == 'UPDATE') {
                        $clause = 'on_update';
                    // ugly workaround because currently, NO is not
                    // in the list of reserved words in
                    // (we got a bug report about not being able to use
                    // 'no' as an identifier)
                    if (isset($clause) && ($arr[$i + 2]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' || $arr[$i + 2]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' && mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 2]['data']) == 'NO')) {
                        $third_upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 2]['data']);
                        if ($third_upper_data == 'CASCADE' || $third_upper_data == 'RESTRICT') {
                            $value = $third_upper_data;
                        } elseif ($third_upper_data == 'SET' || $third_upper_data == 'NO') {
                            if ($arr[$i + 3]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
                                $value = $third_upper_data . '_' . mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 3]['data']);
                        } elseif ($third_upper_data == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
                            if ($clause == 'on_update' && $in_timestamp_options) {
                                $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['on_update_current_timestamp'] = true;
                                $seen_default = false;
                        } else {
                            $value = '';
                        if (!empty($value)) {
                            if (!isset($foreign)) {
                                $foreign = array();
                            $foreign[$foreign_key_number][$clause] = $value;
                    // endif (isset($clause))
        // end of reserved words analysis
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
            if ($seen_create_table && $brackets_level == 1) {
                $in_create_table_fields = true;
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
            if ($seen_references) {
                $seen_references = false;
            if ($seen_create_table && $brackets_level == 0) {
                $in_create_table_fields = false;
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') {
            $upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
            if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields) {
                if ($upper_data == 'DEFAULT') {
                    $seen_default = true;
                    $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['default_value'] = $arr[$i + 1]['data'];
         * @see @todo 2005-10-16 note: the "or" part here is a workaround for a bug
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_columnType' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName' && $seen_create_table) {
            $upper_data = mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
            if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields && isset($current_identifier)) {
                $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['type'] = $upper_data;
                if ($upper_data == 'TIMESTAMP') {
                    $arr[$i]['type'] = 'alpha_columnType';
                    $in_timestamp_options = true;
                } else {
                    $in_timestamp_options = false;
                    if ($upper_data == 'CHAR') {
                        $arr[$i]['type'] = 'alpha_columnType';
        if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier') {
            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick') {
                // remove backquotes
                $identifier = PMA_Util::unQuote($arr[$i]['data']);
            } else {
                $identifier = $arr[$i]['data'];
            if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields) {
                $current_identifier = $identifier;
                // we set this one even for non TIMESTAMP type
                $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['timestamp_not_null'] = false;
            if ($seen_constraint) {
                $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['constraint'] = $identifier;
            if ($seen_foreign && $brackets_level > 0) {
                $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['index_list'][] = $identifier;
            if ($seen_references) {
                if ($seen_alter && $brackets_level > 0) {
                    $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_index_list'][] = $identifier;
                    // here, the first bracket level corresponds to the
                    // bracket of CREATE TABLE
                    // so if we are on level 2, it must be the index list
                    // of the foreign key REFERENCES
                } elseif ($brackets_level > 1) {
                    $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_index_list'][] = $identifier;
                } elseif ($arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'punct_qualifier') {
                    // identifier is `db`.`table`
                    // the first pass will pick the db name
                    // the next pass will pick the table name
                    $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_db_name'] = $identifier;
                } else {
                    // identifier is `table`
                    $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_table_name'] = $identifier;
    // end for $i (loop #3)
    // Fill the $subresult array
    if (isset($create_table_fields)) {
        $subresult['create_table_fields'] = $create_table_fields;
    if (isset($foreign)) {
        $subresult['foreign_keys'] = $foreign;
    if (isset($select_expr_clause)) {
        $subresult['select_expr_clause'] = $select_expr_clause;
    if (isset($from_clause)) {
        $subresult['from_clause'] = $from_clause;
    if (isset($group_by_clause)) {
        $subresult['group_by_clause'] = $group_by_clause;
    if (isset($order_by_clause)) {
        $subresult['order_by_clause'] = $order_by_clause;
    if (isset($having_clause)) {
        $subresult['having_clause'] = $having_clause;
    if (isset($limit_clause)) {
        $subresult['limit_clause'] = $limit_clause;
    if (isset($where_clause)) {
        $subresult['where_clause'] = $where_clause;
    if (isset($unsorted_query) && !empty($unsorted_query)) {
        $subresult['unsorted_query'] = $unsorted_query;
    if (isset($where_clause_identifiers)) {
        $subresult['where_clause_identifiers'] = $where_clause_identifiers;
    if (isset($position_of_first_select)) {
        $subresult['position_of_first_select'] = $position_of_first_select;
        $subresult['section_before_limit'] = $section_before_limit;
        $subresult['section_after_limit'] = $section_after_limit;
    // They are naughty and didn't have a trailing semi-colon,
    // then still handle it properly
    if ($subresult['querytype'] != '') {
        $result[] = $subresult;
    return $result;
 * sets privilege information extracted from SHOW GRANTS result
 * Detection for some CREATE privilege.
 * Since MySQL 4.1.2, we can easily detect current user's grants using $userlink
 * (no control user needed) and we don't have to try any other method for
 * detection
 * @todo fix to get really all privileges, not only explicitly defined for this user
 * from MySQL manual: (
 * SHOW GRANTS displays only the privileges granted explicitly to the named
 * account. Other privileges might be available to the account, but they are not
 * displayed. For example, if an anonymous account exists, the named account
 * might be able to use its privileges, but SHOW GRANTS will not display them.
 * @return void
function PMA_analyseShowGrant()
    if (PMA_Util::cacheExists('is_create_db_priv')) {
        $GLOBALS['is_create_db_priv'] = PMA_Util::cacheGet('is_create_db_priv');
        $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv'] = PMA_Util::cacheGet('is_reload_priv');
        $GLOBALS['db_to_create'] = PMA_Util::cacheGet('db_to_create');
        $GLOBALS['dbs_where_create_table_allowed'] = PMA_Util::cacheGet('dbs_where_create_table_allowed');
        $GLOBALS['dbs_to_test'] = PMA_Util::cacheGet('dbs_to_test');
    // defaults
    $GLOBALS['is_create_db_priv'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv'] = false;
    $GLOBALS['db_to_create'] = '';
    $GLOBALS['dbs_where_create_table_allowed'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['dbs_to_test'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getSystemSchemas();
    $rs_usr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SHOW GRANTS');
    if (!$rs_usr) {
    $re0 = '(^|(\\\\\\\\)+|[^\\\\])';
    // non-escaped wildcards
    $re1 = '(^|[^\\\\])(\\\\)+';
    // escaped wildcards
    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($rs_usr)) {
        // extract db from GRANT ... ON *.* or GRANT ... ON db.*
        $db_name_offset = mb_strpos($row[0], ' ON ') + 4;
        $show_grants_dbname = mb_substr($row[0], $db_name_offset, mb_strpos($row[0], '.', $db_name_offset) - $db_name_offset);
        $show_grants_dbname = PMA_Util::unQuote($show_grants_dbname, '`');
        $show_grants_str = mb_substr($row[0], 6, mb_strpos($row[0], ' ON ') - 6);
        if ($show_grants_dbname == '*') {
            if ($show_grants_str != 'USAGE') {
                $GLOBALS['dbs_to_test'] = false;
        } elseif ($GLOBALS['dbs_to_test'] !== false) {
            $GLOBALS['dbs_to_test'][] = $show_grants_dbname;
        if ($show_grants_str == 'RELOAD') {
            $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv'] = true;
         * @todo if we find CREATE VIEW but not CREATE, do not offer
         * the create database dialog box
        if ($show_grants_str == 'ALL' || $show_grants_str == 'ALL PRIVILEGES' || $show_grants_str == 'CREATE' || strpos($show_grants_str, 'CREATE,') !== false) {
            if ($show_grants_dbname == '*') {
                // a global CREATE privilege
                $GLOBALS['is_create_db_priv'] = true;
                $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv'] = true;
                $GLOBALS['db_to_create'] = '';
                $GLOBALS['dbs_where_create_table_allowed'][] = '*';
                // @todo we should not break here, cause GRANT ALL *.*
                // could be revoked by a later rule like GRANT SELECT ON db.*
            } else {
                // this array may contain wildcards
                $GLOBALS['dbs_where_create_table_allowed'][] = $show_grants_dbname;
                $dbname_to_test = PMA_Util::backquote($show_grants_dbname);
                if ($GLOBALS['is_create_db_priv']) {
                    // no need for any more tests if we already know this
                // does this db exist?
                if (preg_match('/' . $re0 . '%|_/', $show_grants_dbname) && !preg_match('/\\\\%|\\\\_/', $show_grants_dbname) || !$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('USE ' . preg_replace('/' . $re1 . '(%|_)/', '\\1\\3', $dbname_to_test)) && mb_substr($GLOBALS['dbi']->getError(), 1, 4) != 1044) {
                     * Do not handle the underscore wildcard
                     * (this case must be rare anyway)
                    $GLOBALS['db_to_create'] = preg_replace('/' . $re0 . '%/', '\\1', $show_grants_dbname);
                    $GLOBALS['db_to_create'] = preg_replace('/' . $re1 . '(%|_)/', '\\1\\3', $GLOBALS['db_to_create']);
                    $GLOBALS['is_create_db_priv'] = true;
                     * @todo collect $GLOBALS['db_to_create'] into an array,
                     * to display a drop-down in the "Create database" dialog
                    // we don't break, we want all possible databases
                // end if
            // end elseif
        // end if
    // end while
    // must also cacheUnset() them in
    // libraries/plugins/auth/AuthenticationCookie.class.php
    PMA_Util::cacheSet('is_create_db_priv', $GLOBALS['is_create_db_priv']);
    PMA_Util::cacheSet('is_reload_priv', $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']);
    PMA_Util::cacheSet('db_to_create', $GLOBALS['db_to_create']);
    PMA_Util::cacheSet('dbs_where_create_table_allowed', $GLOBALS['dbs_where_create_table_allowed']);
    PMA_Util::cacheSet('dbs_to_test', $GLOBALS['dbs_to_test']);
 * Checks if a table is 'InnoDB' or not.
 * @param string $table Table details
 * @return bool
function PMA_isTableTransactional($table)
    $table = explode('.', $table);
    if (count($table) == 2) {
        $db = PMA_Util::unQuote($table[0]);
        $table = PMA_Util::unQuote($table[1]);
    } else {
        $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
        $table = PMA_Util::unQuote($table[0]);
    // Query to check if table exists.
    $check_table_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($db) . '.' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ' ' . 'LIMIT 1';
    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($check_table_query);
    if (!$result) {
        return false;
    // List of Transactional Engines.
    $transactional_engines = array('INNODB', 'FALCON', 'NDB', 'INFINIDB', 'TOKUDB', 'XTRADB', 'SEQUENCE', 'BDB');
    // Query to check if table is 'Transactional'.
    $check_query = 'SELECT `ENGINE` FROM `information_schema`.`tables` ' . 'WHERE `table_name` = "' . $table . '" ' . 'AND `table_schema` = "' . $db . '" ' . 'AND UPPER(`engine`) IN ("' . implode('", "', $transactional_engines) . '")';
    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($check_query);
    if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($result) == 1) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Beispiel #7
  * replaces db/table/column names with their aliases
  * @param string $sql_query SQL query in which aliases are to be substituted
  * @param array  $aliases   Alias information for db/table/column
  * @param string $db        the database name
  * @param string $table     the tablename
  * @param string &$flag     the flag denoting whether any replacement was done
  * @return string query replaced with aliases
 public function replaceWithAliases($sql_query, $aliases, $db, $table = '', &$flag = null)
     $flag = false;
     // Return original sql query if no aliases are provided.
     if (!is_array($aliases) || empty($aliases) || empty($sql_query)) {
         return $sql_query;
     $supported_query_types = array('CREATE' => true);
     $supported_query_ons = array('TABLE' => true, 'VIEW' => true, 'TRIGGER' => true, 'FUNCTION' => true, 'PROCEDURE' => true);
     $identifier_types = array('alpha_identifier', 'quote_backtick');
     $query_type = '';
     $query_on = '';
     // Adjustment value for each pos value
     // of token after replacement
     $offset = 0;
     $open_braces = 0;
     $in_create_table_fields = false;
     // flag to force end query parsing
     $query_end = false;
     // Convert all line feeds to Unix style
     $sql_query = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $sql_query);
     $sql_query = str_replace("\r", "\n", $sql_query);
     $tokens = PMA_SQP_parse($sql_query);
     $ref_seen = false;
     $ref_table_seen = false;
     $old_table = $table;
     $on_seen = false;
     $size = $tokens['len'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < $size && !$query_end; $i++) {
         $type = $tokens[$i]['type'];
         $data = $tokens[$i]['data'];
         $data_next = isset($tokens[$i + 1]['data']) ? $tokens[$i + 1]['data'] : '';
         $data_prev = $i > 0 ? $tokens[$i - 1]['data'] : '';
         $d_unq = PMA_Util::unQuote($data);
         $d_unq_next = PMA_Util::unQuote($data_next);
         $d_unq_prev = PMA_Util::unQuote($data_prev);
         $d_upper = mb_strtoupper($d_unq);
         $d_upper_next = mb_strtoupper($d_unq_next);
         $d_upper_prev = mb_strtoupper($d_unq_prev);
         $pos = $tokens[$i]['pos'] + $offset;
         if ($type === 'alpha_reservedWord') {
             if ($query_type === '' && !empty($supported_query_types[$d_upper])) {
                 $query_type = $d_upper;
             } elseif ($query_on === '' && !empty($supported_query_ons[$d_upper])) {
                 $query_on = $d_upper;
         // CREATE TABLE - Alias replacement
         if ($query_type === 'CREATE' && $query_on === 'TABLE') {
             // replace create table name
             if (!$in_create_table_fields && in_array($type, $identifier_types) && !empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['alias'])) {
                 $sql_query = $this->substituteAlias($sql_query, $data, $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['alias'], $pos, $offset);
                 $flag = true;
             } elseif ($type === 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
                 // CREATE TABLE fields started
                 if (!$in_create_table_fields) {
                     $in_create_table_fields = true;
             } elseif ($type === 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
                 // end our parsing after last )
                 // no columns appear after that
                 if ($in_create_table_fields && $open_braces === 0) {
                     $query_end = true;
                 // End of Foreign key reference
                 if ($ref_seen) {
                     $ref_seen = $ref_table_seen = false;
                     $table = $old_table;
                 // handles Foreign key references
             } elseif ($type === 'alpha_reservedWord' && $d_upper === 'REFERENCES') {
                 $ref_seen = true;
             } elseif (in_array($type, $identifier_types) && $ref_seen === true && !$ref_table_seen) {
                 $table = $d_unq;
                 $ref_table_seen = true;
                 if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['alias'])) {
                     $sql_query = $this->substituteAlias($sql_query, $data, $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['alias'], $pos, $offset);
                     $flag = true;
                 // Replace column names
             } elseif (in_array($type, $identifier_types) && !empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$d_unq])) {
                 $sql_query = $this->substituteAlias($sql_query, $data, $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$d_unq], $pos, $offset);
                 $flag = true;
             // CREATE TRIGGER - Alias replacement
         } elseif ($query_type === 'CREATE' && $query_on === 'TRIGGER') {
             // Skip till 'ON' in encountered
             if (!$on_seen && $type === 'alpha_reservedWord' && $d_upper === 'ON') {
                 $on_seen = true;
             } elseif ($on_seen && in_array($type, $identifier_types)) {
                 if (!$ref_table_seen && !empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$d_unq]['alias'])) {
                     $ref_table_seen = true;
                     $sql_query = $this->substituteAlias($sql_query, $data, $aliases[$db]['tables'][$d_unq]['alias'], $pos, $offset);
                     $flag = true;
                 } else {
                     // search for identifier alias
                     $alias = $this->getAlias($aliases, $d_unq);
                     if (!empty($alias)) {
                         $sql_query = $this->substituteAlias($sql_query, $data, $alias, $pos, $offset);
                         $flag = true;
             // CREATE PROCEDURE|FUNCTION|VIEW - Alias replacement
         } elseif ($query_type === 'CREATE' && ($query_on === 'FUNCTION' || $query_on === 'PROCEDURE' || $query_on === 'VIEW')) {
             // characteristics are skipped
             if ($type === 'alpha_identifier' && ($d_upper === 'LANGUAGE' && $d_upper_next === 'SQL' || $d_upper === 'DATA' && $d_upper_prev === 'SQL')) {
                 // No need to process further in case of VIEW
                 // when 'WITH' keyword has been detected
             } elseif ($query_on === 'VIEW' && $type === 'alpha_reservedWord' && $d_upper === 'WITH') {
                 $query_end = true;
             } elseif (in_array($type, $identifier_types)) {
                 // search for identifier alias
                 $alias = $this->getAlias($aliases, $d_unq);
                 if (!empty($alias)) {
                     $sql_query = $this->substituteAlias($sql_query, $data, $alias, $pos, $offset);
                     $flag = true;
     return $sql_query;
  * PMA_Util::unQuote test with chosen quote
  * @param string $param    String
  * @param string $expected Expected output
  * @return void
  * @dataProvider unQuoteSelectedProvider
 public function testUnQuoteSelectedChar($param, $expected)
     $this->assertEquals($expected, PMA_Util::unQuote($param, '"'));
Beispiel #9
 * Looks for the presence of USE to possibly change current db
 * @param string $buffer buffer to examine
 * @param string $db     current db
 * @param bool   $reload reload
 * @return array (current or new db, whether to reload)
 * @access public
function PMA_lookForUse($buffer, $db, $reload)
    if (preg_match('@^[\\s]*USE[[:space:]]+([\\S]+)@i', $buffer, $match)) {
        $db = trim($match[1]);
        $db = trim($db, ';');
        // for example, USE abc;
        // $db must not contain the escape characters generated by backquote()
        // ( used in PMA_buildSQL() as: backquote($db_name), and then called
        // in PMA_importRunQuery() which in turn calls PMA_lookForUse() )
        $db = PMA_Util::unQuote($db);
        $reload = true;
    return array($db, $reload);