function httpResponseContentIs(content $content) { $response = clone $this; $response->content = $content; $content->recipientOfStringLengthIs($response); return self::blackholeContentLengthHttpHeaderShouldBeUsedBy($response->httpHeaderIs($response->contentLength)); }
public function addaction() { $c = new content(); if ($this->input->post("id") !== FALSE) { $c->get_by_id($this->input->post("id")); } else { if ($this->input->post("id") === FALSE) { $c->user = $this->ion_auth->get_user(); $c->user = $c->user->id; } } $c->parent_section = $this->input->post("parent_section"); $c->parent_content = $this->input->post("parent_content"); $c->title = $this->input->post("title"); $c->cell = $this->input->post("cell"); $c->sort = $this->input->post("sort"); $c->path = $this->input->post("path"); $c->type = $this->input->post("type"); $c->subsection = $this->input->post("subsection") == FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE; $c->view = $this->input->post("view"); $c->info = $this->input->post("info"); $c->filter = $this->input->post("filter"); // this is a workaround, cuz it makes 2 newline characters // and i don't know what the hell is wrong with it. $c->filter = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $c->filter); $p = new Content($c->parent_content); if ($this->input->post("id") === FALSE) { $this->add_info(lang('system_content_added')); } else { $this->ajax = TRUE; $this->print_text(lang('system_content_edited')); } $c->save(); }
function get_rss() { global $aa; require_once e_PLUGIN . "content/handlers/content_class.php"; $aa = new content(); $rss = array(); $array = $aa->getCategoryTree('', '', FALSE); foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $name = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array[$k]); $i++) { $name .= $array[$k][$i + 1] . " > "; $i++; } $name = substr($name, 0, -3); $feed['name'] = $name; $feed['url'] = 'content'; //the identifier for the rss feed url $feed['topic_id'] = $k; //the topic_id, empty on default (to select a certain category) $feed['path'] = 'content'; //this is the plugin path location $feed['text'] = 'this is the rss feed for content category : ' . $name; $feed['class'] = '0'; $feed['limit'] = '9'; $rss[] = $feed; } return $rss; }
function build($action = 'TopStories', $mode = 'rss') { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($this->db); // if $mode is rss, then echo the output // if $mode is api, then return the query switch ($action) { default: // do nothing break; case 'TopStories': $this->feedTitle = SITE_TITLE . ' Top Stories'; $this->feedDescription = ' Top rated stories from ' . SITE_TITLE; $this->feedUrl = $this->baseUrl; $this->feedRssUrl = $this->baseUrl . '?p=rss&action=TopStories'; $query = $cObj->fetchUpcomingStories('', RSS_NUMBER_STORIES); break; } // output the xml feed if ($mode == 'rss') { $code = $this->createXML($this->feedTitle, $this->feedUrl, $this->feedRssUrl, $this->feedDescription, $query); return $code; } else { return $query; } }
function postNextTopStory() { // only post one story every three hours $tstamp = $this->statusObj->getState('lastTwitterPost'); if (!isset($_GET['test']) and time() - $tstamp < 60 * TWITTER_INTERVAL_MINUTES) { return; } //echo 'continuing'; require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($this->db); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/log.class.php'; $logObj = new log($this->db); $topStories = $cObj->fetchUpcomingStories(); $uid = 1; while ($data = $this->db->readQ($topStories)) { if (!$this->checkLog($uid, $data->siteContentId) and $data->score >= TWITTER_SCORE_THRESHOLD) { // post to twitter $result = $this->update($data->siteContentId, $data->title); if ($result) { $logItem = $logObj->serialize(0, $uid, 'postTwitter', $data->siteContentId); $logObj->add($logItem); $this->statusObj->setState('lastTwitterPost', time()); } // only do one at a time return; } } }
function create() { $avatar = $this->attachlib->get_avatar($this->user['user_id']); $content = $this->input['thread']; $topic_id = $this->input['tid']; $pcd = intval($this->input['pcd']); $aid = urldecode($this->input['aid']); if ($aid) { $aid_array = array_filter(explode(',', $aid)); $aid = $this->attachlib->tmp2att($aid_array); } if ($pcd) { $c = new content(); $article = $c->get_published_content_byid($pcd); if ($article) { $extend_arc = array('title' => $article['title'], 'brief' => $article['brief'], 'href' => $article['content_url'], 'bundle_id' => $article['bundle_id'], 'module_id' => $article['module_id']); $article = is_array($article['indexpic']) ? array('host' => $article['indexpic']['host'], 'dir' => $article['indexpic']['dir'], 'filepath' => $article['indexpic']['filepath'], 'filename' => $article['indexpic']['filename']) : array(); $aid .= ',' . $this->attachlib->attach($article, 'publish', 'attach', $extend_arc); } } if (!$topic_id) { $this->errorOutput("请选择一个话题"); } $short_link = $this->attachlib->outlink(urldecode($this->input['outlink'])); if ($short_link) { $aid .= ',' . $short_link; } $location = array('lat' => $this->input['lat'], 'lon' => $this->input['lon'], 'address' => urldecode($this->input['address']), 'gpsx' => $this->input['gpsx'], 'gpsy' => $this->input['gpsy']); if ($location['lat'] && $location['lon']) { $loc = FromBaiduToGpsXY($location['lon'], $location['lat']); $location['gpsx'] = $loc['x']; $location['gpsy'] = $loc['y']; } elseif ($location['gpsx'] && $location['gpsy']) { $loc = FromGpsToBaiduXY($location['gpsx'], $location['gpsy']); $location['lon'] = $loc['x']; $location['lat'] = $loc['y']; } if ($map = $this->attachlib->map($location)) { $aid .= ',' . $map; } if (!$content && !$aid) { $this->errorOutput("内容不能为空"); } $aid = $aid ? trim($aid, ',') : ''; $data = array('tid' => $topic_id, 'content' => $content, 'aid' => $aid, 'client' => $this->input['client'] ? $this->input['client'] : $this->user['user_name'], 'status' => 0, 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'avatar' => $avatar ? addslashes(serialize($avatar)) : '', 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'pcd' => $pcd, 'ip' => hg_getip()); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'thread SET '; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $sql .= "`{$key}` = \"{$val}\","; } $sql = trim($sql, ','); $this->db->query($sql); $data['id'] = $this->db->insert_id(); $data['format_create_time'] = hg_tran_time($data['create_time']); $data['materail'] = $this->attachlib->get_attach_by_aid($aid); $this->attachlib->delete_attach(urldecode($this->input['aid'])); $this->addItem($data); $this->output(); }
function site() { $c = new content(); $data = $c->get_site(); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $val) { $this->addItem($val); } } $this->output(); }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Request $securekey * @param Request $redirect * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function submitAction(Request $request, $securekey, $redirect) { $locale = $request->getLocale(); $mode = "module-submission"; $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $cs = $this->get('ssone.cms.content'); $fieldsRepository = $this->getFieldsRepository(); $blockService = $this->get('ssone.cms.block'); $contentType = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('SSoneCMSBundle:ContentType')->findBySecurekey($securekey); $content = new content(); $content->setContentType($contentType); $blockService->contentBlockManager($content); $form = $this->createForm(new ContentTYPE($mode, $fieldsRepository, $cs, $locale), $content); $form->handleRequest($request); print $contentType->getName(); print $form->isValid(); if ($form->isValid()) { $auditor = $this->get('ssone.cms.recordauditor'); $auditor->auditRecord($content); //Audit blocks and fields foreach ($content->getBlocks() as $block) { $auditor->auditRecord($block); foreach ($block->getBlockFields() as $blockField) { $auditor->auditRecord($blockField); } } //handle file uploads $uploader = $this->get('ssone.cms.fileuploader'); foreach ($form['blocks'] as $block) { foreach ($block['blockFields'] as $blockField) { foreach ($blockField['fieldContent'] as $input) { if (strpos($input->getName(), '_fileupload') !== false) { $params = explode("_", $input->getName()); $fieldSettings = $fieldsRepository->findBySecurekey($params[2])->getFieldTypeSettings(); if ($fp = $uploader->contentFileUpload($input->getData(), $fieldSettings['fileupload']['fileuploadfolder'])) { //Get current field content $blockFieldObj = $blockField->getData(); $blockFieldContents = $blockFieldObj->getFieldContent(); $blockFieldContents[$params[0]] = $fp; unset($blockFieldContents[$input->getName()]); $blockFieldObj->setFieldContent($blockFieldContents); } } } } } $em->persist($content); $em->flush(); $storedContent = $cs->findSecureKeyById($content->getId()); $this->cacheContent($content->getId(), $cs, $em); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('ssone_cms_frontend', array('uri' => $redirect))); } return $this->render('SSoneCMSBundle:Content:crud.html.twig', array('form' => $form->createView(), 'contentTitle' => $content->getName(), 'mode' => $mode, 'locale' => $locale)); }
function __construct() { // Init variables self::$db = DBCxn::Get(); $this->tabs = []; $this->entities = []; }
function get_campaigns() { $campaigns = content::get_all_campaigns(); foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) { if ($campaign['force_deactivated'] == 'no' && strtotime($campaign['end']) > time()) { $get = content::fetch_tweets_from_twitter($campaign['campaign_hash']); } } }
static function loadFile($file, $vars = array(), $return = false) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } @extract(self::$vars); @extract($vars); content::start(); require $file; return content::end($return); }
function status() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $aa = new content(); if ($maincat = $sql->retrieve("pcontent", "content_id, content_heading", " WHERE content_parent = '0' ORDER BY content_heading", true)) { $i = 0; foreach ($maincat as $row) { $count = 0; $array = $aa->getCategoryTree("", $row['content_id'], TRUE); $validparent = implode(",", array_keys($array)); $qrycat = " content_parent REGEXP '" . $aa->CONTENTREGEXP($validparent) . "' "; $count = $sql->count("pcontent", "(*)", "WHERE " . $qrycat . " AND content_refer != 'sa' "); $var[$i]['icon'] = "<img src='" . e_PLUGIN_ABS . "content/images/content_16.png' style='width: 16px; height: 16px; vertical-align: bottom' alt='' /> "; $var[$i]['title'] = $row['content_heading']; $var[$i]['url'] = e_PLUGIN . "content/admin_content_config.php?content." . $row['content_id']; $var[$i]['total'] = $count; $i = $i + 1; } } return $var; }
function load($template = 'default', $vars = array(), $return = false) { $file = c::get('tpl.root') . '/' . $template . '.php'; if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } @extract(self::$vars); @extract($vars); content::start(); require $file; return content::end($return); }
function createTempContent($userinfo = NULL, $wireid = 0) { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($this->db); $info = $this->getWireStory($wireid); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/parseStory.class.php'; $psObj = new parseStory(); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/utilities.class.php'; $this->utilObj = new utilities($this->db); $info->title = stripslashes($info->title); $info->caption = stripslashes($this->utilObj->shorten($info->caption)); // to do - replace proxy feed urls with final redirect $info->title = $psObj->cleanTitle($info->title); // create permalink $info->permalink = $cObj->buildPermalink($info->title); // serialize the content $info->title = mysql_real_escape_string($info->title); $info->caption = mysql_real_escape_string($info->caption); $story = $cObj->serialize(0, $info->title, $info->caption, $info->source, $info->url, $info->permalink, $userinfo->ncUid, $userinfo->name, $userinfo->userid, '', $userinfo->votePower, 0, 0); // post wire story to content $siteContentId = $cObj->add($story); return $siteContentId; }
function home() { $out = "there is actually no content. enable content module to manage this page"; if (module_manager::is_enabled("content")) { $out = ""; $nodes = content_database::node_load_all(); $b = false; if (count($nodes) > 0) { page::title("Home"); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if (content::node_access_read($node->nid)) { $b = true; $out .= "<div class='post'>"; if ($node->title != null) { $out .= "<div class='title'>"; $out .= page::link("node/" . $node->nid, $node->title); $out .= "</div>"; } if ($node->description != null) { $out .= "<div class='content'>"; $node->description = utf8_decode($node->description); if (strlen($node->description) > 200) { $out .= substr($node->description, 0, 200) . "... " . page::link("node/" . $node->nid, t("+ read more")); } else { $out .= $node->description; } $out .= "</div>"; } $out .= "<div class='author'>"; $out .= "<hr/>"; $out .= content_page::post_author_date($node->uid, $node->author, $node->date); $out .= "<hr/>"; $out .= "</div>"; $out .= "</div>"; } } } else { $out .= "there is no content, please add a content first."; } } return $b ? $out : "there is no content."; }
if (!empty($_GET['delete']) && $_GET['delete'] == 1) { $content_id = $_GET['header_id']; $result = content::delete($content_id); if ($result == 1) { echo 'Comment is deleted!'; } else { return false; } } ?> </div></div> <div id="json_drop_column"> <?php if (!empty($_GET['delete']) && $_GET['delete'] == 1) { $content_name = $_GET['content_name']; $field_name = $_GET['field_name']; $result = content::drop_column($content_name, $field_name); if ($result == 1) { echo 'Comment is deleted!'; } else { return false; } } ?> </div> <?php include_template('');
/** * * @param * @return */ function getRelatedSeriesJson($sid) { $seriesvideos = content::getCompleteSeries($sid); $count = count($seriesvideos); $json = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $obj = new video($seriesvideos[$i]); array_push($json, array('cid' => $obj->getContentId(), 'title' => $obj->getTitle(), 'viewcount' => $obj->getViewCount(), 'poster' => $obj->getPoster(), 'timestamp' => $obj->getTimestamp(), 'uid' => $obj->getUserId(), 'uname' => user::getFullNameS($obj->getUserId()))); } return json_encode($json); }
//include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/'); $source = parse_ini_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/source.ini', true); $fbapi = ''; //$twapi = ''; $blogs = array(); $unique = array(); // データの取得 foreach ($source as $v) { $url = $v['url']; $rss = fetch_rss($url); if (!$rss) { var_dump($v); continue; } foreach ($rss->items as $content) { $cc = new content($content); // 24時間以内のデータのみ if ($cc->getDate() < time() - 24 * 60 * 60) { continue; } // urlの重複を避ける if (!$cc->getLink() || in_array($cc->getLink(), $unique)) { continue; } $unique[] = $cc->getLink(); $tmp = $cc->getAll(); if (isset($v['tag'])) { $tmp['tag'] = $v['tag']; } $blogs[] = $tmp; }
$content = new content(); $content_data = $content->get($dbs, $path); if ($content_data) { $page_title = $content_data['Title']; echo $content_data['Content']; unset($content_data); } else { header("location:index.php"); } } } else { $metadata = '<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">'; // homepage header info if (!isset($_GET['p'])) { if (!isset($_GET['keywords']) and !isset($_GET['page']) and !isset($_GET['title']) and !isset($_GET['author']) and !isset($_GET['subject']) and !isset($_GET['location'])) { // get content data from database include LIB_DIR . ''; $content = new content(); $content_data = $content->get($dbs, 'headerinfo'); if ($content_data) { //$header_info .= '<div id="headerInfo">'.$content_data['Content'].'</div>'; unset($content_data); } } } include LIB_DIR . 'contents/'; } // main content grab $main_content = ob_get_clean(); // template output require $sysconf['template']['dir'] . '/' . $sysconf['template']['theme'] . '/';
static function delete($reid) { //限制权限 return content::delete($reid); }
<?php if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; } if (!isset($pref['plug_installed']['content'])) { return; } require_once e_PLUGIN . 'content/handlers/content_class.php'; $aa = new content(); $datequery = " AND content_datestamp < " . time() . " AND (content_enddate=0 || content_enddate>" . time() . ") "; global $contentmode; //contentmode : content_144 (content_ + idvalue) if ($contentmode) { $headingquery = " AND content_id = '" . substr($contentmode, 8) . "' "; } else { $headingquery = ""; } //get main parent types $sqlm = new db(); if (!($mainparents = $sqlm->db_Select("pcontent", "*", "content_class REGEXP '" . e_CLASS_REGEXP . "' AND content_parent = '0' " . $datequery . " " . $headingquery . " ORDER BY content_heading"))) { $LIST_DATA = "no valid content category"; return; } while ($rowm = $sqlm->db_Fetch()) { $ICON = ""; $HEADING = ""; $AUTHOR = ""; $CATEGORY = ""; $DATE = ""; $INFO = "";
} break; case 'stuffSetVisibility': if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $newVis = $_GET['newVis']; require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/stuff.class.php"; $sObj = new stuff($db); $code = $sObj->ajaxSetVisibility($id, $newVis); } break; case 'banStoryPoster': if (isset($_GET['cid']) and is_numeric($_GET['cid'])) { $cid = $_GET['cid']; require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/content.class.php"; $cObj = new content($db); $code = $cObj->ajaxBanStoryPoster($app, $cid, $userid); } break; case 'chooseHood': if (isset($_GET['hood'])) { $hood = $_GET['hood']; require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/local.class.php"; $lObj = new local($db); $code = $lObj->ajaxUpdateHood($hood, $userid); } break; } } else { // session is NOT valid $code = fetchSessionAlert();
private function __construct() { /** * если не установлен билд, то сначала грузим главный конфиг. в нем читаем билд, * устанавливаем и далее вычитываем конфиг конкретного билда. */ $mainpath = "configs" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "configs.php"; if (file_exists($mainpath)) { require_once $mainpath; } else { die("main cfg error!"); } if (empty($_SESSION["mwcbuild"])) { $_SESSION["mwcbuild"] = $cfg["defaultbuild"]; } define("tbuild", $_SESSION["mwcbuild"]); $globalcfg = Configs::readCfg("main", $_SESSION["mwcbuild"]); if (empty($_SESSION["mwcserver"])) { //сервер $_SESSION["mwcserver"] = 0; } if (empty($_SESSION["mwcbuild"])) { //сервер $_SESSION["mwcbuild"] = $globalcfg["tbuild"]; } if (empty($_SESSION["mwclang"])) { //язык $_SESSION["mwclang"] = $globalcfg["dlang"]; } if (empty($_SESSION["mwcpoints"])) { //группа $_SESSION["mwcpoints"] = $globalcfg["defgrp"]; } $adres = $globalcfg["address"]; try { $content = new content($adres, $globalcfg["theme"], $_SESSION["mwclang"]); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); die; } $isBackground = isset($_GET["bg"]) ? 1 : NULL; //если идет обращение к серверу try { $db = connect::start(); if (empty($_SESSION["mwcuid"])) { $uid = 0; } else { $uid = $_SESSION["mwcuid"]; } $builder = new builder(tbuild, $_SESSION["mwclang"], $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); // проверяем наличие списка модулей и плагинов //region плагины $plugin = ""; require_once "build" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . tbuild . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "_dat" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SESSION["mwcserver"] . "_" . $_SESSION["mwclang"] . "_plugins.php"; if (is_array($plugin) && is_null($isBackground)) { foreach ($plugin as $name => $param) { if ($param["pstate"] == 1) { $contoller_path = "build" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . tbuild . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "controller" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . ".php"; //region проверка на пользователя (если есть) $ccfg = Configs::readCfg("plugin_" . $name, $_SESSION["mwcbuild"]); if (!empty($ccfg["allowedUsrs"])) { $usrs = explode(",", $ccfg["allowedUsrs"]); if (!in_array($uid, $usrs)) { $err = 2; } else { $err = 0; } } else { $err = 2; } //endregion if (file_exists($contoller_path) && (!empty($param["groups"]) || $err == 0)) { if (empty($param["groups"])) { $paccess = array(); } else { $paccess = explode(",", $param["groups"]); } try { if (!empty($param["mname"])) { $model_path = "build" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . tbuild . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "model" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $param["mname"] . ".php"; if (file_exists($model_path)) { require $model_path; } require $contoller_path; if ((in_array($_SESSION["mwcpoints"], $paccess) || in_array(4, $paccess) || $err == 0) && class_exists($param["mname"])) { $tmp = $param["mname"]; $model = new $tmp(); $pcontoller = new $name($model, $content, $plugin, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); if (method_exists($name, "action_index")) { $pcontoller->init(); $pcontoller->action_index(); $pcontoller->parentOut(); } } } else { if (in_array($_SESSION["mwcpoints"], $paccess) || in_array(4, $paccess)) { $model = new $globalcfg["defModel"](); $pcontoller = new PController($model, $content, $plugin, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); $pcontoller->genNonMVC($contoller_path); $pcontoller->parentOut($name); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $content->error(1); $content->setFContainer("plugin_{$name}", true); } } } } } //endregion //region страницы //region получение контроллера и экшена $action_name = "action_index"; if (!isset($_GET["p"])) { $controller = $globalcfg["defpage"]; } else { $controller = htmlspecialchars($_GET["p"], ENT_QUOTES); if ($controller == "index") { $controller = $globalcfg["defpage"]; } } if (isset($_GET["a"])) { $action_name = "action_" . $_GET["a"]; } //endregion require_once "build" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . tbuild . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "_dat" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SESSION["mwcserver"] . "_" . $_SESSION["mwclang"] . "_pages.php"; if (isset($page[$controller])) { $path = "build" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . tbuild . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $page[$controller]["ppath"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $controller . ".php"; if (file_exists($path)) { $access = explode(",", $page[$controller]["groups"]); //region проверка на пользователя (если есть) $ccfg = Configs::readCfg($controller, $_SESSION["mwcbuild"]); if (!empty($ccfg["allowedUsrs"])) { $usrs = explode(",", $ccfg["allowedUsrs"]); if (!in_array($uid, $usrs)) { $err = 2; } else { $err = 0; } } else { $err = 2; } //endregion try { if (in_array($_SESSION["mwcpoints"], $access) || in_array(4, $access) || $err == 0) { if (!empty($page[$controller]["mname"]) && !empty($page[$controller]["mpath"])) { $modelpath = "build" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . tbuild . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $page[$controller]["mpath"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $page[$controller]["mname"] . ".php"; require_once $path; if (file_exists($modelpath)) { require_once $modelpath; $modelname = $page[$controller]["mname"]; } else { $modelname = "Model"; $action_name = "showError"; $db->SQLog("model {$modelpath} wasn't found", "router", 2); } $model = new $modelname($db); $contolinst = new $controller($model, $content, $page, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); $contolinst->init(); if (method_exists($controller, $action_name)) { $contolinst->{$action_name}(); } else { $contolinst->action_index(); $db->SQLog("{$controller} hasn't action {$action_name}", "router", 3); } $contolinst->parentOut($isBackground); } else { $model = new $globalcfg["defModel"](); $contolinst = new $globalcfg["defController"]($model, $content, $page, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); $contolinst->genNonMVC($path); $contolinst->parentOut($isBackground); } } else { $model = new Model($db); $contolinst = new Controller($model, $content, $page, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); $contolinst->init(); $contolinst->showError(2); $contolinst->parentOut($isBackground); if (!empty($_SESSION["mwcuid"])) { $theGuy = $_SESSION["mwcuid"]; } else { $theGuy = "?"; } $db->SQLog("user({$theGuy}) try access to {$controller} but he hasn't access", "router", 6); } } catch (Exception $e) { $model = new Model($db); $contolinst = new Controller($model, $content, $page, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); $contolinst->init(); $contolinst->showErrorText($e->getMessage()); $contolinst->parentOut($isBackground); } } else { $model = new Model($db); $contolinst = new Controller($model, $content, $page, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); $contolinst->init(); $contolinst->showError(3); $contolinst->parentOut($isBackground); $db->SQLog("controller {$path} ({$controller}) wasn't found", "router", 1, true); } } else { $model = new Model($db); $contolinst = new Controller($model, $content, $page, $_SESSION["mwcserver"]); $contolinst->init(); $contolinst->showError(3); $contolinst->parentOut($isBackground); $db->SQLog("controller {$controller} wasn't register", "router", 1); } //endregion } catch (Exception $ex) { $stack = $ex->getTrace(); $msg = $ex->getMessage() . " in file: " . basename($stack[3]["file"]) . " line: " . $stack[3]["line"]; self::addlog(tbuild . "_error", $msg, "log"); content::showError("Something went wrong", "please, check logs."); } }
function insert_default_prefs($id) { global $sql, $aa, $plugintable; $plugintable = "pcontent"; $plugindir = e_PLUGIN . "content/"; unset($content_pref, $tmp); if (!is_object($aa)) { require_once $plugindir . "handlers/content_class.php"; $aa = new content(); } $content_pref = $aa->ContentDefaultPrefs($id); $tmp = e107::serialize($content_pref, true); //$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WritexxxArray($content_pref); $sql->db_Update($plugintable, "content_pref='{$tmp}' WHERE content_id='{$id}' "); }
{ echo "<form accept-charset='utf-8' action = 'api_add.php?character={$character_get}'; method = 'POST'>"; ?> <span class="input-group-addon">API Key <a href = "" target="_blank">(generate</a>)</span> <input type="number" name="api" class="form-control" placeholder="access mask: 82317323" required = "required"> <span class="input-group-addon">verification code</span> <input type="text" name="vcode" class="form-control" placeholder="this should be in your Eve API Management page" required = "required"> <br><input type ="Submit" name="Send" value ="Submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block" /> </form> <?php } $title = "Add API Keys/Characters"; $content = new content(); $content->drawMeta($title); ?> <div id="wrapper"> <?php $content->drawNav($accountBalance, $networth, $sellOrders, $escrow, $username, $character_get, $getCharacterList); ?> <div id="page-wrapper"> <?php $content->drawHeader($getCharacterPortrait, $username, "API Management (add)"); ?> <div class="row"> <?php $content->columns_def(); ?> <!-- /.row -->
function print_item_pdf($id) { global $tp, $pref, $content_shortcodes; global $CONTENT_PRINT_IMAGES, $row, $content_image_path, $content_pref, $mainparent; //in this section you decide what to needs to be output to the pdf file $con = new convert(); require_once e_PLUGIN . "content/content_shortcodes.php"; require_once e_PLUGIN . "content/handlers/content_class.php"; $aa = new content(); if (!is_object($sql)) { $sql = new db(); } $sql->db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_text, content_image, content_author, content_parent, content_datestamp, content_class, content_pref", "content_id='" . intval($id) . "' "); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if (!check_class($row['content_class'])) { header("location:" . e_PLUGIN . "content/content.php"); exit; } $authordetails = $aa->getAuthor($row['content_author']); $row['content_datestamp'] = $con->convert_date($row['content_datestamp'], "long"); $img = $tp->parseTemplate('{CONTENT_PRINT_IMAGES}', FALSE, $content_shortcodes); $mainparent = $aa->getMainParent(intval($id)); $content_pref = $aa->getContentPref($mainparent); $content_icon_path = $tp->replaceConstants($content_pref["content_icon_path"]); $content_image_path = $tp->replaceConstants($content_pref["content_image_path"]); $img = $tp->parseTemplate('{CONTENT_PDF_IMAGES}', FALSE, $content_shortcodes); //add custom and preset tags if present $custom = e107::unserialize($row['content_pref']); //$custom = $eArrayStorage->ReadxxxArray($row['content_pref']); $months = array(CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_0, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_1, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_2, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_3, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_4, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_5, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_6, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_7, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_8, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_9, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_10, CONTENT_ADMIN_DATE_LAN_11); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS = ""; if (!empty($custom)) { foreach ($custom as $k => $v) { if ($k == "content_custom_presettags") { if (isset($content_pref["content_content_presettags"]) && $content_pref["content_content_presettags"]) { foreach ($v as $ck => $cv) { if (is_array($cv)) { //date if (!($cv['day'] == "" && $cv['month'] == "" && $cv['year'] == "")) { $vv = $cv['day'] . " " . $months[$cv['month'] - 1] . " " . $cv['year']; } } else { $vv = $cv; } if (isset($ck) && $ck != "" && isset($vv) && $vv != "") { $CUSTOM_TAGS = TRUE; $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY = $tp->toHTML($ck, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE = $tp->toHTML($vv, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS .= $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY . " : " . $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE . "<br />"; } } } } else { if (isset($content_pref["content_content_customtags"]) && $content_pref["content_content_customtags"]) { $key = substr($k, 15); if (isset($key) && $key != "" && isset($v) && $v != "") { $CUSTOM_TAGS = TRUE; $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY = $tp->toHTML($key, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE = $tp->toHTML($v, true); $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS .= $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_KEY . " : " . $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_VALUE . "<br />"; } } } } } $text = "\n\t<b>" . $row['content_heading'] . "</b><br />\n\t" . $row['content_subheading'] . "<br />\n\t" . $authordetails[1] . ", " . $row['content_datestamp'] . "<br />\n\t<br />\n\t" . $row['content_text'] . "<br />\n\t" . ($CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS ? $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_CUSTOM_TAGS : "") . "\n\t<div style='float:left; padding-left:10px;'>" . $img . "</div>\n\t"; //the following defines are processed in the document properties of the pdf file //Do NOT add parser function to the variables, leave them as raw data ! //as the pdf methods will handle this ! $text = $text; //define text $creator = SITENAME; //define creator $author = $authordetails[1]; //define author $title = $row['content_heading']; //define title $subject = $row['content_subheading']; //define subject $keywords = ""; //define keywords //define url to use in the header of the pdf file $url = SITEURLBASE . e_PLUGIN_ABS . "content/content.php?content." . $row['content_id']; //always return an array with the following data: return array($text, $creator, $author, $title, $subject, $keywords, $url); }
<?php $ci =& get_instance(); $ci->load->library('gui'); $c = new content(); if ($ci->input->post("id")) { $c->get_by_id($ci->input->post("id")); } $c->parent_section = $ci->input->post("parent_section"); $c->parent_content = $ci->input->post("parent_content"); $c->cell = $ci->input->post("cell"); $c->sort = $ci->input->post("sort"); $c->path = $ci->input->post("path"); $c->type = $ci->input->post("type"); $c->subsection = $ci->input->post("subsection") == NULL ? FALSE : TRUE; $c->view = $ci->input->post("view"); $c->addin = $ci->input->post("addin"); $old_edit = $c->can_edit(); $c->edit = $ci->input->post("edit"); $c->del = $ci->input->post("del"); $c->info = $ci->input->post("info"); if (!$ci->input->post("id")) { $p = new content(); $p->get_by_id($c->parent_content); $c->attach($ci->vunsy->section, $p, $c->cell, $c->sort); } $p = new Section(); $p->get_by_id($c->parent_section); if ($p->can_addin() and !$ci->input->post("id") or $ci->input->post("id") and $old_edit) { $c->save(); if ($ci->input->post("id")) {
if ($user->insert()) { // inserted ok if ($userInfo->createFromUser($user, 0)) { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/subscriptions.class.php'; $subTable = new SubscriptionsTable($db); $sub = $subTable->getRowObject(); $sub->userid = $user->userid; $sub->rxFeatures = 1; $sub->rxMode = 'notification'; $sub->insert(); } } } // Add stories require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($db); // load admin $q = $db->queryC("SELECT * FROM User,UserInfo WHERE User.userid=UserInfo.userid AND isAdmin=1 LIMIT 1;"); if ($q !== false) { $ui = $db->readQ($q); $ui->u->name = $ui->name; $fData = new stdClass(); $fData->body = ''; $fData->tags = ''; $fData->videoEmbed = ''; $fData->isFeatureCandidate = 0; $fData->mediatype = 'text'; $fData->url = mysql_real_escape_string(''); $fData->imageUrl = mysql_real_escape_string(''); $fData->title = mysql_real_escape_string('How Evan Ratliff Was Caught'); $fData->caption = mysql_real_escape_string('Naked Pizza snagged Evan. But the legwork was done by Jeff Reifman, who was using twitter under @vanishteam. He has just put up an <a href="">amazing post</a> detailing exactly what he did and how he did it. The post should be read in full.');
</tr> <tr> <td>' . $p->t('news/text') . '</td> <td><textarea name="text_' . $lang . '" rows="15" cols="80">' . $text . '</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td>' . $p->t('news/veroeffentlichen') . '</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="sichtbar_' . $lang . '" ' . ($sichtbar == true ? 'checked' : '') . '></td> </tr> </table>'; echo '</div>'; } //Anlegen von Uebersetzungen if ($news->content_id != '') { echo '<div id="add">'; $content = new content(); if (!($vorhandene_sprachen = $content->getLanguages($news->content_id))) { die($content->errormsg); } $sprache_obj = new sprache(); $sprache_obj->getAll(true); //Wenn noch nicht alle Uebersetzungen vorhanden sind, //wird ein Link zum Erstellen der Uebersetzung angezeigt. if (count($vorhandene_sprachen) < count($sprache_obj->result)) { echo $p->t('news/uebersetzunganlegen'); foreach ($sprache_obj->result as $row) { if (!in_array($row->sprache, $vorhandene_sprachen)) { echo '<br /><a style="color:#008381" href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?news_id=' . $news_id . '&action=add_uebersetzung&lang=' . $row->sprache . '">' . $row->bezeichnung_arr[$sprache] . '</a>'; } } } else {
?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <link href="../bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Custom CSS --> <link href="../dist/css/sb-admin-2.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Custom Fonts --> <link href="../bower_components/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <!-- DataTables CSS --> <link href="../bower_components/datatables-plugins/integration/bootstrap/3/dataTables.bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- DataTables Responsive CSS --> <link href="../bower_components/datatables-responsive/css/dataTables.responsive.css" rel="stylesheet"> <?php $title = "Logout"; $content = new content($title); $content->drawMeta($title); ?> </head> <body> <?php $message = "Logout"; $content->form_container($message); session_destroy(); unset($_COOKIE['user']); setcookie('user', '', time() - 3600, '/'); unset($_COOKIE['password']); setcookie('password', '', time() - 3600, '/'); echo "You have logged out"; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1; url=../index.php'>";