public function getSkinResourcePathByProperty($prop_name, skinContainer $skin_container) { if ($this->getId() == "") { return ""; } // TODO - these are hacks around the name of the field/clas/property - FIX !!! // the prop_name is the field name not the class_name !!! $prop_name = skinContainer::fixClassName($prop_name); $param_value = $skin_container->getParamFromObject($prop_name); if (kString::isEmpty($param_value)) { // TODO - i don't think the hack should be here - // i think that the myContentStorage will generate this value if the originqal value is empty // - Eran ? $param_value = myContentStorage::MIN_OBFUSCATOR_VALUE; } return myContentStorage::getGeneralEntityPath("kshow/skin/" . $prop_name, $this->getIntId(), $this->getId(), $param_value); }
public function printParam($mandatory, $lable, $param_name, $input_type, $original_extra_params = NULL, $extra_params_for_select = NULL, $should_echo = NULL) { if ($should_echo == NULL) { $should_echo = $this->m_should_echo; } $res = ""; if ($this->m_object_type === self::OBJECT_TYPE_MY_BASE_OBJECT) { $p = $this->m_current_object->getParamFromObject($param_name); } else { if ($this->m_object_type === self::OBJECT_TYPE_ORM_BASE_OBJECT) { $p = baseObjectUtils::getParamFromObject($this->m_current_object, $param_name); } } // use this so the style=font-size:8pt will always be appended to the original_extra_params $extra_params = array(); //["style"] = "font-size:8pt"; kArray::associativePush($extra_params, $original_extra_params); if (kString::isEmpty($this->m_current_prefix)) { $field_name = $param_name; } else { $field_name = $this->m_current_prefix . self::PREFIX_NAME_SEPARATOR . $param_name; } $error = form_error($param_name); if ($this->m_create_tr) { if ($error) { $res .= "<tr><td colspan=2>" . $error . "</td></tr>"; } if ($input_type == "hidden") { $res .= "<tr><td></td>"; } else { $res .= " <tr><td valign=top><label for=\"" . $field_name . "\">" . ($mandatory ? "*" : "") . $lable . ":</label></td>"; } $res .= "<td sytle='font-size:8pt'>"; } else { // do nothing - the format will be done externally } if ($input_type == "text") { $res .= input_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "hidden") { $res .= input_hidden_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "textarea") { $res .= textarea_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "upload") { $res .= self::createUploadStructure($field_name, $p, NULL, $extra_params, NULL, $should_echo); /* echo tag('input', array_merge(array('name' => $field_name, 'value' => $p , 'id' => $field_name, 'READONLY' => '', 'oncomplete' => 'onComplete_'.str_replace('.', '_', $field_name).'()'), $extra_params)); echo tag('input', array_merge(array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'MyBrowse...', 'onclick' => 'uploadBrowse(this)', 'uploadElement' => "$field_name"), $extra_params)); echo tag('input', array_merge(array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'Clear', 'onclick' => 'javascript:{$(\''.$field_name.'\').value = \'\';}'), $extra_params)); if ( ! kString::isEmpty ( $p ) ) { echo "<img src='/images/file_exists.png' width='16' height='16'>"; } */ } elseif ($input_type == "file") { $res .= input_file_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "date") { $extra_params["rich"] = "true"; $extra_params["style"] = "width:80"; kArray::associativePush($extra_params, $original_extra_params); // TODO - see how to format the date there and back from the DB format "dd/mm/yyyy" to " $converted_date = dateUtils::convertFromPhpDate($p); // always append the default "rich=true" to the extra_params //$extra_params[] = 'rich=true' ; $res .= input_date_tag($field_name, $converted_date, $extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "select") { $more_extra_params = array("style" => "font-size:8pt"); kArray::associativePush($more_extra_params, $extra_params_for_select); $res .= select_tag($field_name, options_for_select($original_extra_params, $p), $more_extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "radio") { // assume the $lable holda the value of the radio $res .= radiobutton_tag($field_name, $lable, $p == $lable); } elseif ($input_type == "radiogroup") { // assume the $extra_params hold a lable-value array foreach ($extra_params as $lable => $name) { $value = $extra_params[$lable]; $res .= $lable . " " . radiobutton_tag($field_name, $value, $p == $value); } } elseif ($input_type == "checkbox") { $res .= checkbox_tag($field_name, "true", $p == "true", $extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "color") { die("color is no longer supported !"); // $res .= myColorPicker::getPickerHtml( $p , $field_name ); // TODO - pass on $extra_params ? } elseif ($input_type == "country") { $more_extra_params = array("style" => "font-size:8pt"); kArray::associativePush($more_extra_params, $extra_params_for_select); $res .= select_country_tag($field_name, $p, $more_extra_params); } elseif ($input_type == "language") { $more_extra_params = array("style" => "font-size:8pt"); kArray::associativePush($more_extra_params, $extra_params_for_select); $res .= select_language_tag($field_name, $p, $more_extra_params); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown input_type [" . $input_type . "]"); } if ($this->m_create_tr) { $res .= "</td></tr>\n"; } if ($should_echo) { echo $res; } else { return $res; } }