factory() public static method

This method uses an array of Period instances and a Segment instance, instead of strings like {@link build()}. If you want to create an Archive instance using data found in query parameters, use {@link build()}.
public static factory ( Segment $segment, array $periods, array $idSites, boolean $idSiteIsAll = false, boolean $isMultipleDate = false ) : Archive
$segment Segment The segment to use. For no segment, use `new Segment('', $idSites)`.
$periods array An array of Period instances.
$idSites array An array of site IDs (eg, `array(1, 2, 3)`).
$idSiteIsAll boolean Whether `'all'` sites are being queried or not. If true, then the result of querying functions will be indexed by site, regardless of whether `count($idSites) == 1`.
$isMultipleDate boolean Whether multiple dates are being queried or not. If true, then the result of querying functions will be indexed by period, regardless of whether `count($periods) == 1`.
return Archive
  * Returns a new Archive instance that will query archive data for the given set of
  * sites and periods, using an optional Segment.
  * This method uses data that is found in query parameters, so the parameters to this
  * function can be string values.
  * If you want to create an Archive instance with an array of Period instances, use
  * {@link Archive::factory()}.
  * @param string|int|array $idSites A single ID (eg, `'1'`), multiple IDs (eg, `'1,2,3'` or `array(1, 2, 3)`),
  *                                  or `'all'`.
  * @param string $period 'day', `'week'`, `'month'`, `'year'` or `'range'`
  * @param Date|string $strDate 'YYYY-MM-DD', magic keywords (ie, 'today'; {@link Date::factory()}
  *                             or date range (ie, 'YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD').
  * @param bool|false|string $segment Segment definition or false if no segment should be used. {@link Piwik\Segment}
  * @param bool|false|string $_restrictSitesToLogin Used only when running as a scheduled task.
  * @param bool $skipAggregationOfSubTables Whether the archive, when it is processed, should also aggregate all sub-tables
  * @return Archive
 public static function build($idSites, $period, $strDate, $segment = false, $_restrictSitesToLogin = false, $skipAggregationOfSubTables = false)
     $websiteIds = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites, $_restrictSitesToLogin);
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($strDate, $period)) {
         $oPeriod = Factory::build($period, $strDate);
         $allPeriods = $oPeriod->getSubperiods();
     } else {
         $timezone = count($websiteIds) == 1 ? Site::getTimezoneFor($websiteIds[0]) : false;
         $oPeriod = Factory::makePeriodFromQueryParams($timezone, $period, $strDate);
         $allPeriods = array($oPeriod);
     $segment = new Segment($segment, $websiteIds);
     $idSiteIsAll = $idSites == self::REQUEST_ALL_WEBSITES_FLAG;
     $isMultipleDate = Period::isMultiplePeriod($strDate, $period);
     return Archive::factory($segment, $allPeriods, $websiteIds, $idSiteIsAll, $isMultipleDate, $skipAggregationOfSubTables);
 protected function getArchive()
     if (empty($this->archive)) {
         $subPeriods = $this->params->getSubPeriods();
         $idSites = $this->params->getIdSites();
         $this->archive = Archive::factory($this->params->getSegment(), $subPeriods, $idSites);
     return $this->archive;