  * Get scheduling informations for a specific host
  * @method get
  * @route /host/[i:id]/scheduling-infos
 public function schedulingInfosHostAction()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $schedulingInfos = HostRealtime::get($params['id'], array('execution_time', 'latency'));
     $poller = HostConf::get($params['id'], 'poller_id');
     $schedulingInfos['poller_name'] = !is_null($poller['poller_id']) ? Poller::get($poller['poller_id'], 'name') : "";
     $this->router->response()->json(array('scheduling_infos' => $schedulingInfos, 'success' => true));
  * @param integer $pollerId
  * @return type
  * @throws Exception
 public static function getTemplate($pollerId)
     $paramsPoller = Poller::get($pollerId, 'tmpl_name');
     if (!isset($paramsPoller['tmpl_name']) || is_null($paramsPoller['tmpl_name'])) {
         throw new Exception('Not template defined');
     $tmplName = $paramsPoller['tmpl_name'];
     /* Load template information for poller */
     $listTpl = TemplateManager::buildTemplatesList();
     if (!isset($listTpl[$tmplName])) {
         throw new Exception('The template is not found on list of templates', 255);
     return $listTpl[$tmplName];
  * Load macros for replace in default configuration
  * @param int $pollerId The poller id
 private function loadMacros($pollerId)
     $config = Di::getDefault()->get('config');
     /* Load contant values */
     $this->baseConfig['broker_central_ip'] = getHostByName(getHostName());
     /* Load user value */
     $this->baseConfig = array_merge($this->baseConfig, BrokerRepository::loadValues($pollerId));
     /* Load paths */
     $paths = BrokerRepository::getPathsFromPollerId($pollerId);
     $pathsValue = array_values($paths);
     $pathsKeys = array_map(function ($name) {
         switch ($name) {
             case 'directory_modules':
                 $str = 'modules_directory';
             case 'directory_config':
                 $str = 'etc_directory';
             case 'directory_logs':
                 $str = 'logs_directory';
             case 'directory_data':
                 $str = 'data_directory';
                 $str = '';
         return 'global_broker_' . $str;
     }, array_keys($paths));
     $paths = array_combine($pathsKeys, $pathsValue);
     $this->baseConfig = array_merge($this->baseConfig, $paths);
     $this->baseConfig['poller_id'] = $this->pollerId;
     /* Information for database */
     $dbInformation = CentreonDb::parseDsn($config->get('db_centreon', 'dsn'), $config->get('db_centreon', 'username'), $config->get('db_centreon', 'password'));
     $dbKeys = array_map(function ($name) {
         return 'global_' . $name;
     }, array_keys($dbInformation));
     $dbInformation = array_combine($dbKeys, array_values($dbInformation));
     $this->baseConfig = array_merge($dbInformation, $this->baseConfig);
     /* Load general poller information */
     $pollerInformation = Poller::get($pollerId);
     $this->baseConfig['poller_name'] = $pollerInformation['name'];
     /* Load configuration information from Centren Engine */
     $eventObj = new GenericEvent(array('poller_id' => $pollerId));
     Di::getDefault()->get('events')->emit('centreon-broker.poller.configuration', array($eventObj));
     $this->baseConfig = array_merge($eventObj->getOutput(), $this->baseConfig);
     /* get global value in database */
     $globalOptions = BrokerRepository::getGlobalValues();
     $this->baseConfig = array_merge($globalOptions, $this->baseConfig);
     /* Add % in begin and end of keys */
     $keys = array_keys($this->baseConfig);
     $values = array_values($this->baseConfig);
     $keys = array_map(function ($key) {
         return '%' . $key . '%';
     }, $keys);
     $this->baseConfig = array_combine($keys, $values);
  * Get default template for a poller
  * @method get
  * @route /poller/[i:id]/template
 public function getPollerDefaultTemplateAction()
     $di = Di::getDefault();
     $router = $di->get('router');
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $returnData = array();
     if ($params['id'] == 0) {
         $defaultPoller = array_slice($di->get('pollerTemplate'), 0, 1, true);
         $p = key($defaultPoller);
         $returnData['id'] = $p;
         $returnData['text'] = ucfirst($p);
     } else {
         $poller = PollerModel::get($params['id']);
         $returnData['id'] = $poller['tmpl_name'];
         $returnData['text'] = ucfirst($poller['tmpl_name']);
  * Returns the template configuration values
  * @param int $pollerId
  * @return array
  * @throws \Centreon\Internal\Exception
 private static function getTemplateValues($pollerId)
     $templateValues = array();
     /* Retrieve template name  */
     $pollerParam = Poller::get($pollerId, 'tmpl_name');
     if (!isset($pollerParam['tmpl_name']) || is_null($pollerParam['tmpl_name'])) {
         return $templateValues;
     /* Look for template file */
     $config = Di::getDefault()->get('config');
     $centreonPath = rtrim($config->get('global', 'centreon_path'), '/');
     /* Get template engine file */
     $listTpl = PollerTemplateManager::buildTemplatesList();
     if (!isset($listTpl[$pollerParam['tmpl_name']])) {
         throw new Exception('The template is not found on list of templates');
     $jsonFile = $listTpl[$pollerParam['tmpl_name']]->getEnginePath();
     if (!file_exists($jsonFile)) {
         throw new Exception('Engine template file not found: ' . $pollerParam['tmpl_name'] . '.json');
     /* Checks whether or not template file has all the sections */
     $arr = json_decode(file_get_contents($jsonFile), true);
     if (!isset($arr['content']) || !isset($arr['content']['engine']) || !isset($arr['content']['engine']['setup'])) {
         return $templateValues;
     /* Retrieve parameter values */
     foreach ($arr['content']['engine']['setup'] as $setup) {
         if (isset($setup['params'])) {
             foreach ($setup['params'] as $k => $v) {
                 $templateValues[$k] = $v;
     return $templateValues;