public static function findAndAdd($title, $classify, $logid) { $title = zmf::filterInput($title, 't', 1); if (!$title) { return false; } $info = Tags::model()->find('title=:title AND classify=:classify', array(':title' => $title, ':classify' => $classify)); if (!$info) { if (Yii::app()->session['checkHasBadword'] == 'yes') { $status = Posts::STATUS_STAYCHECK; } else { $status = Posts::STATUS_PASSED; } unset(Yii::app()->session['checkHasBadword']); $_data = array('title' => $title, 'name' => tools::pinyin($title), 'classify' => $classify, 'status' => $status, 'cTime' => time(), 'length' => mb_strlen($title, 'GBK')); $modelB = new Tags(); $modelB->attributes = $_data; if ($modelB->save()) { $tagid = $modelB->id; } } else { $tagid = $info['id']; } if ($tagid && $logid) { $_info = TagRelation::model()->find('tagid=:tagid AND logid=:logid AND classify=:classify', array(':tagid' => $tagid, ':logid' => $logid, ':classify' => $classify)); if (!$_info) { $_tagre = array('tagid' => $tagid, 'logid' => $logid, 'classify' => $classify, 'cTime' => zmf::now()); $modelC = new TagRelation(); $modelC->attributes = $_tagre; $modelC->save(); } } return $tagid; }
/** * 获取 Taglist 标签列表内容 */ public function actionTaglist() { $Rolelist = Tags::model(); $cri = new CDbCriteria(); $total = $Rolelist->count($cri); $pager = new CPagination($total); $pager->pageSize = 10; $pager->applyLimit($cri); $Infolist = $Rolelist->findAll($cri); $this->render('tag_list', array('taglist' => $Infolist, 'Pagers' => $pager)); }
/** * Конструктор * @return bool */ protected function beforeAction() { $this->layout = 'start_page'; $this->topMenu = Mainmenu::getMenu('top', 'site'); $this->middleMenu = Mainmenu::getMenu('middle', 'site'); $this->listChat = Chat::getListChat(); $this->randomArt = Articles::getRandomArticles(10); $this->tags = Tags::getMenu(Tags::model()->findAll()); $settingChat = Settings::model()->findByAttributes(array('parameter' => Yii::app()->params['parameter']['chat'])); $this->stateChat = null != $settingChat ? (int) $settingChat->value : 0; if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { $this->_user = Users::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id); } else { $this->_loginModel = new LoginForm(); } return true; }
public function actionCreate($id = '') { $this->checkPower('addTag'); if ($id) { $model = Tags::model()->findByPk($id); if (!$model) { $this->message(0, '该标签不存在'); } } else { $model = new Tags(); $model->classify = 'posts'; } if (isset($_POST['Tags'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Tags']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * 检查传入的标签是否已存在,不存在则创建,并检查是否已存在对应关系,不存在则创建 * @param type $id * @param type $crumb */ public function checkAndWriteTag($id, $crumb, $tagid = 0) { if (!$tagid) { $_crumb = strip_tags(trim($crumb)); $_taginfo = Tags::model()->find('title=:title', array(':title' => $_crumb)); if (!$_taginfo) { $_tagdata = array('title' => $_crumb, 'name' => zmf::pinyin($_crumb), 'classify' => 'posts', 'cTime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $model_tag = new Tags(); $model_tag->attributes = $_tagdata; $_tagid = $model_tag->save(false); } else { $_tagid = $_taginfo['id']; } } else { $_tagid = $tagid; } $_tagrel = array('logid' => $id, 'tagid' => $_tagid, 'classify' => 'posts'); $reinfo = TagRelation::model()->find('logid=:logid AND tagid=:tagid AND classify="posts"', array(':logid' => $id, ':tagid' => $_tagid)); if (!$reinfo) { $model_tagrel = new TagRelation(); $model_tagrel->attributes = $_tagrel; $model_tagrel->save(false); } }
/** * Save a product in the database (Create if need be) * * @param string $passkey * @param int $intRowid * @param string $strCode * @param string $strName * @param string $blbImage * @param string $strClassName * @param int $blnCurrent * @param string $strDescription * @param string $strDescriptionShort * @param string $strFamily * @param int $blnGiftCard * @param int $blnInventoried * @param double $fltInventory * @param double $fltInventoryTotal * @param int $blnMasterModel * @param int $intMasterId * @param string $strProductColor * @param string $strProductSize * @param double $fltProductHeight * @param double $fltProductLength * @param double $fltProductWidth * @param double $fltProductWeight * @param int $intTaxStatusId * @param double $fltSell * @param double $fltSellTaxInclusive * @param double $fltSellWeb * @param string $strUpc * @param int $blnOnWeb * @param string $strWebKeyword1 * @param string $strWebKeyword2 * @param string $strWebKeyword3 * @param int $blnFeatured * @param string $strCategoryPath * @return string */ public function save_product($passkey, $intRowid, $strCode, $strName, $blbImage, $strClassName, $blnCurrent, $strDescription, $strDescriptionShort, $strFamily, $blnGiftCard, $blnInventoried, $fltInventory, $fltInventoryTotal, $blnMasterModel, $intMasterId, $strProductColor, $strProductSize, $fltProductHeight, $fltProductLength, $fltProductWidth, $fltProductWeight, $intTaxStatusId, $fltSell, $fltSellTaxInclusive, $fltSellWeb, $strUpc, $blnOnWeb, $strWebKeyword1, $strWebKeyword2, $strWebKeyword3, $blnFeatured, $strCategoryPath) { if (!$this->check_passkey($passkey)) { return self::FAIL_AUTH; } // We must preservice the Rowid of Products within the Web Store // database and must therefore see if it already exists $objProduct = Product::model()->findByPk($intRowid); if (!$objProduct) { $objProduct = new Product(); $objProduct->id = $intRowid; } $strName = trim($strName); $strName = trim($strName, '-'); $strName = substr($strName, 0, 255); $strCode = trim($strCode); $strCode = str_replace('"', '', $strCode); $strCode = str_replace("'", '', $strCode); if (empty($strName)) { $strName = 'missing-name'; } if (empty($strDescription)) { $strDescription = ''; } $objProduct->code = $strCode; $objProduct->title = $strName; //$objProduct->class_name = $strClassName; $objProduct->current = $blnCurrent; $objProduct->description_long = $strDescription; $objProduct->description_short = $strDescriptionShort; //$objProduct->family = $strFamily; $objProduct->gift_card = $blnGiftCard; $objProduct->inventoried = $blnInventoried; $objProduct->inventory = $fltInventory; $objProduct->inventory_total = $fltInventoryTotal; $objProduct->master_model = $blnMasterModel; if ($intMasterId > 0) { $objProduct->parent = $intMasterId; } else { $objProduct->parent = null; } $objProduct->product_color = $strProductColor; $objProduct->product_size = $strProductSize; $objProduct->product_height = $fltProductHeight; $objProduct->product_length = $fltProductLength; $objProduct->product_width = $fltProductWidth; $objProduct->product_weight = $fltProductWeight; $objProduct->tax_status_id = $intTaxStatusId; $objProduct->sell = $fltSell; $objProduct->sell_tax_inclusive = $fltSellTaxInclusive; //If we're in TaxIn Mode, then SellWeb has tax and we reverse it. if (_xls_get_conf('TAX_INCLUSIVE_PRICING', 0) == 1) { if ($fltSellWeb != 0) { //Tax in with a sell on web price $objProduct->sell_web_tax_inclusive = $fltSellWeb; //LS sends tax in web already $objProduct->sell_web = Tax::StripTaxesFromPrice($fltSellWeb, $intTaxStatusId); } else { //We use our regular prices and copy them price $objProduct->sell_web_tax_inclusive = $fltSellTaxInclusive; $objProduct->sell_web = $fltSell; } } else { if ($fltSellWeb != 0) { $objProduct->sell_web = $fltSellWeb; } else { $objProduct->sell_web = $fltSell; } } $objProduct->upc = $strUpc; $objProduct->web = $blnOnWeb; $objProduct->featured = $blnFeatured; $fltReserved = $objProduct->CalculateReservedInventory(); $objProduct->inventory_reserved = $fltReserved; if (Yii::app()->params['INVENTORY_FIELD_TOTAL'] == 1) { $objProduct->inventory_avail = $fltInventoryTotal - $fltReserved; } else { $objProduct->inventory_avail = $fltInventory - $fltReserved; } //Because Lightspeed may send us products out of sequence (child before parent), we have to turn this off Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;')->execute(); if (!$objProduct->save()) { Yii::log("SOAP ERROR : Error saving product {$intRowid} {$strCode} " . print_r($objProduct->getErrors(), true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__); return self::UNKNOWN_ERROR . " Error saving product {$intRowid} {$strCode} " . print_r($objProduct->getErrors(), true); } $strFeatured = _xls_get_conf('FEATURED_KEYWORD', 'XnotsetX'); if (empty($strFeatured)) { $strFeatured = 'XnotsetX'; } //Save keywords $strTags = trim($strWebKeyword1) . "," . trim($strWebKeyword2) . "," . trim($strWebKeyword3); $strTags = str_replace(",,", ",", $strTags); $arrTags = explode(",", $strTags); ProductTags::DeleteProductTags($objProduct->id); foreach ($arrTags as $indivTag) { if (!empty($indivTag)) { $tag = Tags::model()->findByAttributes(array('tag' => $indivTag)); if (!$tag instanceof Tags) { $tag = new Tags(); $tag->tag = $indivTag; $tag->save(); } $objProductTag = new ProductTags(); $objProductTag->product_id = $objProduct->id; $objProductTag->tag_id = $tag->id; $objProductTag->save(); if ($strFeatured != 'XnotsetX' && $objProduct->web && $indivTag == $strFeatured) { $objProduct->featured = 1; $objProduct->save(); } } } if (!empty($strFamily)) { $objFamily = Family::model()->findByAttributes(array('family' => $strFamily)); if ($objFamily instanceof Family) { $objProduct->family_id = $objFamily->id; $objProduct->save(); } else { $objFamily = new Family(); $objFamily->family = $strFamily; $objFamily->child_count = 0; $objFamily->request_url = _xls_seo_url($strFamily); $objFamily->save(); $objProduct->family_id = $objFamily->id; $objProduct->save(); } $objFamily->UpdateChildCount(); } else { if ($objProduct->family_id) { $objFamily = Family::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $objProduct->family_id)); $objProduct->family_id = null; $objProduct->save(); $objFamily->UpdateChildCount(); } } if (!empty($strClassName)) { $objClass = Classes::model()->findByAttributes(array('class_name' => $strClassName)); if ($objClass instanceof Classes) { $objProduct->class_id = $objClass->id; $objProduct->save(); } else { $objClass = new Classes(); $objClass->class_name = $strClassName; $objClass->child_count = 0; $objClass->request_url = _xls_seo_url($strClassName); $objClass->save(); $objProduct->class_id = $objClass->id; $objProduct->save(); } $objClass->UpdateChildCount(); } // Save category $strCategoryPath = trim($strCategoryPath); if ($strCategoryPath && $strCategoryPath != "Default") { $arrCategories = explode("\t", $strCategoryPath); $intCategory = Category::GetIdByTrail($arrCategories); if (!is_null($intCategory)) { $objCategory = Category::model()->findByPk($intCategory); //Delete any prior categories from the table ProductCategoryAssn::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('product_id' => $objProduct->id)); $objAssn = new ProductCategoryAssn(); $objAssn->product_id = $objProduct->id; $objAssn->category_id = $intCategory; $objAssn->save(); $objCategory->UpdateChildCount(); } } else { ProductCategoryAssn::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('product_id' => $objProduct->id)); } Product::convertSEO($intRowid); //Build request_url Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;')->execute(); $objEvent = new CEventProduct('LegacysoapController', 'onSaveProduct', $objProduct); _xls_raise_events('CEventProduct', $objEvent); // return self::OK; }
/** * Called by the duplicate checker when discarding the new record. */ public function actionDiscardNew() { if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $ref = $_POST['ref']; // Referring action $action = $_POST['action']; $oldId = $_POST['id']; if ($ref == 'create' && is_null($action) || $action == 'null') { echo CHtml::encode($oldId); return; } elseif ($ref == 'create') { $oldRecord = X2Model::model('Contacts')->findByPk($oldId); if (isset($oldRecord)) { $oldRecord->disableBehavior('X2TimestampBehavior'); Relationships::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('firstType' => 'Contacts', 'firstId' => $oldRecord->id)); Relationships::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('secondType' => 'Contacts', 'secondId' => $oldRecord->id)); if ($action == 'hideThis') { $oldRecord->dupeCheck = 1; $oldRecord->assignedTo = 'Anyone'; $oldRecord->visibility = 0; $oldRecord->doNotCall = 1; $oldRecord->doNotEmail = 1; $oldRecord->save(); $notif = new Notification(); $notif->user = '******'; $notif->createdBy = Yii::app()->user->getName(); $notif->createDate = time(); $notif->type = 'dup_discard'; $notif->modelType = 'Contacts'; $notif->modelId = $oldId; $notif->save(); return; } elseif ($action == 'deleteThis') { $oldRecord->delete(); return; } } } elseif (isset($_POST['newId'])) { $newId = $_POST['newId']; $oldRecord = X2Model::model('Contacts')->findByPk($oldId); $oldRecord->disableBehavior('X2TimestampBehavior'); $newRecord = Contacts::model()->findByPk($newId); $newRecord->disableBehavior('X2TimestampBehavior'); $newRecord->dupeCheck = 1; $newRecord->save(); if ($action === '') { $newRecord->delete(); echo CHtml::encode($oldId); return; } else { if (isset($oldRecord)) { if ($action == 'hideThis') { $oldRecord->dupeCheck = 1; $oldRecord->assignedTo = 'Anyone'; $oldRecord->visibility = 0; $oldRecord->doNotCall = 1; $oldRecord->doNotEmail = 1; $oldRecord->save(); $notif = new Notification(); $notif->user = '******'; $notif->createdBy = Yii::app()->user->getName(); $notif->createDate = time(); $notif->type = 'dup_discard'; $notif->modelType = 'Contacts'; $notif->modelId = $oldId; $notif->save(); } elseif ($action == 'deleteThis') { Relationships::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('firstType' => 'Contacts', 'firstId' => $oldRecord->id)); Relationships::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('secondType' => 'Contacts', 'secondId' => $oldRecord->id)); Tags::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('type' => 'Contacts', 'itemId' => $oldRecord->id)); Actions::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('associationType' => 'Contacts', 'associationId' => $oldRecord->id)); $oldRecord->delete(); } } echo CHtml::encode($newId); } } } }
/** * Updates a particular model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated */ public function actionUpdate($id) { $connection = Yii::app()->db; $transaction = $connection->beginTransaction(); $model = $this->loadModel($id); $arrTags = $this->getAllTags(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Article'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Article']; $model->modifiedAt = date('Y-m-d'); try { if ($model->save()) { $articleId = $model->article_id; Articletags::model()->deleteAll('article_id = ' . $id); if ($_POST['Article']['tags'] != null) { $postToLower = strtolower($_POST['Article']['tags']); $arrPostTags = explode(',', $postToLower); $arrDiffTags = array_diff($arrPostTags, $arrTags); if (!empty($arrDiffTags)) { foreach ($arrDiffTags as $arrDiffTag) { $row[] = array('tag' => $arrDiffTag); } GeneralRepository::insertSeveral(Tags::model()->tableName(), $row); } $newArrTags = $this->getAllTags(); $newArrDiffTags = array_intersect($newArrTags, $arrPostTags); foreach ($newArrDiffTags as $key => $newArrDiffTag) { $newRow[] = array('article_id' => $articleId, 'tag_id' => $key); } GeneralRepository::insertSeveral(Articletags::model()->tableName(), $newRow); } $transaction->commit(); $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->article_id)); } } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', "{$e->getMessage()}"); $this->refresh(); } } $model['tags'] = $this->getArticleTags($id); $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'category_list' => $this->getAllCategories())); }
/** * Delete all tags associated with a model */ public function cleanUpTags($model) { Tags::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('itemId' => $model->id)); /*$type=get_class($model); if(substr($type,-1)!="s"){ $type=substr($type,0,-5)."s"; } $change=""; if($model instanceof Contacts) $change=$model->backgroundInfo; else if($model instanceof Actions) $change=$model->actionDescription; else if($model instanceof Docs) $change=$model->text; else $change=$model->description; if($change!=""){ $forDeletion=$change; preg_match_all('/(^|\s|)#(\w\w+)/',$forDeletion,$deleteMatches); $deleteMatches=$deleteMatches[0]; foreach($deleteMatches as $match){ $oldTag=Tags::model()->findByAttributes(array('tag'=>$match,'type'=>$type,'itemId'=>$model->id)); if(isset($oldTag)) { $oldTag->delete(); } } }*/ }
public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = $this->loadModel($id); $Category = new Category(); $Tags = new Tags(); $RewardImages = new RewardImages(); if (isset($_POST['Reward']) && !empty($_POST['Reward'])) { //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($_POST); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($_FILES); //die; $model->attributes = $_POST['Reward']; $model->category_id = $_POST['Reward']['category_id']; //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($model->attributes); if ($model->save()) { //echo "----"; $useridFolder = $model->id; if (isset($_POST['tags'])) { $getTags = $_POST['tags']; $mystring = $getTags; $findme = ','; $pos = strpos($mystring, $findme); if ($pos === false) { //echo "The string '$findme' was not found in the string '$mystring'"; //if that tag name already exist, skip that tag $chkTagExist = Tags::model()->find('name = :name', array(':name' => $getTags)); if (empty($chkTagExist)) { // echo "Tag not exist"; $insertMultiDoc = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->insert('tags', array('reward_id' => $model->id, 'name' => $getTags)); } else { //echo "dont save the Tag record"; } } else { //echo "The string '$findme' was found in the string '$mystring'"; //echo " and exists at position $pos"; //explode with comma $getTagArray = explode(',', $getTags); //insert into tags table with reward model id. foreach ($getTagArray as $tagVal) { //if that tag name already exist, skip that tag $chkTagExist = Tags::model()->find('name = :name', array(':name' => $tagVal)); if (empty($chkTagExist)) { // echo "Tag not exist"; $insertMultiDoc = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->insert('tags', array('reward_id' => $model->id, 'name' => $tagVal)); } else { //echo "dont save the Tag record"; } } } } //end tags $images = CUploadedFile::getInstancesByName('images'); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($images); // proceed if the images have been set if (isset($images) && count($images) > 0) { //upload multiple images, first create folder with reward id and store all related images in that folder. // create folder if ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] == '/var/www/html') { $setDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/reward/" . $useridFolder; } else { $setDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/jobstar/images/reward/" . $useridFolder; } if (is_dir($setDir) == false) { mkdir("{$setDir}", 0777, true); chmod("{$setDir}", 0777); } //end //echo $setDir; //die; // go through each uploaded image $i = 0; foreach ($images as $image => $pic) { //echo "i am in images"; if ($i == '0') { //first image will be default $setDefaultStatus = '1'; } else { $setDefaultStatus = '0'; } //echo $pic->name.'<br />'; $finalName = $setDir . "/" . $pic->name; //echo "<br>"; if ($pic->saveAs($finalName)) { $chkImageExist = RewardImages::model()->find('image = :image', array(':image' => $pic->name)); if (empty($chkImageExist)) { // echo "Image not exist"; // add it to the main model now $insertMultiDoc = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->insert('rewardimages', array('reward_id' => $model->id, 'image' => $pic->name, 'defaultImage' => $setDefaultStatus)); } else { //echo "dont save the record"; } } else { //echo " handle the errors here, if you want"; } $i++; } //end foreach } // if image is uploaded by admin } //die('end'); $this->redirect(array('admin', 'id' => $model->id)); } //end post method $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'Category' => $Category, 'Tags' => $Tags, 'RewardImages' => $RewardImages)); }
<?php echo $form->listBox($model, 'classes', CHtml::listData(Classes::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'class_name')), 'class_name', 'class_name'), array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'class' => 'tall', 'onChange' => 'js:FillListValues(this)', 'onMouseDown' => 'js:GetCurrentListValues(this)')); ?> <div class="clearfix"></div><?php echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('admin', 'Clear All'), '#', array('class' => 'listboxReset', 'onclick' => 'js:jQuery($("#' . CHtml::activeId($model, 'classes') . '").find("option").prop("selected", false))')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'classes'); ?> </div> <div class="span2"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'keywords'); ?> <?php echo $form->listBox($model, 'keywords', CHtml::listData(Tags::model()->findAll(array('select' => 't.tag', 'order' => 'tag', 'distinct' => true)), 'tag', 'tag'), array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'class' => 'tall', 'onChange' => 'js:FillListValues(this)', 'onMouseDown' => 'js:GetCurrentListValues(this)')); ?> <div class="clearfix"></div><?php echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('admin', 'Clear All'), '#', array('class' => 'listboxReset', 'onclick' => 'js:jQuery($("#' . CHtml::activeId($model, 'keywords') . '").find("option").prop("selected", false))')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'keywords'); ?> </div> <!-- <div class="span2">--> <!-- --><?php //echo $form->labelEx($model,'codes'); ?> <!-- --><?php //echo $form->listBox($model,'codes', // CHtml::listData(Product::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('web'=>1),array('order'=>'code','limit'=>1000)), 'code', 'code'),
public static function SetFeaturedByKeyword($strKeyword) { Product::model()->updateAll(array('featured' => 0)); Yii::app()->db->createCommand('update ' . Product::model()->tableName() . ' as a left join ' . ProductTags::model()->tableName() . ' as b on left join ' . Tags::model()->tableName() . ' as c on set featured=1 where tag=:tag')->bindValue(':tag', $strKeyword)->execute(); }
public function actionVideo($id) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { exit; } $this->ogtype = "yes"; $this->videoID = $id; $ModalSeo = new CmsvideoSettings(); $DataSeo = $ModalSeo->DownloadSettings(); $ModelCategories = CmsvideoCategories::model()->findAll(); $Model = CmsvideoVideo::model()->find('video_id=:IdVideo', array(':IdVideo' => $id)); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(array('select' => 'video_id, video_title, video_thumb, video_views, video_alias', 'condition' => 'video_views >= 0 AND video_id != :IdVideo', 'order' => 'video_views DESC', 'params' => array(':IdVideo' => $id))); $total = CmsvideoVideo::model()->count(); $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = 7; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $VideoList = CmsvideoVideo::model()->findAll($criteria); $TagsId = unserialize($Model->video_tags); $ModelTags = array(); if (is_array($TagsId) && !empty($TagsId)) { $TagsIdArr = join(',', $TagsId); $ModelTags = Tags::model()->findAllBySQL('SELECT tag_name FROM videocms_tags WHERE tag_id IN (' . $TagsIdArr . ')'); } $session = Yii::app()->getSession(); $video_arr = array(); $ses_arr = array(); if ($session['video_arr']) { $ses_arr = $session['video_arr']; } if (!in_array($id, $ses_arr)) { $video_arr = $ses_arr; $video_arr[] = $id; $Views = CmsvideoVideo::model()->find('video_id=:id', array(':id' => $id)); if ($Views->video_views) { $Views->video_views = $Views->video_views + 1; } else { $Views->video_views = 1; } $Views->save(); $session['video_arr'] = $video_arr; } foreach ($DataSeo as $Seoo) { $this->pageMetaRobots = $Seoo['settings_robots']; $this->disqus_shortname = $Seoo['disqus_shortname']; $this->player_autoplay = $Seoo['player_autoplay']; $this->player_preload = $Seoo['player_preload']; $this->player_loop = $Seoo['player_loop']; $this->player_controls = $Seoo['player_controls']; } // foreach ($Model as $Video) // { $this->pageTitle = $Model->video_title; $this->pageMetaKeywords = $Model->video_keywords; $this->pageMetaDescription = $Model->video_description; $this->pageMetaOgImage = $Model->video_image; $this->pageAlias = $Model->video_alias; // $this->pageMetaDescription = $Video['video_description']; //} $this->render('video', array('ModelCategories' => $ModelCategories, 'ModelTags' => $ModelTags, 'Model' => $Model, 'VideoList' => $VideoList, 'pages' => $pages)); }
<?php //$this->renderPartial('_search',array('model'=>$model,)); ?> </div> <!-- search-form --> <?php //echo CHtml::resetButton('Reset Search!', array('id'=>'form-reset-button')); //echo CHtml::resetButton('Search', array('id'=>'form-search')); ?> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'reward-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'columns' => array(array('name' => 'image', 'header' => 'Image', 'type' => 'html', 'value' => 'Reward::showImage($data->id)', 'filter' => false), 'title', array('name' => 'category_id', 'header' => 'Category', 'type' => 'html', 'value' => 'Reward::searchCat($data->category_id)', 'filter' => CHtml::listData(Category::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name')), array('name' => 'tags', 'header' => 'Tags', 'type' => 'html', 'value' => 'Reward::searchTag($data->id)', 'filter' => CHtml::listData(Tags::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name')), array('name' => 'Posted Date', 'type' => 'html', 'value' => '$data["createTime"]', 'filter' => false), array('name' => 'Status', 'type' => 'html', 'value' => array($this, 'getStatus'), 'filter' => false), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{update}{view}{delete}{status}')))); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ function Show_Div(Div_id) { if (false == $(Div_id).is(':visible')) { $(Div_id).fadeIn(); } else { $(Div_id).fadeOut(); } } jQuery(function($) {
/** * Creates a {@link CActiveDataProvider} object for search queries. * * @param string $modelClass Optional, class of {@link CActiveRecord}. If * unspecified, the class of {@link staticModel} will be used. * @param CDbCriteria $extraCriteria Criteria to merge with the automatically * created criteria. * @param string $combineOp How to combine the custom/extra criteria */ public function getDataProvider($modelClass = null, $extraCriteria = null, $combineOp = 'AND') { // Check for model $class = $modelClass == null && isset($_GET['_class']) ? get_class($this->staticModel) : $modelClass; if (empty($class) || !class_exists($class)) { $this->send(500, 'Method getDataProvider called without specifying ' . 'a valid model class, in action "' . $this->action->id . '".'); } $staticModel = CActiveRecord::model($class); $model = new $class('search'); // Compose attributes in the query parameters for the comparison: $searchAttributes = array_intersect_key($_GET, $staticModel->attributes); // Get search option parameters $optionParams = array_fill_keys($this->reservedParams['search'], 0); $searchOptions = array_intersect_key($_GET, $optionParams); // Configure the CDbCriteria object $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->alias = 't'; if ($model instanceof X2Model) { // Special handling of X2Model subclasses: if ($model->asa('permissions') && $model->asa('permissions')->enabled) { // Working with an X2Model instance having its permissions behavior // enabled. Include access/permissions criteria. $criteria->mergeWith($model->getAccessCriteria()); } if (isset($searchOptions['_tags'])) { // Add tag search criteria $criteria->distinct = true; $tags = array_map(function ($t) { return '#' . $t; }, explode(',', $_GET['_tags'])); $tagTable = Tags::model()->tableName(); if (empty($searchOptions['_tagOr']) || !(bool) (int) $searchOptions['_tagOr']) { // Perform an "and" tag search (must have all tags) $i_tag = 0; $joins = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagParam = ":apiSearchTag{$i_tag}"; $classParam = ":apiTagItemClass{$i_tag}"; $joinAlias = "tag{$i_tag}"; $joins[] = "INNER JOIN `{$tagTable}` `{$joinAlias}` " . "ON `{$joinAlias}`.`type`= {$classParam} " . "AND `{$joinAlias}`.`itemId`=`{$criteria->alias}`.`id` " . "AND `{$joinAlias}`.`tag`={$tagParam}"; $criteria->params[$tagParam] = $tag; $criteria->params[$classParam] = get_class($model); $i_tag++; } $criteria->join .= implode(' ', $joins); } else { // Perform an "or" tag search (could have any one of the // tags in the list) $tagParam = AuxLib::bindArray($tags, 'apiSearchTag'); $tagIn = AuxLib::arrToStrList(array_keys($tagParam)); $criteria->join .= "INNER JOIN `{$tagTable}` `tag`" . "ON `tag`.`type`=:apiTagItemClass " . "AND `tag`.`itemId`=`{$criteria->alias}`.`id` " . "AND `tag`.`tag` IN {$tagIn}"; $tagParam[":apiTagItemClass"] = get_class($model); foreach ($tagParam as $param => $value) { $criteria->params[$param] = $value; } } } // Special "codes" in comparison values. // // Not intended for more advanced formulae parsing but for basic // stuff, i.e. dynamic points in time like "yesterday" $now = time(); $yesterday = $now - 86400; $tomorrow = $now + 86400; $codes = array('date' => compact('now', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow'), 'dateTime' => compact('now', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow')); $fields = $model->getFields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($searchAttributes[$field->fieldName])) { if (isset($codes[$field->type])) { foreach ($codes[$field->type] as $name => $value) { $searchAttributes[$field->fieldName] = preg_replace('/' . $name . '$/', $value, $searchAttributes[$field->fieldName]); } } } } } // Search options: // // Send with parameter _partial=1 to enable partial match in searches $partialMatch = isset($searchOptions['_partial']) ? (bool) (int) $searchOptions['_partial'] : false; // Send with parameter _or=1 to enable the "OR" operator in the search $operator = isset($searchOptions['_or']) && (bool) (int) $searchOptions['_or'] ? 'OR' : 'AND'; // Send with parameter _escape=0 to enable searching with MySQL wildcards $escape = isset($searchOptions['_escape']) ? (bool) (int) $searchOptions['_escape'] : true; // If searching for Actions, perform additional stuff first: if ($class === 'Actions') { $this->kludgesForSearchingActions($searchAttributes, $criteria); } // Run comparisons: $searchCriteria = new CDbCriteria(); foreach ($searchAttributes as $column => $value) { $searchCriteria->compare($column, $value, $partialMatch, $operator, $escape); } $criteria->mergeWith($searchCriteria); // Merge extra criteria: if ($extraCriteria instanceof CDbCriteria) { $criteria->mergeWith($extraCriteria, $combineOp); } // Interpret "order" configuration from parameters: if (isset($searchOptions['_order'])) { $orderBy = $searchOptions['_order']; if (preg_match('/^(?P<asc>[\\+\\-\\s])?(?P<col>[^\\+\\-\\s]+)$/', $orderBy, $match)) { $col = $match['col']; if (!in_array($col, $staticModel->attributeNames())) { $this->send(400, "Specified attribute to order results by ({$col}) " . "does not exist in active record class \"{$class}\"."); } $ascMap = array('+' => 'ASC', ' ' => 'ASC', '-' => 'DESC'); $criteria->order = $col . (empty($match['asc']) ? '' : ' ' . $ascMap[$match['asc']]); } } // Interpret pagination from parameters: $pageSize = null; // Default query size $pageInd = 0; // Default page if (isset($searchOptions['_limit']) && ctype_digit((string) $searchOptions['_limit'])) { $pageSize = (int) $searchOptions['_limit']; } if (isset($searchOptions['_page']) && ctype_digit((string) $searchOptions['_page'])) { $pageInd = (int) $searchOptions['_page']; } $pagination = array('currentPage' => $pageInd, 'pageSize' => $pageSize !== null ? min($pageSize, $this->maxPageSize) : $this->maxPageSize); // Construct the data provider object return new CActiveDataProvider($class, compact('model', 'criteria', 'pagination')); }
public function actionDelContent() { $this->checkLogin(); $data = zmf::val('data', 1); $type = zmf::val('type', 1); if (!$data || !$type) { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '数据不全,请核实'); } if (!in_array($type, array('comment', 'post', 'notice', 'tag'))) { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '暂不允许的分类'); } switch ($type) { case 'comment': $info = Comments::model()->findByPk($data); if (!$info) { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '您所查看的内容不存在'); } elseif ($info['uid'] != $this->uid) { if ($this->checkPower('delComment', $this->uid, true)) { //我是管理员,我就可以删除 } else { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '您无权操作'); } } if (Comments::model()->updateByPk($data, array('status' => Posts::STATUS_DELED))) { $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); } $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); break; case 'post': $info = Posts::model()->findByPk($data); if (!$info) { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '您所查看的内容不存在'); } elseif ($info['uid'] != $this->uid) { if ($this->checkPower('delPost', $this->uid, true)) { //我是管理员,我就可以删除 } else { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '您无权操作'); } } if (Posts::model()->updateByPk($data, array('status' => Posts::STATUS_DELED))) { $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); } $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); break; case 'notice': if (!$data || !is_numeric($data)) { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '您所操作的内容不存在'); } if (Notification::model()->deleteByPk($data)) { $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); } $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); break; case 'tag': if (!$data || !is_numeric($data)) { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '您所操作的内容不存在'); } if (!$this->checkPower('delTag', $this->uid, true)) { $this->jsonOutPut(0, '您无权操作'); } if (Tags::model()->updateByPk($data, array('status' => Posts::STATUS_DELED))) { $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); } $this->jsonOutPut(1, '已删除'); break; default: $this->jsonOutPut(0, '操作有误'); break; } }
<div class="form-group"> <label>URL</label> <input type="text" name="data[url]" value="<?php echo is_object($model) ? CHtml::encode($model->url) : ''; ?> " class="form-control alt-name-target" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Теги(перечислите через запятую)</label> <select name="data[tags][]" class="form-control control-tags" multiple="multiple"> <?php if (is_object($model)) { $tags = TagsRelations::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("object_id" => $model->id, "model" => "catalog_object")); if (is_array($tags) && count($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tr) { $tag = Tags::model()->findByPk($tr->tag_id); if (is_object($tag)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo CHtml::encode($tag->name); ?> " selected="selected"><?php echo CHtml::encode($tag->name); ?> </option> <?php } } } } ?>
public function getTagCloud() { return Tags::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('model' => Yii::app()->controller->module->id)); }
public static function getTagLinks($model, $id, $limit = 0) { if (!is_numeric($limit) || empty($limit)) { $limit = null; } $tags = Tags::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('type' => $model, 'itemId' => $id), new CDbCriteria(array('order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => $limit))); $tagCount = Tags::model()->countByAttributes(array('type' => $model, 'itemId' => $id)); $links = array(); foreach ($tags as &$tag) { $links[] = CHtml::link($tag->tag, array('search/search', 'term' => $tag->tag)); } if (!empty($limit) && $tagCount > $limit) { $links[] = '...'; } return implode(' ', $links); }
<div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'to'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'to', CHtml::listData(Designation::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name'), array('empty' => 'Select to whom to be sent')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'to'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo "Subject:"; echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'tagid', CHtml::listData(Tags::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('schemeid' => 1)), 'id', 'tag'), array('0' => 'Others')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'tagid'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'description'); ?> <?php echo $form->textArea($model, 'description'); ?> <?php
public function cleanUpTags($model) { Tags::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('itemId' => $model->id)); }
public function actionEdit() { $this->layout = '//layouts/admin'; $success = false; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $model = NewsCategories::model()->findByPk($id); $this->pageTitle = is_object($model) ? $model->name : 'Новая категория'; $this->breadcrumbs = array('Новости' => array('/admin/news'), 'Категории' => array('/admin/news/categories/list'), is_object($model) ? $model->name : 'Новая категория'); if (isset($_POST['data']) && is_object($model)) { $tags = array(); if (isset($_POST['data']['tags'])) { $tags = $_POST['data']['tags']; unset($_POST['data']['tags']); } $dataArray = $_POST['data']; $dataArray['is_active'] = isset($_POST['data']['is_active']) && $_POST['data']['is_active'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $model->setAttributes($dataArray); if ($model->save()) { $success = true; if (isset($_FILES['anons_pic']) && $_FILES['anons_pic']['name'] || isset($_FILES['content_pic']) && $_FILES['content_pic']['name']) { $uploaddir = 'images/upload/' . date("d.m.Y", time()); if (!is_dir($uploaddir)) { mkdir($uploaddir); } if (isset($_FILES['anons_pic']) && $_FILES["anons_pic"]["name"]) { if ($model->anons_pic) { $anons_pic = Yii::app()->basePath . "/.." . $model->anons_pic; if (is_file($anons_pic)) { unlink($anons_pic); } } $tmp_name = $_FILES["anons_pic"]["tmp_name"]; $name = $_FILES["anons_pic"]["name"]; if ($name) { $uploadfile = $uploaddir . 'arca_' . $model->id . '_' . md5(basename($name) . time()) . "." . end(explode(".", $name)); if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $uploadfile)) { $model->setAttributes(array("anons_pic" => "/" . $uploadfile)); if (!$model->save()) { print_r($model->errors); die; } } } } if (isset($_FILES['content_pic']) && $_FILES["content_pic"]["name"]) { if ($model->content_pic) { $content_pic = Yii::app()->basePath . "/.." . $model->content_pic; if (is_file($content_pic)) { unlink($content_pic); } } $tmp_name = $_FILES["content_pic"]["tmp_name"]; $name = $_FILES["content_pic"]["name"]; if ($name) { $uploadfile = $uploaddir . 'arcc_' . $model->id . '_' . md5(basename($name) . time()) . "." . end(explode(".", $name)); if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $uploadfile)) { $model->setAttributes(array("content_pic" => "/" . $uploadfile)); $model->save(); } } } } if (is_array($tags) && count($tags)) { $trs = TagsRelations::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("object_id" => $id, "model" => "news_category")); if (is_array($trs) && count($trs)) { foreach ($trs as $tr) { $tr->delete(); } } foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagModel = Tags::model()->findByAttributes(array("name" => $tag)); if (!is_object($tagModel)) { $tagModel = new Tags(); $tagModel->setAttributes(array("name" => $tag, "count" => 0)); } $tagModel->count += 1; $tagModel->save(); $tagsRelations = new TagsRelations(); $tagsRelations->setAttributes(array("tag_id" => $tagModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id, "model" => "news_category")); $tagsRelations->save(); } } } } $this->render('edit', array('model' => $model, 'success' => $success, 'errors' => $model->errors)); }
/** * Return a list of tag links associated with a specified model * @param $model Model type, e.g., "Contacts" * @param $id Model ID * @param $limit Number of tags to return, or -1 to disable * @return string HTML containing links to each tag */ public static function getTagLinks($model, $id, $limit = -1) { // Disable limit in CDbCriteria with a value less than 0 if (!is_numeric($limit) || empty($limit)) { $limit = -1; } $tags = Tags::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('type' => $model, 'itemId' => $id), new CDbCriteria(array('order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => $limit))); $tagCount = Tags::model()->countByAttributes(array('type' => $model, 'itemId' => $id)); $links = array(); foreach ($tags as &$tag) { $links[] = CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($tag->tag), array('/search/search', 'term' => CHtml::encode($tag->tag))); } if ($limit !== -1 && $tagCount > $limit) { $links[] = '...'; } return implode(' ', $links); }
public function Posts() { return Tags::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('tag_id' => $this->tag_id)); }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Tags::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public static function getClassifyTags($classify) { $items = Tags::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'classify=:class', 'params' => array(':class' => $classify), 'select' => 'id,title', 'limit' => '50')); return CHtml::listData($items, 'id', 'title'); }
public function actionNetworkConnections() { //$this->header = 'network'; $this->networkheader = 'network'; // Added on 29-01-2013 to commonheader if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { $userid = Yii::app()->session['login']['id']; if (isset($_REQUEST['frndid'])) { $frndid = $_REQUEST['frndid']; if ($userid != $frndid) { $userid = $frndid; } } } else { $this->redirect(array('/')); } $userid = Yii::app()->session['login']['id']; $invitedfdsocialid = ""; $userdetails = ""; $displaydata = "connections"; //$this->allowjs = "allowminjs"; $editprof = new User(); if (isset($_REQUEST["displaydata"])) { $displaydata = $_REQUEST["displaydata"]; if ($displaydata == "connections") { $this->networkheader = 'network'; } elseif ($displaydata == "proflieOrg") { $this->networkheader = 'profileorg'; } } $usertiles = UserTile::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'userid = "' . $userid . '" AND status = 1')); $displaytiles = array(); foreach ($usertiles as $tilename) { $displaytiles[$tilename->tile_name] = $tilename->tile_name; } $userDet = array(); //$userAlpha = array(); $i = 0; $firstCon = true; $firstConUserid = 0; $childInfo = array(); $firstConnection = array(); $userDetailsarray = array(); $userDetailsarray = $this->populateUserDetails(); $userDet = $userDetailsarray['userDet']; $firstConUserid = $userDetailsarray['firstConUserid']; $firstConnection = $userDetailsarray['firstConnection']; $userdetails = $userDetailsarray['userdetails']; $firstUserTag = Tags::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'user_id = ' . $firstConUserid . ' and status = 1')); $firstUserTagValue = array(); foreach ($firstUserTag as $usrtagid) { foreach ($alltags as $allintval) { if ($usrtagid->tag_id == $allintval->pv_lookup_id) { $firstUserTagValue[$allintval->pv_lookup_id] = $allintval->lookup_name; } } } $firstusertiles = UserTile::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'userid = "' . $firstConUserid . '" ')); /*$firstdisplaytiles = array(); foreach($firstusertiles as $tilename) { $firstdisplaytiles[$tilename->tile_name] = $tilename->tile_name; } */ /********* Getting all the Intererest from lookup table *****************/ /** need to implement to display in option group *****/ $allinterest = array(); $allinterest = Lookups::model()->findAll(array('condition' => "lookup_type='interests' and lookup_parentid != 0 and lookup_status=1")); /*$childintrst = Lookups::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('lookup_type'=>'interests','lookup_parentid'=>0,'lookup_status'=>1)); $i=0; foreach($childintrst as $childPar) { $allinterest[$i]["parentname"] = $childPar->lookup_name; $allinterest[$i]["parentid"] = $childPar->fn_lookup_id; $allinterest[$i++]["childint"] = Lookups::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('lookup_type'=>'interests','lookup_parentid'=>$childPar->fn_lookup_id,'lookup_status'=>1)); } */ /********** End of FirstUser Interest **************/ /***** Getting the total available filter Interest *********/ $inviteeuserId = ""; $invteusrcondition = ""; if ($userdetails != "" && count($userdetails) > 0) { foreach ($userdetails as $foreachuser) { $inviteeuserId .= $foreachuser["userid"] . ","; } $inviteeuserId = substr($inviteeuserId, 0, strlen($inviteeuserId) - 1); $invteusrcondition = ""; if ($userdetails != "") { $invteusrcondition = ' userid in (' . $inviteeuserId . ') and '; } } /**** End of tags ****/ /* Profile page details */ $myprofile = User::model()->findAll(array("condition" => "userid = " . $userid . " and status = 1")); $addresstags = Lookups::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'lookup_type = "address" and lookup_name in ("Home","Work") and lookup_status = 1')); if (!isset($_REQUEST["displaydata"])) { if ($displaydata == "connections") { $displaydata = $userdetails != "" ? $displaydata : "invitefriend"; } } $this->render('network', array('userDet' => $userDet, 'displaydata' => $displaydata, 'totalConnections' => $userdetails != "" ? count($userdetails) : 0, 'childInfo' => $childInfo, 'myprofile' => $myprofile, 'editprof' => $editprof, 'allinterest' => $allinterest, 'firstConnection' => $firstConnection, 'userid' => $userid, 'usertiles' => $usertiles, 'displaytiles' => $firstusertiles)); }
public function actionEdit() { $this->layout = '//layouts/admin'; $success = false; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $model = CatalogObjects::model()->findByPk($id); $this->pageTitle = is_object($model) ? $model->name : 'Новый товар'; $this->breadcrumbs = array('Каталог' => array('/admin/catalog'), is_object($model) ? $model->name : 'Новый товар'); if (isset($_POST['data']) && is_object($model)) { $tags = array(); if (isset($_POST['data']['tags'])) { $tags = $_POST['data']['tags']; unset($_POST['data']['tags']); } $dataArray = $_POST['data']; $additionalDataArray = isset($dataArray['additional']) ? $dataArray['additional'] : array(); unset($dataArray['additional']); $dataArray['is_active'] = isset($_POST['data']['is_active']) && $_POST['data']['is_active'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $dataArray['on_main'] = isset($_POST['data']['on_main']) && $_POST['data']['on_main'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $model->setAttributes($dataArray); if ($model->save()) { $success = true; if (isset($_FILES['anons_pic']) || isset($_FILES['content_pic'])) { $uploaddir = 'images/upload/' . date("d.m.Y", time()); if (!is_dir($uploaddir)) { mkdir($uploaddir); } if (isset($_FILES['anons_pic']) && $_FILES["anons_pic"]["name"]) { if ($model->anons_pic) { $anons_pic = Yii::app()->basePath . "/.." . $model->anons_pic; if (is_file($anons_pic)) { unlink($anons_pic); } } $tmp_name = $_FILES["anons_pic"]["tmp_name"]; $name = $_FILES["anons_pic"]["name"]; if ($name) { $ext = explode(".", $name); $uploadfile = $uploaddir . '/na_' . $model->id . '_' . md5(basename($name) . time()) . "." . end($ext); if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $uploadfile)) { $model->setAttributes(array("anons_pic" => "/" . $uploadfile)); $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_FILES['content_pic']) && $_FILES["content_pic"]["name"]) { if ($model->content_pic) { $content_pic = Yii::app()->basePath . "/.." . $model->content_pic; if (is_file($content_pic)) { unlink($content_pic); } } $tmp_name = $_FILES["content_pic"]["tmp_name"]; $name = $_FILES["content_pic"]["name"]; if ($name) { $ext = explode(".", $name); $uploadfile = $uploaddir . '/nc_' . $model->id . '_' . md5(basename($name) . time()) . "." . end($ext); if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $uploadfile)) { $model->setAttributes(array("content_pic" => "/" . $uploadfile)); $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_FILES['extra_img']) && $_FILES["extra_img"]["name"]) { if ($model->extra_img) { $extra_img = Yii::app()->basePath . "/.." . $model->extra_img; if (is_file($extra_img)) { unlink($extra_img); } } $tmp_name = $_FILES["extra_img"]["tmp_name"]; $name = $_FILES["extra_img"]["name"]; if ($name) { $ext = explode(".", $name); $uploadfile = $uploaddir . '/nc_' . $model->id . '_' . md5(basename($name) . time()) . "." . end($ext); if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $uploadfile)) { $model->setAttributes(array("extra_img" => "/" . $uploadfile)); $model->save(); } } } } if (is_array($tags) && count($tags)) { $trs = TagsRelations::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("object_id" => $id, "model" => "catalog_object")); if (is_array($trs) && count($trs)) { foreach ($trs as $tr) { $tr->delete(); } } foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagModel = Tags::model()->findByAttributes(array("name" => $tag)); if (!is_object($tagModel)) { $tagModel = new Tags(); $tagModel->setAttributes(array("name" => $tag, "count" => 0)); } $tagModel->count += 1; $tagModel->save(); $tagsRelations = new TagsRelations(); $tagsRelations->setAttributes(array("tag_id" => $tagModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id, "model" => "catalog_object")); $tagsRelations->save(); } } if (is_array($additionalDataArray) && count($additionalDataArray)) { foreach ($additionalDataArray as $fieldName => $data) { $fieldModel = CatalogFilteredFields::model()->findByAttributes(array("name" => $fieldName, "category_id" => $model->category_id)); if (is_object($fieldModel)) { switch ($fieldModel->data_type) { case 'varchar': case 'text': case 'html': if ($data) { $newVal = FieldsValues::model()->findByAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id)); if (!is_object($newVal)) { $newVal = new FieldsValues(); } $newVal->setAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id, "text_val" => $data)); $newVal->save(); } break; case 'int': case 'list': if (is_numeric($data)) { $newVal = FieldsValues::model()->findByAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id)); if (!is_object($newVal)) { $newVal = new FieldsValues(); } $newVal->setAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id, "int_val" => $data)); $newVal->save(); } break; case 'bool': $data = $data ? 1 : 0; $newVal = FieldsValues::model()->findByAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id)); if (!is_object($newVal)) { $newVal = new FieldsValues(); } $newVal->setAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id, "int_val" => $data)); $newVal->save(); break; case 'date': $newVal = FieldsValues::model()->findByAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id)); if (!is_object($newVal)) { $newVal = new FieldsValues(); } $newVal->setAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id, "int_val" => strtotime($data))); $newVal->save(); break; case 'multiple': /* 09.04.2015 * TODO: придумать что то лучше, чем удаление записей перед созданием новых... */ if (is_array($data) && count($data) && $data[0]) { $oldValues = FieldsValues::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id)); if (is_array($oldValues) && count($oldValues)) { foreach ($oldValues as $ov) { $ov->delete(); } } if (is_array($data) && count($data)) { foreach ($data as $v) { $newVal = new FieldsValues(); $newVal->setAttributes(array("field_id" => $fieldModel->id, "object_id" => $model->id, "int_val" => $v)); $newVal->save(); } } } break; } } } } } } $this->render('edit', array('model' => $model, 'success' => $success, 'errors' => $model->errors)); }
/** * Runs when a model is deleted. * Clears any entries in <tt>x2_phone_numbers</tt>. * Fires onAfterDelete event. */ public function afterDelete() { // Clear out old tags: $class = get_class($this); Tags::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('type' => $class, 'itemId' => $this->id)); // Clear out old phone numbers X2Model::model('PhoneNumber')->deleteAllByAttributes(array('modelId' => $this->id, 'modelType' => $class)); RecordAliases::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('recordId' => $this->id, 'recordType' => $class)); // Change all references to this record so that they retain the name but // exclude the ID: if ($this->hasAttribute('nameId') && $this->hasAttribute('name')) { $this->_oldAttributes = $this->getAttributes(); $this->nameId = $this->name; $this->updateNameIdRefs(); } // clear out associated actions Actions::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('associationType' => strtolower(self::getAssociationType(get_class($this))), 'associationId' => $this->id)); if ($this->hasEventHandler('onAfterDelete')) { $this->onAfterDelete(new CEvent($this)); } }
<?php echo $form->labelEx($ModelVideo, 'player_type'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($ModelVideo, 'player_type', array('video/mp4' => 'mp4', 'video/webm' => 'webm', 'video/ogg' => 'ogg', 'rtmp/mp4' => 'rtmp'), array('class' => 'form-control')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($ModelVideo, 'player_type'); ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($ModelVideo, 'tag_slug'); ?> <?php $tagi = Tags::model()->findAll('tag_idvideo LIKE :Id', array(':Id' => '%"' . $ModelVideo->video_id . '"%')); ?> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <?php foreach ($tagi as $data) { ?> <div class="checkbox-inline checkbox-tag" id="<?php echo $data->tag_slug; ?> "> <input type="checkbox" name="c" class="checkbox checkbox-tag-delete" onclick="showMe('<?php echo $data->tag_slug; ?>