    switch ($field->type) {
        case 'dropdown':
            $fieldOptions[$field->fieldName] = Dropdowns::getItems($field->linkType);
        case 'assignment':
            $fieldOptions[$field->fieldName] = User::getNames() + Groups::getNames();
        case 'link':
            $fieldOptions[$field->fieldName] = Yii::app()->request->scriptUrl . X2Model::model($field->linkType)->autoCompleteSource;
$attributeLabels = $model->itemAttributeLabels;
//hack tags in
$fieldTypes['tags'] = 'tags';
$fieldOptions['tags'] = Tags::getAllTags();
$attributeLabels['tags'] = Yii::t('contacts', 'Tags');
$comparisonList = array('=' => Yii::t('contacts', 'equals'), '>' => Yii::t('contacts', 'greater than'), '<' => Yii::t('contacts', 'less than'), '<>' => Yii::t('contacts', 'not equal to'), 'list' => Yii::t('contacts', 'in list'), 'notList' => Yii::t('contacts', 'not in list'), 'empty' => Yii::t('contacts', 'empty'), 'notEmpty' => Yii::t('contacts', 'not empty'), 'contains' => Yii::t('contacts', 'contains'), 'noContains' => Yii::t('contacts', 'does not contain'));
$criteriaAttr = array();
foreach ($criteriaModels as $criterion) {
    $attr = $criterion->getAttributes();
    //for any link types, look up the name belonging to the id
    if (isset($fieldTypes[$attr['attribute']]) && $fieldTypes[$attr['attribute']] == 'link') {
        $record = X2Model::model(ucfirst($fieldLinkTypes[$attr['attribute']]))->findByPk($attr['value']);
        if (isset($record) && isset($record->name)) {
            $attr['name'] = $record->name;
    $criteriaAttr[] = $attr;
 * 02110-1301 USA.
 * You can contact X2Engine, Inc. P.O. Box 66752, Scotts Valley,
 * California 95067, USA. or at email address contact@x2engine.com.
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
 * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
 * X2Engine" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for
 * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words
 * "Powered by X2Engine".
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('x2ConditionListViewJS' . $this->id, "\n\n;(function () {\n    var condList = new x2.ConditionList ({\n        containerSelector: '#{$this->id}',\n        name: '{$this->name}',\n        modelClass: '" . get_class($this->model) . "',\n        options: " . CJSON::encode($this->attributes) . ",\n        operatorList: " . CJSON::encode(X2Model::getFieldComparisonOptions()) . ",\n        visibilityOptions: " . CJSON::encode(array(array(1, Yii::t('app', 'Public')), array(0, Yii::t('app', 'Private')), array(2, Yii::t('app', 'User\'s Groups')))) . ",\n        allTags: " . CJSON::encode(Tags::getAllTags()) . ",\n        value: " . CJSON::encode($this->value) . "\n    });\n\n    // add cond list object to element data to allow access from outside this scope\n    \$('#{$this->id}').data ('x2ConditionList', condList);\n}) ();\n\n", CClientScript::POS_END);
<div id='<?php 
echo $this->id;
    <div class="x2-cond-list"><ol></ol></div>
    <div class='x2fields-template' style='display: none;'>
                <div class="handle"></div>
                <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="del"></a>
        <div class="cell x2fields-attribute">