 * Obtains a listing of report display names, grouped by category
 * @param   boolean       $require_exportable  If true, only include reports that are considered to be exportable
 *                                             in the context of scheduling
 * @param  int|NULL       $userid              Id of the Moodle user who this report is being
 *                                             for
 * @param  int            $execution_mode      The mode in which this report is being executed
 * @return  string array                       Mapping of category shortname to mappings of
 *                                             report shortnames to display names (category entries
 *                                             will exist but be empty if no reports are in that category)
function local_elisreports_get_names_by_category($require_exportable = false, $userid = NULL, $execution_mode = php_report::EXECUTION_MODE_INTERACTIVE) {
    global $CFG;

    $category_members = array();

    //get a listing of the different categories
    $categories = local_elisreports_get_category_mapping();

    //initialize a bucket to store a category's reports where applicable
    foreach ($categories as $category_key => $category_display) {
        $category_members[$category_key] = array();

    //go through the directories
    if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisreports/instances') &&
        $handle = opendir($CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisreports/instances')) {

        while (false !== ($report_shortname = readdir($handle))) {
            //get the report instance (this inherently checks permissions and report availability)
            if($instance = php_report::get_default_instance($report_shortname, $userid, $execution_mode)) {

                //determine if the export action is available in the context of scheduling
                $export_available = true;

                //check permissions and make sure access is not explicitly disallowed in the current execution mode
                if (!$instance->can_view_report()) {
                    $export_available = false;

                //make sure there is at least one available export format
                $export_formats = $instance->get_export_formats();
                if (count($export_formats) == 0) {
                    $export_available = false;

                if (!$require_exportable || $export_available) {
                    $category_shortname = $instance->get_category();
                    $report_shortname = $instance->get_report_shortname();
                    $category_members[$category_shortname][$report_shortname] = $instance->get_display_name();

        //sort reports by display name within each category
        foreach ($category_members as $category_shortname => $bucket) {

    return $category_members;
  * List the available reports to schedule
 public function display_list()
     global $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisreports/sharedlib.php';
     $category_members = local_elisreports_get_names_by_category(true, NULL, php_report::EXECUTION_MODE_SCHEDULED);
     //set up the basics of our table
     $table = new html_table();
     $table->head = array(get_string('list_report_name_header', 'local_elisreports'), get_string('list_schedule_header', 'local_elisreports'));
     $table->align = array('left', 'left');
     $table->rowclasses = array();
     $table->data = array();
     $categories = local_elisreports_get_category_mapping();
     //go through categories and append items
     foreach ($categories as $category_key => $category_display) {
         if (!empty($category_members[$category_key])) {
             //set up a row for the category header
             $table->data[] = array($category_display, '');
             //cass class for specially styling the category header row
             $table->rowclasses[] = 'php_report_scheduling_list_category';
             //go through and add all report entries below the category header
             foreach ($category_members[$category_key] as $member_shortname => $member_display) {
                 //set up a link for executing the report
                 $execute_report_url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/elisreports/render_report_page.php?report=' . $member_shortname;
                 $execute_report_link = php_report::get_default_instance($member_shortname) ? '<a href="' . $execute_report_url . '">' . $member_display . '</a>' : $member_display;
                 //set up a link for scheduling the report
                 $execute_report_url_params = array('action' => 'listinstancejobs', 'report' => $member_shortname);
                 $execute_report_page = $this->get_new_page($execute_report_url_params);
                 $execute_report_url = $execute_report_page->url;
                 $schedule_report_link = '';
                 if (php_report::get_default_instance($member_shortname, NULL, php_report::EXECUTION_MODE_SCHEDULED)) {
                     $schedule_report_link = '<a href="' . $execute_report_url . '">
                                          <img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/elisreports/pix/schedule.png"/>
                 //append info to the row
                 $table->data[] = array($execute_report_link, $schedule_report_link);
                 $table->rowclasses[] = '';
     if (count($table->data > 0)) {
         echo html_writer::table($table);
     } else {
         //error case