appendSignature() public method

public appendSignature ( $parentNode, $insertBefore = false )
function signXML($token, $privkey)
    $sigdoc = new DOMDocument();
    if (!$sigdoc->loadXML($token)) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid XML!");
    $sigNode = $sigdoc->firstChild;
    $enc = new XMLSecurityDSig();
    $enc->idKeys[] = 'ID';
    $enc->addReference($sigNode, XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1, array('', XMLSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N));
    $key = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type' => 'private', 'library' => 'openssl'));
    $key->loadKey($privkey, false, false);
    return $sigdoc->saveXML();
 public function signSoapDoc($objKey, $options = null)
     $objDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $arNodes = array();
     foreach ($this->secNode->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             $arNodes[] = $node;
     foreach ($this->secNode->parentNode->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($this->signAllHeaders || $node->localName == 'To') {
             if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->namespaceURI != self::WSSENS) {
                 $arNodes[] = $node;
     if ($this->signBody) {
         foreach ($this->envelope->childNodes as $node) {
             if ($node->namespaceURI == $this->soapNS && $node->localName == 'Body') {
                 $arNodes[] = $node;
     $algorithm = XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1;
     if (is_array($options) && isset($options["algorithm"])) {
         $algorithm = $options["algorithm"];
     $arOptions = array('prefix' => self::WSUPFX, 'prefix_ns' => self::WSUNS);
     $objDSig->addReferenceList($arNodes, $algorithm, null, $arOptions);
     $insertTop = true;
     if (is_array($options) && isset($options["insertBefore"])) {
         $insertTop = (bool) $options["insertBefore"];
     $objDSig->appendSignature($this->secNode, $insertTop);
     /* New suff */
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if (!empty($options["KeyInfo"])) {
             if (!empty($options["KeyInfo"]["X509SubjectKeyIdentifier"])) {
                 $sigNode = $this->secNode->firstChild->nextSibling;
                 $objDoc = $sigNode->ownerDocument;
                 $keyInfo = $sigNode->ownerDocument->createElementNS(XMLSecurityDSig::XMLDSIGNS, 'ds:KeyInfo');
                 $tokenRef = $objDoc->createElementNS(self::WSSENS, self::WSSEPFX . ':SecurityTokenReference');
                 $reference = $objDoc->createElementNS(self::WSSENS, self::WSSEPFX . ':KeyIdentifier');
                 $reference->setAttribute("ValueType", "");
                 $reference->setAttribute("EncodingType", "");
                 $x509 = openssl_x509_parse($objKey->getX509Certificate());
                 $keyid = $x509["extensions"]["subjectKeyIdentifier"];
                 $arkeyid = split(":", $keyid);
                 $data = "";
                 foreach ($arkeyid as $hexchar) {
                     $data .= chr(hexdec($hexchar));
                 $dataNode = new DOMText(base64_encode($data));
 public function signSoapDoc($objKey)
     $objDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $arNodes = array();
     foreach ($this->secNode->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             $arNodes[] = $node;
     if ($this->signAllHeaders) {
         foreach ($this->secNode->parentNode->childNodes as $node) {
             if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->namespaceURI != WSSESoap::WSSENS) {
                 $arNodes[] = $node;
     foreach ($this->envelope->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node->namespaceURI == $this->soapNS && $node->localName == 'Body') {
             $arNodes[] = $node;
     $arOptions = array('prefix' => WSSESoap::WSUPFX, 'prefix_ns' => WSSESoap::WSUNS);
     $objDSig->addReferenceList($arNodes, XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1, NULL, $arOptions);
     $objDSig->appendSignature($this->secNode, TRUE);
  * Sign the specified DOMDocument
  * @see
  * @param DOMDocument $document
  * @return DOMDocument
 private function sign_document(DOMDocument $document)
     $result = false;
     try {
         $dsig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
         // For canonicalization purposes the exclusive (9) algorithm must be used.
         // @see #page 30
         // For hashing purposes the SHA-256 (11) algorithm must be used.
         // @see #page 30
         $dsig->addReference($document, XMLSecurityDSig::SHA256, array(''), array('force_uri' => true));
         // For signature purposes the RSAWithSHA 256 (12) algorithm must be used.
         // @see #page 31
         $key = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA256, array('type' => 'private'));
         $key->passphrase = $this->private_key_password;
         // Test if we can get an private key object, to prefent the following errors:
         // Warning: openssl_sign() [function.openssl-sign]: supplied key param cannot be coerced into a private key
         $result = openssl_get_privatekey($this->private_key, $this->private_key_password);
         if (false !== $result) {
             // Sign
             // The public key must be referenced using a fingerprint of an X.509
             // certificate. The fingerprint must be calculated according
             // to the following formula HEX(SHA-1(DER certificate)) (13)
             // @see #page 31
             $fingerprint = Pronamic_WP_Pay_Gateways_IDealAdvanced_Security::getShaFingerprint($this->private_certificate);
             // Add the signature
             $result = $document;
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Can not load private key');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->error = new WP_Error('xml_security', $e->getMessage(), $e);
     return $result;
function processDocument()
    global $src_file, $target_file, $user_pubkey_file_path, $user_cert_file_path;
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/xmlseclibs.php';
    if (file_exists($target_file)) {
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    $objDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
    $objDSig->addReference($doc, XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1, array(''));
    /* gako pribatu bat behar dugu prozesua burutzeko. orain edozein erabiliko dugu. gero txartelekoarekin ordezkatzeko */
    $objKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type' => 'private'));
    /* if key has Passphrase, set it using $objKey->passphrase = <passphrase> " */
    $objKey->loadKey(dirname(__FILE__) . '/privkey.pem', TRUE);
    /* Add associated public key */
    // $objDSig->add509Cert(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mycert.pem'));
    // $objDSig->add509Cert(file_get_contents($user_cert_file_path));
    if (!file_exists($user_cert_file_path)) {
        debug('File not found', $user_cert_file_path);
    } else {
  * @dataProvider testXmlSignProvider
  * @throws \Exception
 public function testXmlSign($dsigAlgorithm, $keyType, $expectedFileName)
     $doc = new \DOMDocument();
     $doc->load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../basic-doc.xml');
     $objDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objDSig->addReference($doc, $dsigAlgorithm, array(''));
     $objKey = new XMLSecurityKey($keyType, array('type' => 'private'));
     /* load private key */
     $objKey->loadKey(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../privkey.pem', true);
     /* if key has Passphrase, set it using $objKey->passphrase = <passphrase> " */
     /* Add associated public key */
     $objDSig->add509Cert(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mycert.pem'));
     $sign_output = $doc->saveXML();
     $sign_output_def = file_get_contents($expectedFileName);
     $this->assertEquals($sign_output_def, $sign_output, "Signature doesn't match");
            $objDSig->addReference($doc, XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1, array(''));
            /* gako pribatu bat behar dugu prozesua burutzeko. orain edozein erabiliko dugu. gero txartelekoarekin ordezkatzeko */
            $objKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type' => 'private'));
            /* if key has Passphrase, set it using $objKey->passphrase = <passphrase> " */
            $objKey->loadKey(dirname(__FILE__) . '/privkey.pem', TRUE);
            /* Add associated public key */
            // $objDSig->add509Cert(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mycert.pem'));
            // $objDSig->add509Cert(file_get_contents($user_cert_file_path));
            if (!file_exists($user_cert_file_path)) {
                die('File not found : ' . $user_cert_file_path);
            } else {

            <h3>Por favor, apriete el botón "Enviar" para acabar con el registro del fichero en la Agencia de Proteccion de datos</h3>
            echo '<form id="formMyFirma" name="formMyFirma" method="post" onsubmit="document.getElementById(\'sinatuta\').value = signDigest(document.getElementById(\'sinatzeko\').value);" action="' . str_replace("http://", "https://", UsuarioPeer::getRuta()) . '/notificaciones/enviar/id_notificacion/' . $notificacion->notid . '/id_fichero/' . $notificacion->id_fichero . '/yafirmado/1">';
            echo '<input type="hidden" id="sinatzeko" name="sinatzeko" value="' . trim(strip_tags(_CANON_DATA)) . '">';
            echo '<input type="hidden" id="sinatuta" name="sinatuta" value="">';
            //echo '<input onclick="document.getElementById(\'sinatuta\').value = signDigest(document.getElementById(\'sinatzeko\').value);" value="Firmar documento con tarjeta" type="button"><br />';
            echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Enviar" /><br />';
            echo '</form>';
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
            echo '/*document.getElementById(\'sinatuta\').value = signDigest(document.getElementById(\'sinatzeko\').value);*/';
            echo 'document.getElementById(\'formMyFirma\').submit();';
            echo '</script><br />';
 public function sendResponse($response, $idmetaindex, $spentityid, $relayState = null)
     $idpmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($idmetaindex, 'saml20-idp-hosted');
     $spmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'saml20-sp-remote');
     $destination = $spmd['AssertionConsumerService'];
     if (empty($idpmd['privatekey'])) {
         throw new Exception('SAML: RSA private key not configured. This is required to sign the authentication response.');
     if (empty($idpmd['certificate'])) {
         throw new Exception('SAML: X.509 certificate not configured. This is required to attach to the authentication response.');
     // XMLDSig. Sign the complete request with the key stored in cert/server.pem
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     try {
         $responsedom = new DOMDocument();
         $responsedom->loadXML(str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\r", "", $response)));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("foo");
     $responseroot = $responsedom->getElementsByTagName('Response')->item(0);
     $firstassertionroot = $responsedom->getElementsByTagName('Assertion')->item(0);
     /* Determine what we should sign - either the Response element or the Assertion. The default
      * is to sign the Assertion, but that can be overridden by the 'signresponse' option in the
      * SP metadata or 'saml20.signresponse' in the global configuration.
     $signResponse = FALSE;
     if (array_key_exists('signresponse', $spmd) && $spmd['signresponse'] !== NULL) {
         $signResponse = $spmd['signresponse'];
         if (!is_bool($signResponse)) {
             throw new Exception('Expected the \'signresponse\' option in the metadata of the' . ' SP \'' . $spmd['entityid'] . '\' to be a boolean value.');
     } else {
         $signResponse = $this->configuration->getBoolean('saml20.signresponse', FALSE);
     if ($signResponse) {
         // Sign the response.
         $objXMLSecDSig->addReferenceList(array($responseroot), XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1, array('', XMLSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N), array('id_name' => 'ID'));
     } else {
         // Sign the assertion.
         $objXMLSecDSig->addReferenceList(array($firstassertionroot), XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1, array('', XMLSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N), array('id_name' => 'ID'));
     $objKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type' => 'private'));
     if (array_key_exists('privatekey_pass', $idpmd)) {
         $objKey->passphrase = $idpmd['privatekey_pass'];
     $objXMLSecDSig->add509Cert($idpmd['certificate'], true);
     if ($signResponse) {
         $objXMLSecDSig->appendSignature($responseroot, true, false);
     } else {
         $objXMLSecDSig->appendSignature($firstassertionroot, true, true);
     if (isset($spmd['assertion.encryption']) && $spmd['assertion.encryption']) {
         $encryptedassertion = $responsedom->createElement("saml:EncryptedAssertion");
         $encryptedassertion->setAttribute("xmlns:saml", "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion");
         $firstassertionroot->parentNode->replaceChild($encryptedassertion, $firstassertionroot);
         $enc = new XMLSecEnc();
         $enc->type = XMLSecEnc::Element;
         $objKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::AES128_CBC);
         if (isset($spmd['sharedkey'])) {
         } else {
             $key = $objKey->generateSessionKey();
             if (empty($spmd['certificate'])) {
                 throw new Exception("Public key for encrypting assertion needed, but not specified for saml20-sp-remote id: " . $spentityid);
             $keyKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_1_5, array('type' => 'public'));
             $enc->encryptKey($keyKey, $objKey);
         $encNode = $enc->encryptNode($objKey);
         # replacing the unencrypted node
     $response = $responsedom->saveXML();
     SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateXMLDocument($response, 'saml20');
     # openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
     # openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.pem
     # openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
     # openssl x509 -req -days 60 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
     if ($this->configuration->getValue('debug')) {
         $p = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($this->configuration, 'post-debug.php');
         $p->data['header'] = 'SAML Response Debug-mode';
         $p->data['RelayStateName'] = 'RelayState';
         $p->data['RelayState'] = $relayState;
         $p->data['destination'] = $destination;
         $p->data['response'] = str_replace("\n", "", base64_encode($response));
         $p->data['responseHTML'] = htmlentities($responsedom->saveHTML());
     } else {
         $p = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($this->configuration, 'post.php');
         $p->data['RelayStateName'] = 'RelayState';
         $p->data['RelayState'] = $relayState;
         $p->data['destination'] = $destination;
         $p->data['response'] = base64_encode($response);