public function serialize(ControlFlowGraph $graph)
     $dot = "digraph G {\n";
     $this->ids = new \SplObjectStorage();
     $this->idCount = 0;
     $dot .= "    " . $this->getId($graph->getImplicitReturn()) . " [shape=box,label=\"implicit return\",style=filled]\n";
     $entryPoint = $graph->getEntryPoint();
     $nodes = $graph->getNodes();
     foreach ($nodes as $astNode) {
         $node = $nodes[$astNode];
         $id = $this->getId($node);
         $dot .= sprintf('    %s [shape=box,label="%s"', $id, str_replace('"', '\\"', NodeUtil::getStringRepr($astNode)));
         if ($node === $entryPoint) {
             $dot .= ",style=filled";
         $dot .= "]\n";
         foreach ($node->getOutEdges() as $edge) {
             $dot .= sprintf("    %s -> %s", $id, $this->getId($edge->getDest()));
             switch ($edge->getType()) {
                 case GraphEdge::TYPE_ON_FALSE:
                     $dot .= ' [label="false"]';
                 case GraphEdge::TYPE_ON_TRUE:
                     $dot .= ' [label="true"]';
                 case GraphEdge::TYPE_ON_EX:
                     $dot .= ' [label="exception"]';
             $dot .= "\n";
     $dot .= "}";
     return $dot;
 private function assignPriorities()
     $this->priorityCounter = 0;
     $entry = $this->graph->getEntryPoint();
     // At this point, all reachable nodes have been given a priority. There might still unreachable nodes which do
     // not yet have been assigned a priority. Presumably, it does not matter anyway what priority they get since
     // should not happen in real code.
     foreach ($nodes = $this->graph->getNodes() as $astNode) {
         /** @var $candidate GraphNode */
         $candidate = $nodes[$astNode];
         if (null !== $candidate->getAttribute('priority')) {
         $candidate->setAttribute('priority', ++$this->priorityCounter);
     // The implicit return is always last.
     $this->graph->getImplicitReturn()->setAttribute('priority', ++$this->priorityCounter);