Beispiel #1
 * Creates a fieldset for adding a new item, if the user has the privileges.
 * @param string $docu String used to create a link to the MySQL docs
 * @param string $priv Privilege to check for adding a new item
 * @param string $name MySQL name of the item
 * @return string An HTML snippet with the link to add a new item
function PMA_RTE_getFooterLinks($docu, $priv, $name)
    global $db, $url_query, $ajax_class;
    $icon = 'b_' . strtolower($name) . '_add.png';
    $retval = "";
    $retval .= "<!-- ADD " . $name . " FORM START -->\n";
    $retval .= "<fieldset class='left'>\n";
    $retval .= "<legend>" . _pgettext('Create new procedure', 'New') . "</legend>\n";
    $retval .= "        <div class='wrap'>\n";
    if (PMA_Util::currentUserHasPrivilege($priv, $db)) {
        $retval .= "            <a {$ajax_class['add']} ";
        $retval .= "href='db_" . strtolower($name) . "s.php";
        $retval .= "?{$url_query}&amp;add_item=1' onclick='\$.datepicker.initialized = false;'>";
        $retval .= PMA_Util::getIcon($icon);
        $retval .= PMA_RTE_getWord('add') . "</a>\n";
    } else {
        $retval .= "            " . PMA_Util::getIcon($icon);
        $retval .= PMA_RTE_getWord('no_create') . "\n";
    $retval .= "            " . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($docu) . "\n";
    $retval .= "        </div>\n";
    $retval .= "</fieldset>\n";
    $retval .= "<!-- ADD " . $name . " FORM END -->\n\n";
    return $retval;
 * Returns the html content for the query statistics
 * @param PMA_ServerStatusData $ServerStatusData Server status data
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForQueryStatistics($ServerStatusData)
    $retval = '';
    $hour_factor = 3600 / $ServerStatusData->status['Uptime'];
    $used_queries = $ServerStatusData->used_queries;
    $total_queries = array_sum($used_queries);
    $retval .= '<h3 id="serverstatusqueries">';
    /* l10n: Questions is the name of a MySQL Status variable */
    $retval .= sprintf(__('Questions since startup: %s'), PMA_Util::formatNumber($total_queries, 0));
    $retval .= ' ';
    $retval .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('server-status-variables', false, 'statvar_Questions');
    $retval .= '<br />';
    $retval .= '<span>';
    $retval .= '&oslash; ' . __('per hour:') . ' ';
    $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber($total_queries * $hour_factor, 0);
    $retval .= '<br />';
    $retval .= '&oslash; ' . __('per minute:') . ' ';
    $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber($total_queries * 60 / $ServerStatusData->status['Uptime'], 0);
    $retval .= '<br />';
    if ($total_queries / $ServerStatusData->status['Uptime'] >= 1) {
        $retval .= '&oslash; ' . __('per second:') . ' ';
        $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber($total_queries / $ServerStatusData->status['Uptime'], 0);
    $retval .= '</span>';
    $retval .= '</h3>';
    $retval .= PMA_getHtmlForServerStatusQueriesDetails($ServerStatusData);
    return $retval;
 * setup HTML for a given Storage Engine
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForSpecifiedServerEngines()
     * Displays details about a given Storage Engine
    $html = '';
    $engine_plugin = PMA_StorageEngine::getEngine($_REQUEST['engine']);
    $html .= '<h2>' . "\n" . PMA_Util::getImage('b_engine.png') . '    ' . htmlspecialchars($engine_plugin->getTitle()) . "\n" . '    ' . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($engine_plugin->getMysqlHelpPage()) . "\n" . '</h2>' . "\n\n";
    $html .= '<p>' . "\n" . '    <em>' . "\n" . '        ' . htmlspecialchars($engine_plugin->getComment()) . "\n" . '    </em>' . "\n" . '</p>' . "\n\n";
    $infoPages = $engine_plugin->getInfoPages();
    if (!empty($infoPages) && is_array($infoPages)) {
        $html .= '<p>' . "\n" . '    <strong>[</strong>' . "\n";
        if (empty($_REQUEST['page'])) {
            $html .= '    <strong>' . __('Variables') . '</strong>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $html .= '    <a href="server_engines.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('engine' => $_REQUEST['engine'])) . '">' . __('Variables') . '</a>' . "\n";
        foreach ($infoPages as $current => $label) {
            $html .= '    <strong>|</strong>' . "\n";
            if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == $current) {
                $html .= '    <strong>' . $label . '</strong>' . "\n";
            } else {
                $html .= '    <a href="server_engines.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('engine' => $_REQUEST['engine'], 'page' => $current)) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($label) . '</a>' . "\n";
        unset($current, $label);
        $html .= '    <strong>]</strong>' . "\n" . '</p>' . "\n\n";
    unset($infoPages, $page_output);
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) {
        $page_output = $engine_plugin->getPage($_REQUEST['page']);
    if (!empty($page_output)) {
        $html .= $page_output;
    } else {
        $html .= '<p> ' . $engine_plugin->getSupportInformationMessage() . "\n" . '</p>' . "\n" . $engine_plugin->getHtmlVariables();
    return $html;
 * Get HTML for the Change password dialog
 * @param string $mode     where is the function being called?
 *                         values : 'change_pw' or 'edit_other'
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname hostname
 * @return string html snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForChangePassword($mode, $username, $hostname)
     * autocomplete feature of IE kills the "onchange" event handler and it
     * must be replaced by the "onpropertychange" one in this case
    $chg_evt_handler = PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER >= 5 && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < 7 ? 'onpropertychange' : 'onchange';
    $is_privileges = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) === 'server_privileges.php';
    $html = '<form method="post" id="change_password_form" ' . 'action="' . basename($GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF']) . '" ' . 'name="chgPassword" ' . 'class="' . ($is_privileges ? 'submenu-item' : '') . '">';
    $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs();
    if (strpos($GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF'], 'server_privileges') !== false) {
        $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="username" ' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($username) . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="hostname" ' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '" />';
    $html .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_password">' . '<legend' . ($is_privileges ? ' data-submenu-label="' . __('Change password') . '"' : '') . '>' . __('Change password') . '</legend>' . '<table class="data noclick">' . '<tr class="odd">' . '<td colspan="2">' . '<input type="radio" name="nopass" value="1" id="nopass_1" ' . 'onclick="pma_pw.value = \'\'; pma_pw2.value = \'\'; ' . 'this.checked = true" />' . '<label for="nopass_1">' . __('No Password') . '</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="even vmiddle">' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="nopass" value="0" id="nopass_0" ' . 'onclick="document.getElementById(\'text_pma_pw\').focus();" ' . 'checked="checked" />' . '<label for="nopass_0">' . __('Password:'******'&nbsp;</label>' . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw" id="text_pma_pw" size="10" ' . 'class="textfield"' . $chg_evt_handler . '="nopass[1].checked = true" />' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('Re-type:') . '&nbsp;' . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw2" id="text_pma_pw2" size="10" ' . 'class="textfield"' . $chg_evt_handler . '="nopass[1].checked = true" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    $serverType = PMA_Util::getServerType();
    $orig_auth_plugin = PMA_getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin('change', $username, $hostname);
    $is_superuser = $GLOBALS['dbi']->isSuperuser();
    if ($serverType == 'MySQL' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50507 || $serverType == 'MariaDB' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200) {
        // Provide this option only for 5.7.6+
        // OR for privileged users in 5.5.7+
        if ($serverType == 'MySQL' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706 || $is_superuser && $mode == 'edit_other') {
            $auth_plugin_dropdown = PMA_getHtmlForAuthPluginsDropdown($username, $hostname, $orig_auth_plugin, 'change_pw', 'new');
            $html .= '<tr class="vmiddle">' . '<td>' . __('Password Hashing:') . '</td><td>';
            $html .= $auth_plugin_dropdown;
            $html .= '</td></tr>' . '<tr id="tr_element_before_generate_password"></tr>' . '</table>';
            $html .= '<div ' . ($orig_auth_plugin != 'sha256_password' ? 'style="display:none"' : '') . ' id="ssl_reqd_warning_cp">' . PMA_Message::notice(__('This method requires using an \'<i>SSL connection</i>\' ' . 'or an \'<i>unencrypted connection that encrypts the password ' . 'using RSA</i>\'; while connecting to the server.') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('sha256-authentication-plugin'))->getDisplay() . '</div>';
        } else {
            $html .= '<tr id="tr_element_before_generate_password"></tr>' . '</table>';
    } else {
        $auth_plugin_dropdown = PMA_getHtmlForAuthPluginsDropdown($username, $hostname, $orig_auth_plugin, 'change_pw', 'old');
        $html .= '<tr class="vmiddle">' . '<td>' . __('Password Hashing:') . '</td><td>';
        $html .= $auth_plugin_dropdown . '</td></tr>' . '<tr id="tr_element_before_generate_password"></tr>' . '</table>';
    $html .= '</fieldset>' . '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_password_footer" class="tblFooters">' . '<input type="hidden" name="change_pw" value="1" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>';
    return $html;
 * Get HTML for the Change password dialog
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname hostname
 * @return string html snippet
function PMA_getHtmlForChangePassword($username, $hostname)
     * autocomplete feature of IE kills the "onchange" event handler and it
     * must be replaced by the "onpropertychange" one in this case
    $chg_evt_handler = PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER >= 5 && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER < 7 ? 'onpropertychange' : 'onchange';
    $is_privileges = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) === 'server_privileges.php';
    $html = '<form method="post" id="change_password_form" ' . 'action="' . basename($GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF']) . '" ' . 'name="chgPassword" ' . 'class="' . ($is_privileges ? 'submenu-item' : '') . '">';
    $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs();
    if (strpos($GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF'], 'server_privileges') !== false) {
        $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="username" ' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($username) . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="hostname" ' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($hostname) . '" />';
    $html .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_password">' . '<legend' . ($is_privileges ? ' data-submenu-label="' . __('Change password') . '"' : '') . '>' . __('Change password') . '</legend>' . '<table class="data noclick">' . '<tr class="odd">' . '<td colspan="2">' . '<input type="radio" name="nopass" value="1" id="nopass_1" ' . 'onclick="pma_pw.value = \'\'; pma_pw2.value = \'\'; ' . 'this.checked = true" />' . '<label for="nopass_1">' . __('No Password') . '</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="even vmiddle">' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="nopass" value="0" id="nopass_0" ' . 'onclick="document.getElementById(\'text_pma_pw\').focus();" ' . 'checked="checked" />' . '<label for="nopass_0">' . __('Password:'******'&nbsp;</label>' . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw" id="text_pma_pw" size="10" ' . 'class="textfield"' . $chg_evt_handler . '="nopass[1].checked = true" />' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('Re-type:') . '&nbsp;' . '<input type="password" name="pma_pw2" id="text_pma_pw2" size="10" ' . 'class="textfield"' . $chg_evt_handler . '="nopass[1].checked = true" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    $default_auth_plugin = PMA_getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin('change', $username, $hostname);
    // See
    if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50705) {
        $html .= '<tr class="vmiddle">' . '<td>' . __('Password Hashing:') . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="pw_hash" id="radio_pw_hash_mysql_native" ' . 'value="mysql_native_password"';
        if ($default_auth_plugin == 'mysql_native_password') {
            $html .= '" checked="checked"';
        $html .= ' />' . '<label for="radio_pw_hash_mysql_native">' . __('MySQL native password') . '</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr id="tr_element_before_generate_password">' . '<td>&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="pw_hash" id="radio_pw_hash_sha256" ' . 'value="sha256_password"';
        if ($default_auth_plugin == 'sha256_password') {
            $html .= '" checked="checked"';
        $html .= ' />' . '<label for="radio_pw_hash_sha256">' . __('SHA256 password') . '</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    } elseif (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50606) {
        $html .= '<tr class="vmiddle" id="tr_element_before_generate_password">' . '<td>' . __('Password Hashing:') . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="pw_hash" id="radio_pw_hash_new" ' . 'value="' . $default_auth_plugin . '" checked="checked" />' . '<label for="radio_pw_hash_new">' . $default_auth_plugin . '</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    } else {
        $html .= '<tr class="vmiddle">' . '<td>' . __('Password Hashing:') . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="pw_hash" id="radio_pw_hash_new" ' . 'value="mysql_native_password" checked="checked" />' . '<label for="radio_pw_hash_new">mysql_native_password</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr id="tr_element_before_generate_password" >' . '<td>&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>' . '<input type="radio" name="pw_hash" id="radio_pw_hash_old" ' . 'value="old" />' . '<label for="radio_pw_hash_old">' . __('MySQL 4.0 compatible') . '</label>' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    $html .= '</table>';
    $html .= '<div ' . ($default_auth_plugin != 'sha256_password' ? 'style="display:none"' : '') . ' id="ssl_reqd_warning">' . PMA_Message::notice(__('This method requires using an \'<i>SSL connection</i>\' ' . 'or an \'<i>unencrypted connection that encrypts the password ' . 'using RSA</i>\'; while connecting to the server.') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('sha256-authentication-plugin'))->getDisplay() . '</div>';
    $html .= '</fieldset>' . '<fieldset id="fieldset_change_password_footer" class="tblFooters">' . '<input type="hidden" name="change_pw" value="1" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>';
    return $html;
  * Provides the main search form's html
  * @return string HTML for selection form
 public function getSelectionForm()
     $html_output = '<a id="db_search"></a>';
     $html_output .= '<form id="db_search_form"' . ' class="ajax"' . ' method="post" action="db_search.php" name="db_search">';
     $html_output .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($GLOBALS['db']);
     $html_output .= '<fieldset>';
     // set legend caption
     $html_output .= '<legend>' . __('Search in database') . '</legend>';
     $html_output .= '<table class="formlayout">';
     // inputbox for search phrase
     $html_output .= '<tr>';
     $html_output .= '<td>' . __('Words or values to search for (wildcard: "%"):') . '</td>';
     $html_output .= '<td><input type="text"' . ' name="criteriaSearchString" size="60"' . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->_criteriaSearchString) . '" />';
     $html_output .= '</td>';
     $html_output .= '</tr>';
     // choices for types of search
     $html_output .= '<tr>';
     $html_output .= '<td class="right vtop">' . __('Find:') . '</td>';
     $html_output .= '<td>';
     $choices = array('1' => __('at least one of the words') . PMA_Util::showHint(__('Words are separated by a space character (" ").')), '2' => __('all words') . PMA_Util::showHint(__('Words are separated by a space character (" ").')), '3' => __('the exact phrase'), '4' => __('as regular expression') . ' ' . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('Regexp'));
     // 4th parameter set to true to add line breaks
     // 5th parameter set to false to avoid htmlspecialchars() escaping
     // in the label since we have some HTML in some labels
     $html_output .= PMA_Util::getRadioFields('criteriaSearchType', $choices, $this->_criteriaSearchType, true, false);
     $html_output .= '</td></tr>';
     // displays table names as select options
     $html_output .= '<tr>';
     $html_output .= '<td class="right vtop">' . __('Inside tables:') . '</td>';
     $html_output .= '<td rowspan="2">';
     $html_output .= '<select name="criteriaTables[]" size="6"' . ' multiple="multiple">';
     foreach ($this->_tables_names_only as $each_table) {
         if (in_array($each_table, $this->_criteriaTables)) {
             $is_selected = ' selected="selected"';
         } else {
             $is_selected = '';
         $html_output .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($each_table) . '"' . $is_selected . '>' . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', htmlspecialchars($each_table)) . '</option>';
     // end for
     $html_output .= '</select>';
     $html_output .= '</td></tr>';
     // Displays 'select all' and 'unselect all' links
     $alter_select = '<a href="#" ' . 'onclick="setSelectOptions(\'db_search\',' . ' \'criteriaTables[]\', true); return false;">' . __('Select All') . '</a> &nbsp;/&nbsp;';
     $alter_select .= '<a href="#" ' . 'onclick="setSelectOptions(\'db_search\',' . ' \'criteriaTables[]\', false); return false;">' . __('Unselect All') . '</a>';
     $html_output .= '<tr><td class="right vbottom">' . $alter_select . '</td></tr>';
     // Inputbox for column name entry
     $html_output .= '<tr>';
     $html_output .= '<td class="right">' . __('Inside column:') . '</td>';
     $html_output .= '<td><input type="text" name="criteriaColumnName" size="60"' . 'value="' . (!empty($this->_criteriaColumnName) ? htmlspecialchars($this->_criteriaColumnName) : '') . '" /></td>';
     $html_output .= '</tr>';
     $html_output .= '</table>';
     $html_output .= '</fieldset>';
     $html_output .= '<fieldset class="tblFooters">';
     $html_output .= '<input type="submit" name="submit_search" value="' . __('Go') . '" id="buttonGo" />';
     $html_output .= '</fieldset>';
     $html_output .= '</form>';
     $html_output .= '<div id="togglesearchformdiv">' . '<a id="togglesearchformlink"></a></div>';
     return $html_output;
Beispiel #7
 * Get the HTML for the profiling table and accompanying chart if profiling is set.
 * Otherwise returns null
 * @param string $url_query         url query
 * @param string $db                current database
 * @param array  $profiling_results array containing the profiling info
 * @return string $profiling_table html for the profiling table and chart
function PMA_getHtmlForProfilingChart($url_query, $db, $profiling_results)
    if (isset($profiling_results)) {
        $pma_token = $_SESSION[' PMA_token '];
        $url_query = isset($url_query) ? $url_query : PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db));
        $profiling_table = '';
        $profiling_table .= '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Profiling') . '</legend>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '<div style="float: left;">';
        $profiling_table .= '<h3>' . __('Detailed profile') . '</h3>';
        $profiling_table .= '<table id="profiletable"><thead>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= ' <tr>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('Order') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('State') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('general-thread-states') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('Time') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= ' </tr></thead><tbody>' . "\n";
        list($detailed_table, $chart_json, $profiling_stats) = PMA_analyzeAndGetTableHtmlForProfilingResults($profiling_results);
        $profiling_table .= $detailed_table;
        $profiling_table .= '</tbody></table>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '</div>';
        $profiling_table .= '<div style="float: left; margin-left:10px;">';
        $profiling_table .= '<h3>' . __('Summary by state') . '</h3>';
        $profiling_table .= '<table id="profilesummarytable"><thead>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= ' <tr>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('State') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('general-thread-states') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('Total Time') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('% Time') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('Calls') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= '  <th>' . __('ø Time') . '<div class="sorticon"></div></th>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= ' </tr></thead><tbody>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= PMA_getTableHtmlForProfilingSummaryByState($profiling_stats);
        $profiling_table .= '</tbody></table>' . "\n";
        $profiling_table .= <<<EOT
<script type="text/javascript">
    pma_token = '{$pma_token}';
    url_query = '{$url_query}';
        $profiling_table .= "</div>";
        $profiling_table .= "<div class='clearfloat'></div>";
        //require_once 'libraries/chart.lib.php';
        $profiling_table .= '<div id="profilingChartData" style="display:none;">';
        $profiling_table .= json_encode($chart_json);
        $profiling_table .= '</div>';
        $profiling_table .= '<div id="profilingchart" style="display:none;">';
        $profiling_table .= '</div>';
        $profiling_table .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
        $profiling_table .= "AJAX.registerOnload('sql.js', function () {";
        $profiling_table .= 'makeProfilingChart();';
        $profiling_table .= 'initProfilingTables();';
        $profiling_table .= '});';
        $profiling_table .= '</script>';
        $profiling_table .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";
    } else {
        $profiling_table = null;
    return $profiling_table;
 * Define some data and links needed on the client side
 * @param PMA_ServerStatusData $ServerStatusData Server status data
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForClientSideDataAndLinks($ServerStatusData)
     * Define some data needed on the client side
    $input = '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />';
    $form = '<form id="js_data" class="hide">';
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'server_time', microtime(true) * 1000);
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'server_os', PHP_OS);
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'is_superuser', $GLOBALS['dbi']->isSuperuser());
    $form .= sprintf($input, 'server_db_isLocal', $ServerStatusData->db_isLocal);
    $form .= '</form>';
     * Define some links used on client side
    $links = '<div id="profiling_docu" class="hide">';
    $links .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('general-thread-states');
    $links .= '</div>';
    $links .= '<div id="explain_docu" class="hide">';
    $links .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('explain-output');
    $links .= '</div>';
    return $form . $links;
 * Get HTML snippet for display user overview page
 * @param string $pmaThemeImage a image source link
 * @param string $text_dir      text directory
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForUserOverview($pmaThemeImage, $text_dir)
    $html_output = '<h2>' . "\n" . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_usrlist.png') . __('User accounts overview') . "\n" . '</h2>' . "\n";
    $password_column = 'Password';
    if (PMA_Util::getServerType() == 'MySQL' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706) {
        $password_column = 'authentication_string';
    // $sql_query is for the initial-filtered,
    // $sql_query_all is for counting the total no. of users
    $sql_query = $sql_query_all = 'SELECT *,' . " IF(`" . $password_column . "` = _latin1 '', 'N', 'Y') AS 'Password'" . ' FROM `mysql`.`user`';
    $sql_query .= isset($_REQUEST['initial']) ? PMA_rangeOfUsers($_REQUEST['initial']) : '';
    $sql_query .= ' ORDER BY `User` ASC, `Host` ASC;';
    $sql_query_all .= ' ;';
    $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query, null, PMA_DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
    $res_all = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query_all, null, PMA_DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
    if (!$res) {
        // the query failed! This may have two reasons:
        // - the user does not have enough privileges
        // - the privilege tables use a structure of an earlier version.
        // so let's try a more simple query
        $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`user`';
        $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query, null, PMA_DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
        if (!$res) {
            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForViewUsersError();
            $html_output .= PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset();
        } else {
            // This message is hardcoded because I will replace it by
            // a automatic repair feature soon.
            $raw = 'Your privilege table structure seems to be older than' . ' this MySQL version!<br />' . 'Please run the <code>mysql_upgrade</code> command' . '(<code>mysql_fix_privilege_tables</code> on older systems)' . ' that should be included in your MySQL server distribution' . ' to solve this problem!';
            $html_output .= PMA_Message::rawError($raw)->getDisplay();
    } else {
        $db_rights = PMA_getDbRightsForUserOverview();
        // for all initials, even non A-Z
        $array_initials = array();
        foreach ($db_rights as $right) {
            foreach ($right as $account) {
                if (empty($account['User']) && $account['Host'] == 'localhost') {
                    $html_output .= PMA_Message::notice(__('A user account allowing any user from localhost to ' . 'connect is present. This will prevent other users ' . 'from connecting if the host part of their account ' . 'allows a connection from any (%) host.') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('problems-connecting'))->getDisplay();
                    break 2;
         * Displays the initials
         * Also not necessary if there is less than 20 privileges
        if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($res_all) > 20) {
            $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForInitials($array_initials);
         * Display the user overview
         * (if less than 50 users, display them immediately)
        if (isset($_REQUEST['initial']) || isset($_REQUEST['showall']) || $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($res) < 50) {
            $html_output .= PMA_getUsersOverview($res, $db_rights, $pmaThemeImage, $text_dir);
        } else {
            $html_output .= PMA_getAddUserHtmlFieldset();
        // end if (display overview)
        if (!$GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] || !empty($_REQUEST['ajax_page_request'])) {
            if (isset($GLOBALS['flush_priv']) && $GLOBALS['flush_priv']) {
                $flushnote = new PMA_Message(__('Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users\' privileges directly ' . 'from MySQL\'s privilege tables. The content of these ' . 'tables may differ from the privileges the server uses, ' . 'if they have been changed manually. In this case, ' . 'you should %sreload the privileges%s before you continue.'), PMA_Message::NOTICE);
                $flushLink = '<a href="server_privileges.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('flush_privileges' => 1)) . '" id="reload_privileges_anchor">';
                $flushnote->addParam($flushLink, false);
                $flushnote->addParam('</a>', false);
            } else {
                $flushnote = new PMA_Message(__('Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users\' privileges directly ' . 'from MySQL\'s privilege tables. The content of these ' . 'tables may differ from the privileges the server uses, ' . 'if they have been changed manually. In this case, ' . 'the privileges have to be reloaded but currently, you ' . 'don\'t have the RELOAD privilege.') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('privileges-provided', false, 'priv_reload'), PMA_Message::NOTICE);
            $html_output .= $flushnote->getDisplay();
    return $html_output;
  * Test for PMA_getHtmlForSqlQueryFormInsert
  * @return void
 public function testPMAGetHtmlForSqlQueryFormInsert()
     //Call the test function
     $query = "select * from PMA";
     $html = PMA_getHtmlForSqlQueryFormInsert($query);
     //validate 1: query
     $this->assertContains(htmlspecialchars($query), $html);
     //validate 2: enable auto select text in textarea
     $auto_sel = ' onclick="selectContent(this, sql_box_locked, true);"';
     $this->assertContains($auto_sel, $html);
     //validate 3: showMySQLDocu
     $this->assertContains(PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SELECT'), $html);
     //validate 4: $fields_list
     $this->assertContains('<input type="button" value="DELETE" id="delete"', $html);
     $this->assertContains('<input type="button" value="UPDATE" id="update"', $html);
     $this->assertContains('<input type="button" value="INSERT" id="insert"', $html);
     $this->assertContains('<input type="button" value="SELECT" id="select"', $html);
     $this->assertContains('<input type="button" value="SELECT *" id="selectall"', $html);
     //validate 5: Clear button
     $this->assertContains('<input type="button" value="DELETE" id="delete"', $html);
     $this->assertContains(__('Clear'), $html);
Beispiel #11
 * Creates a list of items containing the relevant
 * information and some action links.
 * @param string $type  One of ['routine'|'trigger'|'event']
 * @param array  $items An array of items
 * @return string HTML code of the list of items
function PMA_RTE_getList($type, $items)
    global $table;
     * Conditional classes switch the list on or off
    $class1 = 'hide';
    $class2 = '';
    if (!$items) {
        $class1 = '';
        $class2 = ' hide';
     * Generate output
    $retval = "<!-- LIST OF " . PMA_RTE_getWord('docu') . " START -->\n";
    $retval .= "<fieldset>\n";
    $retval .= "    <legend>\n";
    $retval .= "        " . PMA_RTE_getWord('title') . "\n";
    $retval .= "        " . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu(PMA_RTE_getWord('docu')) . "\n";
    $retval .= "    </legend>\n";
    $retval .= "    <div class='{$class1}' id='nothing2display'>\n";
    $retval .= "      " . PMA_RTE_getWord('nothing') . "\n";
    $retval .= "    </div>\n";
    $retval .= "    <table class='data{$class2}'>\n";
    $retval .= "        <!-- TABLE HEADERS -->\n";
    $retval .= "        <tr>\n";
    // th cells with a colspan need corresponding td cells, according to W3C
    switch ($type) {
        case 'routine':
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Name') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th colspan='4'>" . __('Action') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Type') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Returns') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
            $retval .= "        <tr style='display: none'>\n";
            // see comment above
            for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
                $retval .= "            <td></td>\n";
        case 'trigger':
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Name') . "</th>\n";
            if (empty($table)) {
                $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Table') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th colspan='3'>" . __('Action') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Time') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Event') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
            $retval .= "        <tr style='display: none'>\n";
            // see comment above
            for ($i = 0; $i < (empty($table) ? 7 : 6); $i++) {
                $retval .= "            <td></td>\n";
        case 'event':
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Name') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Status') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th colspan='3'>" . __('Action') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Type') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
            $retval .= "        <tr style='display: none'>\n";
            // see comment above
            for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
                $retval .= "            <td></td>\n";
    $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
    $retval .= "        <!-- TABLE DATA -->\n";
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $rowclass = $count % 2 == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even';
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] && empty($_REQUEST['ajax_page_request'])) {
            $rowclass .= ' ajaxInsert hide';
        // Get each row from the correct function
        switch ($type) {
            case 'routine':
                $retval .= PMA_RTN_getRowForList($item, $rowclass);
            case 'trigger':
                $retval .= PMA_TRI_getRowForList($item, $rowclass);
            case 'event':
                $retval .= PMA_EVN_getRowForList($item, $rowclass);
    $retval .= "    </table>\n";
    $retval .= "</fieldset>\n";
    $retval .= "<!-- LIST OF " . PMA_RTE_getWord('docu') . " END -->\n";
    return $retval;
  * Creates the code for displaying the links
  * at the top of the navigation panel
  * @return string HTML code for the links
 private function _links()
     // always iconic
     $showIcon = true;
     $showText = false;
     $retval = '<!-- LINKS START -->';
     $retval .= '<div id="navipanellinks">';
     $retval .= $this->_getLink('index.php?' . PMA_URL_getCommon(), $showText, __('Home'), $showIcon, 'b_home.png');
     // if we have chosen server
     if ($GLOBALS['server'] != 0) {
         // Logout for advanced authentication
         if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['auth_type'] != 'config') {
             $link = 'index.php?' . $GLOBALS['url_query'];
             $link .= '&amp;old_usr='******'PHP_AUTH_USER']);
             $retval .= $this->_getLink($link, $showText, __('Log out'), $showIcon, 's_loggoff.png', '', true);
         $link = 'querywindow.php?';
         $link .= PMA_URL_getCommon($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']);
         $link .= '&amp;no_js=true';
         $retval .= $this->_getLink($link, $showText, __('Query window'), $showIcon, 'b_selboard.png', 'pma_open_querywindow', true);
     $retval .= $this->_getLink(PMA_Util::getDocuLink('index'), $showText, __('phpMyAdmin documentation'), $showIcon, 'b_docs.png', '', false, 'documentation');
     if ($showIcon) {
         $retval .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('', true);
     if ($showText) {
         // PMA_showMySQLDocu always spits out an icon,
         // we just replace it with some perl regexp.
         $link = preg_replace('/<img[^>]+>/i', __('Documentation'), PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('', true));
         $retval .= $link;
         $retval .= '<br />';
     $retval .= $this->_getLink('#', $showText, __('Reload navigation panel'), $showIcon, 's_reload.png', 'pma_navigation_reload');
     $retval .= '</div>';
     $retval .= '<!-- LINKS ENDS -->';
     return $retval;
Beispiel #13
 * Returns single option in a list element
 * @param string $section name of config section in
 *                               $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin
 * @param string $plugin_name unique plugin name
 * @param array &$propertyGroup options property main group instance
 * @param boolean $is_subgroup if this group is a subgroup
 * @return string  table row with option
function PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, &$propertyGroup, $is_subgroup = false)
    $ret = "\n";
    if (!$is_subgroup) {
        // for subgroup headers
        if (strpos(get_class($propertyGroup), "PropertyItem")) {
            $properties = [$propertyGroup];
        } else {
            // for main groups
            $ret .= '<div class="export_sub_options" id="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyGroup->getName() . '">';
            if (method_exists($propertyGroup, 'getText')) {
                $text = $propertyGroup->getText();
            if ($text != null) {
                $ret .= '<h4>' . PMA_getString($text) . '</h4>';
            $ret .= '<ul>';
    if (!isset($properties)) {
        $not_subgroup_header = true;
        if (method_exists($propertyGroup, 'getProperties')) {
            $properties = $propertyGroup->getProperties();
    if (isset($properties)) {
        foreach ($properties as $propertyItem) {
            $property_class = get_class($propertyItem);
            // if the property is a subgroup, we deal with it recursively
            if (strpos($property_class, "Subgroup")) {
                // for subgroups
                // each subgroup can have a header, which may also be a form element
                $subgroup_header = $propertyItem->getSubgroupHeader();
                if (isset($subgroup_header)) {
                    $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, $subgroup_header);
                $ret .= '<li class="subgroup"><ul';
                if (isset($subgroup_header)) {
                    $ret .= ' id="ul_' . $subgroup_header->getName() . '">';
                } else {
                    $ret .= '>';
                $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, $propertyItem, true);
            } else {
                // single property item
                switch ($property_class) {
                    case "BoolPropertyItem":
                        $ret .= '<li>' . "\n";
                        $ret .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' value="something" id="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' ' . PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName());
                        if ($propertyItem->getForce() != null) {
                            // Same code is also few lines lower, update both if needed
                            $ret .= ' onclick="if (!this.checked &amp;&amp; ' . '(!document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getForce() . '\') ' . '|| !document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getForce() . '\').checked)) ' . 'return false; else return true;"';
                        $ret .= ' />';
                        $ret .= '<label for="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '">' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</label>';
                    case "DocPropertyItem":
                        echo "DocPropertyItem";
                    case "HiddenPropertyItem":
                        $ret .= '<li><input type="hidden" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' value="' . PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName()) . '"' . ' /></li>';
                    case "MessageOnlyPropertyItem":
                        $ret .= '<li>' . "\n";
                        $ret .= '<p>' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</p>';
                    case "RadioPropertyItem":
                        $default = PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName());
                        foreach ($propertyItem->getValues() as $key => $val) {
                            $ret .= '<li><input type="radio" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '" value="' . $key . '" id="radio_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '_' . $key . '"';
                            if ($key == $default) {
                                $ret .= ' checked="checked"';
                            $ret .= ' />' . '<label for="radio_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '_' . $key . '">' . PMA_getString($val) . '</label></li>';
                    case "SelectPropertyItem":
                        $ret .= '<li>' . "\n";
                        $ret .= '<label for="select_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '" class="desc">' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</label>';
                        $ret .= '<select name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' id="select_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '">';
                        $default = PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName());
                        foreach ($propertyItem->getValues() as $key => $val) {
                            $ret .= '<option value="' . $key . '"';
                            if ($key == $default) {
                                $ret .= ' selected="selected"';
                            $ret .= '>' . PMA_getString($val) . '</option>';
                        $ret .= '</select>';
                    case "TextPropertyItem":
                        $ret .= '<li>' . "\n";
                        $ret .= '<label for="text_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '" class="desc">' . PMA_getString($propertyItem->getText()) . '</label>';
                        $ret .= '<input type="text" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ' value="' . PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName()) . '"' . ' id="text_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyItem->getName() . '"' . ($propertyItem->getSize() != null ? ' size="' . $propertyItem->getSize() . '"' : '') . ($propertyItem->getLen() != null ? ' maxlength="' . $propertyItem->getLen() . '"' : '') . ' />';
    if ($is_subgroup) {
        // end subgroup
        $ret .= '</ul></li>';
    } else {
        // end main group
        if (!empty($not_subgroup_header)) {
            $ret .= '</ul></div>';
    if (method_exists($propertyGroup, "getDoc")) {
        $doc = $propertyGroup->getDoc();
        if ($doc != null) {
            if (count($doc) == 3) {
                $ret .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($doc[0], $doc[1], false, $doc[2]);
            } elseif (count($doc) == 1) {
                $ret .= PMA_Util::showDocu('faq', $doc[0]);
            } else {
                $ret .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($doc[0], $doc[1]);
    // Close the list element after $doc link is displayed
    if (isset($property_class)) {
        if ($property_class == 'BoolPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'MessageOnlyPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'SelectPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'TextPropertyItem') {
            $ret .= '</li>';
    $ret .= "\n";
    return $ret;
 * Prints Html for Server Variables Items
 * @param Array $variable_doc_links documentation links
 * @param Array $serverVars         global variables
 * @param Array $serverVarsSession  session variables
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForServerVariablesItems($variable_doc_links, $serverVars, $serverVarsSession)
    // list of static system variables
    $static_variables = PMA_getStaticSystemVariables();
    $output = '<tbody>';
    $odd_row = true;
    foreach ($serverVars as $name => $value) {
        $has_session_value = isset($serverVarsSession[$name]) && $serverVarsSession[$name] != $value;
        $row_class = ($odd_row ? ' odd' : ' even') . ($has_session_value ? ' diffSession' : '');
        $output .= '<tr class="var-row' . $row_class . '">';
        $output .= '<td class="var-action">';
        // Edit Link active only for Dynamic System variables
        if (!in_array(strtolower($name), $static_variables)) {
            $output .= '<a href="#" class="editLink">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_edit.png', __('Edit')) . '</a>';
        } else {
            $output .= '<span title="' . __('This is a read-only variable and can not be edited') . '" class="read_only_var" >' . PMA_Util::getIcon('bd_edit.png', __('Edit')) . '</span>';
        $output .= '</td>';
        $output .= '<td class="var-name">';
        // To display variable documentation link
        if (isset($variable_doc_links[$name])) {
            $output .= '<span title="' . htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $name)) . '">';
            $output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($variable_doc_links[$name][1], false, $variable_doc_links[$name][2] . '_' . $variable_doc_links[$name][0], true);
            $output .= htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $name));
            $output .= '</a>';
            $output .= '</span>';
        } else {
            $output .= htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $name));
        $output .= '</td>';
        $output .= '<td class="var-value value' . ($GLOBALS['dbi']->isSuperuser() ? ' editable' : '') . '">&nbsp;' . PMA_formatVariable($name, $value, $variable_doc_links) . '</td>' . '</tr>';
        if ($has_session_value) {
            $output .= '<tr class="var-row' . ($odd_row ? ' odd' : ' even') . '">' . '<td class="var-action"></td>' . '<td class="var-name session">(' . __('Session value') . ')</td>' . '<td class="var-value value">&nbsp;' . PMA_formatVariable($name, $serverVarsSession[$name], $variable_doc_links) . '</td>' . '</tr>';
        $odd_row = !$odd_row;
    $output .= '</tbody>';
    return $output;
 * Returns single option in a list element
 * @param string  $section        name of config section in
 *                               $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin
 * @param string  $plugin_name    unique plugin name
 * @param array   &$propertyGroup options property main group instance
 * @param boolean $is_subgroup    if this group is a subgroup
 * @return string  table row with option
function PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, &$propertyGroup, $is_subgroup = false)
    $ret = "\n";
    if (!$is_subgroup) {
        // for subgroup headers
        if (mb_strpos(get_class($propertyGroup), "PropertyItem")) {
            $properties = array($propertyGroup);
        } else {
            // for main groups
            $ret .= '<div class="export_sub_options" id="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $propertyGroup->getName() . '">';
            if (method_exists($propertyGroup, 'getText')) {
                $text = $propertyGroup->getText();
            if ($text != null) {
                $ret .= '<h4>' . PMA_getString($text) . '</h4>';
            $ret .= '<ul>';
    if (!isset($properties)) {
        $not_subgroup_header = true;
        if (method_exists($propertyGroup, 'getProperties')) {
            $properties = $propertyGroup->getProperties();
    if (isset($properties)) {
        /** @var OptionsPropertySubgroup $propertyItem */
        foreach ($properties as $propertyItem) {
            $property_class = get_class($propertyItem);
            // if the property is a subgroup, we deal with it recursively
            if (mb_strpos($property_class, "Subgroup")) {
                // for subgroups
                // each subgroup can have a header, which may also be a form element
                /** @var OptionsPropertyItem $subgroup_header */
                $subgroup_header = $propertyItem->getSubgroupHeader();
                if (isset($subgroup_header)) {
                    $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, $subgroup_header);
                $ret .= '<li class="subgroup"><ul';
                if (isset($subgroup_header)) {
                    $ret .= ' id="ul_' . $subgroup_header->getName() . '">';
                } else {
                    $ret .= '>';
                $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, $propertyItem, true);
            // single property item
            $ret .= PMA_getHtmlForProperty($section, $plugin_name, $propertyItem);
    if ($is_subgroup) {
        // end subgroup
        $ret .= '</ul></li>';
    } else {
        // end main group
        if (!empty($not_subgroup_header)) {
            $ret .= '</ul></div>';
    if (method_exists($propertyGroup, "getDoc")) {
        $doc = $propertyGroup->getDoc();
        if ($doc != null) {
            if (count($doc) == 3) {
                $ret .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($doc[1], false, $doc[2]);
            } elseif (count($doc) == 1) {
                $ret .= PMA_Util::showDocu('faq', $doc[0]);
            } else {
                $ret .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($doc[1]);
    // Close the list element after $doc link is displayed
    if (isset($property_class)) {
        if ($property_class == 'BoolPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'MessageOnlyPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'SelectPropertyItem' || $property_class == 'TextPropertyItem') {
            $ret .= '</li>';
    $ret .= "\n";
    return $ret;
 * Function to get html for displaying the index form
 * @param array     $fields      fields
 * @param PMA_Index $index       index
 * @param array     $form_params form parameters
 * @param int       $add_fields  number of fields in the form
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForIndexForm($fields, $index, $form_params, $add_fields)
    $html = "";
    $html .= '<form action="tbl_indexes.php" method="post" name="index_frm" id="' . 'index_frm" class="ajax"' . 'onsubmit="if (typeof(this.elements[\'index[Key_name]\'].disabled) !=' . ' \'undefined\') {' . 'this.elements[\'index[Key_name]\'].disabled = false}">';
    $html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($form_params);
    $html .= '<fieldset id="index_edit_fields">';
    $html .= '<div class="index_info">';
    $html .= '<div>' . '<div class="label">' . '<strong>' . '<label for="input_index_name">' . __('Index name:') . PMA_Util::showHint(PMA_Message::notice(__('"PRIMARY" <b>must</b> be the name of' . ' and <b>only of</b> a primary key!'))) . '</label>' . '</strong>' . '</div>' . '<input type="text" name="index[Key_name]" id="input_index_name"' . ' size="25"' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($index->getName()) . '"' . 'onfocus="" />' . '</div>';
    $html .= '<div>' . '<div class="label">' . '<strong>' . '<label for="input_index_comment">' . __('Comment:') . '</label>' . '</strong>' . '</div>' . '<input type="text" name="index[Index_comment]" ' . 'id="input_index_comment" size="30"' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($index->getComment()) . '"' . 'onfocus="" />' . '</div>';
    $html .= '<div>' . '<div class="label">' . '<strong>' . '<label for="select_index_type">' . __('Index type:') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('ALTER_TABLE') . '</label>' . '</strong>' . '</div>' . '<select name="index[Index_type]" id="select_index_type" ' . (isset($_REQUEST['create_edit_table']) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>' . $index->generateIndexSelector() . '</select>' . '</div>';
    $html .= '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
    $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '<table id="index_columns">';
    $html .= '<thead>' . '<tr>' . '<th>' . __('Column') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Size') . '</th>' . '</tr>' . '</thead>';
    $odd_row = true;
    $spatial_types = array('geometry', 'point', 'linestring', 'polygon', 'multipoint', 'multilinestring', 'multipolygon', 'geomtrycollection');
    $html .= '<tbody>';
    /* @var $column PMA_Index_Column */
    foreach ($index->getColumns() as $column) {
        $html .= '<tr class="';
        $html .= $odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even';
        $html .= 'noclick">';
        $html .= '<td><span class="drag_icon" title="' . __('Drag to reorder') . '"' . '></span>';
        $html .= '<select name="index[columns][names][]">';
        $html .= '<option value="">-- ' . __('Ignore') . ' --</option>';
        foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_type) {
            if (($index->getType() != 'FULLTEXT' || preg_match('/(char|text)/i', $field_type)) && ($index->getType() != 'SPATIAL' || in_array($field_type, $spatial_types))) {
                $html .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($field_name) . '"' . ($field_name == $column->getName() ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($field_name) . ' [' . htmlspecialchars($field_type) . ']' . '</option>' . "\n";
        // end foreach $fields
        $html .= '</select>';
        $html .= '</td>';
        $html .= '<td>';
        $html .= '<input type="text" size="5" onfocus=""' . 'name="index[columns][sub_parts][]" value="';
        if ($index->getType() != 'SPATIAL') {
            $html .= $column->getSubPart();
        $html .= '"/>';
        $html .= '</td>';
        $html .= '</tr>';
        $odd_row = !$odd_row;
    // end foreach $edited_index_info['Sequences']
    for ($i = 0; $i < $add_fields; $i++) {
        $html .= '<tr class="';
        $html .= $odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even';
        $html .= 'noclick">';
        $html .= '<td><span class="drag_icon" title="' . __('Drag to reorder') . '"' . '></span>';
        $html .= '<select name="index[columns][names][]">';
        $html .= '<option value="">-- ' . __('Ignore') . ' --</option>';
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_type) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['create_edit_table'])) {
                $col_index = $field_type[1];
                $field_type = $field_type[0];
            $html .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars(isset($col_index) ? $col_index : $field_name) . '" ' . ($j++ == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($field_name) . ' [' . htmlspecialchars($field_type) . ']' . '</option>' . "\n";
        // end foreach $fields
        $html .= '</select>';
        $html .= '</td>';
        $html .= '<td>' . '<input type="text" size="5" onfocus=""' . 'name="index[columns][sub_parts][]" value="" />' . '</td>';
        $html .= '</tr>';
        $odd_row = !$odd_row;
    // end foreach $edited_index_info['Sequences']
    $html .= '</tbody>';
    $html .= '</table>';
    $html .= '</fieldset>';
    $html .= '<fieldset class="tblFooters">';
    $btn_value = sprintf(__('Add %s column(s) to index'), 1);
    $html .= '<div class="slider"></div>';
    $html .= '<div class="add_fields">';
    $html .= '<input type="submit" value="' . $btn_value . '" />';
    $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '</fieldset>';
    $html .= '</form>';
    return $html;
Beispiel #17
 * Get HTML links for 'Print view', 'Relation view', 'Propose table structure',
 * 'Track table' and 'Move columns'
 * @param string  $url_query           url query
 * @param boolean $tbl_is_view         whether table is view or not
 * @param boolean $db_is_system_schema whether db is information schema or not
 * @param string  $tbl_storage_engine  table storage engine
 * @param array   $cfgRelation         current relation parameters
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForOptionalActionLinks($url_query, $tbl_is_view, $db_is_system_schema, $tbl_storage_engine, $cfgRelation)
    $html_output = '<a href="tbl_printview.php?' . $url_query . '" target="print_view">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_print.png', __('Print view'), true) . '</a>';
    if (!$tbl_is_view && !$db_is_system_schema) {
        // if internal relations are available, or foreign keys are supported
        // ($tbl_storage_engine comes from libraries/
        if ($cfgRelation['relwork'] || PMA_Util::isForeignKeySupported($tbl_storage_engine)) {
            $html_output .= '<a href="tbl_relation.php?' . $url_query . '">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_relations.png', __('Relation view'), true) . '</a>';
        if (!PMA_DRIZZLE) {
            $html_output .= '<a href="sql.php?' . $url_query . '&amp;session_max_rows=all&amp;sql_query=' . urlencode('SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' PROCEDURE ANALYSE()') . '">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_tblanalyse.png', __('Propose table structure'), true) . '</a>';
            $html_output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('procedure_analyse') . "\n";
        if (PMA_Tracker::isActive()) {
            $html_output .= '<a href="tbl_tracking.php?' . $url_query . '">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('eye.png', __('Track table'), true) . '</a>';
        $html_output .= '<a href="#" id="move_columns_anchor">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_move.png', __('Move columns'), true) . '</a>';
    return $html_output;
 * Function to get header cells
 * @param bool       $is_backup  whether backup or not
 * @param array|null $columnMeta column meta data
 * @param bool       $mimework   whether mimework or not
 * @param string     $db         current database
 * @param string     $table      current table
 * @return array
function PMA_getHeaderCells($is_backup, $columnMeta, $mimework, $db, $table)
    $header_cells = array();
    $header_cells[] = __('Name');
    $header_cells[] = __('Type') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('data-types');
    $header_cells[] = __('Length/Values') . PMA_Util::showHint(__('If column type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using' . ' this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'…<br />If you ever need to put' . ' a backslash ("\\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those' . ' values, precede it with a backslash (for example \'\\\\xyz\'' . ' or \'a\\\'b\').'));
    $header_cells[] = __('Default') . PMA_Util::showHint(__('For default values, please enter just a single value,' . ' without backslash escaping or quotes, using this format: a'));
    $header_cells[] = __('Collation');
    $header_cells[] = __('Attributes');
    $header_cells[] = __('Null');
    // We could remove this 'if' and let the key information be shown and
    // editable. However, for this to work, structure.lib.php must be modified
    // to use the key fields, as tbl_addfield does.
    if (!$is_backup) {
        $header_cells[] = __('Index');
    $header_cells[] = '<abbr title="AUTO_INCREMENT">A_I</abbr>';
    $header_cells[] = __('Comments');
    if (isset($columnMeta)) {
        $header_cells[] = __('Move column');
    if ($mimework && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']) {
        $header_cells[] = __('MIME type');
        $header_link = '<a href="transformation_overview.php?' . PMA_URL_getCommon($db, $table) . '#%s" title="' . __('List of available transformations and their options') . '" target="_blank">%s</a>';
        $transformations_hint = PMA_Util::showHint(__('Please enter the values for transformation options using this' . ' format: \'a\', 100, b,\'c\'…<br />If you ever need to put' . ' a backslash ("\\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those' . ' values, precede it with a backslash (for example \'\\\\xyz\'' . ' or \'a\\\'b\').'));
        $header_cells[] = sprintf($header_link, 'transformation', __('Browser display transformation'));
        $header_cells[] = __('Browser display transformation options') . $transformations_hint;
        $header_cells[] = sprintf($header_link, 'input_transformation', __('Input transformation'));
        $header_cells[] = __('Input transformation options') . $transformations_hint;
    return $header_cells;
 * Get initial values for Sql Query Form Insert
 * @param string $query query to display in the textarea
 * @return array ($legend, $query, $columns_list)
 * @usedby  PMA_getHtmlForSqlQueryFormInsert()
function PMA_initQueryForm($query)
    $columns_list = array();
    if (!mb_strlen($GLOBALS['db'])) {
        // prepare for server related
        $legend = sprintf(__('Run SQL query/queries on server %s'), '&quot;' . htmlspecialchars(!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]['verbose']) ? $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]['verbose'] : $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]['host']) . '&quot;');
    } elseif (!mb_strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) {
        // prepare for db related
        $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
        // if you want navigation:
        $tmp_db_link = '<a href="' . PMA_Util::getScriptNameForOption($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'], 'database') . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db)) . '"';
        $tmp_db_link .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($db) . '</a>';
        $legend = sprintf(__('Run SQL query/queries on database %s'), $tmp_db_link);
        if (empty($query)) {
            $query = PMA_Util::expandUserString($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultQueryDatabase'], 'backquote');
    } else {
        $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
        // Get the list and number of fields
        // we do a try_query here, because we could be in the query window,
        // trying to synchronize and the table has not yet been created
        $columns_list = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $GLOBALS['table'], null, true);
        $tmp_db_link = '<a href="' . PMA_Util::getScriptNameForOption($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'], 'database') . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db)) . '"';
        $tmp_db_link .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($db) . '</a>';
        $legend = sprintf(__('Run SQL query/queries on database %s'), $tmp_db_link);
        if (empty($query)) {
            $query = PMA_Util::expandUserString($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultQueryTable'], 'backquote');
    $legend .= ': ' . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SELECT');
    return array($legend, $query, $columns_list);
 * Creates a list of items containing the relevant
 * information and some action links.
 * @param string $type  One of ['routine'|'trigger'|'event']
 * @param array  $items An array of items
 * @return string HTML code of the list of items
function PMA_RTE_getList($type, $items)
    global $table;
     * Conditional classes switch the list on or off
    $class1 = 'hide';
    $class2 = '';
    if (!$items) {
        $class1 = '';
        $class2 = ' hide';
     * Generate output
    $retval = "<!-- LIST OF " . PMA_RTE_getWord('docu') . " START -->\n";
    $retval .= '<form id="rteListForm" class="ajax" action="';
    switch ($type) {
        case 'routine':
            $retval .= 'db_routines.php';
        case 'trigger':
            if (!empty($table)) {
                $retval .= 'tbl_triggers.php';
            } else {
                $retval .= 'db_triggers.php';
        case 'event':
            $retval .= 'db_events.php';
    $retval .= '">';
    $retval .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']);
    $retval .= "<fieldset>\n";
    $retval .= "    <legend>\n";
    $retval .= "        " . PMA_RTE_getWord('title') . "\n";
    $retval .= "        " . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu(PMA_RTE_getWord('docu')) . "\n";
    $retval .= "    </legend>\n";
    $retval .= "    <div class='{$class1}' id='nothing2display'>\n";
    $retval .= "      " . PMA_RTE_getWord('nothing') . "\n";
    $retval .= "    </div>\n";
    $retval .= "    <table class='data{$class2}'>\n";
    $retval .= "        <!-- TABLE HEADERS -->\n";
    $retval .= "        <tr>\n";
    // th cells with a colspan need corresponding td cells, according to W3C
    switch ($type) {
        case 'routine':
            $retval .= "            <th></th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Name') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th colspan='4'>" . __('Action') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Type') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Returns') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
            $retval .= "        <tr style='display: none'>\n";
            // see comment above
            for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
                $retval .= "            <td></td>\n";
        case 'trigger':
            $retval .= "            <th></th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Name') . "</th>\n";
            if (empty($table)) {
                $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Table') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th colspan='3'>" . __('Action') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Time') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Event') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
            $retval .= "        <tr style='display: none'>\n";
            // see comment above
            for ($i = 0; $i < (empty($table) ? 7 : 6); $i++) {
                $retval .= "            <td></td>\n";
        case 'event':
            $retval .= "            <th></th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Name') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Status') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th colspan='3'>" . __('Action') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "            <th>" . __('Type') . "</th>\n";
            $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
            $retval .= "        <tr style='display: none'>\n";
            // see comment above
            for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
                $retval .= "            <td></td>\n";
    $retval .= "        </tr>\n";
    $retval .= "        <!-- TABLE DATA -->\n";
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $rowclass = $count % 2 == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even';
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] && empty($_REQUEST['ajax_page_request'])) {
            $rowclass .= ' ajaxInsert hide';
        // Get each row from the correct function
        switch ($type) {
            case 'routine':
                $retval .= PMA_RTN_getRowForList($item, $rowclass);
            case 'trigger':
                $retval .= PMA_TRI_getRowForList($item, $rowclass);
            case 'event':
                $retval .= PMA_EVN_getRowForList($item, $rowclass);
    $retval .= "    </table>\n";
    if (count($items)) {
        $retval .= '<div class="withSelected">';
        $retval .= PMA_Util::getWithSelected($GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'], $GLOBALS['text_dir'], 'rteListForm');
        $retval .= PMA_Util::getButtonOrImage('submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_export', __('Export'), 'b_export.png', 'export');
        $retval .= PMA_Util::getButtonOrImage('submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_drop', __('Drop'), 'b_drop.png', 'drop');
        $retval .= '</div>';
    $retval .= "</fieldset>\n";
    $retval .= "</form>\n";
    $retval .= "<!-- LIST OF " . PMA_RTE_getWord('docu') . " END -->\n";
    return $retval;
Beispiel #21
 * prints list item for main page
 * @param string $name            displayed text
 * @param string $listId          id, used for css styles
 * @param string $url             make item as link with $url as target
 * @param string $mysql_help_page display a link to MySQL's manual
 * @param string $target          special target for $url
 * @param string $a_id            id for the anchor,
 *                                used for jQuery to hook in functions
 * @param string $class           class for the li element
 * @param string $a_class         class for the anchor element
 * @return void
function PMA_printListItem($name, $listId = null, $url = null, $mysql_help_page = null, $target = null, $a_id = null, $class = null, $a_class = null)
    echo '<li id="' . $listId . '"';
    if (null !== $class) {
        echo ' class="' . $class . '"';
    echo '>';
    if (null !== $url) {
        echo '<a href="' . $url . '"';
        if (null !== $target) {
            echo ' target="' . $target . '"';
        if (null != $a_id) {
            echo ' id="' . $a_id . '"';
        if (null != $a_class) {
            echo ' class="' . $a_class . '"';
        echo '>';
    echo $name;
    if (null !== $url) {
        echo '</a>' . "\n";
    if (null !== $mysql_help_page) {
        echo PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($mysql_help_page);
    echo '</li>';
  * Function to handle foreign key updates
  * @param array  $destination_foreign_db     destination foreign database
  * @param array  $multi_edit_columns_name    multi edit column names
  * @param array  $destination_foreign_table  destination foreign table
  * @param array  $destination_foreign_column destination foreign column
  * @param array  $options_array              options array
  * @param string $table                      current table
  * @param array  $existrel_foreign           db, table, column
  * @return array
 public function updateForeignKeys($destination_foreign_db, $multi_edit_columns_name, $destination_foreign_table, $destination_foreign_column, $options_array, $table, $existrel_foreign)
     $html_output = '';
     $preview_sql_data = '';
     $display_query = '';
     $seen_error = false;
     foreach ($destination_foreign_db as $master_field_md5 => $foreign_db) {
         $create = false;
         $drop = false;
         // Map the fieldname's md5 back to its real name
         $master_field = $multi_edit_columns_name[$master_field_md5];
         $foreign_table = $destination_foreign_table[$master_field_md5];
         $foreign_field = $destination_foreign_column[$master_field_md5];
         if (isset($existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['ref_db_name'])) {
             $ref_db_name = $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['ref_db_name'];
         } else {
             $ref_db_name = $GLOBALS['db'];
         $empty_fields = false;
         foreach ($master_field as $key => $one_field) {
             if (!empty($one_field) && empty($foreign_field[$key]) || empty($one_field) && !empty($foreign_field[$key])) {
                 $empty_fields = true;
             if (empty($one_field) && empty($foreign_field[$key])) {
         if (!empty($foreign_db) && !empty($foreign_table) && !$empty_fields) {
             if (isset($existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5])) {
                 $constraint_name = $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['constraint'];
                 $on_delete = !empty($existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['on_delete']) ? $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['on_delete'] : 'RESTRICT';
                 $on_update = !empty($existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['on_update']) ? $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['on_update'] : 'RESTRICT';
                 if ($ref_db_name != $foreign_db || $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['ref_table_name'] != $foreign_table || $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['ref_index_list'] != $foreign_field || $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['index_list'] != $master_field || $_REQUEST['constraint_name'][$master_field_md5] != $constraint_name || $_REQUEST['on_delete'][$master_field_md5] != $on_delete || $_REQUEST['on_update'][$master_field_md5] != $on_update) {
                     // another foreign key is already defined for this field
                     // or an option has been changed for ON DELETE or ON UPDATE
                     $drop = true;
                     $create = true;
                 // end if... else....
             } else {
                 // no key defined for this field(s)
                 $create = true;
         } elseif (isset($existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5])) {
             $drop = true;
         // end if... else....
         $tmp_error_drop = false;
         if ($drop) {
             $drop_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . PMA_Util::backquote($existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['constraint']) . ';';
             if (!isset($_REQUEST['preview_sql'])) {
                 $display_query .= $drop_query . "\n";
                 $tmp_error_drop = $this->_dbi->getError();
                 if (!empty($tmp_error_drop)) {
                     $seen_error = true;
                     $html_output .= PMA_Util::mysqlDie($tmp_error_drop, $drop_query, false, '', false);
             } else {
                 $preview_sql_data .= $drop_query . "\n";
         $tmp_error_create = false;
         if (!$create) {
         $create_query = $this->_getSQLToCreateForeignKey($table, $master_field, $foreign_db, $foreign_table, $foreign_field, $_REQUEST['constraint_name'][$master_field_md5], $options_array[$_REQUEST['on_delete'][$master_field_md5]], $options_array[$_REQUEST['on_update'][$master_field_md5]]);
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['preview_sql'])) {
             $display_query .= $create_query . "\n";
             $tmp_error_create = $this->_dbi->getError();
             if (!empty($tmp_error_create)) {
                 $seen_error = true;
                 if (substr($tmp_error_create, 1, 4) == '1005') {
                     $message = PMA_Message::error(__('Error creating foreign key on %1$s (check data ' . 'types)'));
                     $message->addParam(implode(', ', $master_field));
                     $html_output .= $message->getDisplay();
                 } else {
                     $html_output .= PMA_Util::mysqlDie($tmp_error_create, $create_query, false, '', false);
                 $html_output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('InnoDB_foreign_key_constraints') . "\n";
         } else {
             $preview_sql_data .= $create_query . "\n";
         // this is an alteration and the old constraint has been dropped
         // without creation of a new one
         if ($drop && $create && empty($tmp_error_drop) && !empty($tmp_error_create)) {
             // a rollback may be better here
             $sql_query_recreate = '# Restoring the dropped constraint...' . "\n";
             $sql_query_recreate .= $this->_getSQLToCreateForeignKey($table, $master_field, $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['ref_db_name'], $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['ref_table_name'], $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['ref_index_list'], $existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['constraint'], $options_array[$existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['on_delete']], $options_array[$existrel_foreign[$master_field_md5]['on_update']]);
             if (!isset($_REQUEST['preview_sql'])) {
                 $display_query .= $sql_query_recreate . "\n";
             } else {
                 $preview_sql_data .= $sql_query_recreate;
     // end foreach
     return array($html_output, $preview_sql_data, $display_query, $seen_error);
 * return HTML for Sql Query Form Insert
 * @param string $query     query to display in the textarea
 * @param string $delimiter default delimiter to use
 * @return string
 * @usedby  PMA_getHtmlForSqlQueryForm()
function PMA_getHtmlForSqlQueryFormInsert($query = '', $delimiter = ';')
    // enable auto select text in textarea
    if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaAutoSelect']) {
        $auto_sel = ' onclick="selectContent(this, sql_box_locked, true);"';
    } else {
        $auto_sel = '';
    $locking = '';
    $height = $GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaRows'] * 2;
    $table = '';
    $db = '';
    $fields_list = array();
    if (!mb_strlen($GLOBALS['db'])) {
        // prepare for server related
        $legend = sprintf(__('Run SQL query/queries on server %s'), '&quot;' . htmlspecialchars(!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]['verbose']) ? $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]['verbose'] : $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]['host']) . '&quot;');
    } elseif (!mb_strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) {
        // prepare for db related
        $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
        // if you want navigation:
        $tmp_db_link = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'] . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db)) . '"';
        $tmp_db_link .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($db) . '</a>';
        // else use
        // $tmp_db_link = htmlspecialchars($db);
        $legend = sprintf(__('Run SQL query/queries on database %s'), $tmp_db_link);
        if (empty($query)) {
            $query = PMA_Util::expandUserString($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultQueryDatabase'], 'backquote');
    } else {
        $table = $GLOBALS['table'];
        $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
        // Get the list and number of fields
        // we do a try_query here, because we could be in the query window,
        // trying to synchronize and the table has not yet been created
        $fields_list = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $GLOBALS['table'], null, true);
        $tmp_db_link = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'] . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db)) . '"';
        $tmp_db_link .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($db) . '</a>';
        // else use
        // $tmp_db_link = htmlspecialchars($db);
        $legend = sprintf(__('Run SQL query/queries on database %s'), $tmp_db_link);
        if (empty($query)) {
            $query = PMA_Util::expandUserString($GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultQueryTable'], 'backquote');
    $legend .= ': ' . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SELECT');
    if (count($fields_list)) {
        $sqlquerycontainer_id = 'sqlquerycontainer';
    } else {
        $sqlquerycontainer_id = 'sqlquerycontainerfull';
    $html = '<a id="querybox"></a>' . '<div id="queryboxcontainer">' . '<fieldset id="queryboxf">';
    $html .= '<legend>' . $legend . '</legend>';
    $html .= '<div id="queryfieldscontainer">';
    $html .= '<div id="' . $sqlquerycontainer_id . '">' . '<textarea tabindex="100" name="sql_query" id="sqlquery"' . '  cols="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaCols'] . '"' . '  rows="' . $height . '"' . '  dir="' . $GLOBALS['text_dir'] . '"' . $auto_sel . $locking . '>' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</textarea>';
    // Add buttons to generate query easily for
    // select all, single select, insert, update and delete
    if (count($fields_list)) {
        $html .= '<input type="button" value="SELECT *" id="selectall"' . ' class="button sqlbutton" />';
        $html .= '<input type="button" value="SELECT" id="select"' . ' class="button sqlbutton" />';
        $html .= '<input type="button" value="INSERT" id="insert"' . ' class="button sqlbutton" />';
        $html .= '<input type="button" value="UPDATE" id="update"' . ' class="button sqlbutton" />';
        $html .= '<input type="button" value="DELETE" id="delete"' . ' class="button sqlbutton" />';
    $html .= '<input type="button" value="' . __('Clear') . '" id="clear"' . ' class="button sqlbutton" />';
    $html .= '</div>' . "\n";
    if (count($fields_list)) {
        $html .= '<div id="tablefieldscontainer">' . '<label>' . __('Columns') . '</label>' . '<select id="tablefields" name="dummy" ' . 'size="' . ($GLOBALS['cfg']['TextareaRows'] - 2) . '" ' . 'multiple="multiple" ondblclick="insertValueQuery()">';
        foreach ($fields_list as $field) {
            $html .= '<option value="' . PMA_Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($field['Field'])) . '"';
            if (isset($field['Field']) && mb_strlen($field['Field']) && isset($field['Comment'])) {
                $html .= ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($field['Comment']) . '"';
            $html .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($field['Field']) . '</option>' . "\n";
        $html .= '</select>' . '<div id="tablefieldinsertbuttoncontainer">';
        if (PMA_Util::showIcons('ActionLinksMode')) {
            $html .= '<input type="button" class="button" name="insert"' . ' value="&lt;&lt;" onclick="insertValueQuery()"' . ' title="' . __('Insert') . '" />';
        } else {
            $html .= '<input type="button" class="button" name="insert"' . ' value="' . __('Insert') . '"' . ' onclick="insertValueQuery()" />';
        $html .= '</div>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
    $html .= '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";
    $html .= '</div>' . "\n";
    $cfgBookmark = PMA_Bookmark_getParams();
    if ($cfgBookmark) {
        $html .= '<div id="bookmarkoptions">';
        $html .= '<div class="formelement">';
        $html .= '<label for="bkm_label">' . __('Bookmark this SQL query:') . '</label>';
        $html .= '<input type="text" name="bkm_label" id="bkm_label"' . ' tabindex="110" value="" />';
        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .= '<div class="formelement">';
        $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="bkm_all_users" tabindex="111"' . ' id="id_bkm_all_users" value="true" />';
        $html .= '<label for="id_bkm_all_users">' . __('Let every user access this bookmark') . '</label>';
        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .= '<div class="formelement">';
        $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="bkm_replace" tabindex="112"' . ' id="id_bkm_replace" value="true" />';
        $html .= '<label for="id_bkm_replace">' . __('Replace existing bookmark of same name') . '</label>';
        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";
    $html .= '</fieldset>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
    $html .= '<fieldset id="queryboxfooter" class="tblFooters">' . "\n";
    $html .= '<div class="formelement">' . "\n";
    $html .= '</div>' . "\n";
    $html .= '<div class="formelement">' . "\n";
    $html .= '<label for="id_sql_delimiter">[ ' . __('Delimiter') . '</label>' . "\n";
    $html .= '<input type="text" name="sql_delimiter" tabindex="131" size="3" ' . 'value="' . $delimiter . '" ' . 'id="id_sql_delimiter" /> ]';
    $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="show_query" value="1" ' . 'id="checkbox_show_query" tabindex="132" checked="checked" />' . '<label for="checkbox_show_query">' . __('Show this query here again') . '</label>';
    $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="retain_query_box" value="1" ' . 'id="retain_query_box" tabindex="133" ' . ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RetainQueryBox'] === false ? '' : ' checked="checked"') . ' />' . '<label for="retain_query_box">' . __('Retain query box') . '</label>';
    $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="rollback_query" value="1" ' . 'id="rollback_query" tabindex="134" />' . '<label for="rollback_query">' . __('Rollback when finished') . '</label>';
    $html .= '</div>' . "\n";
    $html .= '<input type="submit" id="button_submit_query" name="SQL"';
    $html .= ' tabindex="200" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . "\n";
    $html .= '<div class="clearfloat"></div>' . "\n";
    $html .= '</fieldset>' . "\n";
    return $html;
Beispiel #24
 * Formats SQL queries to html
 * @param array   $arr              The SQL queries
 * @param string  $mode             mode of printing
 * @param integer $start_token      starting token
 * @param integer $number_of_tokens number of tokens to format, -1 = all
 * @return string  The formatted SQL queries
 * @access public
function PMA_SQP_formatHtml($arr, $mode = 'color', $start_token = 0, $number_of_tokens = -1)
    global $PMA_SQPdata_operators_docs, $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs;
    //DEBUG echo 'in Format<pre>'; print_r($arr); echo '</pre>';
    // then check for an array
    if (!is_array($arr)) {
        return htmlspecialchars($arr);
    // first check for the SQL parser having hit an error
    if (PMA_SQP_isError()) {
        return htmlspecialchars($arr['raw']);
    // else do it properly
    switch ($mode) {
        case 'color':
            $str = '<span class="syntax">';
            $html_line_break = '<br />';
            $docu = true;
        case 'query_only':
            $str = '';
            $html_line_break = "\n";
            $docu = false;
        case 'text':
            $str = '';
            $html_line_break = '<br />';
            $docu = true;
    // end switch
    // inner_sql is a span that exists for all cases, except query_only
    // of $cfg['SQP']['fmtType'] to make possible a replacement
    // for inline editing
    if ($mode != 'query_only') {
        $str .= '<span class="inner_sql">';
    $close_docu_link = false;
    $indent = 0;
    $bracketlevel = 0;
    $functionlevel = 0;
    $infunction = false;
    $space_punct_listsep = ' ';
    $space_punct_listsep_function_name = ' ';
    // $space_alpha_reserved_word = '<br />'."\n";
    $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' ';
    $keywords_with_brackets_1before = array('INDEX' => 1, 'KEY' => 1, 'ON' => 1, 'USING' => 1);
    $keywords_with_brackets_2before = array('IGNORE' => 1, 'INDEX' => 1, 'INTO' => 1, 'KEY' => 1, 'PRIMARY' => 1, 'PROCEDURE' => 1, 'REFERENCES' => 1, 'UNIQUE' => 1, 'USE' => 1);
    // These reserved words do NOT get a newline placed near them.
    $keywords_no_newline = array('AS' => 1, 'ASC' => 1, 'DESC' => 1, 'DISTINCT' => 1, 'DUPLICATE' => 1, 'HOUR' => 1, 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'IS' => 1, 'LIKE' => 1, 'NOT' => 1, 'NULL' => 1, 'ON' => 1, 'REGEXP' => 1);
    // These reserved words introduce a privilege list
    $keywords_priv_list = array('GRANT' => 1, 'REVOKE' => 1);
    if ($number_of_tokens == -1) {
        $number_of_tokens = $arr['len'];
    $typearr = array();
    if ($number_of_tokens >= 0) {
        $typearr[0] = '';
        $typearr[1] = '';
        $typearr[2] = '';
        $typearr[3] = $arr[$start_token]['type'];
    $in_priv_list = false;
    for ($i = $start_token; $i < $number_of_tokens; $i++) {
        // DEBUG echo "Loop format <strong>" . $arr[$i]['data']
        // . "</strong> " . $arr[$i]['type'] . "<br />";
        $before = '';
        $after = '';
        // array_shift($typearr);
        0 prev2
        1 prev
        2 current
        3 next
        if ($i + 1 < $number_of_tokens) {
            $typearr[4] = $arr[$i + 1]['type'];
        } else {
            $typearr[4] = '';
        for ($j = 0; $j < 4; $j++) {
            $typearr[$j] = $typearr[$j + 1];
        switch ($typearr[2]) {
            case 'alpha_bitfield_constant_introducer':
                $before = ' ';
                $after = '';
            case 'white_newline':
                $before = '';
            case 'punct_bracket_open_round':
                $infunction = false;
                $keyword_brackets_2before = isset($keywords_with_brackets_2before[strtoupper($arr[$i - 2]['data'])]);
                $keyword_brackets_1before = isset($keywords_with_brackets_1before[strtoupper($arr[$i - 1]['data'])]);
                // Make sure this array is sorted!
                if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_functionName' || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnType' || $typearr[1] == 'punct' || $typearr[3] == 'digit_integer' || $typearr[3] == 'digit_hex' || $typearr[3] == 'digit_float' || $typearr[0] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $keyword_brackets_2before || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $keyword_brackets_1before) {
                    $infunction = true;
                    $after .= ' ';
                } else {
                    if ($mode != 'query_only') {
                        $after .= '<div class="syntax_indent' . $indent . '">';
                    } else {
                        $after .= ' ';
            case 'alpha_identifier':
                if ($typearr[1] == 'punct_qualifier' || $typearr[3] == 'punct_qualifier') {
                    $after = '';
                    $before = '';
                // for example SELECT 1 somealias
                if ($typearr[1] == 'digit_integer') {
                    $before = ' ';
                if ($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnType' || $typearr[3] == 'alpha_identifier') {
                    $after .= ' ';
            case 'punct_user':
            case 'punct_qualifier':
                $before = '';
                $after = '';
            case 'punct_listsep':
                if ($infunction == true) {
                    $after .= $space_punct_listsep_function_name;
                } else {
                    $after .= $space_punct_listsep;
            case 'punct_queryend':
                if ($typearr[3] != 'comment_mysql' && $typearr[3] != 'comment_ansi' && $typearr[3] != 'comment_c') {
                    $after .= $html_line_break;
                    $after .= $html_line_break;
                $space_punct_listsep = ' ';
                $space_punct_listsep_function_name = ' ';
                $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' ';
                $in_priv_list = false;
            case 'comment_mysql':
            case 'comment_ansi':
                $after .= $html_line_break;
            case 'punct':
                $before .= ' ';
                if ($docu && isset($PMA_SQPdata_operators_docs[$arr[$i]['data']]) && ($arr[$i]['data'] != '*' || in_array($arr[$i]['type'], array('digit_integer', 'digit_float', 'digit_hex')))) {
                    $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('functions', $PMA_SQPdata_operators_docs[$arr[$i]['data']]['link'], false, $PMA_SQPdata_operators_docs[$arr[$i]['data']]['anchor'], true);
                    $after .= '</a>';
                // workaround for
                // select * from mytable limit 0,-1
                // (a side effect of this workaround is that
                // select 20 - 9
                // becomes
                // select 20 -9
                // )
                if ($typearr[3] != 'digit_integer') {
                    $after .= ' ';
            case 'punct_bracket_close_round':
                // only close bracket level when it was opened before
                if ($bracketlevel > 0) {
                    if ($infunction == true) {
                        $after .= ' ';
                        $before .= ' ';
                    } else {
                        $before .= $mode != 'query_only' ? '</div>' : ' ';
                    $infunction = $functionlevel > 0 ? true : false;
            case 'alpha_columnType':
                if ($docu) {
                    switch ($arr[$i]['data']) {
                        case 'tinyint':
                        case 'smallint':
                        case 'mediumint':
                        case 'int':
                        case 'bigint':
                        case 'decimal':
                        case 'float':
                        case 'double':
                        case 'real':
                        case 'bit':
                        case 'boolean':
                        case 'serial':
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('data-types', 'numeric-types', false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                        case 'date':
                        case 'datetime':
                        case 'timestamp':
                        case 'time':
                        case 'year':
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('data-types', 'date-and-time-types', false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                        case 'char':
                        case 'varchar':
                        case 'tinytext':
                        case 'text':
                        case 'mediumtext':
                        case 'longtext':
                        case 'binary':
                        case 'varbinary':
                        case 'tinyblob':
                        case 'mediumblob':
                        case 'blob':
                        case 'longblob':
                        case 'enum':
                        case 'set':
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('data-types', 'string-types', false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                if ($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') {
                    $after .= ' ';
                if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnType') {
                    $before .= ' ';
            case 'alpha_columnAttrib':
                // ALTER TABLE tbl_name AUTO_INCREMENT = 1
                if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_identifier' || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_charset') {
                    $before .= ' ';
                if ($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnAttrib' || $typearr[3] == 'quote_single' || $typearr[3] == 'digit_integer') {
                    $after .= ' ';
                // workaround for
                // AUTO_INCREMENT = 31DEFAULT_CHARSET = utf-8
                if ($typearr[2] == 'alpha_columnAttrib' && $typearr[3] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
                    $before .= ' ';
                // workaround for
                // select * from mysql.user where binary user="******"
                // binary is marked as alpha_columnAttrib
                // but should be marked as a reserved word
                if (strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']) == 'BINARY' && $typearr[3] == 'alpha_identifier') {
                    $after .= ' ';
            case 'alpha_functionName':
                $funcname = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
                if ($docu && isset($PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$funcname])) {
                    $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('functions', $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$funcname]['link'], false, $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$funcname]['anchor'], true);
                    $after .= '</a>';
            case 'alpha_reservedWord':
                // do not uppercase the reserved word if we are calling
                // this function in query_only mode, because we need
                // the original query (otherwise we get problems with
                // semi-reserved words like "storage" which is legal
                // as an identifier name)
                if ($mode != 'query_only') {
                    $arr[$i]['data'] = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
                if (($typearr[1] != 'alpha_reservedWord' || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && isset($keywords_no_newline[strtoupper($arr[$i - 1]['data'])])) && $typearr[1] != 'punct_level_plus' && !isset($keywords_no_newline[$arr[$i]['data']])) {
                    // do not put a space before the first token, because
                    // we use a lot of pattern matching checking for the
                    // first reserved word at beginning of query
                    // so do not put a newline before
                    // also we must not be inside a privilege list
                    if ($i > 0) {
                        // the alpha_identifier exception is there to
                        // catch cases like
                        // GRANT SELECT ON mydb.mytable TO myuser@localhost
                        // (else, we get mydb.mytableTO)
                        // the quote_single exception is there to
                        // catch cases like
                        // GRANT ... TO 'marc'@'' IDENTIFIED...
                         * @todo fix all cases and find why this happens
                        if (!$in_priv_list || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_identifier' || $typearr[1] == 'quote_single' || $typearr[1] == 'white_newline') {
                            $before .= $space_alpha_reserved_word;
                    } else {
                        // on first keyword, check if it introduces a
                        // privilege list
                        if (isset($keywords_priv_list[$arr[$i]['data']])) {
                            $in_priv_list = true;
                } else {
                    $before .= ' ';
                switch ($arr[$i]['data']) {
                    case 'CREATE':
                    case 'ALTER':
                    case 'DROP':
                    case 'RENAME':
                    case 'TRUNCATE':
                    case 'ANALYZE':
                    case 'ANALYSE':
                    case 'OPTIMIZE':
                        if ($docu) {
                            switch ($arr[$i + 1]['data']) {
                                case 'EVENT':
                                case 'TABLE':
                                case 'TABLESPACE':
                                case 'FUNCTION':
                                case 'INDEX':
                                case 'PROCEDURE':
                                case 'TRIGGER':
                                case 'SERVER':
                                case 'DATABASE':
                                case 'VIEW':
                                    $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SQL-Syntax', $arr[$i]['data'] . '_' . $arr[$i + 1]['data'], false, '', true);
                                    $close_docu_link = true;
                            if ($arr[$i + 1]['data'] == 'LOGFILE' && $arr[$i + 2]['data'] == 'GROUP') {
                                $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SQL-Syntax', $arr[$i]['data'] . '_LOGFILE_GROUP', false, '', true);
                                $close_docu_link = true;
                        if (!$in_priv_list) {
                            $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break;
                            $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' ';
                    case 'EVENT':
                    case 'TABLESPACE':
                    case 'TABLE':
                    case 'FUNCTION':
                    case 'INDEX':
                    case 'PROCEDURE':
                    case 'SERVER':
                    case 'TRIGGER':
                    case 'DATABASE':
                    case 'VIEW':
                    case 'GROUP':
                        if ($close_docu_link) {
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                            $close_docu_link = false;
                    case 'SET':
                        if ($docu && ($i == 0 || $arr[$i - 1]['data'] != 'CHARACTER')) {
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SQL-Syntax', $arr[$i]['data'], false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                        if (!$in_priv_list) {
                            $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break;
                            $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' ';
                    case 'EXPLAIN':
                    case 'DESCRIBE':
                    case 'DELETE':
                    case 'SHOW':
                    case 'UPDATE':
                        if ($docu) {
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SQL-Syntax', $arr[$i]['data'], false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                        if (!$in_priv_list) {
                            $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break;
                            $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' ';
                    case 'INSERT':
                    case 'REPLACE':
                        if ($docu) {
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SQL-Syntax', $arr[$i]['data'], false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                        if (!$in_priv_list) {
                            $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break;
                            $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break;
                    case 'VALUES':
                        $space_punct_listsep = ' ';
                        $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break;
                    case 'SELECT':
                        if ($docu) {
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SQL-Syntax', 'SELECT', false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                        $space_punct_listsep = ' ';
                        $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break;
                    case 'CALL':
                    case 'DO':
                    case 'HANDLER':
                        if ($docu) {
                            $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('SQL-Syntax', $arr[$i]['data'], false, '', true);
                            $after = '</a>' . $after;
                        if ($close_docu_link && in_array($arr[$i]['data'], array('LIKE', 'NOT', 'IN', 'REGEXP', 'NULL'))) {
                            $after .= '</a>';
                            $close_docu_link = false;
                        } else {
                            if ($docu && isset($PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$arr[$i]['data']])) {
                                /* Handle multi word statements first */
                                if (isset($typearr[4]) && $typearr[4] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $typearr[3] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && isset($PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[strtoupper($arr[$i]['data'] . '_' . $arr[$i + 1]['data'] . '_' . $arr[$i + 2]['data'])])) {
                                    $tempname = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data'] . '_' . $arr[$i + 1]['data'] . '_' . $arr[$i + 2]['data']);
                                    $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('functions', $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$tempname]['link'], false, $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$tempname]['anchor'], true);
                                    $close_docu_link = true;
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($typearr[3]) && $typearr[3] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && isset($PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[strtoupper($arr[$i]['data'] . '_' . $arr[$i + 1]['data'])])) {
                                        $tempname = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data'] . '_' . $arr[$i + 1]['data']);
                                        $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('functions', $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$tempname]['link'], false, $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$tempname]['anchor'], true);
                                        $close_docu_link = true;
                                    } else {
                                        $before .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('functions', $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$arr[$i]['data']]['link'], false, $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs[$arr[$i]['data']]['anchor'], true);
                                        $after .= '</a>';
                // end switch ($arr[$i]['data'])
                $after .= ' ';
            case 'digit_integer':
            case 'digit_float':
            case 'digit_hex':
                 * @todo could there be other types preceding a digit?
                if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
                    $after .= ' ';
                if ($infunction && $typearr[3] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
                    $after .= ' ';
                if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') {
                    $before .= ' ';
            case 'alpha_variable':
                $after = ' ';
            case 'quote_double':
            case 'quote_single':
                // workaround: for the query
                // REVOKE SELECT ON `base2\_db`.* FROM 'user'@'%'
                // the @ is incorrectly marked as alpha_variable
                // in the parser, and here, the '%' gets a blank before,
                // which is a syntax error
                if ($typearr[1] != 'punct_user' && $typearr[1] != 'alpha_bitfield_constant_introducer') {
                    $before .= ' ';
                if ($infunction && $typearr[3] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
                    $after .= ' ';
            case 'quote_backtick':
                // here we check for punct_user to handle correctly
                // DEFINER = `username`@`%`
                // where @ is the punct_user and `%` is the quote_backtick
                if ($typearr[3] != 'punct_qualifier' && $typearr[3] != 'alpha_variable' && $typearr[3] != 'punct_user') {
                    $after .= ' ';
                if ($typearr[1] != 'punct_qualifier' && $typearr[1] != 'alpha_variable' && $typearr[1] != 'punct_user') {
                    $before .= ' ';
        // end switch ($typearr[2])
        if ($typearr[3] != 'punct_qualifier') {
            $after             .= ' ';
        $after                 .= "\n";
        $str .= $before;
        if ($mode == 'color') {
            $str .= PMA_SQP_formatHTML_colorize($arr[$i]);
        } elseif ($mode == 'text') {
            $str .= htmlspecialchars($arr[$i]['data']);
        } else {
            $str .= $arr[$i]['data'];
        $str .= $after;
    // end for
    // close unclosed indent levels
    while ($indent > 0) {
        $str .= $mode != 'query_only' ? '</div>' : ' ';
    /* End possibly unclosed documentation link */
    if ($close_docu_link) {
        $str .= '</a>';
        $close_docu_link = false;
    if ($mode != 'query_only') {
        // close inner_sql span
        $str .= '</span>';
    if ($mode == 'color') {
        // close syntax span
        $str .= '</span>';
    return $str;
Beispiel #25
  * Generates formatted HTML for extra search options in table search form
  * @return string the generated HTML
 private function _getOptions()
     $html_output = '';
     $html_output .= PMA_Util::getDivForSliderEffect('searchoptions', __('Options'));
      * Displays columns select list for selecting distinct columns in the search
     $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_select_fields">' . '<legend>' . __('Select columns (at least one):') . '</legend>' . '<select name="columnsToDisplay[]"' . ' size="' . min(count($this->_columnNames), 10) . '"' . ' multiple="multiple">';
     // Displays the list of the fields
     foreach ($this->_columnNames as $each_field) {
         $html_output .= '        ' . '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($each_field) . '"' . ' selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars($each_field) . '</option>' . "\n";
     // end for
     $html_output .= '</select>' . '<input type="checkbox" name="distinct" value="DISTINCT"' . ' id="oDistinct" />' . '<label for="oDistinct">DISTINCT</label></fieldset>';
      * Displays input box for custom 'Where' clause to be used in the search
     $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_search_conditions">' . '<legend>' . '<em>' . __('Or') . '</em> ' . __('Add search conditions (body of the "where" clause):') . '</legend>';
     $html_output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('Functions');
     $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="customWhereClause"' . ' class="textfield" size="64" />';
     $html_output .= '</fieldset>';
      * Displays option of changing default number of rows displayed per page
     $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_limit_rows">' . '<legend>' . __('Number of rows per page') . '</legend>' . '<input type="number" name="session_max_rows" required="required" ' . 'min="1" ' . 'value="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows'] . '" class="textfield" />' . '</fieldset>';
      * Displays option for ordering search results
      * by a column value (Asc or Desc)
     $html_output .= '<fieldset id="fieldset_display_order">' . '<legend>' . __('Display order:') . '</legend>' . '<select name="orderByColumn"><option value="--nil--"></option>';
     foreach ($this->_columnNames as $each_field) {
         $html_output .= '        ' . '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($each_field) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($each_field) . '</option>' . "\n";
     // end for
     $html_output .= '</select>';
     $choices = array('ASC' => __('Ascending'), 'DESC' => __('Descending'));
     $html_output .= PMA_Util::getRadioFields('order', $choices, 'ASC', false, true, "formelement");
     $html_output .= '</fieldset><br style="clear: both;"/></div>';
     return $html_output;
 * Displays the sub-page heading
$doc_link = PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('server_system_variables');
$response->addHtml(PMA_getHtmlForSubPageHeader('variables', $doc_link));
 * Sends the queries and buffers the results
$serverVarsResult = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SHOW SESSION VARIABLES;');
if ($serverVarsResult !== false) {
    $serverVarsSession = array();
    while ($arr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($serverVarsResult)) {
        $serverVarsSession[$arr[0]] = $arr[1];
    $serverVars = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES;', 0, 1);
     * Link templates
     * Displays the page
    $response->addHtml(PMA_getHtmlForServerVariables($variable_doc_links, $serverVars, $serverVarsSession));
} else {
     * Display the error message
    $response->addHTML(PMA_Message::error(sprintf(__('Not enough privilege to view server variables and settings. %s'), PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('server-system-variables', false, 'sysvar_show_compatibility_56')))->getDisplay());
Beispiel #27
 * Get HTML snippet for partition maintenance
 * @param array $partition_names array of partition names for a specific db/table
 * @param array $url_params      url parameters
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForPartitionMaintenance($partition_names, $url_params)
    $choices = array('ANALYZE' => __('Analyze'), 'CHECK' => __('Check'), 'OPTIMIZE' => __('Optimize'), 'REBUILD' => __('Rebuild'), 'REPAIR' => __('Repair'), 'TRUNCATE' => __('Truncate'));
    $partition_method = PMA_Partition::getPartitionMethod($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']);
    // add COALESCE or DROP option to choices array depeding on Partition method
    if ($partition_method == 'RANGE' || $partition_method == 'LIST') {
        $choices['DROP'] = __('Drop');
    } else {
        $choices['COALESCE'] = __('Coalesce');
    $html_output = '<div class="operations_half_width">' . '<form id="partitionsForm" class="ajax" ' . 'method="post" action="tbl_operations.php" >' . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']) . '<fieldset>' . '<legend>' . __('Partition maintenance') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('partitioning_maintenance') . '</legend>';
    $html_select = '<select id="partition_name" name="partition_name[]"' . ' multiple="multiple" required="required">' . "\n";
    $first = true;
    foreach ($partition_names as $one_partition) {
        $one_partition = htmlspecialchars($one_partition);
        $html_select .= '<option value="' . $one_partition . '"';
        if ($first) {
            $html_select .= ' selected="selected"';
            $first = false;
        $html_select .= '>' . $one_partition . '</option>' . "\n";
    $html_select .= '</select>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= sprintf(__('Partition %s'), $html_select);
    $html_output .= '<div class="clearfloat" />';
    $html_output .= PMA_Util::getRadioFields('partition_operation', $choices, 'ANALYZE', false, true, 'floatleft');
    $this_url_params = array_merge($url_params, array('sql_query' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' REMOVE PARTITIONING;'));
    $html_output .= '<div class="clearfloat" /><br />';
    $html_output .= '<a href="sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($this_url_params) . '">' . __('Remove partitioning') . '</a>';
    $html_output .= '</fieldset>' . '<fieldset class="tblFooters">' . '<input type="hidden" name="submit_partition" value="1">' . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>' . '</div>';
    return $html_output;
 * Prints Html for Server Variables Items
 * @param Array $variable_doc_links documentation links
 * @return string
function PMA_getHtmlForServerVariablesItems($variable_doc_links)
     * Sends the queries and buffers the results
    $serverVarsSession = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW SESSION VARIABLES;', 0, 1);
    $serverVars = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES;', 0, 1);
    $output = '';
    $odd_row = true;
    foreach ($serverVars as $name => $value) {
        $has_session_value = isset($serverVarsSession[$name]) && $serverVarsSession[$name] != $value;
        $row_class = ($odd_row ? ' odd' : ' even') . ($has_session_value ? ' diffSession' : '');
        $output .= '<div class="var-row' . $row_class . '">' . '<div class="var-name">';
        // To display variable documentation link
        if (isset($variable_doc_links[$name])) {
            $output .= '<span title="' . htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $name)) . '">';
            $output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($variable_doc_links[$name][1], false, $variable_doc_links[$name][2] . '_' . $variable_doc_links[$name][0], true);
            $output .= htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $name));
            $output .= '</a>';
            $output .= '</span>';
        } else {
            $output .= htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $name));
        $output .= '</div>' . '<div class="var-value value' . ($GLOBALS['dbi']->isSuperuser() ? ' editable' : '') . '">&nbsp;' . PMA_formatVariable($name, $value, $variable_doc_links) . '</div>' . '<div style="clear:both"></div>' . '</div>';
        if ($has_session_value) {
            $output .= '<div class="var-row' . ($odd_row ? ' odd' : ' even') . '">' . '<div class="var-name session">(' . __('Session value') . ')</div>' . '<div class="var-value value">&nbsp;' . PMA_formatVariable($name, $serverVarsSession[$name], $variable_doc_links) . '</div>' . '<div style="clear:both"></div>' . '</div>';
        $odd_row = !$odd_row;
    return $output;
 * Function to handle update for a foreign key
 * @param array  $multi_edit_columns_name    multu edit columns name
 * @param string $master_field_md5           master field md5
 * @param string $destination_foreign_table  destination foreign table
 * @param string $destination_foreign_column destination foreign column
 * @param array  $options_array              options array
 * @param array  $existrel_foreign           db, table, column
 * @param string $table                      current table
 * @param bool   &$seen_error                whether seen error
 * @param string &$display_query             display query
 * @param string $foreign_db                 foreign database
 * @return string
function PMA_handleUpdateForForeignKey($multi_edit_columns_name, $master_field_md5, $destination_foreign_table, $destination_foreign_column, $options_array, $existrel_foreign, $table, &$seen_error, &$display_query, $foreign_db)
    $html_output = '';
    $create = false;
    $drop = false;
    // Map the fieldname's md5 back to its real name
    $master_field = $multi_edit_columns_name[$master_field_md5];
    $foreign_table = $destination_foreign_table[$master_field_md5];
    $foreign_field = $destination_foreign_column[$master_field_md5];
    if (!empty($foreign_db) && !empty($foreign_table) && !empty($foreign_field)) {
        if (isset($existrel_foreign[$master_field])) {
            $constraint_name = $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['constraint'];
            $on_delete = !empty($existrel_foreign[$master_field]['on_delete']) ? $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['on_delete'] : 'RESTRICT';
            $on_update = !empty($existrel_foreign[$master_field]['on_update']) ? $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['on_update'] : 'RESTRICT';
        if (!isset($existrel_foreign[$master_field])) {
            // no key defined for this field
            $create = true;
        } elseif ($existrel_foreign[$master_field]['foreign_db'] != $foreign_db || $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['foreign_table'] != $foreign_table || $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['foreign_field'] != $foreign_field || $_REQUEST['constraint_name'][$master_field_md5] != $constraint_name || $_REQUEST['on_delete'][$master_field_md5] != $on_delete || $_REQUEST['on_update'][$master_field_md5] != $on_update) {
            // another foreign key is already defined for this field
            // or an option has been changed for ON DELETE or ON UPDATE
            $drop = true;
            $create = true;
        // end if... else....
    } elseif (isset($existrel_foreign[$master_field])) {
        $drop = true;
    // end if... else....
    $tmp_error_drop = false;
    if ($drop) {
        $drop_query = PMA_getSQLToDropForeignKey($table, $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['constraint']);
        $display_query .= $drop_query . "\n";
        $tmp_error_drop = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
        if (!empty($tmp_error_drop)) {
            $seen_error = true;
            $html_output .= PMA_Util::mysqlDie($tmp_error_drop, $drop_query, false, '', false);
            return $html_output;
    $tmp_error_create = false;
    if ($create) {
        $create_query = PMA_getSQLToCreateForeignKey($table, $master_field, $foreign_db, $foreign_table, $foreign_field, $_REQUEST['constraint_name'][$master_field_md5], $options_array[$_REQUEST['on_delete'][$master_field_md5]], $options_array[$_REQUEST['on_update'][$master_field_md5]]);
        $display_query .= $create_query . "\n";
        $tmp_error_create = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
        if (!empty($tmp_error_create)) {
            $seen_error = true;
            if (substr($tmp_error_create, 1, 4) == '1005') {
                $message = PMA_Message::error(__('Error creating foreign key on %1$s (check data types)'));
                $html_output .= $message->getDisplay();
            } else {
                $html_output .= PMA_Util::mysqlDie($tmp_error_create, $create_query, false, '', false);
            $html_output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('InnoDB_foreign_key_constraints') . "\n";
        // this is an alteration and the old constraint has been dropped
        // without creation of a new one
        if ($drop && $create && empty($tmp_error_drop) && !empty($tmp_error_create)) {
            // a rollback may be better here
            $sql_query_recreate = '# Restoring the dropped constraint...' . "\n";
            $sql_query_recreate .= PMA_getSQLToCreateForeignKey($table, $master_field, $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['foreign_db'], $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['foreign_table'], $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['foreign_field'], $existrel_foreign[$master_field]['constraint'], $options_array[$existrel_foreign[$master_field]['on_delete']], $options_array[$existrel_foreign[$master_field]['on_update']]);
            $display_query .= $sql_query_recreate . "\n";
    return $html_output;
Beispiel #30
 * Get HTML links for 'Print view', 'Relation view', 'Propose table structure',
 * 'Track table' and 'Move columns'
 * @param string  $url_query           url query
 * @param boolean $tbl_is_view         whether table is view or not
 * @param boolean $db_is_system_schema whether db is information schema or not
 * @return string $html_output
function PMA_getHtmlForOptionalActionLinks($url_query, $tbl_is_view, $db_is_system_schema)
    $html_output = '<a href="tbl_printview.php' . $url_query . '" target="print_view">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_print.png', __('Print view'), true) . '</a>';
    if (!$tbl_is_view && !$db_is_system_schema) {
        if (!PMA_DRIZZLE) {
            $html_output .= '<a href="sql.php' . $url_query . '&amp;session_max_rows=all&amp;sql_query=' . urlencode('SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' PROCEDURE ANALYSE()') . '">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_tblanalyse.png', __('Propose table structure'), true) . '</a>';
            $html_output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu('procedure_analyse') . "\n";
        if (PMA_Tracker::isActive()) {
            $html_output .= '<a href="tbl_tracking.php' . $url_query . '">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('eye.png', __('Track table'), true) . '</a>';
        $html_output .= '<a href="#" id="move_columns_anchor">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_move.png', __('Move columns'), true) . '</a>';
        $html_output .= '<a href="normalization.php' . $url_query . '">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('normalize.png', __('Improve table structure'), true) . '</a>';
    if ($tbl_is_view && !$db_is_system_schema) {
        if (PMA_Tracker::isActive()) {
            $html_output .= '<a href="tbl_tracking.php' . $url_query . '">' . PMA_Util::getIcon('eye.png', __('Track view'), true) . '</a>';
    return $html_output;