</th> </tr></table></form><p> <?php } $link = DbConnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); if ($del) { $query = GenQuery('nodetrack', 'd', '', '', '', array($ina), array($opa), array($sta)); if (!DbQuery($query, $link)) { echo "<h4>" . DbError($link) . "</h4>"; } else { echo "<h5>{$dellbl} {$ina} {$opa} {$sta} OK</h5>"; } } if (count($in)) { Condition($in, $op, $st, $co); TblHead("{$modgroup[$self]}2", 1); $query = GenQuery('nodetrack', 's', 'nodetrack.device as device,nodetrack.ifname as ifname,value,source,alias,comment,name,nodes.mac as mac,oui,nodes.vlanid as vlanid,usrname,time', $ord, $lim, $in, $op, $st, $co, 'JOIN interfaces USING (device,ifname) LEFT JOIN nodes USING (device,ifname)'); $res = DbQuery($query, $link); if ($res) { $usta = urlencode($sta); $uopa = urlencode($opa); $row = 0; while ($trk = DbFetchArray($res)) { if ($row % 2) { $bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga"; } else { $bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb"; } $row++;
} }else{ $ina ='config'; $opa = '~'; if($shl == 'i'){ $opa = '!~'; }elseif($shl == 'c'){ $ina ='changes'; }elseif($shl == 't'){ $ina ='type'; }elseif($shl == 'd'){ $opa = '='; $ina ='device'; } echo "<h3>$cols[$ina] $opa '$sta'</h3>"; TblHead("$modgroup[$self]2",2); $query = GenQuery('configs','s','configs.*,length(config) as cfgl,length(changes) as chgl,inet_ntoa(devip),type,devos,icon,cliport',$ord,$lid,array($ina),array($opa),array($sta),array(),'LEFT JOIN devices USING (device)'); $res = DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ $row = 0; if (!$lic){$lic = 1000000;} # Yepp, not really oo... while( ($con = DbFetchRow($res)) ){ if ($row % 2){$bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga";}else{$bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb";} $row++; $ud = rawurlencode($con[0]); TblRow($bg); TblCell($con[0],"","class=\"$bi\" width=\"50px\"","<a href=\"Devices-Status.php?dev=$ud\"><img src=\"img/dev/$con[9].png\" title=\"$con[7]\"></a><br>","th-img"); TblCell( Devcli($con[6],$con[10]) ); TblCell($con[8]);
}else{ $query = GenQuery('devices','s','*',$ord,$lim,$in,$op,$st,$co); } Condition($in,$op,$st,$co); if( $del ){ if($isadmin){ echo "<table class=\"content\"><th class=\"$modgroup[$self]2\"><img src=\"img/16/dev.png\"><br>Device</th>\n"; echo "<th class=\"$modgroup[$self]2\"><img src=\"img/16/bcnl.png\"><br>$dellbl $stalbl</th>\n"; $mon = 0; }else{ echo $nokmsg; $del = 0; } } if( !$del ) TblHead("$modgroup[$self]2",1); $res = DbQuery($query,$link); if($res){ $row = 0; $most = ''; while( ($dev = DbFetchRow($res)) ){ if ($row % 2){$bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga";}else{$bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb";} $row++; TblRow($bg); $ip = long2ip($dev[1]); if( $del ){ echo "<th class=\"$bi\"><img src=\"img/dev/$dev[18].png\" title=\"$dev[3]\"><br>$dev[0]</th><td>"; DevDelete($dev[0]," with IP $ip and SN $dev[2]"); echo "</td>"; }else{