function initializeGUI(&$dbHandler, $argsObj)
    $gui = new stdClass();
    $gui->tc_id = $argsObj->tcase_id;
    $gui->compare_selected_versions = $argsObj->compare_selected_versions;
    $gui->context = $argsObj->context;
    $tcaseMgr = new testcase($dbHandler);
    $gui->tc_versions = $tcaseMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tcase_id);
    $gui->tcaseName = $gui->tc_versions[0]['name'];
    $lblkeys = array('num_changes' => null, 'no_changes' => null, 'version_short' => null, 'diff_subtitle_tc' => null);
    $gui->labels = init_labels($lblkeys);
    $gui->version_short = $gui->labels['version_short'];
    $gui->subtitle = sprintf($gui->labels['diff_subtitle_tc'], $argsObj->version_left, $argsObj->version_left, $argsObj->version_right, $argsObj->version_right, $gui->tcaseName);
    $gui->leftID = "v{$argsObj->version_left}";
    $gui->rightID = "v{$argsObj->version_right}";
    return $gui;
 *	20100124 - franciscom - BUGID 3064 - add logic to manage ONLY ACTIVE test plans
require_once "../../";
require_once "common.php";
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$tcase_mgr = new testcase($db);
$tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
$tproject_mgr = new testproject($db);
$glue = config_get('testcase_cfg')->glue_character;
$args = init_args();
$gui = initializeGui($args);
$getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'map', 'addIfNull' => true);
$gui->platformSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($args->tplan_id, $getOpt);
$options['output'] = 'essential';
$tcase_all_info = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($args->tcase_id, testcase::ALL_VERSIONS, null, $options);
if (!is_null($tcase_all_info)) {
    foreach ($tcase_all_info as $tcversion_info) {
        if ($tcversion_info['id'] == $args->tcversion_id) {
            $version = $tcversion_info['version'];
            $gui->pageTitle = lang_get('test_case') . ':' . $tcversion_info['name'];
            $gui->tcaseIdentity = $tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($args->tproject_id);
            $gui->tcaseIdentity .= $glue . $tcversion_info['tc_external_id'] . ':' . $tcversion_info['name'];
// 20100514 - franciscom
// Why I'm filter on NOT_EXECUTED ??? -> this causes BUGID 3189
// $link_info = $tcase_mgr->get_linked_versions($args->tcase_id,'NOT_EXECUTED');
$link_info = $tcase_mgr->get_linked_versions($args->tcase_id);
    $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tsuite_export');
    $gui->export_filename = 'testsuites.xml';
    if ($node_id == $args->tproject_id) {
        $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tsuite_export_all');
        $gui->export_filename = 'all_testsuites.xml';
        $check_children = 1;
        $gui->nothing_todo_msg = lang_get('no_testsuites_to_export');
} else {
    // Exporting situations:
    // All test cases in test suite.
    // One test case.
    $exporting_just_one_tc = $args->tcase_id && $args->tcversion_id;
    if ($exporting_just_one_tc) {
        $objMgr = new testcase($db);
        $dummy = $objMgr->get_by_id($args->tcase_id, testcase::ALL_VERSIONS, null, array('output' => 'essential'));
        $ext = $objMgr->getExternalID($args->tcase_id, $args->tproject_id);
        $gui->export_filename = 'testcase-' . $ext[0] . '-' . $dummy[0]['name'];
        $node_id = $args->tcase_id;
        $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tc_export');
    } else {
        $dummy = $tree_mgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($args->container_id);
        $gui->export_filename = $dummy['name'] . '-children-testcases';
        $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tc_export_all');
        $check_children = 1;
        $gui->nothing_todo_msg = lang_get('no_testcases_to_export');
    $gui->export_filename = str_replace(' ', '-', $gui->export_filename) . '.xml';
$gui->export_filename = is_null($args->export_filename) ? $gui->export_filename : $args->export_filename;
if ($check_children) {
*	@internal Revisions:
*	20091109 - franciscom - BUGID  0002937: add/remove test case hover over test case 
*                                           tooltip replacement with summary 
require_once '../../';
require_once 'common.php';
// BUGID 4066 - take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled
$_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
$tcase_mgr = new testcase($db);
$tcase_id = isset($_REQUEST['tcase_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tcase_id'] : null;
$tcversion_id = isset($_REQUEST['tcversion_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tcversion_id'] : 0;
$info = '';
if (!is_null($tcase_id)) {
    if ($tcversion_id > 0) {
        $tcase = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($tcase_id, $tcversion_id);
        if (!is_null($tcase)) {
            $tcase = $tcase[0];
    } else {
        $tcase = $tcase_mgr->get_last_version_info($tcase_id);
    $info = $tcase['summary'];
    // <p> and </p> tag at the beginning and the end of summary cause visualization
    // errors -> remove them and add <br> to get a similar effect
    $info = str_replace("<p>", "", $info);
    $info = str_replace("</p>", "<br>", $info);
    if ($info == "") {
        $info = lang_get("empty_tc_summary");
 * get test case specification using external ir internal id
 * @param struct $args
 * @param string $args["devKey"]
 * @param int $args["testcaseid"]: optional, if does not is present           
 *                                 testcaseexternalid must be present
 * @param int $args["testcaseexternalid"]: optional, if does not is present           
 *                                         testcaseid must be present
 * @param int $args["version"]: optional, if does not is present max version number will be
 *                                        retuned
 * @return mixed $resultInfo
 public function getTestCase($args)
     $msg_prefix = "(" . __FUNCTION__ . ") - ";
     $status_ok = true;
     $checkFunctions = array('authenticate', 'checkTestCaseIdentity');
     $status_ok = $this->_runChecks($checkFunctions, $msg_prefix);
     // &&
     //             $this->userHasRight("mgt_view_tc",self::CHECK_PUBLIC_PRIVATE_ATTR);
     $version_id = testcase::LATEST_VERSION;
     $version_number = -1;
     if ($status_ok) {
         // check optional arguments
         if ($this->_isParamPresent(self::$versionNumberParamName)) {
             if ($status_ok = $this->checkTestCaseVersionNumber()) {
                 $version_id = null;
                 $version_number = $this->args[self::$versionNumberParamName];
     if ($status_ok) {
         $testCaseMgr = new testcase($this->dbObj);
         $id = $this->args[self::$testCaseIDParamName];
         // $result = $testCaseMgr->get_by_id($id,$version_id,'ALL','ALL',$version_number);
         $filters = array('active_status' => 'ALL', 'open_status' => 'ALL', 'version_number' => $version_number);
         $result = $testCaseMgr->get_by_id($id, $version_id, $filters);
         // return $result;
         if (0 == sizeof($result)) {
             $status_ok = false;
             $this->errors[] = new IXR_ERROR(NO_TESTCASE_FOUND, $msg_prefix . NO_TESTCASE_FOUND_STR);
             return $this->errors;
         } else {
             if (isset($this->args[self::$testCaseExternalIDParamName])) {
                 $result[0]['full_tc_external_id'] = $this->args[self::$testCaseExternalIDParamName];
             } else {
                 $dummy = $this->tcaseMgr->getPrefix($id);
                 $result[0]['full_tc_external_id'] = $dummy[0] . config_get('testcase_cfg')->glue_character . $result[0]['tc_external_id'];
     if ($status_ok) {
         // before returning info need to understand if test case belongs to a test project
         // accessible to user requesting info
         // return $result[0]['id'];
         $this->args[self::$testProjectIDParamName] = $this->tcaseMgr->get_testproject($result[0]['id']);
         $status_ok = $this->userHasRight("mgt_view_tc", self::CHECK_PUBLIC_PRIVATE_ATTR);
     return $status_ok ? $result : $this->errors;
 * get test case specification using external ir internal id
 * @param struct $args
 * @param string $args["devKey"]
 * @param int $args["testcaseid"]: optional, if does not is present           
 *                                 testcaseexternalid must be present
 * @param int $args["testcaseexternalid"]: optional, if does not is present           
 *                                         testcaseid must be present
 * @param int $args["version"]: optional, if does not is present max version number will be
 *                                        retuned
 * @return mixed $resultInfo
 public function getTestCase($args)
     $msg_prefix = "(" . __FUNCTION__ . ") - ";
     $status_ok = true;
     $checkFunctions = array('authenticate', 'checkTestCaseIdentity');
     $status_ok = $this->_runChecks($checkFunctions, $msg_prefix) && $this->userHasRight("mgt_view_tc");
     $version_id = testcase::LATEST_VERSION;
     $version_number = -1;
     if ($status_ok) {
         // check optional arguments
         if ($this->_isParamPresent(self::$versionNumberParamName)) {
             if ($status_ok = $this->checkTestCaseVersionNumber()) {
                 $version_id = null;
                 $version_number = $this->args[self::$versionNumberParamName];
     if ($status_ok) {
         $testCaseMgr = new testcase($this->dbObj);
         $id = $this->args[self::$testCaseIDParamName];
         $result = $testCaseMgr->get_by_id($id, $version_id, 'ALL', 'ALL', $version_number);
         if (0 == sizeof($result)) {
             $status_ok = false;
             $this->errors[] = new IXR_ERROR(NO_TESTCASE_FOUND, $msg_prefix . NO_TESTCASE_FOUND_STR);
             return $this->errors;
     return $status_ok ? $result : $this->errors;
 * processTestCase
function processTestCase(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$guiObj)
    $tproject_mgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $guiObj->arrReqSpec = $tproject_mgr->genComboReqSpec($argsObj->tproject_id, 'dotted', "&nbsp;");
    $SRS_qty = count($guiObj->arrReqSpec);
    if ($SRS_qty > 0) {
        $tc_mgr = new testcase($dbHandler);
        $arrTc = $tc_mgr->get_by_id($argsObj->id);
        if ($arrTc) {
            $guiObj->tcTitle = $arrTc[0]['name'];
            // get first ReqSpec if not defined
            if (is_null($argsObj->idReqSpec)) {
                $argsObj->idReqSpec = key($guiObj->arrReqSpec);
            if ($argsObj->idReqSpec) {
                $req_spec_mgr = new requirement_spec_mgr($dbHandler);
                $guiObj->arrAssignedReq = $req_spec_mgr->get_requirements($argsObj->idReqSpec, 'assigned', $argsObj->id);
                if (!is_null($guiObj->arrAssignedReq)) {
                    $xc = $req_spec_mgr->getAssignedCoverage($argsObj->idReqSpec);
                    $l2d = count($guiObj->arrAssignedReq);
                    for ($xdx = 0; $xdx < $l2d; $xdx++) {
                        $guiObj->arrAssignedReq[$xdx]['coverageAuthor'] = $xc[$guiObj->arrAssignedReq[$xdx]['id']]['login'];
                        $guiObj->arrAssignedReq[$xdx]['coverageTS'] = $xc[$guiObj->arrAssignedReq[$xdx]['id']]['creation_ts'];
                $guiObj->arrAllReq = $req_spec_mgr->get_requirements($argsObj->idReqSpec);
                $guiObj->arrUnassignedReq = array_diff_byId($guiObj->arrAllReq, $guiObj->arrAssignedReq);
    return $guiObj;
// SELECT MAX(version) AS version, NH_TCVERSION.parent_id AS id  FROM tcversions TCV
// JOIN nodes_hierarchy NH_TCVERSION  ON = AND
// AND NH_TCVERSION.parent_id IN ()  GROUP BY NH_TCVERSION.parent_id  ORDER BY NH_TCVERSION.parent_id , -1) called at [C:\usr\local\xampp-1.7.2\xampp\htdocs\head-20100315\lib\functions\database.class.php:593]
// #1  database->fetchRowsIntoMap(/* Class:testcase - Method: get_last_active_version
// $old_article = file_get_contents('./old_article.txt');
// $new_article = $_REQUEST['article']; /* Let's say that someone pasted a new article to html form */
// $diff = xdiff_string_diff($old_article, $new_article, 1);
// if (is_string($diff)) {
//    echo "Differences between two articles:\n";
//    echo $diff;
// }
$version_a = 1;
$version_b = 2;
$tcase_id = 88;
$va = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($tcase_id, null, 'ALL', 'ALL', $version_a);
$vb = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($tcase_id, null, 'ALL', 'ALL', $version_b);
new dBug($va);
new dBug($vb);
$diff = xdiff_string_diff($va[0]['summary'], $vb[0]['summary'], 1);
echo "Differences between two articles:\n";
echo $diff;
// getByPathName
// function getByPathName($pathName,$pathSeparator='::')
$pathName = 'ZATHURA::Holodeck::Apollo 10 Simulation::Unload::Full speed unload';
$fname = 'getByPathName';
echo "<pre> testcase - {$fname}(\$pathName,\$pathSeparator='::')";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<pre>            {$fname}({$pathName})";
echo "</pre>";
function renderExecutionForPrinting(&$dbHandler, $baseHref, $id, $userObj = null)
    static $tprojectMgr;
    static $tcaseMgr;
    static $st;
    $out = '';
    if (!$st) {
        $st = new stdClass();
        $st->tables = tlDBObject::getDBTables(array('executions', 'builds'));
        $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
        $tcaseMgr = new testcase($dbHandler);
    $sql = " SELECT AS execution_id, E.status, E.execution_ts, E.tester_id," . " E.notes, E.build_id, E.tcversion_id,E.tcversion_number,E.testplan_id," . " E.platform_id,E.execution_duration, " . " AS build_name, AS build_id " . " FROM {$st->tables['executions']} E " . " JOIN {$st->tables['builds']} B  ON = E.build_id " . " WHERE = " . intval($id);
    $exec_info = $dbHandler->get_recordset($sql);
    if (!is_null($exec_info)) {
        $exec_info = $exec_info[0];
        $context['exec_id'] = intval($id);
        $context['tplan_id'] = $exec_info['testplan_id'];
        $context['platform_id'] = $exec_info['platform_id'];
        $context['build_id'] = $exec_info['build_id'];
        $context['level'] = '??';
        // ???
        $node = $tprojectMgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($context['tplan_id']);
        $context['prefix'] = $tprojectMgr->getTestCasePrefix($node['parent_id']);
        $context['tproject_id'] = $node['parent_id'];
        // Remember that on executions table we have following fields
        // testplan_id
        // tcversion_id
        // tcversion_number
        // a. (testplan_id ,tcversion_id) ARE LINK To testplan_tcversions table
        // b. if user creates a new version of a LINKED AND EXECUTED test case
        //    when he/she updates test plan, ONLY tcversion_id is updated,
        //    while tcversion_number HAS ALWAYS the VERSION HUMAN READABLE NUMBER
        //    of executed version.
        // Then if you want to access specification of executed test case version
        // you need to proceed this way
        // 1. with tcversion_id => get test case id
        // 2. using test case id AND tcversion_number you access the data.
        // Why is important to remember this?
        // Because here we need to get data for renderTestCaseForPrinting
        // The Cinematic Orchestra: To build a home Incubus: Wish you were here Mau Mau: La ola
        $node = $tcaseMgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($exec_info['tcversion_id']);
        // get_by_id($id,$version_id = self::ALL_VERSIONS, $filters = null, $options=null)
        $tcase = $tcaseMgr->get_by_id($node['parent_id'], null, array('version_number' => $exec_info['tcversion_number']));
        $renderOptions = array('toc' => 0, 'body' => 1, 'summary' => 1, 'header' => 0, 'headerNumbering' => 0, 'passfail' => 1, 'author' => 1, 'notes' => 1, 'requirement' => 1, 'keyword' => 1, 'cfields' => 1, 'displayVersion' => 1, 'displayDates' => 1, 'docType' => SINGLE_TESTCASE, 'importance' => 1, 'step_exec_notes' => 1, 'step_exec_status' => 1);
        // need to change keys
        $tcase = $tcase[0];
        $tcase['tcversion_id'] = $tcase['id'];
        $tcase['id'] = $node['parent_id'];
        $env = new stdClass();
        $env->base_href = $baseHref;
        $env->reportType = $renderOptions['docType'];
        $indentLevel = 100000;
        $context['user'] = $userObj;
        $out .= renderTestCaseForPrinting($dbHandler, $tcase, $renderOptions, $env, $context, $indentLevel);
        $out .= '<br>' . lang_get('direct_link') . ':' . $env->base_href . 'lnl.php?type=exec&id=' . intval($id) . '<br>';
        $exec_info = null;
    return $out;
    $tcs = $tsuite_mgr->get_testcases_deep($args->id, 'only_id');
    if (sizeof($tcs)) {
        $can_do = 1;
        if ($args->bAssignTestSuite) {
            $result = 'ok';
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tcs); $i++) {
                $tcID = $tcs[$i];
                $tcase_mgr->setKeywords($tcID, $args->keywordArray);
        $itemID = $tcs;
} else {
    if ($args->edit == 'testcase') {
        $can_do = 1;
        $tcData = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($args->id);
        if (sizeof($tcData)) {
            $tcData = $tcData[0];
            $keyword_assignment_subtitle = lang_get('test_case') . TITLE_SEP . $tcData['name'];
        if ($args->bAssignTestCase) {
            $result = 'ok';
            $tcase_mgr->setKeywords($args->id, $args->keywordArray);
            $itemID = $args->id;
if ($itemID) {
    $opt_cfg->to->map = $tcase_mgr->get_keywords_map($itemID, " ORDER BY keyword ASC ");
keywords_opt_transf_cfg($opt_cfg, $args->keywordList);
    $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tsuite_export');
    $dummy = '.testsuite-deep.xml';
    if ($node_id == $args->tproject_id) {
        $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tsuite_export_all');
        $dummy = '.testproject-deep.xml';
        $check_children = 1;
        $gui->nothing_todo_msg = lang_get('no_testsuites_to_export');
    $gui->export_filename .= $dummy;
} else {
    // Exporting situations:
    // All test cases in test suite.
    // One test case.
    if ($gui->oneTestCaseExport) {
        $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db);
        $tcinfo = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($args->tcase_id, $args->tcversion_id, null, array('output' => 'essential'));
        $tcinfo = $tcinfo[0];
        $node_id = $args->tcase_id;
        $gui->export_filename = $tcinfo['name'] . '.version' . $tcinfo['version'] . '.testcase.xml';
        $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tc_export');
    } else {
        $check_children = 1;
        $node_info = $tree_mgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($args->container_id);
        $gui->export_filename = $node_info['name'] . '.testsuite-children-testcases.xml';
        $gui->page_title = lang_get('title_tc_export_all');
        $gui->nothing_todo_msg = lang_get('no_testcases_to_export');
$gui->export_filename = is_null($args->export_filename) ? $gui->export_filename : $args->export_filename;
if ($check_children) {
    // Check if there is something to export
 * Compares selected testcase versions with each other.
 * @internal Revisions:
require_once "../../";
require_once "common.php";
require '../../third_party/diff/diff.php';
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
$differ = new diff();
$args = init_args();
$gui = new stdClass();
$tcaseMgr = new testcase($db);
$tcaseSet = $tcaseMgr->get_by_id($args->tcase_id);
$gui->tc_versions = $tcaseSet;
$gui->tc_id = $args->tcase_id;
$gui->compare_selected_versions = $args->compare_selected_versions;
$gui->context = $args->context;
$gui->version_short = lang_get('version_short');
$labels = array();
$labels["num_changes"] = lang_get("num_changes");
$labels["no_changes"] = lang_get("no_changes");
//if already two versions are selected, display diff
//else display template with versions to select
if ($args->compare_selected_versions) {
    $diff_array = array("summary" => array(), "preconditions" => array());
    foreach ($tcaseSet as $tcase) {
        if ($tcase['version'] == $args->version_left) {
            $left = $tcase;
require_once "common.php";
testlinkInitPage($db, false, false, "checkRights");
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$testcase_cfg = config_get('testcase_cfg');
$tree_mgr = new tree($db);
$tsuite_mgr = new testsuite($db);
$tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
$tcase_mgr = new testcase($db);
$args = init_args();
$gui = new stdClass();
$gui->can_manage_testplans = $_SESSION['currentUser']->hasRight($db, "mgt_testplan_create");
$gui->tplans = array();
$gui->show_details = 0;
$gui->user_feedback = '';
$gui->tcasePrefix = $tcase_mgr->tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($args->tproject_id) . $testcase_cfg->glue_character;
$tplan_info = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($args->tplan_id);
$gui->tplan_name = $tplan_info['name'];
$gui->tplan_id = $args->tplan_id;
$gui->tproject_name = $args->tproject_name;
// $linked_tcases = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_tcversions($args->tplan_id);
$linked_tcases = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_items_id($args->tplan_id);
$qty_linked = count($linked_tcases);
$gui->testcases = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_and_newest_tcversions($args->tplan_id);
if ($qty_linked) {
    $qty_newest = count($gui->testcases);
    if ($qty_newest) {
        $gui->show_details = 1;
        // get path
        $tcaseSet = array_keys($gui->testcases);
        $path_info = $tree_mgr->get_full_path_verbose($tcaseSet);
        foreach ($gui->testcases as $tcase_id => $value) {
 * processTestCase
function processTestCase(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$guiObj)
    $tproject_mgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    // $guiObj->arrReqSpec = $tproject_mgr->getOptionReqSpec($argsObj->tproject_id,testproject::GET_NOT_EMPTY_REQSPEC);
    $guiObj->arrReqSpec = $tproject_mgr->genComboReqSpec($argsObj->tproject_id);
    $SRS_qty = count($guiObj->arrReqSpec);
    if ($SRS_qty > 0) {
        $tc_mgr = new testcase($dbHandler);
        $arrTc = $tc_mgr->get_by_id($argsObj->id);
        if ($arrTc) {
            $guiObj->tcTitle = $arrTc[0]['name'];
            // get first ReqSpec if not defined
            if (is_null($argsObj->idReqSpec)) {
                $argsObj->idReqSpec = key($guiObj->arrReqSpec);
            if ($argsObj->idReqSpec) {
                $req_spec_mgr = new requirement_spec_mgr($dbHandler);
                $guiObj->arrAssignedReq = $req_spec_mgr->get_requirements($argsObj->idReqSpec, 'assigned', $argsObj->id);
                $guiObj->arrAllReq = $req_spec_mgr->get_requirements($argsObj->idReqSpec);
                $guiObj->arrUnassignedReq = array_diff_byId($guiObj->arrAllReq, $guiObj->arrAssignedReq);
    return $guiObj;
            $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue($cellID, $field);
            $cellAreaEnd = $cellRange[$zdx];
        $cellArea .= "{$cellAreaEnd}{$startingRow}";
$qta_loops = count($gui->matrix);
$target = array("<p>", "</p>", "<br />", "<br>");
$replace = array("", "", "", "");
// $startingRow
$cellArea = "A{$startingRow}:";
for ($idx = 0; $idx < $qta_loops; $idx++) {
    // get pulp
    $item = $tcaseMgr->get_by_id(null, $gui->matrix[$idx]['tcversionid']);
    $item = $item[0];
    // make a big text with steps and expected results
    if (!is_null($item['steps'])) {
        $stepBlob = '';
        $resBlob = '';
        $qta_steps = count($item['steps']);
        $initial = '';
        for ($sdx = 0; $sdx < $qta_steps; $sdx++) {
            $dummy = str_replace($target, $replace, $item['steps'][$sdx]['actions']);
            $stepBlob .= $initial . '#' . $item['steps'][$sdx]['step_number'] . "\n" . $dummy . "\n";
            $dummy = trim($item['steps'][$sdx]['expected_results']);
            $dummy = $dummy == '' ? 'N/A' : $dummy;
            $dummy = str_replace($target, $replace, $dummy);
            $resBlob .= $initial . '#' . $item['steps'][$sdx]['step_number'] . "\n" . $dummy . "\n";
            $initial = "\n";