  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store(PurchasesRequest $request)
     $today = $request->odenish_tarixi;
     $odenilecekMebleg = $request->Purchase;
     $customers = \App\Customers::get();
     foreach ($customers as $cusId) {
         $ifnotinsertprucase = DB::insert(DB::raw("INSERT INTO purchases (CustomerName,CustomerId,Borc,Purchase,odenish_tarixi,info,created_at,updated_at)\nSELECT * FROM (SELECT '{$cusId->name}' as namee, '{$cusId->id}' as cusid, 0  as borc, 0 as purc , 0 as oden,0 as info ,'{$today}' as crea ,'{$today}' as updates ) AS tmps\nWHERE NOT EXISTS (\n    SELECT * FROM purchases WHERE CustomerId = '{$cusId->id}' AND created_at = '{$today}') LIMIT 1"));
     $datePurchase = DB::select('select * from purchases where cast(created_at as DATE) = ? and  CustomerId = ?', array($today, $request['CustomerId']));
     $odenilecekMebleg = $request->Purchase + $datePurchase[0]->Purchase;
     DB::table('purchases')->where('id', $datePurchase[0]->id)->update(array('purchase' => $odenilecekMebleg));
     //        $cusName = Customers::find($request->CustomerId);
     //        $request['CustomerName']= $cusName->name;
     //		//$this->validate($request, ['name' => 'required']); // Uncomment and modify if needed.
     //		Purchases::create($request->all());
     return redirect('purchase/create');
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $data = Customers::get(['id', 'nama', 'alamat', 'telepon1', 'contact_person', 'telepon1_cp'])->toArray();
     //return view('pre', compact('data'));
     return view('customer.index', compact('data'));