/** * Set page width * * @param string $width */ public function width($width) { $this->session->set('page_width', $width == 'wide' ? 'liquid' : 'fixed'); if (request::is_ajax()) { return; } url::back(); }
public function testFlush() { $this->target->set('bindable.dummy.xyzzy', 'hogefuga'); $this->target->bind($this->bindable); \Phake::when($this->bindable)->getSessionContent()->thenReturn(array('hoge' => 'hogehoge', 'xyzzy' => 'piyopiyo')); $this->target->flush(); $this->assertEquals(array('HOGE' => 1, 'FUGA' => 2, 'PIYO' => array('FIZZ' => 'BUZZ'), 'bindable' => array('dummy' => array('hoge' => 'hogehoge', 'xyzzy' => 'piyopiyo'))), $_SESSION); }
/** * Automatic login user. * * @return boolean */ public function autologin() { $this->session = getSession(); $user_id = $this->authenticate(); if ($user_id === false) { return false; } $this->session->set("user_id", $user_id); return true; }
public static function setUser(User $user) { self::$currentUser = $user; $app = ActiveRecordModel::getApplication(); $app->processRuntimePlugins('session/before-login'); $session = new Session(); $session->set('User', $user->getID()); $session->set('UserGroup', $user->userGroup->get() ? $user->userGroup->get()->getID() : 0); if ($app->getSessionHandler()) { $app->getSessionHandler()->setUser($user); } $app->processRuntimePlugins('session/login'); }
/** * Redirect the user to the change password form. * * @return SS_HTTPResponse */ protected function redirectToChangePassword() { // Since this form is loaded via an iframe, this redirect must be performed via javascript $changePasswordForm = new ChangePasswordForm($this->controller, 'ChangePasswordForm'); $changePasswordForm->sessionMessage(_t('Member.PASSWORDEXPIRED', 'Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.'), 'good'); // Get redirect url $changePasswordURL = $this->getExternalLink('changepassword'); if ($backURL = $this->controller->getRequest()->requestVar('BackURL')) { Session::set('BackURL', $backURL); $changePasswordURL = Controller::join_links($changePasswordURL, '?BackURL=' . urlencode($backURL)); } $changePasswordURLATT = Convert::raw2att($changePasswordURL); $changePasswordURLJS = Convert::raw2js($changePasswordURL); $message = _t('CMSMemberLoginForm.PASSWORDEXPIRED', '<p>Your password has expired. <a target="_top" href="{link}">Please choose a new one.</a></p>', 'Message displayed to user if their session cannot be restored', array('link' => $changePasswordURLATT)); // Redirect to change password page $this->controller->getResponse()->setStatusCode(200); $this->controller->getResponse()->setBody(<<<PHP <!DOCTYPE html> <html><body> {$message} <script type="application/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){top.location.href = "{$changePasswordURLJS}";}, 0); </script> </body></html> PHP ); return $this->controller->getResponse(); }
public function login() { if (Session::get('isLoggedIn')) { Messages::addMessage("info", "You are already logged in."); return; } else { $response = array(); // params have to be there $user_name = $this->params->getValue('user_name'); $user_password = $this->params->getValue('password'); if ($user_name != null && $user_password != null) { // check if user name and password are correct $usr = $this->userManager->findUser($user_name, $user_password); if ($usr != null) { // log user in Session::set("user_name", $usr['user_name']); Session::set("id", $usr['ID']); Session::set("isLoggedIn", true); return $usr; } else { Messages::addMessage("info", "Log in user and/or password incorrect."); return null; } } else { Messages::addMessage("warning", "'user_name' and/or 'password' parameters missing."); return null; } } }
public function register() { $response = array(); // params have to be there $usr = $this->params->getValue('username'); $pwd = $this->params->getValue('password'); $encrypt = md5($pwd); $fname = $this->params->getValue('firstname'); $lname = $this->params->getValue('lastname'); $email = $this->params->getValue('email'); echo $usr . " " . $pwd . " " . $fname . " " . $lname . " " . $email . " " . $encrypt; if ($usr != null && $pwd != null && $fname != null && $lname != null && $email != null) { // check if user name and password are correct $user = $this->userManager->addUser($fname, $lname, $usr, $encrypt, $email); if ($user != null) { // log user in Session::set("username", $user['username']); Session::set("id", $user['ID']); Session::set("isLoggedIn", true); return $user; return $user['ID']; return $encrypt; //return $response; } else { Messages::addMessage("warning", "'user_name' and/or 'password' parameters missing."); return null; return $usr; } } }
public function loginAction() { $userInfo = Session::get('user'); if ($userInfo['login'] == true && $userInfo['time'] + TIME_LOGIN >= time()) { URL::redirect('default', 'user', 'index'); } $this->_view->_title = 'Login'; if (@$this->_arrParam['form']['token'] > 0) { $validate = new Validate($this->_arrParam['form']); $email = $this->_arrParam['form']['email']; $password = md5($this->_arrParam['form']['password']); $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `user` WHERE `email` = '{$email}' AND `password` = '{$password}'"; $validate->addRule('email', 'existRecord', array('database' => $this->_model, 'query' => $query)); $validate->run(); if ($validate->isValid() == true) { $infoUser = $this->_model->infoItem($this->_arrParam); $arraySession = array('login' => true, 'info' => $infoUser, 'time' => time(), 'group_acp' => $infoUser['group_acp']); Session::set('user', $arraySession); URL::redirect('default', 'user', 'index'); } else { $this->_view->errors = $validate->showErrorsPublic(); } } $this->_view->render('index/login'); }
/** * Forgot password */ private function forgotpwd() { if (isset($_POST['forgotpwd'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; if (!Validate::len($email)) { $error = 'Email character count must be between 4 and 64'; } elseif (!Validate::email($email)) { $error = 'Please enter a valid email'; } if (!$error) { $user = User::where('email', $email)->select('id')->findOne(); if (!$user) { $error = 'Email address not found'; } } if ($error) { View::error('user/forgotpwd', $error); } // Makes an internal session $pwd = Session::set('pwd', $user->id, 0); View::set('session_pwd', $pwd); Base::sendMail($email, 'forgotpwd'); Base::redirect('', 'Go to your email and follow the instructions'); } elseif (isset($_GET['pwd'])) { } }
/** * Default method * @return [type] [description] */ public function index() { if (Session::get('logined') !== null) { if (Session::get('logined')) { $this->getUserLogin(); exit; } } $auth = new Authenticate(); if (isset($_POST['user_id']) && isset($_POST['id_token'])) { $user_id = $_POST['user_id']; $id_token = $_POST['id_token']; if ($auth->checkLogin($user_id, $id_token)) { Session::init(); Session::set('id_token', $id_token); Session::set('user_id', $user_id); Session::set('logined', true); echo json_encode('success'); exit; } else { echo json_encode('need login with google ID'); exit; } } else { echo json_encode('need login with google ID'); exit; } }
/** * @param $data * @param $form * @return bool|SS_HTTPResponse */ function Register($data, $form) { // Set session array individually as setting the password breaks the form. $sessionArray = array('Email' => $data['Email']); // Check for existing member email address if ($existingUser = DataObject::get_one('Member', "Email = '" . Convert::raw2sql($data['Email']) . "'")) { $form->AddErrorMessage('Email', _t('RegistrationPage.EmailValidationText', 'Sorry, that email address already exists. Please choose another.'), 'validation'); Session::set('FormInfo.Form_RegistrationForm.data', $sessionArray); return $this->redirectBack(); } // Otherwise create new member and log them in $Member = new Member(); $form->saveInto($Member); $Member->write(); $Member->login(); // Find or create the 'user' group if (!($userGroup = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = 'users'"))) { $userGroup = new Group(); $userGroup->Code = 'users'; $userGroup->Title = 'Users'; $userGroup->Write(); $userGroup->Members()->add($Member); } // Add member to user group $userGroup->Members()->add($Member); // Get profile page otherwise display warning. if ($ProfilePage = DataObject::get_one('EditProfilePage')) { $name = $data['FirstName'] ?: ($name = $data['Email']); $this->setFlash(_t('RegistrationPage.RegisteredSuccessText', 'Welcome ' . $name . ', your account has been created!'), 'success'); return $this->redirect($ProfilePage->Link()); } else { $this->setFlash(_t('RegistrationPage.RegisteredWarningText', 'Please add a "Edit Profile Page" in your SiteTree to enable profile editing'), 'warning'); return $this->redirect(Director::absoluteBaseURL()); } }
/** * logout * * @param void * @return void */ public static function logout() { Load::lib('auth'); Load::lib('session'); Session::set(SESSION_KEY, false); Auth::destroy_identity(); }
/** * 确认注册【设定密码】 * @method registerAction * @return [type] [description] * @author NewFuture */ public function registerAction() { $msg = '信息注册失败!'; if ($regInfo = Session::get('reg')) { Session::del('reg'); if (Input::post('password', $password, 'trim') === false) { /*密码未md5*/ $this->error('密码错误', '/'); } elseif (!$password) { /*未设置密码*/ $password = $regInfo['password']; } $regInfo['password'] = Encrypt::encryptPwd($password, $regInfo['number']); if ($id = UserModel::insert($regInfo)) { /*注册成功*/ $regInfo['id'] = $id; $token = Auth::token($regInfo); Cookie::set('token', [$id => $token]); unset($regInfo['password']); Session::set('user', $regInfo); $msg = '信息注册成功!'; } } $this->jump('/', $msg); }
public function ingresar() { try { $user = $this->getTexto('txtLogin'); $pass = $this->getTexto('txtContraseña'); if (!empty($user) && !empty($pass)) { $objUser = $this->_login->getUsuario($user); if ($objUser) { if (strtolower($objUser[0]->getUsername()) == $user && $objUser[0]->getPassword() == crypt($pass, 'SMSYS')) { Session::set('SESS_USER', $objUser[0]->getUsername()); if (Session::get('SESS_ERRLOGIN') != null) { Session::destroy('SESS_ERRLOGIN'); } header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . 'sistema'); } else { //Session::set('SESS_ERRLOGIN',$user.' '.$pass); Session::set('SESS_ERRLOGIN', 'Usuario o contraseña incorrectos'); header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . 'login'); } } else { //Session::set('SESS_ERRLOGIN',$user.' '.$pass); Session::set('SESS_ERRLOGIN', 'No existe ese usuario registrado'); header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . 'login'); } } } catch (Exception $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); $flag = $this->getNotOpenidAllowed(); if ($flag) { return; } if (!\Session::get('wechat', false) && !\Input::get('openid', false)) { //获取到openid之后跳转的参数列表 //$params = \handler\mp\UrlTool::createLinkstring(\Input::get()); //本站域名 $baseUrl = \Config::get('base_url'); $url = $baseUrl . \Input::server('REQUEST_URI'); $toUrl = urlencode($url); $callback = "{$baseUrl}wxapi/oauth2_callback?to_url={$toUrl}"; $account = \Session::get('WXAccount', \Model_WXAccount::find(1)); $url = \handler\mp\Tool::createOauthUrlForCode($account->app_id, $callback); \Response::redirect($url); } else { if (!\Session::get('wechat', false)) { $wxopenid = \Model_WechatOpenid::query()->where(['openid' => \Input::get('openid')])->get_one(); if (!$wxopenid) { \Session::set_flash('msg', ['status' => 'err', 'msg' => '未找到您的微信信息,无法确认您的身份! 系统无法为您提供服务!', 'title' => '拒绝服务']); return $this->show_mesage(); } \Session::set('wechat', $wxopenid->wechat); \Session::set('OpenID', $wxopenid); \Auth::force_login($wxopenid->wechat->user_id); } else { if (!\Auth::check() && \Session::get('wechat')->user_id) { \Auth::force_login(\Session::get('wechat')->user_id); } } } }
/** * Handles validating the final step and writing the tickets data to the * registration object. */ public function finish($data, $form) { parent::finish($data, $form); $step = $this->getCurrentStep(); $datetime = $this->getController()->getDateTime(); $registration = $this->session->getRegistration(); $ticketsStep = $this->getSavedStepByClass('EventRegisterTicketsStep'); $tickets = $ticketsStep->loadData(); // Check that the requested tickets are still available. if (!$this->validateTickets($tickets['Tickets'], $form)) { Session::set("FormInfo.{$form->FormName()}.data", $form->getData()); $this->controller->redirectBack(); return false; } // Validate the final step. if (!$step->validateStep($data, $form)) { Session::set("FormInfo.{$form->FormName()}.data", $form->getData()); $this->controller->redirectBack(); return false; } $this->session->delete(); // If the registrations is already valid, then send a details email. if ($registration->Status == 'Valid') { EventRegistrationDetailsEmail::factory($registration)->send(); } $this->extend('onRegistrationComplete', $registration); $this->controller->redirect(Controller::join_links($datetime->Event()->Link(), 'registration', $registration->ID, '?token=' . $registration->Token)); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function getIndex() { if (Request::segment(2) == 'search') { $input = Session::get('search') && !Input::get('search_category') ? Session::get('search') : Input::only(array('search_category', 'search_keyword')); switch ($input['search_category']) { case '0': return Redirect::to('gateway'); break; case 'owner': $gateways = Gateway::whereHas('user', function ($q) { $q->where('username', 'LIKE', '%' . Input::get('search_keyword') . '%'); })->get(); break; default: if (Auth::user()->status == 2) { $gateways = Gateway::where($input['search_category'], 'LIKE', '%' . $input['search_keyword'] . '%')->get(); } else { $gateways = Gateway::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where($input['search_category'], 'LIKE', '%' . $input['search_keyword'] . '%')->get(); } break; } Session::set('search', $input); } else { Session::remove('search'); $input = array('search_category' => '', 'search_keyword' => ''); $gateways = Auth::user()->status == 2 ? Gateway::all() : Gateway::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); } return View::make('gateway.index')->with('gateways', $gateways)->with('selected', $input); }
/** * Proccess payment : create paypal form and return it * @return type */ public function proccessPayment() { // $payPalForm = new PaymentForm\PaymentFormPaypal($this->config, $this->order); // return $payPalForm->createForm(); $config = array('mode' => $this->config['mode'], 'acct1.UserName' => $this->config['user_name'], 'acct1.Password' => $this->config['password'], 'acct1.Signature' => $this->config['signature']); $paypalService = new \PayPal\Service\PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService($config); $paymentDetails = new \PayPal\EBLBaseComponents\PaymentDetailsType(); $itemDetails = new \PayPal\EBLBaseComponents\PaymentDetailsItemType(); $itemDetails->Name = 'Order ID: ' . $this->order->id; $itemAmount = $this->getOrderTotal(); $itemDetails->Amount = $itemAmount; $itemQuantity = 1; $itemDetails->Quantity = $itemQuantity; $paymentDetails->PaymentDetailsItem[0] = $itemDetails; $orderTotal = new \PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType(); $orderTotal->currencyID = $this->config['currency']; $orderTotal->value = $itemAmount * $itemQuantity; $paymentDetails->OrderTotal = $orderTotal; $paymentDetails->PaymentAction = 'Sale'; $setECReqDetails = new \PayPal\EBLBaseComponents\SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetailsType(); $setECReqDetails->PaymentDetails[0] = $paymentDetails; $setECReqDetails->CancelURL = $this->config['cancel_url']; $setECReqDetails->ReturnURL = $this->config['return_url']; $setECReqType = new \PayPal\PayPalAPI\SetExpressCheckoutRequestType(); $setECReqType->Version = $this->config['version']; $setECReqType->SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails = $setECReqDetails; $setECReq = new \PayPal\PayPalAPI\SetExpressCheckoutReq(); $setECReq->SetExpressCheckoutRequest = $setECReqType; $setECResponse = $paypalService->SetExpressCheckout($setECReq); \Session::set('paypal.token', $setECResponse->Token); \Response::redirect(\PayPal\Core\PPConstants::IPN_SANDBOX_ENDPOINT . '?' . $this->config['param'] . $setECResponse->Token); }
public function postLogin() { if (Request::ajax()) { $userdata = array('usuario' => Input::get('usuario'), 'password' => Input::get('password')); if (Auth::attempt($userdata, Input::get('remember', 0))) { //buscar los permisos de este usuario y guardarlos en sesion $query = "SELECT m.nombre as modulo, s.nombre as submodulo,\n su.agregar, su.editar, su.eliminar,\n CONCAT(m.path,'.', s.path) as path, m.icon\n FROM modulos m \n JOIN submodulos s ON m.id=s.modulo_id\n JOIN submodulo_usuario su ON s.id=su.submodulo_id\n WHERE su.estado = 1 AND m.estado = 1 AND s.estado = 1\n and su.usuario_id = ?\n ORDER BY m.nombre, s.nombre "; $res = DB::select($query, array(Auth::id())); $menu = array(); $accesos = array(); foreach ($res as $data) { $modulo = $data->modulo; //$accesos[] = $data->path; array_push($accesos, $data->path); if (isset($menu[$modulo])) { $menu[$modulo][] = $data; } else { $menu[$modulo] = array($data); } } $usuario = Usuario::find(Auth::id()); Session::set('language', 'Español'); Session::set('language_id', 'es'); Session::set('menu', $menu); Session::set('accesos', $accesos); Session::set('perfilId', $usuario['perfil_id']); Session::set("s_token", md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true))); Lang::setLocale(Session::get('language_id')); return Response::json(array('rst' => '1', 'estado' => Auth::user()->estado)); } else { $m = '<strong>Usuario</strong> y/o la <strong>contraseña</strong>'; return Response::json(array('rst' => '2', 'msj' => 'El' . $m . 'son incorrectos.')); } } }
public function run() { /* * md5 is a 32 bit hash */ $statement = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, role FROM users WHERE login = :user AND password = :pass"); $statement->execute(array(':user' => $_POST['user'], ':pass' => Hash::create('sha256', $_POST['pass'], HASH_KEY))); /* * The Obj returned by $statement was 'Array of Arrays' */ $result = $statement->fetchAll(); //$statement returns an Array of objects //print_r($result); //echo '</br>'; $data = $result['0']; //print_r($data); //echo '</br>role='.$data['role']; $count = $statement->rowCount(); if ($count > 0) { //log in the user Session::init(); Session::set('userid', $data['id']); Session::set('role', $data['role']); Session::set('loggedIn', true); header('location: ../dashboard'); } else { //show an error header('location: ../login'); } }
/** * Attempt to regenerate the current security token. */ public function regenerateToken() { // Restrict this functionality to administrators. $user = Member::currentUserID(); if (Permission::checkMember($user, 'ADMIN')) { // Attempt to create a random hash. $regeneration = $this->service->generateHash(); if ($regeneration) { // Instantiate the new security token. $token = APIwesomeToken::create(); $token->Hash = $regeneration['hash']; $token->AdministratorID = $user; $token->write(); // Temporarily use the session to display the new security token key. Session::set('APIwesomeToken', "{$regeneration['key']}:{$regeneration['salt']}"); } else { // Log the failed security token regeneration. SS_Log::log('APIwesome security token regeneration failed.', SS_Log::ERR); Session::set('APIwesomeToken', -1); } // Determine where the request came from. $from = $this->getRequest()->getVar('from'); $redirect = $from ? $from : 'admin/json-xml/'; return $this->redirect($redirect); } else { return $this->httpError(404); } }
/** * Initializes the dropbox connection * * @param array $params Any connection params needed * @return \League\Flysystem\Dropbox\DropboxAdapter **/ public static function init($params = []) { // Get the params $pparams = Plugin::params('filesystem', 'dropbox'); if (isset($params['app_token'])) { $accessToken = $params['app_token']; } else { $info = ['key' => isset($params['app_key']) ? $params['app_key'] : $pparams->get('app_key'), 'secret' => isset($params['app_secret']) ? $params['app_secret'] : $pparams->get('app_secret')]; \Session::set('dropbox.app_key', $info['key']); \Session::set('dropbox.app_secret', $info['secret']); \Session::set('dropbox.connection_to_set_up', Request::getVar('connection', 0)); $appInfo = \Dropbox\AppInfo::loadFromJson($info); $clientIdentifier = 'hubzero-cms/2.0'; $redirectUri = trim(Request::root(), '/') . '/developer/callback/dropboxAuthorize'; $csrfTokenStore = new \Dropbox\ArrayEntryStore($_SESSION, 'dropbox-auth-csrf-token'); $oauth = new \Dropbox\WebAuth($appInfo, $clientIdentifier, $redirectUri, $csrfTokenStore); // Redirect to dropbox // We hide the return url in the state field...that's not exactly what // it was intended for, but it does the trick $return = Request::getVar('return') ? Request::getVar('return') : Request::current(true); $return = base64_encode($return); App::redirect($oauth->start($return)); } $app_secret = isset($params['app_secret']) ? $params['app_secret'] : $pparams->get('app_secret'); // Create the client $client = new \Dropbox\Client($accessToken, $app_secret); // Return the adapter return new \League\Flysystem\Dropbox\DropboxAdapter($client, isset($params['subdir']) ? $params['subdir'] : null); }
/** * Allow this controller to be viewed when the site is in draft mode. */ function init() { $draftsecurity = Session::get('unsecuredDraftSite'); Session::set("unsecuredDraftSite", true); parent::init(); Session::set("unsecuredDraftSite", $draftsecurity); }
public function run($static = false) { $form = new Form(); $form->post('login')->val('blank')->post('password')->val('blank'); if (!$form->submit()) { // Error $this->_error($static); return false; } $data = $form->fetch(); $login = $data['login']; $password = Hash::create('sha256', $data['password'], PASS_HASH_KEY); $query = "SELECT userid, login, role FROM user WHERE login = :login AND password = :password"; if (!($result = $this->db->select($query, array(':login' => $login, ':password' => $password)))) { $this->_error($static); return false; } Session::init(); Session::set('userid', $result[0]['userid']); Session::set('login', $result[0]['login']); Session::set('role', $result[0]['role']); Session::set('loggedIn', true); if ($static) { header('location:' . URL . 'dashboard'); } echo json_encode('success'); }
/** * Will return location data given a user's ip address. * @param string $ip The ip address to backtrace. * @return array */ public static function lookupIp($ip = null) { // Log whether the ip was null $wasNull = false; // Let's see if we've done this recently for this session if ($ip == null && Session::exists('backtrace_ip')) { return Session::get('backtrace_ip'); } // Choose the ip to use if ($ip == null) { $wasNull = true; $ip = Session::getIpAddress(); } // Format the host string for the api $host = sprintf(self::IP_BACKTRACE_HOST, $ip); // Get the response from the api $response = Utils::curl_get_contents($host); $data = unserialize($response); // Return the info in an array $result = array('ip' => $ip, 'city' => $data['geoplugin_city'], 'state' => $data['geoplugin_region'], 'state_full' => $data['geoplugin_regionName'], 'area_code' => $data['geoplugin_areaCode'], 'dma' => $data['geoplugin_dmaCode'], 'country_code' => $data['geoplugin_countryCode'], 'country_name' => $data['geoplugin_countryName'], 'continent_code' => $data['geoplugin_continentCode'], 'latitude' => $data['geoplugin_latitude'], 'longitude' => $data['geoplugin_longitude'], 'currency_code' => $data['geoplugin_currencyCode'], 'currency_symbol' => $data['geoplugin_currencySymbol']); // Now let's get the zip code $latLongLookup = self::lookupLatLong($result['latitude'], $result['longitude']); $result['zip'] = $latLongLookup['zip']; // Save this for future reference, if this was the current user's ip if ($wasNull) { Session::set('backtrace_ip', $result); } // Now let's return the result return $result; }
/** * This does not actually perform any validation, but just creates the * initial registration object. */ public function validateStep($data, $form) { $form = $this->getForm(); $datetime = $form->getController()->getDateTime(); $confirmation = $datetime->Event()->RegEmailConfirm; $registration = $this->getForm()->getSession()->getRegistration(); // If we require email validation for free registrations, then send // out the email and mark the registration. Otherwise immediately // mark it as valid. if ($confirmation) { $email = new Email(); $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config(); $registration->TimeID = $datetime->ID; $registration->Status = 'Unconfirmed'; $registration->write(); if (Member::currentUserID()) { $details = array('Name' => Member::currentUser()->getName(), 'Email' => Member::currentUser()->Email); } else { $details = $form->getSavedStepByClass('EventRegisterTicketsStep'); $details = $details->loadData(); } $link = Controller::join_links($this->getForm()->getController()->Link(), 'confirm', $registration->ID, '?token=' . $registration->Token); $regLink = Controller::join_links($datetime->Event()->Link(), 'registration', $registration->ID, '?token=' . $registration->Token); $email->setTo($details['Email']); $email->setSubject(sprintf('Confirm Registration For %s (%s)', $datetime->getTitle(), $config->Title)); $email->setTemplate('EventRegistrationConfirmationEmail'); $email->populateTemplate(array('Name' => $details['Name'], 'Registration' => $registration, 'RegLink' => $regLink, 'Title' => $datetime->getTitle(), 'SiteConfig' => $config, 'ConfirmLink' => Director::absoluteURL($link))); $email->send(); Session::set("EventRegistration.{$registration->ID}.message", $datetime->Event()->EmailConfirmMessage); } else { $registration->Status = 'Valid'; $registration->write(); } return true; }
function __construct() { Session::init(); Session::set('active', "services"); Session::set('title', "Услуги"); parent::__construct(); }
public function onAfterWrite() { if ($this->authToken) { // store the new token so it can be displayed later Session::set('member_auth_token_' . $this->owner->ID, $this->authToken); } }
public function testMemberGroupRelationForm() { Session::set('loggedInAs', $this->idFromFixture('GroupTest_Member', 'admin')); $adminGroup = $this->objFromFixture('Group', 'admingroup'); $parentGroup = $this->objFromFixture('Group', 'parentgroup'); $childGroup = $this->objFromFixture('Group', 'childgroup'); // Test single group relation through checkboxsetfield $form = new GroupTest_MemberForm($this, 'Form'); $member = $this->objFromFixture('GroupTest_Member', 'admin'); $form->loadDataFrom($member); $checkboxSetField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName('Groups'); $checkboxSetField->setValue(array($adminGroup->ID => $adminGroup->ID, $parentGroup->ID => $parentGroup->ID)); $form->saveInto($member); $updatedGroups = $member->Groups(); $this->assertEquals(2, count($updatedGroups->column()), "Adding a toplevel group works"); $this->assertContains($adminGroup->ID, $updatedGroups->column('ID')); $this->assertContains($parentGroup->ID, $updatedGroups->column('ID')); // Test unsetting relationship $form->loadDataFrom($member); $checkboxSetField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName('Groups'); $checkboxSetField->setValue(array($adminGroup->ID => $adminGroup->ID)); $form->saveInto($member); $member->flushCache(); $updatedGroups = $member->Groups(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($updatedGroups->column()), "Removing a previously added toplevel group works"); $this->assertContains($adminGroup->ID, $updatedGroups->column('ID')); // Test adding child group }
public function checkLogin() { $Member = D('Member'); $username = trim(dhtml($_POST['username'])); $password = trim(dhtml($_POST['password'])); $seccode = trim($_POST['seccode']); if ($username == '') { $this->error('用户名不能为空!!!'); } elseif ($password == '') { $this->error('密码不能为空!!!'); } elseif (md5($seccode) != Session::get('verify')) { $this->error('验证码错误!!!'); } $map = array(); $map["username"] = $username; $user = $Member->find($map); if (false === $user) { $this->error('用户名不存在!!!'); } else { if ($user['password'] != md5($password)) { $this->error('密码错误!!!'); } if ($user['ischecked'] != 1) { $this->error('用户被锁定'); } if ($user['groupid'] == 2) { $this->error('用户组被限制登录系统,请联系管理员'); } Session::set(C('USER_AUTH_KEY'), $user['id']); Session::set('username', $user['username']); Session::set('groupid', $user['groupid']); $this->redirect('index', 'Index'); } }