public static function _createRandomUserAccount($keyarray)
     global $ilDB, $ilUser, $ilSetting, $rbacadmin;
     if ($_SESSION['create_user_account'] != NULL) {
         $obj_user = new ilObjUser($_SESSION['create_user_account']);
         return $obj_user;
     } else {
         $userLogin = array();
         $res = $ilDB->query('SELECT sequence FROM object_data_seq');
         $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res);
         $temp_user_id = (int) $row['sequence'] + 1;
         $userLogin['login'] = '******' . $temp_user_id;
         $userLogin['passwd'] = ilUtil::generatePasswords(1);
         require_once 'Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUser.php';
         include_once "Services/Mail/classes/class.ilAccountMail.php";
         $obj_user = new ilObjUser();
         $obj_user->setPasswd((string) $userLogin['passwd'][0], IL_PASSWD_PLAIN);
         $_SESSION['tmp_user_account']['login'] = $userLogin['login'];
         $_SESSION['tmp_user_account']['passwd'] = $userLogin['passwd'];
         #	$obj_user->setEmail('*****@*****.**');
         $obj_user->setApproveDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
         // Set default prefs
         $obj_user->setPref('hits_per_page', $ilSetting->get('hits_per_page', 30));
         $obj_user->setPref('show_users_online', $ilSetting->get('show_users_online', 'y'));
         // at the first login the user must complete profile
         $user_role = ilObject::_exists(4, false);
         if (!$user_role) {
             include_once "./Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilObjRole.php";
             $reg_allowed = ilObjRole::_lookupRegisterAllowed();
             $user_role = $reg_allowed[0]['id'];
         } else {
             $user_role = 4;
         $rbacadmin->assignUser((int) $user_role, $obj_user->getId(), true);
         include_once "Services/Mail/classes/class.ilMimeMail.php";
         global $ilias, $lng;
         $settings = $ilias->getAllSettings();
         $mmail = new ilMimeMail();
         // mail subject
         $subject = $lng->txt("reg_mail_subject");
         // mail body
         $body = $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_salutation") . " " . $obj_user->getFullname() . ",\n\n" . $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_text1") . "\n\n" . $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_text2") . "\n" . ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/login.php?client_id=" . $ilias->client_id . "\n";
         $body .= $lng->txt("login") . ": " . $obj_user->getLogin() . "\n";
         $body .= $lng->txt("passwd") . ": " . $userLogin['passwd'][0] . "\n";
         $body .= "\n";
         $body .= $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_text3") . "\n\r";
         $body .= $obj_user->getProfileAsString($lng);
         $_SESSION['create_user_account'] = $obj_user->getId();
         return $obj_user;
 public function confirmRegistration()
     global $lng, $ilias, $ilLog;
     ilUtil::setCookie('iltest', 'cookie', false);
     if (!isset($_GET['rh']) || !strlen(trim($_GET['rh']))) {
     try {
         require_once 'Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationSettings.php';
         $oRegSettings = new ilRegistrationSettings();
         $usr_id = ilObjUser::_verifyRegistrationHash(trim($_GET['rh']));
         $oUser = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($usr_id);
         if ($oRegSettings->passwordGenerationEnabled()) {
             $passwd = ilUtil::generatePasswords(1);
             $password = $passwd[0];
             $oUser->setPasswd($password, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN);
         $usr_lang = $oUser->getPref('language');
         if ($lng->getLangKey() != $usr_lang) {
             $lng = new ilLanguage($usr_lang);
         // send email
         // try individual account mail in user administration
         include_once "Services/Mail/classes/class.ilAccountMail.php";
         include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUserFolder.php';
         $amail = ilObjUserFolder::_lookupNewAccountMail($usr_lang);
         if (trim($amail["body"]) != "" && trim($amail["subject"]) != "") {
             $acc_mail = new ilAccountMail();
             if ($oRegSettings->passwordGenerationEnabled()) {
         } else {
             include_once 'Services/Mail/classes/class.ilMail.php';
             $mail_obj = new ilMail(ANONYMOUS_USER_ID);
             // mail subject
             $subject = $lng->txt("reg_mail_subject");
             // mail body
             $body = $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_salutation") . " " . $oUser->getFullname() . ",\n\n" . $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_text1") . "\n\n" . $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_text2") . "\n" . ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/login.php?client_id=" . CLIENT_ID . "\n";
             $body .= $lng->txt("login") . ": " . $oUser->getLogin() . "\n";
             if ($oRegSettings->passwordGenerationEnabled()) {
                 $body .= $lng->txt("passwd") . ": " . $password . "\n";
             $body .= "\n";
             $body .= $lng->txt('reg_mail_body_forgot_password_info') . "\n";
             $body .= "\n";
             $body .= $lng->txt("reg_mail_body_text3") . "\n\r";
             $body .= $oUser->getProfileAsString($lng);
             $mail_obj->sendMail($oUser->getEmail(), '', '', $subject, $body, array(), array('normal'));
         ilUtil::redirect('./login.php?cmd=force_login&reg_confirmation_msg=reg_account_confirmation_successful&lang=' . $usr_lang);
     } catch (ilRegConfirmationLinkExpiredException $exception) {
         include_once 'Services/WebServices/SOAP/classes/class.ilSoapClient.php';
         $soap_client = new ilSoapClient();
         $ilLog->write(__METHOD__ . ': Triggered soap call (background process) for deletion of inactive user objects with expired confirmation hash values (dual opt in) ...');
         $soap_client->call('deleteExpiredDualOptInUserObjects', array($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] . '::' . $_COOKIE['ilClientId'], $exception->getCode()));
         ilUtil::redirect('./login.php?cmd=force_login&reg_confirmation_msg=' . $exception->getMessage() . "&lang=" . $usr_lang);
     } catch (ilRegistrationHashNotFoundException $exception) {
         ilUtil::redirect('./login.php?cmd=force_login&reg_confirmation_msg=' . $exception->getMessage() . "&lang=" . $usr_lang);
  * Insert property html
 function insert(&$a_tpl)
     global $lng;
     $ptpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.prop_password.html", true, true, "Services/Form");
     if (!$this->getPreSelection()) {
         if ($this->getRetype()) {
             $ptpl->setVariable("RSIZE", $this->getSize());
             $ptpl->setVariable("RID", $this->getFieldId());
             $ptpl->setVariable("RMAXLENGTH", $this->getMaxLength());
             $ptpl->setVariable("RPOST_VAR", $this->getPostVar());
             if (!$this->getAutoComplete()) {
                 $ptpl->setVariable("RAUTOCOMPLETE", "autocomplete=\"off\"");
             // this is creating an "auto entry" in the setup, if the retype is missing
             /*$retype_value = ($this->getRetypeValue() != "")
             		? $this->getRetypeValue()
             		: $this->getValue();*/
             $retype_value = $this->getRetypeValue();
             $ptpl->setVariable("PROPERTY_RETYPE_VALUE", ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($retype_value));
             if ($this->getDisabled()) {
                 $ptpl->setVariable("RDISABLED", " disabled=\"disabled\"");
             $ptpl->setVariable("TXT_RETYPE", $lng->txt("form_retype_password"));
         if (strlen($this->getValue())) {
             $ptpl->setVariable("PROPERTY_VALUE", ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($this->getValue()));
         $ptpl->setVariable("POST_VAR", $this->getPostVar());
         $ptpl->setVariable("ID", $this->getFieldId());
         $ptpl->setVariable("SIZE", $this->getSize());
         $ptpl->setVariable("MAXLENGTH", $this->getMaxLength());
         if ($this->getDisabled()) {
             $ptpl->setVariable("DISABLED", " disabled=\"disabled\"");
         if (!$this->getAutoComplete()) {
             $ptpl->setVariable("AUTOCOMPLETE", "autocomplete=\"off\"");
     } else {
         // preselection
         $passwd_list = ilUtil::generatePasswords(5);
         foreach ($passwd_list as $passwd) {
             $ptpl->setVariable("POST_VAR", $this->getPostVar());
             $ptpl->setVariable("OP_ID", $this->getPostVar() . "_" . $i);
             $ptpl->setVariable("VAL_RADIO_OPTION", $passwd);
             $ptpl->setVariable("TXT_RADIO_OPTION", $passwd);
     $a_tpl->setVariable("PROP_GENERIC", $ptpl->get());
 public function createFields()
     $this->setPasswd(md5(end(ilUtil::generatePasswords(1))), IL_PASSWD_CRYPTED);
 protected function __createUser($a_role)
     global $ilSetting, $rbacadmin;
     $this->userObj = new ilObjUser();
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     $map = array();
     foreach ($up->getStandardFields() as $k => $v) {
         if ($v["method"]) {
             $method = "set" . substr($v["method"], 3);
             if (method_exists($this->userObj, $method)) {
                 if ($k != "username") {
                     $k = "usr_" . $k;
                 $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($k);
                 if ($field_obj) {
     $birthday_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar("usr_birthday");
     if ($birthday_obj) {
         $birthday = $this->form->getInput("usr_birthday");
         $birthday = $birthday["date"];
         // when birthday was not set, array will not be substituted with string by ilBirthdayInputGui
         if (!is_array($birthday)) {
     // messenger
     $map = array("icq", "yahoo", "msn", "aim", "skype", "jabber", "voip");
     foreach ($map as $client) {
         $field = "usr_im_" . $client;
         $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($field);
         if ($field_obj) {
             $this->userObj->setInstantMessengerId($client, $this->form->getInput($field));
     if ($this->registration_settings->passwordGenerationEnabled()) {
         $password = ilUtil::generatePasswords(1);
         $password = $password[0];
     } else {
         $password = $this->form->getInput("usr_password");
     // Set user defined data
     include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php';
     $user_defined_fields =& ilUserDefinedFields::_getInstance();
     $defs = $user_defined_fields->getRegistrationDefinitions();
     $udf = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 4) == "udf_") {
             $f = substr($k, 4);
             $udf[$f] = $v;
     $this->code_was_used = false;
     if ($this->code_enabled) {
         // #10853 - could be optional
         $code = $this->form->getInput('usr_registration_code');
         if ($code) {
             // set code to used
             include_once './Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationCode.php';
             $this->code_was_used = true;
     // something went wrong with the form validation
     if (!$a_role) {
         global $ilias;
         $ilias->raiseError("Invalid role selection in registration" . ", IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     if ($this->registration_settings->getAccessLimitation()) {
         include_once 'Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations.php';
         $access_limitations_obj = new ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations();
         $access_limit_mode = $access_limitations_obj->getMode($a_role);
         if ($access_limit_mode == 'absolute') {
             $access_limit = $access_limitations_obj->getAbsolute($a_role);
         } elseif ($access_limit_mode == 'relative') {
             $rel_d = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'd');
             $rel_m = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'm');
             $rel_y = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'y');
             $access_limit = $rel_d * 86400 + $rel_m * 2592000 + $rel_y * 31536000 + time();
         } else {
     } else {
     if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_DIRECT || $this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_CODES || $this->code_was_used) {
         $this->userObj->setActive(1, 0);
     } else {
         if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_ACTIVATION) {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
         } else {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
     // set a timestamp for last_password_change
     // this ts is needed by the ACCOUNT_SECURITY_MODE_CUSTOMIZED
     // in ilSecuritySettings
     //insert user data in table user_data
     // store acceptance of user agreement
     // setup user preferences
     $hits_per_page = $ilSetting->get("hits_per_page");
     if ($hits_per_page < 10) {
         $hits_per_page = 10;
     $this->userObj->setPref("hits_per_page", $hits_per_page);
     $show_online = $ilSetting->get("show_users_online");
     if ($show_online == "") {
         $show_online = "y";
     $this->userObj->setPref("show_users_online", $show_online);
     $rbacadmin->assignUser((int) $a_role, $this->userObj->getId(), true);
     return $password;
  * Automatically generates the username/screenname of a Shibboleth user or returns
  * the user's already existing username
  * @access private
  * @return String Generated username
 function generateLogin()
     global $ilias, $ilDB;
     $shibID = $_SERVER[$ilias->getSetting('shib_login')];
     $lastname = $this->getFirstString($_SERVER[$ilias->getSetting('shib_lastname')]);
     $firstname = $this->getFirstString($_SERVER[$ilias->getSetting('shib_firstname')]);
     if (trim($shibID) == "") {
     // For backwards compatibility with previous versions
     // We use the passwd field as mapping attribute for Shibboleth users
     // because they don't need a password
     $ilias->db->query("UPDATE usr_data SET auth_mode='shibboleth', passwd=" . $ilDB->quote(md5(end(ilUtil::generatePasswords(1)))) . ", ext_account=" . $ilDB->quote($shibID) . " WHERE passwd=" . $ilDB->quote($shibID));
     // Let's see if user already is registered
     $local_user = ilObjUser::_checkExternalAuthAccount("shibboleth", $shibID);
     if ($local_user) {
         return $local_user;
     // Let's see if user already is registered but authenticates by ldap
     $local_user = ilObjUser::_checkExternalAuthAccount("ldap", $shibID);
     if ($local_user) {
         return $local_user;
     // User doesn't seem to exist yet
     // Generate new username
     // This can be overruled by the data conversion API but you have
     // to do it yourself in that case
     // Generate the username out of the first character of firstname and the
     // first word in lastname (adding the second one if the login is too short,
     // avoiding meaningless last names like 'von' or 'd' and eliminating
     // non-ASCII-characters, spaces, dashes etc.
     $ln_arr = preg_split("/[ '-;]/", $lastname);
     $login = substr($this->toAscii($firstname), 0, 1) . "." . $this->toAscii($ln_arr[0]);
     if (strlen($login) < 6) {
         $login .= $this->toAscii($ln_arr[1]);
     $prefix = strtolower($login);
     // If the user name didn't contain any ASCII characters, assign the
     // name 'shibboleth' followed by a number, starting with 1.
     if (strlen($prefix) == 0) {
         $prefix = 'shibboleth';
         $number = 1;
     } else {
         // Try if the login name is not already taken
         if (!ilObjUser::getUserIdByLogin($prefix)) {
             return $prefix;
         // If the login name is in use, append a number, starting with 2.
         $number = 2;
     // Append a number, if the username is already taken
     while (ilObjUser::getUserIdByLogin($prefix . $number)) {
     return $prefix . $number;
 protected function __createUser($a_role)
      * @var $ilSetting ilSetting
      * @var $rbacadmin ilRbacAdmin
      * @var $lng       ilLanguage
     global $ilSetting, $rbacadmin, $lng;
     // something went wrong with the form validation
     if (!$a_role) {
         global $ilias;
         $ilias->raiseError("Invalid role selection in registration" . ", IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     $this->userObj = new ilObjUser();
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     $map = array();
     foreach ($up->getStandardFields() as $k => $v) {
         if ($v["method"]) {
             $method = "set" . substr($v["method"], 3);
             if (method_exists($this->userObj, $method)) {
                 if ($k != "username") {
                     $k = "usr_" . $k;
                 $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($k);
                 if ($field_obj) {
     $birthday_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar("usr_birthday");
     if ($birthday_obj) {
         $birthday = $this->form->getInput("usr_birthday");
         $birthday = $birthday["date"];
         // when birthday was not set, array will not be substituted with string by ilBirthdayInputGui
         if (!is_array($birthday)) {
     // messenger
     $map = array("icq", "yahoo", "msn", "aim", "skype", "jabber", "voip");
     foreach ($map as $client) {
         $field = "usr_im_" . $client;
         $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($field);
         if ($field_obj) {
             $this->userObj->setInstantMessengerId($client, $this->form->getInput($field));
     if ($this->registration_settings->passwordGenerationEnabled()) {
         $password = ilUtil::generatePasswords(1);
         $password = $password[0];
     } else {
         $password = $this->form->getInput("usr_password");
     // Set user defined data
     include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php';
     $user_defined_fields =& ilUserDefinedFields::_getInstance();
     $defs = $user_defined_fields->getRegistrationDefinitions();
     $udf = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 4) == "udf_") {
             $f = substr($k, 4);
             $udf[$f] = $v;
     $access_limit = null;
     $this->code_was_used = false;
     if ($this->code_enabled) {
         $code_local_roles = $code_has_access_limit = null;
         // #10853 - could be optional
         $code = $this->form->getInput('usr_registration_code');
         if ($code) {
             include_once './Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationCode.php';
             // set code to used
             $this->code_was_used = true;
             // handle code attached local role(s) and access limitation
             $code_data = ilRegistrationCode::getCodeData($code);
             if ($code_data["role_local"]) {
                 // need user id before we can assign role(s)
                 $code_local_roles = explode(";", $code_data["role_local"]);
             if ($code_data["alimit"]) {
                 // see below
                 $code_has_access_limit = true;
                 switch ($code_data["alimit"]) {
                     case "absolute":
                         $abs = date_parse($code_data["alimitdt"]);
                         $access_limit = mktime(23, 59, 59, $abs['month'], $abs['day'], $abs['year']);
                     case "relative":
                         $rel = unserialize($code_data["alimitdt"]);
                         $access_limit = $rel["d"] * 86400 + $rel["m"] * 2592000 + $rel["y"] * 31536000 + time();
     // code access limitation will override any other access limitation setting
     if (!($this->code_was_used && $code_has_access_limit) && $this->registration_settings->getAccessLimitation()) {
         include_once 'Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations.php';
         $access_limitations_obj = new ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations();
         switch ($access_limitations_obj->getMode($a_role)) {
             case 'absolute':
                 $access_limit = $access_limitations_obj->getAbsolute($a_role);
             case 'relative':
                 $rel_d = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'd');
                 $rel_m = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'm');
                 $rel_y = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'y');
                 $access_limit = $rel_d * 86400 + $rel_m * 2592000 + $rel_y * 31536000 + time();
     if ($access_limit) {
     } else {
     if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_DIRECT || $this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_CODES || $this->code_was_used) {
         $this->userObj->setActive(1, 0);
     } else {
         if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_ACTIVATION) {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
         } else {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
     // set a timestamp for last_password_change
     // this ts is needed by ilSecuritySettings
     //insert user data in table user_data
     try {
         require_once 'Services/TermsOfService/classes/class.ilTermsOfServiceSignableDocumentFactory.php';
         ilTermsOfServiceHelper::trackAcceptance($this->userObj, ilTermsOfServiceSignableDocumentFactory::getByLanguageObject($lng));
     } catch (ilTermsOfServiceNoSignableDocumentFoundException $e) {
     // setup user preferences
     $hits_per_page = $ilSetting->get("hits_per_page");
     if ($hits_per_page < 10) {
         $hits_per_page = 10;
     $this->userObj->setPref("hits_per_page", $hits_per_page);
     $show_online = $ilSetting->get("show_users_online");
     if ($show_online == "") {
         $show_online = "y";
     $this->userObj->setPref("show_users_online", $show_online);
     $rbacadmin->assignUser((int) $a_role, $this->userObj->getId());
     // local roles from code
     if ($this->code_was_used && is_array($code_local_roles)) {
         foreach (array_unique($code_local_roles) as $local_role_obj_id) {
             // is given role (still) valid?
             if (ilObject::_lookupType($local_role_obj_id) == "role") {
                 $rbacadmin->assignUser($local_role_obj_id, $this->userObj->getId());
     return $password;
  * Called after login and successful call of fetch data
  * @return 
  * @param object $a_username
  * @param object $a_auth
 public function loginObserver($a_username, $a_auth)
     global $ilias, $rbacadmin, $lng, $ilSetting;
     $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': SOAP login observer called');
     // TODO: handle passed credentials via GET
     if (empty($_GET["ext_uid"]) || empty($_GET["soap_pw"]))
     	$this->status = AUTH_WRONG_LOGIN;
     // Not required anymore
     $validation_data = $this->validateSoapUser($_GET["ext_uid"], $_GET["soap_pw"]);
     if (!$validation_data["valid"])
     	$this->status = AUTH_WRONG_LOGIN;
     $local_user = $this->response["local_user"];
     if ($local_user != "") {
         // to do: handle update of user
         return true;
     if (!$ilSetting->get("soap_auth_create_users")) {
         $a_auth->status = AUTH_SOAP_NO_ILIAS_USER;
         return false;
     //echo "1";
     // try to map external user via e-mail to ILIAS user
     if ($this->response["email"] != "") {
         //echo "2";
         //var_dump ($_POST);
         $email_user = ilObjUser::_getLocalAccountsForEmail($this->response["email"]);
         // check, if password has been provided in user mapping screen
         // (see ilStartUpGUI::showUserMappingSelection)
         // FIXME
         if ($_POST["LoginMappedUser"] != "") {
             if (count($email_user) > 0) {
                 $user = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($_POST["usr_id"]);
                 require_once 'Services/User/classes/class.ilUserPasswordManager.php';
                 if (ilUserPasswordManager::getInstance()->verifyPassword($user, ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST["password"]))) {
                     // password is correct -> map user
                     //$this->setAuth($local_user); (use login not id)
                     ilObjUser::_writeExternalAccount($_POST["usr_id"], $_GET["ext_uid"]);
                     ilObjUser::_writeAuthMode($_POST["usr_id"], "soap");
                     $_GET["cmd"] = $_POST["cmd"] = $_GET["auth_stat"] = "";
                     $local_user = ilObjUser::_lookupLogin($_POST["usr_id"]);
                     $a_auth->status = '';
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     //echo "6"; exit;
                     $a_auth->status = AUTH_SOAP_NO_ILIAS_USER_BUT_EMAIL;
                     return false;
         if (count($email_user) > 0 && $_POST["CreateUser"] == "") {
             $_GET["email"] = $this->response["email"];
             $a_auth->status = AUTH_SOAP_NO_ILIAS_USER_BUT_EMAIL;
             return false;
     $userObj = new ilObjUser();
     $local_user = ilAuthUtils::_generateLogin($a_username);
     $newUser["firstname"] = $this->response["firstname"];
     $newUser["lastname"] = $this->response["lastname"];
     $newUser["email"] = $this->response["email"];
     $newUser["login"] = $local_user;
     // to do: set valid password and send mail
     $newUser["passwd"] = "";
     $newUser["passwd_type"] = IL_PASSWD_CRYPTED;
     // generate password, if local authentication is allowed
     // and account mail is activated
     $pw = "";
     if ($ilSetting->get("soap_auth_allow_local") && $ilSetting->get("soap_auth_account_mail")) {
         $pw = ilUtil::generatePasswords(1);
         $pw = $pw[0];
         $newUser["passwd"] = $pw;
         $newUser["passwd_type"] = IL_PASSWD_PLAIN;
     //$newUser["gender"] = "m";
     $newUser["auth_mode"] = "soap";
     $newUser["ext_account"] = $a_username;
     $newUser["profile_incomplete"] = 1;
     // system data
     // set user language to system language
     // Time limit
     // Create user in DB
     //insert user data in table user_data
     // setup user preferences
     // to do: test this
     $rbacadmin->assignUser($ilSetting->get('soap_auth_user_default_role'), $userObj->getId(), true);
     // send account mail
     if ($ilSetting->get("soap_auth_account_mail")) {
         include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUserFolder.php';
         $amail = ilObjUserFolder::_lookupNewAccountMail($ilSetting->get("language"));
         if (trim($amail["body"]) != "" && trim($amail["subject"]) != "") {
             include_once "Services/Mail/classes/class.ilAccountMail.php";
             $acc_mail = new ilAccountMail();
             if ($pw != "") {
     return true;