 function initGuiBean(&$argsObj)
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->action = '';
     $obj->attachments = null;
     $obj->cleanUpWebEditor = false;
     $obj->containerID = '';
     $obj->direct_link = null;
     $obj->execution_types = $this->execution_types;
     $obj->grants = $this->grants;
     $obj->has_been_executed = false;
     $obj->initWebEditorFromTemplate = false;
     $obj->main_descr = '';
     $obj->name = '';
     $obj->path_info = null;
     $obj->refreshTree = 0;
     $obj->sqlResult = '';
     $obj->step_id = -1;
     $obj->step_set = '';
     $obj->steps = '';
     $dummy = testcase::getLayout();
     $obj->tableColspan = $dummy->tableToDisplayTestCaseSteps->colspan;
     $obj->tcase_id = property_exists($argsObj, 'tcase_id') ? $argsObj->tcase_id : -1;
     $obj->viewerArgs = null;
     $p2check = 'goback_url';
     $obj->{$p2check} = '';
     if (property_exists($argsObj, $p2check)) {
         $obj->{$p2check} = !is_null($argsObj->{$p2check}) ? $argsObj->{$p2check} : '';
     $p2check = 'show_mode';
     if (property_exists($argsObj, $p2check)) {
         $obj->{$p2check} = !is_null($argsObj->{$p2check}) ? $argsObj->{$p2check} : 'show';
     // need to check where is used
     $obj->loadOnCancelURL = "archiveData.php?edit=testcase&show_mode={$obj->show_mode}&id=%s&version_id=%s";
     return $obj;
function processTestCase(&$dbHandler, $tplEngine, $args, &$gui, $grants, $cfg)
    $get_path_info = false;
    $item_mgr = new testcase($dbHandler);
    // has sense only when we work on test case
    $dummy = testcase::getLayout();
    $gui->tableColspan = $dummy->tableToDisplayTestCaseSteps->colspan;
    $gui->viewerArgs['refresh_tree'] = 'no';
    $gui->path_info = null;
    $gui->platforms = null;
    $gui->loadOnCancelURL = '';
    $gui->attachments = null;
    $gui->direct_link = null;
    $gui->steps_results_layout = $cfg['spec']->steps_results_layout;
    $gui->bodyOnUnload = "storeWindowSize('TCEditPopup')";
    if ($args->caller == 'navBar' && !is_null($args->targetTestCase) && strcmp($args->targetTestCase, $args->tcasePrefix) != 0) {
        $args->id = $item_mgr->getInternalID($args->targetTestCase);
        $args->tcversion_id = testcase::ALL_VERSIONS;
        // I've added $args->caller, in order to make clear the logic, because some actions need to be done ONLY
        // when we have arrived to this script because user has requested a search from navBar.
        // Before we have trusted the existence of certain variables (do not think this old kind of approach is good).
        // why strcmp($args->targetTestCase,$args->tcasePrefix) ?
        // because in navBar targetTestCase is initialized with testcase prefix to provide some help to user
        // then if user request search without adding nothing, we will not be able to search.
        // From navBar we want to allow ONLY to search for ONE and ONLY ONE test case ID.
        $gui->viewerArgs['show_title'] = 'no';
        $gui->viewerArgs['display_testproject'] = 1;
        $gui->viewerArgs['display_parent_testsuite'] = 1;
        if (!($get_path_info = $args->id > 0)) {
            $gui->warning_msg = $args->id == 0 ? lang_get('testcase_does_not_exists') : lang_get('prefix_does_not_exists');
    // because we can arrive here from a User Search Request, if args->id == 0 => nothing found
    if ($args->id > 0) {
        if ($get_path_info || $args->show_path) {
            $gui->path_info = $item_mgr->tree_manager->get_full_path_verbose($args->id);
        $platform_mgr = new tlPlatform($dbHandler, $args->tproject_id);
        $gui->platforms = $platform_mgr->getAllAsMap();
        $gui->attachments[$args->id] = getAttachmentInfosFrom($item_mgr, $args->id);
        $gui->direct_link = $item_mgr->buildDirectWebLink($_SESSION['basehref'], $args->id);
        $gui->id = $args->id;
        $identity = new stdClass();
        $identity->id = $args->id;
        $identity->tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
        $identity->version_id = $args->tcversion_id;
        try {
            $item_mgr->show($tplEngine, $gui, $identity, $grants);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
    } else {
        $templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
        // need to initialize search fields
        $xbm = $item_mgr->getTcSearchSkeleton();
        $xbm->warning_msg = lang_get('no_records_found');
        $xbm->pageTitle = lang_get('caption_search_form');
        $xbm->tableSet = null;
        $xbm->doSearch = false;
        $xbm->tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
        $tplEngine->assign('gui', $xbm);
        $tplEngine->display($templateCfg->template_dir . 'tcSearchResults.tpl');