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Media Management based on Kaltura

This project provides integration of Kaltura CE with Microsoft Azure Media Services. Integration between Kaltura Server and Microsoft Azure makes it possible to move the storage and encoding of media to the Microsoft Azure platform. For instance, a video or audio file that has been uploaded to KMC, can then be transmitted to Microsoft Azure Media Services and encoded. Kaltura player can also pull media content directly from Microsoft Azure, significantly decreasing the network and operational load on the Kaltura Server.

Getting Started

Prepare a developer machine

You may use ready-to-run VM Image from VM Depot on Microsoft Azure. Follow the instructions from “Uploading an Image from VM Depot” and “Create a VM Instance” sections at Installation Manual to set up VM at Microsoft Azure.

Or you may prepare developer environment yourself. Follow the instructions from the “Create Developer Machine” below.

Download source code

Repository contains the installer of Kaltura CE 6 with integrated Microsoft Azure support. So to get fresh copy of distribution please perform the following steps:

  1. Install git client if needed

    sudo yum install git
  2. Clone this repository to your VM

    cd ~/
    git clone
    sudo chmod -R 0777 Media-Management-based-on-Kaltura
  3. Run installation script

    cd Media-Management-based-on-Kaltura/InstallationPackage/kaltura-installer
    sudo php install.php
  4. Follow the instructions from “Installation process” section of Installation Manual


When the steps above are completed, you are ready to go to Kaltura server. Please find

  • Admin Console at http(s)://<your domain>/admin_console
  • Kaltura Management Console (KMC) at http(s)://<your domain>

First steps to go:

  • Create Media Service at Microsoft Azure Portal.
  • Create a publisher for access KMC at Admin Console.
  • Input Media Service credentials at publisher configure form (or KMC Account Settings form).


Kaltura Server

Kaltura server source files are located at /opt/kaltura by default. You can change the scripts located there if needed for debugging.

Noteworthy that Kaltura installer generates some files during installation process. So please apply your changes to installer folder InstallationPackage/kaltura-installer/package/app. Than try to install server on the clean machine. Check if all your changes are in place. And commit changes after that.

Kaltura Management Console (KMC)

KMC is implemented in flash. So Kaltura server contains only flash binaries.

You can find KMC source code at KMC folder of the repository. Compile KMC with your changes and put binaries to web/flash/kmc/v5.23.2 folder of your server.

Kaltura Dynamic Player (KDP)

KDP is implemented in flash. So Kaltura server contains only flash binaries.

You can find KDP source code at KDP folder of the repository. Compile KDP with your changes and put binaries to web/flash/kdp3/v3.6.11 folder of your server.

Kaltura Management Console Login (KMC-Login)

Kaltura Management Console Login is implemented in flash. So Kaltura server contains only flash binaries.

You can find Kaltura Management Console Login source code at KMC-LOGIN folder of the repository. Compile kmc-login with your changes and put binaries to web/flash/kmc/login/v1.2.2 folder of your server.

Create Developer Machine

Perform following steps to create machine for development:

  1. Install CentOS 6 x64 (“Minimal” variation is enough)

  2. Install additional packages:

    sudo yum update
    sudo yum install git wget dos2unix php-cli php-mysql php-gd \
    mysql-server memcached httpd mailx ImageMagick \
    php-pecl-apc php-pecl-memcache php-xml cronie java-1.6.0-openjdk 
    sudo yum --enablerepo=centosplus install mod_php
  3. Edit /etc/selinux/config and change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled.

  4. Reboot system

  5. Setup PHP and MySQL

    cp /etc/php.ini php.ini.apache.backup
    sed -e "s/^request_order = \"GP\"/request_order = \"CGP\"/g" \
    /etc/php.ini > /tmp/php.ini.configured && \
    sudo cp /tmp/php.ini.configured /etc/php.ini
    cp /etc/my.cnf my.cnf.backup
    sed -e "s/^thread_stack\t\t= 192K/thread_stack\t\t= 256K/g" \
    /etc/my.cnf > /tmp/my.cnf.configured && \
    sudo cp /tmp/my.cnf.configured /etc/my.cnf
    sed -e "s/^\[mysqld\]/\[mysqld\]\nlower_case_table_names = 1/g" \
    /etc/my.cnf > /tmp/my.cnf.configured && \
    sudo cp /tmp/my.cnf.configured /etc/my.cnf
  6. Insure that /etc/my.cnf has this lines

    lower_case_table_names = 1
    thread_stack = 262144
    open_files_limit = 20000
  7. Uncomment at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf line:

    LoadModule filter_module modules/

  8. Make Services Start at Boot

    sudo service mysqld restart
    sudo chkconfig --level 2345 mysqld on
    sudo service mysqld start
    sudo chkconfig --level 2345 httpd on
    sudo service httpd start
  9. Turn off iptables

    sudo service iptables stop
    sudo chkconfig iptables off
  10. Install Pentaho

sudo mkdir /usr/local/pentaho
cd /usr/local/pentaho
sudo wget
sudo tar xzf pdi-ce-4.2.1-stable.tar.gz
sudo mv data-integration pdi
  1. Now your machine is ready. Download source code and enjoy Media Management based on Kaltura.


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