public function action_delete() { if (!user::logged('admin')) { ajax::error(__('You must be logged in to delete content')); } if ($_POST) { $delete = arr::get($_POST, 'delete', false); if ($delete) { try { if (is_array($delete)) { foreach ($delete as $id) { $content = ORM::factory('Content', $id); if ($content->loaded()) { $content->delete(); } } } else { $content = ORM::factory('Content', $delete); if ($content->loaded()) { $content->delete(); } } ajax::success(__('The content has been deleted')); } catch (exception $e) { ajax::error(__('An error occurred and the content couldn\'t be deleted: :errormessage', array(':errormessage' => $e->getMessage()))); } } ajax::error(__('No data recieved')); } }
public function action_twittercallback() { if (arr::get($_GET, 'denied', false)) { notes::error('Seems like you didn\'t want to log in with Twitter anyway. Feel free to try again if it was a mistake!'); site::redirect(); } $token = arr::get($_GET, 'oauth_token', false); $verifier = arr::get($_GET, 'oauth_verifier', false); if (!$token || !$verifier) { notes::error('Something went wrong in the process, and we didn\'t get the expected data back from Twitter. Please try again'); site::redirect(); } $connection = new TwitterOAuth(arr::get($this->creds, 'key'), arr::get($this->creds, 'secret'), Session::instance()->get_once('twitter_oauth_token'), Session::instance()->get_once('twitter_oauth_token_secret')); $token = $connection->getAccessToken($verifier); $oauth_token = arr::get($token, 'oauth_token', ''); $oauth_token_secret = arr::get($token, 'oauth_token_secret', ''); $user_id = arr::get($token, 'user_id', ''); $screen_name = arr::get($token, 'screen_name', ''); $oauth = ORM::factory('Oauth')->where('type', '=', 'twitter')->where('token', '=', $oauth_token)->find(); if ($oauth->loaded()) { try { $user = $oauth->user; user::force_login($user); } catch (exception $e) { if ($user->loaded()) { if (user::logged()) { // Random error, but user got logged in. We don't care, YOLO! } else { notes::error('Whoops! Something wen\'t wrong and we couldn\'t log you in. Please try again or send us a message if the problem persists.'); Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, '1. Couldnt log user in: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } site::redirect('write'); } else { try { $user = ORM::factory('User'); $user->username = $screen_name; $user->validation_required(false)->save(); $user->add_role('login'); $oauth = ORM::factory('Oauth'); $oauth->user_id = $user->id; $oauth->type = 'twitter'; $oauth->token = $oauth_token; $oauth->token_secret = $oauth_token_secret; $oauth->service_id = $user_id; $oauth->screen_name = $screen_name; $oauth->save(); user::force_login($user); } catch (exception $e) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, '2. Couldnt create user: '******'Whoops! Something wen\'t wrong and we couldn\'t log you in. Please try again or send us a message if the problem persists.'); } site::redirect('/write'); } }
public function action_write() { $errors = false; $page = false; if (user::logged()) { $page = $this->request->param('page'); if ($_POST && strlen(arr::get($_POST, 'content', '')) > 0) { $content = arr::get($_POST, 'content', ''); if ($page->type == 'page') { $raw = $page->rawcontent(); if ($raw != "") { $content = $raw . "\n" . $content; } } else { if ($page->type == 'autosave') { $page->type = 'page'; } } try { $page->wordcount = site::count_words($content); $page->content = $content; if ($page->wordcount >= 750 && !(bool) $page->counted) { user::update_stats($page); $page->counted = 1; } $page->duration = $page->duration + (time() - arr::get($_POST, 'start', 999)); $page->update(); $oldsaves = ORM::factory('Page')->where('type', '=', 'autosave')->where('user_id', '=', user::get()->id)->find_all(); if ((bool) $oldsaves->count()) { foreach ($oldsaves as $old) { $old->delete(); } } achievement::check_all(user::get()); notes::success('Your page has been saved!'); //site::redirect('write/'.$page->day); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { $errors = $e->errors('models'); } } } else { if ($_POST) { notes::error('You must be logged in to save your page. Please log in and submit again.'); } } $this->bind('errors', $errors); $this->bind('page', $page); $this->template->daystamp = $this->request->param('daystamp'); $this->template->page = $page; seo::instance()->title("Write Your Morning Pages"); seo::instance()->description("Morning Pages is about writing three pages of stream of consciousness thought every day. Become a better person by using"); }
public function action_getautosave() { if (!user::logged()) { ajax::error('You must be logged in'); } $user = user::get(); $autosave = ORM::factory('Page')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->where('type', '=', 'autosave')->find(); $content = ''; if ($autosave->loaded() && $autosave->content != '') { $content = $autosave->decode($autosave->content); $autosave->delete(); } ajax::success('', array('content' => $content, 'md5' => md5($content))); }
public function require_login($msg = true, $redirect = false) { if ($msg === true) { $msg = 'You must be logged in to see this page'; } if (!user::logged()) { if ($msg) { notes::error($msg); } if ($redirect) { site::redirect($redirect); } else { user::redirect('login'); } } }
public static function update_stats($page) { if (!user::logged()) { return; } $user = self::get(); $yesterdayslug = site::day_slug(strtotime('-1 day', $user->timestamp())); $yesterday = ORM::factory('Page')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->where('day', '=', $yesterdayslug)->where('type', '=', 'page')->find(); if ($yesterday->loaded()) { $user->current_streak += 1; if ($user->doing_challenge()) { $challenge = $user->challenge; $challenge->progress += 1; if ($challenge->progress >= 30) { if ($user->option('completedchallenge') == 0) { notes::success('You have completed the 30 day challenge and have been added to our ' . HTML::anchor('challenge/wall-of-fame', 'wall of fame') . '! Congratulations!'); $options = $user->option; $options->completedchallenge = $user->timestamp(); $options->save(); } else { notes::success('You have completed the 30 day challenge! Congratulations!'); } user::award_points(100, 'Completed the 30 day challenge! (+100 points)', $user); $challenge->delete(); } else { $challenge->save(); } } if ($user->current_streak > $user->longest_streak) { $user->longest_streak = $user->current_streak; } } else { $user->current_streak = 1; if ($user->doing_challenge()) { $challenge = $user->challenge; $challenge->progress = 1; $challenge->save(); } } $user->all_time_words += $page->wordcount; if ($page->wordcount > $user->most_words) { notes::success('You have written more today than you ever have before! Good job!'); $user->most_words = $page->wordcount; } $user->save(); }
public function before() { if (!user::logged('admin') && $this->request->action() !== 'media') { site::redirect(); } if ($this->request->action() === 'media' || $this->request->action() === 'uploads') { // Do not template media files $this->auto_render = FALSE; } else { parent::before(); $this->template->controller = str_replace('cms_', '', $this->request->controller()); $this->template->action = $this->request->action(); $file = $this->template->controller . '/' . $this->template->action; $file = str_replace('_', '/', $file); if (file_exists(Kohana::find_file('views', $file))) { $this->template->view = View::factory($file); } } }
public static function save_update_current() { if (true || !user::logged('admin')) { $session = Session::instance(); $visitor = ORM::factory('Visitor', $session->get('active_visitor')); $base = request::detect_uri(); $queries = isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET) ? '?' . http_build_query($_GET) : ''; $uri = request::detect_uri() . $queries; //substr($base, 1, strlen($base)) if ($visitor->loaded() && $uri == $visitor->page) { // This is just a reload of the current page. return; } if (!$visitor->loaded()) { $numvisits = cookie::get('numvisits'); if (!$numvisits) { $numvisits = 0; } cookie::set('numvisits', $numvisits + 1); $visitor->numvisits = $numvisits + 1; $visitor->start = time(); $visitor->referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $visitor->ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; $visitor->geolocation = 'todo'; } if (empty($visitor->client)) { $visitor->client = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ''; } $visitor->page = $uri; if (user::logged()) { $visitor->user_id = user::get()->id; } $history = json_decode($visitor->history); if (!is_array($history)) { $history = array(); } $history[] = $uri; $visitor->history = json_encode($history); $visitor->time = time(); $visitor->save(); $session->set('active_visitor', $visitor->id); } }
public function action_info() { maintenance::delete_inactive_visitors(); $messages = 0; if (user::logged()) { $user = user::get(); $messages += $user->messages->where('read', '=', '0')->count_all(); $roles = $user->roles->find_all(); $roleids = array(); if ((bool) $roles->count()) { foreach ($roles as $role) { $roleids[] = $role->id; } } if ((bool) count($roleids)) { $messages += ORM::factory('Message')->where('role_id', 'in', $roleids)->where('read', '=', '0')->where('user_id', '!=', $user->id)->count_all(); } } ajax::success('', array('current_visitors' => $visitors = ORM::factory('Visitor')->count_all(), 'unread_messages' => $messages)); }
public function action_takechallenge() { if (!user::logged()) { ajax::error('You must be logged in to sign up for the challenge!'); } $user = user::get(); if ($user->doing_challenge()) { ajax::error('You are already doing the challenge! Complete it first, then sign up again.'); } $challenge = ORM::factory('User_Challenge'); $challenge->user_id = $user->id; $challenge->start = $user->timestamp(); $challenge->progress = 0; if ($user->wrote_today()) { $challenge->progress = 1; } $challenge->save(); $user->add_event('Signed up for the 30 day challenge!'); ajax::success('Awesome! You have signed up for the challenge! Good luck!', array('progress' => $challenge->progress)); }
public function action_xml() { if (!user::logged()) { ajax::error('You must be logged in to use this feature'); } $user = user::get(); $pages = $user->pages->where('type', '=', 'page')->find_all(); $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; $xml .= '<channel>'; $namelen = strlen($user->username); $possessive = $user->username . "'s"; if (substr($user->username, $namelen - 1, $namelen) == 's') { $possessive = $user->username . "'"; } $xml .= '<title>' . $possessive . ' morning pages</title>'; $xml .= '<language>en-US</language>'; $xml .= '<author>' . $user->username . '</author>'; $xml .= '<pages>'; if ((bool) $pages->count()) { foreach ($pages as $page) { $xml .= '<page>'; $xml .= '<published>'; $xml .= '<date>' . $page->daystamp() . '</date>'; $xml .= '<timestamp>' . $page->created . '</timestamp>'; $xml .= '</published>'; $xml .= '<content><![CDATA[' . $page->rawcontent() . ']]></content>'; $xml .= '<wordcount>' . $page->wordcount . '</wordcount>'; $xml .= '</page>'; } } $xml .= '</pages>'; $xml .= '</channel>'; $this->response->headers('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); $this->response->body($xml); $this->response->send_file(true, 'pages.xml'); }
public function action_savesetting() { if (!user::logged()) { ajax::error('You must be logged in'); } $user = user::get(); $option = $user->option; $setting = arr::get($_POST, 'setting', false); $value = arr::get($_POST, 'value', false); if (!$setting || $value === false) { ajax::error('Something wen\'t wrong and your setting couldn\'t be saved. I received no data!'); } $update_timestamp = false; switch ($setting) { case 'reminder': $option->reminder = $value; $update_timestamp = true; break; case 'reminder_hour': $option->reminder_hour = $value; $update_timestamp = true; break; case 'reminder_minute': $option->reminder_minute = $value; $update_timestamp = true; break; case 'reminder_meridiem': $option->reminder_meridiem = $value; $update_timestamp = true; break; case 'timezone_id': $option->timezone_id = $value; $update_timestamp = true; break; case 'privacymode': $option->privacymode = $value; break; case 'privacymode_minutes': $option->privacymode_minutes = $value; break; case 'hemingwaymode': $option->hemingwaymode = $value; break; case 'public': $option->public = $value; break; case 'rtl': $option->rtl = $value; break; case 'language': $option->language = (int) $value; break; default: ajax::error('Something wen\'t wrong and your setting couldn\'t be saved. I received no data!'); break; } try { if ($update_timestamp) { $option->next_reminder = $user->get_next_reminder($user); } $option->save(); ajax::success('Saved'); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { ajax::error('An error occurred and your setting couldn\'t be saved.', array('errors' => $e->errors())); } }
public function action_talk() { $tag = $this->request->param('tag'); $talk = $this->request->param('talk'); if (user::logged()) { // Iterate views if ($talk->user_id != user::get()->id) { $talk->views = $talk->views + 1; try { $talk->save(); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { //var_dump($e->errors()); } } // Set when the user last saw the topic $user = user::get(); $viewed = $user->talkviews->where('talk_id', '=', $talk->id)->find(); if (!$viewed->loaded()) { $viewed->user_id = $user->id; $viewed->talk_id = $talk->id; } $viewed->last = time(); $viewed->save(); } $replies = $talk->replies->where('op', '!=', 1); $counter = $talk->replies->where('op', '!=', 1); $limit = Kohana::$config->load('talk')->get('pagination_limit'); $numreplies = $counter->count_all(); $numpages = ceil($numreplies / $limit); $page = (int) arr::get($_GET, 'page', 0); if ($_POST) { $this->require_login(); $reply = ORM::factory('Talkreply'); $reply->values($_POST); $reply->user_id = user::get()->id; $reply->talk_id = $talk->id; try { $reply->save(); $page = $numpages; $talk->last_reply = time(); $talk->save(); $subscriptions = $talk->subscriptions->find_all(); if ((bool) $subscriptions->count()) { foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { if ($subscription->user_id != $reply->user_id) { mail::create('talkreplyposted')->to($subscription->user->email)->tokenize(array('username' => $subscription->user->username, 'sendername' => $reply->user->username, 'title' => $talk->title, 'reply' => $reply->content, 'link' => HTML::anchor(URL::site($talk->url() . '?page=' . $page . '#comment-' . $reply->id, 'http'), $talk->title)))->send(); } } } $vote = ORM::factory('User_Talkvote'); $vote->type = 'talkreply'; $vote->user_id = user::get()->id; $vote->object_id = $reply->id; $vote->save(); notes::success('Your reply has been posted.'); site::redirect($talk->url() . '?page=' . $page . '#comment-' . $reply->id); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { notes::error('Whoops! Your submission contained errors. Please review it and submit again'); $errors = $e->errors(); } } if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } if ($page > $numpages) { $page = $numpages; } $replies = $replies->limit($limit); if ($page - 1 > 0) { $replies = $replies->offset($limit * ($page - 1)); } $replies = $replies->find_all(); $this->bind('tag', $tag); $this->bind('talk', $talk); $this->bind('replies', $replies); $this->bind('tags', ORM::factory('Talktag')->find_all()); $this->bind('numpages', $numpages); $this->bind('currentpage', $page); seo::instance()->title($talk->title); seo::instance()->description("Talk About Morning Pages, or anything else you might find interesting. Use this area to ask questions, make friends, or find out information about Morning Pages."); }
</ul> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </header> <?php if (false) { ?> <section id="user-options" class="hidden-menu"> <div class="container"> <ul> <?php if (user::logged()) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo URL::site('user/options'); ?> ">User options</a></li> <!-- <li>Current streak: echo user::get()->current_streak </li> --> <li> <select data-bind="goToPreviousPage:true" id="pastposts"> <option value="0">Previous pages</option> <option value="/">Today</option> <?php $pages = user::get()->pages->where('type', '=', 'page')->order_by('created', 'DESC')->find_all(); $years = array(); if ((bool) $pages->count()) { foreach ($pages as $p) {
" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php echo URL::site('media/js/config.js'); ?> " type="text/javascript"></script> <script> <?php $filename = 'media/js/viewModels/' . $controller . '/' . $action . '.js'; $include_viewmodel = false; if (file_exists($filename)) { $include_viewmodel = true; } ?> require(['project'], function(project){ project.init(<?php echo (user::logged() ? 'true' : 'false') . ', ' . site::notes(); ?> ).then(function(){ <?php if ($include_viewmodel) { ?> require(['viewModels/<?php echo $controller . '/' . $action; ?> ']); <?php } ?> }); }); </script>
public function upload($files, $limits = array()) { $parts = explode('.', $files['name'][0]); $orgfilename = $files['name'][0]; $size = $files['size'][0]; $this->ext = strtolower(strtolower(end($parts))); if ($this->allowed_exts != false && !in_array($this->ext, $this->allowed_exts)) { // Illegal file extention throw new Exception_File('Filen "' . $orgfilename . '" kunne ikke uploades. <strong>Filtypen er ikke tilladt</strong>. Kun billeder af følgende filtyper er tilladt: ' . implode(', ', $this->allowed_exts)); } if ($this->maxsize != false && (!$size || $size == 0 || $size > $this->maxsize)) { // Too big throw new Exception_File('Filen "' . $orgfilename . '" kunne ikke uploades da den er for stor! Filer må højest være ' . files::format_bytes($this->maxsize)); } if ($this->require_login && !user::logged()) { // We only accept files from logged in users throw new Exception_User('Du skal være logget ind for at uploade filer. Tjek at du er logget ind og forsøg igen.'); } $this->filename = files::randomname() . '.' . $this->ext; $i = 2; while (file_exists($this->path . $this->filename)) { $this->filename = files::randomname() . '.' . $this->ext; } try { move_uploaded_file($files['tmp_name'][0], $this->path . $this->filename); // Should throw an exception if it fails $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME); $type = $finfo->file($this->path . $this->filename); $mime = substr($type, 0, strpos($type, ';')); if ($this->allowed_mimes != false && !in_array($mime, $this->allowed_mimes)) { // Illegal file mime throw new Exception_File('Filen "' . $orgfilename . '" kunne ikke uploades. <strong>Filtypen er ikke tilladt</strong>. Kun billeder af følgende filtyper er tilladt: ' . implode(', ', $this->allowed_exts)); } if ($this->require_login) { $this->user_id = user::get()->id; } $this->type = $mime; $this->created = time(); $this->save(); return $this; } catch (exception $e) { // File move failed. Maybe log the error? if (file_exists($this->path . $this->filename)) { unlink($this->path . $this->filename); } throw $e; } }
function set_keyword_search($llllllll) { $llllllll = removeHTML($llllllll); $llllllll = replaceMQ($llllllll); $llllllll = htmlspecialchars($llllllll); $llllllll = mb_strtolower($llllllll); $rrrrrrrr = new user(); if ($rrrrrrrr->logged()) { $ssssssss = $rrrrrrrr->id; } else { $ssssssss = 0; } $tttttttt = new db_execute('INSERT INTO keyword_temp(key_text,key_user_id) VALUES("' . $llllllll . '",' . $ssssssss . ')'); unset($tttttttt); }
public function action_deletepost() { if (!user::logged()) { ajax::error('You must be logged in to do that.'); } $id = arr::get($_POST, 'id', false); $object = ORM::factory('Talkreply', $id); if (!$object->loaded()) { ajax::error('I couldn\'t find that post. Has it already been deleted? Please contact us if you think this is a mistake'); } if (!user::can_edit($object)) { ajax::error('That doesn\'t seem to be your post to delete. Please contact us if you think this is a mistake'); } $object->deleted = time(); $object->deleted_by = user::get()->id; try { $object->talk->deleted = 0; $object->talk->save(); $object->save(); if ($object->op == 1) { $talk = $object->talk; $talk->deleted = 1; $talk->save(); } ajax::info('Your post has been deleted.'); } catch (exception $e) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::CRITICAL, 'Couldn\'t delete Model_Talkreply: :message. User_id: :userid, postreply_id: :replyid', array(':message' => $e->getMessage(), ':userid' => user::get()->id, ':replyid' => $object->id)); ajax::error('Something went wrong and your post couln\'t be deleted. Please try again or contact us if you think this is a mistake.'); } }
} return html_entity_decode($excerpt); } public function delete() { $kids = ORM::factory('block')->where('parent', '=', $this->id)->find_all(); if ((bool) $kids->count()) { foreach ($kids as $kid) { $kid->delete(); } } return parent::delete(); } // This is dumb... public function __toString() { return $this->value; $class = ''; $id = ''; if (user::logged('admin')) { $class = 'contentblock'; $id = 'contentblock-' . $this->id; } $block = '<div class="' . $class . '" id="' . $id . '">'; switch ($this->blocktype->type) { case 'gallery': $files = $this->files->find_all();
<a href="#" id="header-filesbtn" class="btn btn-default" title="<?php echo __('Browse files'); ?> "> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"></span> </a> <a href="#/messages" class="btn btn-default" data-bind="css:{'btn-default':unread_messages()==0,'btn-warning':unread_messages()>0}"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span> <span data-bind="text:unread_messages(),visible:unread_messages()>0"></span> </a> <a href="#" class="btn btn-info" id="site-info"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> <span data-bind="text:current_visitors()">0</span> </a> <?php if (user::logged('developer')) { ?> <a href="#/super" class="btn btn-primary" title="Superadmin"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span> </a> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo URL::site(localization::get('users.urls.logout')); ?> " data-bind="click:logout" class="btn btn-danger" title="<?php echo __('Log out'); ?> "> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-off"></span>
$errs = arr::get($errors, 'talktag_id'); if (is_array($errs)) { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($errs as $err) { echo '<li>' . $err . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } else { echo $errs; } echo '</label>'; } ?> </p> <?php if (user::logged('admin')) { ?> <p> <label class="stay" for="new-talk-announcement"><input id="new-talk-announcement" placeholder="Announcement" type="checkbox" value="1" name="announcement" /> Announcement?</label> </p> <?php } ?> <p> <label for="new-talk-title">Title</label> <input class="<?php echo $errors && arr::get($errors, 'title', false) ? 'error' : ''; ?> " value="<?php echo arr::get($_POST, 'title', ''); ?>
function set_keyword_search($keyword) { $keyword = removeHTML($keyword); $keyword = replaceMQ($keyword); $keyword = htmlspecialchars($keyword); $keyword = mb_strtolower($keyword); $myuser = new user(); if ($myuser->logged()) { $user_id = $myuser->id; } else { $user_id = 0; } $db_insert = new db_execute('INSERT INTO keyword_temp(key_text,key_user_id) VALUES("' . $keyword . '",' . $user_id . ')'); unset($db_insert); }
?> <div class="text-right" id="fullscreen-toolbar"> <a href="#" data-bind="click:fullscreen"> <span class="fa fa-arrows-alt"></span> </a> </div> <form role="form" action="<?php echo URL::site('write/'); ?> " method="post" id="writeform" data-bind="submit:submitPage"> <input type="hidden" name="start" value="<?php echo time(); ?> " /> <textarea class="<?php echo user::logged() && (bool) user::get()->option('rtl') ? 'rtl' : ''; ?> " name="content" autofocus data-bind="value:writtenwords,valueUpdate:'keyup',autogrow:''" id="morningpage-content"><?php echo arr::get($_POST, 'content', ''); ?> </textarea> <button class="writing-submit">Submit</button> <p class="subtext"> <span data-bind="text:wordcount">0</span> / 750 </p> </form> <?php } ?> </div> </article>
<div class="me-icon"> <img src="<?php echo $user->gravatar(150); ?> " alt="Profile photo for <?php echo $user->username; ?> "> </div> <div class="me-username"> <p>Member since <?php echo $user->created(); ?> </p> <?php if (user::logged() && user::get()->id == $user->id) { $pages = user::get()->pages->where('type', '=', 'page')->order_by('created', 'DESC')->find_all(); ?> <select data-bind="goToPreviousPage:true" id="pastposts"> <option value="0">Previous pages (<?php echo $pages->count(); ?> )</option> <option value="/">Today</option> <?php $years = array(); if ((bool) $pages->count()) { foreach ($pages as $p) { $stamp = $p->created; $year = date('Y', $stamp); if (!array_key_exists($year, $years)) {
{ return url::site(self::slug($uri), $protocol); } public static function hascompany()
/** * Site routes */ public static function find($route, $params, $request) { visitor::save_update_current(); maintenance::delete_inactive_visitors(); extract($params); if (!isset($controller)) { $controller = 'content'; } $controller = strtolower($controller); $guid = $controller . '/' . $action; if ($action == 'index') { $guid = $controller; } $controllerfile = ucfirst($controller); $action = isset($params['action']) ? $params['action'] : 'index'; //$action = ucfirst($action); $slug = isset($params['slug']) ? $params['slug'] : ''; $slug2 = isset($params['slug2']) ? $params['slug2'] : ''; $slug3 = isset($params['slug3']) ? $params['slug3'] : ''; $slug4 = isset($params['slug4']) ? $params['slug4'] : ''; $slug5 = isset($params['slug5']) ? $params['slug5'] : ''; // Homepage if ($guid == 'content') { return array('controller' => 'Site', 'action' => 'index'); } // Page alias if ($controller == 'test') { return array('controller' => 'Page', 'action' => 'test'); } if ($controller == 'contact') { return array('controller' => 'Page', 'action' => 'contact'); } if ($controller == 'challenge') { if ($action == 'wall-of-fame') { return array('controller' => 'Games', 'action' => 'walloffame'); } elseif ($action == 'index') { return array('controller' => 'Games', 'action' => 'challenge'); } } if ($controller == 'leaderboard') { return array('controller' => 'Games', 'action' => 'leaderboard'); } if ($controller == 'write') { $todayslug = site::day_slug(); if (user::logged()) { $todayslug = user::get()->today_slug(); } if (empty($action) || $action == 'index') { $action = $todayslug; } $page = false; if (user::logged()) { $page = ORM::factory('Page')->where('user_id', '=', user::get()->id)->where('type', '=', 'page')->where('day', '=', $action)->find(); if (!$page->loaded() && $action == $todayslug) { $page = ORM::factory('Page')->where('user_id', '=', user::get()->id)->where('type', '=', 'autosave')->where('day', '=', $action)->find(); // It's today, but todays page doesn't exist yet. Create it if (!$page->loaded()) { $page->type = 'autosave'; $page->save(); } } } if (user::logged() && ($page && $page->loaded()) && $slug == 'stats') { return array('controller' => 'Write', 'action' => 'pagestats', 'page' => $page); } if (user::logged() && ($page && $page->loaded()) || !user::logged()) { return array('controller' => 'Write', 'action' => 'write', 'page' => $page, 'daystamp' => $action); } else { return array('controller' => 'Write', 'action' => 'daynotfound'); } } if ($controller == 'read') { return array('controller' => 'Page', 'action' => 'read', 'id' => $action); } if ($controller == 'user') { if ($action != '') { if ($action == 'password') { return array('controller' => 'User', 'action' => 'password', 'token' => $slug); } if (in_array($action, user::reservednames())) { return array('controller' => 'User', 'action' => $action); } // We're either looking at a user's public profile or 404'd $user = ORM::factory('User')->where('slug', '=', $action)->find(); if ($user->loaded()) { if ((bool) $user->option('public') || user::logged('admin')) { return array('controller' => 'Me', 'action' => 'profile', 'user' => $user); } else { return array('controller' => 'Me', 'action' => 'notpublic'); } } else { return array('controller' => 'Errors', 'action' => '404', 'params' => $params); } } else { return array('controller' => 'User', 'action' => 'options'); } } // Pages/Content $content = ORM::factory('Content'); if (!user::logged('admin')) { $content = $content->where('status', '=', 'active'); } $content = $content->where('guid', '=', $guid)->find(); if ($content->loaded()) { // Specific content $class = 'Content'; if (class_exists('Controller_' . ucfirst($content->contenttype->type))) { $class = ucfirst($content->contenttype->type); } $action = 'default'; if ($content->contenttypetype_id != 0) { if (method_exists('Controller_' . $class, 'action_' . $content->contenttypetype->key)) { $action = $content->contenttypetype->key; } } $content->hit(); return array('controller' => $class, 'action' => $action, 'content' => $content); } else { // Index page for contenttype if ($action == 'index') { $contenttype = $controller; if (class_exists('Controller_' . ucfirst($contenttype))) { $class = ucfirst($contenttype); return array('controller' => $class, 'action' => 'index'); } } } // "Static" controllers $file = 'application/classes/Controller/' . $controllerfile . '.php'; if (file_exists($file) && method_exists('Controller_' . ucfirst($controllerfile), 'action_' . $action)) { $return = array(); $return['controller'] = $controllerfile; $return['action'] = isset($action) ? $action : 'index'; $return['id'] = isset($slug) ? $slug : ''; $return['params'] = $params; return $return; } // No matches. 404 return array('controller' => 'Errors', 'action' => '404', 'params' => $params); }
public function action_signup() { $errors = false; $password = false; if ($_POST) { $user = ORM::factory('User'); try { user::create($_POST); notes::add('success', 'You are now signed up. Welcome!'); if (user::logged()) { site::redirect('write'); } else { // should log this error (user wasnt logged in with user::create()) user::redirect('login'); } } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { $errors = $e->errors('models'); } } $this->bind('errors', $errors); }