public function render() { global $sioc_nick, $count; $uri = $this->uri; $content = $this->data['content']; $ocontent = strip_tags($content); $author = $this->data['author']; $creator = $this->data['creator']; $date = $this->data['date']; $name = $this->data['name']; $reply_of = $this->data['reply_of']; $reply_of_of = $this->data['reply_of_of']; $presence = $this->data['presence']; $location = $this->data['location']; $locname = $this->data['locname']; $star = $this->get_star(); $pic = SMOBTools::either($this->data['depiction'], SMOB_ROOT . 'img/avatar-blank.jpg'); $class = strpos($uri, SMOB_ROOT) !== FALSE ? "post internal" : "post external"; $ht .= "<div about=\"{$presence}\" rel=\"opo:customMessage\">\n"; $ht .= "<div class=\"{$class}\" typeof=\"sioct:MicroblogPost\" about=\"{$uri}\">\n"; $ht .= "<span style=\"display:none;\" rel=\"sioc:has_container\" href=\"" . SMOB_ROOT . "\"></span>\n"; $ht .= "<img about=\"{$author}\" rel=\"foaf:depiction\" href=\"{$pic}\" src=\"{$pic}\" class=\"depiction\" alt=\"Depiction for {$name}\"/>"; $ht .= " <span class=\"content\" property=\"content:encoded\">{$content}</span>\n"; $ht .= " <span style=\"display:none;\" property=\"sioc:content\">{$ocontent}</span>\n"; $ht .= ' <div class="infos">'; $ht .= " by <a class=\"author\" rel=\"foaf:maker\" href=\"{$author}\"><span property=\"foaf:name\">{$name}</span></a> - \n"; if ($location) { $ht .= " location: <span about=\"{$presence}\"><a rel=\"opo:currentLocation\" href=\"{$location}\"><span property=\"rdfs:label\">{$locname}</span></a></span><br/>\n"; } else { $ht .= " location: <span about=\"{$presence}\">unspecified</span><br/>\n"; } $ht .= " <div style=\"margin: 2px;\"></div> "; $ht .= " <div id=\"star{$count}\" class=\"rating\"> </div>"; $ht .= " <span style=\"display:none;\" rel=\"sioc:has_creator\" href=\"{$creator}\"></span>\n"; $ht .= " <a href=\"{$uri}\" class=\"date\" property=\"dcterms:created\">{$date}</a>\n"; if (strpos($uri, '') !== FALSE) { $ex = explode('/', $uri); $data = SMOB_ROOT . 'data/twitter/' . $ex[5]; } else { $data = str_replace('post', 'data', $uri); } $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$data}\">RDF</a>]\n"; if (SMOBAuth::check()) { if (strpos($uri, SMOB_ROOT) !== FALSE) { $ex = explode('/', $uri); error_log("DEBUG: post delete path: " . join(' ', $ex), 0); error_log("DEBUG: post uri: " . $uri, 0); $action = SMOB_ROOT . 'delete/' . $ex[5]; // the previous line doesn't work as the post is in the position 4 $action = str_replace('post', 'delete', $uri); error_log("DEBUG: is going to be run the action: " . $action, 0); $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$action}\" onclick=\"javascript:return confirm('Are you sure ? This cannot be undone.')\">Delete post</a>]"; } $action = $this->get_publish_uri(); $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$action}\">Post a reply</a>]\n"; } if ($reply_of) { $action = SMOBTools::get_uri($reply_of, 'post'); $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$action}\">Replied message</a>]\n"; } if ($reply_of_of) { $action = SMOBTools::get_uri($reply_of_of, 'post'); $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$action}\">Replies</a>]\n"; } $ht .= ' </div>'; $ht .= '</div>'; $ht .= "</div>\n\n"; $ht .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\$(document).ready(function(){\n\t\$('#star{$count}').rating('ajax/star.php?u={$uri}', {maxvalue: 1, curvalue: {$star}});\n\t});\n</script>"; return $ht; }
public function person($person, $uri) { $names = SMOBTools::either($person['names'], array("Anonymous")); $imgs = SMOBTools::either($person['images'], array(SMOB_ROOT . '../img/avatar-blank.jpg')); $homepage = $person['homepage']; $weblog = $person['weblog']; $knows = $person['knows']; $name = $names[0]; $pic = $imgs[0]; $ht = "<div class=\"person\">\n"; $ht .= "<img src=\"{$pic}\" class=\"depiction\" alt=\"Depiction\" />"; $ht .= "{$name}\n"; foreach ($homepage as $h) { $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$h}\">Website</a>]\n"; } foreach ($weblog as $w) { $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$w}\">Blog</a>]\n"; } foreach ($knows as $k) { $enc = get_uri($k, 'user'); $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$enc}\">Friend</a>]\n"; } $ht .= "</div>\n\n"; return $ht; }