  * Initializes the framework.
  * This can only be called once.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \FuelException("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     // BC FIX FOR APPLICATIONS <= 1.6.1, makes Redis_Db available as Redis,
     // like it was in versions before 1.7
     class_exists('Redis', false) or class_alias('Redis_Db', 'Redis');
     static::$_paths = array(APPPATH, COREPATH);
     // Is Fuel running on the command line?
     static::$is_cli = (bool) defined('STDIN');
     // Start up output buffering
     static::$is_cli or ob_start(\Config::get('ob_callback', null));
     if (\Config::get('caching', false)) {
     static::$profiling = \Config::get('profiling', false);
     static::$profiling and \Profiler::init();
     // set a default timezone if one is defined
     try {
         static::$timezone = \Config::get('default_timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_get();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \PHPErrorException($e->getMessage());
     static::$encoding = \Config::get('encoding', static::$encoding);
     MBSTRING and mb_internal_encoding(static::$encoding);
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale', static::$locale);
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     \Event::register('fuel-shutdown', 'Fuel::finish');
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     // Load in the routes
     \Config::load('routes', true);
     // Set locale, log warning when it fails
     if (static::$locale) {
         setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale) or logger(\Fuel::L_WARNING, 'The configured locale ' . static::$locale . ' is not installed on your system.', __METHOD__);
     static::$initialized = true;
     // fire any app created events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('app_created') and \Event::instance()->trigger('app_created', '', 'none');
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');
  * Initializes the framework.  This can only be called once.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \Exception("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     // Start up output buffering
     static::$profiling = isset($config['profiling']) ? $config['profiling'] : false;
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' Start');
     static::$cache_dir = isset($config['cache_dir']) ? $config['cache_dir'] : APPPATH . 'cache/';
     static::$caching = isset($config['caching']) ? $config['caching'] : false;
     static::$cache_lifetime = isset($config['cache_lifetime']) ? $config['cache_lifetime'] : 3600;
     if (static::$caching) {
         static::$path_cache = static::cache('Fuel::path_cache');
     static::$_paths = array_merge(\Config::get('module_paths', array()), array(APPPATH, COREPATH));
     static::$is_cli = (bool) (php_sapi_name() == 'cli');
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     static::$env = \Config::get('environment');
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale');
     //Load in the packages
     foreach (\Config::get('always_load.packages', array()) as $package) {
     // Set some server options
     setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale);
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     static::$initialized = true;
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');
  * Initializes the framework.  This can only be called once.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \Fuel_Exception("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     // Start up output buffering
     ob_start(\Config::get('ob_callback', null));
     static::$profiling = \Config::get('profiling', false);
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' Start');
     static::$cache_dir = \Config::get('cache_dir', APPPATH . 'cache/');
     static::$caching = \Config::get('caching', false);
     static::$cache_lifetime = \Config::get('cache_lifetime', 3600);
     if (static::$caching) {
         static::$path_cache = static::cache('Fuel::path_cache');
     // set a default timezone if one is defined
     static::$timezone = \Config::get('default_timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_get();
     // set the encoding and locale to use
     static::$encoding = \Config::get('encoding', static::$encoding);
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale', static::$locale);
     static::$_paths = array(APPPATH, COREPATH);
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     static::$env = \Config::get('environment');
     \Event::register('shutdown', 'Fuel::finish');
     //Load in the packages
     foreach (\Config::get('always_load.packages', array()) as $package => $path) {
         is_string($package) and $path = array($package => $path);
     // Load in the routes
     \Config::load('routes', true);
     // Set  locale
     static::$locale and setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale);
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     static::$initialized = true;
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');
  * Initializes the framework.  This can only be called once.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \FuelException("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     static::$_paths = array(APPPATH, COREPATH);
     // Is Fuel running on the command line?
     static::$is_cli = (bool) defined('STDIN');
     // Start up output buffering
     ob_start(\Config::get('ob_callback', null));
     static::$profiling = \Config::get('profiling', false);
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' Start');
     static::$cache_dir = \Config::get('cache_dir', APPPATH . 'cache/');
     static::$caching = \Config::get('caching', false);
     static::$cache_lifetime = \Config::get('cache_lifetime', 3600);
     if (static::$caching) {
     // set a default timezone if one is defined
     static::$timezone = \Config::get('default_timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_get();
     static::$encoding = \Config::get('encoding', static::$encoding);
     MBSTRING and mb_internal_encoding(static::$encoding);
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale', static::$locale);
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     \Event::register('shutdown', 'Fuel::finish');
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     // Load in the routes
     \Config::load('routes', true);
     // Set locale, log warning when it fails
     if (static::$locale) {
         setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale) or logger(\Fuel::L_WARNING, 'The configured locale ' . static::$locale . ' is not installed on your system.', __METHOD__);
     static::$initialized = true;
     // fire any app created events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('app_created') and \Event::instance()->trigger('app_created', '', 'none');
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');
  * Initializes the framework.  This can only be called once.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \FuelException("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     static::$_paths = array(APPPATH, COREPATH);
     // Is Fuel running on the command line?
     static::$is_cli = (bool) defined('STDIN');
     // Start up output buffering
     ob_start(\Config::get('ob_callback', null));
     static::$profiling = \Config::get('profiling', false);
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' Start');
     static::$cache_dir = \Config::get('cache_dir', APPPATH . 'cache/');
     static::$caching = \Config::get('caching', false);
     static::$cache_lifetime = \Config::get('cache_lifetime', 3600);
     if (static::$caching) {
     // set a default timezone if one is defined
     static::$timezone = \Config::get('default_timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_get();
     static::$encoding = \Config::get('encoding', static::$encoding);
     MBSTRING and mb_internal_encoding(static::$encoding);
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale', static::$locale);
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     \Event::register('shutdown', 'Fuel::finish');
     //Load in the packages
     foreach (\Config::get('always_load.packages', array()) as $package => $path) {
         is_string($package) and $path = array($package => $path);
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     // Load in the routes
     \Config::load('routes', true);
     // Set  locale
     static::$locale and setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale);
     static::$initialized = true;
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');