function wpdev_bk_ajax_responder() { global $wpdb; $action = $_POST['ajax_action']; if (isset($_POST['wpdev_active_locale'])) { // Reload locale according request parameter global $l10n; if (isset($l10n['wpdev-booking'])) { unset($l10n['wpdev-booking']); } if (!defined('WPDEV_BK_LOCALE_RELOAD')) { define('WPDEV_BK_LOCALE_RELOAD', $_POST['wpdev_active_locale']); } // Reload locale settings, its required for the correct dates format if (isset($l10n['default'])) { unset($l10n['default']); } // Unload locale add_filter('locale', 'getBookingLocale', 999); // Set filter to load the locale of the Booking Calendar load_default_textdomain(); // Load default locale global $wp_locale; $wp_locale = new WP_Locale(); // Reload class loadLocale(WPDEV_BK_LOCALE_RELOAD); } switch ($action) { case 'INSERT_INTO_TABLE': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel($action); wpdev_bk_insert_new_booking(); die; break; case 'UPDATE_READ_UNREAD': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side_by_user_id', $_POST['user_id']); $is_read_or_unread = $_POST["is_read_or_unread"]; if ($is_read_or_unread == 1) { $is_new = '1'; } else { $is_new = '0'; } $id_of_new_bookings = $_POST["booking_id"]; $arrayof_bookings_id = explode('|', $id_of_new_bookings); $user_id = $_POST["user_id"]; renew_NumOfNewBookings($arrayof_bookings_id, $is_new, $user_id); //debuge($arrayof_bookings_id, 'all_array'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach ($arrayof_bookings_id as $bk_id) { if ($bk_id == 'all') { $bk_id = 0; } if ($is_new == '1') { ?> set_booking_row_unread(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } else { ?> set_booking_row_read(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($is_new == '1') { ?> // var my_num = parseInt(jQuery('.bk-update-count').text()) + parseInt(1<?php echo '*' . count($arrayof_bookings_id); ?> ); <?php } else { ?> // var my_num = parseInt(jQuery('.bk-update-count').text()) - parseInt(1<?php echo '*' . count($arrayof_bookings_id); ?> ); <?php } ?> //jQuery('.bk-update-count').html( my_num ); document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php if ($is_new == '1') { echo __('Set as Read', 'wpdev-booking'); } else { echo __('Set as Unread', 'wpdev-booking'); } ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); </script> <?php die; break; case 'UPDATE_APPROVE': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side_by_user_id', $_POST['user_id']); // Approve or Reject $is_approve_or_pending = $_POST["is_approve_or_pending"]; if ($is_approve_or_pending == 1) { $is_approve_or_pending = '1'; } else { $is_approve_or_pending = '0'; } // Booking ID $booking_id = $_POST["booking_id"]; $approved_id = explode('|', $booking_id); if (!isset($_POST["denyreason"])) { $_POST["denyreason"] = ''; } $denyreason = $_POST["denyreason"]; $is_send_emeils = $_POST["is_send_emeils"]; if (count($approved_id) > 0 && $approved_id !== false) { $approved_id_str = join(',', $approved_id); $approved_id_str = wpbc_clean_string_for_db($approved_id_str); if (false === $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates SET approved = %s WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})", $is_approve_or_pending))) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during updating to DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } renew_NumOfNewBookings(explode(',', $approved_id_str)); if ($is_approve_or_pending == '1') { sendApproveEmails($approved_id_str, $is_send_emeils, $denyreason); $all_bk_id_what_canceled = apply_bk_filter('cancel_pending_same_resource_bookings_for_specific_dates', false, $approved_id_str); //debuge($pending_bookings); } else { sendDeclineEmails($approved_id_str, $is_send_emeils, $denyreason); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach ($approved_id as $bk_id) { if ($is_approve_or_pending == '1') { ?> set_booking_row_approved_in_timeline(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); set_booking_row_approved(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); set_booking_row_read(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } else { ?> set_booking_row_pending_in_timeline(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); set_booking_row_pending(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } ?> <?php } ?> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php if ($is_approve_or_pending == '1') { echo __('Set as Approved', 'wpdev-booking'); } else { echo __('Set as Pending', 'wpdev-booking'); } ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); </script> <?php die; } break; case 'DELETE_APPROVE': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side_by_user_id', $_POST['user_id']); $booking_id = $_POST["booking_id"]; // Booking ID if (!isset($_POST["denyreason"])) { $_POST["denyreason"] = ''; } $denyreason = $_POST["denyreason"]; if ($denyreason == __('Reason for cancellation here', 'wpdev-booking') || $denyreason == __('Reason of cancellation here', 'wpdev-booking') || $denyreason == 'Reason of cancel here') { $denyreason = ''; } $is_send_emeils = $_POST["is_send_emeils"]; $approved_id = explode('|', $booking_id); if (count($approved_id) > 0 && $approved_id != false && $approved_id != '') { $approved_id_str = join(',', $approved_id); $approved_id_str = wpbc_clean_string_for_db($approved_id_str); sendDeclineEmails($approved_id_str, $is_send_emeils, $denyreason); if (false === $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})")) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during deleting dates at DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } if (false === $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}booking WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})")) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during deleting reservation at DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach ($approved_id as $bk_id) { ?> set_booking_row_deleted_in_timeline(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); set_booking_row_deleted(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } ?> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php echo __('Deleted', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); </script> <?php die; } break; case 'DELETE_BY_VISITOR': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel($action); make_bk_action('wpdev_delete_booking_by_visitor'); break; case 'SAVE_BK_COST': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_save_bk_cost'); break; case 'SEND_PAYMENT_REQUEST': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_send_payment_request'); break; case 'CHANGE_PAYMENT_STATUS': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_change_payment_status'); break; case 'UPDATE_BK_RESOURCE_4_BOOKING': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_updating_bk_resource_of_booking'); break; case 'UPDATE_REMARK': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_updating_remark'); break; case 'DELETE_BK_FORM': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_delete_booking_form'); break; case 'USER_SAVE_WINDOW_STATE': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); update_user_option($_POST['user_id'], 'booking_win_' . $_POST['window'], $_POST['is_closed']); die; break; case 'CALCULATE_THE_COST': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel($action); make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_show_cost'); die; break; case 'BOOKING_SEARCH': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel($action); make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_booking_search'); die; break; case 'CHECK_BK_NEWS': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); wpdev_ajax_check_bk_news(); die; break; case 'CHECK_BK_FEATURES': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); wpdev_ajax_check_bk_news('info/features/'); die; break; case 'CHECK_BK_VERSION': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); wpdev_ajax_check_bk_version(); die; break; case 'SAVE_BK_LISTING_FILTER': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_save_bk_listing_filter'); die; break; case 'DELETE_BK_LISTING_FILTER': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_delete_bk_listing_filter'); die; break; case 'EXPORT_BOOKINGS_TO_CSV': wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_export_bookings_to_csv'); die; default: wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); if (function_exists('wpdev_pro_bk_ajax')) { wpdev_pro_bk_ajax(); } die; } }
function wpdev_bk_ajax_responder() { session_start(); // continue current session global $wpdb; $action = $_POST['ajax_action']; if (isset($_POST['wpdev_active_locale'])) { // Reload locale according request parameter global $l10n; if (isset($l10n['wpdev-booking'])) { unset($l10n['wpdev-booking']); } if (!defined('WPDEV_BK_LOCALE_RELOAD')) { define('WPDEV_BK_LOCALE_RELOAD', $_POST['wpdev_active_locale']); } loadLocale(WPDEV_BK_LOCALE_RELOAD); } switch ($action) { case 'SAVE_BOOKING': wpdev_bk_insert_new_booking_v2(); die; break; /////////////////////// BEGIN CUSTOM CODE ///////////////////////// // enable editing of the fields in the current resource row /////////////////////// BEGIN CUSTOM CODE ///////////////////////// // enable editing of the fields in the current resource row case 'EDIT_RESOURCE': wpdev_edit_resource(); die; break; // save the editing fields in the current resource row // save the editing fields in the current resource row case 'SAVE_RESOURCE': wpdev_save_resource(); die; break; // delete the current resource row // delete the current resource row case 'DELETE_RESOURCE': wpdev_delete_resource(); die; break; // insert allocations as part of a booking // insert allocations as part of a booking case 'ADD_ALLOCATION': wpdev_add_booking_allocation(); die; break; // enable editing of the fields in the current allocation row // enable editing of the fields in the current allocation row case 'EDIT_ALLOCATION': wpdev_edit_allocation(); die; break; // save the editing fields in the current allocation row // save the editing fields in the current allocation row case 'SAVE_ALLOCATION': wpdev_save_allocation(); die; break; // delete the current allocation row // delete the current allocation row case 'DELETE_ALLOCATION': wpdev_delete_allocation(); die; break; // toggle the state of a booking date in the availability table // toggle the state of a booking date in the availability table case 'TOGGLE_BOOKING_DATE': wpdev_toggle_booking_date(); die; break; // toggle the checkout state of a booking date in the (edit booking) availability table // toggle the checkout state of a booking date in the (edit booking) availability table case 'TOGGLE_CHECKOUT_ON_BOOKING_DATE': wpdev_toggle_checkout_on_booking_date(); die; break; // toggle the checkout state of an allocation from the allocation view // toggle the checkout state of an allocation from the allocation view case 'TOGGLE_CHECKOUT_FOR_ALLOCATION': wpdev_toggle_checkout_for_allocation(); die; break; case 'PAGE_AVAILABILITY_TABLE_LEFT_RIGHT': wpdev_page_availability_table_left_right(); die; break; // add a comment to the current booking // add a comment to the current booking case 'ADD_BOOKING_COMMENT': wpdev_add_booking_comment(); die; break; case 'SELECT_DAILY_SUMMARY_DAY': wpdev_select_daily_summary_day(); die; break; /////////////////////// END CUSTOM CODE /////////////////////////// /////////////////////// END CUSTOM CODE /////////////////////////// case 'UPDATE_READ_UNREAD': make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side_by_user_id', $_POST['user_id']); $is_read_or_unread = $_POST["is_read_or_unread"]; if ($is_read_or_unread == 1) { $is_new = '1'; } else { $is_new = '0'; } $id_of_new_bookings = $_POST["booking_id"]; $arrayof_bookings_id = explode('|', $id_of_new_bookings); renew_NumOfNewBookings($arrayof_bookings_id, $is_new); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach ($arrayof_bookings_id as $bk_id) { if ($is_new == '1') { ?> set_booking_row_read(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } else { ?> set_booking_row_unread(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($is_new == '1') { ?> // var my_num = parseInt(jQuery('.bk-update-count').text()) + parseInt(1<?php echo '*' . count($arrayof_bookings_id); ?> ); <?php } else { ?> // var my_num = parseInt(jQuery('.bk-update-count').text()) - parseInt(1<?php echo '*' . count($arrayof_bookings_id); ?> ); <?php } ?> //jQuery('.bk-update-count').html( my_num ); document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php if ($is_new == '1') { echo __('Set as Read', 'wpdev-booking'); } else { echo __('Set as Unread', 'wpdev-booking'); } ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); </script> <?php die; break; case 'UPDATE_APPROVE': make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side_by_user_id', $_POST['user_id']); // Approve or Unapprove $is_approve_or_pending = $_POST["is_approve_or_pending"]; if ($is_approve_or_pending == 1) { $is_approve_or_pending = '1'; } else { $is_approve_or_pending = '0'; } // Booking ID $booking_id = $_POST["booking_id"]; $approved_id = explode('|', $booking_id); $denyreason = $_POST["denyreason"]; $is_send_emeils = $_POST["is_send_emeils"]; if (count($approved_id) > 0 && $approved_id !== false) { $approved_id_str = join(',', $approved_id); if (false === $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . $wpdb->prefix . "bookingdates SET approved = '" . $is_approve_or_pending . "' WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})"))) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during updating to DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } if ($is_approve_or_pending == '1') { sendApproveEmails($approved_id_str, $is_send_emeils); } else { sendDeclineEmails($approved_id_str, $is_send_emeils, $denyreason); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach ($approved_id as $bk_id) { if ($is_approve_or_pending == '1') { ?> set_booking_row_approved(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } else { ?> set_booking_row_pending(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } ?> <?php } ?> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php if ($is_approve_or_pending == '1') { echo __('Set as Approved', 'wpdev-booking'); } else { echo __('Set as Pending', 'wpdev-booking'); } ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); </script> <?php die; } break; case 'DELETE_APPROVE': make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side_by_user_id', $_POST['user_id']); $booking_id = $_POST["booking_id"]; // Booking ID $denyreason = $_POST["denyreason"]; if ($denyreason == __('Reason of cancellation here', 'wpdev-booking') || $denyreason == 'Reason of cancel here') { $denyreason = ''; } $is_send_emeils = $_POST["is_send_emeils"]; $approved_id = explode('|', $booking_id); if (count($approved_id) > 0 && $approved_id != false && $approved_id != '') { $approved_id_str = join(',', $approved_id); sendDeclineEmails($approved_id_str, $is_send_emeils, $denyreason); if (false === $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "bookingdates WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})"))) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during deleting dates at DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } if (false === $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "booking WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})"))) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during deleting reservation at DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach ($approved_id as $bk_id) { ?> set_booking_row_deleted(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } ?> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php echo __('Deleted', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); </script> <?php die; } break; case 'DELETE_BY_VISITOR': make_bk_action('wpdev_delete_booking_by_visitor'); break; case 'SAVE_BK_COST': make_bk_action('wpdev_save_bk_cost'); break; case 'SEND_PAYMENT_REQUEST': make_bk_action('wpdev_send_payment_request'); break; case 'CHANGE_PAYMENT_STATUS': make_bk_action('wpdev_change_payment_status'); break; case 'UPDATE_BK_RESOURCE_4_BOOKING': make_bk_action('wpdev_updating_bk_resource_of_booking'); break; case 'UPDATE_REMARK': make_bk_action('wpdev_updating_remark'); break; case 'DELETE_BK_FORM': make_bk_action('wpdev_delete_booking_form'); break; case 'USER_SAVE_OPTION': if ($_POST['option'] == 'ADMIN_CALENDAR_COUNT') { update_user_option($_POST['user_id'], 'booking_admin_calendar_count', $_POST['count']); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php echo __('Done', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); <?php if ($_POST['is_reload'] == 1) { ?> location.reload(true); <?php } ?> </script> <?php die; break; case 'USER_SAVE_WINDOW_STATE': update_user_option($_POST['user_id'], 'booking_win_' . $_POST['window'], $_POST['is_closed']); die; break; case 'CALCULATE_THE_COST': make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_show_cost'); die; break; case 'BOOKING_SEARCH': make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_booking_search'); die; break; case 'CHECK_BK_NEWS': wpdev_ajax_check_bk_news(); die; break; case 'CHECK_BK_VERSION': wpdev_ajax_check_bk_version(); die; break; case 'SAVE_BK_LISTING_FILTER': make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_save_bk_listing_filter'); die; break; case 'EXPORT_BOOKINGS_TO_CSV': make_bk_action('wpdev_ajax_export_bookings_to_csv'); die; default: if (function_exists('wpdev_pro_bk_ajax')) { wpdev_pro_bk_ajax(); } error_log("ERROR: Undefined AJAX action {$action}"); die; } }
function wpbc_ajax_DELETE_APPROVE() { global $wpdb; wpdev_check_nonce_in_admin_panel(); make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side_by_user_id', $_POST['user_id']); $booking_id = $_POST["booking_id"]; // Booking ID if (!isset($_POST["denyreason"])) { $_POST["denyreason"] = ''; } $denyreason = $_POST["denyreason"]; if ($denyreason == __('Reason for cancellation here', 'booking') || $denyreason == __('Reason of cancellation here', 'booking') || $denyreason == 'Reason of cancel here') { $denyreason = ''; } $is_send_emeils = $_POST["is_send_emeils"]; $approved_id = explode('|', $booking_id); if (count($approved_id) > 0 && $approved_id != false && $approved_id != '') { $approved_id_str = join(',', $approved_id); $approved_id_str = wpbc_clean_string_for_db($approved_id_str); sendDeclineEmails($approved_id_str, $is_send_emeils, $denyreason); if (false === $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})")) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during deleting dates at DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } if (false === $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}booking WHERE booking_id IN ({$approved_id_str})")) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during deleting reservation at DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php foreach ($approved_id as $bk_id) { ?> set_booking_row_deleted_in_timeline(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); set_booking_row_deleted(<?php echo $bk_id; ?> ); <?php } ?> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php echo __('Deleted', 'booking'); ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); </script> <?php } }