public function Execute() { $conn = \ZCL\DB\DB::getConnect(); $store_id = $this->headerdata['store_id']; $item = \ZippyERP\ERP\Entity\Item::getSumItem(); $stock = \ZippyERP\ERP\Entity\Stock::getStock($store_id, $item->item_id, 1, true); $discont = 0; //скидки 704 счет $date = new Carbon(); $date->setTimestamp($this->document_date); $end = $date->endOfMonth()->getTimestamp(); $begin = $date->startOfMonth()->getTimestamp(); $sql = " select coalesce(abs(sum(amount)),0) from erp_account_subconto where amount < 0 and account_id=285 and extcode = {$store_id} and document_date <= " . $conn->DBDate($end); $tm = $conn->GetOne($sql); //торговая наценка на конец периода //остатки на конец периода $sql = " select coalesce(sum(quantity),0) AS quantity,coalesce(price,0) as price from erp_account_subconto sc join erp_store_stock st on sc.stock_id = st.stock_id where store_id = {$store_id} and date(document_date) <= " . $conn->DBDate($end); $row = $conn->GetRow($sql); $ost = $row['quantity'] / 1000; $ost = $ost * $row['price']; if ($ost == 0) { return; } //выручка $sql = " select coalesce(abs(sum(amount)),0) from erp_account_subconto where amount < 0 and account_id=702 and extcode = {$store_id} and date(document_date) <= " . $conn->DBDate($end) . " and date(document_date) >= " . $conn->DBDate($begin); $saled = $conn->GetOne($sql); //выручка сданная в кассу $k = ($tm - $discont) / ($ost - $discont); $sb = (1 - $k) * $saled; //себестоимость // списываем наценку Entry::AddEntry("285", "282", $saled - $sb, $this->document_id, $this->document_date); // себестоимость реализации Entry::AddEntry("902", "282", $sb, $this->document_id, $this->document_date); $item = \ZippyERP\ERP\Entity\Item::getSumItem(); $stockto = \ZippyERP\ERP\Entity\Stock::getStock($store_id, $item->item_id, 1, true); $sc = new SubConto($this, 282, 0 - $saled); $sc->setStock($stockto->stock_id); $sc->setQuantity(0 - $saled * 1000); //цена единицы товара - 1 копейка. $sc->save(); // НДС $nds = H::nds(true); Entry::AddEntry("702", "641", $saled * $nds, $this->document_id, $this->document_date); return true; }
public static function getBetweenTimes($month) { $startTime = new Carbon(); $startTime->setTimestamp(strtotime($month)); $endTime = clone $startTime; $endTime->addMonth(); return [$startTime, $endTime]; }
public function get_all() { $this->db->select("type"); $this->db->from("widgets"); $q = $this->db->get(); $fileList = array_unique(array_values(array_flatten($q->result_array()))); foreach ($fileList as $file) { $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/application/views/widgets/" . $file . ".php"; if (file_exists($path)) { $mtime = filemtime($path); $files[] = array("type" => $file, "mtime" => $mtime); } } $query = $this->db->query("SELECT widgets.`type`, page.`title`, page.`slug`, `page_ID` FROM widgets JOIN (SELECT pages.`title`, pages.`ID`, pages.`slug` FROM pages GROUP BY pages.`title`) AS page ON widgets.`page_ID` = page.`ID` GROUP BY widgets.`type`"); $pages = $query->result_array(); $records = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($file["type"] == $page["type"]) { $date = new Carbon(); $date->setTimestamp($file["mtime"]); $records[] = array("page_ID" => $page["page_ID"], "type" => $file["type"], "mtime" => $date, "slug" => $page["slug"], "title" => $page["title"]); } } } $this->sortArray($records, "mtime"); foreach ($records as &$record) { $weekAgo = Carbon::now()->subWeeks(1); $mtime = $record["mtime"]; $diff = Carbon::now()->diffForHumans($mtime, true); $diffDays = Carbon::now()->diffInDays($mtime); $record = array_merge($record, array("diff" => array("text" => $diff, "days" => $diffDays))); if ($mtime->gt($weekAgo)) { // echo $record["title"]." | Last change: $diff ago<br>"; } } return $records; }
/** * Make a calendar list of events. * * Outputs a list of events according to events for the specified range. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @param int $timestamp * @param int $id * * @return string */ private function draw_list($timestamp, $id = 0) { $calendar = $this->calendar; if (empty($calendar)) { $calendar = $this->calendar = simcal_get_calendar(intval($id)); if (!$calendar instanceof Default_Calendar) { return ''; } } date_default_timezone_set($calendar->timezone); $now = $calendar->now; $current_events = $this->get_events($timestamp); $day_format = explode(' ', $calendar->date_format); ob_start(); // Draw the events. $block_tag = $calendar->compact_list && !empty($current_events) ? 'div' : 'dl'; $data_heading = ''; $heading = $this->get_heading(); foreach ($heading as $k => $v) { $data_heading .= ' data-heading-' . $k . '="' . $v . '"'; } echo '<' . $block_tag . ' class="simcal-events-list-container"' . ' data-prev="' . $this->prev . '"' . ' data-next="' . $this->next . '"' . $data_heading . '>'; if (!empty($current_events) && is_array($current_events)) { foreach ($current_events as $ymd => $events) { $day_ts = Carbon::createFromFormat('Ymd', $ymd, $calendar->timezone)->getTimestamp(); if (!$calendar->compact_list) { $date = new Carbon('now', $calendar->timezone); $date->setLocale(substr(get_locale(), 0, 2)); $date->setTimestamp($day_ts); if ($date->isToday()) { $the_color = new Color($calendar->today_color); } else { $the_color = new Color($calendar->days_events_color); } $bg_color = '#' . $the_color->getHex(); $color = $the_color->isDark() ? '#ffffff' : '#000000'; $border_style = ' style="border-bottom: 1px solid ' . $bg_color . ';" '; $bg_style = ' style="background-color: ' . $bg_color . '; color: ' . $color . ';"'; echo "\t" . '<dt class="simcal-day-label"' . $border_style . '>'; echo '<span' . $bg_style . '>'; foreach ($day_format as $format) { echo $format ? '<span class="simcal-date-format" data-date-format="' . $format . '">' . date_i18n($format, $day_ts) . '</span> ' : ' '; } echo '</span>'; echo '</dt>' . "\n"; } $list_events = '<ul class="simcal-events">' . "\n"; $calendar_classes = array(); $day_classes = 'simcal-weekday-' . date('w', $day_ts); // Is this the present, the past or the future, Doc? if ($timestamp <= $now && $timestamp >= $now) { $day_classes .= ' simcal-today simcal-present simcal-day'; } elseif ($timestamp < $now) { $day_classes .= ' simcal-past simcal-day'; } elseif ($this->end > $now) { $day_classes .= ' simcal-future simcal-day'; } $count = 0; foreach ($events as $day_events) { foreach ($day_events as $event) { if ($event instanceof Event) { $event_classes = $event_visibility = ''; $calendar_class = 'simcal-events-calendar-' . strval($event->calendar); $calendar_classes[] = $calendar_class; $recurring = $event->recurrence ? 'simcal-event-recurring ' : ''; $has_location = $event->venue ? 'simcal-event-has-location ' : ''; $event_classes .= 'simcal-event ' . $recurring . $has_location . $calendar_class; // Toggle some events visibility if more than optional limit. if ($calendar->events_limit > -1 && $count >= $calendar->events_limit) { $event_classes .= ' simcal-event-toggled'; $event_visibility = ' style="display: none"'; } $event_color = ''; $bullet = ''; $event_color = $event->get_color(); if (!empty($event_color)) { $side = is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left'; $event_color = ' style="border-' . $side . ': 4px solid ' . $event_color . '; padding-' . $side . ': 8px;"'; } $list_events .= "\t" . '<li class="' . $event_classes . '"' . $event_visibility . $event_color . ' itemprop="event" itemscope itemtype="">' . "\n"; $list_events .= "\t\t" . '<div class="simcal-event-details">' . $calendar->get_event_html($event) . '</div>' . "\n"; $list_events .= "\t" . '</li>' . "\n"; $count++; // Event falls within today. if ($this->end <= $now && $this->start >= $now) { $day_classes .= ' simcal-today-has-events'; } $day_classes .= ' simcal-day-has-events simcal-day-has-' . strval($count) . '-events'; if ($calendar_classes) { $day_classes .= ' ' . trim(implode(' ', array_unique($calendar_classes))); } } } } $list_events .= '</ul>' . "\n"; // If events visibility is limited, print the button toggle. if ($calendar->events_limit > -1 && $count > $calendar->events_limit) { $list_events .= '<button class="simcal-events-toggle"><i class="simcal-icon-down simcal-icon-animate"></i></button>'; } // Print final list of events for the current day. $tag = $calendar->compact_list ? 'div' : 'dd'; echo '<' . $tag . ' class="' . $day_classes . '" data-events-count="' . strval($count) . '">' . "\n"; echo "\t" . $list_events . "\n"; echo '</' . $tag . '>' . "\n"; } } else { echo "\t" . '<p>'; $message = get_post_meta($calendar->id, '_no_events_message', true); if ('events' == $calendar->group_type) { echo !empty($message) ? $message : __('Nothing to show.', 'google-calendar-events'); } else { if (!empty($message)) { echo $message; } else { $from = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($this->start, $calendar->timezone)->getTimestamp(); $to = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($this->end, $calendar->timezone)->getTimestamp(); echo apply_filters('simcal_no_events_message', sprintf(__('Nothing from %1$s to %2$s.', 'google-calendar-events'), date_i18n($calendar->date_format, $from), date_i18n($calendar->date_format, $to)), $calendar->id, $from, $to); } } echo "\t" . '</p>' . "\n"; } echo '</' . $block_tag . '>'; date_default_timezone_set($calendar->site_timezone); return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Return a timestamp as DateTime object. * * @param mixed $value * @return \Carbon\Carbon */ protected function asDateTime($value) { // If the value is already a Carbon instance, we will just skip the rest of // these checks since they will be a waste of time, and hinder performance // when checking the field. We will just return the Carbon right away. if ($value instanceof Carbon) { // } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { $date = new Carbon(); return $date->setTimestamp($value); } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})$/', $value)) { return Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $value); } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$/', $value)) { return Carbon::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $value); } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})T(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})Z$/', $value)) { return Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $value); } return new Carbon($value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), $value->getTimeZone()); }
/** * Get events for current display. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @param int $timestamp * * @return array */ private function get_events($timestamp) { $calendar = $this->calendar; if (!$calendar->group_type || !$calendar->group_span) { return array(); } // Need to pass in timezone here to get beginning of day. $current = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $calendar->timezone); $prev = clone $current; $next = clone $current; $this->start = $timestamp; $interval = $span = max(absint($calendar->group_span), 1); if ('monthly' == $calendar->group_type) { $this->prev = $prev->subMonths($span)->getTimestamp(); $this->next = $next->addMonths($span)->getTimestamp(); } elseif ('weekly' == $calendar->group_type) { $week = new Carbon($calendar->timezone); $week->setTimestamp($timestamp); $week->setWeekStartsAt($calendar->week_starts); $this->prev = $prev->subWeeks($span)->getTimestamp(); $this->next = $next->addWeeks($span)->getTimestamp(); } elseif ('daily' == $calendar->group_type) { $this->prev = $prev->subDays($span)->getTimestamp(); $this->next = $next->addDays($span)->getTimestamp(); } $events = $calendar->events; $daily_events = $paged_events = $flattened_events = array(); if ('events' != $calendar->group_type) { $this->end = $this->next - 1; $timestamps = array_keys($events); $lower_bound = array_filter($timestamps, array($this, 'filter_events_before')); $higher_bound = array_filter($lower_bound, array($this, 'filter_events_after')); if (is_array($higher_bound) && !empty($higher_bound)) { $filtered = array_intersect_key($events, array_combine($higher_bound, $higher_bound)); foreach ($filtered as $timestamp => $events) { $paged_events[intval($timestamp)] = $events; } } } else { foreach ($events as $timestamp => $e) { $second = 0; foreach ($e as $event) { $flattened_events[intval($timestamp + $second)][] = $event; $second++; } } ksort($flattened_events, SORT_NUMERIC); $keys = array_keys($flattened_events); $current = 0; foreach ($keys as $timestamp) { if ($timestamp < $this->start) { $current++; } } $paged_events = array_slice($flattened_events, $current, $interval, true); $events_end = isset($keys[$current + $interval]) ? $keys[$current + $interval] : $calendar->end; $this->end = $events_end > $calendar->end ? $calendar->end : $events_end; $this->prev = isset($keys[$current - $interval]) ? $keys[$current - $interval] : $calendar->earliest_event; $this->next = isset($keys[$current + $interval]) ? $keys[$current + $interval] : $this->end; } // Put resulting events in an associative array, with Ymd date as key for easy retrieval in calendar days loop. foreach ($paged_events as $timestamp => $events) { // TODO First $paged_events item timestamp 1 second off? Plus or minus? if ($timestamp <= $this->end) { // TODO Could go back to using Carbon to be consistent. // $date is off by a couple hours for dates in multi-day event, but not for first event. // But only certain timezones? UTC-1, UTC+1, UTC+2, UTC+3 ??? // Offset changes after first day with these timezones only. Why? // November 1, 2016 is daylight savings for them!!! /* $date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp( $timestamp, $calendar->timezone ); // Add date offset back in? // $date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp( $timestamp + $date->offset, $calendar->timezone ); $dateYmd = $date->copy()->endOfDay()->format( 'Ymd' ); */ // Using native PHP 5.3+ (not Carbon) here. // Offset value after first day same behavior as Carbon above still. $dtz = new \DateTimeZone($calendar->timezone); $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $timestamp); // Doesn't seem to make a difference omitting timezone. //$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $timestamp, $dtz ); // Add offset to timestamp to get correct date. // TODO Need to add +1 second also? $offset = $dtz->getOffset($date); $date_offset = clone $date; $date_offset->add(\DateInterval::createFromDateString($offset . ' seconds')); // TODO Multiple day events will be off if part-way through there's daylight savings. $dateYmd = $date_offset->format('Ymd'); $daily_events[intval($dateYmd)][] = $events; } } ksort($daily_events, SORT_NUMERIC); if (!empty($paged_events)) { $first_event = array_slice($paged_events, 0, 1, true); $first_event = array_pop($first_event); $this->first_event = $first_event[0]->start; $last_event = array_pop($paged_events); $this->last_event = $last_event[0]->start; } return $daily_events; }