function installedStuffLookup($title, $tableName) { ?> <section> <header class="tableRow gray"><h3><?php echo $title; ?> </h3></header> <?php global $computer; $table = new Table($tableName); $result = $table->runQuery(); $installedItems = explode(" - ", $computer[$table->getName() . "_list"]); $i = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { if ($i == 0) { echo "\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tableRow\">"; } $isInstalled = in_array($row[$table->getName() . "_name"], $installedItems); echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tableCell quarterWidth" . ($isInstalled ? " gray" : "") . "\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<label class=\"configLabel\"><input class=\"configCheckbox\" name=\"{$table->getName()}_list[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$row[$table->getName() . "_name"]}\"" . ($isInstalled ? " checked" : "") . "/>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$row[$table->getName() . "_name"]}</label>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n"; if ($i++ == 3) { echo "\t\t\t\t</div>"; $i = 0; } } ?> </section> <?php }
public function getDropTableDDL(Table $table) { $ret = ''; foreach ($table->getForeignKeys() as $fk) { $ret .= "\nIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type ='RI' AND name='" . $fk->getName() . "')\n ALTER TABLE " . $this->quoteIdentifier($table->getName()) . " DROP CONSTRAINT " . $this->quoteIdentifier($fk->getName()) . ";\n"; } self::$dropCount++; $ret .= "\nIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = '" . $table->getName() . "')\nBEGIN\n DECLARE @reftable_" . self::$dropCount . " nvarchar(60), @constraintname_" . self::$dropCount . " nvarchar(60)\n DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR\n select tablename, constraintname\n from sysobjects tables,\n sysobjects reftables,\n sysobjects cons,\n sysreferences ref\n where = ref.rkeyid\n and = ref.constid\n and = ref.fkeyid\n and = '" . $table->getName() . "'\n OPEN refcursor\n FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_" . self::$dropCount . ", @constraintname_" . self::$dropCount . "\n while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0\n BEGIN\n exec ('alter table '+@reftable_" . self::$dropCount . "+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_" . self::$dropCount . ")\n FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_" . self::$dropCount . ", @constraintname_" . self::$dropCount . "\n END\n CLOSE refcursor\n DEALLOCATE refcursor\n DROP TABLE " . $this->quoteIdentifier($table->getName()) . "\nEND\n"; return $ret; }
protected function validateTableColumns(Table $table) { if (!$table->hasPrimaryKey() && !$table->isSkipSql()) { $this->errors[] = sprintf('Table "%s" does not have a primary key defined. Propel requires all tables to have a primary key.', $table->getName()); } $phpNames = array(); foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) { if (in_array($column->getPhpName(), $phpNames)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf('Column "%s" declares a phpName already used in table "%s"', $column->getName(), $table->getName()); } $phpNames[] = $column->getPhpName(); } }
protected function buildDescription() { if ($this->foreignTable === null) { throw new \yentu\exceptions\DatabaseManipulatorException("No references defined for foreign key {$this->name}"); } return array('columns' => $this->columns, 'table' => $this->table->getName(), 'schema' => $this->table->getSchema()->getName(), 'foreign_columns' => $this->foreignColumns, 'foreign_table' => $this->foreignTable->getName(), 'foreign_schema' => $this->foreignTable->getSchema()->getName(), 'name' => $this->name, 'on_delete' => $this->onDelete, 'on_update' => $this->onUpdate); }
public function testGetName() { $db = $this->getMockBuilder(Db::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $tableName = 'language'; $table = new Table($db, $tableName); $this->assertSame($tableName, $table->getName()); }
protected function addGetLastVersions(&$script) { $versionTable = $this->behavior->getVersionTable(); $versionARClassname = $this->builder->getNewStubObjectBuilder($versionTable)->getClassname(); $versionForeignColumn = $versionTable->getColumn($this->behavior->getParameter('version_column')); $fks = $versionTable->getForeignKeysReferencingTable($this->table->getName()); $relCol = $this->builder->getRefFKPhpNameAffix($fks[0], $plural = true); $versionGetter = 'get' . $relCol; $versionPeerBuilder = $this->builder->getNewStubPeerBuilder($versionTable); $this->builder->declareClassFromBuilder($versionPeerBuilder); $versionPeer = $versionPeerBuilder->getClassname(); $script .= <<<EOF /** * retrieve the last \$number versions. * * @param integer \$number the number of record to return. * @param {$this->getVersionQueryClassName()}|Criteria \$criteria Additional criteria to filter. * @param PropelPDO \$con An optional connection to use. * * @return PropelCollection|{$versionARClassname}[] List of {$versionARClassname} objects */ public function getLastVersions(\$number = 10, \$criteria = null, PropelPDO \$con = null) { \$criteria = {$this->getVersionQueryClassName()}::create(null, \$criteria); \$criteria->addDescendingOrderByColumn({$versionPeer}::VERSION); \$criteria->limit(\$number); return \$this->{$versionGetter}(\$criteria, \$con); } EOF; }
public function testTable() { $table = new Table($this->connection, 'foo_table', array('bar' => TableInterface::TYPE_INT), array()); $this->assertEquals('foo_table', $table->getName()); $this->assertEquals(array('bar' => TableInterface::TYPE_INT), $table->getColumns()); $this->assertEquals(array(), $table->getConnections()); $table->addConnection('bar', 'bar_table'); $this->assertEquals(array('bar' => 'bar_table'), $table->getConnections()); }
public function staticAttributes($builder) { $tableName = $this->table->getName(); $script = "\n/**\n * rank column\n */\nconst RANK_COL = '" . $tableName . '.' . $this->getColumnConstant('rank_column') . "';\n"; if ($this->behavior->useScope()) { if ($this->behavior->hasMultipleScopes()) { foreach ($this->behavior->getScopes() as $scope) { $col[] = "{$tableName}." . strtoupper($scope); } $col = json_encode($col); $col = "'{$col}'"; $script .= "\n/**\n * If defined, the `SCOPE_COL` contains a json_encoded array with all columns.\n * @var boolean\n */\nconst MULTI_SCOPE_COL = true;\n"; } else { $colNames = $this->getColumnConstant('scope_column'); $col = "'{$tableName}.{$colNames}'"; } $script .= "\n/**\n * Scope column for the set\n */\nconst SCOPE_COL = {$col};\n"; } return $script; }
/** * Constructs where statement for retrieving row(s). * * @param bool $useDirty * @return array */ protected function _getWhereQuery($useDirty = true) { $where = array(); $primaryKey = $this->_getPrimaryKey($useDirty); $db = $this->_table->getAdapter(); $tableName = $db->quoteIdentifier($this->_table->getName(), true); // retrieve recently updated row using primary keys foreach ($primaryKey as $column => $value) { $columnName = $db->quoteIdentifier($column, true); $where[] = $db->quoteInto("{$tableName}.{$columnName} = ?", $value); } return $where; }
/** * @param Driver $driver * @param Table $table * @param Query $query * @param bool $asArray */ public function __construct(Driver $driver, Table $table, Query $query, $asArray = false) { $this->asArray = $asArray; $this->table = $table; $params = []; $this->tableName = $table->getName(); if (!$this->asArray) { $this->recordClasses = [$this->tableName => $table->getDatabase()->getClassMapper()->getClassForRecord($this->tableName)]; } $sql = $query->getRawSql(); if ($sql === null) { $sql = $driver->buildSQL($table, $query, $params); $this->fetchStyle = \PDO::FETCH_NUM; foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) { if ($column->isPrimaryKey()) { $this->primaryKeyOrdinals[$this->tableName][$column->getOrdinal()] = true; } $this->columnOrdinalMap[$this->tableName][$column->getOrdinal()] = $column->getName(); } $offset = count($table->getColumns()); foreach ($query->getJoins() as $join) { if (isset($join['cardinality'])) { $joinedTableName = $join['table']; $joinedTable = $table->getDatabase()->getTable($joinedTableName); $this->joinedTables[$joinedTableName] = $joinedTable; if (!$this->asArray) { $this->recordClasses[$joinedTableName] = $joinedTable->getDatabase()->getClassMapper()->getClassForRecord($joinedTableName); } foreach ($joinedTable->getColumns() as $column) { if ($column->isPrimaryKey()) { $this->primaryKeyOrdinals[$joinedTableName][$offset + $column->getOrdinal()] = true; } $this->columnOrdinalMap[$joinedTableName][$offset + $column->getOrdinal()] = $column->getName(); } $this->cardinalities[$joinedTableName] = $join['cardinality']; if ($join['cardinality'] === Query::CARDINALITY_ONE_TO_MANY) { $this->properties[$joinedTableName] = $joinedTableName; } else { $this->properties[$joinedTableName] = array_keys($join['on']); } $offset += count($joinedTable->getColumns()); } } } else { $this->fetchStyle = \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; $this->rawSql = true; } $this->result = $driver->query($sql, $params); $this->fetchNextRow(); }
/** * @param Table $old * @param Table $new * @return bool|string */ public static function computeAlter(Table $old, Table $new) { $oldColumnNames = array_keys($old->getColumns()); $newColumnNames = array_keys($new->getColumns()); $alterLines = []; // Check for changed columns $possiblyChangedColumnNames = array_intersect($oldColumnNames, $newColumnNames); foreach ($possiblyChangedColumnNames as $possiblyChangedColumnName) { $oldColumn = $old->getColumn($possiblyChangedColumnName); $newColumn = $new->getColumn($possiblyChangedColumnName); if ($oldColumn && $newColumn) { $alter = Column::computeAlter($oldColumn, $newColumn); if ($alter) { $alterLines[] = $alter; } } } // check if columns have been added $addedColumnNames = array_diff($newColumnNames, $oldColumnNames); foreach ($addedColumnNames as $added) { $column = $new->getColumn($added); $query = "ADD COLUMN " . $column; if ($column->isFirst()) { $query .= " FIRST"; } elseif ($column->getAfter() !== false) { $query .= " AFTER `" . $column->getAfter() . "`"; } $alterLines[] = $query; } // check if columns have been removed $removedColumnNames = array_diff($oldColumnNames, $newColumnNames); foreach ($removedColumnNames as $removedColumnName) { $alterLines[] = "DROP COLUMN `" . $removedColumnName . "`"; } if (!empty($alterLines)) { return "ALTER TABLE `" . $new->getName() . "`\n\t" . implode(",\n\t", $alterLines); } return false; }
public function getPrimaryKeyName(Table $table) { $tableName = $table->getName(); // pk constraint name must be 30 chars at most $tableName = substr($tableName, 0, min(27, strlen($tableName))); return $tableName . '_PK'; }
/** * Finds the supplied translation table's culture column. * * @return Column * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If there is not a column marked as "isCulture" */ protected function getCultureColumn(Table $table) { foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) { if ('true' == $column->getAttribute('isCulture')) { return $column; } } throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The table "%s" does not have a column marked with the "isCulture" attribute.', $table->getName())); }
public function getDropTableDDL(Table $table) { return "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->quoteIdentifier($table->getName()) . ";\n"; }
/** * Get the quoted identifier for the table name * @param Table $table * @return string */ public function getTableBaseIdentifier(Table $table) { return $this->quoteObjectIdentifier($table->getDatabase()->getPrefix() . $table->getName()); }
/** * Loads the primary key for this table. */ protected function addPrimaryKey(Table $table) { $stmt = $this->dbh->query("SELECT COLUMN_NAME\n FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS\n INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE ON\n INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_NAME = INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE.constraint_name\n WHERE (INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY') AND\n (INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.TABLE_NAME = '" . $table->getName() . "')"); // Loop through the returned results, grouping the same key_name together // adding each column for that key. while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $name = $row[0]; $table->getColumn($name)->setPrimaryKey(true); } }
/** * Returns the Name of the table the column is in */ public function getTableName() { return $this->parentTable->getName(); }
/** * Returns the difference between the tables $table1 and $table2. * * If there are no differences this method returns the boolean false. * * @param Table $table1 * @param Table $table2 * * @return bool|TableDiff */ public function diffTable(Table $table1, Table $table2) { $changes = 0; $tableDifferences = new TableDiff($table1->getName()); $table1Columns = $table1->getColumns(); $table2Columns = $table2->getColumns(); /* See if all the fields in table 1 exist in table 2 */ foreach ($table2Columns as $columnName => $column) { if (!$table1->hasColumn($columnName)) { $tableDifferences->addedColumns[$columnName] = $column; $changes++; } } /* See if there are any removed fields in table 2 */ foreach ($table1Columns as $columnName => $column) { if (!$table2->hasColumn($columnName)) { $tableDifferences->removedColumns[$columnName] = $column; $changes++; } } foreach ($table1Columns as $columnName => $column) { if ($table2->hasColumn($columnName)) { $changedProperties = $this->diffColumn($column, $table2->getColumn($columnName)); if (count($changedProperties)) { $columnDiff = new ColumnDiff($column->getName(), $table2->getColumn($columnName), $changedProperties); $tableDifferences->changedColumns[$column->getName()] = $columnDiff; $changes++; } } } $this->detectColumnRenamings($tableDifferences); $table1Indexes = $table1->getIndexes(); $table2Indexes = $table2->getIndexes(); foreach ($table2Indexes as $index2Name => $index2Definition) { foreach ($table1Indexes as $index1Name => $index1Definition) { if ($this->diffIndex($index1Definition, $index2Definition) === false) { unset($table1Indexes[$index1Name]); unset($table2Indexes[$index2Name]); } else { if ($index1Name == $index2Name) { $tableDifferences->changedIndexes[$index2Name] = $table2Indexes[$index2Name]; unset($table1Indexes[$index1Name]); unset($table2Indexes[$index2Name]); $changes++; } } } } foreach ($table1Indexes as $index1Name => $index1Definition) { $tableDifferences->removedIndexes[$index1Name] = $index1Definition; $changes++; } foreach ($table2Indexes as $index2Name => $index2Definition) { $tableDifferences->addedIndexes[$index2Name] = $index2Definition; $changes++; } $fromFkeys = $table1->getForeignKeys(); $toFkeys = $table2->getForeignKeys(); foreach ($fromFkeys as $key1 => $constraint1) { foreach ($toFkeys as $key2 => $constraint2) { if ($this->diffForeignKey($constraint1, $constraint2) === false) { unset($fromFkeys[$key1]); unset($toFkeys[$key2]); } else { if (strtolower($constraint1->getName()) == strtolower($constraint2->getName())) { $tableDifferences->changedForeignKeys[] = $constraint2; $changes++; unset($fromFkeys[$key1]); unset($toFkeys[$key2]); } } } } foreach ($fromFkeys as $key1 => $constraint1) { $tableDifferences->removedForeignKeys[] = $constraint1; $changes++; } foreach ($toFkeys as $key2 => $constraint2) { $tableDifferences->addedForeignKeys[] = $constraint2; $changes++; } return $changes ? $tableDifferences : false; }
/** * Adds vendor-specific info for table. * * @param Table $table */ protected function addTableVendorInfo(Table $table) { $stmt = $this->dbh->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . $table->getName() . "'"); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vi = $this->getNewVendorInfoObject($row); $table->addVendorInfo($vi); }
/** * Loads the primary key for this table. * * @param Table $table The Table model class to add PK to. */ protected function addPrimaryKey(Table $table) { $stmt = $this->dbh->query("SELECT COLS.COLUMN_NAME FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS CONS, USER_CONS_COLUMNS COLS WHERE CONS.CONSTRAINT_NAME = COLS.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND CONS.TABLE_NAME = '" . $table->getName() . "' AND CONS.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'"); /* @var stmt PDOStatement */ while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { // This fixes a strange behavior by PDO. Sometimes the // row values are inside an index 0 of an array if (array_key_exists(0, $row)) { $row = $row[0]; } $table->getColumn($row['COLUMN_NAME'])->setPrimaryKey(true); } }
/** * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table $localTable * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException */ public static function namedForeignKeyRequired(Table $localTable, ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey) { return new self("The performed schema operation on " . $localTable->getName() . " requires a named foreign key, " . "but the given foreign key from (" . implode(", ", $foreignKey->getColumns()) . ") onto foreign table " . "'" . $foreignKey->getForeignTableName() . "' (" . implode(", ", $foreignKey->getForeignColumns()) . ") is currently " . "unnamed."); }
/** * Load indexes for this table */ protected function addIndexes(Table $table) { $stmt = $this->dbh->query("PRAGMA index_list('" . $table->getName() . "')"); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $name = $row['name']; $index = new Index($name); $stmt2 = $this->dbh->query("PRAGMA index_info('" . $name . "')"); while ($row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $colname = $row2['name']; $index->addColumn($table->getColumn($colname)); } $table->addIndex($index); } }
public function getName() { return str_replace(' KEY', '', $this->type) . '__' . $this->table->getName() . '__' . implode('_', $this->fields); }
/** * @param Table $table * @return $this */ public function removeDependantTable(Table $table) { if (isset($this->dependantTables[$table->getName()])) { unset($this->dependantTables[$table->getName()]); $table->removeGuardianTable($this); } return $this; }
/** * Builds the DDL SQL to drop the primary key of a table. * * @param Table $table * @return string */ public function getDropPrimaryKeyDDL(Table $table) { $pattern = "\nALTER TABLE %s DROP PRIMARY KEY;\n"; return sprintf($pattern, $this->quoteIdentifier($table->getName())); }
public function testQualifiedName() { $table = new Table(); $table->setSchema("foo"); $table->setCommonName("bar"); $this->assertEquals($table->getName(), "bar"); $this->assertEquals($table->getCommonName(), "bar"); $database = new Database(); $database->addTable($table); $database->setPlatform(new NoSchemaPlatform()); $this->assertEquals($table->getName(), "bar"); $database->setPlatform(new SchemaPlatform()); $this->assertEquals($table->getName(), ""); }
public function testGetName() { $this->assertSame("test", $this->table->getName()); }
/** * Adds vendor-specific info for table. * * @param Table $table */ protected function addTableVendorInfo(Table $table) { $stmt = $this->dbh->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . $table->getName() . "'"); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$this->addVendorInfo) { //since we depend on `Engine` in the MysqlPlatform, we have always extract this vendor information $row = array('Engine' => $row['Engine']); } $vi = $this->getNewVendorInfoObject($row); $table->addVendorInfo($vi); }
/** * Adds Columns to the specified table. * * @param Table $table The Table model class to add columns to. * @param int $oid The table OID * @param string $version The database version. */ protected function addColumns(Table $table, $oid, $version) { // Get the columns, types, etc. // Based on code from pgAdmin3 ( $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t att.attname,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t att.atttypmod,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t att.atthasdef,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t att.attnotnull,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t def.adsrc,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t CASE WHEN att.attndims > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isarray,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t CASE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHEN ty.typname = 'bpchar'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t THEN 'char'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHEN ty.typname = '_bpchar'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t THEN '_char'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ELSE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ty.typname\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t END AS typname,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ty.typtype\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM pg_attribute att\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t JOIN pg_type ty ON ty.oid=att.atttypid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attrdef def ON adrelid=att.attrelid AND adnum=att.attnum\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE att.attrelid = ? AND att.attnum > 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND att.attisdropped IS FALSE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ORDER BY att.attnum"); $stmt->bindValue(1, $oid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $size = null; $precision = null; $scale = null; // Check to ensure that this column isn't an array data type if ((int) $row['isarray'] === 1) { throw new EngineException(sprintf("Array datatypes are not currently supported [%s.%s]", $this->name, $row['attname'])); } // if (((int) $row['isarray']) === 1) $name = $row['attname']; // If they type is a domain, Process it if (strtolower($row['typtype']) == 'd') { $arrDomain = $this->processDomain($row['typname']); $type = $arrDomain['type']; $size = $arrDomain['length']; $precision = $size; $scale = $arrDomain['scale']; $boolHasDefault = strlen(trim($row['atthasdef'])) > 0 ? $row['atthasdef'] : $arrDomain['hasdefault']; $default = strlen(trim($row['adsrc'])) > 0 ? $row['adsrc'] : $arrDomain['default']; $is_nullable = strlen(trim($row['attnotnull'])) > 0 ? $row['attnotnull'] : $arrDomain['notnull']; $is_nullable = $is_nullable == 't' ? false : true; } else { $type = $row['typname']; $arrLengthPrecision = $this->processLengthScale($row['atttypmod'], $type); $size = $arrLengthPrecision['length']; $precision = $size; $scale = $arrLengthPrecision['scale']; $boolHasDefault = $row['atthasdef']; $default = $row['adsrc']; $is_nullable = $row['attnotnull'] == 't' ? false : true; } // else (strtolower ($row['typtype']) == 'd') $autoincrement = null; // if column has a default if ($boolHasDefault == 't' && strlen(trim($default)) > 0) { if (!preg_match('/^nextval\\(/', $default)) { $strDefault = preg_replace('/::[\\W\\D]*/', '', $default); $default = str_replace("'", '', $strDefault); } else { $autoincrement = true; $default = null; } } else { $default = null; } $propelType = $this->getMappedPropelType($type); if (!$propelType) { $propelType = Column::DEFAULT_TYPE; $this->warn("Column [" . $table->getName() . "." . $name . "] has a column type (" . $type . ") that Propel does not support."); } $column = new Column($name); $column->setTable($table); $column->setDomainForType($propelType); // We may want to provide an option to include this: // $column->getDomain()->replaceSqlType($type); $column->getDomain()->replaceSize($size); $column->getDomain()->replaceScale($scale); if ($default !== null) { if (in_array($default, array('now()'))) { $type = ColumnDefaultValue::TYPE_EXPR; } else { $type = ColumnDefaultValue::TYPE_VALUE; } $column->getDomain()->setDefaultValue(new ColumnDefaultValue($default, $type)); } $column->setAutoIncrement($autoincrement); $column->setNotNull(!$is_nullable); $table->addColumn($column); } }
public function getPrimaryKeyName(Table $table) { $tableName = $table->getName(); return $tableName . '_pkey'; }