Beispiel #1
     if ($createAccount) {
         $accountId = $account->id;
         Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Just created account with id: accountId");
     if ($mp = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getMembershipProduct()) {
         $account->attachMembershipProduct($mp, $account->firstName, $account->lastName);
         $accountId = $account->id;
         Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Attached membership to account id: {$accountId}");
     // Save the order locally
     $orderId = $gateway->saveOrder($total, $tax, $transactionId, $status, $accountId);
     Cart66Session::set('order_id', $orderId);
     $receiptLink = Cart66Common::getPageLink('store/receipt');
     $newOrder = new Cart66Order($orderId);
     // Send email receipts
     if (CART66_PRO && CART66_EMAILS && Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_advanced_notifications') == 1) {
         $notify = new Cart66AdvancedNotifications($orderId);
     } elseif (CART66_EMAILS) {
         $notify = new Cart66Notifications($orderId);
     // Send buyer to receipt page
     $receiptVars = strpos($receiptLink, '?') ? '&' : '?';
     $receiptVars .= "ouid=" . $newOrder->ouid;
     wp_redirect($receiptLink . $receiptVars);
 } else {
  * Redirect buyer to receipt page for the given order id
  * @param int The id in the orders table
 public function goToReceipt($order_id)
     $order = new Cart66Order($order_id);
     $receipt = Cart66Common::getPageLink('store/receipt');
     $vars = strpos($receipt, '?') ? '&' : '?';
     $vars .= "ouid=" . $order->ouid;
     // Look for newsletter options
     if (Cart66Setting::getValue('constantcontact_list_ids') || Cart66Setting::getValue('mailchimp_list_ids')) {
         $vars .= '&newsletter=1';
     $receipt .= $vars;
     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Redirecting to: {$receipt}");
Beispiel #3
} else {
  <form id='cartButtonForm_<?php 
    echo $id;
' class="Cart66CartButton" method="post" action="<?php 
    echo Cart66Common::getPageLink('store/cart');
" <?php 
    echo $data['style'];
    <input type='hidden' name='task' id="task_<?php 
    echo $id;
" value='addToCart' />
    <input type='hidden' name='cart66ItemId' value='<?php 
    echo $data['product']->id;
' />
    <input type='hidden' name='product_url' value='<?php 
    echo Cart66Common::getCurrentPageUrl();
 public function get_redirect_url()
     // Specify your 2CheckOut vendor id
     $this->addField('sid', Cart66Setting::getValue('tco_account_number'));
     // Specify the order information
     $items = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getItems();
     $number = 0;
     $item_amount = array();
     foreach ($items as $i) {
         $product = new Cart66Product($i->getProductId());
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_type', 'product');
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_name', $product->name);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_price', number_format($i->getProductPrice(), 2, '.', ''));
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_product_id', $i->getItemNumber());
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_quantity', $i->getQuantity());
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_tangible', 'N');
         $item_amount[] = number_format($i->getProductPrice(), 2, '.', '');
     $item_amount = array_sum($item_amount);
     $total_amount = number_format(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getGrandTotal() + Cart66Session::get('Cart66Tax'), 2, '.', '');
     // Discounts
     $promotion = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Promotion');
     if ($promotion) {
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_type', 'coupon');
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_name', $promotion->name);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_price', Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getDiscountAmount());
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_product_id', __('Discount', 'cart66') . '(' . Cart66Session::get('Cart66PromotionCode') . ')');
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_quantity', 1);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_tangible', 'N');
     // Shipping
     $shipping = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getShippingCost();
     if (CART66_PRO && Cart66Setting::getValue('use_live_rates')) {
         $selectedRate = Cart66Session::get('Cart66LiveRates')->getSelected();
         $shippingMethod = $selectedRate->service;
     } else {
         $method = new Cart66ShippingMethod(Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getShippingMethodId());
         $shippingMethod = $method->name;
     $cart = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart');
     if ($cart->requireShipping() || $cart->hasTaxableProducts()) {
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_type', 'product');
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_product_id', __('Shipping', 'cart66'));
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_name', $shippingMethod);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_price', $shipping);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_quantity', 1);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_tangible', 'N');
         // Shipping Fields
         if (strlen($this->_shipping['address']) > 3) {
             $this->addField('ship_name', $this->_shipping['firstName'] . ' ' . $this->_shipping['lastName']);
             $this->addField('ship_street_address', $this->_shipping['address']);
             $this->addField('ship_street_address2', $this->_shipping['address2']);
             $this->addField('ship_city', $this->_shipping['city']);
             $this->addField('ship_state', $this->_shipping['state']);
             $this->addField('ship_zip', $this->_shipping['zip']);
             $this->addField('ship_country', $this->_shipping['country']);
             $this->addField('phone', $this->_payment['phone']);
     // Tax
     $tax = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Tax');
     if ($tax > 0) {
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_type', 'tax');
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_product_id', __('Tax', 'cart66'));
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_name', Cart66Session::get('Cart66TaxRate'));
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_price', $tax);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_quantity', 1);
         $this->addField('li_' . $number . '_tangible', 'N');
     // Default Fields
     $this->addField('mode', '2CO');
     $this->addField('return_url', Cart66Setting::getValue('shopping_url'));
     $this->addField('pay_method', 'CC');
     $this->addField('x_receipt_link_url', add_query_arg('listener', '2CO', Cart66Common::getPageLink('store/receipt')));
     $this->addField('tco_currency', 'USD');
     $redirect_url = $this->gatewayUrl . '?' . http_build_query($this->fields, '', '&');
     Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] {$redirect_url}");
     return $redirect_url;