  * Opens a window for the Smarty Debugging Console and display the data
  * @param Smarty_Internal_Template|Smarty $obj object to debug
  * @param bool                            $full
 public function display_debug($obj, $full = false)
     if (!$full) {
         $savedIndex = $this->index;
         $this->index = 9999;
     $smarty = $obj->_getSmartyObj();
     // create fresh instance of smarty for displaying the debug console
     // to avoid problems if the application did overload the Smarty class
     $debObj = new Smarty();
     // copy the working dirs from application
     // init properties by hand as user may have edited the original Smarty class
     $debObj->setPluginsDir(is_dir(__DIR__ . '/../plugins') ? __DIR__ . '/../plugins' : $smarty->getPluginsDir());
     $debObj->force_compile = false;
     $debObj->compile_check = true;
     $debObj->left_delimiter = '{';
     $debObj->right_delimiter = '}';
     $debObj->security_policy = null;
     $debObj->debugging = false;
     $debObj->debugging_ctrl = 'NONE';
     $debObj->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
     $debObj->debug_tpl = isset($smarty->debug_tpl) ? $smarty->debug_tpl : 'file:' . __DIR__ . '/../debug.tpl';
     $debObj->registered_plugins = array();
     $debObj->registered_resources = array();
     $debObj->registered_filters = array();
     $debObj->autoload_filters = array();
     $debObj->default_modifiers = array();
     $debObj->escape_html = true;
     $debObj->caching = false;
     $debObj->compile_id = null;
     $debObj->cache_id = null;
     // prepare information of assigned variables
     $ptr = $this->get_debug_vars($obj);
     $_assigned_vars = $ptr->tpl_vars;
     $_config_vars = $ptr->config_vars;
     $debugging = $smarty->debugging;
     $_template = new Smarty_Internal_Template($debObj->debug_tpl, $debObj);
     if ($obj->_isTplObj()) {
         $_template->assign('template_name', $obj->source->type . ':' . $obj->source->name);
     if ($obj->_objType == 1 || $full) {
         $_template->assign('template_data', $this->template_data[$this->index]);
     } else {
         $_template->assign('template_data', null);
     $_template->assign('assigned_vars', $_assigned_vars);
     $_template->assign('config_vars', $_config_vars);
     $_template->assign('execution_time', microtime(true) - $smarty->start_time);
     $_template->assign('display_mode', $debugging == 2 || !$full);
     $_template->assign('offset', $this->offset * 50);
     echo $_template->fetch();
     if (isset($full)) {
     if (!$full) {
         $this->index = $savedIndex;
  * modify template_resource according to resource handlers specifications
  * @param  \Smarty_Internal_Template|\Smarty $obj               Smarty instance
  * @param  string                            $template_resource template_resource to extract resource handler and name of
  * @return string unique resource name
 public static function getUniqueTemplateName($obj, $template_resource)
     $smarty = $obj->_getSmartyObj();
     list($name, $type) = self::parseResourceName($template_resource, $smarty->default_resource_type);
     // TODO: optimize for Smarty's internal resource types
     $resource = Smarty_Resource::load($smarty, $type);
     // go relative to a given template?
     $_file_is_dotted = $name[0] == '.' && ($name[1] == '.' || $name[1] == '/');
     if ($obj->_isTplObj() && $_file_is_dotted && ($obj->source->type == 'file' || $obj->parent->source->type == 'extends')) {
         $name = $smarty->_realpath(dirname($obj->parent->source->filepath) . $smarty->ds . $name);
     return $resource->buildUniqueResourceName($smarty, $name);