Beispiel #1
// Make it easier to get to payment, billing, and shipping data
$p = $gateway->getPayment();
$b = $gateway->getBilling();
$s = $gateway->getShipping();
// Set initial country codes for billing and shipping addresses
$billingCountryCode = isset($b['country']) && !empty($b['country']) ? $b['country'] : Cart66Common::getHomeCountryCode();
$shippingCountryCode = isset($s['country']) && !empty($s['country']) ? $s['country'] : Cart66Common::getHomeCountryCode();
// Include the HTML markup for the checkout form
$checkoutFormFile = CART66_PATH . '/views/checkout-form.php';
if ($gatewayName == 'Cart66Mijireh') {
    $checkoutFormFile = CART66_PATH . '/views/mijireh/shipping_address.php';
} elseif ($gatewayName == 'Cart662Checkout') {
    $checkoutFormFile = CART66_PATH . '/views/2checkout.php';
} else {
    $userViewFile = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/cart66-templates/views/checkout-form.php';
    if (file_exists($userViewFile) && filesize($userViewFile) > 10 && CART66_PRO && Cart66Common::isRegistered()) {
        $checkoutFormFile = $userViewFile;
Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Using Checkout Form File :: {$checkoutFormFile}");
include $checkoutFormFile;
$checkoutFormFileContents = ob_get_contents();
echo Cart66Common::minifyMarkup($checkoutFormFileContents);
// Include the client side javascript validation
$same_as_billing = false;
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && Cart66Setting::getValue('sameAsBillingOff') != 1) {
    $same_as_billing = true;
} elseif (isset($_POST['sameAsBilling']) && $_POST['sameAsBilling'] == '1') {
    $same_as_billing = true;