  * Upgrade to to the next version
 public function upgrade()
     // - changes to the values for the gedcom setting SHOW_RELATIVES_EVENTS
     $settings = Database::prepare("SELECT gedcom_id, setting_value FROM `##gedcom_setting` WHERE setting_name='SHOW_RELATIVES_EVENTS'")->fetchAssoc();
     foreach ($settings as $gedcom_id => $setting) {
         // Delete old settings
         $setting = preg_replace('/_(BIRT|MARR|DEAT)_(COUS|MSIB|FSIB|GGCH|NEPH|GGPA)/', '', $setting);
         $setting = preg_replace('/_FAMC_(RESI_EMIG)/', '', $setting);
         // Rename settings
         $setting = preg_replace('/_MARR_(MOTH|FATH|FAMC)/', '_MARR_PARE', $setting);
         $setting = preg_replace('/_DEAT_(MOTH|FATH)/', '_DEAT_PARE', $setting);
         // Remove duplicates
         preg_match_all('/[_A-Z]+/', $setting, $match);
         // And save
         Tree::findById($gedcom_id)->setPreference('SHOW_RELATIVES_EVENTS', implode(',', array_unique($match[0])));
    private function config()
        global $WT_TREE;
        $controller = new webtrees\Controller\PageController();
        $args = array();
        $args['module_name'] = $this->getName();
        $args['tree_id'] = $WT_TREE->getTreeId();
        $items = webtrees\Database::prepare("SELECT block_id, block_order, gedcom_id, bs1.setting_value AS menu_title, bs2.setting_value AS menu_address" . " FROM `##block` b" . " JOIN `##block_setting` bs1 USING (block_id)" . " JOIN `##block_setting` bs2 USING (block_id)" . " WHERE module_name = :module_name" . " AND bs1.setting_name = 'menu_title'" . " AND bs2.setting_name = 'menu_address'" . " AND IFNULL(gedcom_id, :tree_id) = :tree_id" . " ORDER BY block_order")->execute($args)->fetchAll();
        $min_block_order = webtrees\Database::prepare("SELECT MIN(block_order) FROM `##block` WHERE module_name = :module_name")->execute($args)->fetchOne();
        $max_block_order = webtrees\Database::prepare("SELECT MAX(block_order) FROM `##block` WHERE module_name = :module_name")->execute($args)->fetchOne();
			.text-left-not-xs, .text-left-not-sm, .text-left-not-md, .text-left-not-lg {
				text-align: left;
			.text-center-not-xs, .text-center-not-sm, .text-center-not-md, .text-center-not-lg {
				text-align: center;
			.text-right-not-xs, .text-right-not-sm, .text-right-not-md, .text-right-not-lg {
				text-align: right;
			.text-justify-not-xs, .text-justify-not-sm, .text-justify-not-md, .text-justify-not-lg {
				text-align: justify;

			@media (max-width: 767px) {
				.text-left-not-xs, .text-center-not-xs, .text-right-not-xs, .text-justify-not-xs {
					text-align: inherit;
				.text-left-xs {
					text-align: left;
				.text-center-xs {
					text-align: center;
				.text-right-xs {
					text-align: right;
				.text-justify-xs {
					text-align: justify;
			@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
				.text-left-not-sm, .text-center-not-sm, .text-right-not-sm, .text-justify-not-sm {
					text-align: inherit;
				.text-left-sm {
					text-align: left;
				.text-center-sm {
					text-align: center;
				.text-right-sm {
					text-align: right;
				.text-justify-sm {
					text-align: justify;
			@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
				.text-left-not-md, .text-center-not-md, .text-right-not-md, .text-justify-not-md {
					text-align: inherit;
				.text-left-md {
					text-align: left;
				.text-center-md {
					text-align: center;
				.text-right-md {
					text-align: right;
				.text-justify-md {
					text-align: justify;
			@media (min-width: 1200px) {
				.text-left-not-lg, .text-center-not-lg, .text-right-not-lg, .text-justify-not-lg {
					text-align: inherit;
				.text-left-lg {
					text-align: left;
				.text-center-lg {
					text-align: center;
				.text-right-lg {
					text-align: right;
				.text-justify-lg {
					text-align: justify;
		<ol class="breadcrumb small">
			<li><a href="admin.php"><?php 
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Control panel');
			<li><a href="admin_modules.php"><?php 
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Module administration');
			<li class="active"><?php 
        echo $controller->getPageTitle();
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
				<form class="form">
					<label for="ged" class="sr-only">
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Family tree');
					<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="<?php 
        echo $this->getName();
					<input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_config">
					<div class="col-sm-9 col-xs-9" style="padding:0;">
        echo webtrees\Functions\FunctionsEdit::selectEditControl('ged', webtrees\Tree::getNameList(), null, $WT_TREE->getName(), 'class="form-control"');
					<div class="col-sm-3" style="padding:0;">
						<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="<?php 
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('show');
			<span class="visible-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg" style="display:block;"></br></br></span>
			<div class="col-sm-4 text-center text-left-xs col-xs-12">
					<a href="module.php?mod=<?php 
        echo $this->getName();
&amp;mod_action=admin_edit" class="btn btn-primary">
						<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Add Menu');
			<div class="col-sm-4 text-right text-left-xs col-xs-12">		
        // TODO: Move to internal item/page
        if (file_exists(WT_MODULES_DIR . $this->getName() . '/readme.html')) {
					<a href="<?php 
            echo WT_MODULES_DIR . $this->getName();
/readme.html" class="btn btn-info">
						<i class="fa fa-newspaper-o"></i>
            echo webtrees\I18N::translate('ReadMe');
		<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
					<th class="col-sm-2"><?php 
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Position');
					<th class="col-sm-4"><?php 
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Menu title');
					<th class="col-sm-4"><?php 
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Menu address');
					<th class="col-sm-2" colspan=4><?php 
        echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Controls');
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            echo $item->block_order, ', ';
            if ($item->gedcom_id == null) {
                echo webtrees\I18N::translate('All');
            } else {
                echo webtrees\Tree::findById($item->gedcom_id)->getTitleHtml();
            echo webtrees\Filter::escapeHtml(webtrees\I18N::translate($item->menu_title));
            echo webtrees\Filter::escapeHtml(substr(webtrees\I18N::translate($item->menu_address), 0, 1) == '<' ? webtrees\I18N::translate($item->menu_address) : nl2br(webtrees\I18N::translate($item->menu_address)));
					<td class="text-center">
						<a href="module.php?mod=<?php 
            echo $this->getName();
            echo $item->block_id;
							<div class="icon-edit">&nbsp;</div>
					<td class="text-center">
						<a href="module.php?mod=<?php 
            echo $this->getName();
            echo $item->block_id;
            if ($item->block_order == $min_block_order) {
                echo '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                echo '<div class="icon-uarrow">&nbsp;</div>';
					<td class="text-center">
						<a href="module.php?mod=<?php 
            echo $this->getName();
            echo $item->block_id;
            if ($item->block_order == $max_block_order) {
                echo '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                echo '<div class="icon-darrow">&nbsp;</div>';
					<td class="text-center">
						<a href="module.php?mod=<?php 
            echo $this->getName();
            echo $item->block_id;
							onclick="return confirm('<?php 
            echo webtrees\I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to delete this menu?');
							<div class="icon-delete">&nbsp;</div>
$controller = new AjaxController();
// Don't allow the user to cancel the request.  We do not want to be left
// with an incomplete transaction.
// Run in a transaction
// Only allow one process to import each gedcom at a time
Database::prepare("SELECT * FROM `##gedcom_chunk` WHERE gedcom_id=? FOR UPDATE")->execute(array($gedcom_id));
// What is the current import status?
$row = Database::prepare("SELECT" . " SUM(IF(imported, LENGTH(chunk_data), 0)) AS import_offset," . " SUM(LENGTH(chunk_data))                  AS import_total" . " FROM `##gedcom_chunk` WHERE gedcom_id=?")->execute(array($gedcom_id))->fetchOneRow();
if ($row->import_offset == $row->import_total) {
    Tree::findById($gedcom_id)->setPreference('imported', '1');
    // Finished?  Show the maintenance links, similar to admin_trees_manage.php
    $controller->addInlineJavascript('jQuery("#import' . $gedcom_id . '").addClass("hidden");' . 'jQuery("#actions' . $gedcom_id . '").removeClass("hidden");');
// Calculate progress so far
$progress = $row->import_offset / $row->import_total;
<div class="progress" id="progress<?php 
echo $gedcom_id;
 * Defined in session.php
 * @global Tree $WT_TREE
global $WT_TREE;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Controller\PageController;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\CkeditorModule;
define('WT_SCRIPT_NAME', 'block_edit.php');
require './includes/session.php';
$block_id = Filter::getInteger('block_id');
$block = Database::prepare("SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `##block` WHERE block_id=?")->execute(array($block_id))->fetchOneRow();
// Check access.  (1) the block must exist and be enabled, (2) gedcom blocks require
// managers, (3) user blocks require the user or an admin
$blocks = Module::getActiveBlocks($WT_TREE);
if (!$block || !array_key_exists($block->module_name, $blocks) || $block->gedcom_id && !Auth::isManager(Tree::findById($block->gedcom_id)) || $block->user_id && $block->user_id != Auth::id() && !Auth::isAdmin()) {
    header('Location: ' . WT_BASE_URL);
$block = $blocks[$block->module_name];
if (Filter::post('save')) {
    $ctype = Filter::post('ctype', 'user', 'gedcom');
    header('Location: ' . WT_BASE_URL . 'index.php?ctype=' . $ctype . '&ged=' . $WT_TREE->getNameUrl());
$ctype = FIlter::get('ctype', 'user', 'gedcom');
$controller = new PageController();
$controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Configure') . ' — ' . $block->getTitle())->pageHeader();
if (Module::getModuleByName('ckeditor')) {

echo $controller->getPageTitle();

$tree1_id = Filter::post('tree1_id');
$tree2_id = Filter::post('tree2_id');
if ($tree1_id && $tree2_id != $tree1_id) {
    // Every XREF used by both trees
    $xrefs = Database::prepare("SELECT xref, type FROM (" . " SELECT i_id AS xref, 'INDI' AS type FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT f_id AS xref, 'FAM' AS type FROM `##families` WHERE f_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT s_id AS xref, 'SOUR' AS type FROM `##sources` WHERE s_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT m_id AS xref, 'OBJE' AS type FROM `##media` WHERE m_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT o_id AS xref, o_type AS type FROM `##other` WHERE o_file = ? AND o_type NOT IN ('HEAD', 'TRLR')" . ") AS this_tree JOIN (" . " SELECT xref FROM `##change` WHERE gedcom_id = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT i_id AS xref FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT f_id AS xref FROM `##families` WHERE f_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT s_id AS xref FROM `##sources` WHERE s_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT m_id AS xref FROM `##media` WHERE m_file = ?" . "  UNION " . " SELECT o_id AS xref FROM `##other` WHERE o_file = ? AND o_type NOT IN ('HEAD', 'TRLR')" . ") AS other_trees USING (xref)")->execute(array($tree1_id, $tree1_id, $tree1_id, $tree1_id, $tree1_id, $tree2_id, $tree2_id, $tree2_id, $tree2_id, $tree2_id, $tree2_id))->fetchAssoc();
    if ($xrefs) {
        $tree1 = Tree::findById($tree1_id);
        $tree2 = Tree::findById($tree2_id);
        echo '<p>', I18N::translate('In a family tree, each record has an internal reference number (called an “XREF”) such as “F123” or “R14”.'), '</p>', '<p>', I18N::plural('The two family trees have %1$s record which uses the same “XREF”.', 'The two family trees have %1$s records which use the same “XREF”.', count($xrefs), count($xrefs)), '</p>', '<p>', I18N::translate('You must renumber the records in one of the trees before you can merge them.'), '</p>', '<p>', '<a class="current" href="admin_trees_renumber.php?ged=', $tree1->getNameUrl(), '">', I18N::translate('Renumber family tree'), ' — ', $tree1->getTitleHtml(), '</a>', '</p>', '<p>', '<a class="current" href="admin_trees_renumber.php?ged=', $tree2->getNameUrl(), '">', I18N::translate('Renumber family tree'), ' — ', $tree2->getTitleHtml(), '</a>', '</p>';
    } else {
        Database::exec("LOCK TABLE" . " `##individuals` WRITE," . " `##individuals` AS individuals2 READ," . " `##families` WRITE," . " `##families` AS families2 READ," . " `##sources` WRITE," . " `##sources` AS sources2 READ," . " `##media` WRITE," . " `##media` AS media2 READ," . " `##other` WRITE," . " `##other` AS other2 READ," . " `##name` WRITE," . " `##name` AS name2 READ," . " `##placelinks` WRITE," . " `##placelinks` AS placelinks2 READ," . " `##change` WRITE," . " `##change` AS change2 READ," . " `##dates` WRITE," . " `##dates` AS dates2 READ," . " `##default_resn` WRITE," . " `##default_resn` AS default_resn2 READ," . " `##hit_counter` WRITE," . " `##hit_counter` AS hit_counter2 READ," . " `##link` WRITE," . " `##link` AS link2 READ");
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##individuals` (i_id, i_file, i_rin, i_sex, i_gedcom)" . " SELECT i_id, ?, i_rin, i_sex, i_gedcom FROM `##individuals` AS individuals2 WHERE i_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##families` (f_id, f_file, f_husb, f_wife, f_gedcom, f_numchil)" . " SELECT f_id, ?, f_husb, f_wife, f_gedcom, f_numchil FROM `##families` AS families2 WHERE f_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##sources` (s_id, s_file, s_name, s_gedcom)" . " SELECT s_id, ?, s_name, s_gedcom FROM `##sources` AS sources2 WHERE s_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##media` (m_id, m_ext, m_type, m_titl, m_filename, m_file, m_gedcom)" . " SELECT m_id, m_ext, m_type, m_titl, m_filename, ?, m_gedcom FROM `##media` AS media2 WHERE m_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##other` (o_id, o_file, o_type, o_gedcom)" . " SELECT o_id, ?, o_type, o_gedcom FROM `##other` AS other2 WHERE o_file = ? AND o_type NOT IN ('HEAD', 'TRLR')")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##name` (n_file, n_id, n_num, n_type, n_sort, n_full, n_surname, n_surn, n_givn, n_soundex_givn_std, n_soundex_surn_std, n_soundex_givn_dm, n_soundex_surn_dm)" . " SELECT ?, n_id, n_num, n_type, n_sort, n_full, n_surname, n_surn, n_givn, n_soundex_givn_std, n_soundex_surn_std, n_soundex_givn_dm, n_soundex_surn_dm FROM `##name` AS name2 WHERE n_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelinks` (pl_p_id, pl_gid, pl_file)" . " SELECT pl_p_id, pl_gid, ? FROM `##placelinks` AS placelinks2 WHERE pl_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##dates` (d_day, d_month, d_mon, d_year, d_julianday1, d_julianday2, d_fact, d_gid, d_file, d_type)" . " SELECT d_day, d_month, d_mon, d_year, d_julianday1, d_julianday2, d_fact, d_gid, ?, d_type FROM `##dates` AS dates2 WHERE d_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##default_resn` (gedcom_id, xref, tag_type, resn)" . " SELECT ?, xref, tag_type, resn FROM `##default_resn` AS default_resn2 WHERE gedcom_id = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##link` (l_file, l_from, l_type, l_to)" . " SELECT ?, l_from, l_type, l_to FROM `##link` AS link2 WHERE l_file = ?")->execute(array($tree2_id, $tree1_id));
        // This table may contain old (deleted) references, which could clash. IGNORE these.
		<li><a href="admin_trees_manage.php"><?php 
        echo I18N::translate('Manage family trees');
		<li class="active"><?php 
        echo $controller->getPageTitle();

        echo $controller->getPageTitle();
        $tree = Tree::findById(Filter::getInteger('gedcom_id'));
        // Check it exists
        if (!$tree) {
        $gedcom_filename = $tree->getPreference('gedcom_filename');
        echo I18N::translate('This will delete all the genealogy data from “%s” and replace it with data from a GEDCOM file.', $tree->getTitleHtml());
	<form class="form form-horizontal" name="gedcomimportform" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return checkGedcomImportForm('<?php 
        echo Filter::escapeHtml(I18N::translate('You have selected a GEDCOM file with a different name.  Is this correct?'));
  * Print read-more link
  * @param type $root
  * @return string
 private function printReadMoreLink($root)
     return '<div id="read-more-link">' . '<a href="module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&amp;mod_action=page&rootid=' . $root . '&amp;ged=' . Filter::escapeUrl(Tree::findById($this->tree_id)->getName()) . '">' . I18N::translate('Read more') . '</a>' . '</div>';
                // add/update
                FunctionsImport::updateRecord($change->new_gedcom, $change->gedcom_id, false);
            Database::prepare("UPDATE `##change` SET status='accepted' WHERE change_id=?")->execute(array($change->change_id));
            Log::addEditLog("Accepted change {$change->change_id} for {$change->xref} / {$change->gedcom_name} into database");
$changed_gedcoms = Database::prepare("SELECT g.gedcom_name" . " FROM `##change` c" . " JOIN `##gedcom` g USING (gedcom_id)" . " WHERE c.status='pending'" . " GROUP BY g.gedcom_name")->fetchOneColumn();
if ($changed_gedcoms) {
    $changes = Database::prepare("SELECT c.*, u.user_name, u.real_name, g.gedcom_name, new_gedcom, old_gedcom" . " FROM `##change` c" . " JOIN `##user`   u USING (user_id)" . " JOIN `##gedcom` g USING (gedcom_id)" . " WHERE c.status='pending'" . " ORDER BY gedcom_id, c.xref, c.change_id")->fetchAll();
    $output = '<br><br><table class="list_table">';
    $prev_xref = null;
    $prev_gedcom_id = null;
    foreach ($changes as $change) {
        $tree = Tree::findById($change->gedcom_id);
        preg_match('/^0 @' . WT_REGEX_XREF . '@ (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $change->old_gedcom . $change->new_gedcom, $match);
        switch ($match[1]) {
            case 'INDI':
                $record = new Individual($change->xref, $change->old_gedcom, $change->new_gedcom, $tree);
            case 'FAM':
                $record = new Family($change->xref, $change->old_gedcom, $change->new_gedcom, $tree);
            case 'SOUR':
                $record = new Source($change->xref, $change->old_gedcom, $change->new_gedcom, $tree);
            case 'REPO':
                $record = new Repository($change->xref, $change->old_gedcom, $change->new_gedcom, $tree);
            case 'OBJE':
        $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Change the “My page” blocks'));
        $can_reset = true;
} else {
    if ($gedcom_id < 0) {
        $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Set the default blocks for new family trees'));
        $can_reset = false;
    } else {
        $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Change the “Home page” blocks'));
        $can_reset = true;
// Only an admin can edit the "default" page
// Only managers can edit the "home page"
// Only a user or an admin can edit a user’s "my page"
if ($gedcom_id < 0 && !Auth::isAdmin() || $gedcom_id > 0 && !Auth::isManager(Tree::findById($gedcom_id)) || $user_id && Auth::id() != $user_id && !Auth::isAdmin()) {
    header('Location: ' . WT_BASE_URL);
$action = Filter::get('action');
if ($can_reset && Filter::post('default') === '1') {
    if ($user_id) {
        $defaults = FunctionsDb::getUserBlocks(-1);
    } else {
        $defaults = FunctionsDb::getTreeBlocks(-1);
    $main = $defaults['main'];
    $right = $defaults['side'];
} else {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['main'])) {
        $main = $_REQUEST['main'];
  * update a record in the database
  * @param string $gedrec
  * @param int    $ged_id
  * @param bool   $delete
 public static function updateRecord($gedrec, $ged_id, $delete)
     if (preg_match('/^0 @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@ (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $gedrec, $match)) {
         list(, $gid, $type) = $match;
     } elseif (preg_match('/^0 (HEAD)(?:\\n|$)/', $gedrec, $match)) {
         // The HEAD record has no XREF.  Any others?
         $gid = $match[1];
         $type = $match[1];
     } else {
         echo "ERROR: Invalid gedcom record.";
     // TODO deleting unlinked places can be done more efficiently in a single query
     $placeids = Database::prepare("SELECT pl_p_id FROM `##placelinks` WHERE pl_gid=? AND pl_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id))->fetchOneColumn();
     Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##placelinks` WHERE pl_gid=? AND pl_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
     Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##dates`      WHERE d_gid =? AND d_file =?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
     //-- delete any unlinked places
     foreach ($placeids as $p_id) {
         $num = Database::prepare("SELECT count(pl_p_id) FROM `##placelinks` WHERE pl_p_id=? AND pl_file=?")->execute(array($p_id, $ged_id))->fetchOne();
         if ($num == 0) {
             Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##places` WHERE p_id=? AND p_file=?")->execute(array($p_id, $ged_id));
     Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##name` WHERE n_id=? AND n_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
     Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##link` WHERE l_from=? AND l_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
     switch ($type) {
         case 'INDI':
             Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_id=? AND i_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
         case 'FAM':
             Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##families` WHERE f_id=? AND f_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
         case 'SOUR':
             Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##sources` WHERE s_id=? AND s_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
         case 'OBJE':
             Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##media` WHERE m_id=? AND m_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
             Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `##other` WHERE o_id=? AND o_file=?")->execute(array($gid, $ged_id));
     if (!$delete) {
         self::importRecord($gedrec, Tree::findById($ged_id), true);
     } else {
         $SELECT1 = " 1 ASC";
     if ($length > 0) {
         $SELECT1 .= " LIMIT :length OFFSET :start";
         $ARGS1['length'] = $length;
         $ARGS1['start'] = $start;
     $rows = Database::prepare($SELECT1)->execute($ARGS1)->fetchAll();
     // Total filtered/unfiltered rows
     $recordsFiltered = Database::prepare("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")->fetchOne();
     $recordsTotal = Database::prepare($SELECT2)->execute($ARGS2)->fetchOne();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $media = Media::getInstance($row->xref, Tree::findById($row->gedcom_id), $row->gedcom);
         $data[] = array(GedcomTag::getLabelValue('URL', $row->m_filename), $media->displayImage(), mediaObjectInfo($media));
 case 'unused':
     // Which trees use this media folder?
     $media_trees = Database::prepare("SELECT gedcom_name, gedcom_name" . " FROM `##gedcom`" . " JOIN `##gedcom_setting` USING (gedcom_id)" . " WHERE setting_name='MEDIA_DIRECTORY' AND setting_value = :media_folder AND gedcom_id > 0")->execute(array('media_folder' => $media_folder))->fetchAssoc();
     $disk_files = all_disk_files($media_folder, $media_path, $subfolders, $search);
     $db_files = all_media_files($media_folder, $media_path, $subfolders, $search);
     // All unused files
     $unused_files = array_diff($disk_files, $db_files);
     $recordsTotal = count($unused_files);
     // Filter unused files
     if ($search) {
         $unused_files = array_filter($unused_files, function ($x) use($search) {
             return strpos($x, $search) !== false;
  * A separate file for each family tree and each record type.
  * These files depend on access levels, so only cache for visitors.
  * @param int    $ged_id
  * @param string $rec_type
  * @param string $volume
 private function generateFile($ged_id, $rec_type, $volume)
     $tree = Tree::findById($ged_id);
     // Check the cache
     $timestamp = $this->getSetting('sitemap-' . $ged_id . '-' . $rec_type . '-' . $volume . '.timestamp');
     if ($timestamp > WT_TIMESTAMP - self::CACHE_LIFE && !Auth::check()) {
         $data = $this->getSetting('sitemap-' . $ged_id . '-' . $rec_type . '-' . $volume . '.xml');
     } else {
         $data = '<url><loc>' . WT_BASE_URL . 'index.php?ctype=gedcom&amp;ged=' . $tree->getNameUrl() . '</loc></url>' . PHP_EOL;
         $records = array();
         switch ($rec_type) {
             case 'i':
                 $rows = Database::prepare("SELECT i_id AS xref, i_gedcom AS gedcom" . " FROM `##individuals`" . " WHERE i_file = :tree_id" . " ORDER BY i_id" . " LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset")->execute(array('tree_id' => $ged_id, 'limit' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME, 'offset' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME * $volume))->fetchAll();
                 foreach ($rows as $row) {
                     $records[] = Individual::getInstance($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom);
             case 's':
                 $rows = Database::prepare("SELECT s_id AS xref, s_gedcom AS gedcom" . " FROM `##sources`" . " WHERE s_file = :tree_id" . " ORDER BY s_id" . " LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset")->execute(array('tree_id' => $ged_id, 'limit' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME, 'offset' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME * $volume))->fetchAll();
                 foreach ($rows as $row) {
                     $records[] = Source::getInstance($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom);
             case 'r':
                 $rows = Database::prepare("SELECT o_id AS xref, o_gedcom AS gedcom" . " FROM `##other`" . " WHERE o_file = :tree_id AND o_type = 'REPO'" . " ORDER BY o_id" . " LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset")->execute(array('tree_id' => $ged_id, 'limit' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME, 'offset' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME * $volume))->fetchAll();
                 foreach ($rows as $row) {
                     $records[] = Repository::getInstance($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom);
             case 'n':
                 $rows = Database::prepare("SELECT o_id AS xref, o_gedcom AS gedcom" . " FROM `##other`" . " WHERE o_file = :tree_id AND o_type = 'NOTE'" . " ORDER BY o_id" . " LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset")->execute(array('tree_id' => $ged_id, 'limit' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME, 'offset' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME * $volume))->fetchAll();
                 foreach ($rows as $row) {
                     $records[] = Note::getInstance($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom);
             case 'm':
                 $rows = Database::prepare("SELECT m_id AS xref, m_gedcom AS gedcom" . " FROM `##media`" . " WHERE m_file = :tree_id" . " ORDER BY m_id" . " LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset")->execute(array('tree_id' => $ged_id, 'limit' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME, 'offset' => self::RECORDS_PER_VOLUME * $volume))->fetchAll();
                 foreach ($rows as $row) {
                     $records[] = Media::getInstance($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom);
         foreach ($records as $record) {
             if ($record->canShowName()) {
                 $data .= '<url>';
                 $data .= '<loc>' . WT_BASE_URL . $record->getHtmlUrl() . '</loc>';
                 $chan = $record->getFirstFact('CHAN');
                 if ($chan) {
                     $date = $chan->getDate();
                     if ($date->isOK()) {
                         $data .= '<lastmod>' . $date->minimumDate()->Format('%Y-%m-%d') . '</lastmod>';
                 $data .= '</url>' . PHP_EOL;
         $data = '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?' . '>' . PHP_EOL . '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd">' . PHP_EOL . $data . '</urlset>' . PHP_EOL;
         // Cache this data - but only for visitors, as we don’t want
         // visitors to see data created by signed-in users.
         if (!Auth::check()) {
             $this->setSetting('sitemap-' . $ged_id . '-' . $rec_type . '-' . $volume . '.xml', $data);
             $this->setSetting('sitemap-' . $ged_id . '-' . $rec_type . '-' . $volume . '.timestamp', WT_TIMESTAMP);
     header('Content-Type: application/xml');
     header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($data));
     echo $data;
  * Get the blocks for the specified tree
  * @param int $gedcom_id
  * @return string[][]
 public static function getTreeBlocks($gedcom_id)
     if ($gedcom_id < 0) {
         $access_level = Auth::PRIV_NONE;
     } else {
         $access_level = Auth::accessLevel(Tree::findById($gedcom_id));
     $blocks = array('main' => array(), 'side' => array());
     $rows = Database::prepare("SELECT SQL_CACHE location, block_id, module_name" . " FROM  `##block`" . " JOIN  `##module` USING (module_name)" . " JOIN  `##module_privacy` USING (module_name, gedcom_id)" . " WHERE gedcom_id = :tree_id" . " AND   status='enabled'" . " AND   access_level >= :access_level" . " ORDER BY location, block_order")->execute(array('tree_id' => $gedcom_id, 'access_level' => $access_level))->fetchAll();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $blocks[$row->location][$row->block_id] = $row->module_name;
     return $blocks;