  * Constructs the IcfTemplating object
 function IcfTemplating($page = "")
     // Load configuration
     $icfConfig = new IcfConfig();
     $this->tpl =& new Savant2();
     // add a template path
     $this->tpl->addPath("template", $icfConfig->cfg_site_beTemplatePath);
     $this->tpl->assign("templatePath", $icfConfig->cfg_site_beTemplateUrl);
     $this->tpl->assign("basePath", $icfConfig->cfg_site_feBaseUrl);
     // multilingual support
     require_once $this->getStringsFile($icfConfig);
     // Session support
     $session = new Session();
     $this->tpl->assign("user", $session->getSessionUser());
     // basic toolbar support
     $toolbarItem = new icfToolbarItem();
     $toolbar = new IcfToolbar();
     // Menu support
     $menu = new IcfMenu();
     // Only work it if the session is valid
     $session = new Session();
     if ($session->isValid() == true) {
         $user = $session->getSessionUser();
         // Classes whose objects the user can create
         $baseClassMapper = new BaseClassMapper();
         $classes = $baseClassMapper->findByPermission(Action::ADD_OBJECTS_ACTION(), $user);
         // The folders
         $folderMapper = new FolderMapper();
         $rootFolder = $folderMapper->getRoot();
         $folderArray = array(0 => $rootFolder);
     // Set the generated content in the context of this request (available for client pages to change it)
  * Constructs HomeController, executing the method given as parameter
  * @param $method Name of the method to execute
  * @param &tpl Template method implementation
 function HomeController($method = null, $icfTemplating)
     $this->tpl = $icfTemplating->getTpl();
     $this->text = $icfTemplating->getText();
     // Title of the page
     $this->tpl->assign('pageTitle', $this->text['home']);
     // Pending contents
     $objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
     $objects = $objectMapper->findPending();
     $objectsCount = count($objects);
     $this->controllerData["pending"] = $objectsCount;
     // Allowed classes to add
     $session = new Session();
     $baseClassMapper = new BaseClassMapper();
     $classArray = $baseClassMapper->findByPermission(Action::ADD_OBJECTS_ACTION(), $session->getSessionUser());
     $this->tpl->assign("classArray", $classArray);
     switch ($method) {
  * Synchronizes an object with the database
  * @param $object object to be synchronized. It should already be persistent (had its id assigned)
 function update($object)
     // Set updated and updatedBy
     $isoDateFormat = new IsoDateFormat();
     $session = new Session();
     $date = Date::getTodayDate();
     $user = $session->getSessionUser();
     $persistence = $this->newPersistenceObject();
     $persistence->setProperty("ID", $object->getId());
     $persistence->setProperty("classID", $object->getClassID());
     $persistence->setProperty("created", $object->getCreated());
     $persistence->setProperty("createdBy", $object->getCreatedBy());
     $persistence->setProperty("endPublishing", $object->getEndPublishing());
     $persistence->setProperty("fullTextIndex", $object->getFullTextIndex());
     $persistence->setProperty("hits", $object->getHits());
     $persistence->setProperty("isPublished", $object->getIsPublished());
     $persistence->setProperty("startPublishing", $object->getStartPublishing());
     $persistence->setProperty("updated", $object->getUpdated());
     $persistence->setProperty("updatedBy", $object->getUpdatedBy());
  * Checks if a certain user can do certain action
  * @param $user User - user that intends to do action, if null, session user is employed
  * @param $action Action - action to be done
  * @return boolean - true if the user should be allowed, false if not
 function canDoAction($user = null, $action)
     if ($user == null) {
         $session = new Session();
         $user = $session->getSessionUser();
     // Has this folder the permission itself ?
     if ($this->getPermission($user, $action) != null) {
         return true;
     // It doesn't... has any of his parents an inheritable permission ?
     $folder = $this->getFolder();
     $parent = $folder->getParent();
     while ($parent != null) {
         $folderClass = $parent->getFolderClass($this->getClass());
         // If its father folder does not have a relationship to the wanted class, go to the grandfather...
         if ($folderClass == null) {
             $parent = $parent->getParent();
         $permission = $folderClass->getPermission($user, $action);
         if ($permission != null) {
             // The permission exists... if it is inheritable, then this object should inherit it
             if ($permission->getIncludeChildren()) {
                 return true;
         // Continue the search in the parent of this parent
         $parent = $parent->getParent();
     return false;
  * Checks if a certain user can do certain action for one of the classes linked to this folder
  * @param $user User - user that intends to do action. If null, session user is used
  * @param $action Action - action to be done
  * @return boolean - true if the user should be allowed, false if not
 function canDoAction($user = null, $action)
     if ($user == null) {
         $session = new Session();
         $user = $session->getSessionUser();
     foreach ($this->getFolderClasses() as $folderClass) {
         if ($folderClass->canDoAction($user, $action)) {
             return true;
     return false;
  * Determines if the given user can do certain action. This is determined
  * examining the folders that this object is in and thus extracting the permissions.
  * @param $user User instance, tipically from the session, If $user is null, the user from session is used.
  * @param $action Action instance, obtained from one of its static accesors
  * @return true if the user is allowed, false if it is not
 function canDoAction($user = null, $action)
     if ($user == null) {
         $session = new Session();
         $user = $session->getSessionUser();
     $objectFoldersArray = $this->getObjectFolders();
     foreach ($objectFoldersArray as $objectFolder) {
         /* @var $objectFolder ObjectFolder */
         $folder = $objectFolder->getFolder();
         $folderClass = $folder->getFolderClass($this->getClass());
         // If it has no record for this class, continue (shouldn't happen unless the user erases a folderClass previously owned)
         if ($folderClass == null) {
         if ($folderClass->canDoAction($user, $action)) {
             return true;
     return false;