function handle() { if (isset($_GET['behav'])) { if ($_GET['behav'] == 'uploadimg') { $name = uniqid() . '.jpg'; move_uploaded_file($_FILES["pic"]["tmp_name"], './jae/' . $name); upoadTmpFile('./jae/' . $name); $tmp = array(); $tmp['url'] = getTmpFileUrl($name); $tmp['id'] = $name; echo json_encode($tmp); exit; } } $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->assign('logined', isLogined()); $smarty->display('libs/view/head.ctp'); if (isset($_POST['bookname'])) { $name = explode('.', $_FILES["file"]["name"]); $name = $name[count($name) - 1]; if ($name == 'mobi') { $id = $this->doUpload(); header("location:index.php?action=detail&bid={$id}"); //$smarty->assign('type','success'); //$smarty->assign('message','上传成功'); } else { $smarty->assign('type', 'error'); $smarty->assign('message', '上传失败,文件类型错误'); } //$smarty->display('libs/view/alert.ctp'); } $smarty->display('libs/view/upload.ctp'); $smarty->display('libs/view/tail.ctp'); }
function handle() { $db = new db(); if (isset($_GET['action2']) == 'checkemail') { if (isset($_GET['email'])) { echo $db->checkEmail($_GET['email']); } else { header('location:index.php'); } exit; } if (isset($_SESSION['email'])) { header('location:index.php'); } if (!isset($_POST['email']) || !isset($_POST['pwd'])) { $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->assign('logined', isLogined()); $smarty->display('libs/view/head.ctp'); $smarty->display('libs/view/reg.ctp'); $smarty->display('libs/view/tail.ctp'); exit; } $email = $_POST['email']; $pwd = $_POST['pwd']; if ($db->addUsr($email, $pwd)) { $_SESSION['email'] = $email; $_SESSION['pwd'] = $pwdl; } header('location:index.php'); }
public function display($name, $tpl_vars = array()) { //die(var_dump($name)); if (!empty($tpl_vars)) { $this->assign($tpl_vars); } echo $this->_smarty->display($name); }
/** * Render template */ public function _run() { foreach ($this->getVars() as $key => $val) { $this->smarty->assign($key, $val); } $this->smarty->assign('view', $this); $this->smarty->assign('gimme', $this->smarty->context()); $file = array_shift(func_get_args()); $this->smarty->display($file); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render($viewFile, $withViewSuffix = false, array $data = array()) { $viewFile = $this->getViewFileWithViewRoot($viewFile, $withViewSuffix); // assin variable foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->assign($key, $value); } ob_start(); $this->smarty->display($viewFile); return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render the actual view file. * * @param string $p_sTplFile The template to load up. For example the master template. * @throws PPI_Exception * @return void */ function render($p_sTplFile) { // Optional extension for smarty templates $p_sTplFile = PPI_Helper::checkExtension($p_sTplFile, SMARTY_EXT); $sTheme = PPI_Helper::getConfig()->layout->view_theme; $sPath = $this->_viewPath . "{$sTheme}/{$p_sTplFile}"; if (!file_exists($sPath)) { throw new PPI_Exception('Unable to load: ' . $sPath . ' file does not exist'); } $this->_renderer->display($sPath); }
public function render($action) { if ($this->doRender) { $templateFile = "view/" . $this->getControllerName() . "/" . lcfirst($action) . ".tpl"; if (!is_file($templateFile)) { echo "Error: No such file: {$templateFile}"; exit; } $this->smarty->display($templateFile); } }
/** * * @param string $word */ private function AjaxTaskTwo($word) { $smarty = new Smarty(); $morphy = new Morphy($word); $r = $morphy->process(); if ($r) { $smarty->assign('result', $morphy->GetWordOut()); $smarty->display($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'view/resultTaskTwo.tpl'); } else { $smarty->display($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'view/errorTaskTwo.tpl'); } }
/** * Implement _run() method * * The method _run() is the only method that needs to be implemented in any subclass of Zend_View_Abstract. It is called automatically within the render() method. My implementation just uses the display() method from Smarty to generate and output the template. * * @param string $template */ protected function _run() { $file = func_num_args() > 0 && file_exists(func_get_arg(0)) ? func_get_arg(0) : ''; if ($this->_customTemplate || $file) { $template = $this->_customTemplate; if (!$template) { $template = $file; } $this->_smarty->display($template); } else { throw new Zend_View_Exception('Cannot render view without any template being assigned or file does not exist'); } }
/** * Renders a page of $template * @param $displayName * @param $template */ function render($displayName, $template) { //If we've already rendered this page, don't render it again if (!$this->rendered) { $this->website->assign("self", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $this->website->assign("displayName", $displayName); $this->website->assign("menu", $this->menu); $this->website->assign("breadcrumbs", $this->breadcrumbs); $this->website->display($template); $this->db->close(); $this->rendered = true; } }
/** * Display the data through Smarty * * @param array $view The template to use * @param array $data The data to be used in the template * @return void */ public function runDisplay($view, $data) { $this->smarty->assign($data); $this->smarty->assign('input', ASO_Input::filterInput()); $this->smarty->assign('sess', ASO_Registry('sess')); // GZip compression //ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' ); if (file_exists('app/views/global.tpl') && $view != 'error' && $view != '404') { $this->smarty->assign('templatefile', $view . '.tpl'); $this->smarty->display('global.tpl'); } else { $this->smarty->display($view . '.tpl'); } }
/** * Render using Smarty. Picks a view called similar to controller's name * @param string $view A custom view */ public function __render($view = False) { $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = ROOT . DS . 'app' . DS . 'views'; $smarty->compile_dir = ROOT . DS . 'app' . DS . 'views_c'; $smarty->cache_dir = ROOT . DS . 'cache'; foreach ($this->data as $key => $value) { $smarty->assign($key, $value); } if ($view) { $smarty->display($view . '.tpl'); } else { $smarty->display($this->name . '.tpl'); } }
public function view($resource_name, $cache_id = null) { if (strpos($resource_name, '.') === false) { $resource_name .= '.tpl'; } return parent::display($resource_name, $cache_id); }
/** * Load View. * * @param string $file * @param array $data * @param boolean $return * @return string */ private function loadView($file, $data = array(), $return = FALSE) { ob_start(); if (file_exists($file) || file_exists(PUBLIC_DIR . $file)) { # Preventing $data of this method to be passed to view. $__data = $data; unset($data); # Merging with already added data to class property. $___data = array_merge($this->view_data, $__data); if ($this->is_smarty) { $this->enableSmarty(); foreach ($___data as $key => $value) { $this->smarty->assign($key, $value); } $this->smarty->display($file); } else { extract($___data); # Now we don't want __data and ___data. unset($__data, $___data); include $file; } } # Setting flag off. $this->is_smarty = FALSE; # Returning view if requested to return. if ($return === TRUE) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; } }
/** * 重写display函数,给矛默认值 * * @param String $resourceName * @param int $cacheId * @param int $complieId */ public function display($resourceName = null, $cacheId = null, $complieId = null) { if (!$resourceName) { $resourceName = "{$_GET['c']}/{$_GET['a']}." . TEMPLATE_TYPE; } parent::display($resourceName, $cacheId, $complieId); }
/** * Оказва кой темплейт да се зареди и коя е мастър страницата * * За нормални страници се използва index.tpl като мастър страница, * в него си има логика, за да зареди посочения темплейт * * Когато трябва да се връща резултат от ajax заявки като мастър * страница трябва да се изпозлва master_ajax.tpl. Тук има два * случая: * - връщане на данни като json и подобни - за темплейт се задава * ajax_data.tpl, който връща това което е подадено на променливата * ajax_data * - връщане на html - задава се темплейтът, който ще генерира съответния html * * @param string $template * @param string $master */ function display($template = false, $master = 'index.tpl') { $xhr = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest'; if ($xhr) { $master = 'ajax.tpl'; } if ($template) { $this->smarty->assign('template', $template); } else { $this->smarty->assign('template', get_class($this) . '/index.tpl'); } //проверка на браузъра - за Imperavi Redactor $browser = preg_match('/(?i)msie [1-8]/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $this->smarty->assign('browser', $browser == 1 ? '8' : ''); $this->smarty->display($master); }
public function Display($file = false, $echo = true) { global $CMS, $DB, $USER; $smarty = new Smarty(); //set cache and compile dir $smarty->setCacheDir("./data/data__hoang_taka_com/cache/"); $smarty->setCompileDir("./data/data__hoang_taka_com/template_c/"); $smarty->force_compile = $this->force_compile; $smarty->debugging = $this->debugging; $smarty->caching = $this->caching; $smarty->cache_lifetime = $this->cache_lifetime; if ($file) { //check template website use. $file_dir = "themes/" . $file . ".tpl"; if (is_file($file_dir)) { $smarty->assign($this->data); if ($echo) { return $smarty->display($file_dir); } else { return $smarty->fetch($file_dir); } } else { echo "File: <b>{$file_dir}</b> is missing."; } } }
function _renderForm(&$page) { $pageName = $page->getAttribute('name'); $tabPreview = array_slice($page->controller->_tabs, -2, 1); // setup a template object $tpl = new Smarty(); $tpl->template_dir = './templates'; $tpl->compile_dir = './templates_c'; // on preview tab, add progress bar javascript and stylesheet if ($pageName == $tabPreview[0][0]) { $bar = $page->controller->createProgressBar(); $tpl->assign(array('qf_style' => $bar->getStyle(), 'qf_script' => $bar->getScript())); $barElement = $page->getElement('progressBar'); $barElement->setText($bar->toHtml()); } $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true); $page->accept($renderer); $tpl->assign('form', $renderer->toArray()); // capture the array stucture // (only for showing in sample template) ob_start(); print_r($renderer->toArray()); $tpl->assign('dynamic_array', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); $tpl->display('smarty-dynamic.tpl'); }
public function GenOutput() { $this->tables = array(); foreach ($this->codeGenerator->getClasses() as $class) { $columns = array(); if ($class->hasChild()) { foreach ($class->getChildElements() as $element) { if ($element->getType() == Type::PropertyElement) { $columnText = $element->getAttribute(self::Column); if ($columnText != null) { $column = $this->getColumnParams(substr($columnText, 1, -1)); $column['name'] = $element->getName(); $columns[] = $column; } } } if (count($columns) > 0) { $this->tables[$class->getName()] = array("name" => $class->getName(), "columns" => $columns); } } } $smarty = new \Smarty(); // $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->assign("tables", $this->tables); $smarty->display(__DIR__ . '/database.tpl'); }
function admin_joinus() { global $db, $countries; $tpl = new smarty(); $db->query('SELECT tname, `joinID`, `name`, b.username,, b.icq, b.msn, `age`,, `teamID`, `comment`, `IP`, `datum`, `closed`, `closedby`, a.username as closedby_username FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_joinus as b LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_teams ON (teamID = tID) LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user as a ON (ID=closedby) ORDER BY closed ASC, datum ASC'); $joinus = array(); while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) { $row['datum'] = date(SHORT_DATE, $row['datum']); if ($row['joinID'] == (int) @$_GET['id']) { $spe = $row; } $joinus[] = $row; } if (@$spe) { ob_start(); $tpl1 = new Smarty(); foreach ($spe as $key => $value) { $tpl1->assign($key, $value); } $tpl1->assign('countryname', $countries[$spe['country']]); $tpl1->assign('id', $row['joinID']); $tpl1->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/joinus_view.html'); $tpl->assign('details', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); } $tpl->assign('joinus', $joinus); ob_start(); $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/joinus.html'); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); main_content(JOINUS, $content, '', 1); }
function bind() { //page vars $form_action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $this->onloadscript = "setFocus('txtEmail');"; //smarty $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->force_compile = true; $smarty->compile_dir = SMARTY_COMPILE_DIRECTORY; $smarty->assign("stats", stats::get_stats()); $smarty->assign("menu_item", "signup"); $smarty->assign("postcode", $this->postcode); $smarty->assign("email", $this->email); $smarty->assign("alert_area_size", $this->alert_area_size); $smarty->assign("page_title", "Email alerts of planning applications near you"); $smarty->assign("warnings", $this->warnings); $smarty->assign("email_warn", $this->email_warn); $smarty->assign("postcode_warn", $this->postcode_warn); $smarty->assign("onloadscript", $this->onloadscript); $smarty->assign("small_zone_size", SMALL_ZONE_SIZE); $smarty->assign("medium_zone_size", MEDIUM_ZONE_SIZE); $smarty->assign("large_zone_size", LARGE_ZONE_SIZE); //Render $smarty->display('index.tpl'); }
/** * Initialisiert den Seiteninhalt * */ private function _initPage() { //**Template-Set einstellen und für die Templates als Variable zugänglich machen $this->_smarty_array['TEMPLATESET_DIR'] = TEMPLATESET_DIR; $this->_tplfile = 'index.tpl'; if ($this->_is_admin == true) { $table = 'admin_menu'; $shortlink = ADMIN_MENU_USE_SHORTLINKS; } else { $table = 'menu'; $shortlink = USER_MENU_USE_SHORTLINKS; } $this->_loadNav($shortlink); $this->_check_spec_action(); $this->_mysql->query("SELECT `menu_pagetyp`, `menu_page`, `menu_name` FROM `{$table}` WHERE `menu_ID`= '{$this->_nav_id}'"); $page_data = $this->_mysql->fetcharray("assoc"); $page_id = (int) $page_data['menu_page']; // erste Variablen abspeichern, damit sie in den Modulen aufgerufen werden können $this->_smarty->assign($this->_smarty_array); $this->_smarty_array = array(); if ($page_data['menu_pagetyp'] == 'mod') { $this->_loadModule($page_id, $page_data); } elseif ($page_data['menu_pagetyp'] == 'pag') { $this->_loadContent($page_id, $page_data); } else { throw new CMSException(array('core' => 'modul_not_found'), null, "", array('core' => 'modul_load_error')); } $this->_smarty_array['shortlink'] = $shortlink; $this->_smarty_array['generated_time'] = round((double) (microtime(true) - START_TIME), 5); $this->_smarty->assign($this->_smarty_array); $this->_smarty->display($this->_tplfile); }
function view($template_name) { if (strpos($template_name, '.') === FALSE && strpos($template_name, ':') === FALSE) { $template_name .= '.tpl'; } parent::display($template_name); }
function display($resource_name = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null) { if (is_null($resource_name)) { $resource_name = "{$_GET["m"]}/{$_GET["a"]}" . C('TPL_SUFFIX'); } else { if (strstr($resource_name, "/")) { $resource_name = $resource_name . C('TPL_SUFFIX'); } else { $resource_name = $_GET["m"] . "/" . $resource_name . C('TPL_SUFFIX'); } } $tplpath = rtrim(C('TPL_DIR'), '/') . '/' . $resource_name; if (!file_exists($tplpath)) { if (C('DEBUG')) { Debug::addmsg("<font style='color:red'>当前访问的模板文件: {$tplpath} 不存在</font>"); } else { $this->error('抱歉, 访问的页面不存在!'); } } else { if (C('DEBUG')) { Debug::addmsg("当前访问的模板文件: {$tplpath}"); } //预定义目录 $root = rtrim(substr(C('PRO_PATH'), strlen(rtrim($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "/\\"))), '/\\'); $resource = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]), "/\\") . '/' . ltrim(C('APP_PATH'), './') . "/View/" . C('TPL_STYLE') . "/Resource/"; $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '/' . $_GET['m']; $this->assign('root', $root); $this->assign('public', $root . '/Public'); $this->assign('res', $resource); $this->assign('url', $url); parent::display($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id); } }
/** * executes & displays the template results * * 是否压缩传输默认是开启的,最终还是取决于浏览器和服务器 * * @param $template string * 模板文件名 * @param $return bool * 是否返回到php变量 */ public function render($tplvar = array(), $template = null) { header('content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); if ($template == null) { $template = FL_PAGE_MOD . '/' . FL_PAGE_ACT; } $template .= '.html'; $smarty = new \Smarty(); $smarty->allow_php_templates = true; $smarty->left_delimiter = '{'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '}'; // $this->addPluginsDir ( __FASTLIB__ . FastLoad::getplatform ( true ) . // '/smarty_plug' ); // 加入PLUG目录 $smarty->setTemplateDir(FL_PAGE_DIR . '/templates'); $smarty->setCompileDir(FL_TMP . '/templates_c/' . FL_PAGE_DIR . '/compile'); $smarty->assign($tplvar); // $this->registerFilter ( 'pre', create_function ( '$tplString', // 'return strtr($tplString,array(\'<!--{\'=>\'{\',\'}-->\'=>\'}\'));' ) // ); // $this->registerFilter ( 'pre', create_function ( '$tplString', // 'return // preg_replace_callback("/\{{$delimiter}[^\{$delimiter}]+{$delimiter}\}/", // array(fasttpl,gettextCompiler), $tplString);' ) ); if (FL_DEBUG) { $smarty->compile_check = true; $smarty->caching = false; } else { $smarty->compile_check = false; $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->merge_compiled_includes = true; } $smarty->display($template); }
/** * Get the evaluated contents of the view. * * @param string $path * @param array $data * * @throws \Exception * @return string */ public function get($path, array $data = array()) { ob_start(); try { $smarty = new \Smarty(); $smarty->caching = $this->config->get('smarty-view::caching'); $smarty->debugging = $this->config->get('smarty-view::debugging'); $smarty->cache_lifetime = $this->config->get('smarty-view::cache_lifetime'); $smarty->compile_check = $this->config->get('smarty-view::compile_check'); $smarty->error_reporting = $this->config->get('smarty-view::error_reporting'); if (\App::environment('local')) { $smarty->force_compile = true; } $smarty->setTemplateDir($this->config->get('smarty-view::template_dir')); $smarty->setCompileDir($this->config->get('smarty-view::compile_dir')); $smarty->setCacheDir($this->config->get('smarty-view::cache_dir')); $smarty->registerResource('view', new ViewResource()); $smarty->addPluginsDir(__DIR__ . '/plugins'); foreach ((array) $this->config->get('smarty-view::plugins_path', array()) as $pluginPath) { $smarty->addPluginsDir($pluginPath); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $smarty->assign($key, $value); } $smarty->display($path); } catch (\Exception $e) { ob_get_clean(); throw $e; } return ltrim(ob_get_clean()); }
/** * 显示登录页(默认Action) */ function doDefault() { $base = dirname(__FILE__); // 初始化smarty import('smarty.Smarty'); $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = $this->app->cfg['smarty']['template_dir']; $smarty->compile_dir = $this->app->cfg['smarty']['compile_dir']; $smarty->config_dir = $this->app->cfg['smarty']['config_dir']; $smarty->cache_dir = $this->app->cfg['smarty']['cache_dir']; $smarty->debugging = $this->app->cfg['smarty']['debugging']; $smarty->caching = $this->app->cfg['smarty']['caching']; $smarty->cache_lifetime = $this->app->cfg['smarty']['cache_lifetime']; $smarty->left_delimiter = '{<'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '>}'; $result = null; if (isset($_POST['u']) && isset($_POST['p'])) { //$password 是从数据库中读取的用户密码,现在暂定hello $password = "******"; //计算密码和验证码的md5值 if (md5($password . $_SESSION['VALIDATE_CODE']) == $_POST['p']) { $result = "The result is: right"; } else { $result = "The result is: false"; } } $smarty->assign("result", $result); $smarty->display($base . "\\md5demo.tpl"); }
private function __construct() { $mode = isset($_GET['mode']) ? $_GET['mode'] : false; require 'core/models/class.Access.php'; switch ($mode) { case 'login': $login = new Access(); $login->Login(); break; case 'reg': if (isset($_POST['faccion'])) { $reg = new Access(); $reg->Register(); } else { $lng = new Lang(); $template = new Smarty(); $template->assign(array('x_user' => $lng->x_user, 'x_pass' => $lng->x_pass, 'x_email' => $lng->x_email, 'x_registrarme' => $lng->x_registrarme)); $template->display('public/registro.xnv'); } break; default: $lng = new Lang(); $template = new Smarty(); $template->assign(array('x_user' => $lng->x_user, 'x_pass' => $lng->x_pass, 'x_recordar' => $lng->x_recordar, 'x_submit' => $lng->x_submit)); $template->display('public/index.xnv'); break; } unset($lng, $template); }
function request($class, $proc, $param = array(), $lRet = false) { $globals = $GLOBALS['globals']; $objData = Controller::Call($class, $proc, $globals, $param); if (isset($objData->view_file)) { $file = $objData->view_file . '.tpl'; } else { $file = $class . '/' . $proc . '.tpl'; } if (is_string($objData)) { if ($lRet) { return $objData; } echo $objData; } else { //if( file_exists( $globals->environment->dir_view . $file ) ){ $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->setTemplateDir($globals->environment->dir_view); $smarty->assign('class', $class); $smarty->assign('proc', $proc); $smarty->assign('param', $param); $smarty->assign('objData', $objData); $smarty->assign('tools', $globals->tools); $smarty->assign('environment', $globals->environment); if ($lRet) { return $smarty->fetch($file); } $smarty->display($file); } }
/** * display *$cache_id是变化的这样,smarty才可以动态缓存,缓存的ID 用URL来做!因为每一个URL是不相同的!$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; * * @Param $resource_name * @Param $cache_id * @Param $compile_id * @Access public * @Return void */ function display($resource_name = '', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL) { $this->assign('root', rtrim($GLOBALS['root'], '/')); $this->assign('app', $GLOBALS['app']); $this->assign('url', $GLOBALS['url']); $this->assign('res', $GLOBALS['res']); $this->assign('public', rtrim(MYPUBLIC, '/')); $this->assign('PUBLIC', $GLOBALS['public']); $this->assign('CSS', rtrim(__CSS__, '/')); $this->assign('IMAGES', rtrim(__IMAGES__, '/')); $this->assign('JS', rtrim(__JS__, '/')); $this->assign('UPLOAD', rtrim(__UPLOAD__, '/')); $this->assign('css', rtrim(CSS, '/')); $this->assign('js', rtrim(JS, '/')); $this->assign('images', rtrim(IMAGES, '/')); if (empty($resource_name)) { $resource_name = $_GET['m'] . '/' . $_GET['a'] . '.' . TPL_PREFIX; //这个就规定了必须新建一个控制器目录里面放模板文件 } else { if (strstr($resource_name, '/')) { //如果有斜线的话就找指定的文件 $resource_name = $resource_name . '.' . TPL_PREFIX; //这里的意思是传了 比如index/update } else { //这是只传方法名的情况,比如$this->display('display'); $resource_name = $_GET['m'] . '/' . $resource_name . '.' . TPL_PREFIX; } } if (!file_exists($this->template_dir . $resource_name)) { Debug::addmsg('[<font color="red">模板错误</font>]:<font color="red">' . $this->template_dir . $resource_name . '模板不存在</font>'); } parent::display($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id, TRUE); }