public function getMaxOrderDescription()
     $max = $this->maxOrder;
     if ($max > 0) {
         $max = Cart66Common::currency($max);
     } else {
         $max = __('Apply to All Orders', 'cart66');
     return $max;
 public function getTrialPriceDescription()
     $description = 'No trial';
     if ($this->offerTrial > 0) {
         $description = Cart66Common::currency($this->trialPrice) . ' / ';
         if ($this->trialPeriod > 1) {
             $description .= $this->trialPeriod . ' ';
         $description .= $this->getTrialPeriodUnit();
     return $description;
 public function getPriceDescription()
     $product = new Cart66Product();
     $spreedlyProduct = $product->getOne("where spreedly_subscription_id = {$this->id}");
     if (!empty($spreedlyProduct->priceDescription)) {
         $out = $spreedlyProduct->priceDescription;
     } else {
         $price = $this->price;
         $out = Cart66Common::currency($price) . ' / ' . $this->terms;
         if ($this->hasFreeTrial()) {
             $duration = $this->chargeLaterDurationQuantity . ' ' . $this->chargeLaterDurationUnits;
             $out .= " <span class='Cart66FreePeriod'>(first {$duration} free)</span>";
     return $out;
            $price = $item->product_price * $item->quantity;
            // echo "Item: " . $item->item_number . ' ' . $item->description . "\n";
            echo __("Item", "cart66") . ": " . $item->description . "\n";
            if ($hasDigital) {
                $receiptPage = get_page_by_path('store/receipt');
                $receiptPageLink = get_permalink($receiptPage);
                $receiptPageLink .= strstr($receiptPageLink, '?') ? '&duid=' . $item->duid : '?duid=' . $item->duid;
                echo "\n" . $receiptPageLink . "\n";
            if ($item->quantity > 1) {
                echo __("Quantity", "cart66") . ": " . $item->quantity . "\n";
            echo __("Item Price", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($item->product_price) . "\n";
            echo __("Item Total", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($item->product_price * $item->quantity) . "\n\n";
            if ($product->isGravityProduct()) {
                echo Cart66GravityReader::displayGravityForm($item->form_entry_ids, true);
        if ($order->shipping_method != 'None' && $order->shipping_method != 'Download') {
            echo __("Shipping", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($order->shipping) . "\n";
        if (!empty($order->coupon) && $order->coupon != 'none') {
            echo __("Coupon", "cart66") . ": " . $order->coupon . "\n";
        if ($order->tax > 0) {
            echo __("Tax", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($order->tax, false) . "\n";
        echo "\n" . __("TOTAL", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($order->total, false) . "\n";
                <p id="what_is_initial_payment_answer" class="label_desc" style="max-width: 400px; display: none;">F<?php 
    _e('or example, this may be a setup fee. This one time fee will be charged at checkout regardless of when you decide to start collecting the recurring payments.', 'cart66');
              <label class="med" for="subscription-price"><?php 
    _e('Recurring Price', 'cart66');
    echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('before');
              <input class="med" style="width: 5em;" type="text" name="subscription[price]" id="subscription-price" value="<?php 
    echo $data['subscription']->id > 0 ? Cart66Common::currency($data['subscription']->price, true, false, false) : '';
" />
    echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('after');
              <label class="med" for="subscription-billing_interval"><?php 
    _e('Bill every', 'cart66');
              <input style="width: 50px;" type="text" name="subscription[billing_interval]" id="subscription-billing_interval" value="<?php 
    echo $data['subscription']->billingInterval;
" />
 public static function paypalSubscriptionsTable()
     $columns = array('id', 'item_number', 'name', 'feature_level', 'setup_fee', 'price', 'billing_cycles', 'offer_trial', 'start_recurring_number', 'start_recurring_unit');
     $indexColumn = "id";
     $tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('products');
     $where = self::dataTablesWhere($columns);
     $limit = self::dataTablesLimit() == '' ? null : self::dataTablesLimit();
     $order = self::dataTablesOrder($columns);
     if ($where == null) {
         $where = "WHERE is_paypal_subscription>0";
     } else {
         $where .= " AND is_paypal_subscription>0";
     $iTotal = self::totalRows($indexColumn, $tableName, $where);
     $iFilteredTotal = self::filteredRows($indexColumn, $tableName, $where);
     $data = array();
     $subscription = new Cart66PayPalSubscription();
     $subscriptions = $subscription->getModels($where, $order, $limit);
     foreach ($subscriptions as $s) {
         $gfTitles = self::gfData();
         if ($s->gravityFormId > 0 && isset($gfTitles) && isset($gfTitles[$s->gravityFormId])) {
             $gfTitles = '<br/><em>Linked To Gravity Form: ' . $gfTitles[$s->gravityFormId] . '</em>';
         } else {
             $gfTitles = '';
         $data[] = array($s->id, $s->item_number, $s->name . $gfTitles, $s->featureLevel, Cart66Common::currency($s->setupFee), $s->getPriceDescription(false), $s->getBillingCycleDescription(), $s->getTrialPriceDescription(), $s->getStartRecurringDescription());
     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] " . json_encode($data));
     $array = array('sEcho' => $_GET['sEcho'], 'iTotalRecords' => $iTotal[0], 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => $iFilteredTotal[0], 'aaData' => $data);
     echo json_encode($array);
Beispiel #7
            $method = new Cart66ShippingMethod();
            echo Cart66Common::currency($rule->min_amount);
            echo $method->name ? $method->name : "<span style='color:red;'>Please select a method</span>";
            echo Cart66Common::currency($rule->shipping_cost);
               <a href='?page=cart66-shipping&task=edit&id=<?php 
            echo $rule->id;
            _e('Edit', 'cart66');
</a> | 
               <a class='delete' href='?page=cart66-shipping&task=delete&id=<?php 
            echo $rule->id;
            _e('Delete', 'cart66');
   } else {
       $msg = __("This is a test email receipt with test information. Please create a template in your settings to get it to look exactly the way you want.", "cart66") . "\n\n";
       $msg .= __("ORDER NUMBER", "cart66") . ": TEST-TRANSACTION-ID\n\n";
       $msg .= __("Order Status") . ": " . str_replace('_', ' ', strtoupper($status)) . "\n\n";
       $msg .= __("Item", "cart66") . ": Test Product Name\n";
       $msg .= __("Quantity", "cart66") . ": 3\n";
       $msg .= __("Item Price", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency(15.0, false) . "\n";
       $msg .= __("Item Total", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency(45.0, false) . "\n\n";
       $msg .= __("Shipping", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency(5.0, false) . "\n";
       $msg .= __("Coupon", "cart66") . ": TEST-COUPON -(" . Cart66Common::currency(15.0, false) . ")\n";
       $msg .= __("Tax", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency(1.87, false) . "\n";
       $msg .= "\n" . __("TOTAL", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency(36.87, false) . "\n";
       $msg .= "\n\n" . __("SHIPPING INFORMATION", "cart66") . "\n\n";
       $msg .= "FirstName LastName\n";
       $msg .= "1234 My Address\n";
       $msg .= "Apt. 1\n";
       $msg .= "My City, ST 00000\nUnited States\n";
       $msg .= "\n" . __("Delivery via", "cart66") . ": UPS Ground\n";
       $msg .= "\n\n" . __("BILLING INFORMATION", "cart66") . "\n\n";
       $msg .= "FirstName LastName\n";
       $msg .= "1234 My Address\n";
       $msg .= "Apt. 1\n";
       $msg .= "My City, ST 00000\nUnited States\n";
       $msg .= "\n" . __("Phone", "cart66") . ": (000) 000-0000\n";
       $msg .= __("Email", "cart66") . ":\n";
       $msg .= "\n" . __('DOWNLOAD LINK', 'cart66') . "\n" . __('Click the link below to download your order.', 'cart66') . "\n\n";
       $msg .= "\n" . __('VIEW RECEIPT ONLINE', 'cart66') . "\n" . __('Click the link below to view your receipt online.', 'cart66') . "\n\n";
Beispiel #9
      <p style="border: 1px solid #CCC; background-color: #eee; padding: 5px; width: 590px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px;">
_e('Current Tweak Factor', 'cart66');
if (Cart66Setting::getValue('rate_tweak_factor')) {
    $type = Cart66Setting::getValue('rate_tweak_type');
    $factor = Cart66Setting::getValue('rate_tweak_factor');
    if ($type == 'percentage') {
        $direction = $factor > 0 ? 'increased' : 'decreased';
        echo "All rates will be {$direction} by " . abs($factor) . '%';
    } else {
        $direction = $factor > 0 ? 'added to' : 'subtracted from';
        echo Cart66Common::currency(abs($factor)) . " will be {$direction} all rates";
} else {
    echo 'The calculated rates will not be tweaked.';

      <form action="" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="cart66-action" value="save rate tweak" />
        <select name="rate_tweak_type" id="rate_tweak_type">
          <option value="percentage"><?php 
_e('Tweak by percentage', 'cart66');
          <option value="fixed"><?php 
 public function defaultPlainEmailMessage($order)
     $msg = __("ORDER NUMBER", "cart66") . ": " . $order->trans_id . "\n\n";
     $hasDigital = false;
     $product = new Cart66Product();
     foreach ($order->getItems() as $item) {
         if ($hasDigital == false) {
             $hasDigital = $product->isDigital();
         $price = $item->product_price * $item->quantity;
         // $msg .= "Item: " . $item->item_number . ' ' . $item->description . "\n";
         $msg .= __("Item", "cart66") . ": " . $item->description . "\n";
         if ($hasDigital) {
             $receiptPage = get_page_by_path('store/receipt');
             $receiptPageLink = get_permalink($receiptPage);
             $receiptPageLink .= strstr($receiptPageLink, '?') ? '&duid=' . $item->duid : '?duid=' . $item->duid;
             $msg .= "\n" . $receiptPageLink . "\n";
         if ($item->quantity > 1) {
             $msg .= __("Quantity", "cart66") . ": " . $item->quantity . "\n";
         $msg .= __("Item Price", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($item->product_price, false) . "\n";
         $msg .= __("Item Total", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($item->product_price * $item->quantity, false) . "\n\n";
         if ($product->isGravityProduct()) {
             $msg .= Cart66GravityReader::displayGravityForm($item->form_entry_ids, true);
     if ($order->shipping_method != 'None' && $order->shipping_method != 'Download') {
         $msg .= __("Shipping", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($order->shipping, false) . "\n";
     if (!empty($order->coupon) && $order->coupon != 'none') {
         $msg .= __("Coupon", "cart66") . ": " . $order->coupon . "\n";
     if ($order->tax > 0) {
         $msg .= __("Tax", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($order->tax, false) . "\n";
     $msg .= "\n" . __("TOTAL", "cart66") . ": " . Cart66Common::currency($order->total, false) . "\n";
     if ($order->shipping_method != 'None' && $order->shipping_method != 'Download') {
         $msg .= "\n\n" . __("SHIPPING INFORMATION", "cart66") . "\n\n";
         $msg .= $order->ship_first_name . ' ' . $order->ship_last_name . "\n";
         $msg .= $order->ship_address . "\n";
         if (!empty($order->ship_address2)) {
             $msg .= $order->ship_address2 . "\n";
         $msg .= $order->ship_city . ' ' . $order->ship_state . ' ' . $order->ship_zip . "\n" . $order->ship_country . "\n";
         if (is_array($additional_fields = maybe_unserialize($order->additional_fields)) && isset($additional_fields['shipping'])) {
             foreach ($additional_fields['shipping'] as $af) {
                 $msg .= html_entity_decode($af['label']) . ': ' . $af['value'] . "\n";
         $msg .= "\n" . __("Delivery via", "cart66") . ": " . $order->shipping_method . "\n";
     $msg .= "\n\n" . __("BILLING INFORMATION", "cart66") . "\n\n";
     $msg .= $order->bill_first_name . ' ' . $order->bill_last_name . "\n";
     $msg .= $order->bill_address . "\n";
     if (!empty($order->bill_address2)) {
         $msg .= $order->bill_address2 . "\n";
     $msg .= $order->bill_city . ' ' . $order->bill_state;
     $msg .= $order->bill_zip != null ? ', ' : ' ';
     $msg .= $order->bill_zip . "\n" . $order->bill_country . "\n";
     if (is_array($additional_fields = maybe_unserialize($order->additional_fields)) && isset($additional_fields['billing'])) {
         foreach ($additional_fields['billing'] as $af) {
             $msg .= html_entity_decode($af['label']) . ': ' . $af['value'] . "\n";
     if (!empty($order->phone)) {
         $phone = Cart66Common::formatPhone($order->phone);
         $msg .= "\n" . __("Phone", "cart66") . ": {$phone}\n";
     if (!empty($order->email)) {
         $msg .= __("Email", "cart66") . ': ' . $order->email . "\n";
     if (is_array($additional_fields = maybe_unserialize($order->additional_fields)) && isset($additional_fields['payment'])) {
         foreach ($additional_fields['payment'] as $af) {
             $msg .= html_entity_decode($af['label']) . ': ' . $af['value'] . "\n";
     if (isset($order->custom_field) && $order->custom_field != '') {
         if (Cart66Setting::getValue('checkout_custom_field_label')) {
             $msg .= "\n" . Cart66Setting::getValue('checkout_custom_field_label');
         } else {
             $msg .= "\n" . __('Enter any special instructions you have for this order:', 'cart66');
         $msg .= "\n" . $order->custom_field . "\n";
     $receiptPage = get_page_by_path('store/receipt');
     $link = get_permalink($receiptPage->ID);
     if (strstr($link, "?")) {
         $link .= '&ouid=' . $order->ouid;
     } else {
         $link .= '?ouid=' . $order->ouid;
     if ($hasDigital) {
         $msg .= "\n" . __('DOWNLOAD LINK', 'cart66') . "\n" . __('Click the link below to download your order.', 'cart66') . "\n{$link}";
     } else {
         $msg .= "\n" . __('VIEW RECEIPT ONLINE', 'cart66') . "\n" . __('Click the link below to view your receipt online.', 'cart66') . "\n{$link}";
     $msgIntro = Cart66Setting::getValue('receipt_intro') && !Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_advanced_notifications') ? Cart66Setting::getValue('receipt_intro') : '';
     $msgIntro .= Cart66Setting::getValue('receipt_message_intro') && Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_advanced_notifications') ? Cart66Setting::getValue('receipt_plain_email') : '';
     $msg = $msgIntro . " \n----------------------------------\n\n" . $msg;
     return $msg;
if ($tax > 0) {
            <tr class="tax">
              <td colspan="2"><?php 
    _e('Tax', 'cart66');
<span class="Cart66MetaSep">:</span>
              <span class="Cart66TaxCost"><?php 
    echo Cart66Common::currency($tax);
      <div class="Cart66WidgetViewCartCheckoutItems">
        <a class="Cart66WidgetViewCart" href='<?php 
echo get_permalink($data['cartPage']->ID);
    public static function cart66_statistics_widget()
        function totalFromRange($start, $end)
            global $wpdb;
            $tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders');
            $sql = "SELECT sum(total) as total from {$tableName} where ordered_on > '{$start}' AND ordered_on < '{$end}'";
            $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A);
            $output = $result ? (double) $result['total'] : "N/A";
            return $output;
        // TODAY
        $yday = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('yesterday'));
        $dayStart = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('today'));
        $dayEnd = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('tomorrow'));
        $mdayStart = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('today'));
        $mdayEnd = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('next month'));
        $today_total = totalFromRange($dayStart, $dayEnd);
        $yesterday_total = totalFromRange($yday, $dayStart);
        $month_total = totalFromRange($mdayStart, $mdayEnd);
        $total_product_sales = Cart66DataTables::productsSearch();
        $total_sales_amount = Cart66DataTables::totalSalesForMonth($total_product_sales);
        $daily_avg = ($month_total - $today_total) / date('j', strtotime('yesterday'));
        $total_days = date('t', strtotime('now'));
        $est_month = $total_days * $daily_avg;
    <div class="cart66Tabbed">
      <ul class="tabs">
        <li class="t1"><a class="t1 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        _e('Summary', 'cart66');
        <li class="t2"><a class="t2 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        _e('Today/Yesterday', 'cart66');
        <li class="t3"><a class="t3 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        echo date("F, Y", strtotime("now"));
        <li class="t4"><a class="t4 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        _e('Daily Average', 'cart66');
        <li class="t5"><a class="t5 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        _e('Estimate', 'cart66');
      <div class="loading">
        <h2 class="center"><?php 
        _e('loading...', 'cart66');
      <div class="t1 pane">
        <table id="statSummary" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        _e('Last Updated', 'cart66');
          <td class="right">
        echo date(get_option('date_format'), Cart66Common::localTs());
        echo date(get_option('time_format'), Cart66Common::localTs());
          <tr class="t4 tab summaryDetails">
        echo date('F');
        _e(' Daily Average', 'cart66');
            <td class="right">
             <a class="t4 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($daily_avg);
          <tr class="t2 tab summaryDetails">
        _e('Today\'s Total', 'cart66');
            <td class="right">
              <a class="t2 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($today_total);
          <tr class="t2 tab summaryDetails">
        _e('Yesterday\'s Total', 'cart66');
            <td class="right">
              <a class="t2 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($yesterday_total);
          <tr class="t3 tab summaryDetails">
        echo date("F", strtotime("now"));
        _e('Total', 'cart66');
            <td class="right">
             <a class="t3 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($month_total);
          <tr class="t5 tab summaryDetails">
        _e('Estimated', 'cart66');
        echo date("F", strtotime('now'));
        _e('Total', 'cart66');
            <td class="right">
             <a class="t5 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($est_month);
      <div class="t2 pane">
        <table id="dayStats" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <tr class="summaryDetails dayStats">
        _e('Today\'s Total', 'cart66');
: <strong><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($today_total);
            <td class="right">
        _e('Yesterday\'s Total', 'cart66');
: <strong><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($yesterday_total);
            <td class="wideOrders" colspan="2">
              <table width="100%" id="todaysOrders" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <th colspan="2" class="left"><?php 
        _e('Today\'s Order Details', 'cart66');
                  <th class="right"><?php 
        _e('Order Total', 'cart66');
        $Orders = new Cart66Order();
        $todaysOrders = $Orders->getOrderRows(" WHERE ordered_on > '{$dayStart}' AND ordered_on < '{$dayEnd}' AND id>0", "order by ordered_on DESC");
        if ($todaysOrders) {
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($todaysOrders as $order) {
                      <td class="rowNumber">
                echo $i;
                      <td class="orderInformation">
                echo $order->bill_first_name . " " . $order->bill_last_name;
                          <span class='orderDate'><?php 
                echo Cart66Common::getElapsedTime($order->ordered_on);
                      <td class='right'>
                echo Cart66Common::currency($order->total);
        } else {
                  <td colspan='3'>
                    <h2 class="noOrders"><?php 
            _e('No orders yet today', 'cart66');
      <div class="t3 pane">
        <table id="productTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <th class="left"><?php 
        _e('Product Name', 'cart66');
                <th class="center"><?php 
        _e('Sales', 'cart66');
                <th class="right"><?php 
        _e('Income', 'cart66');
                <th class="left"><strong><?php 
        echo date("F, Y", strtotime('now'));
        if (isset($total_sales_amount['total_sales'])) {
            $totalSales = $total_sales_amount['total_sales']['total_quantity'];
            $totalAmount = $total_sales_amount['total_sales']['total_amount'];
        } else {
            $totalSales = '0';
            $totalAmount = '0';
                <th class="center"><strong><?php 
        echo $totalSales;
                <th class="right"><strong><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($totalAmount);
      <div class="t4 pane">
          <table id="dailyAverage" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        $column = 0;
        for ($i = 6; $i > 0; $i--) {
            $tmonth_start = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime("{$i} months ago"));
            $tmonth_end = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime($i - 1 . " months ago"));
            $tmonth_total = totalFromRange($tmonth_start, $tmonth_end);
            $tmonth_days = date('t', strtotime("{$i} months ago"));
            if ($tmonth_total != "") {
                  <th class="left" colspan="2">
                echo date('F, Y', strtotime("{$i} months ago"));
                _e('Total Income', 'cart66');
                  <td class="right"><strong><?php 
                echo Cart66Common::currency($tmonth_total);
                _e('Daily Average', 'cart66');
                  <td class="right"><strong><?php 
                echo Cart66Common::currency($tmonth_total / $tmonth_days);
        $ystart = date("Y-01-01 00:00:00");
        $yend = date("Y-01-01 00:00:00", strtotime("next year"));
        $year_total = totalFromRange($ystart, $yend);
        $day_of_year = date('z');
                  <th class="left" colspan="2">YTD - <?php 
        echo date('Y');
        _e('Total Income', 'cart66');
                  <td class="right"><strong><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($year_total);
        _e('Daily Average', 'cart66');
                    <td class="right"><strong><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($year_total / $day_of_year);
      <div class="t5 pane">
        <table id="estimatedSummary" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        _e('Today', 'cart66');
              <td class="right">
        echo date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime('now'));
        _e('Total Days in', 'cart66');
        echo date("F", strtotime('now'));
              <td class="right">
        echo $total_days;
        _e('Remaining Days in', 'cart66');
        echo date("F", strtotime('now'));
              <td class="right">
        echo $total_days - date('j', strtotime('now'));
        _e('Estimated Remaining Income', 'cart66');
              <td class="right">
        echo Cart66Common::currency(($total_days - date('j', strtotime('now'))) * $daily_avg);
    <script type="text/javascript">
          /* API method to get paging information */
          $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnPagingInfo = function ( oSettings )
              return {
                  "iStart":         oSettings._iDisplayStart,
                  "iEnd":           oSettings.fnDisplayEnd(),
                  "iLength":        oSettings._iDisplayLength,
                  "iTotal":         oSettings.fnRecordsTotal(),
                  "iFilteredTotal": oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay(),
                  "iPage":          Math.ceil( oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength ),
                  "iTotalPages":    Math.ceil( oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() / oSettings._iDisplayLength )

          /* Bootstrap style pagination control */
          $.extend( $.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination, {
              "bootstrap": {
                  "fnInit": function( oSettings, nPaging, fnDraw ) {
                      var oLang = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate;
                      var fnClickHandler = function ( e ) {
                          if ( oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, ) {
                              fnDraw( oSettings );

                              '<li class="prev disabled"><a href="#">&larr; '+oLang.sPrevious+'</a></li>'+
                              '<li class="next disabled"><a href="#">'+oLang.sNext+' &rarr; </a></li>'+
                      var els = $('a', nPaging);
                      $(els[0]).bind( 'click.DT', { action: "previous" }, fnClickHandler );
                      $(els[1]).bind( 'click.DT', { action: "next" }, fnClickHandler );

                  "fnUpdate": function ( oSettings, fnDraw ) {
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                      for ( i=0, iLen=an.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) {
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                          for ( j=iStart ; j<=iEnd ; j++ ) {
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                                  .insertBefore( $('li:last', an[i])[0] )
                                  .bind('click', function (e) {
                                      oSettings._iDisplayStart = (parseInt($('a', this).text(),10)-1) * oPaging.iLength;
                                      fnDraw( oSettings );
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            "bProcessing": true,
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            "bPagination": true,
            "bLengthChange": false,
            "iDisplayLength": 6,
            "sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
            "sAjaxSource": ajaxurl + "?action=dashboard_products_table",
            "aoColumns": [
              { "sClass": "left" },
              { "sClass": "center" },
              { "sClass": "right" },
            "oLanguage": { 
              "sZeroRecords": "<?php 
        _e('No matching Products found', 'cart66');
              "sSearch": "<?php 
        _e('Search', 'cart66');
              "sInfo": "<?php 
        _e('Showing', 'cart66');
 _START_ <?php 
        _e('to', 'cart66');
 _END_ <?php 
        _e('of', 'cart66');
 _TOTAL_ <?php 
        _e('entries', 'cart66');
              "sInfoEmpty": "<?php 
        _e('Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries', 'cart66');
              "oPaginate": {
                "sNext": "<?php 
        _e('Next', 'cart66');
                "sPrevious": "<?php 
        _e('Previous', 'cart66');
                "sLast": "<?php 
        _e('Last', 'cart66');
                "sFirst": "<?php 
        _e('First', 'cart66');
              "sInfoFiltered": "(<?php 
        _e('filtered from', 'cart66');
 _MAX_ <?php 
        _e('total entries', 'cart66');
              "sLengthMenu": "<?php 
        _e('Show', 'cart66');
 _MENU_ <?php 
        _e('entries', 'cart66');
              "sLoadingRecords": "<?php 
        _e('Loading', 'cart66');
              "sProcessing": "<?php 
        _e('Processing', 'cart66');
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
          // setting the tabs in the sidebar hide and show, setting the current tab
          $('div.cart66Tabbed ul.tabs li.t1 a').addClass('tab-current');
          // SIDEBAR TABS
          $('div.cart66Tabbed ul li a, div.t1 a, div.t1 tr.summaryDetails').click(function(){
            if($(this).hasClass('tab')) {
              var thisClass = this.className.slice(0,2);
              $('div.' + thisClass).fadeIn(300);
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              $('div.cart66Tabbed ul.tabs li a.' + thisClass).addClass('tab-current');
  * Return information about pro-rated credit or false if there is none.
  * Returns a standard object:
  *   $data->description = The description of the credit
  *   $data->amount = The monetary amount of the credit
  *   $data->money = The formated monetary amount of the credit
  * return object or false
 public function getProRateInfo()
     $data = false;
     $proRateAmount = 0;
     if ($this->isSpreedlySubscription()) {
         if (Cart66Common::isLoggedIn() && Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')) {
             if ($subscriptionId = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getSpreedlySubscriptionId()) {
                 try {
                     $invoiceData = array('subscription-plan-id' => $subscriptionId, 'subscriber' => array('customer-id' => Cart66Session::get('Cart66AccountId')));
                     $invoice = new SpreedlyInvoice();
                     $this->_creditAmount = abs((double) $invoice->invoiceData->{'line-items'}->{'line-item'}[1]->amount);
                     $data = new stdClass();
                     $data->description = $invoice->invoiceData->{'line-items'}->{'line-item'}[1]->description;
                     $data->amount = $this->_creditAmount;
                     $data->money = Cart66Common::currency($this->_creditAmount);
                     if ($data->amount > 0) {
                         $proRateAmount = $data->amount;
                     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Spreedly Invoice: " . print_r($invoice->invoiceData, true));
                 } catch (SpreedlyException $e) {
                     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Unable to locate spreedly customer: " . Cart66Session::get('Cart66AccountId'));
     Cart66Session::set('Cart66ProRateAmount', $proRateAmount, true);
     return $data;
Beispiel #14
    public static function add_shortcode_popup()
        global $current_screen;
        //Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Thinking about adding code for shortcode popup: $current_screen->id");
        $add_popup = false;
        if (in_array($current_screen->id, Cart66Dialog::cart66_get_popup_screens())) {
            $add_popup = true;
        if ($add_popup) {
            Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Adding code for shortcode popup");
        } else {
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
        echo CART66_URL;
/js/cart66.css" />
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

        $prices = array();
        $types = array();
        $options = '';
        $products = Cart66Product::loadProductsOutsideOfClass();
        //$products = $product->getModels("where id>0", "order by name");
        if (count($products)) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($products as $p) {
                $optionClasses = "";
                if ($p->item_number == "") {
                    $id = $p->id;
                    $type = 'id';
                    $description = "";
                } else {
                    $id = $p->item_number;
                    $type = 'item';
                    $description = '(# ' . $p->item_number . ')';
                $types[] = htmlspecialchars($type);
                if (CART66_PRO && $p->is_paypal_subscription == 1) {
                    $sub = new Cart66PayPalSubscription($p->id);
                    $subPrice = strip_tags($sub->getPriceDescription($sub->offerTrial > 0, '(trial)'));
                    $prices[] = htmlspecialchars($subPrice);
                    $optionClasses .= " subscriptionProduct ";
                    //Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] subscription price in dialog: $subPrice");
                } else {
                    $priceDescription = __('Price:', 'cart66') . ' ' . Cart66Common::currency($p->price);
                    if ($p->price_description != null) {
                        $priceDescription = $p->price_description;
                    $prices[] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($priceDescription));
                $options .= '<option value="' . $id . '" class="' . $optionClasses . '">' . $p->name . ' ' . $description . '</option>';
        } else {
            $options .= '<option value="">' . __('No Products', 'cart66') . '</option>';
        $prodTypes = implode("\",\"", $types);
        $prodPrices = implode("\",\"", $prices);
      var prodtype = new Array("<?php 
        echo $prodTypes;
      var prodprices = new Array("<?php 
        echo $prodPrices;
      function insertProductCode(){
        var type =  prodtype[jQuery("#productNameSelector option:selected").index()];
        var prod  = jQuery("#productNameSelector option:selected").val();
          var style  = 'style="'+jQuery("#productStyle").val()+'"';
        else {
          var style = '';
          var text  = 'text="'+jQuery("#buttonText").val()+'"';
        else {
          var text = '';
        var quantity = jQuery("input:radio[name=quantityOptions]:checked").val();
        var defaultQuantity = jQuery("#defaultQuantity").val();
        if(quantity == 'user') {
          if(defaultQuantity == ''){
            var quantity = 'quantity="user"';
          else {
            var quantity = 'quantity="user:'******'"';
        else if(quantity == 'pre'){
          var quantity = 'quantity="'+defaultQuantity+'"';
        else {
          var quantity = '';
        if(jQuery("#productNameSelector option:selected").hasClass('subscriptionProduct')){
          var quantity = '';
        var ajax = jQuery("input:radio[name=ajaxOptions]:checked").val();
        if(ajax == 'yes') {
          var ajax = 'ajax="yes"';
        else {
          var ajax = '';
        var showPrice = jQuery("input:radio[name=showPrice]:checked").val();
        if(showPrice == 'no') {
          var showPrice = 'showprice="no"';
        else if(showPrice == 'only'){
          var showPrice = 'showprice="only"';
        else {
          var showPrice = '';
        var buttonImage = '';
        if(jQuery("#buttonImage").val() != "") {
          var buttonImage = 'img="' + jQuery("#buttonImage").val() + '"';

        window.send_to_editor('&nbsp;[add_to_cart '+type+'="'+prod+'" '+style+' ' +showPrice+' '+buttonImage+' ' +quantity+' ' +text+ ' ' +ajax+ ' ]&nbsp;');
      function shortcode(code){

      function shortcode_wrap(open, close){
      function preview(){

        var productIndex = jQuery("#productNameSelector option:selected").index();

        var priceDescription = jQuery("<div/>").html(prodprices[productIndex]).text();
        var price = "<p id='priceLabel'>" + priceDescription + "</p>";
          price = "";

        var style = "";
        if(jQuery("#productStyle").val()!="") {
          style = jQuery("#productStyle").val();
        var text = "";
        if(jQuery("#buttonText").val()!="") {
          text = jQuery("#buttonText").val();
        else {
          text = '<?php 
        _e("Add to Cart", "cart66");
        $setting = new Cart66Setting();
        $cartImgPath = Cart66Setting::getValue('cart_images_url');
        if ($cartImgPath) {
            if (strpos(strrev($cartImgPath), '/') !== 0) {
                $cartImgPath .= '/';
            $buttonPath = $cartImgPath . 'add-to-cart.png';

        var button = '';

        if ($cartImgPath) {
          var buttonPath = '<?php 
            echo $buttonPath;
          button = "<img src='"+buttonPath+"' title='"+text+"' alt='<?php 
            _e('Cart66 Add To Cart Button', 'cart66');
        } else {
          button = "<input type='button' class='Cart66ButtonPrimary' value='"+text+"' />";

          button = "<img src='"+jQuery("#buttonImage").val()+"' title='<?php 
        _e('Add to Cart', 'cart66');
' alt='<?php 
        _e('Cart66 Add To Cart Button', 'cart66');

          button= "";

        var prevBox = "<div style='"+style+"'>"+price+button+"</div>";

        if(jQuery("#productNameSelector option:selected").hasClass('subscriptionProduct')){
    <div id="select_cart66_shortcode" style="display:none;">
      <div id="cart66-shortcode-window">
        <div id="cart66-shortcode-header">
          <ul class="tabs" id="sidemenu">
            <li class="s1" id="tab-products"><a class="s1 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        _e('Products', 'cart66');
            <li class="s2" id="tab-shortcodes"><a class="s2 tab" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php 
        _e('Shortcodes', 'cart66');
        <div class="loading">
          <h2 class="center"><?php 
        _e('loading...', 'cart66');
        <div class="s1 panes">
        _e("Insert A Product", "cart66");
              <label for="productNameSelector"><?php 
        _e('Your products');
              <select id="productNameSelector" name="productName"><?php 
        echo $options;
            <li class="quantity">
              <label for="quantityOptions" ><?php 
              <input type='radio' id="quantityOptions" name="quantityOptions" value='user' checked> <?php 
        _e('User Defined', 'cart66');
              <input type='radio' id="quantityOptions" name="quantityOptions" value='pre'> <?php 
        _e('Predefined', 'cart66');
              <input type='radio' id="quantityOptions" name="quantityOptions" value='off'> <?php 
        _e('Off', 'cart66');
<br />
            <li id="defaultQuantityGroup" class="quantity">
              <label for="defaultQuantity"><?php 
        _e('Default Quantity', 'cart66');
              <input id="defaultQuantity" name="defaultQuantity" size="2" value="1">
              <label for="buttonText"><?php 
        _e('Button Text');
              <input id="buttonText" name="buttonText" size="34">
              <label for="productStyle"><?php 
        _e('CSS style');
              <input id="productStyle" name="productStyle" size="34">
              <label for="ajaxOptions" ><?php 
        _e('Ajax Add To Cart');
        if (Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_ajax_by_default') && Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_ajax_by_default') == 1) {
                <input type='radio' id="ajaxOptions" name="ajaxOptions" value='yes' checked> <?php 
            _e('Yes', 'cart66');
                <input type='radio' id="ajaxOptions" name="ajaxOptions" value='no'> <?php 
            _e('No', 'cart66');
        } else {
                <input type='radio' id="ajaxOptions" name="ajaxOptions" value='yes'> <?php 
            _e('Yes', 'cart66');
                <input type='radio' id="ajaxOptions" name="ajaxOptions" value='no' checked> <?php 
            _e('No', 'cart66');
              <label for="showPrice" style="display: inline-block; width: 120px; text-align: right;"><?php 
        _e('Show price');
              <input type='radio' id="showPrice" name="showPrice" value='yes' checked> <?php 
        _e('Yes', 'cart66');
              <input type='radio' id="showPrice" name="showPrice" value='no'> <?php 
        _e('No', 'cart66');
              <input type='radio' id="showPrice" name="showPrice" value='only'> <?php 
        _e('Price Only', 'cart66');
              <label for="buttonImage" ><?php 
        _e('Button path');
              <input id="buttonImage" name="buttonImage" size="34">
              <label for="buttonImage" ><?php 
              <div class="" id="buttonPreview"></div>
        $shortcodes_system = array('express' => __('Listens for PayPal Express callbacks <br/>Belongs on system page store/express', 'cart66'), 'ipn' => __('PayPal Instant Payment Notification <br/>Belongs on system page store/ipn', 'cart66'), 'receipt' => __('Shows the customer\'s receipt after a successful sale <br/>Belongs on system page store/receipt', 'cart66'));
        $shortcodes = array('add_to_cart item=&quot;&quot;' => __('Create add to cart button', 'cart66'), 'cart' => __('Show the shopping cart', 'cart66'), 'cart mode=&quot;read&quot;' => __('Show the shopping cart in read-only mode', 'cart66'), 'checkout_mijireh' => __('Mijireh Checkout Accept Credit Cards - PCI Compliant', 'cart66'), 'checkout_stripe' => __('Stripe Checkout form', 'cart66'), 'checkout_2checkout' => __('2Checkout checkout form', 'cart66'), 'checkout_manual' => __('Checkout form that does not process credit cards', 'cart66'), 'checkout_paypal' => __('PayPal Website Payments Standard checkout button', 'cart66'), 'checkout_paypal_express' => __('PayPal Express checkout button', 'cart66'), 'clear_cart' => __('Clear the contents of the shopping cart', 'cart66'), 'shopping_cart' => __('Show the Cart66 sidebar widget', 'cart66'), 'post_sale' => __('Display content one time immediately after a sale', 'cart66'), 'cart66_affiliate' => __('Add order information to an affiliate URL that can be used inside the post_sale shortcode. The only attribute is "display"', 'cart66'));
        if (CART66_PRO) {
            $shortcodes_pro = array('account_info' => __('Show link to manage subscription account information', 'cart66'), 'account_login' => __('Account login form', 'cart66'), 'account_logout' => __('Logs user out of account', 'cart66'), 'account_logout_link' => __('Show link to log out of account', 'cart66'), 'account_expiration' => __('Show a member when their account expires', 'cart66'), 'cancel_paypal_subscription' => __('Link to cancel PayPal subscription', 'cart66'), 'checkout_payleap' => __('PayLeap checkout form', 'cart66'), 'checkout_authorizenet' => __(' (or AIM compatible gateway) checkout form', 'cart66'), 'checkout_eway' => __('Eway checkout form', 'cart66'), 'checkout_mwarrior' => __('Merchant Warrior checkout form', 'cart66'), 'checkout_paypal_pro' => __('PayPal Pro checkout form', 'cart66'), 'terms_of_service' => __('Show the terms of service agreement', 'cart66'), 'subscription_feature_level' => __('Show the name of the subscription feature level for the currently logged in user', 'cart66'), 'subscription_name' => __('Show the name of the subscription for the currently logged in user', 'cart66'), 'zendesk_login' => __('Listens for remote login calls from Zendesk', 'cart66'), 'hide_from' => __('Hide content from members without the listed feature levels - opposite of [show_to]', 'cart66'), 'show_to' => __('Show content only to members with the listed feature levels - opposite of [hide_from]', 'cart66'), 'email_opt_out' => __('Allow Cart66 members to opt out of receiving notifications about the status of their account.', 'cart66'));
            $shortcodes = array_merge($shortcodes, $shortcodes_pro);
            $shortcodes_system['spreedly_listener'] = __('Listens for spreedly account changes <br/>Belongs on system page store/spreedly', 'cart66');
        <div class="s2 panes">
        _e("Insert A System Shortcode", "cart66");
          <table id="shortCodeList" cellpadding="0">
              <td colspan="2"><strong><?php 
        _e('Shortcode Quick Reference', 'cart66');
        foreach ($shortcodes as $shortcode => $description) {
                <td><div class="shortcode" <?php 
            if ($shortcode == 'hide_from' || $shortcode == 'show_to' || $shortcode == 'post_sale') {
                echo $shortcode;
                echo $shortcode == 'show_to' || $shortcode == 'hide_from' ? 'level=&quot;&quot;' : '';
', '<?php 
                echo $shortcode;
            } else {
                echo $shortcode;
><a title="Insert [<?php 
            echo $shortcode;
            echo $shortcode == 'show_to' || $shortcode == 'hide_from' ? "{$shortcode} level=&quot;&quot;" : "{$shortcode}";
            echo $description;
          <table id="systemShortCodeList" cellpadding="0">
              <td colspan="2"><strong><?php 
        _e('System Shortcodes', 'cart66');
        foreach ($shortcodes_system as $shortcode => $description) {
                <td><div class="shortcode" <?php 
            if ($shortcode == 'hide_from' || $shortcode == 'show_to' || $shortcode == 'post_sale') {
                echo $shortcode;
                echo $shortcode == 'show_to' || $shortcode == 'hide_from' ? 'level=&quot;&quot;' : '';
', '<?php 
                echo $shortcode;
            } else {
                echo $shortcode;
><a title="Insert [<?php 
            echo $shortcode;
            echo $shortcode == 'show_to' || $shortcode == 'hide_from' ? "{$shortcode} level=&quot;&quot;" : "{$shortcode}";
            echo $description;
          <div class="buttons">
            <input type="button" class="button-secondary" value="<?php 
        _e("Cancel", "cart66");
" onclick="tb_remove();" />
            <input id="insertProductButton" type="button" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e("Insert Shortcode", "cart66");
" onclick="insertProductCode();"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function adjustHeights() {
          hWindow = $('#TB_window').height();
          wWindow = $('#TB_window').width();
          $('#TB_ajaxContent').height(hWindow - 45);
          $('#TB_ajaxContent').width(wWindow - 30);
        $(window).resize(function() {
        $(document).ready(function() {
          // setting the tabs in the sidebar hide and show, setting the current tab
          $('div#cart66-shortcode-header ul.tabs li.s1 a').addClass('current');
          // SIDEBAR TABS
          $('div#cart66-shortcode-header ul li a').click(function(){
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            $('div.' + thisClass).fadeIn(300);
            $('div#cart66-shortcode-header ul.tabs li a').removeClass('current');
            $('div#cart66-shortcode-header ul.tabs li a.' + thisClass).addClass('current');
 public function getProductPriceDescription()
     if ($this->_productId > 0) {
         $product = new Cart66Product($this->_productId);
         if ($product->isPayPalSubscription()) {
             $product = new Cart66PayPalSubscription($product->id);
             $priceDescription = $product->getPriceDescription($product->offerTrial > 0, '(trial)');
         } elseif ($product->isSpreedlySubscription()) {
             $product = new Cart66Product($product->id);
             $priceDescription = $product->getPriceDescription();
         } elseif ($product->is_user_price == 1 || $product->gravity_form_pricing) {
             $session_var_name = "userPrice_{$this->_productId}";
             if ($product->gravity_form_pricing) {
                 $session_var_name .= '_' . $this->getFirstFormEntryId();
             if (Cart66Session::get($session_var_name)) {
                 $userPrice = Cart66Session::get($session_var_name);
                 if ($product->min_price > 0 && $userPrice < $product->min_price) {
                     $userPrice = $product->min_price;
                 if ($product->max_price > 0 && $userPrice > $product->max_price) {
                     $userPrice = $product->max_price;
                 $priceDescription = Cart66Common::currency($userPrice);
             } else {
                 $priceDescription = Cart66Common::currency($product->price);
         } else {
             $priceDescription = $product->getPriceDescription($this->_priceDifference);
             if (is_numeric($priceDescription)) {
                 $priceDescription = Cart66Common::currency($priceDescription);
     return $priceDescription;
echo $promo->id > 0 ? Cart66Common::currency($promo->minOrder, true, false, false) : '';
"> <?php 
echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('after');
                  <div class="group">
                    <label for="promo-max_order"><?php 
_e('Maximum order amount', 'cart66');
echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('before');
 <input type="text" id="promo-max_order" name="promo[max_order]" value="<?php 
echo $promo->id > 0 ? Cart66Common::currency($promo->maxOrder, true, false, false) : '';
"> <?php 
echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('after');
                  <span class="label_desc"><?php 
_e('Set the minimum and/or maximum amount required for this promotion to apply', 'cart66');
                  <div class="desc"><?php 
_e('Required Quantity', 'cart66');
 // Save the order
 if ('FAILURE' != strtoupper($profileResponse['ACK'])) {
     $token = Cart66Common::postVal('token');
     $payerId = Cart66Common::postVal('PayerID');
     $opts = Cart66Setting::getValue('status_options');
     $status = '';
     if (!empty($opts)) {
         $opts = explode(',', $opts);
         $status = trim($opts[0]);
     $transId = isset($response['TRANSACTIONID']) ? $response['TRANSACTIONID'] : '';
     $promo = Cart66Session::get('Cart66PromotionCode');
     $promoMsg = "none";
     if ($promo) {
         $promoMsg = $promo . ' (-' . Cart66Common::currency(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Promotion')->getDiscountAmount(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart'))) . ')';
     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Details:\n" . print_r($details, true));
     list($shipFirstName, $shipLastName) = explode(' ', $details['SHIPTONAME'], 2);
     $orderInfo['ship_first_name'] = $shipFirstName;
     $orderInfo['ship_last_name'] = $shipLastName;
     $orderInfo['ship_address'] = $details['SHIPTOSTREET'];
     $orderInfo['ship_address2'] = isset($details['SHIPTOSTREET2']) ? $details['SHIPTOSTREET2'] : '';
     $orderInfo['ship_city'] = $details['SHIPTOCITY'];
     $orderInfo['ship_state'] = $details['SHIPTOSTATE'];
     $orderInfo['ship_zip'] = $details['SHIPTOZIP'];
     $orderInfo['ship_country'] = $details['SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME'];
     $orderInfo['bill_first_name'] = $details['FIRSTNAME'];
     $orderInfo['bill_last_name'] = $details['LASTNAME'];
     $orderInfo['bill_address'] = '';
     $orderInfo['bill_address2'] = '';
Beispiel #18
 public static function getPromoMessage()
     $promo = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Promotion');
     $promoMsg = "none";
     if ($promo) {
         $promoMsg = $promo->getCode() . ' (-' . Cart66Common::currency(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Promotion')->getDiscountAmount(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')), false) . ')';
     return $promoMsg;
Beispiel #19
<table class="Cart66TableMed">
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['days']); $i++) {
        if ($i % 7 == 0) {
            echo '<tr>';
      <span style="color: #999; font-size: 11px;"><?php 
        echo date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($data['days'][$i], Cart66Common::localTs()));
        echo Cart66Common::currency($data['totals'][$i]);
        if ($i % 7 == 6) {
            echo '</tr>';
Beispiel #20
            $css = ' Cart66PriceBlock';
      <span class="Cart66Price<?php 
        echo $isNumeric ? $css : ' Cart66PriceDescription';
        if ($isNumeric) {
          <span class="Cart66PriceLabel"><?php 
            _e('Price', 'cart66');
: </span>
            echo Cart66Common::currency($priceString, true, true);
        } else {
            echo $priceString;
 <input type="text" style="width: 75px;" id="product-min_price" name='product[min_price]' value='<?php 
echo $product->id > 0 ? Cart66Common::currency($product->minPrice, true, false, false) : '';
' /> <?php 
echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('after');
                <label class="short" for="product-max_price"><?php 
_e('Max price', 'cart66');
echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('before');
 <input type="text" style="width: 75px;" id="product-max_price" name='product[max_price]' value='<?php 
echo $product->id > 0 ? Cart66Common::currency($product->maxPrice, true, false, false) : '';
' /> <?php 
echo Cart66Common::currencySymbol('after');
                <span class="label_desc" id="is_user_price_description"><?php 
_e('Set to $0.00 for no limit ', 'cart66');
                <label class="long" for="product-taxable"><?php 
_e('Taxed', 'cart66');
Beispiel #22
    } else {
          <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
        <td class="alignRight strong Cart66CartTotalLabel"><span class="ajax-spin"><img src="<?php 
    echo CART66_URL;
/images/ajax-spin.gif" /></span> <?php 
    _e('Total', 'cart66');
        <td class="strong grand-total-amount cart66-align-right">
    echo Cart66Common::currency(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getGrandTotal() + $tax);

    if ($fullMode) {
  <div id="viewCartNav">
	<div id="continueShopping">
        if ($cartImgPath) {
            echo Cart66Common::currency($order->tax);
    <tr class="noBorder">
      <td colspan='2' style='text-align: center;'>&nbsp;</td>
      <td colspan="1" style='text-align: right; font-weight: bold;'><?php 
        _e('Total', 'cart66');
      <td colspan="1" style="text-align: left; font-weight: bold;"><?php 
        echo Cart66Common::currency($order->total);
<!-- Receipt Content Start -->

    ol li 
		{font-size: 21px;
		margin-left: 47px;
		font-weight: 300;
		font-family: lato;}
 public static function ajaxCartElements($args = "")
     $items = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getItems();
     $product = new Cart66Product();
     $products = array();
     foreach ($items as $itemIndex => $item) {
         $products[] = array('productName' => $item->getFullDisplayName(), 'productQuantity' => $item->getQuantity(), 'productPrice' => Cart66Common::currency($item->getProductPrice()), 'productSubtotal' => Cart66Common::currency($item->getProductPrice() * $item->getQuantity()));
     $summary = array('items' => ' ' . _n('item', 'items', Cart66CartWidget::countItems(), 'cart66'), 'amount' => Cart66Common::currency(Cart66CartWidget::getSubTotal()), 'count' => Cart66CartWidget::countItems());
     $array = array('summary' => $summary, 'products' => $products, 'subtotal' => Cart66Common::currency(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getSubTotal()), 'shipping' => Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->requireShipping() ? 1 : 0, 'shippingAmount' => Cart66Common::currency(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getShippingCost()));
     echo json_encode($array);
 public function emailShortcodes($attrs)
     $output = '';
     if ($attrs['source'] == 'receipt' || $attrs['source'] == 'fulfillment' || $attrs['source'] == 'status' || $attrs['source'] == 'followup') {
         $order = new Cart66Order($attrs['id']);
         $data = array('bill_first_name', 'bill_last_name', 'bill_address', 'bill_address2', 'bill_city', 'bill_state', 'bill_country', 'bill_zip', 'ship_first_name', 'ship_last_name', 'ship_address', 'ship_address2', 'ship_city', 'ship_state', 'ship_country', 'ship_zip', 'phone', 'email', 'coupon', 'discount_amount', 'trans_id', 'shipping', 'subtotal', 'tax', 'total', 'non_subscription_total', 'custom_field', 'ordered_on', 'status', 'ip', 'products', 'fulfillment_products', 'receipt', 'receipt_link', 'ouid', 'shipping_method', 'account_id', 'tracking_number', 'feature_level', 'subscription_plan_name', 'active_until', 'billing_interval', 'username');
         if (in_array($attrs['att'], $data)) {
             switch ($attrs['att']) {
                 case 'bill_first_name':
                     // Intentional falling through
                 // Intentional falling through
                 case 'bill_last_name':
                 case 'ship_first_name':
                 case 'ship_last_name':
                     $output = ucfirst(strtolower($order->{$attrs}['att']));
                 case 'bill_address':
                     if ($order->bill_address2 != '') {
                         $output = $order->{$attrs}['att'] . '<br />' . $order->bill_address2;
                     } else {
                         $output = $order->{$attrs}['att'];
                 case 'ship_address':
                     if ($order->ship_address2 != '') {
                         $output = $order->{$attrs}['att'] . '<br />' . $order->ship_address2;
                     } else {
                         $output = $order->{$attrs}['att'];
                 case 'products':
                     $output = Cart66Common::getView('/pro/views/emails/email-products.php', array('order' => $order, 'type' => $attrs['type'], 'code' => 'products'));
                 case 'fulfillment_products':
                     $output = Cart66Common::getView('/pro/views/emails/email-products.php', array('order' => $order, 'type' => $attrs['type'], 'code' => 'fulfillment_products', 'variable' => $attrs['variable']));
                 case 'receipt':
                     $output = Cart66Common::getView('/pro/views/emails/email-receipt.php', array('order' => $order, 'type' => $attrs['type']));
                 case 'phone':
                     $output = Cart66Common::formatPhone($order->{$attrs}['att']);
                 case 'total':
                     $output = Cart66Common::currency($order->{$attrs}['att'], false);
                 case 'tax':
                     $output = Cart66Common::currency($order->{$attrs}['att'], false);
                 case 'receipt_link':
                     $receiptPage = get_page_by_path('store/receipt');
                     $link = get_permalink($receiptPage->ID);
                     if (strstr($link, "?")) {
                         $link .= '&ouid=';
                     } else {
                         $link .= '?ouid=';
                     $output = $link . $order->ouid;
                 case 'feature_level':
                     // Intentionally falling through
                 // Intentionally falling through
                 case 'active_until':
                 case 'subscription_plan_name':
                 case 'active_until':
                 case 'active_until':
                 case 'billing_interval':
                     if ($order->account_id) {
                         $sub = new Cart66AccountSubscription($order->account_id);
                         $output = $sub->{$attrs}['att'];
                     } else {
                         $output = "None";
                 case 'username':
                     if ($order->account_id) {
                         $sub = new Cart66AccountSubscription($order->account_id);
                         $account = new Cart66Account();
                         //Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Loaded account: " . print_r($account, true) );
                         $output = $account->{$attrs}['att'];
                     } else {
                         $output = "None";
                     $output = $order->{$attrs}['att'];
         } elseif (substr($attrs['att'], 0, 8) == 'tracking') {
             $output = Cart66AdvancedNotifications::updateTracking($order, $attrs);
         } elseif (substr($attrs['att'], 0, 5) == 'date:') {
             $output = Cart66AdvancedNotifications::updateDate($attrs);
         } elseif (substr($attrs['att'], 0, 12) == 'date_ordered') {
             $output = Cart66AdvancedNotifications::updateDateOrdered($order, $attrs);
         $shipping_options = array('ship_first_name', 'ship_last_name', 'ship_address', 'ship_address2', 'ship_city', 'ship_state', 'ship_country', 'ship_zip');
         if (in_array($attrs['att'], $shipping_options) && $order->shipping_method == 'None') {
             $output = '';
     } elseif ($attrs['source'] == 'reminder') {
         $sub = new Cart66AccountSubscription($attrs['id']);
         $account = new Cart66Account();
         $data = array('billing_first_name', 'billing_last_name', 'feature_level', 'subscription_plan_name', 'active_until', 'billing_interval', 'username', 'opt_out_link');
         if (in_array($attrs['att'], $data)) {
             switch ($attrs['att']) {
                 case 'billing_first_name':
                     // Intentional falling through
                 // Intentional falling through
                 case 'billing_last_name':
                     $output = ucfirst(strtolower($sub->{$attrs}['att']));
                 case 'active_until':
                     $output = date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($sub->{$attrs}['att']));
                 case 'username':
                     $output = $account->{$attrs}['att'];
                 case 'opt_out_link':
                     $output = Cart66ProCommon::generateUnsubscribeLink($account->id);
                     $output = $sub->{$attrs}['att'];
     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] output: {$output}");
     return $output;
Beispiel #26
      <a id="Cart66WidgetCartLink" href='<?php 
echo get_permalink($data['cartPage']->ID);
      <span id="Cart66WidgetCartCount"><?php 
echo $data['numItems'];
      <span id="Cart66WidgetCartCountText"> <?php 
echo _n('item', 'items', $data['numItems'], 'cart66');
      <span id="Cart66WidgetCartCountDash">&ndash;</span>
      <span id="Cart66WidgetCartPrice"><?php 
echo Cart66Common::currency($data['cartWidget']->getSubTotal());
  <a id="Cart66WidgetViewCart" href='<?php 
echo get_permalink($data['cartPage']->ID);
_e('View Cart', 'cart66');
  <span id="Cart66WidgetLinkSeparator"> | </span>
  <a id="Cart66WidgetCheckout" href='<?php 
echo get_permalink($data['checkoutPage']->ID);
_e('Check out', 'cart66');