文件: parse.php 项目: phpsmith/IS4C
function parseitem($dowrite, $plu, $itemdesc, $tare, $shelflife, $price, $bycount, $type, $exception, $text, $label, $graphics)
    $CSV_dir = $FANNIE_ROOT . 'item/hobartcsv/csvfiles';
    $DGW_dir = $FANNIE_ROOT . 'item/hobartcsv/csv_output';
    if (!function_exists('writeitem')) {
        include 'writecsv.php';
    $session_key = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
        $num = rand(97, 122);
        $session_key = $session_key . chr($num);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($FANNIE_SCALES as $f) {
        writeitem("{$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_wi_scale_{$i}.csv", $f['type'], $f['host'], $f['dept'], $dowrite, $plu, $itemdesc, $tare, $shelflife, $price, $bycount, $type, $exception, $label, $graphics);
        writetext("{$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_et_scale_{$i}.csv", $f['type'], $f['host'], $f['dept'], $plu, $text);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($FANNIE_SCALES); $i++) {
        copy($CSV_dir . "/" . $session_key . "_wi_scale_" . $i . ".csv", $DGW_dir . "/" . $session_key . "_wi_scale_" . $i . ".csv");
        unlink($CSV_dir . "/" . $session_key . "_wi_scale_" . $i . ".csv");
        copy($CSV_dir . "/" . $session_key . "_et_scale_" . $i . ".csv", $DGW_dir . "/" . $session_key . "_et_scale_" . $i . ".csv");
        unlink($CSV_dir . "/" . $session_key . "_et_scale_" . $i . ".csv");
文件: parse.php 项目: phpsmith/IS4C
function parseitem($dowrite, $plu, $itemdesc, $tare, $shelflife, $price, $bycount, $type, $exception, $text, $label, $graphics)
    include 'ini.php';
    $session_key = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
        $num = rand(97, 122);
        $session_key = $session_key . chr($num);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_scales; $i++) {
        writeitem("{$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_wi_scale_{$i}.csv", $scale_types[$i], $scale_ips[$i], $department, $dowrite, $plu, $itemdesc, $tare, $shelflife, $price, $bycount, $type, $exception, $label, $graphics);
        writetext("{$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_et_scale_{$i}.csv", $scale_types[$i], $scale_ips[$i], $department, $plu, $text);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_scales; $i++) {
        exec("cp {$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_wi_scale_{$i}.csv {$DGW_dir}");
        exec("rm -f {$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_wi_scale_{$i}.csv");
        exec("cp {$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_et_scale_{$i}.csv {$DGW_dir}");
        exec("rm -f {$CSV_dir}/{$session_key}_et_scale_{$i}.csv");
    else {
      // we're doing "intelligent" parsing using this regex!
      $str = preg_match_all("#\b([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)?[\w]+\b)#i", $add, $adds);
      $j = 0;
      for ($i=0;$i<count($adds[0]);$i++) {
        $email = fixemail($adds[0][$i]);
        if (isset($existing[$email])) {
          $fail[$j]['addr'] = htmlspecialchars($email);
          $fail[$j]['reason'] = ' Already in list';
        else {
          // add to list, and existing emails array
          //echo $email.'<br>';
          writeitem($f, $email);
          $existing[$email] = true;
          $succ[] = $email;
    $done = true;

<script language="JavaScript">
function chkForm(obj) {
  if (obj.add.value != '' && obj.addfile.value != '') {
    return confirm('You have entered text in both the address and the file fields. If you continue, the address field will be ignored.');
  if (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)?[\w]+[^\".,?! ])$#i', $addr)) {
    $err = 'Your email address appears to be invalid. If you are pasting the URL from your confirmation email, make sure the URL wasn\'t split into two lines.';
  if (!isset($err)) {
    $f = openfile($cfg['listfile']);
    $exists = false;
    while ($item = readitem($f)) {
      if ($item['addr'] == $addr) {$exists = true;break;}
    if ($exists) {
      $err = 'Ten adres mailowy ju¿ znajduje siê na naszej li¶cie';
  if (!isset($err)) {
    // subscribe successful
    writeitem($f, $addr);
    if (isset($cfg['returnto_sub']) && $cfg['returnto_sub'] != '') {
      header('Location: '.$cfg['returnto_sub']);
    else { 
      printf($cfg['template'], 'Subscribed', 'Tw&oacute;j adres mailowy, '.$addr.', zostal dodany do naszej listy. Dziêkujemy.');
  else {
    // problem with subscription

function echoerr($err) {
  printf($GLOBALS['cfg']['template'], 'Error', '<font color="red">Error: '.$err.'</font>');