  * Get files
  * @access public
 public function getFiles()
     if (!@is_dir($this->export_dir)) {
         return array();
     foreach (ilUtil::getDir($this->export_dir) as $file_name => $file_data) {
         $files[$file_name] = $file_data;
     return $files ? $files : array();
  * Get files
 function getFiles($a_files)
     $files = array();
     foreach ($a_files as $f) {
         if (is_file($this->upload_dir . "/" . $f)) {
             $files[] = $f;
         } else {
             if (is_dir($this->upload_dir . "/" . $f)) {
                 $dir = ilUtil::getDir($this->upload_dir . "/" . $f, true);
                 foreach ($dir as $d) {
                     if ($d["type"] == "file") {
                         $files[] = $f . $d["subdir"] . "/" . $d["entry"];
     return $files;
  * Get entries
 function getEntries()
     if (is_dir($this->cur_dir)) {
         $entries = ilUtil::getDir($this->cur_dir);
     } else {
         $entries = array(array("type" => "dir", "entry" => ".."));
     $items = array();
     foreach ($entries as $e) {
         if ($e["entry"] == "." || $e["entry"] == ".." && empty($this->cur_subdir)) {
         $cfile = !empty($this->cur_subdir) ? $this->cur_subdir . "/" . $e["entry"] : $e["entry"];
         if ($this->label_enable) {
             $label = is_array($this->file_labels[$cfile]) ? implode($this->file_labels[$cfile], ", ") : "";
         $pref = $e["type"] == "dir" ? $this->getOrderDirection() != "desc" ? "1_" : "9_" : "5_";
         $items[] = array("file" => $cfile, "entry" => $e["entry"], "type" => $e["type"], "label" => $label, "size" => $e["size"], "name" => $pref . $e["entry"]);
  * Get images of style
 function getImages()
     $dir = $this->getImagesDirectory();
     $images = array();
     if (is_dir($dir)) {
         $entries = ilUtil::getDir($dir);
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if (substr($entry["entry"], 0, 1) == ".") {
             if ($entry["type"] != "dir") {
                 $images[] = $entry;
     return $images;
  * Get srt files
 function getSrtFiles()
     $srt_dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($this->getId()) . "/srt";
     if (!is_dir($srt_dir)) {
         return array();
     $items = ilUtil::getDir($srt_dir);
     $srt_files = array();
     foreach ($items as $i) {
         if (!in_array($i["entry"], array(".", "..")) && $i["type"] == "file") {
             $name = explode(".", $i["entry"]);
             if ($name[1] == "srt" && substr($name[0], 0, 9) == "subtitle_") {
                 $srt_files[] = array("file" => $i["entry"], "full_path" => "srt/" . $i["entry"], "language" => substr($name[0], 9, 2));
     return $srt_files;
  * Get multi feedback files (of uploader)
  * @param int $a_user_id user id of uploader
  * @return array array of user files (keys: lastname, firstname, user_id, login, file)
 function getMultiFeedbackFiles($a_user_id = 0)
     global $ilUser;
     if ($a_user_id == 0) {
         $a_user_id = $ilUser->getId();
     $mf_files = array();
     // get members
     $exc = new ilObjExercise($this->getExerciseId(), false);
     include_once "./Modules/Exercise/classes/class.ilExerciseMembers.php";
     $exmem = new ilExerciseMembers($exc);
     $mems = $exmem->getMembers();
     // read mf directory
     include_once "./Modules/Exercise/classes/class.ilFSStorageExercise.php";
     $storage = new ilFSStorageExercise($this->getExerciseId(), $this->getId());
     $mfu = $storage->getMultiFeedbackUploadPath($ilUser->getId());
     // get subdir that starts with multi_feedback
     $subdirs = ilUtil::getDir($mfu);
     $subdir = "notfound";
     foreach ($subdirs as $s => $j) {
         if ($j["type"] == "dir" && substr($s, 0, 14) == "multi_feedback") {
             $subdir = $s;
     $items = ilUtil::getDir($mfu . "/" . $subdir);
     foreach ($items as $k => $i) {
         // check directory
         if ($i["type"] == "dir" && !in_array($k, array(".", ".."))) {
             // check if valid member id is given
             $parts = explode("_", $i["entry"]);
             $user_id = (int) $parts[count($parts) - 1];
             if (in_array($user_id, $mems)) {
                 // read dir of user
                 $name = ilObjUser::_lookupName($user_id);
                 $files = ilUtil::getDir($mfu . "/" . $subdir . "/" . $k);
                 foreach ($files as $k2 => $f) {
                     // append files to array
                     if ($f["type"] == "file" && substr($k2, 0, 1) != ".") {
                         $mf_files[] = array("lastname" => $name["lastname"], "firstname" => $name["firstname"], "login" => $name["login"], "user_id" => $name["user_id"], "full_path" => $mfu . "/" . $subdir . "/" . $k . "/" . $k2, "file" => $k2);
     return $mf_files;
  * Import lm from zip file
  * @param
  * @return
 function importFromZipFile($a_tmp_file, $a_filename, $a_validate = true, $a_import_into_help_module = 0)
     global $lng;
     // create import directory
     // copy uploaded file to import directory
     $file = pathinfo($a_filename);
     $full_path = $this->getImportDirectory() . "/" . $a_filename;
     ilUtil::moveUploadedFile($a_tmp_file, $a_filename, $full_path);
     // unzip file
     $subdir = basename($file["basename"], "." . $file["extension"]);
     $mess = $this->importFromDirectory($this->getImportDirectory() . "/" . $subdir, $a_validate);
     // this should only be true for help modules
     if ($a_import_into_help_module > 0) {
         // search the zip file
         $dir = $this->getImportDirectory() . "/" . $subdir;
         $files = ilUtil::getDir($dir);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (is_int(strpos($file["entry"], "__help_")) && is_int(strpos($file["entry"], ".zip"))) {
                 include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilImport.php";
                 $imp = new ilImport();
                 $imp->getMapping()->addMapping('Services/Help', 'help_module', 0, $a_import_into_help_module);
                 include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMObject.php";
                 $chaps = ilLMObject::getObjectList($this->getId(), "st");
                 foreach ($chaps as $chap) {
                     $chap_arr = explode("_", $chap["import_id"]);
                     $imp->getMapping()->addMapping('Services/Help', 'help_chap', $chap_arr[count($chap_arr) - 1], $chap["obj_id"]);
                 $imp->importEntity($dir . "/" . $file["entry"], $file["entry"], "help", "Services/Help", true);
     // delete import directory
     return $mess;
 protected function cleanImagefiles()
     if ($this->getOrderingType() == OQ_PICTURES) {
         if (@file_exists($this->getImagePath())) {
             $contents = ilUtil::getDir($this->getImagePath());
             foreach ($contents as $f) {
                 if (strcmp($f['type'], 'file') == 0) {
                     $found = false;
                     foreach ($this->getAnswers() as $answer) {
                         if (strcmp($f['entry'], $answer->getAnswertext()) == 0) {
                             $found = true;
                         if (strcmp($f['entry'], $this->getThumbPrefix() . $answer->getAnswertext()) == 0) {
                             $found = true;
                     if (!$found) {
                         if (@file_exists($this->getImagePath() . $f['entry'])) {
                             @unlink($this->getImagePath() . $f['entry']);
     } else {
         if (@file_exists($this->getImagePath())) {
  * administrate files of media object
 function editFilesObject()
     // standard item
     $std_item =& $this->object->getMediaItem("Standard");
     if ($this->object->hasFullscreenItem()) {
         $full_item =& $this->object->getMediaItem("Fullscreen");
     // create table
     require_once "./Services/Table/classes/class.ilTableGUI.php";
     $tbl = new ilTableGUI();
     // determine directory
     $cur_subdir = $_GET["cdir"];
     if ($_GET["newdir"] == "..") {
         $cur_subdir = substr($cur_subdir, 0, strrpos($cur_subdir, "/"));
     } else {
         if (!empty($_GET["newdir"])) {
             if (!empty($cur_subdir)) {
                 $cur_subdir = $cur_subdir . "/" . $_GET["newdir"];
             } else {
                 $cur_subdir = $_GET["newdir"];
     $cur_subdir = str_replace(".", "", $cur_subdir);
     $mob_dir = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir() . "/mobs/mm_" . $this->object->getId();
     $cur_dir = !empty($cur_subdir) ? $mob_dir . "/" . $cur_subdir : $mob_dir;
     // load files templates
     $this->tpl->addBlockfile("ADM_CONTENT", "adm_content", "tpl.mob_files.html", "Services/MediaObjects");
     $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "cdir", urlencode($cur_subdir));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("FORMACTION1", $this->ctrl->getFormAction($this));
     //echo "--".$this->getTargetScript().
     $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_NEW_DIRECTORY", $this->lng->txt("cont_new_dir"));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_NEW_FILE", $this->lng->txt("cont_new_file"));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("CMD_NEW_DIR", "createDirectory");
     $this->tpl->setVariable("CMD_NEW_FILE", "uploadFile");
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_NEW_DIR", $this->lng->txt("create"));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_NEW_FILE", $this->lng->txt("upload"));
     $this->tpl->addBlockfile("FILE_TABLE", "files", "tpl.table.html");
     // load template for table content data
     $this->tpl->addBlockfile("TBL_CONTENT", "tbl_content", "tpl.mob_file_row.html", "Services/MediaObjects");
     $num = 0;
     $obj_str = $this->call_by_reference ? "" : "&obj_id=" . $this->obj_id;
     $this->tpl->setVariable("FORMACTION", $this->ctrl->getFormAction($this));
     $tbl->setTitle($this->lng->txt("cont_files") . " " . $cur_subdir);
     $tbl->setHeaderNames(array("", "", $this->lng->txt("cont_dir_file"), $this->lng->txt("cont_size"), $this->lng->txt("cont_purpose")));
     $cols = array("", "", "dir_file", "size", "purpose");
     $header_params = array("ref_id" => $_GET["ref_id"], "obj_id" => $_GET["obj_id"], "cmd" => "editFiles", "hier_id" => $_GET["hier_id"], "item_id" => $_GET["item_id"]);
     $tbl->setHeaderVars($cols, $header_params);
     $tbl->setColumnWidth(array("1%", "1%", "33%", "33%", "32%"));
     // control
     // ???
     //$tbl->setMaxCount(30);		// ???
     $this->tpl->setVariable("COLUMN_COUNTS", 5);
     // delete button
     $this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_ARROW", ilUtil::getImagePath("arrow_downright.svg"));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_NAME", "deleteFile");
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_VALUE", $this->lng->txt("delete"));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_NAME", "assignStandard");
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_VALUE", $this->lng->txt("cont_assign_std"));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_NAME", "assignFullscreen");
     $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_VALUE", $this->lng->txt("cont_assign_full"));
     // footer
     $tbl->setFooter("tblfooter", $this->lng->txt("previous"), $this->lng->txt("next"));
     $entries = ilUtil::getDir($cur_dir);
     //$objs = ilUtil::sortArray($objs, $_GET["sort_by"], $_GET["sort_order"]);
     $entries = array_slice($entries, $_GET["offset"], $_GET["limit"]);
     if (count($entries) > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry["entry"] == "." || $entry["entry"] == ".." && empty($cur_subdir)) {
             //$this->tpl->setVariable("ICON", $obj["title"]);
             if ($entry["type"] == "dir") {
                 $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "cdir", $cur_subdir);
                 $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "newdir", rawurlencode($entry["entry"]));
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("LINK_FILENAME", $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "editFiles"));
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_FILENAME", $entry["entry"]);
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("ICON", "<img src=\"" . ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_cat.svg") . "\">");
             } else {
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_FILENAME2", $entry["entry"]);
             $css_row = ilUtil::switchColor($i++, "tblrow1", "tblrow2");
             $this->tpl->setVariable("CSS_ROW", $css_row);
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_SIZE", $entry["size"]);
             $this->tpl->setVariable("CHECKBOX_ID", $entry["entry"]);
             $compare = !empty($cur_subdir) ? $cur_subdir . "/" . $entry["entry"] : $entry["entry"];
             $purpose = array();
             if ($std_item->getLocation() == $compare) {
                 $purpose[] = $this->lng->txt("cont_std_view");
             if ($this->object->hasFullscreenItem()) {
                 if ($full_item->getLocation() == $compare) {
                     $purpose[] = $this->lng->txt("cont_fullscreen");
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_PURPOSE", implode($purpose, ", "));
     } else {
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", $this->lng->txt("obj_not_found"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("NUM_COLS", 4);
  * get the path of a specific attachment
  * @param string md5 encrypted filename
  * @param integer mail_id
  * @access	public
  * @return string path
 public function getAttachmentPathByMD5Filename($a_filename, $a_mail_id)
     global $ilDB;
     /*		$query = "SELECT path FROM mail_attachment ".
     			"WHERE mail_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_mail_id)."";
     		$row = $this->ilias->db->getRow($query,DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
     		$path = $this->getMailPath().'/'.$row->path;
     $query = $ilDB->query("SELECT path FROM mail_attachment \n\t\t\t\t  WHERE mail_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mail_id, 'integer') . "");
     $rel_path = "";
     while ($row = $ilDB->fetchObject($query)) {
         $rel_path = $row->path;
         $path = $this->getMailPath() . '/' . $row->path;
     $files = ilUtil::getDir($path);
     foreach ((array) $files as $file) {
         if ($file['type'] == 'file' && md5($file['entry']) == $a_filename) {
             return array('path' => $this->getMailPath() . '/' . $rel_path . '/' . $file['entry'], 'filename' => $file['entry']);
     return '';
  * Get files of directory
  * @param string $a_subdir subdirectry
  * @return array array of files
 function getFilesOfDirectory($a_subdir = "")
     $a_subdir = str_replace("..", "", $a_subdir);
     $dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($this->getId());
     if ($a_subdir != "") {
         $dir .= "/" . $a_subdir;
     $files = array();
     if (is_dir($dir)) {
         $entries = ilUtil::getDir($dir);
         foreach ($entries as $e) {
             if (is_file($dir . "/" . $e["entry"]) && $e["entry"] != "." && $e["entry"] != "..") {
                 $files[] = $e["entry"];
     return $files;
  * Reads an import ZIP file and creates a certificate of it
  * @return boolean TRUE if the import succeeds, FALSE otherwise
 public function importCertificate($zipfile, $filename)
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     $importpath = $this->createArchiveDirectory();
     if (!ilUtil::moveUploadedFile($zipfile, $filename, $importpath . $filename)) {
         return FALSE;
     ilUtil::unzip($importpath . $filename, TRUE);
     $subdir = str_replace(".zip", "", strtolower($filename)) . "/";
     $copydir = "";
     if (is_dir($importpath . $subdir)) {
         $dirinfo = ilUtil::getDir($importpath . $subdir);
         $copydir = $importpath . $subdir;
     } else {
         $dirinfo = ilUtil::getDir($importpath);
         $copydir = $importpath;
     $xmlfiles = 0;
     $otherfiles = 0;
     foreach ($dirinfo as $file) {
         if (strcmp($file["type"], "file") == 0) {
             if (strpos($file["entry"], ".xml") !== FALSE) {
             } else {
                 if (strpos($file["entry"], ".zip") !== FALSE) {
                 } else {
     // if one XML file is in the archive, we try to import it
     if ($xmlfiles == 1) {
         foreach ($dirinfo as $file) {
             if (strcmp($file["type"], "file") == 0) {
                 if (strpos($file["entry"], ".xml") !== FALSE) {
                     $xsl = file_get_contents($copydir . $file["entry"]);
                     // as long as we cannot make RPC calls in a given directory, we have
                     // to add the complete path to every url
                     $xsl = preg_replace("/url\\([']{0,1}(.*?)[']{0,1}\\)/", "url(" . $this->getAdapter()->getCertificatePath() . "\${1})", $xsl);
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($file["entry"], ".zip") !== FALSE) {
                     } else {
                         @copy($copydir . $file["entry"], $this->getAdapter()->getCertificatePath() . $file["entry"]);
                         if (strcmp($this->getBackgroundImagePath(), $this->getAdapter()->getCertificatePath() . $file["entry"]) == 0) {
                             // upload of the background image, create a preview
                             ilUtil::convertImage($this->getBackgroundImagePath(), $this->getBackgroundImageThumbPath(), "JPEG", 100);
     } else {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
  * Get personal data export file
  * @param
  * @return
 function getPersonalDataExportFile()
     include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php";
     $dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->getId(), "xml", "usr", "personal_data");
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         return "";
     foreach (ilUtil::getDir($dir) as $entry) {
         if (is_int(strpos($entry["entry"], ".zip"))) {
             return $entry["entry"];
     return "";
  * get file data of a specific attachment
  * @param string|array md5 encrypted filename or array of multiple md5 encrypted files
  * @access public
  * @return boolean status
 function unlinkFilesByMD5Filenames($a_md5_filename)
     $files = ilUtil::getDir($this->forum_path);
     if (is_array($a_md5_filename)) {
         foreach ((array) $files as $file) {
             if ($file['type'] == 'file' && in_array(md5($file['entry']), $a_md5_filename)) {
                 unlink($this->forum_path . '/' . $file['entry']);
         return true;
     } else {
         foreach ((array) $files as $file) {
             if ($file['type'] == 'file' && md5($file['entry']) == $a_md5_filename) {
                 return unlink($this->forum_path . '/' . $file['entry']);
     return false;
 public function dbImportSco($slm, $sco, $asset = false)
     $qtis = array();
     $d = ilUtil::getDir($this->packageFolder);
     foreach ($d as $f) {
         if ($f[type] == 'file' && substr($f[entry], 0, 4) == 'qti_') {
             include_once "./Services/QTI/classes/class.ilQTIParser.php";
             include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
             $qtiParser = new ilQTIParser($this->packageFolder . "/" . $f[entry], IL_MO_VERIFY_QTI, 0, "");
             $result = $qtiParser->startParsing();
             $founditems =& $qtiParser->getFoundItems();
             //					die(print_r($founditems));
             foreach ($founditems as $qp) {
                 $newObj = new ilObjTest(0, true);
                 // This creates a lot of invalid repository objects for each question
                 // question are not repository objects (see e.g. table object_data), alex 29 Sep 2009
                 //					$newObj->setType ( $qp ['type'] );
                 //					$newObj->setTitle ( $qp ['title'] );
                 //					$newObj->create ( true );
                 //					$newObj->createReference ();
                 //					$newObj->putInTree ($_GET ["ref_id"]);
                 //					$newObj->setPermissions ( $sco->getId ());
                 //					$newObj->notify ("new", $_GET["ref_id"], $sco->getId (), $_GET["ref_id"], $newObj->getRefId () );
                 //					$newObj->mark_schema->flush ();
                 $qtiParser = new ilQTIParser($this->packageFolder . "/" . $f[entry], IL_MO_PARSE_QTI, 0, "");
                 $result = $qtiParser->startParsing();
                 //					$newObj->saveToDb ();
                 $qtis = array_merge($qtis, $qtiParser->getImportMapping());
     include_once 'Modules/Scorm2004/classes/class.ilSCORM2004Page.php';
     $doc = new SimpleXMLElement($this->imsmanifest->saveXml());
     $l = $doc->xpath("/ContentObject/MetaData");
     if ($l[0]) {
         include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDXMLCopier.php';
         $mdxml =& new ilMDXMLCopier($l[0]->asXML(), $slm->getId(), $sco->getId(), $sco->getType());
     $l = $doc->xpath("/ContentObject/PageObject");
     foreach ($l as $page_xml) {
         $tnode = $page_xml->xpath('MetaData/General/Title');
         $page = new ilSCORM2004PageNode($slm);
         ilSCORM2004Node::putInTree($page, $sco->getId(), $target);
         $pmd = $page_xml->xpath("MetaData");
         if ($pmd[0]) {
             include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDXMLCopier.php';
             $mdxml =& new ilMDXMLCopier($pmd[0]->asXML(), $slm->getId(), $page->getId(), $page->getType());
         $tnode = $page_xml->xpath("//MediaObject/MediaAlias | //InteractiveImage/MediaAlias");
         foreach ($tnode as $ttnode) {
             include_once './Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php';
             $OriginId = $ttnode[OriginId];
             $medianodes = $doc->xpath("//MediaObject[MetaData/General/Identifier/@Entry='" . $OriginId . "']");
             $medianode = $medianodes[0];
             if ($medianode) {
                 $media_object = new ilObjMediaObject();
                 $mmd = $medianode->xpath("MetaData");
                 if ($mmd[0]) {
                     include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDXMLCopier.php';
                     $mdxml =& new ilMDXMLCopier($mmd[0]->asXML(), 0, $media_object->getId(), $media_object->getType());
                 // determine and create mob directory, move uploaded file to directory
                 $mob_dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($media_object->getId());
                 foreach ($medianode->MediaItem as $xMediaItem) {
                     $media_item =& new ilMediaItem();
                     $nr = 0;
                     // add map areas (external links only)
                     foreach ($xMediaItem->MapArea as $n => $v) {
                         if ($v->ExtLink[Href] != "") {
                             include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilMapArea.php";
                             $ma = new ilMapArea();
                             $map_area = new ilMapArea();
                     if ($media_item->getLocationType() == "LocalFile") {
                         //							$tmp_name = $this->packageFolder."/objects/".$OriginId."/".$xMediaItem->Location;
                         //							copy($tmp_name,  $mob_dir."/".$xMediaItem->Location);
                 // copy whole directory
                 ilUtil::rCopy($this->packageFolder . "/objects/" . $OriginId, $mob_dir);
                 // alex: fixed media import: these lines have been
                 // behind the next curly bracket which makes it fail
                 // when no medianode is given. (id=0 -> fatal error)
                 $ttnode[OriginId] = "il__mob_" . $media_object->getId();
         include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
         include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
         include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
         $intlinks = $page_xml->xpath("//IntLink");
         foreach ($intlinks as $intlink) {
             if ($intlink[Type] != "File") {
             $path = $this->packageFolder . "/objects/" . str_replace('dfile', 'file', $intlink[Target]);
             if (!is_dir($path)) {
             $ffiles = array();
             ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($path, $ffiles);
             $filename = $ffiles[file][0];
             $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
             // better use this, mime_content_type is deprecated
             $fileObj->setFileType(ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($path . "/" . $filename));
             $fileObj->setFileSize(filesize($path . "/" . $filename));
             //$fileObj->setPermissions($slm->getId ());
             $fileObj->storeUnzipedFile($path . "/" . $filename, ilFileUtils::utf8_encode(ilUtil::stripSlashes($filename)));
             $intlink[Target] = "il__dfile_" . $fileObj->getId();
         $fileitems = $page_xml->xpath("//FileItem/Identifier");
         foreach ($fileitems as $fileitem) {
             $path = $this->packageFolder . "/objects/" . $fileitem[Entry];
             if (!is_dir($path)) {
             $ffiles = array();
             ilFileUtils::recursive_dirscan($path, $ffiles);
             $filename = $ffiles[file][0];
             $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
             // better use this, mime_content_type is deprecated
             $fileObj->setFileType(ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($path . "/" . $filename));
             $fileObj->setFileSize(filesize($path . "/" . $filename));
             //$fileObj->setPermissions($slm->getId ());
             $fileObj->storeUnzipedFile($path . "/" . $filename, ilFileUtils::utf8_encode(ilUtil::stripSlashes($filename)));
             $fileitem[Entry] = "il__file_" . $fileObj->getId();
         $pagex = new ilSCORM2004Page($page->getId());
         $ddoc = new DOMDocument();
         $ddoc->async = false;
         $ddoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
         $ddoc->formatOutput = false;
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($ddoc);
         $tnode = $xpath->query('PageContent');
         $t = "<PageObject>";
         foreach ($tnode as $ttnode) {
             $t .= $ddoc->saveXML($ttnode);
         $t .= "</PageObject>";
         foreach ($qtis as $old => $q) {
             $t = str_replace($old, 'il__qst_' . $q['pool'], $t);
  * delete object file
 function downloadFile()
     if (!isset($_POST["file"])) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("no_checkbox"), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
     if (count($_POST["file"]) > 1) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("cont_select_max_one_item"), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
     $cur_subdir = str_replace(".", "", ilUtil::stripSlashes($_GET["cdir"]));
     $cur_dir = !empty($cur_subdir) ? $this->main_dir . "/" . $cur_subdir : $this->main_dir;
     $file = $cur_dir . "/" . $_POST["file"][0];
     // validate against files of current directory
     $valid = false;
     foreach (ilUtil::getDir($cur_dir) as $entry) {
         if ($entry["type"] == "file" && $cur_dir . "/" . $entry["entry"] == $file) {
             $valid = true;
     if (@is_file($file) && !@is_dir($file) && $valid) {
         ilUtil::deliverFile($file, $_POST["file"][0]);
     } else {
         $this->ctrl->saveParameter($this, "cdir");
         $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "listFiles");
  * display form for user import
 function importUserRoleAssignmentObject()
     global $ilUser, $rbacreview, $tpl, $lng, $ilCtrl;
     // Blind out tabs for local user import
     if ($_GET["baseClass"] == 'ilRepositoryGUI') {
     if ($this->form->checkInput()) {
         include_once './Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilObjRole.php';
         include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserImportParser.php';
         global $rbacreview, $rbacsystem, $tree, $lng;
         $this->tpl->addBlockfile("ADM_CONTENT", "adm_content", "tpl.usr_import_roles.html", "Services/User");
         $import_dir = $this->getImportDir();
         // recreate user import directory
         if (@is_dir($import_dir)) {
         // move uploaded file to user import directory
         $file_name = $_FILES["importFile"]["name"];
         $parts = pathinfo($file_name);
         $full_path = $import_dir . "/" . $file_name;
         // check if import file exists
         if (!is_file($_FILES["importFile"]["tmp_name"])) {
             $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("no_import_file_found"), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
         ilUtil::moveUploadedFile($_FILES["importFile"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["importFile"]["name"], $full_path);
         // handle zip file
         if (strtolower($parts["extension"]) == "zip") {
             // unzip file
             $xml_file = null;
             $file_list = ilUtil::getDir($import_dir);
             foreach ($file_list as $a_file) {
                 if (substr($a_file['entry'], -4) == '.xml') {
                     $xml_file = $import_dir . "/" . $a_file['entry'];
             if (is_null($xml_file)) {
                 $subdir = basename($parts["basename"], "." . $parts["extension"]);
                 $xml_file = $import_dir . "/" . $subdir . "/" . $subdir . ".xml";
         } else {
             $xml_file = $full_path;
         // check xml file
         if (!is_file($xml_file)) {
             $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("no_xml_file_found_in_zip") . " " . $subdir . "/" . $subdir . ".xml", $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
         require_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserImportParser.php";
         // Verify the data
         // ---------------
         $importParser = new ilUserImportParser($xml_file, IL_VERIFY);
         switch ($importParser->getErrorLevel()) {
             case IL_IMPORT_SUCCESS:
             case IL_IMPORT_WARNING:
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("IMPORT_LOG", $importParser->getProtocolAsHTML($lng->txt("verification_warning_log")));
             case IL_IMPORT_FAILURE:
                 $this->ilias->raiseError($lng->txt("verification_failed") . $importParser->getProtocolAsHTML($lng->txt("verification_failure_log")), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
         // Create the role selection form
         // ------------------------------
         $this->tpl->setVariable("FORMACTION", $this->ctrl->getFormAction($this));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_IMPORT_USERS", $this->lng->txt("import_users"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_IMPORT_FILE", $this->lng->txt("import_file"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("IMPORT_FILE", $file_name);
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_USER_ELEMENT_COUNT", $this->lng->txt("num_users"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("USER_ELEMENT_COUNT", $importParser->getUserCount());
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT", $this->lng->txt("role_assignment"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_IMPORT", $this->lng->txt("import"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("BTN_CANCEL", $this->lng->txt("cancel"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("XML_FILE_NAME", $xml_file);
         // Extract the roles
         $importParser = new ilUserImportParser($xml_file, IL_EXTRACT_ROLES);
         $roles = $importParser->getCollectedRoles();
         // get global roles
         $all_gl_roles = $rbacreview->getRoleListByObject(ROLE_FOLDER_ID);
         $gl_roles = array();
         $roles_of_user = $rbacreview->assignedRoles($ilUser->getId());
         foreach ($all_gl_roles as $obj_data) {
             // check assignment permission if called from local admin
             if ($this->object->getRefId() != USER_FOLDER_ID) {
                 if (!in_array(SYSTEM_ROLE_ID, $roles_of_user) && !ilObjRole::_getAssignUsersStatus($obj_data['obj_id'])) {
             // exclude anonymous role from list
             if ($obj_data["obj_id"] != ANONYMOUS_ROLE_ID) {
                 // do not allow to assign users to administrator role if current user does not has SYSTEM_ROLE_ID
                 if ($obj_data["obj_id"] != SYSTEM_ROLE_ID or in_array(SYSTEM_ROLE_ID, $roles_of_user)) {
                     $gl_roles[$obj_data["obj_id"]] = $obj_data["title"];
         // global roles
         $got_globals = false;
         foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role) {
             if ($role["type"] == "Global") {
                 if (!$got_globals) {
                     $got_globals = true;
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_GLOBAL_ROLES_IMPORT", $this->lng->txt("roles_of_import_global"));
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_GLOBAL_ROLES", $this->lng->txt("assign_global_role"));
                 // pre selection for role
                 $pre_select = array_search($role[name], $gl_roles);
                 if (!$pre_select) {
                     switch ($role["name"]) {
                         case "Administrator":
                             // ILIAS 2/3 Administrator
                             $pre_select = array_search("Administrator", $gl_roles);
                         case "Autor":
                             // ILIAS 2 Author
                             $pre_select = array_search("User", $gl_roles);
                         case "Lerner":
                             // ILIAS 2 Learner
                             $pre_select = array_search("User", $gl_roles);
                         case "Gast":
                             // ILIAS 2 Guest
                             $pre_select = array_search("Guest", $gl_roles);
                             $pre_select = array_search("User", $gl_roles);
                 $role_select = ilUtil::formSelect($pre_select, "role_assign[" . $role_id . "]", $gl_roles, false, true);
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_IMPORT_GLOBAL_ROLE", $role["name"] . " [" . $role_id . "]");
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("SELECT_GLOBAL_ROLE", $role_select);
         // Check if local roles need to be assigned
         $got_locals = false;
         foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role) {
             if ($role["type"] == "Local") {
                 $got_locals = true;
         if ($got_locals) {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_LOCAL_ROLES_IMPORT", $this->lng->txt("roles_of_import_local"));
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_LOCAL_ROLES", $this->lng->txt("assign_local_role"));
             // get local roles
             if ($this->object->getRefId() == USER_FOLDER_ID) {
                 // The import function has been invoked from the user folder
                 // object. In this case, we show only matching roles,
                 // because the user folder object is considered the parent of all
                 // local roles and may contains thousands of roles on large ILIAS
                 // installations.
                 $loc_roles = array();
                 foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role) {
                     if ($role["type"] == "Local") {
                         $searchName = substr($role['name'], 0, 1) == '#' ? $role['name'] : '#' . $role['name'];
                         $matching_role_ids = $rbacreview->searchRolesByMailboxAddressList($searchName);
                         foreach ($matching_role_ids as $mid) {
                             if (!in_array($mid, $loc_roles)) {
                                 $loc_roles[] = array('obj_id' => $mid);
             } else {
                 // The import function has been invoked from a locally
                 // administrated category. In this case, we show all roles
                 // contained in the subtree of the category.
                 $loc_roles = $rbacreview->getAssignableRolesInSubtree($this->object->getRefId());
             $l_roles = array();
             // create a search array with  .
             $l_roles_mailbox_searcharray = array();
             foreach ($loc_roles as $key => $loc_role) {
                 // fetch context path of role
                 $rolf = $rbacreview->getFoldersAssignedToRole($loc_role["obj_id"], true);
                 // only process role folders that are not set to status "deleted"
                 // and for which the user has write permissions.
                 // We also don't show the roles which are in the ROLE_FOLDER_ID folder.
                 // (The ROLE_FOLDER_ID folder contains the global roles).
                 if (!$rbacreview->isDeleted($rolf[0]) && $rbacsystem->checkAccess('write', $tree->getParentId($rolf[0])) && $rolf[0] != ROLE_FOLDER_ID) {
                     // A local role is only displayed, if it is contained in the subtree of
                     // the localy administrated category. If the import function has been
                     // invoked from the user folder object, we show all local roles, because
                     // the user folder object is considered the parent of all local roles.
                     // Thus, if we start from the user folder object, we initialize the
                     // isInSubtree variable with true. In all other cases it is initialized
                     // with false, and only set to true if we find the object id of the
                     // locally administrated category in the tree path to the local role.
                     $isInSubtree = $this->object->getRefId() == USER_FOLDER_ID;
                     $path = "";
                     if ($this->tree->isInTree($rolf[0])) {
                         // Create path. Paths which have more than 4 segments
                         // are truncated in the middle.
                         $tmpPath = $this->tree->getPathFull($rolf[0]);
                         for ($i = 1, $n = count($tmpPath) - 1; $i < $n; $i++) {
                             if ($i > 1) {
                                 $path = $path . ' > ';
                             if ($i < 3 || $i > $n - 3) {
                                 $path = $path . $tmpPath[$i]['title'];
                             } else {
                                 if ($i == 3 || $i == $n - 3) {
                                     $path = $path . '...';
                             $isInSubtree |= $tmpPath[$i]['obj_id'] == $this->object->getId();
                     } else {
                         $path = "<b>Rolefolder " . $rolf[0] . " not found in tree! (Role " . $loc_role["obj_id"] . ")</b>";
                     $roleMailboxAddress = $rbacreview->getRoleMailboxAddress($loc_role['obj_id']);
                     $l_roles[$loc_role['obj_id']] = $roleMailboxAddress . ', ' . $path;
             //foreach role
             $l_roles[""] = "";
             $l_roles[""] = $this->lng->txt("usrimport_ignore_role");
             foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role) {
                 if ($role["type"] == "Local") {
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_IMPORT_LOCAL_ROLE", $role["name"]);
                     $searchName = substr($role['name'], 0, 1) == '#' ? $role['name'] : '#' . $role['name'];
                     $matching_role_ids = $rbacreview->searchRolesByMailboxAddressList($searchName);
                     $pre_select = count($matching_role_ids) == 1 ? $matching_role_ids[0] : "";
                     if ($this->object->getRefId() == USER_FOLDER_ID) {
                         // There are too many roles in a large ILIAS installation
                         // that's why whe show only a choice with the the option "ignore",
                         // and the matching roles.
                         $selectable_roles = array();
                         $selectable_roles[""] = $this->lng->txt("usrimport_ignore_role");
                         foreach ($matching_role_ids as $id) {
                             $selectable_roles[$id] = $l_roles[$id];
                         $role_select = ilUtil::formSelect($pre_select, "role_assign[" . $role_id . "]", $selectable_roles, false, true);
                     } else {
                         $role_select = ilUtil::formSelect($pre_select, "role_assign[" . $role_id . "]", $l_roles, false, true);
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("SELECT_LOCAL_ROLE", $role_select);
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_CONFLICT_HANDLING", $lng->txt("conflict_handling"));
         $handlers = array(IL_IGNORE_ON_CONFLICT => "ignore_on_conflict", IL_UPDATE_ON_CONFLICT => "update_on_conflict");
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_CONFLICT_HANDLING_INFO", str_replace('\\n', '<br>', $this->lng->txt("usrimport_conflict_handling_info")));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_CONFLICT_CHOICE", $lng->txt("conflict_handling"));
         $this->tpl->setVariable("SELECT_CONFLICT", ilUtil::formSelect(IL_IGNORE_ON_CONFLICT, "conflict_handling_choice", $handlers, false, false));
         // new account mail
         include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUserFolder.php';
         $amail = ilObjUserFolder::_lookupNewAccountMail($this->lng->getDefaultLanguage());
         if (trim($amail["body"]) != "" && trim($amail["subject"]) != "") {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_ACCOUNT_MAIL", $lng->txt("mail_account_mail"));
             if (true) {
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("SEND_MAIL", " checked=\"checked\"");
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_INFORM_USER_MAIL", $this->lng->txt("user_send_new_account_mail"));
     } else {
  * get directory
  * @static
 public static function getDir($a_dir, $a_rec = false, $a_sub_dir = "")
     $current_dir = opendir($a_dir . $a_sub_dir);
     $dirs = array();
     $files = array();
     $subitems = array();
     while ($entry = readdir($current_dir)) {
         if (is_dir($a_dir . "/" . $entry)) {
             $dirs[$entry] = array("type" => "dir", "entry" => $entry, "subdir" => $a_sub_dir);
             if ($a_rec && $entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
                 $si = ilUtil::getDir($a_dir, true, $a_sub_dir . "/" . $entry);
                 $subitems = array_merge($subitems, $si);
         } else {
             if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
                 $size = filesize($a_dir . $a_sub_dir . "/" . $entry);
                 $files[$entry] = array("type" => "file", "entry" => $entry, "size" => $size, "subdir" => $a_sub_dir);
     return array_merge($dirs, $files, $subitems);