public function testVarcharField() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Failed on travis, not on my laptop'); $field = new field\Field(); $this->assertEquals('abc', $field->clean('abc')); $params = array('required' => true, 'max_length' => 15, 'min_length' => 3, 'widget_attrs' => array('maxlength' => 15, 'size' => 10)); $field = new field\Varchar($params); $wrong_values = array(array('', 'required'), array('ab', 0), array('1234567890123456', 0)); // through validators foreach ($wrong_values as $v) { try { $nv = $field->clean($v[0]); } catch (Invalid $e) { $this->assertEquals($v[1], $e->getCode()); continue; } $this->fail(sprintf('This value should be wrong: %s', $v)); } $this->assertEquals('abc', $field->clean('abc')); }
public function __construct($params = array()) { $this->error_messages['invalid'] = __('No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.'); $this->error_messages['required'] = __('No file was submitted.'); $this->error_messages['empty'] = __('The submitted file is empty.'); $this->error_messages['big'] = __('The submitted file is too big, limit is %1$d octets.'); $this->error_messages['max_length'] = __('Ensure this filename has at most %1$d characters (it has %2$d).'); parent::__construct($params); }