/** * Send out message * * <b>Request Type: </b>POST<br/> * <b>Content-Type: </b>application/json<br/> * <b>Request Endpoint: </b>http://{server-domain}/api/chat/conversation/message<br/> * <b>Summary: </b>This api is for post a message from helpDesk to client<br/> * * <b>Request Parameters: </b><br/> * content: object, the content for the message<br/> * content.msgType: string, "text"<br/> * content.body: mixed, the body of the content<br/> * isReply: boolean * conversationId: string, the id of the conversation * * <b>Response Example</b> * <pre>{"status":"ok"}</pre> */ public function actionMessage() { //parse the parameters $content = $this->getParams('content'); $conversationId = $this->getParams('conversationId'); $isReply = $this->getParams('isReply'); $sentTime = TimeUtil::msTime(); if (empty($content) || empty($conversationId)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('Missing required fields'); } $conversation = ChatConversation::findByPk(new \MongoId($conversationId)); if (empty($conversation)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException("Illegal conversationId"); } //Check conversation status if ($conversation->status == ChatConversation::STATUS_CLOSED) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('Conversation has been closed'); } $accountId = $conversation->accountId; $client = $conversation->client; $desk = $conversation->desk; $desk['id'] = (string) $desk['id']; //Trigger the send message event $data = ['conversationId' => $conversationId, 'desk' => $desk, 'client' => $client, 'chatMessage' => ['content' => $content, 'sentTime' => $sentTime], 'isReply' => $isReply]; //Add chatMessage record $chatMessage = ChatMessage::saveRecord($content, $sentTime, $isReply, $conversation->_id, $accountId); //Trigger client message $channels = [ChatConversation::getChannelName($desk['id'], $client['openId'])]; $data['messageId'] = (string) $chatMessage->_id; Yii::$app->tuisongbao->triggerEvent(ChatConversation::EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE, $data, $channels); //Send message based on the client source type switch ($client['source']) { case ChatConversation::TYPE_WEBSITE: if (!$isReply) { //helpDesk mobile client message $pushExtra = ['messageId' => (string) $chatMessage->_id, 'openId' => $client['openId'], 'conversationId' => (string) $conversationId, 'sentTime' => $chatMessage->sentTime]; $pushMessage = empty($client['nick']) ? $content['body'] : $client['nick'] . ':' . $content['body']; ChatConversation::pushMessage($desk['id'], ChatConversation::EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE, $pushExtra, $pushMessage); } break; case ChatConversation::TYPE_WECHAT: case ChatConversation::TYPE_WEIBO: case ChatConversation::TYPE_ALIPAY: $message = ['msgType' => $content['msgType'], 'content' => $content['body'], 'createTime' => $sentTime]; Yii::$app->weConnect->sendCustomerServiceMessage($client['openId'], $client['sourceChannel'], $message); break; default: throw new BadRequestHttpException('Unsupported source type'); break; } return ['status' => 'ok', 'sentTime' => $sentTime]; }
public function perform() { $args = $this->args; $message = $args['message']; $type = $message['msgType']; $content = $message['content']; $WEConnectAccountInfo = $args['account']; $WEConnectUserInfo = $args['user']; $accountId = new \MongoId($args['accountId']); $accountInfoType = null; $source = null; switch ($WEConnectAccountInfo['channel']) { case 'WEIBO': $source = ChatConversation::TYPE_WEIBO; $accountInfoType = 'WEIBO'; break; case 'ALIPAY': $source = ChatConversation::TYPE_ALIPAY; $accountInfoType = 'ALIPAY'; break; case 'WEIXIN': $source = ChatConversation::TYPE_WECHAT; $accountInfoType = $WEConnectAccountInfo['accountType']; break; default: throw new BadRequestHttpException("Unsupported channel type"); break; } $client = ['nick' => $WEConnectUserInfo['nickname'], 'avatar' => $WEConnectUserInfo['headerImgUrl'], 'openId' => $WEConnectUserInfo['id'], 'originId' => $WEConnectUserInfo['originId'], 'source' => $source, 'sourceChannel' => $WEConnectUserInfo['accountId'], 'accountId' => $accountId, 'accountInfo' => ['type' => $accountInfoType, 'name' => $WEConnectAccountInfo['name']]]; ResqueUtil::log(['message' => 'get message from wechat', 'WEConnectAccountInfo' => $WEConnectAccountInfo, 'WEConnectUserInfo' => $WEConnectUserInfo, 'accountId' => $accountId]); if (empty($type) || empty($content)) { ResqueUtil::log(['message' => 'missing required fields', 'senario' => 'accepting messages from WeConnect', 'WEConnectAccountInfo' => $WEConnectAccountInfo, 'WEConnectUserInfo' => $WEConnectUserInfo]); HelpDesk::sendSystemReplyByType($client, $accountId, HelpDeskSetting::REPLY_ERROR); return; } try { if ('EVENT' === $type) { switch ($content) { case 'CONNECT': $isInWorkingHour = HelpDeskSetting::isInWorkingHours($accountId); if ($isInWorkingHour) { if (empty($WEConnectAccountInfo)) { ResqueUtil::log(['message' => 'Account parameters missing', 'senario' => 'Wechat message, event connect']); HelpDesk::sendSystemReplyByType($client, $accountId, HelpDeskSetting::REPLY_ERROR); return; } //check if the wechat enduser has connected to a helpdesk $conversation = ChatConversation::findOpenByClientId($WEConnectUserInfo['id'], $accountId); if (!empty($conversation)) { ResqueUtil::log(['message' => 'Have connect to helpdesk already', 'senario' => 'Wechat message, event connect', 'user' => $WEConnectUserInfo, 'accountId' => $accountId]); HelpDesk::sendSystemReplyByType($client, $accountId, HelpDeskSetting::REPLY_CUSTOM, ChatConversation::NO_DUPLICATE_CLIENT); return; } return HelpDesk::connect($client, $accountId); } else { //send the disconnect event to WeConnect Yii::$app->weConnect->sendCustomerServiceMessage($WEConnectUserInfo['id'], $WEConnectUserInfo['accountId'], ['msgType' => ChatConversation::WECHAT_MESSAGE_TYPE_EVENT, 'content' => 'DISCONNECT']); HelpDesk::sendSystemReplyByType($client, $accountId, HelpDeskSetting::REPLY_NONWORKING); } break; case 'DISCONNECT': //get the conversationId $conversation = ChatConversation::findOpenByClientId($WEConnectUserInfo['id'], $accountId, ['type' => 'left']); if (empty($conversation)) { return ['status' => 'ok']; } //disconnect return HelpDesk::disconnect($conversation->_id, ['type' => 'brake']); break; default: throw new BadRequestHttpException("Unsupported event content type"); break; } } else { //get the conversation information $conversation = ChatConversation::findOpenByClientId($WEConnectUserInfo['id'], $accountId); if (empty($conversation)) { $pendingClient = PendingClient::findOne(['openId' => $WEConnectUserInfo['id'], 'accountId' => $accountId]); if (!empty($pendingClient)) { HelpDesk::sendSystemReplyByType($client, $accountId, HelpDeskSetting::REPLY_WAITTING); return ['status' => 'ok']; } else { return HelpDesk::connect($client, $accountId); } } $desk = $conversation->desk; $desk['id'] = (string) $desk['id']; $client = $conversation->client; $sentTime = TimeUtil::msTime(); //trigger send message event $name = ChatConversation::EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE; $data = ['conversationId' => (string) $conversation->_id, 'desk' => $desk, 'client' => $client, 'chatMessage' => ['content' => ['msgType' => $type, 'body' => $content], 'sentTime' => $sentTime], 'isReply' => false]; //add chatMessage record $chatMessage = ChatMessage::saveRecord(['msgType' => $type, 'body' => $content], $sentTime, false, $conversation->_id, $accountId); //helpDesk web client message $channels = [ChatConversation::getChannelName($desk['id'], $client['openId'])]; $data['messageId'] = (string) $chatMessage->_id; Yii::$app->tuisongbao->triggerEvent($name, $data, $channels); //helpDesk mobile client message $pushExtra = ['messageId' => (string) $chatMessage->_id, 'openId' => $client['openId'], 'conversationId' => (string) $conversation->_id, 'sentTime' => $chatMessage->sentTime]; $pushMessage = empty($client['nick']) ? $content : $client['nick'] . ':' . $content; ChatConversation::pushMessage($desk['id'], ChatConversation::EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE, $pushExtra, $pushMessage); return ['status' => 'ok']; } } catch (Exception $e) { LogUtil::error(['message' => $e->getMessage()], 'helpdesk'); return HelpDesk::sendSystemReplyByType($client, $account, HelpDeskSetting::REPLY_ERROR); } }