if (!($mainparents = $sqlm->db_Select("pcontent", "*", "content_class REGEXP '" . e_CLASS_REGEXP . "' AND content_parent = '0' " . $datequery . " " . $headingquery . " ORDER BY content_heading"))) { $LIST_DATA = "no valid content category"; return; } while ($rowm = $sqlm->db_Fetch()) { $ICON = ""; $HEADING = ""; $AUTHOR = ""; $CATEGORY = ""; $DATE = ""; $INFO = ""; $LIST_CAPTION = $rowm['content_heading']; //global var for this main parent $mainparent = $rowm['content_id']; //get path variables $content_recent_pref = $aa->getContentPref($mainparent); $content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"] = $content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"] ? $content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"] : "{e_PLUGIN_ABS}content/images/icon/"; $content_icon_path = $tp->replaceConstants($content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"]); //prepare query string $array = $aa->getCategoryTree("", $mainparent, TRUE); $validparent = implode(",", array_keys($array)); $qry = " content_refer !='sa' AND content_parent REGEXP '" . $aa->CONTENTREGEXP($validparent) . "' AND content_class REGEXP '" . e_CLASS_REGEXP . "' "; //check so only the preferences from the correct content_type (article, content, review etc) are used and rendered if (substr($contentmode, 8) == $rowm['content_id']) { if ($mode == "new_page" || $mode == "new_menu") { $lvisit = $this->getlvisit(); $qry = $qry . " AND content_datestamp>" . $lvisit; } else { $qry = $qry . " " . $datequery; } $qry .= " ORDER BY content_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0," . intval($arr[7]);
function print_item_pdf($id) { global $tp, $pref, $content_shortcodes; global $CONTENT_PRINT_IMAGES, $row, $content_image_path, $content_pref, $mainparent; //in this section you decide what to needs to be output to the pdf file $con = new convert(); require_once e_PLUGIN . "content/content_shortcodes.php"; require_once e_PLUGIN . "content/handlers/content_class.php"; $aa = new content(); if (!is_object($sql)) { $sql = new db(); } $sql->db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_text, content_image, content_author, content_parent, content_datestamp, content_class, content_pref", "content_id='" . intval($id) . "' "); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if (!check_class($row['content_class'])) { header("location:" . e_PLUGIN . "content/content.php"); exit; } $authordetails = $aa->getAuthor($row['content_author']); $row['content_datestamp'] = $con->convert_date($row['content_datestamp'], "long"); $img = $tp->parseTemplate('{CONTENT_PRINT_IMAGES}', FALSE, $content_shortcodes); $mainparent = $aa->getMainParent(intval($id)); $content_pref = $aa->getContentPref($mainparent); $content_icon_path = $tp->replaceConstants($content_pref["content_icon_path"]); $content_image_path = $tp->replaceConstants($content_pref["content_image_path"]); $img = $tp->parseTemplate('{CONTENT_PDF_IMAGES}', FALSE, $content_shortcodes); //add custom and preset tags if present $custom = e107::unserialize($row['content_pref']); //$custom = $eArrayStorage->ReadxxxArray($row['content_pref']); $months = array(CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_0, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_1, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_2, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_3, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_4, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_5, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_6, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_7, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_8, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_9, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_10, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_11); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS = ""; if (!empty($custom)) { foreach ($custom as $k => $v) { if ($k == "content_custom_presettags") { if (isset($content_pref["content_content_presettags"]) && $content_pref["content_content_presettags"]) { foreach ($v as $ck => $cv) { if (is_array($cv)) { //date if (!($cv['day'] == "" && $cv['month'] == "" && $cv['year'] == "")) { $vv = $cv['day'] . " " . $months[$cv['month'] - 1] . " " . $cv['year']; } } else { $vv = $cv; } if (isset($ck) && $ck != "" && isset($vv) && $vv != "") { $CUSTOM_TAGS = TRUE; $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY = $tp->toHTML($ck, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE = $tp->toHTML($vv, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS .= $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY . " : " . $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE . "<br />"; } } } } else { if (isset($content_pref["content_content_customtags"]) && $content_pref["content_content_customtags"]) { $key = substr($k, 15); if (isset($key) && $key != "" && isset($v) && $v != "") { $CUSTOM_TAGS = TRUE; $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY = $tp->toHTML($key, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE = $tp->toHTML($v, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS .= $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY . " : " . $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE . "<br />"; } } } } } $text = "\n\t<b>" . $row['content_heading'] . "</b><br />\n\t" . $row['content_subheading'] . "<br />\n\t" . $authordetails[1] . ", " . $row['content_datestamp'] . "<br />\n\t<br />\n\t" . $row['content_text'] . "<br />\n\t" . ($CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS ? $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS : "") . "\n\t<div style='float:left; padding-left:10px;'>" . $img . "</div>\n\t"; //the following defines are processed in the document properties of the pdf file //Do NOT add parser function to the variables, leave them as raw data ! //as the pdf methods will handle this ! $text = $text; //define text $creator = SITENAME; //define creator $author = $authordetails[1]; //define author $title = $row['content_heading']; //define title $subject = $row['content_subheading']; //define subject $keywords = ""; //define keywords //define url to use in the header of the pdf file $url = SITEURLBASE . e_PLUGIN_ABS . "content/content.php?content." . $row['content_id']; //always return an array with the following data: return array($text, $creator, $author, $title, $subject, $keywords, $url); }