 * The media firewall passes in an image
 * this function can manipulate the image however it wants
 * before returning it back to the media firewall
 * @param resource $im
 * @param Tree     $tree
 * @return resource
function applyWatermark($im, Tree $tree)
    // text to watermark with
    $word1_text = $tree->getTitle();
    // maximum font size for “word1” ; will be automaticaly reduced to fit in the image
    $word1_maxsize = 100;
    // rgb color codes for text
    $word1_color = '0,0,0';
    // ttf font file to use
    $word1_font = WT_ROOT . Config::FONT_DEJAVU_SANS_TTF;
    // vertical position for the text to past; possible values are: top, middle or bottom, across
    $word1_vpos = 'across';
    // horizontal position for the text to past in media file; possible values are: left, right, top2bottom, bottom2top
    // this value is used only if $word1_vpos=across
    $word1_hpos = 'left';
    $word2_text = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $word2_maxsize = 20;
    $word2_color = '0,0,0';
    $word2_font = WT_ROOT . Config::FONT_DEJAVU_SANS_TTF;
    $word2_vpos = 'top';
    $word2_hpos = 'top2bottom';
    embedText($im, $word1_text, $word1_maxsize, $word1_color, $word1_font, $word1_vpos, $word1_hpos);
    embedText($im, $word2_text, $word2_maxsize, $word2_color, $word2_font, $word2_vpos, $word2_hpos);
    return $im;