  * Outputs export header. It is the first method to be called, so all
  * the required variables are initialized here.
  * @return bool Whether it succeeded
 public function exportHeader()
     global $crlf, $cfg, $db;
     $table = $this->_getTable();
     $tables = $this->_getTables();
     $export_struct = isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_functions']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_tables']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_views']);
     $export_data = isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_contents']) ? true : false;
     if ($GLOBALS['output_charset_conversion']) {
         $charset = $GLOBALS['charset'];
     } else {
         $charset = 'utf-8';
     $head = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>' . $crlf . '<!--' . $crlf . '- phpMyAdmin XML Dump' . $crlf . '- version ' . PMA_VERSION . $crlf . '- https://www.phpmyadmin.net' . $crlf . '-' . $crlf . '- ' . __('Host:') . ' ' . $cfg['Server']['host'];
     if (!empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) {
         $head .= ':' . $cfg['Server']['port'];
     $head .= $crlf . '- ' . __('Generation Time:') . ' ' . PMA_Util::localisedDate() . $crlf . '- ' . __('Server version:') . ' ' . PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION . $crlf . '- ' . __('PHP Version:') . ' ' . phpversion() . $crlf . '-->' . $crlf . $crlf;
     $head .= '<pma_xml_export version="1.0"' . ($export_struct ? ' xmlns:pma="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/some_doc_url/"' : '') . '>' . $crlf;
     if ($export_struct) {
         if (PMA_DRIZZLE) {
             $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult("SELECT\n                        'utf8' AS DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME,\n                        DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME\n                    FROM data_dictionary.SCHEMAS\n                    WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($db) . "'");
         } else {
             $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SELECT `DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME`, `DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME`' . ' FROM `information_schema`.`SCHEMATA` WHERE `SCHEMA_NAME`' . ' = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($db) . '\' LIMIT 1');
         $db_collation = $result[0]['DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME'];
         $db_charset = $result[0]['DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME'];
         $head .= '    <!--' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    - Structure schemas' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    -->' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    <pma:structure_schemas>' . $crlf;
         $head .= '        <pma:database name="' . htmlspecialchars($db) . '" collation="' . $db_collation . '" charset="' . $db_charset . '">' . $crlf;
         if (count($tables) == 0) {
             $tables[] = $table;
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             // Export tables and views
             $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($db) . '.' . PMA_Util::backquote($table), 0);
             $tbl = $result[$table][1];
             $is_view = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->isView();
             if ($is_view) {
                 $type = 'view';
             } else {
                 $type = 'table';
             if ($is_view && !isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_views'])) {
             if (!$is_view && !isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_tables'])) {
             $head .= '            <pma:' . $type . ' name="' . $table . '">' . $crlf;
             $tbl = "                " . htmlspecialchars($tbl);
             $tbl = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $tbl);
             $head .= $tbl . ';' . $crlf;
             $head .= '            </pma:' . $type . '>' . $crlf;
             if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers']) {
                 // Export triggers
                 $triggers = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTriggers($db, $table);
                 if ($triggers) {
                     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                         $code = $trigger['create'];
                         $head .= '            <pma:trigger name="' . $trigger['name'] . '">' . $crlf;
                         // Do some formatting
                         $code = mb_substr(rtrim($code), 0, -3);
                         $code = "                " . htmlspecialchars($code);
                         $code = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $code);
                         $head .= $code . $crlf;
                         $head .= '            </pma:trigger>' . $crlf;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_functions']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_functions']) {
             // Export functions
             $functions = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getProceduresOrFunctions($db, 'FUNCTION');
             if ($functions) {
                 foreach ($functions as $function) {
                     $head .= '            <pma:function name="' . $function . '">' . $crlf;
                     // Do some formatting
                     $sql = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, 'FUNCTION', $function);
                     $sql = rtrim($sql);
                     $sql = "                " . htmlspecialchars($sql);
                     $sql = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $sql);
                     $head .= $sql . $crlf;
                     $head .= '            </pma:function>' . $crlf;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures']) {
             // Export procedures
             $procedures = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getProceduresOrFunctions($db, 'PROCEDURE');
             if ($procedures) {
                 foreach ($procedures as $procedure) {
                     $head .= '            <pma:procedure name="' . $procedure . '">' . $crlf;
                     // Do some formatting
                     $sql = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, 'PROCEDURE', $procedure);
                     $sql = rtrim($sql);
                     $sql = "                " . htmlspecialchars($sql);
                     $sql = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $sql);
                     $head .= $sql . $crlf;
                     $head .= '            </pma:procedure>' . $crlf;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_events']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_events']) {
             // Export events
             $events = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult("SELECT EVENT_NAME FROM information_schema.EVENTS " . "WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA='" . PMA_Util::sqlAddslashes($db) . "'");
             if ($events) {
                 foreach ($events as $event) {
                     $head .= '            <pma:event name="' . $event . '">' . $crlf;
                     $sql = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, 'EVENT', $event);
                     $sql = rtrim($sql);
                     $sql = "                " . htmlspecialchars($sql);
                     $sql = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $sql);
                     $head .= $sql . $crlf;
                     $head .= '            </pma:event>' . $crlf;
         $head .= '        </pma:database>' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    </pma:structure_schemas>' . $crlf;
         if ($export_data) {
             $head .= $crlf;
     return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);
 * Composes the query necessary to create a routine from an HTTP request.
 * @return string  The CREATE [ROUTINE | PROCEDURE] query.
function PMA_RTN_getQueryFromRequest()
    global $_REQUEST, $errors, $param_sqldataaccess, $param_directions;
    $_REQUEST['item_type'] = isset($_REQUEST['item_type']) ? $_REQUEST['item_type'] : '';
    $query = 'CREATE ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_definer'])) {
        if (strpos($_REQUEST['item_definer'], '@') !== false) {
            $arr = explode('@', $_REQUEST['item_definer']);
            $query .= 'DEFINER=' . PMA_Util::backquote($arr[0]);
            $query .= '@' . PMA_Util::backquote($arr[1]) . ' ';
        } else {
            $errors[] = __('The definer must be in the "username@hostname" format');
    if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION' || $_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') {
        $query .= $_REQUEST['item_type'] . ' ';
    } else {
        $errors[] = sprintf(__('Invalid routine type: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['item_type']));
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_name'])) {
        $query .= PMA_Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name']);
    } else {
        $errors[] = __('You must provide a routine name');
    $params = '';
    $warned_about_dir = false;
    $warned_about_name = false;
    $warned_about_length = false;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_param_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['item_param_type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['item_param_length']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_name']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_type']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_length'])) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($_REQUEST['item_param_name']); $i++) {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_param_name'][$i]) && !empty($_REQUEST['item_param_type'][$i])) {
                if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE' && !empty($_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i]) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i], $param_directions)) {
                    $params .= $_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i] . " " . PMA_Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_param_name'][$i]) . " " . $_REQUEST['item_param_type'][$i];
                } else {
                    if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') {
                        $params .= PMA_Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_param_name'][$i]) . " " . $_REQUEST['item_param_type'][$i];
                    } else {
                        if (!$warned_about_dir) {
                            $warned_about_dir = true;
                            $errors[] = sprintf(__('Invalid direction "%s" given for parameter.'), htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i]));
                if ($_REQUEST['item_param_length'][$i] != '' && !preg_match('@^(DATE|DATETIME|TIME|TINYBLOB|TINYTEXT|BLOB|TEXT|MEDIUMBLOB|MEDIUMTEXT|LONGBLOB|LONGTEXT|SERIAL|BOOLEAN)$@i', $_REQUEST['item_param_type'][$i])) {
                    $params .= "(" . $_REQUEST['item_param_length'][$i] . ")";
                } else {
                    if ($_REQUEST['item_param_length'][$i] == '' && preg_match('@^(ENUM|SET|VARCHAR|VARBINARY)$@i', $_REQUEST['item_param_type'][$i])) {
                        if (!$warned_about_length) {
                            $warned_about_length = true;
                            $errors[] = __('You must provide length/values for routine parameters of type ENUM, SET, VARCHAR and VARBINARY.');
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text'][$i])) {
                    if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getTypeClass($_REQUEST['item_param_type'][$i]) == 'CHAR') {
                        $params .= ' CHARSET ' . strtolower($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text'][$i]);
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num'][$i])) {
                    if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getTypeClass($_REQUEST['item_param_type'][$i]) == 'NUMBER') {
                        $params .= ' ' . strtoupper($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num'][$i]);
                if ($i != count($_REQUEST['item_param_name']) - 1) {
                    $params .= ", ";
            } else {
                if (!$warned_about_name) {
                    $warned_about_name = true;
                    $errors[] = __('You must provide a name and a type for each routine parameter.');
    $query .= "(" . $params . ") ";
    if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') {
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_returntype']) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_returntype'], PMA_Util::getSupportedDatatypes())) {
            $query .= "RETURNS {$_REQUEST['item_returntype']}";
        } else {
            $errors[] = __('You must provide a valid return type for the routine.');
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_returnlength']) && !preg_match('@^(DATE|DATETIME|TIME|TINYBLOB|TINYTEXT|BLOB|TEXT|MEDIUMBLOB|MEDIUMTEXT|LONGBLOB|LONGTEXT|SERIAL|BOOLEAN)$@i', $_REQUEST['item_returntype'])) {
            $query .= "(" . $_REQUEST['item_returnlength'] . ")";
        } else {
            if (empty($_REQUEST['item_returnlength']) && preg_match('@^(ENUM|SET|VARCHAR|VARBINARY)$@i', $_REQUEST['item_returntype'])) {
                if (!$warned_about_length) {
                    $warned_about_length = true;
                    $errors[] = __('You must provide length/values for routine parameters of type ENUM, SET, VARCHAR and VARBINARY.');
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_text'])) {
            if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getTypeClass($_REQUEST['item_returntype']) == 'CHAR') {
                $query .= ' CHARSET ' . strtolower($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_text']);
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_num'])) {
            if ($GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getTypeClass($_REQUEST['item_returntype']) == 'NUMBER') {
                $query .= ' ' . strtoupper($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_num']);
        $query .= ' ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_comment'])) {
        $query .= "COMMENT '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddslashes($_REQUEST['item_comment']) . "' ";
    if (isset($_REQUEST['item_isdeterministic'])) {
        $query .= 'DETERMINISTIC ';
    } else {
        $query .= 'NOT DETERMINISTIC ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess']) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'], $param_sqldataaccess)) {
        $query .= $_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'] . ' ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'])) {
        if ($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] == 'DEFINER' || $_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] == 'INVOKER') {
            $query .= 'SQL SECURITY ' . $_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] . ' ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_definition'])) {
        $query .= $_REQUEST['item_definition'];
    } else {
        $errors[] = __('You must provide a routine definition.');
    return $query;
Beispiel #3
 * Composes the query necessary to create an event from an HTTP request.
 * @return string  The CREATE EVENT query.
function PMA_EVN_getQueryFromRequest()
    global $_REQUEST, $errors, $event_status, $event_type, $event_interval;
    $query = 'CREATE ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_definer'])) {
        if (strpos($_REQUEST['item_definer'], '@') !== false) {
            $arr = explode('@', $_REQUEST['item_definer']);
            $query .= 'DEFINER=' . PMA_Util::backquote($arr[0]);
            $query .= '@' . PMA_Util::backquote($arr[1]) . ' ';
        } else {
            $errors[] = __('The definer must be in the "username@hostname" format');
    $query .= 'EVENT ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_name'])) {
        $query .= PMA_Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name']) . ' ';
    } else {
        $errors[] = __('You must provide an event name');
    $query .= 'ON SCHEDULE ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_type']) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_type'], $event_type)) {
        if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'RECURRING') {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_interval_value']) && !empty($_REQUEST['item_interval_field']) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_interval_field'], $event_interval)) {
                $query .= 'EVERY ' . intval($_REQUEST['item_interval_value']) . ' ';
                $query .= $_REQUEST['item_interval_field'] . ' ';
            } else {
                $errors[] = __('You must provide a valid interval value for the event.');
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_starts'])) {
                $query .= "STARTS '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['item_starts']) . "' ";
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_ends'])) {
                $query .= "ENDS '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['item_ends']) . "' ";
        } else {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_execute_at'])) {
                $query .= "AT '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['item_execute_at']) . "' ";
            } else {
                $errors[] = __('You must provide a valid execution time for the event.');
    } else {
        $errors[] = __('You must provide a valid type for the event.');
    $query .= 'ON COMPLETION ';
    if (empty($_REQUEST['item_preserve'])) {
        $query .= 'NOT ';
    $query .= 'PRESERVE ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_status'])) {
        foreach ($event_status['display'] as $key => $value) {
            if ($value == $_REQUEST['item_status']) {
                $query .= $event_status['query'][$key] . ' ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_comment'])) {
        $query .= "COMMENT '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddslashes($_REQUEST['item_comment']) . "' ";
    $query .= 'DO ';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_definition'])) {
        $query .= $_REQUEST['item_definition'];
    } else {
        $errors[] = __('You must provide an event definition.');
    return $query;