	      $dom->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'A Records',
                                                    'link' => $conf['baseurl']."/index.php?".Session::getSID()."&domain=".
      					            'icon' => '')));
	      $dom->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'CNAME Records',
                                                    'link' => $conf['baseurl']."/index.php?".Session::getSID()."&domain=".
      					            'icon' => '')));
	      $dom->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'Additional MX Records',
                                                    'link' => $conf['baseurl']."/index.php?".Session::getSID()."&domain=".
      					            'icon' => '')));
	    } else {
	      //It is an IN-ADDR.ARPA Domain
	      $dom->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'PTR Records',
                                                    'link' => $conf['baseurl']."/index.php?".Session::getSID()."&domain=".
      					            'icon' => '')));
    $node1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Second level, item 3",
                                            'link' => "test.php",
                                            'icon' => $icon)));
/style/images/stock_ok.gif" alt="Save @ A" title="Save @ ARecord">
	                  <input type="image" name="DELETE_DOMAIN_A" value="Delete @A" style="border-style: none;" src="<?php 
echo $conf['baseurl'];
/style/images/stock_remove.gif" alt="Delete @ A" title="Delete @ ARecord"></td>
    <fieldset><legend>Quickadd host A Record</legend>
    <form action=<? echo $conf['baseurl']."/index.php?".Session::getSID()."&amp;domain=".$_GET['domain']?> method="post" name="QUICK_ADD">
      <? include APP_BASE."/dnsmgr/quick_add_arecord.php"; ?>





<fieldset><legend>Add A Record</legend>
<p class="light">
  Add New A Record

<table width="100%">
  <table align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
      <form action=<? echo $conf['baseurl']."/index.php?".Session::getSID()."&amp;domain=".$_GET['domain']."&amp;record=a"?> method="post" name="ARecords">
      <td class="light"><input type="text" size="30" tabindex="1" name="RDN" value=""></td>
      <td class="light" align="center" width="70">IN A</td>
      <td class="light"><input type="text" size="20" tabindex="1" name="ARecord" value=""></td>
      <td class="light"><input type="image" name="SAVE_ARecord" value="Save" style="border-style: none;" src="<?php 
echo $conf['baseurl'];
/style/images/stock_ok.gif" alt="Save ARecord" title="Save ARecord"></td>
 function authenticateLDAP($userID, $pass)
     /* Ensure we've been provided with all of the necessary parameters. */
     if (!isset($this->params['host'])) {
         Basic::fatalError(10, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if (!isset($this->params['port'])) {
         Basic::fatalError(10, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if (!isset($this->params['basedn'])) {
         Basic::fatalError(10, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if (!isset($this->params['uid'])) {
         Basic::fatalError(10, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if (!isset($pass) || $pass == '') {
         Basic::fatalError(11, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if (!isset($userID) || $userID == '') {
         Basic::fatalError(11, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     /* Connect to the LDAP server. */
     $ldap = @ldap_connect($this->params['host']);
     if (!$ldap) {
         Basic::fatalError(12, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // Set LDAPv3
     ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
     if ($this->params['logfile']) {
         // Logfile ist gesetzt also schreib es auch!
         // Set file for opening
         $fp = fopen($this->params['logfile'], 'a');
         // Check if can write to file
         if ($fp) {
             fwrite($fp, date("M d Y H:i:s") . " Login: User with ID (" . $userID . ") logged in. Session (" . Session::getSID() . ") created.\n");
         // Close the written file
     /* Search for the user's full DN. 
        Administrative Attributes only set here not in config */
     $search = @ldap_search($ldap, $this->params['basedn'], $this->params['uid'] . '=' . $userID, array($this->params['uid'], $this->params['cn']));
     $result = @ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search);
     if (is_array($result) && count($result) > 1) {
         $dn = $result[0]['dn'];
         $cn = $result[0][$this->params['cn']][0];
     } else {
         Basic::fatalError(13, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     /* Attempt to bind to the LDAP server as the user. */
     $bind = @ldap_bind($ldap, $dn, $pass);
     if ($bind != false) {
         Auth::setAuth($userID, $dn, $cn);
         return true;
     if ($this->params['logfile']) {
         // Logfile ist gesetzt also schreib es auch!
         // Set file for opening
         $fp = fopen($this->params['logfile'], 'a');
         // Check if can write to file
         if ($fp) {
             fwrite($fp, date("M d Y H:i:s") . " Login: User with ID (" . $userID . ") failed to log in.\n");
         // Close the written file
     return false;