validateReference() public method

public validateReference ( )
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception
 public function isValid()
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($this->_document);
     if (!$objDSig) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot locate Signature Node');
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('ID');
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     if (!$retVal) {
         throw new Exception('Reference Validation Failed');
     $singleAssertion = $this->validateNumAssertions();
     if (!$singleAssertion) {
         throw new Exception('Multiple assertions are not supported');
     $validTimestamps = $this->validateTimestamps();
     if (!$validTimestamps) {
         throw new Exception('Timing issues (please check your clock settings)
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (!$objKey) {
         throw new Exception('We have no idea about the key');
     XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
     $objKey->loadKey($this->_settings->idpPublicCertificate, FALSE, TRUE);
     return $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey) === 1;
 public function is_valid()
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($this->document);
     if (!$objDSig) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot locate Signature Node");
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('ID');
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     if (!$retVal) {
         throw new Exception("Reference Validation Failed");
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (!$objKey) {
         throw new Exception("We have no idea about the key");
     $key = null;
     $singleAssertion = $this->validateNumAssertions();
     if (!$singleAssertion) {
         throw new Exception("Only one SAMLAssertion allowed");
     $validTimestamps = $this->validateTimestamps();
     if (!$validTimestamps) {
         throw new Exception("SAMLAssertion conditions not met");
     $objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
     $objKey->loadKey($this->settings->x509certificate, false, true);
     $result = $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey);
     return $result;
 public function testWithCommentIdUriObject()
     $doc = new \DOMDocument();
     $doc->load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../withcomment-id-uri-object.xml');
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('xml:id');
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($doc);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\DomElement', $objDSig, "Cannot locate Signature Node");
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     $this->assertTrue($retVal, "Reference Validation Failed");
  * @param \DOMElement $xml
  * @throws \AerialShip\LightSaml\Error\SecurityException
  * @throws \AerialShip\LightSaml\Error\InvalidXmlException
 public function loadFromXml(\DOMElement $xml)
     if ($xml->localName != 'Signature' || $xml->namespaceURI != Protocol::NS_XMLDSIG) {
         throw new InvalidXmlException('Expected Signature element and ' . Protocol::NS_XMLDSIG . ' namespace but got ' . $xml->localName);
     $this->signature = new \XMLSecurityDSig();
     $this->signature->idKeys[] = $this->getIDName();
     $this->signature->sigNode = $xml;
     if (!$this->signature->validateReference()) {
         throw new SecurityException('Digest validation failed');
     $this->certificates = array();
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($xml instanceof \DOMDocument ? $xml : $xml->ownerDocument);
     $xpath->registerNamespace('ds', Protocol::NS_XMLDSIG);
     $list = $xpath->query('./ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate', $this->signature->sigNode);
     foreach ($list as $certNode) {
         $certData = trim($certNode->textContent);
         $certData = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t", ' '), '', $certData);
         $this->certificates[] = $certData;
  * Check the Signature in a XML element.
  * This function expects the XML element to contain a Signature-element
  * which contains a reference to the XML-element. This is common for both
  * messages and assertions.
  * Note that this function only validates the element itself. It does not
  * check this against any local keys.
  * If no Signature-element is located, this function will return FALSE. All
  * other validation errors result in an exception. On successful validation
  * an array will be returned. This array contains the information required to
  * check the signature against a public key.
  * @param  DOMElement  $root The element which should be validated.
  * @return array|bool An array with information about the Signature-element.
  * @throws Exception
 public static function validateElement(DOMElement $root)
     /* Create an XML security object. */
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     /* Both SAML messages and SAML assertions use the 'ID' attribute. */
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = 'ID';
     /* Locate the XMLDSig Signature element to be used. */
     $signatureElement = self::xpQuery($root, './ds:Signature');
     if (count($signatureElement) === 0) {
         /* We don't have a signature element ot validate. */
         return FALSE;
     } elseif (count($signatureElement) > 1) {
         throw new Exception('XMLSec: more than one signature element in root.');
     $signatureElement = $signatureElement[0];
     $objXMLSecDSig->sigNode = $signatureElement;
     /* Canonicalize the XMLDSig SignedInfo element in the message. */
     /* Validate referenced xml nodes. */
     if (!$objXMLSecDSig->validateReference()) {
         throw new Exception('XMLsec: digest validation failed');
     /* Check that $root is one of the signed nodes. */
     $rootSigned = FALSE;
     /** @var DOMNode $signedNode */
     foreach ($objXMLSecDSig->getValidatedNodes() as $signedNode) {
         if ($signedNode->isSameNode($root)) {
             $rootSigned = TRUE;
         } elseif ($root->parentNode instanceof DOMDocument && $signedNode->isSameNode($root->ownerDocument)) {
             /* $root is the root element of a signed document. */
             $rootSigned = TRUE;
     if (!$rootSigned) {
         throw new Exception('XMLSec: The root element is not signed.');
     /* Now we extract all available X509 certificates in the signature element. */
     $certificates = array();
     foreach (self::xpQuery($signatureElement, './ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate') as $certNode) {
         $certData = trim($certNode->textContent);
         $certData = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t", ' '), '', $certData);
         $certificates[] = $certData;
     $ret = array('Signature' => $objXMLSecDSig, 'Certificates' => $certificates);
     return $ret;
 function is_valid()
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($this->doc);
     if (!$objDSig) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot locate Signature Node");
         //, 'error', FALSE
         return false;
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('ID');
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     if (!$retVal) {
         throw new Exception("SAML Assertion Error: Reference Validation Failed");
         //, 'error', FALSE
         return false;
         // throw new Exception("Reference Validation Failed");
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (!$objKey) {
         throw new Exception("SAML Assertion Error: We have no idea about the key");
         //, 'error', FALSE
         return false;
         // throw new Exception("We have no idea about the key");
     $key = NULL;
     $singleAssertion = $this->validateNumAssertions();
     if (!$singleAssertion) {
         throw new Exception("SAML Assertion Error: Only ONE SAML Assertion Allowed");
         //, 'error', FALSE
         return false;
         // throw new Exception("Only ONE SamlAssertion allowed");
     $validTimestamps = $this->validateTimestamps();
     if (!$validTimestamps) {
         throw new Exception("SAML Assertion Error: Check your timestamp conditions");
         //, 'error', FALSE
         return false;
         // throw new Exception("Check your timestamp conditions");
     $objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
     $objKey->loadKey($this->x509certificate, FALSE, true);
     $result = $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey);
     return $result;
  * This function initializes the validator.
  * @param $xmlNode  The XML node which contains the Signature element.
  * @param $idAttribute  The ID attribute which is used in node references. If this attribute is
  *                      NULL (the default), then we will use whatever is the default ID.
 public function __construct($xmlNode, $idAttribute = NULL, $publickey = FALSE)
     assert('$xmlNode instanceof DOMNode');
     /* Create an XML security object. */
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     /* Add the id attribute if the user passed in an id attribute. */
     if ($idAttribute !== NULL) {
         $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = $idAttribute;
     /* Locate the XMLDSig Signature element to be used. */
     $signatureElement = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($xmlNode);
     if (!$signatureElement) {
         throw new Exception('Could not locate XML Signature element.');
     /* Canonicalize the XMLDSig SignedInfo element in the message. */
     /* Validate referenced xml nodes. */
     if (!$objXMLSecDSig->validateReference()) {
         throw new Exception('XMLsec: digest validation failed');
     /* Find the key used to sign the document. */
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (empty($objKey)) {
         throw new Exception('Error loading key to handle XML signature');
     /* Load the key data. */
     if ($publickey) {
     } else {
         if (!XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $signatureElement)) {
             throw new Exception('Error finding key data for XML signature validation.');
     /* Check the signature. */
     if (!$objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey)) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to validate Signature");
     /* Extract the certificate fingerprint. */
     $this->x509Fingerprint = $objKey->getX509Fingerprint();
     /* Find the list of validated nodes. */
     $this->validNodes = $objXMLSecDSig->getValidatedNodes();
 function is_valid()
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($this->doc);
     if (!$objDSig) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot locate Signature Node");
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('ID');
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     if (!$retVal) {
         throw new Exception("Reference Validation Failed");
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (!$objKey) {
         throw new Exception("We have no idea about the key");
     $key = NULL;
     $objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
     $objKey->loadKey($this->x509certificate, FALSE, true);
     $result = $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey);
     return $result;
  * This function initializes the validator.
  * This function accepts an optional parameter $publickey, which is the public key
  * or certificate which should be used to validate the signature. This parameter can
  * take the following values:
  * - NULL/FALSE: No validation will be performed. This is the default.
  * - A string: Assumed to be a PEM-encoded certificate / public key.
  * - An array: Assumed to be an array returned by SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPublicKey.
  * @param DOMNode $xmlNode  The XML node which contains the Signature element.
  * @param string|array $idAttribute  The ID attribute which is used in node references. If
  *          this attribute is NULL (the default), then we will use whatever is the default
  *          ID. Can be eigther a string with one value, or an array with multiple ID
  *          attrbute names.
  * @param array $publickey  The public key / certificate which should be used to validate the XML node.
 public function __construct($xmlNode, $idAttribute = NULL, $publickey = FALSE)
     assert('$xmlNode instanceof DOMNode');
     if ($publickey === NULL) {
         $publickey = FALSE;
     } elseif (is_string($publickey)) {
         $publickey = array('PEM' => $publickey);
     } else {
         assert('$publickey === FALSE || is_array($publickey)');
     /* Create an XML security object. */
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     /* Add the id attribute if the user passed in an id attribute. */
     if ($idAttribute !== NULL) {
         if (is_string($idAttribute)) {
             $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = $idAttribute;
         } elseif (is_array($idAttribute)) {
             foreach ($idAttribute as $ida) {
                 $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = $ida;
     /* Locate the XMLDSig Signature element to be used. */
     $signatureElement = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($xmlNode);
     if (!$signatureElement) {
         throw new Exception('Could not locate XML Signature element.');
     /* Canonicalize the XMLDSig SignedInfo element in the message. */
     /* Validate referenced xml nodes. */
     if (!$objXMLSecDSig->validateReference()) {
         throw new Exception('XMLsec: digest validation failed');
     /* Find the key used to sign the document. */
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (empty($objKey)) {
         throw new Exception('Error loading key to handle XML signature');
     /* Load the key data. */
     if ($publickey !== FALSE && array_key_exists('PEM', $publickey)) {
         /* We have PEM data for the public key / certificate. */
     } else {
         /* No PEM data. Search for key in signature. */
         if (!XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $signatureElement)) {
             throw new Exception('Error finding key data for XML signature validation.');
         if ($publickey !== FALSE) {
             /* $publickey is set, and should therefore contain one or more fingerprints.
              * Check that the response contains a certificate with a matching
              * fingerprint.
             $certificate = $objKey->getX509Certificate();
             if ($certificate === NULL) {
                 /* Wasn't signed with an X509 certificate. */
                 throw new Exception('Message wasn\'t signed with an X509 certificate,' . ' and no public key was provided in the metadata.');
             self::validateCertificateFingerprint($certificate, $publickey['certFingerprint']);
             /* Key OK. */
     /* Check the signature. */
     if (!$objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey)) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to validate Signature");
     /* Extract the certificate. */
     $this->x509Certificate = $objKey->getX509Certificate();
     /* Find the list of validated nodes. */
     $this->validNodes = $objXMLSecDSig->getValidatedNodes();
 public function processSignature($refNode)
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = 'wswsu:Id';
     $objXMLSecDSig->idNS['wswsu'] = WSSESoapServer::WSUNS;
     $objXMLSecDSig->sigNode = $refNode;
     /* Canonicalize the signed info */
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     if (!$retVal) {
         throw new Exception("Validation Failed");
     $key = NULL;
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if ($objKey) {
         if ($objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $refNode)) {
             /* Handle any additional key processing such as encrypted keys here */
     if (empty($objKey)) {
         throw new Exception("Error loading key to handle Signature");
     do {
         if (empty($objKey->key)) {
             $this->SOAPXPath->registerNamespace('xmlsecdsig', XMLSecurityDSig::XMLDSIGNS);
             $query = "./xmlsecdsig:KeyInfo/wswsse:SecurityTokenReference/wswsse:Reference";
             $nodeset = $this->SOAPXPath->query($query, $refNode);
             if ($encmeth = $nodeset->item(0)) {
                 if ($uri = $encmeth->getAttribute("URI")) {
                     $arUrl = parse_url($uri);
                     if (empty($arUrl['path']) && ($identifier = $arUrl['fragment'])) {
                         $query = '//wswsse:BinarySecurityToken[@wswsu:Id="' . $identifier . '"]';
                         $nodeset = $this->SOAPXPath->query($query);
                         if ($encmeth = $nodeset->item(0)) {
                             $x509cert = $encmeth->textContent;
                             $x509cert = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $x509cert);
                             $x509cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($x509cert, 64, "\n") . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
             throw new Exception("Error loading key to handle Signature");
     } while (0);
     if (!$objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey)) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to validate Signature");
     return TRUE;
  * Validates a signature (Message or Assertion).
  * @param string|DomDocument $xml            The element we should validate
  * @param string|null        $cert           The pubic cert
  * @param string|null        $fingerprint    The fingerprint of the public cert
  * @param string|null        $fingerprintalg The algorithm used to get the fingerprint
 public static function validateSign($xml, $cert = null, $fingerprint = null, $fingerprintalg = 'sha1')
     if ($xml instanceof DOMDocument) {
         $dom = clone $xml;
     } else {
         if ($xml instanceof DOMElement) {
             $dom = clone $xml->ownerDocument;
         } else {
             $dom = new DOMDocument();
             $dom = self::loadXML($dom, $xml);
     # Check if Reference URI is empty
     try {
         $signatureElems = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Signature');
         foreach ($signatureElems as $signatureElem) {
             $referenceElems = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Reference');
             if (count($referenceElems) > 0) {
                 $referenceElem = $referenceElems->item(0);
                 if ($referenceElem->getAttribute('URI') == '') {
                     $referenceElem->setAttribute('URI', '#' . $signatureElem->parentNode->getAttribute('ID'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('ID');
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($dom);
     if (!$objDSig) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot locate Signature Node');
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (!$objKey) {
         throw new Exception('We have no idea about the key');
     try {
         $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
     if (!empty($cert)) {
         $objKey->loadKey($cert, false, true);
         return $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey) === 1;
     } else {
         $domCert = $objKey->getX509Certificate();
         $domCertFingerprint = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils::calculateX509Fingerprint($domCert, $fingerprintalg);
         if (OneLogin_Saml2_Utils::formatFingerPrint($fingerprint) !== $domCertFingerprint) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $objKey->loadKey($domCert, false, true);
             return $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey) === 1;

define('DS', '\\');
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->load('C:\\Users\\Miha Nahtigal\\Downloads\\Obcina_Trebnje_koledar_eslog (82).xml');
require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'LilInvoices' . DS . 'Lib' . DS . 'xmlseclibs_bes.php';
$objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
$objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($doc);
if (!$objDSig) {
    throw new Exception("Cannot locate Signature Node");
//$objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('xds:Id');
//$objXMLSecDSig->idNS = array('xds'=>'');
$retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
if (!$retVal) {
    throw new Exception("Reference Validation Failed");
$objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
if (!$objKey) {
    throw new Exception("We have no idea about the key");
$key = NULL;
$objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
if (!$objKeyInfo->key && empty($key)) {
    $objKey->loadKey(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mycert.pem', TRUE);
if ($objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey)) {
    print "Signature validated!";
} else {
    print "Failure!!!!!!!!";
  * @param $testName
  * @param $testFile
  * @dataProvider verifyProvider
 public function testVerify($testName, $testFile)
     $doc = new \DOMDocument();
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($doc);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\DOMElement', $objDSig, "Cannot locate Signature Node");
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('wsu:Id');
     $objXMLSecDSig->idNS = array('wsu' => '');
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     $this->assertTrue($retVal, "Reference Validation Failed");
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\XmlSecLibs\\XMLSecurityKey', $objKey, "We have no idea about the key");
     $key = null;
     $objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
     if (!$objKeyInfo->key && empty($key)) {
         $objKey->loadKey(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mycert.pem', true);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey), "{$testName}: Signature is invalid");
 public function processSignature($refNode)
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = 'wswsu:Id';
     $objXMLSecDSig->idNS['wswsu'] = self::WSUNS;
     $objXMLSecDSig->sigNode = $refNode;
     $canonBody = $objXMLSecDSig->canonicalizeBody();
     $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     if (!$retVal) {
         throw new Exception("Validation Failed");
     $key = NULL;
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     do {
         if (empty($objKey->key)) {
             $handler = fopen($this->certServerPath, "r");
             $x509cert = fread($handler, 8192);
             $objKey->loadKey($x509cert, FALSE, TRUE);
             throw new Exception("Error loading key to handle Signature");
     } while (0);
     if ($objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey) && $objXMLSecDSig->compareDigest($canonBody)) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
  * Validates a signature (Message or Assertion).
  * @param string|DomDocument $xml         The element we should validate
  * @param string|null        $cert        The pubic cert
  * @param string|null        $fingerprint The fingerprint of the public cert
 public static function validateSign($xml, $cert = null, $fingerprint = null)
     if ($xml instanceof DOMDocument) {
         $dom = clone $xml;
     } else {
         if ($xml instanceof DOMElement) {
             $dom = clone $xml->ownerDocument;
         } else {
             $dom = new DOMDocument();
             $dom = self::loadXML($dom, $xml);
     $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys = array('ID');
     $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($dom);
     if (!$objDSig) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot locate Signature Node');
     $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
     if (!$objKey) {
         throw new Exception('We have no idea about the key');
     try {
         $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig);
     if (!empty($cert)) {
         $objKey->loadKey($cert, false, true);
         return $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey) === 1;
     } else {
         $domCert = $objKey->getX509Certificate();
         $domCertFingerprint = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils::calculateX509Fingerprint($domCert);
         if (OneLogin_Saml2_Utils::formatFingerPrint($fingerprint) !== $domCertFingerprint) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $objKey->loadKey($domCert, false, true);
             return $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey) === 1;
function checkXMLSignature($token)
    $objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
    $objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = 'ID';
    $objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($token);
    /* Must check certificate fingerprint now - validateReference removes it */
    if (!validateCertFingerprint($token)) {
        throw new Exception("Fingerprint Validation Failed");
    /* Canonicalize the signed info */
    $retVal = NULL;
    if ($objDSig) {
        $retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
    if (!$retVal) {
        throw new Exception("SAML Validation Failed");
    $key = NULL;
    $objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
    if ($objKey) {
        if ($objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig)) {
            /* Handle any additional key processing such as encrypted keys here */
    if (empty($objKey)) {
        throw new Exception("Error loading key to handle Signature");
    return $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey) == 1;
  * Validate the SAML Response Signature
 private function _validateSignature()
     $dom = $this->_responseXmlDom;
     $xmlSec = new XMLSecurityDSig();
     $signature = $xmlSec->locateSignature($dom);
     if (!$signature) {
         throw Sperantus_SAML2_SP_Response_Exception::signatureNotFound();
     $xmlSec->idKeys = array('ID');
     if (!$xmlSec->validateReference()) {
         throw Sperantus_SAML2_SP_Response_Exception::invalidReference();
     $secKey = $xmlSec->locateKey();
     if (!$secKey) {
         throw Sperantus_SAML2_SP_Response_Exception::invalidAlgorithm();
     $objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($secKey, $signature);
     if (!$xmlSec->verify($secKey)) {
         throw Sperantus_SAML2_SP_Response_Exception::invalidSignature();