 function getTimelineAttribute()
     $date = new Carbon();
     $today = Carbon::now();
     // Assignments that need to be completed in 2 days
     $waiting_assignments = DB::table('assignments')->select(DB::raw('id, point, created_at, due_date as date, \'reminder\' as type'))->where('due_date', '>', $date->toDateTimeString())->where('due_date', '>=', $today->toDateTimeString())->whereNotExists(function ($query) {
         $query->select(DB::raw(1))->from('users_assignments')->whereRaw('users_assignments.assignment_id = assignments.id')->where('users_assignments.user_id', '=', $this->id);
     $timeline = DB::table('users_assignments')->select(DB::raw('assignment_id, point, null, created_at as date,  \'assignment\' as type'))->where('user_id', '=', $this->id)->union($waiting_assignments)->orderBy('date', 'desc')->get();
     return $timeline;
 public function GetProfilePrices($id)
     $date = new Carbon();
     $prices = DB::table('profile_history_prices')->where('created_at', '>', $date->toDateTimeString())->where('profile_id', $id)->get(['created_at', 'price']);
     $hashtag = $this->GetProfileById($id);
     if ($hashtag->created_at > $date) {
         array_unshift($prices, array('price' => 0, 'created_at' => $hashtag->created_at->toDateTimeString()));
         array_unshift($prices, array('price' => 0, 'created_at' => $date->toDateTimeString()));
     return $prices;
  * Execute the command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     $companies = Company::all();
     $parameter = array();
     $report_positions = array();
     foreach ($companies as $company) {
         $parameter[$company->id] = array();
         $accounts = $company->Accounts->count();
         $accounts_no_vehicle = $company->Accounts()->doesntHave('Vehicles')->count();
         $accounts_with_vehicle = $accounts - $accounts_no_vehicle;
         $parameter[$company->id]['Accounts'] = array($accounts, $accounts_with_vehicle, $accounts_no_vehicle);
         $vehicles = $company->Vehicles->count();
         $vehicles_with_device = $company->Vehicles()->has('Device')->count();
         $vehicles_no_device = $vehicles - $vehicles_with_device;
         $parameter[$company->id]['Vehicles'] = array($vehicles, $vehicles_with_device, $vehicles_no_device);
         $devices = $company->Devices()->count();
         $devices_no_vehicle = $devices - $vehicles_with_device;
         $parameter[$company->id]['Devices'] = array($devices, $vehicles_with_device, $devices_no_vehicle);
         $now = new Carbon();
         $vehicles = $company->Vehicles()->has('Device')->get();
         $positions = array();
         foreach ($vehicles as $vehicle) {
             $position = $vehicle->Positions()->orderBy('memory_index', 'desc')->first();
             if ($position) {
                 if ($position->date < $now) {
                     $positions[] = (object) array('name' => $vehicle->Account->name, 'serial' => $position->serial, 'plate' => $vehicle->plate, 'date' => $position->date, 'obs' => 'Veículo não reportando há pelo menos 5 dias');
             } else {
                 $positions[] = (object) array('name' => $vehicle->Account->name, 'serial' => $vehicle->Device->serial, 'plate' => $vehicle->plate, 'date' => null, 'obs' => 'Veículo não possui registros');
         usort($positions, function ($a, $b) {
             return $a->date > $b->date;
         $report_positions[$company->id] = $positions;
         $no_positions = count($positions);
         $positions_last_week = $vehicles_with_device - $no_positions;
         $parameter[$company->id]['Positions'] = array($vehicles_with_device, $positions_last_week, $no_positions);
     Storage::put('notreporting.dat', serialize($report_positions));
     Storage::put('dashboard.dat', serialize($parameter));
 protected function calculateObservedDay(Carbon $date)
     if ($date->dayOfWeek === Carbon::SUNDAY) {
         return $date->addDays(1);
     } elseif ($date->dayOfWeek === Carbon::SATURDAY) {
         return $date->subDays(1);
     return $date;
  * Restricts to dates after $days days before today.
  * @param  object $query
  * @param  integer $days
  * @return object $query
 public function scopePast($query, $days)
     $date = new Carbon();
     return $query->where('date', '>=', $date);
文件: Home.php 项目: JC5/marauder
  * @param Device $thermostat
  * @return array
 public function getHeatDistribution(Device $thermostat)
     $return = ['today' => ['night' => 0, 'morning' => 0, 'afternoon' => 0, 'evening' => 0], 'yesterday' => ['night' => 0, 'morning' => 0, 'afternoon' => 0, 'evening' => 0], 'average' => ['night' => 0, 'morning' => 0, 'afternoon' => 0, 'evening' => 0]];
     // get total for today, grouped per hour
     // today:
     $result = $thermostat->logEntries()->onDay(new Carbon())->withLogValue('is_heating_on')->groupBy('hour')->whereNotNull('is_heating_on.value')->get([DB::Raw('date_format(log_entries.time,"%H") as `hour`'), DB::Raw('SUM(is_heating_on.value) * 5 as is_heating_on')]);
     $total = $result->sum('is_heating_on');
     foreach ($result as $entry) {
         $hour = intval($entry->hour);
         $total += $entry->is_heating_on;
         if ($hour >= 0 && $hour < 6) {
             $return['today']['night'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 6 && $hour < 12) {
             $return['today']['morning'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 12 && $hour < 18) {
             $return['today']['afternoon'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 18 && $hour <= 23) {
             $return['today']['evening'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
     // for each hour loop and group.
     // get total for yesterday, grouped per hour
     $result = $thermostat->logEntries()->onDay(Carbon::now()->subDay())->withLogValue('is_heating_on')->groupBy('hour')->whereNotNull('is_heating_on.value')->get([DB::Raw('date_format(log_entries.time,"%H") as `hour`'), DB::Raw('SUM(is_heating_on.value) * 5 as is_heating_on')]);
     $total = $result->sum('is_heating_on');
     foreach ($result as $entry) {
         $hour = intval($entry->hour);
         $total += $entry->is_heating_on;
         if ($hour >= 0 && $hour < 6) {
             $return['yesterday']['night'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 6 && $hour < 12) {
             $return['yesterday']['morning'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 12 && $hour < 18) {
             $return['yesterday']['afternoon'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 18 && $hour <= 23) {
             $return['yesterday']['evening'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
     // get average (using log entries AND summaries).
     // log entries first:
     // (summaries start after five days)
     // go back five days.
     $today = new Carbon();
     $result = $thermostat->logEntries()->withLogValue('is_heating_on')->after($today)->groupBy('hour')->whereNotNull('is_heating_on.value')->get([DB::Raw('date_format(log_entries.time,"%H") as `hour`'), DB::Raw('SUM(is_heating_on.value) * 5 as is_heating_on')]);
     $total = $result->sum('is_heating_on');
     foreach ($result as $entry) {
         $hour = intval($entry->hour);
         $total += $entry->is_heating_on;
         if ($hour >= 0 && $hour < 6) {
             $return['average']['night'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 6 && $hour < 12) {
             $return['average']['morning'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 12 && $hour < 18) {
             $return['average']['afternoon'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 18 && $hour <= 23) {
             $return['average']['evening'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
     // then, summaries!
     $result = $thermostat->summaryEntries()->withSummaryValue('is_heating_on')->before($today)->groupBy('hour')->whereNotNull('is_heating_on.value')->get([DB::Raw('date_format(summary_entries.time,"%H") as `hour`'), DB::Raw('SUM(is_heating_on.value) as is_heating_on')]);
     $total = $result->sum('is_heating_on');
     foreach ($result as $entry) {
         $hour = intval($entry->hour);
         $total += $entry->is_heating_on;
         if ($hour >= 0 && $hour < 6) {
             $return['average']['night'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 6 && $hour < 12) {
             $return['average']['morning'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 12 && $hour < 18) {
             $return['average']['afternoon'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
         if ($hour >= 18 && $hour <= 23) {
             $return['average']['evening'] += intval($entry->is_heating_on);
     // do percentage for each
     foreach ($return as $type => $entry) {
         $sum = $entry['night'] + $entry['morning'] + $entry['afternoon'] + $entry['evening'];
         if ($sum > 0) {
             $return[$type]['night'] = round($entry['night'] / $sum * 100);
             $return[$type]['morning'] = round($entry['morning'] / $sum * 100);
             $return[$type]['afternoon'] = round($entry['afternoon'] / $sum * 100);
             $return[$type]['evening'] = round($entry['evening'] / $sum * 100);
     return $return;
 public function getOrderedBalancesByDate(Account $acc, Carbon $date)
     $end = $date->copy();
     $start = $date->subDays(7);
     return $this->createQueryBuilder('ab')->leftJoin('ab.account', 'acc')->where('acc = :account')->andWhere('ab.created_at >= :start')->andWhere('ab.created_at <= :end')->addOrderBy('ab.created_at', 'ASC')->setParameters(['account' => $acc, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end])->getQuery()->getResult();
 public function showLast($id, Request $request)
     $pag = $request->input('pag');
     //		dd($request);
     $new = array('dataini' => $request->input('dataini'), 'datafin' => $request->input('datafin'), 'search' => $request->input('search'), 'page' => $request->input('page'));
     $vehicle = Vehicle::find($id);
     $now = new Carbon();
     if ($request->input('search')) {
         $filter = \DataFilter::source($vehicle->Positions());
     } else {
         $filter = \DataFilter::source($vehicle->Positions()->limit(10));
     //		$filter = \DataFilter::source($vehicle->Positions());
     $filter->add('dataini', 'Data Inicial', 'datetime')->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')->scope(function ($query, $value) {
         $test = (bool) strtotime($value);
         if ($test) {
             return $query->whereRaw("date >= ?", array($value));
         } else {
             return $query;
     $filter->add('datafin', 'Data Final', 'datetime')->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')->scope(function ($query, $value) {
         $test = (bool) strtotime($value);
         if ($test) {
             return $query->whereRaw("date <= ?", array($value));
         } else {
             return $query;
     $filter->add('pag', '', 'select')->options(array('' => 'Itens por Página', 10 => '10', 20 => '20', 30 => '30', 40 => '40', 50 => '50', 100 => '100', 200 => '200', 500 => '500', 1000 => '1000'));
     $grid = \DataGrid::source($filter);
     $grid->attributes(array("class" => "table table-striped"));
     $grid->add('<input type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="{{ $id }}" onclick="checkSelected()">', '<input type="checkbox" name="todos" id="todos" onclick="selectTodos()">');
     $grid->add('date|strtotime|date[d/m/Y H:i:s]', 'Data', true);
     $grid->add('<span id="{{$id}}" class="address" geo-lat="{{ $latitude }}" geo-lng="{{ $longitude }}"></span>', 'Endereço');
     $grid->add('<i class="fa fa-lg fa-circle {{ $ignition == 1 ? \'on\' : \'off\' }}">', 'Ignição');
     $grid->add('speed', 'Velocidade');
     $grid->add('<a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" title="Ver no Mapa" href="/positions/showMap/{{$id}}"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-map-marker"></i></a><a class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" title="Informações" href="/positions/showInfo/{{$id}}"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-info"></i></a><button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-xs" title="Buscar Endereço" onclick="searchAddr(\'{{$id}}\')"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-search"></i></button>', 'Ações', true);
     $grid->orderBy('memory_index', 'desc');
     if ($pag) {
     return view('positions::last', compact('filter', 'grid', 'vehicle'));
  * Summarize the report entries from 5 days ago, to comply with Google Nest's
  * data retention rules.
 public function summarize()
     // go back five days.
     $today = new Carbon();
     echo "<pre>\n";
     echo "Starting on " . $today->format('d M Y') . "\n";
     // these have our interest.
     $summaries = [];
     $logToSave = ['has_leaf', 'is_heating_on'];
     // indicates that these entries 'add minutes', ie. each entry is +5 minutes.
     $addsMinutes = ['has_leaf', 'is_heating_on'];
     // get all log entries
     $logEntries = $this->_helper->getLogEntriesForDay($today);
     // debug info:
     echo 'Found ' . $logEntries->count() . ' log entries to summarize' . "\n";
     // loop all:
     /** @var Report $logEntry */
     foreach ($logEntries as $logEntry) {
         // get current hour.
         $hour = intval($logEntry->time->format('H'));
         // summary entry:
         if (!isset($summaries[$hour])) {
             // make time:
             $time = clone $logEntry->time;
             $time->hour = $hour;
             $time->minute = 0;
             $time->second = 0;
             // set initial variables:
             $summaries[$hour]['time'] = $time;
             $summaries[$hour]['device'] = intval($logEntry->device_id);
             $summaries[$hour]['entries'] = [];
         // get relevant log entries:
         $values = $this->_helper->getLogValuesByEntry($logEntry, $logToSave);
         // loop them
         /** @var LogValue $value */
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             $name = $value->name;
             // some are booleans, they add to a total time:
             if (in_array($name, $addsMinutes)) {
                 $value = intval($value->value);
                 if ($value == 1) {
                     $summaries[$hour]['entries'][$name] = isset($summaries[$hour]['entries'][$name]) ? $summaries[$hour]['entries'][$name] + 5 : 5;
             // others are numbers and become an average (like temp).
     // save all summaries built:
     foreach ($summaries as $summary) {
         $entry = $this->_helper->getSummaryEntry($summary['device'], $summary['time']);
         foreach ($summary['entries'] as $name => $value) {
             $value = $this->_helper->createSummaryValue($entry, $name, $value);
             if ($value === false) {
                 echo 'Could not save summary value for time ' . $summary['time']->format('d M Y H:i:s') . ' because value with name "' . $name . '" is already saved for entry #' . $entry->id . "!\n";
         echo "Saved " . $entry->summaryValues()->count() . " summarized fields (+values) for time " . $entry->time->format('d M Y H:i:s') . ".\n";
     echo "Done summarizing.\n";
 public function postArchivo()
     //upload del archivo
     $file = Input::file("archivo");
     if (Input::hasFile('archivo')) {
         $file->move("public/excel", $file->getClientOriginalName());
     Excel::load('public/excel/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), function ($archivo) {
         $resultados = $archivo->get();
         $comisiones = VistaComision::where('pagada', 0)->where('cancelada', 0)->OrderBy('id')->get();
         $fecha_fin = new Carbon('last sunday');
         $date = new Carbon('last sunday');
         $fecha_inicio = $date->subDays(6);
         //cuento cuantos periodos hay con las mismas fechas de inicio y fin, para determinar si debo crear uno nuevo
         $ultimo_periodo_comision = PeriodoComision::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
         $periodo_comision_count = PeriodoComision::where('fecha_inicio', '=', $fecha_inicio)->where('fecha_fin', '=', $fecha_fin)->count();
         if ($periodo_comision_count == 0) {
             $new_periodo = new PeriodoComision();
             $new_periodo->fecha_inicio = $fecha_inicio;
             $new_periodo->fecha_fin = $fecha_fin;
             $new_periodo->folio = $ultimo_periodo_comision->folio + 1;
             $periodo_actual = $new_periodo;
         } else {
             $periodo_actual = $ultimo_periodo_comision;
         //estas son las que se pagan
         foreach ($comisiones as $comision_r => $comision) {
             foreach ($resultados as $resultado => $excel) {
                 if ($excel->pkc == $comision->id) {
                     $plan_pago = PlanPagoVenta::select('plan_pago_venta.*', 'plan_pago.porcentaje_anticipo')->leftJoin('plan_pago', 'plan_pago_venta.plan_pago_id', '=', 'plan_pago.id')->where('venta_id', '=', $comision->id)->where('plan_pago_venta.activo', 1)->firstorFail();
                     $venta = VistaComision::find($comision->id);
                     //lo que al vendedor se le ha dado de esa comisión
                     $pagado = $venta->pagado;
                     $tipo_venta = $venta->nombre_corto;
                     $porcentaje_anticipo = $plan_pago->porcentaje_anticipo;
                     switch ($porcentaje_anticipo) {
                         case 0:
                             $porcentaje = 0.3;
                         case $porcentaje_anticipo <= 30:
                             $porcentaje = 0.3;
                         case $porcentaje_anticipo == 0 and $plan_pago->numero_pagos == 2:
                             $porcentaje = 0.5;
                             $porcentaje = $porcentaje_anticipo / 100;
                     $anticipo = intval($venta->total * $porcentaje);
                     //lo que el cliente debe de dar mensualmente
                     $pago_regular = $plan_pago->pago_regular;
                     //calcula pago de comision por pago regular
                     $comision_mensual = $comision->total_comisionable / $comision->numero_pagos;
                     //lo que el cliente pagó en los recibos de la semana
                     $pago_semanal = $excel->importe;
                     if ($tipo_venta == "V") {
                         //aplica regla de 3 para pagos superiores al pago regular solo ventas de contrato
                         $comision_semanal = $pago_semanal * $comision_mensual / $pago_regular;
                     } else {
                         $comision_semanal = $comision_mensual;
                     $diferencia_pagos = $pago_regular - $pago_semanal;
                     $resto_comision = $comision->por_pagar;
                     if ($resto_comision > 0) {
                         switch ($pago_semanal) {
                             case $pago_semanal < $pago_regular and $diferencia_pagos >= 5 or $pagado == 0 and $pago_semanal < $anticipo and $diferencia_pagos >= 5:
                                 $abono_comision = 0;
                             case $pago_semanal >= $anticipo and $tipo_venta == "V":
                                 $abono_comision = round($resto_comision, 2);
                             case $comision_semanal + $pagado > $resto_comision and $resto_comision < $comision_mensual:
                                 $abono_comision = round($resto_comision, 2);
                             case $comision_semanal >= $resto_comision and $pago_semanal > $pago_regular:
                                 $abono_comision = round($resto_comision, 2);
                             case $pago_semanal <= $pago_regular and $diferencia_pagos <= 5 and $pagado == 0 and $pago_semanal >= $anticipo and $resto_comision < $comision_mensual:
                                 $abono_comision = round($resto_comision, 2);
                             case $comision_semanal >= $resto_comision and $pago_semanal >= $pago_regular and $pagado == 0:
                                 $abono_comision = round($resto_comision, 2);
                             case $pago_semanal == $pago_regular and $pagado == 0:
                                 $abono_comision = round($comision_semanal, 2);
                                 $abono_comision = round($comision_semanal, 2);
                         /*---------FIN CONTRATOS----------*/
                     } else {
                         $abono_comision = 'ya pagado';
                     if ($comision->pagado > 0) {
                         $pagados = ($comision->pagado + $abono_comision) * $comision->numero_pagos / $comision->total_comisionable;
                         # code...
                     } else {
                         $pagados = 1;
                     $meses_pagados = round($pagados, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
                     $observaciones = $meses_pagados . ' de ' . $comision->numero_pagos;
                     /*--------GUARDA REGISTROS-------------*/
                     //determina si el abono cae entre las fechas de inicio y fin de cuando se creó la lista de comisiones, para evitar duplicar el pago al volver a subir el mismo archivo
                     if ($excel->pago->between($fecha_inicio, $fecha_fin) == 1) {
                         //aqui se van a crear los abonos
                         $abono_count = AbonoComision::where('periodo_comision_id', '=', $periodo_actual->id)->where('comision_id', '=', $excel->pkc)->count();
                         if ($abono_count == 0) {
                             //guarda el pago
                             $new_abono = new AbonoComision();
                             $new_abono->periodo_comision_id = $ultimo_periodo_comision->id + 1;
                             $new_abono->comision_id = $excel->pkc;
                             $new_abono->monto = $abono_comision;
                             $new_abono->fecha = $fecha_fin->toDateString();
                             $new_abono->asesor_id = $excel->pk_vendedor;
                     /*---------------FIN GUARDA REGISTROS------------*/
                     /*---------ECHO ---------*/
                     /*echo $excel->pago->between($fecha_inicio, $fecha_fin)','.$comision->asesor_id.','.$comision->porcentaje.','.$observaciones.'<br>';*/
                     /*echo $excel->pkc.'---'. $abono_comision.'<br>';/*.' pago regular '.$plan_pago->pago_regular.' recibo '.
                     		$excel->importe.'pago mensual = '.$pago_mensual..' --- '.$observaciones.' ---% '.$comision->porcentaje.' -- '.$abono_comision/*' por pagar '.$comision->por_pagar.'<br>' */
                     /*--------FIN ECHO ---------*/
         /*foreach($resultados as $resultado => $excel){
           			if ($excel->compra >= $fecha_inicio) {
           				$excel->pkc. 'nueva'.'<br>';
     $ultimo_periodo_comision = PeriodoComision::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
     return Redirect::action('ComisionControlador@getAbonos', $ultimo_periodo_comision->id);