public function getEntry() { if ($this->aEntry == null && $this->getEntryId()) { $this->aEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($this->getEntryId()); } return $this->aEntry; }
public function objectUpdated(BaseObject $object, BatchJob $raisedJob = null) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($object->getEntryId()); if ($entry) { $entry->setUpdatedAt(time()); $entry->save(); } return true; }
/** * @return entry */ protected function getEntry() { $entryId = $this->getEntryId(); $entry = entryPeer::getInstanceFromPool($entryId); if (!$entry) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryId); } return $entry; }
private static function calculateId() { $dc = kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDc(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { $id = $dc["id"] . '_' . kString::generateStringId(); $existing_object = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($id); if (!$existing_object) { return $id; } } die; }
public function execute() { $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entryId"); // workaround the filter which hides all the deleted entries - // now that deleted entries are part of xmls (they simply point to the 'deleted' templates), we should allow them here $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } if ($entry->getType() != entryType::LIVE_STREAM || $entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED) { // because the fiter was turned off - a manual check for deleted entries must be done. die; } $file = $entry->getStreamName(); $streamer = $entry->getStreamUrl(); $this->logMessage("streamclipper: serving entry [{$entry_id}] file[{$file}] streamer[{$streamer}]", "warning"); $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<config>\n\t<file>{$file}</file>\n\t<subscribe>true</subscribe>\n\t<streamer>{$streamer}</streamer>\n\t<type>fcsubscribe</type>\n</config>"; header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); echo $xml; die; }
public function execute() { $this->entryId = $this->getRequestParameter("entryId", null); $this->flavorId = $this->getRequestParameter("flavorId", null); $this->storageId = $this->getRequestParameter("storageId", null); $this->maxBitrate = $this->getRequestParameter("maxBitrate", null); $flavorIdsStr = $this->getRequestParameter("flavorIds", null); if ($flavorIdsStr) { $this->flavorIds = explode(",", $flavorIdsStr); } $this->entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($this->entryId); if (!$this->entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } if (!$this->flavorId) { $flavorParamId = $this->getRequestParameter("flavorParamId", null); if ($flavorParamId) { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryIdAndFlavorParams($entry->getId(), $flavorParamId); if (!$flavorAsset) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } $this->flavorId = $flavorAsset->getId(); } } $this->validateStorageId(); $this->protocol = $this->getRequestParameter("protocol", null); if (!$this->protocol) { $this->protocol = StorageProfile::PLAY_FORMAT_HTTP; } $this->format = $this->getRequestParameter("format"); if (!$this->format) { $this->format = StorageProfile::PLAY_FORMAT_HTTP; } $this->cdnHost = $this->getRequestParameter("cdnHost", null); $partner = $this->entry->getPartner(); if (!$this->cdnHost || $partner->getForceCdnHost()) { $this->cdnHost = myPartnerUtils::getCdnHost($this->entry->getPartnerId(), $this->protocol); } if ($this->maxBitrate && (!is_numeric($this->maxBitrate) || $this->maxBitrate <= 0)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::INVALID_MAX_BITRATE); } $ksStr = $this->getRequestParameter("ks"); $base64Referrer = $this->getRequestParameter("referrer"); $referrer = base64_decode($base64Referrer); if (!is_string($referrer)) { $referrer = ""; } // base64_decode can return binary data $securyEntryHelper = new KSecureEntryHelper($this->entry, $ksStr, $referrer); if ($securyEntryHelper->shouldPreview()) { $this->clipTo = $securyEntryHelper->getPreviewLength() * 1000; } else { $securyEntryHelper->validateForPlay($this->entry, $ksStr); } // grab seekFrom parameter and normalize url $this->seekFrom = $this->getRequestParameter("seekFrom", -1); if ($this->seekFrom <= 0) { $this->seekFrom = -1; } if ($this->entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED) { // because the fiter was turned off - a manual check for deleted entries must be done. die; } $xml = null; switch ($this->format) { case StorageProfile::PLAY_FORMAT_HTTP: $xml = $this->serveHttp(); break; case StorageProfile::PLAY_FORMAT_RTMP: $xml = $this->serveRtmp(); break; case StorageProfile::PLAY_FORMAT_SILVER_LIGHT: $xml = $this->serveSilverLight(); break; case StorageProfile::PLAY_FORMAT_APPLE_HTTP: $xml = $this->serveAppleHttp(); break; case "url": return $this->serveUrl(); break; case "hdnetworksmil": $xml = $this->serveHDNetwork(); break; case "hdnetwork": $duration = $this->entry->getDurationInt(); $mediaUrl = "<media url=\"" . requestUtils::getHost() . str_replace("f4m", "smil", str_replace("hdnetwork", "hdnetworksmil", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) . "\"/>"; $xml = $this->buildXml(self::PLAY_STREAM_TYPE_RECORDED, array(), 'video/x-flv', $duration, null, $mediaUrl); break; } if ($this->format == StorageProfile::PLAY_FORMAT_APPLE_HTTP) { header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); } else { header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=manifest.xml"); } echo $xml; die; }
/** * @param kOperationResource $resource * @param entry $dbEntry * @param asset $dbAsset * @return asset */ protected function attachOperationResource(kOperationResource $resource, entry $dbEntry, asset $dbAsset = null) { $isNewAsset = false; $isSource = false; if ($dbAsset) { if ($dbAsset instanceof flavorAsset) { $isSource = $dbAsset->getIsOriginal(); } } else { $isNewAsset = true; $isSource = true; KalturaLog::debug("Creating original flavor asset"); $dbAsset = kFlowHelper::createOriginalFlavorAsset($this->getPartnerId(), $dbEntry->getId()); } if (!$dbAsset && $dbEntry->getStatus() == entryStatus::NO_CONTENT) { $dbEntry->setStatus(entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING); $dbEntry->save(); } $operationAttributes = $resource->getOperationAttributes(); $internalResource = $resource->getResource(); if ($internalResource instanceof kLiveEntryResource) { $dbEntry->setOperationAttributes($operationAttributes); $dbEntry->save(); return $this->attachLiveEntryResource($internalResource, $dbEntry, $dbAsset, $operationAttributes); } $dbAsset = $this->attachResource($internalResource, $dbEntry, $dbAsset); $sourceType = $resource->getSourceType(); if ($sourceType) { $dbEntry->setSource($sourceType); $dbEntry->save(); } $errDescription = ''; kBusinessPreConvertDL::decideAddEntryFlavor(null, $dbEntry->getId(), $resource->getAssetParamsId(), $errDescription, $dbAsset->getId(), $operationAttributes); if ($isNewAsset) { kEventsManager::raiseEvent(new kObjectAddedEvent($dbAsset)); } kEventsManager::raiseEvent(new kObjectDataChangedEvent($dbAsset)); if ($isSource && $internalResource instanceof kFileSyncResource) { $srcEntryId = $internalResource->getEntryId(); if ($srcEntryId) { $srcEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($srcEntryId); if ($srcEntry) { $dbEntry->setSourceEntryId($srcEntryId); $dbEntry->setRootEntryId($srcEntry->getRootEntryId(true)); } } $dbEntry->setOperationAttributes($operationAttributes); $dbEntry->save(); } return $dbAsset; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see lib/model/ISyncableFile#generateFilePathArr() */ public function generateFilePathArr($sub_type, $version = null) { static::validateFileSyncSubType($sub_type); $version = is_null($version) ? $this->getVersionForSubType($sub_type) : $version; $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($this->getEntryId()); if (!$entry) { throw new Exception("Could not find entry [" . $this->getEntryId() . "] for asset [" . $this->getId() . "]"); } $dir = intval($entry->getIntId() / 1000000) . '/' . intval($entry->getIntId() / 1000) % 1000; $path = "/content/entry/data/{$dir}/" . $this->generateFileName($sub_type, $version); return array(myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(), $path); }
/** * @param BatchJob $batchJob * @param $data * @param int $type * @param int $subType * @return BatchJob */ public static function addJob(BatchJob $batchJob, kJobData $data, $type, $subType = null) { $batchJob->setJobType($type); $batchJob->setJobSubType($subType); $batchJob->setData($data); if (!$batchJob->getParentJobId() && $batchJob->getEntryId()) { $currentJob = kBatchManager::getCurrentUpdatingJob(); if ($currentJob && $currentJob->getEntryId() == $batchJob->getEntryId()) { $batchJob->setParentJobId($currentJob->getId()); $batchJob->setBulkJobId($currentJob->getBulkJobId()); $batchJob->setRootJobId($currentJob->getRootJobId()); } else { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($batchJob->getEntryId()); // some jobs could be on deleted entry if ($entry) { $batchJob->setRootJobId($entry->getBulkUploadId()); $batchJob->setBulkJobId($entry->getBulkUploadId()); } } } $lockInfo = new kLockInfoData($batchJob); $lockInfo->setEstimatedEffort($data->calculateEstimatedEffort($batchJob)); $lockInfo->setPriority($data->calculatePriority($batchJob)); $lockInfo->setUrgency($data->calculateUrgency($batchJob)); $batchJob->setLockInfo($lockInfo); if (is_null($batchJob->getStatus())) { $batchJob = self::updateBatchJob($batchJob, BatchJob::BATCHJOB_STATUS_PENDING); } else { $batchJob = self::updateBatchJob($batchJob, $batchJob->getStatus()); } return $batchJob; }
protected function updatedVirusScanFailed(BatchJob $dbBatchJob, kVirusScanJobData $data) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($dbBatchJob->getEntryId()); if ($entry) { self::setEntryStatusBeforeScanFailure($entry, $entry->getStatus()); $entry->setStatus(VirusScanPlugin::getEntryStatusCoreValue(VirusScanEntryStatus::SCAN_FAILURE)); $entry->save(); myNotificationMgr::createNotification(kNotificationJobData::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ENTRY_UPDATE, $entry); } else { KalturaLog::err('Entry not found with id [' . $dbBatchJob->getEntryId() . ']'); throw new Exception('Entry not found with id [' . $dbBatchJob->getEntryId() . ']'); } $flavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($data->getFlavorAssetId()); if ($flavorAsset) { self::setFlavorAssetStatusBeforeScanFailure($flavorAsset, $flavorAsset->getStatus()); $flavorAsset->setStatus(flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_ERROR); $flavorAsset->save(); } else { KalturaLog::err('Flavor asset not found with id [' . $data->getFlavorAssetId() . ']'); throw new Exception('Flavor asset not found with id [' . $data->getFlavorAssetId() . ']'); } // do not resume flavor asset added event consumption return $dbBatchJob; }
/** * * @param $getDeleted * @param $enableCache * * @return entry */ public function getEntry($getDeleted = false, $enableCache = true) { if (!$enableCache) { $this->aEntry = null; entryPeer::clearInstancePool(); } if ($this->aEntry == null && $this->getEntryId()) { if ($getDeleted) { $this->aEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($this->getEntryId()); } else { $this->aEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getEntryId()); } } return $this->aEntry; }
protected function getFieldValuesXml(EntryDistribution $entryDistribution, $fieldName = null) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryDistribution->getEntryId()); if (!$entry) { KalturaLog::err('Entry not found with ID [' . $entryDistribution->getEntryId() . ']'); return null; } // set the default criteria to use the current entry distribution partner id (it is restored later) // this is needed for related entries under kMetadataMrssManager which is using retrieveByPK without the correct partner id filter $oldEntryCriteria = entryPeer::getCriteriaFilter()->getFilter(); myPartnerUtils::resetPartnerFilter('entry'); myPartnerUtils::addPartnerToCriteria('entry', $entryDistribution->getPartnerId(), true); try { $mrss = null; $mrssParams = new kMrssParameters(); if ($this->getItemXpathsToExtend()) { $mrssParams->setItemXpathsToExtend($this->getItemXpathsToExtend()); } $mrss = kMrssManager::getEntryMrssXml($entry, $mrss, $mrssParams); $mrssStr = $mrss->asXML(); } catch (Exception $e) { // restore the original criteria so it will not get stuck due to the exception entryPeer::getCriteriaFilter()->setFilter($oldEntryCriteria); throw $e; } // restore the original criteria entryPeer::getCriteriaFilter()->setFilter($oldEntryCriteria); if (!$mrssStr) { KalturaLog::err('No MRSS returned for entry [' . $entry->getId() . ']'); return null; } $mrssObj = new DOMDocument(); if (!$mrssObj->loadXML($mrssStr)) { KalturaLog::err('Error loading MRSS XML object for entry [' . $entry->getId() . ']'); return null; } $xslObj = new DOMDocument(); $xslStr = $this->getFieldValuesXslt($entryDistribution, $fieldName); $xslStr = trim($xslStr); if (!$xslObj->loadXML($xslStr)) { KalturaLog::err('Error loading distribution profile XSLT for profile ID [' . $this->getId() . ']'); return null; } $proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $proc->registerPHPFunctions(kXml::getXslEnabledPhpFunctions()); $proc->importStyleSheet($xslObj); $resultXml = $proc->transformToXml($mrssObj); //in order to keep the UTF-8 encoding we transformToXml $resultXmlObj = new DOMDocument(); $resultXmlObj->loadXML($resultXml); if (!$resultXmlObj) { KalturaLog::err('Error transforming XML for distribution profile [' . $this->getId() . '] and entry id [' . $entry->getId() . ']'); return null; } /* DEBUG logs KalturaLog::log('entry mrss = '.$mrssStr); KalturaLog::log('profile xslt = '.$xslStr); */ KalturaLog::debug('Result XML: ' . $resultXmlObj->saveXML()); return $resultXmlObj; }
protected function flagEntry(KalturaModerationFlag $moderationFlag, $entryType = null) { $moderationFlag->validatePropertyNotNull("flaggedEntryId"); $entryId = $moderationFlag->flaggedEntryId; $dbEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryId); if (!$dbEntry || $entryType !== null && $dbEntry->getType() != $entryType) { throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND, $entryId); } $validModerationStatuses = array(KalturaEntryModerationStatus::APPROVED, KalturaEntryModerationStatus::AUTO_APPROVED, KalturaEntryModerationStatus::FLAGGED_FOR_REVIEW); if (!in_array($dbEntry->getModerationStatus(), $validModerationStatuses)) { throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_CANNOT_BE_FLAGGED); } $dbModerationFlag = new moderationFlag(); $dbModerationFlag->setPartnerId($dbEntry->getPartnerId()); $dbModerationFlag->setKuserId($this->getKuser()->getId()); $dbModerationFlag->setFlaggedEntryId($dbEntry->getId()); $dbModerationFlag->setObjectType(KalturaModerationObjectType::ENTRY); $dbModerationFlag->setStatus(KalturaModerationFlagStatus::PENDING); $dbModerationFlag->setFlagType($moderationFlag->flagType); $dbModerationFlag->setComments($moderationFlag->comments); $dbModerationFlag->save(); $dbEntry->setModerationStatus(KalturaEntryModerationStatus::FLAGGED_FOR_REVIEW); $dbEntry->incModerationCount(); $dbEntry->save(); $moderationFlag = new KalturaModerationFlag(); $moderationFlag->fromObject($dbModerationFlag); // need to notify the partner that an entry was flagged - use the OLD moderation onject that is required for the // NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ENTRY_REPORT notification // TODO - change to moderationFlag object to implement the interface for the notification: // it should have "objectId", "comments" , "reportCode" as getters $oldModerationObj = new moderation(); $oldModerationObj->setPartnerId($dbEntry->getPartnerId()); $oldModerationObj->setComments($moderationFlag->comments); $oldModerationObj->setObjectId($dbEntry->getId()); $oldModerationObj->setObjectType(moderation::MODERATION_OBJECT_TYPE_ENTRY); $oldModerationObj->setReportCode(""); myNotificationMgr::createNotification(notification::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ENTRY_REPORT, $oldModerationObj, $dbEntry->getPartnerId()); return $moderationFlag; }
/** * @param BatchJob $batchJob * @param $data * @param int $type * @param int $subType * @return BatchJob */ public static function addJob(BatchJob $batchJob, $data, $type, $subType = null) { $batchJob->setJobType($type); $batchJob->setJobSubType($subType); $batchJob->setData($data); if (!$batchJob->getParentJobId() && $batchJob->getEntryId()) { $currentJob = kBatchManager::getCurrentUpdatingJob(); if ($currentJob && $currentJob->getEntryId() == $batchJob->getEntryId()) { $batchJob->setParentJobId($currentJob->getId()); $batchJob->setBulkJobId($currentJob->getBulkJobId()); $batchJob->setRootJobId($currentJob->getRootJobId()); } else { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($batchJob->getEntryId()); // some jobs could be on deleted entry if ($entry) { $batchJob->setRootJobId($entry->getBulkUploadId()); $batchJob->setBulkJobId($entry->getBulkUploadId()); } } } // validate partner id $partnerId = $batchJob->getPartnerId(); // if(!$partnerId) // throw new APIException(APIErrors::PARTNER_NOT_SET); // validate that partner exists $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId); if (!$partner) { KalturaLog::err("Invalid partner id [{$partnerId}]"); throw new APIException(APIErrors::INVALID_PARTNER_ID, $partnerId); } // set the priority and work group $batchJob->setPriority($partner->getPriority($batchJob->getBulkJobId())); $batchJob = self::updateBatchJob($batchJob, BatchJob::BATCHJOB_STATUS_PENDING); // look for identical jobs $twinJobs = BatchJobPeer::retrieveDuplicated($type, $data); $twinJob = null; if (count($twinJobs)) { foreach ($twinJobs as $currentTwinJob) { if ($currentTwinJob->getId() != $batchJob->getId()) { $twinJob = reset($twinJobs); } } } if (!is_null($twinJob)) { $batchJob->setTwinJobId($twinJob->getId()); if (!kConf::get("batch_ignore_duplication")) { $batchJob = self::updateBatchJob($batchJob, $twinJob->getStatus(), $twinJob); } else { $batchJob->save(); } } return $batchJob; }
/** * Restore deleted entry. * * @action restoreDeletedEntry * @param string $entryId * @return KalturaBaseEntry The restored entry */ public function restoreDeletedEntryAction($entryId) { $deletedEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryId); if (!$deletedEntry) { throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND, $entryId); } $fileSyncKeys = array(); foreach (self::$fileSyncKeysToRestore as $key) { $fileSyncKeys[] = $deletedEntry->getSyncKey($key); } $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(assetPeer::ENTRY_ID, $entryId, Criteria::EQUAL); assetPeer::setUseCriteriaFilter(false); $deletedAssets = assetPeer::doSelect($c); assetPeer::setUseCriteriaFilter(true); foreach ($deletedAssets as $deletedAsset) { array_push($fileSyncKeys, $deletedAsset->getSyncKey(asset::FILE_SYNC_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET), $deletedAsset->getSyncKey(asset::FILE_SYNC_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_CONVERT_LOG)); } $fileSyncs = array(); FileSyncPeer::setUseCriteriaFilter(false); foreach ($fileSyncKeys as $fileSyncKey) { $fileSyncs = array_merge($fileSyncs, FileSyncPeer::retrieveAllByFileSyncKey($fileSyncKey)); } FileSyncPeer::setUseCriteriaFilter(true); if (!$this->validateEntryForRestoreDelete($deletedEntry, $fileSyncs, $deletedAssets)) { throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaAdminConsoleErrors::ENTRY_ASSETS_WRONG_STATUS_FOR_RESTORE, $entryId); } $this->restoreFileSyncs($fileSyncs); //restore assets foreach ($deletedAssets as $deletedAsset) { $deletedAsset->setStatus(asset::ASSET_STATUS_READY); $deletedAsset->save(); } //restore entry $deletedEntry->setStatusReady(); $deletedEntry->setThumbnail($deletedEntry->getFromCustomData("deleted_original_thumb"), true); $deletedEntry->setData($deletedEntry->getFromCustomData("deleted_original_data"), true); //data should be resotred even if it's NULL $deletedEntry->save(); kEventsManager::flushEvents(); kMemoryManager::clearMemory(); $entry = KalturaEntryFactory::getInstanceByType($deletedEntry->getType(), true); $entry->fromObject($deletedEntry, $this->getResponseProfile()); return $entry; }
/** * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id */ public function execute() { KExternalErrors::setResponseErrorCode(KExternalErrors::HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2; requestUtils::handleConditionalGet(); ignore_user_abort(); $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id"); $widget_id = $this->getRequestParameter("widget_id", 0); $upload_token_id = $this->getRequestParameter("upload_token_id"); $version = $this->getIntRequestParameter("version", null, 0, 10000000); $type = $this->getIntRequestParameter("type", 1, 1, 5); //Hack: if KMS sends thumbnail request containing "!" char, the type should be treated as 5. $width = $this->getRequestParameter("width", -1); $height = $this->getRequestParameter("height", -1); if (strpos($width, "!") || strpos($height, "!")) { $type = 5; } $width = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("width", -1, -1, 10000); $height = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("height", -1, -1, 10000); $nearest_aspect_ratio = $this->getIntRequestParameter("nearest_aspect_ratio", 0, 0, 1); $imageFilePath = null; $crop_provider = $this->getRequestParameter("crop_provider", null); $quality = $this->getIntRequestParameter("quality", 0, 0, 100); $src_x = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_x", 0, 0, 10000); $src_y = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_y", 0, 0, 10000); $src_w = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_w", 0, 0, 10000); $src_h = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_h", 0, 0, 10000); $vid_sec = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("vid_sec", -1, -1); $vid_slice = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slice", -1); $vid_slices = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slices", -1); $density = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("density", 0, 0); $stripProfiles = $this->getRequestParameter("strip", null); $flavor_id = $this->getRequestParameter("flavor_id", null); $file_name = $this->getRequestParameter("file_name", null); $file_name = basename($file_name); // actual width and height of image from which the src_* values were taken. // these will be used to multiply the src_* parameters to make them relate to the original image size. $rel_width = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("rel_width", -1, -1, 10000); $rel_height = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("rel_height", -1, -1, 10000); $def_width = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("def_width", -1, -1, 10000); $def_height = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("def_height", -1, -1, 10000); if ($width == -1 && $height == -1) { if ($def_width == -1) { $width = 120; } else { $width = $def_width; } if ($def_height == -1) { $height = 90; } else { $height = $def_height; } } else { if ($width == -1) { $width = 0; } else { if ($height == -1) { $height = 0; } } } $bgcolor = $this->getRequestParameter("bgcolor", "ffffff"); $partner = null; $format = $this->getRequestParameter("format", null); // validating the inputs if (!is_numeric($quality) || $quality < 0 || $quality > 100) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'quality must be between 20 and 100'); } if (!is_numeric($src_x) || $src_x < 0 || $src_x > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_x must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($src_y) || $src_y < 0 || $src_y > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_y must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($src_w) || $src_w < 0 || $src_w > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_w must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($src_h) || $src_h < 0 || $src_h > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_h must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($width) || $width < 0 || $width > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'width must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($height) || $height < 0 || $height > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'height must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($density) || $density < 0) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'density must be positive'); } if (!is_numeric($vid_sec) || $vid_sec < -1) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'vid_sec must be positive'); } if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}$/', $bgcolor)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'bgcolor must be six hexadecimal characters'); } if ($vid_slices != -1 && $vid_slices <= 0 || !is_numeric($vid_slices)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'vid_slices must be positive'); } if ($upload_token_id) { $upload_token = UploadTokenPeer::retrieveByPK($upload_token_id); if ($upload_token) { $partnerId = $upload_token->getPartnerId(); $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId); if ($partner) { KalturaMonitorClient::initApiMonitor(false, 'extwidget.thumbnail', $partner->getId()); if ($quality == 0) { $quality = $partner->getDefThumbQuality(); } if ($density == 0) { $density = $partner->getDefThumbDensity(); } if (is_null($stripProfiles)) { $stripProfiles = $partner->getStripThumbProfile(); } } $thumb_full_path = myContentStorage::getFSCacheRootPath() . myContentStorage::getGeneralEntityPath("uploadtokenthumb", $upload_token->getIntId(), $upload_token->getId(), $upload_token->getId() . ".jpg"); kFile::fullMkdir($thumb_full_path); if (file_exists($upload_token->getUploadTempPath())) { $src_full_path = $upload_token->getUploadTempPath(); $valid_image_types = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_BMP, IMAGETYPE_WBMP); $image_type = exif_imagetype($src_full_path); if (!in_array($image_type, $valid_image_types)) { // capture full frame myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 3); if (!file_exists($thumb_full_path)) { myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 0); } $src_full_path = $thumb_full_path; } // and resize it myFileConverter::convertImage($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, true, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $density, $stripProfiles, null, $format); kFileUtils::dumpFile($thumb_full_path); } else { KalturaLog::info("token_id [{$upload_token_id}] not found in DC [" . kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId() . "]. dump url to romote DC"); $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRemoteDcExternalUrlByDcId(1 - kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; kFileUtils::dumpUrl($remoteUrl); } } } if ($entry_id) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { // problem could be due to replication lag kFileUtils::dumpApiRequest(kDataCenterMgr::getRemoteDcExternalUrlByDcId(1 - kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId())); } } else { // get the widget $widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widget_id); if (!$widget) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_AND_WIDGET_NOT_FOUND); } // get the kshow $kshow_id = $widget->getKshowId(); $kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($kshow_id); if ($kshow) { $entry_id = $kshow->getShowEntryId(); } else { $entry_id = $widget->getEntryId(); } $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } } KalturaMonitorClient::initApiMonitor(false, 'extwidget.thumbnail', $entry->getPartnerId()); if ($nearest_aspect_ratio) { // Get the entry's default thumbnail path (if any) $defaultThumbnailPath = myEntryUtils::getLocalImageFilePathByEntry($entry, $version); // Get the file path of the thumbnail with the nearest $selectedThumbnailDescriptor = kThumbnailUtils::getNearestAspectRatioThumbnailDescriptorByEntryId($entry_id, $width, $height, $defaultThumbnailPath); if ($selectedThumbnailDescriptor) { $imageFilePath = $selectedThumbnailDescriptor->getImageFilePath(); $thumbWidth = $selectedThumbnailDescriptor->getWidth(); $thumbHeight = $selectedThumbnailDescriptor->getHeight(); // The required width and height will serve as the final crop values $src_w = $width; $src_h = $height; // Base on the thumbnail's dimensions kThumbnailUtils::scaleDimensions($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $width, $height, kThumbnailUtils::SCALE_UNIFORM_SMALLER_DIM, $width, $height); // Set crop type $type = KImageMagickCropper::CROP_AFTER_RESIZE; } } $partner = $entry->getPartner(); // not allow capturing frames if the partner has FEATURE_DISALLOW_FRAME_CAPTURE permission if ($vid_sec != -1 || $vid_slice != -1 || $vid_slices != -1) { if ($partner->getEnabledService(PermissionName::FEATURE_BLOCK_THUMBNAIL_CAPTURE)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::NOT_ALLOWED_PARAMETER); } } if ($partner) { if ($quality == 0) { $quality = $partner->getDefThumbQuality(); } if ($density == 0) { $density = $partner->getDefThumbDensity(); } } $thumbParams = new kThumbnailParameters(); $thumbParams->setSupportAnimatedThumbnail($partner->getSupportAnimatedThumbnails()); if (is_null($stripProfiles)) { $stripProfiles = $partner->getStripThumbProfile(); } //checks whether the thumbnail display should be restricted by KS $base64Referrer = $this->getRequestParameter("referrer"); $referrer = base64_decode($base64Referrer); if (!is_string($referrer)) { $referrer = ""; } // base64_decode can return binary data if (!$referrer) { $referrer = kApiCache::getHttpReferrer(); } $ksStr = $this->getRequestParameter("ks"); $securyEntryHelper = new KSecureEntryHelper($entry, $ksStr, $referrer, ContextType::THUMBNAIL); $securyEntryHelper->validateForPlay(); // multiply the passed $src_* values so that they will relate to the original image size, according to $src_display_* if ($rel_width != -1 && $rel_width) { $widthRatio = $entry->getWidth() / $rel_width; $src_x = $src_x * $widthRatio; $src_w = $src_w * $widthRatio; } if ($rel_height != -1 && $rel_height) { $heightRatio = $entry->getHeight() / $rel_height; $src_y = $src_y * $heightRatio; $src_h = $src_h * $heightRatio; } $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_THUMB; if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA; } $dataKey = $entry->getSyncKey($subType); list($file_sync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($dataKey, true, false); $tempThumbPath = null; $entry_status = $entry->getStatus(); // both 640x480 and 0x0 requests are probably coming from the kdp // 640x480 - old kdp version requesting thumbnail // 0x0 - new kdp version requesting the thumbnail of an unready entry // we need to distinguish between calls from the kdp and calls from a browser: <img src=...> // that can't handle swf input if (($width == 640 && $height == 480 || $width == 0 && $height == 0) && ($entry_status == entryStatus::PRECONVERT || $entry_status == entryStatus::IMPORT || $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING || $entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED)) { $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); $msgPath = $contentPath . "content/templates/entry/bigthumbnail/"; if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) { $msgPath .= $entry->getModerationStatus() == moderation::MODERATION_STATUS_BLOCK ? "entry_blocked.swf" : "entry_deleted.swf"; } else { $msgPath .= $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING ? "entry_error.swf" : "entry_converting.swf"; } kFileUtils::dumpFile($msgPath, null, 0); } if (!$file_sync) { $tempThumbPath = $entry->getLocalThumbFilePath($version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, $density, $stripProfiles, $flavor_id, $file_name); if (!$tempThumbPath) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } } if (!$local && !$tempThumbPath && $file_sync) { if (!in_array($file_sync->getDc(), kDataCenterMgr::getDcIds())) { $remoteUrl = $file_sync->getExternalUrl($entry->getId()); header("Location: {$remoteUrl}"); KExternalErrors::dieGracefully(); } $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($file_sync, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); kFileUtils::dumpUrl($remoteUrl); } // if we didnt return a template for the player die and dont return the original deleted thumb if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_DELETED_MODERATED); } if (!$tempThumbPath) { try { $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, $imageFilePath, $density, $stripProfiles, $thumbParams, $format); } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($ex->getCode() != kFileSyncException::FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ON_CURRENT_DC) { KalturaLog::err("Resize image failed"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } // get original flavor asset $origFlavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry_id); if (!$origFlavorAsset) { KalturaLog::err("No original flavor for entry [{$entry_id}]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } $syncKey = $origFlavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); $remoteFileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getOriginFileSyncForKey($syncKey, false); if (!$remoteFileSync) { // file does not exist on any DC - die KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for entry [{$entry_id}]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } if ($remoteFileSync->getDc() == kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) { KalturaLog::err("Trying to redirect to myself - stop here."); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } if (!in_array($remoteFileSync->getDc(), kDataCenterMgr::getDcIds())) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($remoteFileSync); kFileUtils::dumpUrl($remoteUrl); } } $nocache = false; if ($securyEntryHelper->shouldDisableCache() || kApiCache::hasExtraFields() || !$securyEntryHelper->isKsWidget() && $securyEntryHelper->hasRules(ContextType::THUMBNAIL)) { $nocache = true; } $cache = null; if (!is_null($entry->getPartner())) { $partnerCacheAge = $entry->getPartner()->getThumbnailCacheAge(); } if ($nocache) { $cacheAge = 0; } else { if ($partnerCacheAge) { $cacheAge = $partnerCacheAge; } else { if (strpos($tempThumbPath, "_NOCACHE_") !== false) { $cacheAge = 60; } else { $cacheAge = 3600; $cache = new myCache("thumb", 2592000); // 30 days, the max memcache allows } } } $lastModified = $entry->getAssetCacheTime(); $renderer = kFileUtils::getDumpFileRenderer($tempThumbPath, null, $cacheAge, 0, $lastModified); $renderer->partnerId = $entry->getPartnerId(); if ($cache) { $invalidationKey = $entry->getCacheInvalidationKeys(); $invalidationKey = kQueryCache::CACHE_PREFIX_INVALIDATION_KEY . $invalidationKey[0]; $cacheTime = time() - kQueryCache::CLOCK_SYNC_TIME_MARGIN_SEC; $cachedResponse = array($renderer, $invalidationKey, $cacheTime); $cache->put($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $cachedResponse); } $renderer->output(); KExternalErrors::dieGracefully(); // TODO - can delete from disk assuming we caneasily recreate it and it will anyway be cached in the CDN // however dumpfile dies at the end so we cant just write it here (maybe register a shutdown callback) }
/** * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id */ public function execute() { myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2; requestUtils::handleConditionalGet(); ignore_user_abort(); $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id"); $widget_id = $this->getRequestParameter("widget_id", 0); $upload_token_id = $this->getRequestParameter("upload_token_id"); $version = $this->getRequestParameter("version", null); $width = $this->getRequestParameter("width", -1); $height = $this->getRequestParameter("height", -1); $type = $this->getRequestParameter("type", 1); $crop_provider = $this->getRequestParameter("crop_provider", null); $quality = $this->getRequestParameter("quality", 0); $src_x = $this->getRequestParameter("src_x", 0); $src_y = $this->getRequestParameter("src_y", 0); $src_w = $this->getRequestParameter("src_w", 0); $src_h = $this->getRequestParameter("src_h", 0); $vid_sec = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_sec", -1); $vid_slice = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slice", -1); $vid_slices = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slices", -1); // actual width and height of image from which the src_* values were taken. // these will be used to multiply the src_* parameters to make them relate to the original image size. $rel_width = $this->getRequestParameter("rel_width", -1); $rel_height = $this->getRequestParameter("rel_height", -1); if ($width == -1 && $height == -1) { $width = 120; $height = 90; } else { if ($width == -1) { // if only either width or height is missing reset them to zero, and convertImage will handle them $width = 0; } else { if ($height == -1) { $height = 0; } } } $bgcolor = $this->getRequestParameter("bgcolor", "ffffff"); if ($upload_token_id) { $upload_token = UploadTokenPeer::retrieveByPK($upload_token_id); if ($upload_token) { $thumb_full_path = myContentStorage::getFSCacheRootPath() . myContentStorage::getGeneralEntityPath("uploadtokenthumb", $upload_token->getIntId(), $upload_token->getId(), $upload_token->getId() . ".jpg"); kFile::fullMkdir($thumb_full_path); if (file_exists($upload_token->getUploadTempPath())) { $src_full_path = $upload_token->getUploadTempPath(); $valid_image_types = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_BMP, IMAGETYPE_WBMP); $image_type = exif_imagetype($src_full_path); if (!in_array($image_type, $valid_image_types)) { // capture full frame myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 3); if (!file_exists($thumb_full_path)) { myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 0); } $src_full_path = $thumb_full_path; } // and resize it myFileConverter::convertImage($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, true, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h); kFile::dumpFile($thumb_full_path); } } } $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); // multiply the passed $src_* values so that they will relate to the original image size, according to $src_display_* if ($rel_width != -1) { $widthRatio = $entry->getWidth() / $rel_width; $src_x = $src_x * $widthRatio; $src_w = $src_w * $widthRatio; } if ($rel_height != -1) { $heightRatio = $entry->getHeight() / $rel_height; $src_y = $src_y * $heightRatio; $src_h = $src_h * $heightRatio; } if (!$entry) { // get the widget $widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widget_id); if (!$widget) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_AND_WIDGET_NOT_FOUND); } // get the kshow $kshow_id = $widget->getKshowId(); $kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($kshow_id); if ($kshow) { $entry_id = $kshow->getShowEntryId(); } else { $entry_id = $widget->getEntryId(); } $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } } $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_THUMB; if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA; } $dataKey = $entry->getSyncKey($subType); list($file_sync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($dataKey, true, false); $tempThumbPath = null; $entry_status = $entry->getStatus(); // both 640x480 and 0x0 requests are probably coming from the kdp // 640x480 - old kdp version requesting thumbnail // 0x0 - new kdp version requesting the thumbnail of an unready entry // we need to distinguish between calls from the kdp and calls from a browser: <img src=...> // that can't handle swf input if (($width == 640 && $height == 480 || $width == 0 && $height == 0) && ($entry_status == entryStatus::PRECONVERT || $entry_status == entryStatus::IMPORT || $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING || $entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED)) { $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); $msgPath = $contentPath . "content/templates/entry/bigthumbnail/"; if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) { $msgPath .= $entry->getModerationStatus() == moderation::MODERATION_STATUS_BLOCK ? "entry_blocked.swf" : "entry_deleted.swf"; } else { $msgPath .= $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING ? "entry_error.swf" : "entry_converting.swf"; } kFile::dumpFile($msgPath, null, 0); } if (!$file_sync) { // if entry type is audio - serve generic thumb: if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if ($entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED && $entry->getModerationStatus() == moderation::MODERATION_STATUS_BLOCK) { KalturaLog::log("rejected audio entry - not serving thumbnail"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_DELETED_MODERATED); } $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); $msgPath = $contentPath . "content/templates/entry/thumbnail/audio_thumb.jpg"; $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, $msgPath); //kFile::dumpFile($tempThumbPath, null, 0); } elseif ($entry->getType() == entryType::LIVE_STREAM) { if ($entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED && $entry->getModerationStatus() == moderation::MODERATION_STATUS_BLOCK) { KalturaLog::log("rejected live stream entry - not serving thumbnail"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_DELETED_MODERATED); } $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); $msgPath = $contentPath . "content/templates/entry/thumbnail/live_thumb.jpg"; $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, $msgPath); } elseif ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_SHOW) { $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); $msgPath = $contentPath . "content/templates/entry/thumbnail/auto_edit.jpg"; $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, $msgPath); //kFile::dumpFile($tempThumbPath, null, 0); } elseif ($entry->getType() == entryType::MEDIA_CLIP) { // commenting out the new behavior, in this case the thumbnail will be created in resizeEntryImage //$contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); //$msgPath = $contentPath."content/templates/entry/thumbnail/broken_thumb.jpg"; //header("Xkaltura-app: entry [$entry_id] in conversion, returning template broken thumb"); //KalturaLog::log( "Entry in conversion, no thumbnail yet [$entry_id], created dynamic 1x1 jpg"); //kFile::dumpFile($msgPath, null, 0); try { $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices); } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($ex->getCode() == kFileSyncException::FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ON_CURRENT_DC) { // get original flavor asset $origFlavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry_id); if ($origFlavorAsset) { $syncKey = $origFlavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); $remoteFileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getOriginFileSyncForKey($syncKey, false); if (!$remoteFileSync) { // file does not exist on any DC - die KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for entry [{$entry_id}]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } if ($remoteFileSync->getDc() == kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) { KalturaLog::log("ERROR - Trying to redirect to myself - stop here."); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } $remote_url = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($remoteFileSync, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . ": redirecting to [{$remote_url}]"); $this->redirect($remote_url); } } } } else { // file does not exist on any DC - die KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for entry [{$entry_id}]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } } if (!$local && !$tempThumbPath) { $remote_url = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($file_sync, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . ": redirecting to [{$remote_url}]"); $this->redirect($remote_url); } // if we didnt return a template for the player die and dont return the original deleted thumb if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_DELETED_MODERATED); } if (!$tempThumbPath) { try { $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices); } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($ex->getCode() == kFileSyncException::FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ON_CURRENT_DC) { // get original flavor asset $origFlavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry_id); if ($origFlavorAsset) { $syncKey = $origFlavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); $remoteFileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getOriginFileSyncForKey($syncKey, false); if (!$remoteFileSync) { // file does not exist on any DC - die KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for entry [{$entry_id}]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } if ($remoteFileSync->getDc() == kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) { KalturaLog::log("ERROR - Trying to redirect to myself - stop here."); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } $remote_url = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($remoteFileSync, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . ": redirecting to [{$remote_url}]"); $this->redirect($remote_url); } } } } $nocache = strpos($tempThumbPath, "_NOCACHE_") !== false; // notify external proxy, so it'll cache this url if (!$nocache && requestUtils::getHost() == kConf::get("apphome_url") && file_exists($tempThumbPath)) { self::notifyProxy($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); } // cache result if (!$nocache) { $requestKey = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $cache = new myCache("thumb", 86400 * 30); // 30 days $cache->put($requestKey, $tempThumbPath); } kFile::dumpFile($tempThumbPath, null, $nocache ? 0 : null); // TODO - can delete from disk assuming we caneasily recreate it and it will anyway be cached in the CDN // however dumpfile dies at the end so we cant just write it here (maybe register a shutdown callback) }
public static function initPartnerByEntryId($entryId) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryId); if (!$entry) { return null; } kCurrentContext::$ks = null; kCurrentContext::$ks_object = null; kCurrentContext::$ks_hash = null; kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id = $entry->getPartnerId(); kCurrentContext::$ks_uid = null; kCurrentContext::$master_partner_id = null; kCurrentContext::$partner_id = $entry->getPartnerId(); kCurrentContext::$uid = null; kCurrentContext::$is_admin_session = false; return $entry; }
/** * @param BatchJob $dbBatchJob * @param kExtractMediaJobData $data * @return BatchJob */ public static function handleExtractMediaClosed(BatchJob $dbBatchJob, kExtractMediaJobData $data) { if ($dbBatchJob->getExecutionStatus() == BatchJobExecutionStatus::ABORTED) { return $dbBatchJob; } $rootBatchJob = $dbBatchJob->getRootJob(); if (!$rootBatchJob) { return $dbBatchJob; } /* * Fix web-cam sources with bad timestamps */ $dbBatchJobAux = self::fixWebCamSources($rootBatchJob, $dbBatchJob, $data); if ($dbBatchJobAux != null) { return $dbBatchJobAux; } if ($dbBatchJob->getStatus() == BatchJob::BATCHJOB_STATUS_FINISHED) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($dbBatchJob->getEntryId()); if ($entry->getStatus() != entryStatus::READY && $entry->getStatus() != entryStatus::DELETED) { kBatchManager::updateEntry($dbBatchJob->getEntryId(), entryStatus::PRECONVERT); } } if ($rootBatchJob->getJobType() == BatchJobType::CONVERT_PROFILE) { try { kBusinessPreConvertDL::decideProfileConvert($dbBatchJob, $rootBatchJob, $data->getMediaInfoId()); } catch (Exception $ex) { $code = $ex->getCode(); if ($code == KDLErrors::SanityInvalidFrameDim || $code == KDLErrors::NoValidMediaStream) { kBusinessPostConvertDL::handleConvertFailed($dbBatchJob, null, $data->getFlavorAssetId(), null, null); return $dbBatchJob; } //This was added so the all the assets prior to reaching the limit would still be created if ($code != kCoreException::MAX_ASSETS_PER_ENTRY) { throw $ex; } KalturaLog::err("Max assets per entry was reached continuing with normal flow"); } // handle the source flavor as if it was converted, makes the entry ready according to ready behavior rules $currentFlavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($data->getFlavorAssetId()); if ($currentFlavorAsset && $currentFlavorAsset->getStatus() == asset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_READY) { $dbBatchJob = kBusinessPostConvertDL::handleConvertFinished($dbBatchJob, $currentFlavorAsset); } } return $dbBatchJob; }
/** * Get MRSS by entry id * XML will return as an escaped string * * @action getMrss * @param string $entryId Entry id * @param KalturaExtendingItemMrssParameterArray $extendingItemsArray * @return string * @throws KalturaErrors::ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND */ function getMrssAction($entryId, KalturaExtendingItemMrssParameterArray $extendingItemsArray = null) { $dbEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryId); if (!$dbEntry || $dbEntry->getType() != KalturaEntryType::MEDIA_CLIP) { throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND, $entryId); } $mrssParams = new kMrssParameters(); if ($extendingItemsArray) { $coreExtendingItemArray = $extendingItemsArray->toObjectsArray(); $mrssParams->setItemXpathsToExtend($coreExtendingItemArray); } /* @var $mrss SimpleXMLElement */ $mrss = kMrssManager::getEntryMrssXml($dbEntry, null, $mrssParams); return $mrss->asXML(); }
public function loadProperties(KalturaDistributionJobData $distributionJobData, KalturaGenericDistributionProfile $distributionProfile, $action) { $actionName = self::$actionAttributes[$action]; $genericProviderAction = GenericDistributionProviderActionPeer::retrieveByProviderAndAction($distributionProfile->genericProviderId, $action); if (!$genericProviderAction) { KalturaLog::err("Generic provider [{$distributionProfile->genericProviderId}] action [{$actionName}] not found"); return; } if (!$distributionJobData->entryDistribution) { KalturaLog::err("Entry Distribution object not provided"); return; } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->protocol) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->protocol = $genericProviderAction->getProtocol(); } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->serverUrl) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->serverUrl = $genericProviderAction->getServerAddress(); } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->serverPath) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->serverPath = $genericProviderAction->getRemotePath(); } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->username) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->username = $genericProviderAction->getRemoteUsername(); } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->password) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->password = $genericProviderAction->getRemotePassword(); } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->ftpPassiveMode) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->ftpPassiveMode = $genericProviderAction->getFtpPassiveMode(); } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->httpFieldName) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->httpFieldName = $genericProviderAction->getHttpFieldName(); } if (!$distributionProfile->{$actionName}->httpFileName) { $distributionProfile->{$actionName}->httpFileName = $genericProviderAction->getHttpFileName(); } $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($distributionJobData->entryDistribution->entryId); if (!$entry) { KalturaLog::err("Entry [" . $distributionJobData->entryDistribution->entryId . "] not found"); return; } $mrss = kMrssManager::getEntryMrss($entry); if (!$mrss) { KalturaLog::err("MRSS not returned for entry [" . $entry->getId() . "]"); return; } $xml = new KDOMDocument(); if (!$xml->loadXML($mrss)) { KalturaLog::err("MRSS not is not valid XML:\n{$mrss}\n"); return; } $key = $genericProviderAction->getSyncKey(GenericDistributionProviderAction::FILE_SYNC_DISTRIBUTION_PROVIDER_ACTION_MRSS_TRANSFORMER); if (kFileSyncUtils::fileSync_exists($key)) { $xslPath = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFilePathForKey($key); if ($xslPath) { $xsl = new KDOMDocument(); $xsl->load($xslPath); // set variables in the xsl $varNodes = $xsl->getElementsByTagName('variable'); foreach ($varNodes as $varNode) { $nameAttr = $varNode->attributes->getNamedItem('name'); if (!$nameAttr) { continue; } $name = $nameAttr->value; if ($name && $distributionJobData->{$name}) { $varNode->textContent = $distributionJobData->{$name}; $varNode->appendChild($xsl->createTextNode($distributionJobData->{$name})); } } $proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $proc->registerPHPFunctions(kXml::getXslEnabledPhpFunctions()); $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); $xml = $proc->transformToDoc($xml); if (!$xml) { KalturaLog::err("Transform returned false"); return; } } } $key = $genericProviderAction->getSyncKey(GenericDistributionProviderAction::FILE_SYNC_DISTRIBUTION_PROVIDER_ACTION_MRSS_VALIDATOR); if (kFileSyncUtils::fileSync_exists($key)) { $xsdPath = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFilePathForKey($key); if ($xsdPath && !$xml->schemaValidate($xsdPath)) { KalturaLog::err("Inavlid XML:\n" . $xml->saveXML()); KalturaLog::err("Schema [{$xsdPath}]:\n" . file_get_contents($xsdPath)); return; } } $this->xml = $xml->saveXML(); $key = $genericProviderAction->getSyncKey(GenericDistributionProviderAction::FILE_SYNC_DISTRIBUTION_PROVIDER_ACTION_RESULTS_TRANSFORMER); if (kFileSyncUtils::fileSync_exists($key)) { $this->resultParseData = kFileSyncUtils::file_get_contents($key, true, false); } $this->resultParserType = $genericProviderAction->getResultsParser(); }
{ $field = $matches[1]; // $providerData->$field = $matches[2]; } } $fileTransferMgr = kFileTransferMgr::getInstance(kFileTransferMgrType::FTP); if(!$fileTransferMgr) throw new Exception("SFTP manager not loaded"); $fileTransferMgr->login('', 'vp_foxsports', 'X4ul3ap'); print_r($fileTransferMgr->listDir("/pub/in")); // $fileTransferMgr->putFile($destFile, $srcFile, true); return;*/ $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryId); $mrss = kMrssManager::getEntryMrss($entry); file_put_contents('mrss.xml', $mrss); KalturaLog::debug("MRSS [{$mrss}]"); $distributionJobData = new KalturaDistributionSubmitJobData(); $dbDistributionProfile = DistributionProfilePeer::retrieveByPK(3); $distributionProfile = new KalturaDailymotionDistributionProfile(); $distributionProfile->fromObject($dbDistributionProfile); $distributionJobData->distributionProfileId = $distributionProfile->id; $distributionJobData->distributionProfile = $distributionProfile; $dbEntryDistribution = EntryDistributionPeer::retrieveByPK(24); $entryDistribution = new KalturaEntryDistribution(); $entryDistribution->fromObject($dbEntryDistribution); $distributionJobData->entryDistributionId = $entryDistribution->id; $distributionJobData->entryDistribution = $entryDistribution; $myp = new DailymotionDistributionProfile();
/** * @param string $entryId * @param KalturaIdeticDistributionJobProviderData $providerData * @return DOMDocument */ public static function generateXML($entryId, KalturaIdeticDistributionJobProviderData $providerData) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entryId); $mrss = kMrssManager::getEntryMrss($entry); if (!$mrss) { KalturaLog::err("No MRSS returned for entry [{$entryId}]"); return null; } $xml = new KDOMDocument(); if (!$xml->loadXML($mrss)) { KalturaLog::err("Could not load MRSS as XML for entry [{$entryId}]"); return null; } $xslPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../') . '/xml/submit.xsl'; if (!file_exists($xslPath)) { KalturaLog::err("XSL file not found [{$xslPath}]"); return null; } $xsl = new KDOMDocument(); $xsl->load($xslPath); // set variables in the xsl $varNodes = $xsl->getElementsByTagName('variable'); foreach ($varNodes as $varNode) { $nameAttr = $varNode->attributes->getNamedItem('name'); if (!$nameAttr) { continue; } $name = $nameAttr->value; if ($name && $providerData->{$name}) { $varNode->textContent = $providerData->{$name}; $varNode->appendChild($xsl->createTextNode($providerData->{$name})); KalturaLog::debug("Set variable [{$name}] to [{$providerData->{$name}}]"); } } $proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $proc->registerPHPFunctions(); $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); $xml = $proc->transformToDoc($xml); if (!$xml) { KalturaLog::err("XML Transformation failed"); return null; } // TODO create validation XSD $xsdPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../') . '/xml/submit.xsd'; if (file_exists($xsdPath) && !$xml->schemaValidate($xsdPath)) { KalturaLog::err("Schema validation failed"); return null; } return $xml; }
public function execute() { requestUtils::handleConditionalGet(); $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id"); $ks_str = $this->getRequestParameter("ks"); $base64_referrer = $this->getRequestParameter("referrer"); $referrer = base64_decode($base64_referrer); if (!is_string($referrer)) { // base64_decode can return binary data $referrer = ""; } $clip_from = $this->getRequestParameter("clip_from", 0); // milliseconds $clip_to = $this->getRequestParameter("clip_to", 2147483647); // milliseconds if ($clip_to == 0) { $clip_to = 2147483647; } $request = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // remove dynamic fields from the url so we'll request a single url from the cdn $request = str_replace("/referrer/{$base64_referrer}", "", $request); $request = str_replace("/ks/{$ks_str}", "", $request); // workaround the filter which hides all the deleted entries - // now that deleted entries are part of xmls (they simply point to the 'deleted' templates), we should allow them here $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } myPartnerUtils::blockInactivePartner($entry->getPartnerId()); // set the memory size to be able to serve big files in a single chunk ini_set("memory_limit", "64M"); // set the execution time to be able to serve big files in a single chunk ini_set("max_execution_time", 240); if ($entry->getType() == entryType::MIX && $entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED) { // because the fiter was turned off - a manual check for deleted entries must be done. die; } else { if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { $version = $this->getRequestParameter("version", null); $width = $this->getRequestParameter("width", -1); $height = $this->getRequestParameter("height", -1); $crop_provider = $this->getRequestParameter("crop_provider", null); $bgcolor = $this->getRequestParameter("bgcolor", "ffffff"); $type = $this->getRequestParameter("type", 1); $quality = $this->getRequestParameter("quality", 0); $src_x = $this->getRequestParameter("src_x", 0); $src_y = $this->getRequestParameter("src_y", 0); $src_w = $this->getRequestParameter("src_w", 0); $src_h = $this->getRequestParameter("src_h", 0); $vid_sec = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_sec", -1); $vid_slice = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slice", -1); $vid_slices = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slices", -1); if ($width == -1 && $height == -1) { $width = 640; $height = 480; } else { if ($width == -1) { // if only either width or height is missing reset them to zero, and convertImage will handle them $width = 0; } else { if ($height == -1) { $height = 0; } } } $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices); kFile::dumpFile($tempThumbPath, null, strpos($tempThumbPath, "_NOCACHE_") === false ? null : 0); } } $audio_only = $this->getRequestParameter("audio_only"); // milliseconds $flavor = $this->getRequestParameter("flavor", 1); // $flavor_param_id = $this->getRequestParameter("flavor_param_id", null); // $streamer = $this->getRequestParameter("streamer"); // if (substr($streamer, 0, 4) == "rtmp") { // the fms may add .mp4 to the end of the url $streamer = "rtmp"; } // grab seek_from_bytes parameter and normalize url $seek_from_bytes = $this->getRequestParameter("seek_from_bytes", -1); $request = str_replace("/seek_from_bytes/{$seek_from_bytes}", "", $request); if ($seek_from_bytes <= 0) { $seek_from_bytes = -1; } // grab seek_from parameter and normalize url $seek_from = $this->getRequestParameter("seek_from", -1); $request = str_replace("/seek_from/{$seek_from}", "", $request); if ($seek_from <= 0) { $seek_from = -1; } $this->dump_from_byte = 0; // reset accurate seek from timestamp $seek_from_timestamp = -1; // backward compatibility if ($flavor === "0") { // for edit version $flavor = "edit"; } if ($flavor === "1" || $flavor === 1) { // for play version $flavor = null; } // when flavor is null, we will get a default flavor if ($flavor == "edit") { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveBestEditByEntryId($entry->getId()); } elseif (!is_null($flavor)) { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveById($flavor); // when specific asset was request, we don't validate its tags if ($flavorAsset && ($flavorAsset->getEntryId() != $entry->getId() || $flavorAsset->getStatus() != flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_READY)) { $flavorAsset = null; } // we will throw an error later } elseif (is_null($flavor) && !is_null($flavor_param_id)) { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryIdAndFlavorParams($entry->getId(), $flavor_param_id); if ($flavorAsset && $flavorAsset->getStatus() != flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_READY) { $flavorAsset = null; } // we will throw an error later } else { if ($entry->getSource() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_SOURCE_WEBCAM) { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry->getId()); } else { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveBestPlayByEntryId($entry->getId()); } if (!$flavorAsset) { $flavorAssets = flavorAssetPeer::retreiveReadyByEntryIdAndTag($entry->getId(), flavorParams::TAG_WEB); if (count($flavorAssets) > 0) { $flavorAsset = $flavorAssets[0]; } } } if (is_null($flavorAsset)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } $syncKey = $flavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); if (kFileSyncUtils::file_exists($syncKey, false)) { $path = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyLocalFilePathForKey($syncKey); } else { list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($syncKey, true, false); if (is_null($fileSync)) { KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for flavor [" . $flavorAsset->getId() . "]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($fileSync); $this->redirect($remoteUrl); } $flv_wrapper = new myFlvHandler($path); $isFlv = $flv_wrapper->isFlv(); // scrubbing is not allowed within mp4 files if (!$isFlv) { $seek_from = $seek_from_bytes = -1; } if ($seek_from !== -1 && $seek_from !== 0) { if ($audio_only === '0') { // audio_only was explicitly set to 0 - don't attempt to make further automatic investigations } elseif ($flv_wrapper->getFirstVideoTimestamp() < 0) { $audio_only = true; } list($bytes, $duration, $first_tag_byte, $to_byte) = $flv_wrapper->clip(0, -1, $audio_only); list($bytes, $duration, $from_byte, $to_byte, $seek_from_timestamp) = $flv_wrapper->clip($seek_from, -1, $audio_only); $seek_from_bytes = myFlvHandler::FLV_HEADER_SIZE + $flv_wrapper->getMetadataSize($audio_only) + $from_byte - $first_tag_byte; } // the direct path without a cdn is "".$entry->getDataPath(); $extStorageUrl = $entry->getExtStorageUrl(); if ($extStorageUrl && substr_count($extStorageUrl, 's3kaltura')) { // if for some reason we didnt set our accurate $seek_from_timestamp reset it to the requested seek_from if ($seek_from_timestamp == -1) { $seek_from_timestamp = $seek_from; } $request_host = parse_url($extStorageUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); $akamai_url = str_replace($request_host, "", $extStorageUrl); $akamai_url .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "?aktimeoffset=" . floor($seek_from_timestamp / 1000); header("Location: {$akamai_url}"); die; } elseif ($extStorageUrl) { // if for some reason we didnt set our accurate $seek_from_timestamp reset it to the requested seek_from if ($seek_from_timestamp == -1) { $seek_from_timestamp = $seek_from; } $extStorageUrl .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "?aktimeoffset=" . floor($seek_from_timestamp / 1000); header("Location: {$extStorageUrl}"); die; } // use headers to detect cdn $cdn_name = ""; $via_header = @$_SERVER["HTTP_VIA"]; if (strpos($via_header, "") !== false) { $cdn_name = "limelight"; } else { if (strpos($via_header, "akamai") !== false) { $cdn_name = "akamai"; } else { if (strpos($via_header, "Level3") !== false) { $cdn_name = "level3"; } } } // setting file extension - first trying frrom flavor asset $ext = $flavorAsset->getFileExt(); // if failed, set extension according to file type (isFlv) if (!$ext) { $ext = $isFlv ? "flv" : "mp4"; } $flv_extension = $streamer == "rtmp" ? "?" : "/a.{$ext}?novar=0"; // dont check for rtmp / and for an already redirect url if ($streamer != "rtmp" && strpos($request, $flv_extension) === false) { // check security using ks $securyEntryHelper = new KSecureEntryHelper($entry, $ks_str, $referrer); if ($securyEntryHelper->shouldPreview()) { $this->checkForPreview($securyEntryHelper, $clip_to); } else { $securyEntryHelper->validateForPlay($entry, $ks_str); } } else { // if needs security check using cdn authentication mechanism // for now assume this is a cdn request and don't check for security } // use limelight mediavault if either security policy requires it or if we're trying to seek within the video if ($entry->getSecurityPolicy() || $seek_from_bytes !== -1) { // we have three options: // arrived through limelight mediavault url - the url is secured // arrived directly through limelight (not secured through mediavault) - enforce ks and redirect to mediavault url // didnt use limelight - enforce ks // the cdns are configured to authenticate request for /s/.... // check if we're already in a redirected secure link using the "/s/" prefix $secure_request = substr($request, 0, 3) == "/s/"; if ($secure_request && ($cdn_name == "limelight" || $cdn_name == "level3")) { // request was validated by cdn let it through } else { // extract ks $ks_str = $this->getRequestParameter("ks", ""); if ($entry->getSecurityPolicy()) { if (!$ks_str) { $this->logMessage("flvclipper - no KS"); die; } $ks = kSessionUtils::crackKs($ks_str); if (!$ks) { $this->logMessage("flvclipper - invalid ks [{$ks_str}]"); die; } $matched_privs = $ks->verifyPrivileges("sview", $entry_id); $this->logMessage("flvclipper - verifyPrivileges name [sview], priv [{$entry_id}] [{$matched_privs}]"); if (!$matched_privs) { $this->logMessage("flvclipper - doesnt not match required privlieges [{$ks_str}]"); die; } } if ($cdn_name == "limelight") { $ll_url = requestUtils::getCdnHost() . "/s{$request}" . $flv_extension; $secret = kConf::get("limelight_madiavault_password"); $expire = "&e=" . (time() + 120); $ll_url .= $expire; $fs = $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "&fs={$seek_from_bytes}"; $ll_url .= "&h=" . md5("{$secret}{$ll_url}") . $fs; //header("Location: $ll_url"); $this->redirect($ll_url); } else { if ($cdn_name == "level3") { $level3_url = $request . $flv_extension; if ($entry->getSecurityPolicy()) { $level3_url = "/s{$level3_url}"; // set expire time in GMT hence the date("Z") offset $expire = "&nva=" . strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time() - date("Z") + 30); $level3_url .= $expire; $secret = kConf::get("level3_authentication_key"); $hash = "0" . substr(self::hmac('sha1', $secret, $level3_url), 0, 20); $level3_url .= "&h={$hash}"; } $level3_url .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "&start={$seek_from_bytes}"; header("Location: {$level3_url}"); die; } else { if ($cdn_name == "akamai") { $akamai_url = $request . $flv_extension; // if for some reason we didnt set our accurate $seek_from_timestamp reset it to the requested seek_from if ($seek_from_timestamp == -1) { $seek_from_timestamp = $seek_from; } $akamai_url .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "&aktimeoffset=" . floor($seek_from_timestamp / 1000); header("Location: {$akamai_url}"); die; } } } // a seek request without a supporting cdn - we need to send the answer from our server if ($seek_from_bytes !== -1 && $via_header === null) { $this->dump_from_byte = $seek_from_bytes; } } } // always add the file suffix to the request (needed for scrubbing by some cdns, // and also breaks without extension on some corporate antivirus). // we add the the novar paramter since a leaving a trailing "?" will be trimmed // and then the /seek_from request will result in another url which level3 // will try to refetch from the origin // note that for streamer we dont add the file extension if ($streamer != "rtmp" && strpos($request, $flv_extension) === false) { // a seek request without a supporting cdn - we need to send the answer from our server if ($seek_from_bytes !== -1 && $via_header === null) { $request .= "/seek_from_bytes/{$seek_from_bytes}"; } requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("flv", 0); header("Location: {$request}" . $flv_extension); die; } // mp4 if (!$isFlv) { kFile::dumpFile($path); } $this->logMessage("flvclipperAction: serving file [{$path}] entry_id [{$entry_id}] clip_from [{$clip_from}] clip_to [{$clip_to}]", "warning"); if ($audio_only === '0') { // audio_only was explicitly set to 0 - don't attempt to make further automatic investigations } elseif ($flv_wrapper->getFirstVideoTimestamp() < 0) { $audio_only = true; } //$start = microtime(true); list($bytes, $duration, $from_byte, $to_byte, $from_ts, $cuepoint_pos) = myFlvStaticHandler::clip($path, $clip_from, $clip_to, $audio_only); $metadata_size = $flv_wrapper->getMetadataSize($audio_only); $this->from_byte = $from_byte; $this->to_byte = $to_byte; //$end1 = microtime(true); //$this->logMessage( "flvclipperAction: serving file [$path] entry_id [$entry_id] bytes [$bytes] duration [$duration] [$from_byte]->[$to_byte]" , "warning" ); //$this->logMessage( "flvclipperAction: serving file [$path] t1 [" . ( $end1-$start) . "]"); $data_offset = $metadata_size + myFlvHandler::getHeaderSize(); // if we're returning a partial file adjust the total size: // substract the metadata and bytes which are not delivered if ($this->dump_from_byte >= $data_offset && !$audio_only) { $bytes -= $metadata_size + max(0, $this->dump_from_byte - $data_offset); } $this->total_length = $data_offset + $bytes; //echo " $bytes , $duration ,$from_byte , $to_byte, $cuepoint_pos\n"; die; $this->cuepoint_time = 0; $this->cuepoint_pos = 0; if ($streamer == "chunked" && $clip_to != 2147483647) { $this->cuepoint_time = $clip_to - 1; $this->cuepoint_pos = $cuepoint_pos; $this->total_length += myFlvHandler::CUEPOINT_TAG_SIZE; } //$this->logMessage( "flvclipperAction: serving file [$path] entry_id [$entry_id] bytes with header & md [" . $this->total_length . "] bytes [$bytes] duration [$duration] [$from_byte]->[$to_byte]" , "warning" ); $this->flv_wrapper = $flv_wrapper; $this->audio_only = $audio_only; try { Propel::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMessage("flvclipperAction: error closing db {$e}"); } return sfView::SUCCESS; }
protected function duplicateTemplateEntry($conversionProfileId) { $dbEntry = null; $conversionProfile = myPartnerUtils::getConversionProfile2ForPartner($this->getPartnerId(), $conversionProfileId); if ($conversionProfile && $conversionProfile->getDefaultEntryId()) { $templateEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($conversionProfile->getDefaultEntryId(), null, false); if ($templateEntry) { $dbEntry = $templateEntry->copyTemplate(true); } } return $dbEntry; }
protected function initEntry() { $this->entryId = $this->getRequestParameter("entryId", null); // look for a valid token $expiry = $this->getRequestParameter("expiry"); if ($expiry && $expiry <= time()) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::EXPIRED_TOKEN); } $urlToken = $this->getRequestParameter("kt"); if ($urlToken) { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "GET" || !self::validateKalturaToken($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $urlToken)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::INVALID_TOKEN); } } // initalize the context $ksStr = $this->getRequestParameter("ks"); if ($ksStr && !$urlToken) { try { kCurrentContext::initKsPartnerUser($ksStr); } catch (Exception $ex) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::INVALID_KS); } } else { $this->entry = kCurrentContext::initPartnerByEntryId($this->entryId); if (!$this->entry || $this->entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } } // no need for any further check if a token was used if ($urlToken) { return; } // enforce entitlement kEntitlementUtils::initEntitlementEnforcement(); if (!$this->entry) { $this->entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($this->entryId); if (!$this->entry || $this->entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } } else { if (!kEntitlementUtils::isEntryEntitled($this->entry)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } } myPartnerUtils::blockInactivePartner($this->entry->getPartnerId()); // enforce access control $base64Referrer = $this->getRequestParameter("referrer"); $hashes = $this->getRequestParameter("hashes"); $keyValueHashes = array(); if ($hashes) { $hashes = urldecode($hashes); $hashes = explode(",", $hashes); foreach ($hashes as $keyValueHashString) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $keyValueHashString); $keyValueHashes[$key] = $value; } } // replace space in the base64 string with + as space is invalid in base64 strings and caused // by symfony calling str_parse to replace + with spaces. // this happens only with params passed in the url path and not the query strings. specifically the ~ char at // a columns divided by 3 causes this issue (e.g. //replace also any - with + and _ with / $referrer = base64_decode(str_replace(array('-', '_', ' '), array('+', '/', '+'), $base64Referrer)); if (!is_string($referrer)) { $referrer = ""; } // base64_decode can return binary data $this->secureEntryHelper = new KSecureEntryHelper($this->entry, $ksStr, $referrer, ContextType::PLAY, $keyValueHashes); if ($this->secureEntryHelper->shouldPreview()) { $previewLengthInMsecs = $this->secureEntryHelper->getPreviewLength() * 1000; $entryLengthInMsecs = $this->entry->getLengthInMsecs(); if ($previewLengthInMsecs < $entryLengthInMsecs) { $this->deliveryAttributes->setClipTo($previewLengthInMsecs); } } else { $this->secureEntryHelper->validateForPlay(); } if (PermissionPeer::isValidForPartner(PermissionName::FEATURE_ENTITLEMENT, $this->entry->getPartnerId()) || $this->secureEntryHelper->hasRules()) { $this->forceUrlTokenization = true; } }
/** * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id */ public function execute() { myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2; requestUtils::handleConditionalGet(); ignore_user_abort(); $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id"); $widget_id = $this->getRequestParameter("widget_id", 0); $upload_token_id = $this->getRequestParameter("upload_token_id"); $version = $this->getIntRequestParameter("version", null, 0, 10000000); $type = $this->getIntRequestParameter("type", 1, 1, 5); //Hack: if KMS sends thumbnail request containing "!" char, the type should be treated as 5. $width = $this->getRequestParameter("width", -1); $height = $this->getRequestParameter("height", -1); if (strpos($width, "!") || strpos($height, "!")) { $type = 5; } $width = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("width", -1, -1, 10000); $height = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("height", -1, -1, 10000); $crop_provider = $this->getRequestParameter("crop_provider", null); $quality = $this->getIntRequestParameter("quality", 0, 0, 100); $src_x = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_x", 0, 0, 10000); $src_y = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_y", 0, 0, 10000); $src_w = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_w", 0, 0, 10000); $src_h = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_h", 0, 0, 10000); $vid_sec = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("vid_sec", -1, -1); $vid_slice = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slice", -1); $vid_slices = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slices", -1); $density = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("density", 0, 0); $stripProfiles = $this->getRequestParameter("strip", null); $flavor_id = $this->getRequestParameter("flavor_id", null); $file_name = $this->getRequestParameter("file_name", null); $file_name = basename($file_name); // actual width and height of image from which the src_* values were taken. // these will be used to multiply the src_* parameters to make them relate to the original image size. $rel_width = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("rel_width", -1, -1, 10000); $rel_height = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("rel_height", -1, -1, 10000); if ($width == -1 && $height == -1) { $width = 120; $height = 90; } else { if ($width == -1) { // if only either width or height is missing reset them to zero, and convertImage will handle them $width = 0; } else { if ($height == -1) { $height = 0; } } } $bgcolor = $this->getRequestParameter("bgcolor", "ffffff"); $partner = null; // validating the inputs if (!is_numeric($quality) || $quality < 0 || $quality > 100) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'quality must be between 20 and 100'); } if (!is_numeric($src_x) || $src_x < 0 || $src_x > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_x must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($src_y) || $src_y < 0 || $src_y > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_y must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($src_w) || $src_w < 0 || $src_w > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_w must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($src_h) || $src_h < 0 || $src_h > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_h must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($width) || $width < 0 || $width > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'width must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($height) || $height < 0 || $height > 10000) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'height must be between 0 and 10000'); } if (!is_numeric($density) || $density < 0) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'density must be positive'); } if (!is_numeric($vid_sec) || $vid_sec < -1) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'vid_sec must be positive'); } if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}$/', $bgcolor)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'bgcolor must be six hexadecimal characters'); } if ($upload_token_id) { $upload_token = UploadTokenPeer::retrieveByPK($upload_token_id); if ($upload_token) { $partnerId = $upload_token->getPartnerId(); $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId); if ($density == 0) { $density = $partner->getDefThumbDensity(); } if (is_null($stripProfiles)) { $stripProfiles = $partner->getStripThumbProfile(); } $thumb_full_path = myContentStorage::getFSCacheRootPath() . myContentStorage::getGeneralEntityPath("uploadtokenthumb", $upload_token->getIntId(), $upload_token->getId(), $upload_token->getId() . ".jpg"); kFile::fullMkdir($thumb_full_path); if (file_exists($upload_token->getUploadTempPath())) { $src_full_path = $upload_token->getUploadTempPath(); $valid_image_types = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_BMP, IMAGETYPE_WBMP); $image_type = exif_imagetype($src_full_path); if (!in_array($image_type, $valid_image_types)) { // capture full frame myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 3); if (!file_exists($thumb_full_path)) { myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 0); } $src_full_path = $thumb_full_path; } // and resize it myFileConverter::convertImage($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, true, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $density, $stripProfiles); kFile::dumpFile($thumb_full_path); } else { KalturaLog::debug("token_id [{$upload_token_id}] not found in DC [" . kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId() . "]. dump url to romote DC"); $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRemoteDcExternalUrlByDcId(1 - kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; kFile::dumpUrl($remoteUrl); } } } if ($entry_id) { $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { // problem could be due to replication lag kFile::dumpApiRequest(kDataCenterMgr::getRemoteDcExternalUrlByDcId(1 - kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId())); } } else { // get the widget $widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widget_id); if (!$widget) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_AND_WIDGET_NOT_FOUND); } // get the kshow $kshow_id = $widget->getKshowId(); $kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($kshow_id); if ($kshow) { $entry_id = $kshow->getShowEntryId(); } else { $entry_id = $widget->getEntryId(); } $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } } $partner = $entry->getPartner(); if ($density == 0) { $density = $partner->getDefThumbDensity(); } $thumbParams = new kThumbnailParameters(); $thumbParams->setSupportAnimatedThumbnail($partner->getSupportAnimatedThumbnails()); if (is_null($stripProfiles)) { $stripProfiles = $partner->getStripThumbProfile(); } //checks whether the thumbnail display should be restricted by KS $base64Referrer = $this->getRequestParameter("referrer"); $referrer = base64_decode($base64Referrer); if (!is_string($referrer)) { $referrer = ""; } // base64_decode can return binary data if (!$referrer) { $referrer = kApiCache::getHttpReferrer(); } $ksStr = $this->getRequestParameter("ks"); $securyEntryHelper = new KSecureEntryHelper($entry, $ksStr, $referrer, accessControlContextType::THUMBNAIL); $securyEntryHelper->validateForPlay(); // multiply the passed $src_* values so that they will relate to the original image size, according to $src_display_* if ($rel_width != -1) { $widthRatio = $entry->getWidth() / $rel_width; $src_x = $src_x * $widthRatio; $src_w = $src_w * $widthRatio; } if ($rel_height != -1) { $heightRatio = $entry->getHeight() / $rel_height; $src_y = $src_y * $heightRatio; $src_h = $src_h * $heightRatio; } $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_THUMB; if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA; } KalturaLog::debug("get thumbnail filesyncs"); $dataKey = $entry->getSyncKey($subType); list($file_sync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($dataKey, true, false); $tempThumbPath = null; $entry_status = $entry->getStatus(); // both 640x480 and 0x0 requests are probably coming from the kdp // 640x480 - old kdp version requesting thumbnail // 0x0 - new kdp version requesting the thumbnail of an unready entry // we need to distinguish between calls from the kdp and calls from a browser: <img src=...> // that can't handle swf input if (($width == 640 && $height == 480 || $width == 0 && $height == 0) && ($entry_status == entryStatus::PRECONVERT || $entry_status == entryStatus::IMPORT || $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING || $entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED)) { $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); $msgPath = $contentPath . "content/templates/entry/bigthumbnail/"; if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) { $msgPath .= $entry->getModerationStatus() == moderation::MODERATION_STATUS_BLOCK ? "entry_blocked.swf" : "entry_deleted.swf"; } else { $msgPath .= $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING ? "entry_error.swf" : "entry_converting.swf"; } kFile::dumpFile($msgPath, null, 0); } if (!$file_sync) { $tempThumbPath = $entry->getLocalThumbFilePath($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, $density, $stripProfiles, $flavor_id, $file_name); if (!$tempThumbPath) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } } if (!$local && !$tempThumbPath && $file_sync) { if (!in_array($file_sync->getDc(), kDataCenterMgr::getDcIds())) { $remoteUrl = $file_sync->getExternalUrl($entry->getId()); header("Location: {$remoteUrl}"); die; } $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($file_sync, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); kFile::dumpUrl($remoteUrl); } // if we didnt return a template for the player die and dont return the original deleted thumb if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_DELETED_MODERATED); } if (!$tempThumbPath) { try { $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, null, $density, $stripProfiles, $thumbParams); } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($ex->getCode() != kFileSyncException::FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ON_CURRENT_DC) { KalturaLog::log("Error - resize image failed"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } // get original flavor asset $origFlavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry_id); if (!$origFlavorAsset) { KalturaLog::log("Error - no original flavor for entry [{$entry_id}]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } $syncKey = $origFlavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); $remoteFileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getOriginFileSyncForKey($syncKey, false); if (!$remoteFileSync) { // file does not exist on any DC - die KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for entry [{$entry_id}]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } if ($remoteFileSync->getDc() == kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) { KalturaLog::log("ERROR - Trying to redirect to myself - stop here."); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } if (!in_array($remoteFileSync->getDc(), kDataCenterMgr::getDcIds())) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::MISSING_THUMBNAIL_FILESYNC); } $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($remoteFileSync); kFile::dumpUrl($remoteUrl); } } $nocache = strpos($tempThumbPath, "_NOCACHE_") !== false; if ($securyEntryHelper->shouldDisableCache() || kApiCache::hasExtraFields() || !$securyEntryHelper->isKsWidget() && $securyEntryHelper->hasRules()) { $nocache = true; } // notify external proxy, so it'll cache this url if (!$nocache && requestUtils::getHost() == kConf::get("apphome_url") && file_exists($tempThumbPath)) { self::notifyProxy($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); } // cache result if (!$nocache) { $requestKey = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $cache = new myCache("thumb", 86400 * 30); // 30 days $cache->put($requestKey, $tempThumbPath); } kFile::dumpFile($tempThumbPath, null, $nocache ? 0 : null); // TODO - can delete from disk assuming we caneasily recreate it and it will anyway be cached in the CDN // however dumpfile dies at the end so we cant just write it here (maybe register a shutdown callback) }
public static function checkForPendingLiveClips(entry $entry) { if ($entry->getSource() != EntrySourceType::RECORDED_LIVE) { KalturaLog::notice("Entry [" . $entry->getId() . "] is not a recorded live"); return; } $liveEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry->getRootEntryId()); if (!$liveEntry || $liveEntry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED || !$liveEntry instanceof LiveEntry) { KalturaLog::notice("Entry root [" . $entry->getRootEntryId() . "] is not a valid live entry"); return; } /* @var $liveEntry LiveEntry */ $pendingMediaEntries = $liveEntry->getAttachedPendingMediaEntries(); foreach ($pendingMediaEntries as $pendingMediaEntry) { /* @var $pendingMediaEntry kPendingMediaEntry */ if ($pendingMediaEntry->getRequiredDuration() && $pendingMediaEntry->getRequiredDuration() > $entry->getLengthInMsecs()) { KalturaLog::info("Pending entry [" . $pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId() . "] required duration [" . $pendingMediaEntry->getRequiredDuration() . "] while entry duration [" . $entry->getLengthInMsecs() . "] is too short"); continue; } $liveEntry->dettachPendingMediaEntry($pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId()); $pendingEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId()); if (!$pendingEntry) { KalturaLog::info("Pending entry [" . $pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId() . "] not found"); continue; } $sourceAsset = assetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry->getId()); if (!$sourceAsset) { $sourceAssets = assetPeer::retrieveReadyFlavorsByEntryId($entry->getId()); $sourceAsset = array_pop($sourceAssets); } if (!$sourceAsset) { KalturaLog::info("Pending entry [" . $pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId() . "] source asset not found"); continue; } /* @var $sourceAsset flavorAsset */ $operationAttributes = new kClipAttributes(); $operationAttributes->setOffset($pendingMediaEntry->getOffset()); $operationAttributes->setDuration($pendingMediaEntry->getDuration()); $targetAsset = assetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId()); if (!$targetAsset) { $targetAsset = kFlowHelper::createOriginalFlavorAsset($entry->getPartnerId(), $pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId()); } $targetAsset->setFileExt($sourceAsset->getFileExt()); $targetAsset->save(); $sourceSyncKey = $sourceAsset->getSyncKey(asset::FILE_SYNC_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); $targetSyncKey = $targetAsset->getSyncKey(asset::FILE_SYNC_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); kFileSyncUtils::createSyncFileLinkForKey($targetSyncKey, $sourceSyncKey); $errDescription = ''; kBusinessPreConvertDL::decideAddEntryFlavor(null, $pendingMediaEntry->getEntryId(), $operationAttributes->getAssetParamsId(), $errDescription, $targetAsset->getId(), array($operationAttributes)); } $liveEntry->save(); }
public function getRootEntryId($deep = false) { $rootEntryId = $this->getFromCustomData("rootEntryId", null, null); if (is_null($rootEntryId)) { return $this->getId(); } if (!$deep) { return $rootEntryId; } $rootEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($rootEntryId); if ($rootEntry) { $rootEntryId = $rootEntry->getRootEntryId($deep); } return $rootEntryId; }
protected function archiveFile($file_name) { KalturaLog::debug("Archiving file [" . $file_name . "]"); $id = self::getEntryIdFromFileName($file_name); $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($id); $entry->setArchiveExtension(pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $sync_key = $entry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_ARCHIVE); $file_sync = kFileSyncUtils::createSyncFileForKey($sync_key, false, false); $target = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFilePathForKey($sync_key, false); KalturaLog::debug("Archiving file [" . $file_name . "] to [" . $target . "]}"); // MOVE - there is no need to copy because we the ConvCommand will include the file path anyway if ($file_name == $target) { KalturaLog::debug("File [{$file_name}] already archived"); return $file_sync; } // there is a file in the archive but the current file does not exist if (!file_exists($file_name) && file_exists($target)) { return $file_sync; } if (file_exists($target) && filesize($target) == filesize($file_name)) { return $file_sync; } else { // move to archive and override if exists myContentStorage::moveFile($file_name, $target, true, false); } kFileSyncUtils::markLocalFileSyncAsReady($sync_key); return $file_sync; }