public function testBranchedSimpleIf()
     // if (a) { a = 0; } else { b = 0; } c = b;
     $a = new Variable('a');
     $b = new Variable('b');
     $c = new Variable('c');
     $inst1 = new BranchInstruction($a);
     $inst2 = ArithmeticInstruction::newAssignNumberToVariableInstruction($a, 0);
     $inst3 = ArithmeticInstruction::newAssignNumberToVariableInstruction($b, 0);
     $inst4 = ArithmeticInstruction::newAssignVariableToVariableInstruction($c, $b);
     $cfg = new ControlFlowGraph($inst1);
     $cfg->connectIfNotConnected($inst1, GraphEdge::TYPE_ON_TRUE, $inst2);
     $cfg->connectIfNotConnected($inst1, GraphEdge::TYPE_ON_FALSE, $inst3);
     $cfg->connectIfNotConnected($inst2, GraphEdge::TYPE_UNCOND, $inst4);
     $cfg->connectIfNotConnected($inst3, GraphEdge::TYPE_UNCOND, $inst4);
     $n1 = $cfg->getNode($inst1);
     $n2 = $cfg->getNode($inst2);
     $n3 = $cfg->getNode($inst3);
     $n4 = $cfg->getNode($inst4);
     $constProp = new BranchedDummyConstPropagation($cfg);
     // We cannot conclude anything from if(a).
     $this->verifyInHas($n1, $a, null);
     $this->verifyInHas($n1, $b, null);
     $this->verifyInHas($n1, $c, null);
     // Nothing is known on the true branch.
     $this->verifyInHas($n2, $a, null);
     $this->verifyInHas($n2, $b, null);
     $this->verifyInHas($n2, $c, null);
     // Verify that we have a = 0 on the false branch.
     $this->verifyInHas($n3, $a, 0);
     $this->verifyInHas($n3, $b, null);
     $this->verifyInHas($n3, $c, null);
     // After the merge we should still have a = 0.
     $this->verifyInHas($n4, $a, 0);