$OUT = new Output();
// ----------------------------------------------
//  Instantiate the Localization class
// ----------------------------------------------
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
require PATH_CORE . 'core.localize' . EXT;
$LOC = new Localize();
// ----------------------------------------------
//  Initialize a session
// ----------------------------------------------
require PATH_CORE . 'core.session' . EXT;
$SESS = new Session();
// If error reporting is only displayed for Super Admins, we'll enable it
if ($PREFS->ini('debug') == 1 and $SESS->userdata('group_id') == 1 and $PREFS->ini('demo_date') === FALSE) {
} elseif ($PREFS->ini('debug') == 1) {
    $DB->debug = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------
//  Filter GET Data
// ----------------------------------------------
// We need to filter GET data for security.
// We've pre-processed global data eariler, but since
// we didn't have a session yet we were not able to
// determine a condition for filtering
// ----------------------------------------------
//  Update system statistics
// ----------------------------------------------